Religion Abraham Questions

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When visitors appeared to Abraham in Chapter 18, what did Abraham rush to do?

Showed hospitality to the strangers feeding them and allowing them to rest in his land

What is the name of the first plot of land Abram owns in Canaan?

The field and the cave at Mcphelan

Why did the men of Sodom believe that they could ignore Lot's requests to be kind?

The men called Lot an alien resident and therefore had no right to be treated property (foreigners like the strangers) how to treat illegal immigrants

How did Lot's son in laws respond to the warning issued to them by Lot?

They thought he was joking didn't take him seriously

What happened to Lot in the land that he chose?

Lot is captured by a neighboring warlord while trying to protect the city of Salom

How did Pharaoh find out about Sarai?

The Lord struck him and his household with plagues

What did Abraham do in response to what God told him?

Abraham intercedes on behalf of those judged by God and convinces him to not destroy the city acting as a prophet

What was Abraham's concern about God's promise of descendants in Chpt 15?

Abraham was concerned about how he was supposed to have descendants when he was childless (Sarah and him were too old) and only had a servant as his heir.

Upon entering in Canaan and encountering God, what did Abram do?

Built and altar and worshipped the God who called him

What kind of "human challenge" is revealed in Abraham by this story?

Challenge of trusting completely in God in the face of danger

What did Abraham immediately do after God left him in chapter 17?

Circumsised everyone in his household immediate obiedience to God

What is the covenant in Chapter 17 called? What must Abraham and his descendants do in order to maintain this special relationship with God?

Covenant of Circumcision. God gives Abraham many descendants to be the father of many nations, and the land of Canaan. Abraham's male descendants should be circumcised at 8 months old.

What did Abraham make his servant promise him regarding Isaac?

Dont let Isaac marry a Canaanite woman and instead marry someone from his family back in Haran never take his son back to Haran because he doesn't want him leave the promised land

As God was making the covenant of circumcision with Abraham, what action(s) reflected Abraham's doubt or uncertainty regarding God's promises?

Doubted that he and Sarah could have children at old age suggest that God give the blessing to Ishmael

How did the king find out that Sarah married?

God came to the Pharaoh in a dream judges the king instead of Abraham

Why did the Lord tell Abraham what he was going to do to Sodom and Gomorrah?

God is granting ethical direction to Abraham and showing him that God will make and fulfill promises made

What "punishment" was reversed for the Gerarian community because of Abraham's intercession?

God reverses the plagues lets men survive (stop dying) and women have children again

How did the relationship between Hagar and Sarah change after Hagar conceived?

Hagar treated her mistress differently (looked down at her) because of the treatment she was receiving from Srah for carrying Abraham's child.

What did God do to both Abraham and Sarah as a sign of this covenant?

He changed their names to Abraham and Sarah

What did Abraham do to his son on the eighth day?

He circumcised him according to orders of his covenant

In Egypt, what did Abraham fear and plan? How did Abram benefit from this plan?

He feared that the Pharoah would take Sarai and murder Abraham. By saying she was his sister, and in exchange he gets ox, sheep, and servants

In the morning, what response by Lot reflected his lack of faith?

He hesitates in leaving the town angels have to drag him out His wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt

What land did Abram leave? Did God send Abram to?

He left Haran to go to Canaan.

Who and what did Abram take with him?

He took his wife Sarai, and his brother's son's Lot, and all of their pocessions

What did Sarah's death provide Abraham the opportunity to do?

He was able to buy/own land in Canaan promises from God are coming through(son, land)

When the angels entered Sodom and Gomorrah, what did Lot do and insist on?

He welcomed them and acted hospidibly to the strangers just like Abraham

What does the name Isaac mean?

He who laughs laughter Abraham and Sarah laugh at God over having child so old

What does God warn Abraham about concerning his descendants?

His descendants will reside as aliens in a land that isn't theirs where they will be enslaved for 400 years until God brings judgment to that nation from which they will come out rich and returned to their homeland.

After Abraham died, who did God's blessing rest on?


When Abraham was tested in Chapter 22, what did Isaac ask Abraham as they approached the place God had told him? What was Abraham's response?

Isaac asked where the sheep was that they were offering, but Abraham says that God will provide it

Why was Abram forced to take up arms in Chpt 14?

Lot was captured and his possessions were captured so Abram goes to fight and save Lot

What does the name Ishmael mean?

Means God has heard

On what Mountain was Abraham supposed to sacrifice Isaac?

Mt. Moriah changed by Abraham to Yahweh-Yireh "On the mountain the Lord will Provide"

Who did Isaac marry?


What plan did Sarah enact in order to become a mother?

Sarah could be a mother by having Abraham have intercourse with her slave Hagar.

What fear(s) led Sarah to kick Hagar out of the house?

Second time Hagar has to leave didn't want to share her inheratance with her (Isaac would lose his inheritance to Ishmael because he was older

What name does Hagar give to God?

The God who sees me

Who was Melchizedek? What did he do with/to Abram? How did Abram show his gratitude to God for Melchizedek's action?

The King of Salom, priest of the God most high Blessed Abram with bread and wine and Abram gives a tide (1/10 of everything he had) to him

What problem prompted Lot and Abram part to ways? Why did Lot choose the land he did? Where was the land that Lot chose?

Their herders got into fights because both had prospered much. Lot chose the Jordan Plain because it would be the most fertile. It was outside of the land that the Lord gave to Abraham near Salom

What ecological reality faced Abram upon entering Canaan? What was Abram's response?

There was a great famine which led him to move to Egypt since the famine was less strong there. (foreshadowing the story of Joseph)

When Abraham initially entered Canaan, what did God promise him?

To your descendants I will give this land (Canaan)

What did God do for Hagar and Ishmael in the wilderness?

he saves them provides well (Beer-lahai-roi: bring of the living one who sees me)for drinking all nations are being saved

What happened to Abraham and Sarah while in Gerar?

introduce themselves as brother and sister like in Egypt

Identify the promises God made to Abram in Genesis chapter 12.

make Abraham a great nation (many descendants) bless him (descendants and land) make Abraham's name great power to bless those who bless you (Abram) all peoples of the earth will find blessing in Abraham (not just the Israelites=universalization of covenant)

In chapter 15 of Genesis, what does God do with Abraham?

makes another covenant (reaffirms the original)

What was offered to Abram by the king of Sodom? What was Abram's response?

offers him all pocessions acquired in battle (which Abram refuses)

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