Religion Chapter 2 Test

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Where did Jesus die?

mount Calvary which was immediately outside Jerusalem's walls

Where did jews Worship

temple, synagogue

What were Jewish beliefs and practices regarding the afterlife?

A common belief of Jews was that yahweh will judge the living and the dead by rewarding the good and punishing the evil. Jews believed that the messiah would usher in God'd kingdom. To get to heaven, Jews believed they must observe the Torah, or the Law.

Whar language did Jesus speak?


What did the Jews believe about the Messiah?

That God had promised that the savior (Messiah) would arrive and restore the kingdom of the Jews. They expected a political or military leader that would lead israel to great military victory.

What are the differences between angels and demons?

Angels are messengers of God who are failful to Him and delight in Heaven with Him. Demons are fallen angels who turned against God and are in hell with Satan.

Role of angels

Angels are messengers for God and carry out his will. Angels dont have physical bodies and were never human. They have been with God since the beginning of time.

Where was Jesus born?

Bethlehem of Judea

What cities belonged to which provinces and regions? What are the differnces between cities and provinces?

Galilee held the towns of Nazareth in southern galilee, and the former capital of galilee which was Sepphoris. There was also Cana, Behtsaida, and Capernaum. Samaria Had the major city of Samaria. Judea had the cities of Jerusalem and jericho. The differnce between cities and provinces was an area much larger than a city that could contain many cities. A city was one area that was much smaller than a province and covered a lot less area.

Where did Jesus spend most of his time?

In a mountain range running north and south paralleling the mediterranean sea that included Jerusalem and bethlehem

When did they expect the messiah to come?

In their lifetime

Where did Jesus spend most of his public life and ministry?

Jesus spent most of his time in Jerusalem and Galilee.

Other important location milestones of Jesus?

Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River, performed His first miracle in Cana, and Jerusalem where Jesus spent most of his time.

What groups would Jesus have agreed with the most? And which one would he have disagreed the most with?

Jesus would have agreed with the Pharissees because His teachings mostly paralled with their teachings. Both believed in resurrection of the body and judgement of the living and the dead. Jesus would have disagreed with the Sadducees most becuase they collaborated with romans to stay in power, and did not believe in resurrection of the dead.

What was the political climate in Jesus' time?

Palestine was part of the roman empire in jesus' time. It was a time of peace and prosperity for the Roman people. Most Jews, however, hated roman rule as they saw it as just another in a long line of oppression. King herod erected pagan temples that were abominations to the jewish people. Many romans killed and persecuted jews and robbed their temples of gold and other precious things.

What were important holidays and feasts to the Jewish People?

Passover was the most important Jewishg feast, it celebrated the chosen people's liberation from egypt. It includes the ritual slauhgter of the paschal lamb and the eating of a seder meal. Pentecost was a celebration held fifty days after Passover. It was originally a harvest festival, but turned into celebrating yahweh's giving of the Law to moses. Tabernacles, or Booths, was a fall harvest celebration. Jews built huts to recall the time that Jesus spent in the wilderness. They approached the temple waving branches and praising God.

What is the differernce between Temple and Synagogoue?

The synagogue served three main purposes: it was a house of prayer, a place of discussion for legal settlements, and the local school . A synagogue was created once ten men could be assembled, there were many synagogues. There was only one temple and it stood in Jerusalem. It was where Jews offered sacrifices to God. Only the priestly caste had a role in temple worship.

What are the major regions of Palestine?

They are a coastal plain along the mediterranean sea, a mountain range running north and south that contained jerusalem and Bethlehem that was the dominant geographical feature, the great rift valley through which flows the Jordan River which widens into the sea of Galiliee and then narrows again into the dead sea, and finally the transjordan terrain that was a hilly terrain east of the jordan and dead sea.

What are the minor regions of palestine?

They are the regions of Galilee, Samaria, and Judea. Galilee was in the north and was the center of Jesus' early ministry. The land was relatively fertile. Samaria was the north central region of the Holy land. Judea was in the south and was a dry and craggy region.

What were the Different sects of Judaism in Jesus' time?

They were the Sadducces, the Phariesses, the Essenes, and the Zealots.

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