Religion Chapter 6: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

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why is Christ's death and resurrection called a mystery?

Salvation won by Jesus Christ is a visible sign of the invisible action that God accomplished on our behalf

-through the power of the holy spirit, christians participate in the life, suffering and death and resurrection of Jesus


-the life of following Jesus Christ. The word disciple comes from a Latin word that means "learner"


what does the kerygma contain?

the basic message of christianity about Jesus

who is the first to recognize Jesus in the Appearance by sea

the beloved disciple

who is a model of faith in the Resurrection narratives in John's gospel?

the beloved disciple john is a model of faith

who is our model?

the blessed mother

what does it mean to say that Jesus "descended into hell"?

the dead christ went to the abode of the dead and there proclaimed the good news of salvation to the just who were awaiting the redeemer. he was bringing the good news to the people

what other story only appears in John's gospel?

the dialogue between peter and jesus

cite evidence that Jesus' resurrection is a historical event.

the empty tomb- a sign he rose because no one found his body he was seen by various people walked on the road with others

-contains the pascal sacrifice

the eucharist

what would have happened if the Resurrection had not occured?

the gospels would not have been written

what happened at the Transfiguration?

Jesus revealed his glory to Peter, James, and John on the mountain

who claims to have seen the risen Jesus, now ascended to Heaven on the road to damascus

Saint Paul

-gives us a new future


what does the resurrection of Jesus form?

the heart of the kerygma

why did Mark write his gospel?

to show us the example of Jesus who endured all so that we may have eternal life

T or F: Jesus' resurrected body could appear whenever he wished


T or F: The Risen Lord appeared to more than 500 people at one place


when do the disciples on the road to Emmaus recognize Jesus?

when he breaks bread with them

who was Joseph of Arimathea?

-a secret disciple, a member of the Sanhedrin who sought permission from Pontius Pilate to take the body of Jesus down from the cross and bury him in a new grave which he owned and was near the sight of Jesus' crucifixion

what are the similarities in the gospel accounts?

-the resurrection took place in the morning on the first day of the week -women were present and Mary M was in each -empty tomb -messengers at the tomb- women were instructed to tell disciples -Jesus appeared to his disciples

what story(s) occurs only in Matthew?

Guards report to the authorities Jesus' appears to the eleven before his ascension- giving the great commision

what are the graces or effects of receiving holy communion?

-a more intimate union with Jesus Christ -separation from sin by wiping away venial sin and strength to combat mortal sin -greater unity with other members of Christ's body, the church -better ability to see Christ in the poor whom we must serve -a commitment to work for unity among all christians

what are the scenes that appear in the longer ending of Mark's gospel?

-Mary Magdalene- she told the apostles she had seen Jesus and they did not appear to her -Two disciples on the road- Jesus appears to two on a road and they report what they saw to others but are not believed -Jesus appears to the eleven- At a meal Jesus rebukes them for not believing those who saw him and instructs them to go out into the world and proclaim the gospel, perform exorcisms, speak in tongues, handle deadly serpents and drink poisons witout harm and heal the sick -the ascension of Jesus- apostles preach the gospel everywhere and the Lord worked through them by confirming​ their preaching with signs

Summarize the main points of the Kerygma preached in the early Church

1. God's promises were fulfilled 2. God exalted his son 3. the holy spirit is present to show Christ's present power and glory 4. Christ will fulfill the promise and come again 5. we should repend, be baptized, and receive the holy spirit

who witnessed Jesus' burial?

Blessed mother, nicodemus, Mary Magdalene and Joseph of Arimathea

what is the Paschal mystery?

Christ's death and resurrection

what must we carry on?


when did the most important event in Salvation History take place?

Easter Sunday

when did the apostles receive the gift of the holy spirit according to Johns gospel?

Easter sunday

T OR F: The paschal mystery allows us to return to the world as reincarnated beings


T or F: when Jesus asks peter to feed his sheep in John 21, he wants Peter to abandon his fishing career and begin again as a shepherd


describe the story in John when Jesus appears to the twelve apostles

Jesus appears on the room where the apostles were hiding from authorities. Jesus shows them his wounds and tells them to continue his work. Jesus gives the disciples the gift of the holy spirit and the authority to forgive sings in his name through baptism and penanse and to announce God's salvation through the forgivenees​s of sins

what is the symbolism of the appearance by sea?

Jesus making breakfast on the charcoal fire is similar to the fire burning in the courtyard when Peter denied Jesus. In the story, the large catch of fish symbolizes the apostles with peter as the rock, will be fishers of the people bringing the whole world to christ.

why did Jesus' body not decay in the tomb

Jesus' corpse was preserved from curruption because his himan​ soul and body were still linked to the divine person of the son

What are some examples of ways Jesus' glorified body had certain qualities that transcend ordinary life?

Jesus' glorified body would never again die. His resurrected body is both immortal and eternal, posessing supernatural qualities.

-sought permission from Pontius Pilate to take the body of Jesus down from the cross and bury him in a new grave

Jesus' secret disciple, Joseph of arimathea

Describe the story of when the Lord appears to Thomas in John

John wasn't present when Jesus appeared to the others so he didnt believe. A week later, the lord appears and invites thomas to put his hands through his wounds to believe. Thomas proclaims Jesus is the Lord and Jesus is God

-the core teaching about Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord


-this gospel ends where it began: the temple in Jerusalem


which gospel has an abrupt ending?


describe the story in Mark of the women at the tomb

Mary Magalene, Mary the mother of james, and salome go to the tomb to annoint Jesus' body. The women were concerned at who would roll back the stone but when they get there it is rolled back and the tomb is open. An angel clothes in white greets them and the women are amazed. He tells them that Jesus had been raised and the women were to tell peter and the disciples to go meet Jesus in Galilee

describe the story of the women at the empty tomb in Matthew

Mary Magdalene and her companion go to Jesus' tomb but meet an angel who tells them not to be afraid because Jesus rose from the dead. The angel tells them to report to the disciples that Jesus had risen and that the disciples should go to Galilee to meet him

describe the story of Jesus appearing to the women in Matthew

Mary Magdalene and her companion report to the disciples that jesus had risen but on the way Jesus appears to them, they embrace his feet and pay him homage. Jesus tells them to instruct the Apostles to leave Jerusalem and go to Galilee to meet him

describe the story of the empty tomb in John

Mary Magdalene goes and reports the empty tomb to Peter and the other disciple whom Jesus loved. She thought someone took Jesus' body. Peter and the beloved disciple run to the tomb to see for themselves and the beloved disciple arrives first and sees only garments. Peter enters the tomb to see the clothes and the beloved disciple believes.

who was Jesus actually seen by?

Mary Magdelene who embraced Jesus' feet Doubting Thomas who saw Jesus' wounds and proclaimed the apostles in the upper room two disciples who walked with Jesus on the road to Emmaus and recognized him in the breaking of the bread

describe the story of the lord appearing to Mary Magdalene in John

Mary stays at the tomb after Peter and the beloved disciple depart and she is weeping but then sees two angels in the tomb who ask why she is weeping. Jesus stands behind her and she mistakes him for a gardener. She recognizes him when he addresses her by name and she calls him Rabbouni. She tries to cling to him but Jesus tells her not to cling to him because he hasnt ​ascended. He instructs her to go and tell what she had seen

-in jewish history, the Paschal Lamb was what the israelite​s were commanded to eat as part of the Passover celebration. Jesus is the new Paschal lamb because he shed his blood for the Redemption of the world.

Pascal lamb

T OR F: Jesus sent out his 11 disciples to all nations of the world, not just the jews, to make them disciples


T OR F: Jesus' heavenly father has given him supreme power in heaven and on Earth. All authority on earth and in heaven is his.


T OR F: The implication of the kerygma of the early Church was that people should repent of their sins, be baptized, and receive the Holy Spirit


T OR F: because of jesus' death, death no longer has the last word


T or F: Our souls will survive physical death and our bodies will rise again at the last judgement


T or F: Though he is in heaven, Jesus promised to be with us forever


describe the story in Matthew of the report of the guards

The guards were bribed to say that Jesus' disciples stole his body from the tomb. They circulated the story that Jesus' disciples came by night and stole him when they were sleeping.

Describe the Story of the Appearance by sea in John

The men had been out all night and caught nothing. The next day Jesus instructed them to cast their net out the right side of the boat. They obeyed him and their catch was great. Jesus cooks breakfast and supplies them with fish adn bread on a charcoal fire

describe the story in Luke of the appearance to the women at the tomb

The women: Mary Magalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James go to the tomb on Sunday and find it empty and meet two men- angels who help the women remember Jesus had prophesied his resurrection. The women tell others what happened at the tomb but the apostles do not believe them. Peter runs to the tomb to see for himself and it is empty, he only found the burial clothes. He went home amazed

what happens when we participate in Christ's paschal mystery?

We die to sin's power over us, and the influence of Satan. We also receive the grace in this life and eternal life with the Blessed Trinity in heaven. Our souls will survive physical death and our bodies will rise again at the last judgement

describe the story in Luke of Jesus Appearing to the disciples in Jerusalem

after the disciples from emmaus report to the others, Jesus appears in their midst and greets them. The disciples are starteled and think they see a ghost but Jesus assures them he is not a ghost by showing him is wounds, inviting them to touch him, and eating fish

-Jesus' passage from humanity into divine glory in God's heavenly domain forty days after his resurrection. It is from this domain that Jesus will come again


-the church dogma that teaches that the blessed mother, because of her unique role in her son's resurrection, was taken directly to heaven when her earthly life was over. the feast of the assumption is on August 15 and is a holy day of obligation


how can we meet Christ in each of the sacraments?

baptism- the lord comes to us and forms us into the church confirmation holy spirit strenghte​n​s us with spiritual gifts to​ live like christ​ penance- lords forgiveneess annointing of the sick- healing touch of the lord holy orders and matrimony- christ comes to help us live loving lives of service and help build up the people of God Eucharist- praise and thanks to God

why, while in his grave, was Jesus' corpse perserved from corruption?

because his human soul and body were still linked to the Divine Person of the Son

-the fourth gospel refers in several places to the "disciple whom Jesus loved." Church Father St. Irenaeus attributed the Gospel of John to the Beloved Disciple. Church tradition identified this John as one of the apostles.

beloved disciple

what does it mean to say that Jesus sits at the right hand of the father?

christ now glorifies the father as the incarnate son of God, that he continually intercedes for us with the father, prays for us, and prepares a place for us with him in heaven

-the resurrection, following christ's sacrifice on the cross accomplished our salvation


- we become brothers and sisters to christ


-the resurrection gives new life, justifies us in God's grace, and adopts us into the divine family


-proves Jesus' claim to be God's son


-the resurrection confirms all christ's works and teachings


what has Christ's resurrection accomplished for us?

confirms, completes, confers, and creates

-through the power of the HS christians participate in the life suffering death and resurrection of Jesus


why did the Pharisees and Chief priests post guards at Jesus' tomb?

due to their fear that Jesus' body would be stolen

-means thanksgiving


T OR F: the apostles, after they had figured out they were safe would have probably gone out and spread the word about Jesus even without the resurrection


why did Pilate permit some of Jesus' opponents to post guards at Jesus' tomb?

for the fear that his disciples would steal his body

-a free and unearned favor from God, infused into our souls at Baptism, that adopts us into God's family and helps us to live as his children


-abode of the dead in greek


why does Mark's gospel end abruptly?

he wants us to do what the women failed to do. He challenges us to spread the good news without dear or confusion- that Jesus of Nazareth is risen from the dead.

-abode of the dead in english


describe the two qualities of Jesus' resurrected body.

his wounds and he ate

where and when did Jesus begin his public ministry?

in galilee after the arrest of John the Baptist

explain why mark 16:8 may be the place where the evangelist concluded his gospel

in order to stress the astonishment at Jesus' resurrection as well as to challenge his readers to step into the story and do what the freightened women could not, mainly to spread the good news that jesus has risen

how can we experience the living lord?

in sacred scripture, his holy word, and in the seven sacraments, especially the Eucharist

where can many elements of the kerygma be found?

in the sermons of St. Peter and the Acts of the Apostles

how is the resurrection of Jesus a transcendent event?

it is one that goes beyond history and our own understanding of space and time. No gospel account reports anyone seeing how it physically happened. No one saw how Jesus' body transformed into a risen one.

what type of victory was the resurrection?

it was a victory for humanity- victory over Satan, victory over sin, and victory over death

What happened to Jesus' human body?

it was gloriously transfigured, filled with the holy Spririt into an incorrupt, gloruous immortal body seated at the right hand of the father

what is the significance of the empty tomb?

it was strong evidence that Jesus rose from the dead- his body which had laid there and guarded by Jesu' foes was no longer to be found. the empty tomb proves his body wasnt there

list two things that only happen in the gospel of John

jesus appears to thomas and the disciples jesus appears to his discciples at the sea of tiberias

which gospel (s) mention the disciple whom jesus loved?


-means proclamation, announcement, preaching


Define Kerygma.

kerygma is the core teaching about Jesus Christ as savior and Lord. It comes from the Greek meaning "proclamation, announcement, preaching". The kerygma contains the basic message of christianity about Jesus. The heart of the kerygma is the resurrection of Jesus

-Jesus Christ's judgement of the living and the dead on the last day when he comes to fully establish God's kingdom

last judgement

What did Jesus send the 11 disciples out to do?

make disciples of all nations, preach the gospel, teach Jesus' commandments, and baptize in the name of the father, son and holy spirit

which gospel(s) have the story on the road to emmaus?

mark and luke

God's __________ and ___________ for sinners extends to all people and opens the gates of heaven for all the good and just people who lived before the Son of God came to earth

mercy and love

where is Jesus' final appearance to his disciples?

near Bethany where the Lord raises his hands, blesses them and is taken up to heaven

did any of Jesus' friends or enemies claim to find Jesus' body?


was it proven that Jesus' body was stolen?


were the disciples expecting Jesus' resurrection?

no they were not

what does the ascension of Jesus remind us?

our rightful home is heaven and we live in home that one day we may follow him there

what would have happened if Jesus had not been raised from the dead?

out faith itself would have been dead

what typical greeting did the risen Lord give to his disciples when he appeared to them?

peace be with you

-the day when the holy spirit descended on the apostles and gave them the power to preach with conviction the message that Jesus is risen and the lord of the universe


-abode of the dead in hebrew


according to the original ending why did John write his Gospel?

so we may come to believe jesus is the messiah and through his beliefe we may have life in his name

what happens in all four gospels?

some women find Jesus' tomb empty

-the innermost or spiritual part of a person. The soul is the subject of human consciousness and freedom. Body and soul together form one human nature. The soul does not die with the body. It is eternal and will be reunited with the body in the final resurrection.


T or F: instead of being a ghost, Jesus had a glorified body after the resurrection


Describe the dialogue between the risen lord and peter in John

tJesus asks Peter if he loves him 3 times. Peter's yes to Jesus reverses his bettrayal in the courtyard and Jesus establishes Peter as the leader of the church by telling him to feed his sheep. Peter asks the lord what would happen to the beloved disciple.

what is the shorter ending of Mark?

tells how the women reported to Per and other apostles. It gives Jesus' commission to preach the good news of salvation from east to west

what did the Apostle's creed profess about the dead christ?

that he went to the abode of the dead and there proclaimed the good news of salvation to the just who were waiting the redeemer

what does Jesus promise to his disciples?

that he will remain with the church until the final coming of God's Kingdom

what does the ascension of jesus remind us of?

that our rightful home is in heaven dn we live in the hope that we may one day follow him there

-allows Jesus to live in us

the Resurrection gives us new life, justifies God's grace and adopts us into the divine family

-we become, through the gift of God's grace and love, brothers and sisters to Jesus

the Resurrection gives us new life, justifies God's grace and adopts us into the divine family

-we share in Jesus' life

the Resurrection gives us new life, justifies God's grace and adopts us into the divine family

how were peter and the apostles changed on pentecost?

the holy spirit descended on the apostles and gave them the courage to preach with conviction the good news that Jesus rose from the dead and is the lord of the universe. Peter became a bold and corageous witness for Jesus and inspired by the holy spirit. he preached to the jewish people who had come to Jerusalem for the pentecost feast

what does the abrupt conclusion in Mark cause some to believe?

the original ending may have been lost

what does paschal refer to?

the passover, Christ's passing through death to new life

-Jesus uses "I AM"

the resurrection confirms all christ's works and teachings

-fulfills the old testament promises and those of Jesus himself made during his earthly life

the resurrection confirms all christ's works and teachings

-proves Jesus' claims to be God's son

the resurrection confirms all christ's works and teachings

-the resurrection offers proof for the divinity of Jesus

the resurrection confirms all christ's works and teachings

what does it mean to say that the resurrection is also a transcendent event?

the resurrection is an event that goes beyond history and our own understanding of space and time. the resurrection can be described as transcendent because no gospel account reports anyone seeing how it physically happened.

what is the fundamental fact of our faith?

the resurrection of Jesus

-Jesus is victorious over sin and opens the gates of heaven for us and won our redemption

the resurrection, following Christ's sacrifice on the cross, accomplished our Salvation

-by vanquishing death Jesus conquered the most evil effect of pain

the resurrection, following Christ's sacrifice on the cross, accomplished our Salvation

who are the first evangelists of the resurrection of Jesus in Luke's gospel?

the women: mary magdalene, joanna, and mary the mother of james

why are the gospel stories all different?

the writers made no attempt to mask the differences to argue that there were valid experiences behind the various accounts

how do the discrepancies in the resurrection narratives actually argue for their historical value

they show different witnesses and what they saw. stories were handed down through oral tradition. The writers made no attempt to fix it to be smooth so prove they were true experiences

how were the disciples after the Jesus' death?

they were heartbroken and saddened and afraid

what did the disciples do after Jesus' crucifixion? why?

they were in hiding in Jerusalem, fearful that they too might be arrested and executed.

how did the disciples react when told the tomb was empty?

they were skeptical but even seeing it empty for themselves did not cause all of them to believe Jesus had risen.

in luke what do the disciples do at the ascension?

they worship Jesus, return to Jerusalem joy-filled and go to the temple to praise God as they await Jesus' sending of the Holy Spirit.

what happened to Saint pul when he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus?

this encounter changed Paul from a fierce persecutor of Christians into a great missionary who preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ far and wide

when did Jesus rise from the dead?

three laters after his death, on easter Sunday

Where do Catholics meet the Risen Lord in the Sunday Liturgy?

through the eucharist, the body of christ. also when we read scripture we meet the risen lord in the sunday liturgy

what is the task of all believers?

to be bearers of the Gospel, to tell the world of the salvation won for us by the death and resurrection of Jesus.

describe the story in Luke of the Appearance on the road to Emmaus

two Disciples, one Cleopas, were going to the village of Emmaus and Jesus joins them and they do not recognize him. They tell their new companion about the recent events of Jerusalem. Jesus explains the prophecies from the scriptures to them about how the messiah had to suffer before he entered his glory. They arrive at the village and the two men invite Jesus to stay with them. With them, Jesus takes bread, says the blessing, and breaks it and gives it to them. The disciples recognize him as Jesus. Jesus vanishes and the disciples now understand what Jesus was saying to them on the road. They immediately return to Jerusalem to tell the 11 what they saw and learned that Jesus had already appeared to Peter

who become the first evangelists?

women- Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of james

was Mark composed by someone other than Mark?


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