Religion The Sacraments:chapter 2

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What does the word "Christ" mean?

Anointed one

In what way does the gift of fortitude aid a person in the christian life?

Fortitude strengthens the will and resolve, allowing a follower of Christ to stand firm in his or her convictions as a child of God.

How does the Sacrament help a person in the Christian life?

It lets us defend our faith, be soldiers of Christ (slap on cheek), and gives us strength{be soldiers of Christ (slap on cheek)}

Describe the graces given by the sacrament of confirmation.

The graces given are the gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.

In what way can a Christian be described as a soldier of christ?

Through the Sacrament of Confirmation, we are strengthened with fortitude to stand up and defend the Faith as soldiers of Christ.

How can a christian experience the wisdom of God?

Through the gift of wisdom, we are able to know god and savor his presence, tasting or experiencing in an intimate way, the mind and nature of God that is revealed to us through the holy spirit. This helps us to understand that our happiness comes from god.

What meaning does the word "confirmation" convey?

"Confirming" or completion of the faith begun at Baptism

What would be good qualities to look for in a confirmation sponsor?

A Confirmation sponsor should be a person that the candidate admires for his or her Christian example, as well as a teacher from whom the candidate can learn. The Confirmation candidate can use the wisdom of his or her sponsor's experience as a way of preparing for the difficulties that will arise after the reception of the Sacrament

disagree what is sin

ANSWER ON OWN!!!!!!!! gay, church weakly, arguing with parent even though I'm right, fighting to defend yourself, killing people(defence), etc.

What is the goal of preparation for Confirmation?

According to the catechism of the catholic church preparation for confirmation should aim at leading the christian toward a more intimate union with christ and a more lively familiarity with the holy spirit his actions his gifts and his biddings in order to be more capable of assuming the apostolic responsibilities of christian life.

What is apostolate? How does Confirmation help a Christian to do apostolate? Refer to the story of Pentecost

Apostolate is the work of evangelization, whether it takes the form of the great missionary activities or simply sharing the faith with those around us.

Why are Baptism and Confirmation sometimes referred to as a double Sacrament? How is this meaning still preserved in the Eastern Churches' celebration of the Sacrament?

Baptism brings us new life in Christ and Confirmation strengthens that life. Together they bring us the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

Why do the eastern Rites of the Catholic Church refer to the Sacrament as Chrismation?

Because it was celebrated right after Baptism in the early Church

In what way are we called to be prophets for Christ?

Before his ascension Christ instructed his followers to preach the Good news to the ends of the earth.

Who is the minister for Confirmation?

Bishop, priest(certain circumstances), person who has recieced all sacraments of initiation(in emergency)

What is the purpose of deferring the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church until the person has reached the age of reason?

By waiting until the age of reason, people are able to have had sufficient study to understand the meaning of the Sacrament, the gifts being received, and the obligations being undertaken.

2 of the 7 gifts

Counsel: You need to see whats more important. Homework or church, CHURCH. Knowledge: Nothing lacks in a reason of learning. There is a reason for high school and that is when my kids go through I can give them answers

What does it mean that every Christian participates in the priestly mission of Christ?

Every christian is called to participate in the priestly ministry of christ by taking every aspect of his or her life.

How can fear be a gift (something positive)?

Fear can be positive because it is a reflection of the divine filiation that Christians have with God the Father, Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Christians will acknowledge the authority of God in their lives, and , out of a love for God, they will fear offending him and acknowledge their sins and detest them.

Why are the renewal of baptismal promises and the profession of faith relevant in Confirmation?

For those who were baptized as infants, their parents and godparents made the baptismal promises and Profession of Faith for them. Now, as young adults, they are able to complete their Christian initiation by making these same promises themselves.

A family with three children make the important decision to become Catholic. The children, ages fifteen, twelve, and ten, having reached the age of reason, are enrolled as catechumens with their parents...

Get into the church sooner.

How might a person prepare himself or herself to receive the most benefit from the gift of understanding?

In order to prepare can meditate on our Lord's words in prayer, ask the Holy Spirit for a greater understanding of the meaning of those things found in our daily lives, or in the teachings of the Church.

Explain how this gift is expressed in the act of contrition.

In the act of contrition, we say that we are sorry for our sins, not only because we fear punishment, but because they offend God.

What is the origin of a Confirmation name?

In the early years of the church, becoming a christian meant a complete change in lifestyle and worldview. to show their new identity as a christian, many people would abandon their pagan names and adopt christian names.

Who was anointed in the Old Testament?

Kings, Priest and Prophets were anointed as part of their initiation into their vocation. As the anointed one, Christ fulfills all these roles. He is King of Heaven and Earth, the eternal high priest and the word of God made flesh .

What does it mean that love is proactive? what are some concrete ways in which we can be proactive in our love of god?

Love seeks out the good of the other. we can be proactive in our love for God by prayer reception of the sacraments of the Holy eucharist and reconciliation and by sharing our faith with others.

how might Mt 25:40 have inspired Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was inspired by Matthew 25:40 where Christ said, "whatever you do to the least of my brothers you have done to me" she saw Christ in the sick and dying on the streets of Calcutta.

Under what conditions can a person judge wisely?

People judge wisely when they are able to discern what is just, not only through human reason, but also in the light of God's Will. As such, true wisdom is bound up in an understanding of the divine will as revealed in the person of jesus christ, and although its origin is in the intellect, true wisdom can only grow and bear fruit when the will is conformed to jesus christ.

What does piety mean?

Piety is reverence towards God. It is founded upon divine filiation, the christian understanding that we are sons and daughters of God.

Confirmation is usually celebrated by a bishop. When might it be celebrated by a priest in the Latin Rite?

Priests are delegated to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation under certain circumstances, for example, when adults are admitted into the Church at the Easter Vigil.

How does the gift of understanding affect the Christian life?

Thanks to the holy spirit we are better able to understand the events that occur in our lives, judging them according to the life of christ. The gift of understanding also prompts us to study the faith and to consider our own desires with reference to the teachings of christ.

Why were the Apostles frightened?

The Apostles are afraid after Jesus' death because they have just witnessed Jesus die on the cross. One day Jesus was there and now he's not

Why had some of the early Christians not received the Holy Spirit? What did the Apostles do to convey the promised Spirit?

The Apostles learned that some of the new converts in Samaria had been baptized, but had not received the Holy Spirit.

What are the Sacraments of Initiation?

The Sacraments of Initiation are Baptism, the Holy Eucharist, and the Sacrament of Confirmation.


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How did the Apostles change when they received the Holy Spirit? What were they empowered to do?

The apostles chose successors to themselves to keep the Church olive. Today the college of bishops does what the apostles did. Each bishop is a successor to the apostles.

What is the basis for the gift of piety? How does this affect our relations with god and neighbor?

The basis for piety is seeing God as our heavenly father, to whom we can turn with full confidence and trust in every circumstance of life.

How does a person learn the contents of Divine Revelation?

The divine mysteries, the nature of God, and divine truth are, by definition, difficult to comprehend. By reason and intellectual effort alone we are able to obtain a certain level of knowledge about God.

What is the form of Confirmation?

The form of the Sacrament of Confirmation are the Bishop's words, "Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit" When he says these words, the Holy Spirit is poured onto the recipient of the Sacrament(promised by Christ)

Explain how faith based on divine revelation can lead to greater knowledge than man is capable of by his own efforts

The gift of knowledge gives the Christian the supernatural light to see that all creation, our good actions, and all the good that has been achieved in history comes from God and is directed toward him.

What is the "kingly" aspect of the Christian mission?

The kingly aspect of the Christian vocation calls Christians to cooperate in the mission of the Church according to their particular states in life with the gifts they have been given.

What is the matter of Confirmation? Where does the matter come from?

The matter of the Sacrament of Confirmation is the anointing with chrism on the forehead with the Sign of the Cross, which is done by the laying on of the hands. Olive oil with small amount of balsam.

Why was perfumed oil added to the Sacrament? What did it symbolize?

The perfumed oil known as Sacred Chrism was added in order to better illustrate the anointing by the holy spirit.

What is the purpose of the gift of counsel?

The purpose of counsel is to know what we should or should not do in every situation that demands a moral decision, and this gift of the spirit helps us to find our way along the winding and confusing paths of life.

Explain how confirmation is not an end, but a beginning

This Sacrament is just the beginning because, by receiving the Holy Spirit, Christian initiation,which was begun in Baptism, is completed, and we are enabled to become full members of the Mystical Body of Christ.

Last confession WHY?

To get a stronger relationship with god because every sin worsens our relationship

What is the purpose of Confirmation in in the Christian journey begun at Baptism?

To strengthen us in the new life that was received at Baptism

What is the relevance of the Confirmation name today?

Today, people being confirmed choose the name of a saint they particularly admire to represent their new identity as a full member of the Church.

What are the proper dispositions for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation?

be a participant, not a spectator, think of the gift you offer not just what you will receive, see the Eucharist as a community worship rather than private prayer, and work at the skills necessary to worship better

In what way are those receiving Confirmation made like Christ?

christ is the anointed one, and at confirmation, the christian is anointed with oil to receive the gifts of the holy spirit-- gifts that christ possessed fully

How are we god's children?

he made adam and eve and they had babies and babies had babies and so on... Having a love for god and praising him daily.

want Vocab This is some answers SAME as most but also VOCAB

How are the followers of Christ also "anointed" ones?

proclaiming their belief in christ and his gospel with their words and actions

What is the role of a confirmation sponsor?

the role of the confirmation sponsor is to assist the confirmed person to act as a true witness of Christ and to help him or her to faithfully fulfill the obligations to which he or she has been called.

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