religion unit 5 study questions

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To restore a purified Israel in the Promised Land

What was the prophet Ezra's dream?

John Hyrcanus

Which high priest successfully conquered all the Kingdom of Israel's former territory?

Judas Maccabeus

Which of that priest's sons became famous for his military victories?


Who edited the standard version of the Torah after the return from exile?

The good king of Judah who wanted to do what was right in the sight of God. His prophet to guide him was Isaiah the son of Amoz.

Who was Hezekiah?

Josiah, son of Amon.

Who was known as the great reformer?

He told them to get circumcised or leave

What choice did he offer all the non-Jewish residents in his territory?

The people who are faithful to God.

According to 1 Maccabees, who deserves the name of "Israel"?


According to Isaiah, what unlikely place would be made glorious "in later time?"

Converted them to the worship of zeus

What did Antiochus IV do to the Jewish and Samaritan temples?

Only the books of Moses were canonical scripture. They do not believe in life after death or in any kind of resurrection. They do not believe in angels or spirits.

What did the Sadducees believe?

To make Greek

What does "Hellenized" mean?

The rededication of the temple

What does the Jewish Feast of Hanukkah celebrate?

Something like a miracle happened, Manasseh was changed when he came back from Jerusalem. He lived to reign longer than any other king of Israel and Judah.

What happened when Manasseh was taken away by the Assyrians?

They found the Book of the Law, Deuteronomy in the Temple archives

What important discovery did the priests make doing Josiah's reign?

He issued a decree to allow any Jew who wished to go to return to Jerusalem.

What important edict did Cyrus issue in the first year of his reign?

the sin of turning away from the worship of the true God

What is apostasy?

The idea of repentance and the judgement that will come unless Judah repents.

What is the main theme of Isaiah's prophecy?


What loyal priest led the resistance to the persecution?

Antiochus IV

What notorious king began the persecution of Jews who refused to convert to Greek forms of worship ?

Jewish high priest

What position did Antiochus IV sell to the highest bidder?

Lord's Anointed

What surprising title is given to Cyrus in the book of Isaiah?

1. Israel is the faithful remnant. 2. The saints who die will rise again to an eternal reward. 3. Martyrdom is preferable to apostasy. 4. God judges his people as a father judges his children. 5. It is good and wise to pray for the dead.

What truths can be determined from the Books of Maccabees?

during the Babylonian Exile

When were many books of the old testament edited in their final forms?


Where did the remnant of Judah flee after the leading citizens had be deported to Babylon?


Which Jewish sect denied any kind of resurrection of the body?

The Pharisees

Which Jewish sect encouraged all Jews to imitate the ritual purity of the priests in Jerusalem?


From what tribe did the new king come?

He went to Rome and purchased and bribed his way to becoming king of the jews.

How did Herod establish his rule in Jerusalem?

He still did the right thing even though there was no benefit.

How did Josiah react when he found out Judah was to be punished by God?


How much did Nehemiah take for his salary as governor?


What did God desire from the Israelites at the time of Zechariah?

Because the faithless people had even begun to worship it as god.

Why did Hezekiah destroy Moses' bronze serpent?

Cooperating with the gentiles

How did Sadducees plan to ensure the Jewish religion would survive?

He was opposite of his father. He brought back false idols, pagan gods, he was most wicked of the kings of judah.

How did king Manasseh begin his reign?

The pharisees

Which group of scholars decided it would be best to separate themselves from the Gentiles?


Which high priest declared himself king?

The new settlers that gradually intermarried with the remainder of the Israelite population that had been left behind by the Assyrians. They settled around Samaria so they were called this.

Who were the Samaritans?

It would not be as great as Solomon's magnificent temple. The Ark of the Covenant would not be there, the Holy of Holies would be an empty space.

Why did the people have mixed reactions toward rebuilding the Temple?

The belief of resurrection of the body at the end of time. Judas didn't regard their state after death as a closed issue.

Why is sit good and wise to pray for the dead?

Pagan wives usually led to Israel's infidelity.

Why was Ezra so adamant about the people not taking pagan wives?

Because during his reign there was a great peace and prosperity

Why was Herod called "the Great"?

Showed that a person was dedicated to the law of moses

Why was circumcision so important?

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