Renal QB Test 3 SNF

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What does this NFP indicate?

Indicates that there is no filtration

Which cell in the collecting tubule of the renal tubules functions in maintaining acid-base balance?

Intercalated cells

GFR • What is the definition of the tubular secretion?

It's the selective transfer of substances from Peritubular Capillary to tubular lumen

Sodium is mostly reabsorbed by:

Primary Active Transport

Which cell in the collecting tubule of the renal tubules functions in maintaining water and salt balance?

Principal cells

As [H+ ] ↑: A- pH falls - acidosis B- pH increases - alkalosis C- pH increases - acidosis D- pH falls - alkalosis

A- pH falls - acidosis

The hypothalamic thirst center is stimulated by: A. A. By a decline in plasma volume of 10- 15% or by increases in plasma osmolality of 1-2%. B. By a decline in plasma volume of 1- 2% or by increases in plasma osmolality of 10-15%. C. Thirst. D. ADH releasing.

A. A. By a decline in plasma volume of 10- 15% or by increases in plasma osmolality of 1-2%.

Glomerular hydrostatic pressure (GHP) : A. push fluid out of vessels B. push fluid back into vessels C. Has no effect on filtration

A. push fluid out of vessels

Where does the ADH dependent reabsorption occur?

ADH exerts its action in principal cells of distal collecting tubule and in the late collecting duct

If this condition is left untreated what is the most expected outcome?

Acute Renal Failure (Acute Renal Injury)

The effect of antidiuretic hormone ( ADH ) on the kidney is to: a) increase the permeability of the distal nephron to water. b) increase the excretion of Na+ c) increase the excretion of water d) increase the diameter of the renal artery

a) increase the permeability of the distal nephron to water.

Amino acids are almost completely reabsorbed from the glomerular filtrate via active transport in the : a) proximal tubule b) loop of Henle c) distal tubule d) collecting duct e) renal pelvis

a) proximal tubule

Most of the glucose that is filtered through the glomerulus undergoes reabsorption in the : a) proximal tubule b) descending limp of the loop of Henle c) ascending limb of the loop of Henle d) distal tubule e) collecting duct

a) proximal tubule

The primary renal site for the secretion of organic ions e.g urate, creatinine is : a) proximal tubule b) loop of Henle c) distal tubule d) collecting duct .

a) proximal tubule

Reabsorption of Na+ : a) takes place in association with CL- & HCO3 - b) occurs only in PT c) is under control of parathormone hormone d) is a passive process

a) takes place in association with CL- & HCO3 -

Urinary volume is increased by all the following except : a) diabetes insipidus b) diabetes mellitus c) sympathetic stimulation d) increased renal arterial pressure e) infusion of mannitol

c) sympathetic stimulation

Glomerular filtration rate would be increased by : a) constriction of the afferent arteriole b) a decrease in afferent arteriolar pressure c) compression of the renal capsule d) a decrease in the concentration of plasma protein e) a decrease in renal blood flow

d) a decrease in the concentration of plasma protein

About the proximal convoluted tubules , all are true except : a) reabsorb most of Na+ ions in glomerular filtrate b) reabsorb most of Cl- ions in glomerular filtrate c) reabsorb most of K+ ions in glomerular filtrate d) contains JGCs which secrete renin

d) contains JGCs which secrete renin

The greatest amount of hydrogen ion secreted by the proximal tubule is associated with : a) excretion of potassium ion b) excretion of hydrogen ion c) reabsorption of calcium ion d) reabsorption of bicarbonate ion e) reabsorption of phosphate ion

d) reabsorption of bicarbonate ion

The amount of potassium excreted by the kidney will decreases if : a)distal tubular flow increases b)circulating aldosterone level increase c) dietary intake of potassium increase d)Na+ reabsorption by the distal nephron decreases e) the excretion of organic ions increase .

d)Na+ reabsorption by the distal nephron decreases

Inulin is a polymer of fructose, and it's used in research to precisely measure GFR. A. True B. False

precisely measure GFR. A. True

Normal BLOOD pH range for adults: A- 7.45-7.8 B- 6.8-7.35 C- 6.8-6.8 D- 7.35-7.45

D- 7.35-7.45

Which of the following is a protein made by the kidney ? A. Angiotensin B. Mesangial Matrix C. Creatinine D. Erythropoietin

D. Erythropoietin

What is the filtration membrane, where is it located and what is it made of?

- A filter that lies between the blood and interior of the glomerular capsule. - Made of 3 layers: A) Fenestrated endothelium B) Visceral membrane of glomerular capsule C) Basement membrane (which is composed of fused basal laminae of the other 2 layers)

Where are the podocytes located and what are they?

- Found in visceral layer of glomerular capsule - - Podocytes are modified branching epithelial

Glucose is mostly reabsorbed by:

- From tubular lumen to tubular cell by Carrier Mediated secondary active transport - From Tubular cell to peritubular capillary by Carrier-mediated passive transport

Where is the Macula Densa located & what is its function?

- Located in the juxtaglomerular Apparatus specifically in the distal tubule - Function as chemoreceptors (Detect changes in chemical composition) or as osmoreceptors (Detect change in osmolarity) - They produce signals that promote renin secretion by Juxtaglomerular cells

Which of the following is caused by ADH: A. Distal part of nephron will be permeable to water B. Urea reabsorption in PCT C. Increase reabsorption of water in all parts of nephron D. Increase NaCl reabsorption in thin descending limb

A. Distal part of nephron will be permeable to water

Arteriole walls have juxtaglomerular cells? A. True B. False

A. True

Renal Clearance can give an indication of the functioning of the kidneys. A. True B. False

A. True

The fluid in PCT is: A. Hyperosmotic. B. Isoosmotic. C. Hypoosmotic. D. Depends on ADH.

B. Isoosmotic.

Feedback signals that inhibit the thirst centers include: A. inhibition of stomach and intestinal stretch receptors. B. Moistening of the mucosa of the mouth and throat. C. A and B. D. None above.

B. Moistening of the mucosa of the mouth and throat

Which of the following is a cell of the connecting tubules ? A. Intercalated disc B. Principal cells C. Macula densa D. Juxtaglomerular cells

B. Principal cells

Which of the following is true regarding the proximal tubule? A. Leaky epithelium not permeable to ions & water. B. Reabsorption is isosmotic C. Na reabsorption occurs only through transcellular transport. D. Chloride ion concentration is less in the tubular lumen than outside.

B. Reabsorption is isosmotic

The only part in nephron which is permeable to water and impermeable to ions: A. PCT. B. Thin descending limb. C. Cortical part of collecting ducts. D. Thick ascending limb.

B. Thin descending limb.

What is the percentage of filtered amount of fluid that enters the glomeruli ? A. 1% B. 99% C. 20% D. 15%

C. 20%

Which of the following tends to decrease potassium secretion by the cortical collecting tubule ? A. Increased plasma potassium concentration B. A diuretic that decrease proximal tubule sodium reabsorption C. A diuretic that inhibit the action of aldosterone (eg. spironolactone) D. Acute alkalosis

C. A diuretic that inhibit the action of aldosterone (eg. spironolactone)

Blood pressure in the glomerulus is high because? A. Low oncotic pressure B. High capsular hydrostatic pressure C. Afferent arterioles have larger diameters than efferent arterioles D. Thick basement membrane

C. Afferent arterioles have larger diameters than efferent arterioles

Which of the following is false regarding the reabsorption of bicarbonate ion (HCO3-) ? A. H+ is formed inside the cells then secreted in the tubular fluid B. H+ combines with HCO3 - in the tubular fluid forming H2CO3 C. CO2 diffuses into the cells where it combines with H2O by activity of an extracellular carbonic anhydrase D. The renal tubules are poorly-permeable to HCO3 - .

C. CO2 diffuses into the cells where it combines with H2O by activity of an extracellular carbonic anhydrase

Which of the following is not a part of filtration membrane ? A. Fenestrated endothelium B. Visceral membrane of the glomerular capsule C. Capsular space D. Filtration slits

C. Capsular space

Which of the following diuretics inhibits (Na⁺, 2Cl⁻, K⁺) cotransport in the loop of Henle as its primary action? A. Thiazide diuretics B. Osmotic diuretic C. Furosemide

C. Furosemide

Which of the following changes tends to increase glomerular filtration rate (GFR): A. Increased afferent arteriolar resistance B. Decreased efferent arteriolar resistance C. Increased glomerular capillary filtration coefficient D. Increased Bowman's capsule hydrostatic pressure

C. Increased glomerular capillary filtration coefficient

Which of the following has a function in maintaining the acid-base balance of the body ? A. Juxtaglomerular cells B. Principle cells C. Intercalated cells D. Macula densa

C. Intercalated cells

It is the intrinsic capability of blood vessels to constrict when blood pressure is increased? A. Hormonal Control of GFR B. Sympathetic Control of GFR C. Myogenic mechanism D. Tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism

C. Myogenic mechanism D. Tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism

ADH administration will not stop diuresis if it is: A. due to lack of ADH B. Due to excess ingestion of water C. Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus D. A and B.

C. Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus

Which of the following is false about sodium reabsorption? A. Sodium is reabsorbed in the early proximal convoluted tubule B. Sodium enters the tubule at the luminal membrane C. Sodium is passively transported out using the Na-K ATPase pump D. All of the above are correct

C. Sodium is passively transported out using the Na-K ATPase pump

The part of loop of Henle which is permeable to water is ? A. Thick ascending limb B. Thin ascending limb C. Thin descending limb D. All of them

C. Thin descending limb

The elimination of substances from the body in the urine called: A. Tubular secretion B. Tubular reabsorption C. Urine Excretion D. Glomerular Filtration

C. Urine Excretion

Angiotensin II receptors are found in: A. Juxtaglomerular cells. B. Macula densa. C. Zona glomerulosa. D. Intercalated cells

C. Zona glomerulosa.

Which of the following is true about glucose reabsorption from the tubular lumen to the tubular cell? A. It is done by carrier-mediated passive transport. B. Direction of transport is downhill. C. No energy is consumed in the process. D. It is done by secondary active transport of sodium

D. It is done by secondary active transport of sodium

Which renal tubule parts functions more in secretion?

Distal convoluted tubule

What is the difference between the glomerular filtrate and the plasma?

Glomerular filtrate has much less proteins in its composition than the plasma

56 year-old patient came to the clinic with a severe shock and drop in blood pressure known to also have hypertension and diabetes mellites, has a glomerular hydrostatic pressure of 30mmHg, oncotic pressure of glomerular blood 25mmHg, capsular hydrostatic pressure of 15mmHg. Calculate the Net Filtration Pressure

NFP = HPg - (OPg+ HPc) NFP = 30 - (25+15) = -10mmHg

Which part of the Loop of Henle is more permeable to water?

Thin Descending Limb

K+ excretion is markedly influenced by : a) aldosterone b) amount of Na+ delivered to tubules c) rate of tubular secretion of H+ d) all of the above

a) aldosterone

The glomerular filtration rate will increase if : a) circulating blood volume increase . b) the afferent arteriolar resistance increases . c) the efferent arteriolar resistance decreases . d) the plasma protein concentration decrease

a) circulating blood volume increase d) the plasma protein concentration decrease

Renal correction of acute hyperkalemia will result in : a) alkalosis b) acidosis c) increased secretion of HCO3- d) increased secretion of H+ e) increased secretion of Na+

b) acidosis

The volume of plasma needed each minute to supply a substance at the rate at which it is excreted in the urine is known as the : a) diffusion constant of the substance b) clearance of the substance c) extraction ratio of the substance d) tubular mass of the substance e) filtration rate of the substance .

b) clearance of the substance

Which of the following substances will be more concentrated at the end of the proximal tubule than at the beginning of the proximal tubule ? a) glucose b) creatinine c) sodium d) bicarbonate

b) creatinine

Select the correct answer about proximal tubules : a) K+ is secreted in exchange with the Na+ which is reabsorbed under the effect of aldosterone b) glucose , amino acids & proteins are completely reabsorbed c) only 10% of the filtered water is reabsorbed d) parathormone increase phosphate reabsorption

b) glucose , amino acids & proteins are completely reabsorbed

Major determinants of plasma osmolarity include all the following except: a) sodium b) hemoglobin c) chloride d) albumin e) glucose

b) hemoglobin

Diamox causes : (Diamox - Acetazolamide - Carbonic Anhydrase inhibitor) a) water diuresis b) hypokalaemia c) alkalosis d) all of the above

b) hypokalaemia

About urea , all are true except : a) concentration rises in tubular fluid as the glomerular filtrate passes down the nephron. b) is actively secreted by the renal tubular cells c) concentration in the blood rises slightly after a high protein diet d) causes osmotic diuresis when its blood concentration is increased .

b) is actively secreted by the renal tubular cells

Which one of the following statements about aldosterone is correct? a) it produces its effect by activating C-AMP . b) it produces its effect by increasing membrane permeability to potassium c) it causes an increased reabsorption of hydrogen ion. d) it has its main effect on the proximal tubule . e) it is secreted in response to an increase in blood pressure

b) it produces its effect by increasing membrane permeability to potassium

The glomerular filtration barrier is composed of all the following except : a) fenestrated capillary endothelium b) macula densa c) basement membrane d) podocytes e) mesangial cells

b) macula densa

An increase in the concentration of plasma potassium causes increase in: a) release of renin b) secretion of aldosterone c) secretion of ADH d) release of natriuretic hormone e) production of angiotensin II

b) secretion of aldosterone

In controlling the synthesis and secretion of aldosterone , which of the following factors is least important ? a) renin b) angiotensin II c) concentration of plasma Na+ d) concentration of plasma K+ e) adrenocorticotropic hormone ( ACTH )

e) adrenocorticotropic hormone ( ACTH )

The hypothalamus will effect the release of ADH in response to all the following stimuli except : a) dehydration b) severe hemorrhage c) decreased blood osmolarity d) pain , anxiety , or surgical stress e) nicotine

e) nicotine

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