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After ovulation, the formation of progesterone in the corpus luteum (under the direction of LH) causes the glands of the uterine endometrium to become corkscrew or twisted in appearance and dilated with quantities of glycogen (an elementary sugar) and mucin (a protein).


As it regresses, the production of progesterone and estrogen decreases.


As the ovary begins to produce estrogen (in the follicular fluid, under the direction of the pituitary FSH), the endometrium begins to proliferate.

Spinnbarkeit Test

At the height of estrogen secretion, cervical mucus not only becomes thin and watery but also can be stretched into long strands. This stretch ability is in contrast to its thick, viscous state when progesterone is the dominant hormone. A woman can do this herself by stretching a mucus sample between thumb and finger, or it can be tested in an examining room by smearing a cervical mucus specimen on a slide and stretching the mucus between the slide and coverslip


Blood from the ruptured capillaries


Fragments of endometrial tissue


If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum in the ovary begins to regress after 8 to 10 days.

11 mg

The iron loss in a typical menstrual flow is approximately?

28 days, of one menstrual flow to the beginning of the next. It is not unusual for cycles to be as short as 23 days or as long as 35 days.

The length of menstrual cycles differs from woman to woman, but the average length is?

4 to 6 days, although women may have periods as short as 2 days or as long as 7 days.

The length of the average menstrual flow (termed menses) is?


This growth is very rapid and increases the thickness of the endometrium approximately eightfold.


This phase of the menstrual cycle is termed the progestational, luteal, and premenstrual

Fern Test

When high levels of estrogen are present in the body, as they are just before ovulation, the cervical mucus forms fernlike patterns caused by the crystallization of sodium chloride on mucus fibers when it is placed on a glass slide and allowed to dry. Cervical mucus can be examined at midcycle to detect whether ferning, which suggests a high estrogen surge, is present.


With the withdrawal of progesterone stimulation, the endometrium of the uterus begins to degenerate (at approximately day 24 or day 25 of the cycle).


is actually the end of an arbitrarily defined menstrual cycle. Because it is the only external marker of the cycle, however, the first day of menstrual flow is used to mark the beginning day of a new menstrual cycle.

30 to 80 mL of blood; if it seems like more, it is because of the accompanying mucus and endometrial shreds.

menstrual flow contains only approximately?


the endometrium, or lining of the uterus, is very thin, approximately one cell layer in depth.


Mucin from the glands


The capillaries of the endometrium increase in amount until the lining takes on the appearance of rich, spongy velvet.


The capillaries rupture, with minute hemorrhages, and the endometrium sloughs off

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