Reproductive system part II

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Of the millions of germ cells females are born with, approximately how many will mature and be ovulated during a woman's reproductive lifetime?

A 400,000 B 400 C 4,000 D 40,000 answer: B

The rapid rise and peak of which specific hormone is required for ovulation to occur?

A FSH B estrogen C progesterone D LH answer: D

Which gonadotropins, secreted by the anterior pituitary, stimulate the development of several primordial follicles each month? Select all that apply.

A LH B FSH C progesterone D estrogen answer: A, B

Like the stomach, the myometrium consists of three layers of smooth muscle fibers

A True B False answer: A

The female gametes are secondary oocytes that develop into mature ova if fertilized

A True B False answer: A

The ovarian cortex contains the ovarian follicles

A True B False answer: A

The ovarian ligament anchors the ovaries to the uterus.

A True B False answer: A

The ovarian medulla is deep to the ovarian cortex

A True B False answer: A

The single layer of cells that surround an oocyte are called follicular cells

A True B False answer: A

The testes are homologous to the ovaries

A True B False answer: A

Within a few hours after fertilization, the nuclear materials of the haploid ovum and sperm unite and begin multiple cell divisions.

A True B False answer: A

After ovulation, a corpus luteum forms from the ruptured follicle and begins to secrete progesterone and estrogens, which it will continue to do throughout pregnancy if the egg is fertilized.

A True B False answer: B

At ovulation, the secondary oocyte is expelled into the pelvic cavity together with the three polar bodies.

A True B False answer: B

During breast augmentation an implant is placed directly behind the breast tissue, beneath the pectoralis major muscle or beneath the serratus anterior.

A True B False answer: B

During labor, the myometrium contracts in response to oxytocin released from the anterior pituitary.

A True B False answer: B

If a secondary oocyte is not fertilized, it is held in stasis until it is released

A True B False answer: B

Ovulation is the rupture of the mature (Graafian) follicle and the release of a primary oocyte

A True B False answer: B

The ejection of milk is stimulated by the release of the hormone prolactin

A True B False answer: B

The ovarian epithelium of the ovary is a layer of simple squamous epithelium that produces the ova.

A True B False answer: B

The primary function of the uterus is to regulate the ovarian and menstrual cycles.

A True B False answer: B

At which age does female fibrocystic disease seem most prevalent?

A after the age of 50 B between the ages of 30 and 50 C late teens to early twenties answer: B

Which specific female structure is covered by pubic hair and contains adipose tissue, sebaceous glands, and sudoriferous glands and is homologous to the scrotum?

A clitoris B labia minora C labia majora D vagina answer: C

Which of the following female structures is homologous to the male glans penis?

A clitoris B vagina C labia majora D labia minora answer: A

A sperm cell usually encounters and fertilizes a secondary oocyte in the __________ of the uterine tube.

A fimbriae B ampulla C isthmus answer: B

Effects of estrogen include

A increased fatty acids and cholesterol levels B growth of the larynx C growth of the breasts at puberty D deepening of the voice answer: C

The suspensory ligament attaches the

A ovaries to the pelvic wall B uterus to the pelvic wall C ovaries to the uterus D ovaries to the uterus answer: A

Which structure produces the hormone progesterone?

A posterior pituitary B hypothalamus C anterior pituitary D ovary answer: D

The function of the lactiferous sinuses is to

A produce milk B store milk C eject milk answer: B

Removal of the ovaries is also known as

A salpingectomy B hysterectomy C culdoscopy D oophorectomy answer: D

Select all the correct statements about the uterus

A the site of development of the fetus during pregnancy B the source of menstrual flow C the site of fertilization D the site of implantation of a fertilized ovum E serves as part of the pathway for sperm answer: A, B, D, E

Which layer in the secondary follicle secretes estrogens?

A theca externa B theca interna answer: B

A uterine prolapse in which the cervix protrudes through the vagina to the exterior is a __________ prolapse

A third-degree B first-degree C second-degree answer: C

The gonads in males are testes; in females they are the

A uterus B ovaries C oocytes answer: B

The broad ligament attaches the

A uterus to the pelvic wall B ovaries to the pelvic wall C ovaries to the uterus D ovaries to the fallopian tubes answer: A

In humans, the female uterine tubes are approximately how long?

A : 4 inches B : 12 inches C : 10 inches D : 2 inches answer: A

Select all of the true statements about female fibrocystic disease

A : It is probably due to a relative excess of estrogens in the postovulatory phase. B : It is probably due to a deficiency of progesterone in the luteal phase. C : It is probably due to a relative deficiency of estrogens in the postovulatory phase. D : It is probably due to an excess of progesterone in the luteal phase. answer: A, B

The uterine and ovarian cycles are ultimately controlled by which specific hormone secreted by the hypothalamus?

A : LH B : GnRH C : FSH answer: B

Check all of the correct statements regarding the uterus.

A : The most superficial layer of the uterus is part of the peritoneum. B : The fundus is lateral to the cervix. C : The uterus is highly vascular. D : The myometrium is composed of two layers of smooth muscle. E : Histologically, the uterus consists of three layers of tissue. answer: A, C, E

Which statement is correct about the uterus?

A : The myometrium has several layers of skeletal muscles. B : The round ligament is peritoneum that drapes over the uterus. C : The endometrium basal layer is shed each month as menses. D : The cervix projects into the vagina. answer: D

Augmentation mammaplasty is the term that applies to

A : breast reduction B : breast enhancement answer: B

Which structure of the developing follicle secretes a follicular fluid that fills up the antrum?

A : corona radiate B : granulosa cells C : oocytes answer: B

When the remnants of the mature follicle first begin to degenerate, it is called a/an

A : corpus albicans B : atresia C : Graafian follicle D : corpus luteum answer: D

he corpus luteum produces which of the following? Select all that apply.

A : dihydrotestosterone B : inhibin C : progesterone D : estrogens E : relaxin answer: B, C, D, E

Endometriosis is characterized by endometrial tissue that can be described as

A : embolytic B : ectopic C : malignant D : fibrotic answer: B

The extensive blood supply of the uterus is necessary for supporting which if the following? Select all that apply.

A : implantation of a fertilized ovum B : regrowth of a new stratum basalis after menstruation C : regrowth of a new stratum functionalis after menstruation D : development of the placenta answer: A, C, D

The ovaries are located __________ uterus

A : lateral B : inferior C : medial D : superior answer: A

The uterus is __________ in females who have recently been pregnant

A larger B smaller answer: A

An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac in or on an ovary that is usually

A noncancerous B cancerous answer: A

Milk ejection is stimulated by the hormone oxytocin, which is released from the

A : anterior pituitary B : hypothalamus C : posterior pituitary answer: C

The perineum is found in

A : both males and females B : males C : females answer: A

The primary function of the uterus is to

A : regulate the ovarian and menstrual cycles B : receive, retain, and nourish a fertilized ovum C : synthesize female hormones D : protect the ovaries answer: B

The uterus is __________ in females who have had multiple menstrual cycles and have now completed menopause.

A : smaller B : larger answer: A

After fertilization, the newly fertilized ovum arrives in the uterus about how many days after ovulation?

A 1 to 2 B 10 to 12 C 14 to 16 D 6 to 7 answer: D

Which of the following will occur after ovulation?

A : The secretion of anterior pituitary gonadotropins is enhanced. B : The endometrium enters its secretory phase. C : The corpus luteum prepares to become a corpus albicans. D : The corpus luteum secretes estrogen only. answer: B

Occasionally three polar bodies are found clinging to the mature ovum. One came from an unequal division of the ovum, but from where did the other two arise?

A : There were originally four polar bodies and one disappeared. B : What you really see are two polar bodies and the sperm that will fertilize the egg. C : The first polar body has also divided to produce two polar bodies. D : One is an undeveloped primary oocyte that failed to matur answer: C

Estrogens promote development and maintenance of female reproductive structures and secondary sex characteristics.

A : True B : False answer: A

In moderate levels, estrogens inhibit the release of GnRH and the secretion of LH and FSH

A : True B : False answer: A

Pelvic inflammatory disease is a term for any extensive bacterial infection of any of the pelvic organs.

A : True B : False answer: A

Straight arterioles supply the stratum basalis; spiral arterioles supply the stratum functionalis

A : True B : False answer: A

The mature follicle contains a theca interna, theca externa, and a corona radiata

A : True B : False answer: A

The secondary oocyte resumes meiosis II and forms the ovum and a polar body only if fertilization occurs.

A : True B : False answer: A

The vesicouterine pouch is anterior to the rectouterine pouch.

A : True B : False answer: A

corpus luteum degenerates into the corpus albicans

A : True B : False answer: A

Ovarian follicles contain mature eggs.

A : True B : False answer: B

The lumen of the oviducts is lined with ciliated stratified columnar epithelium.

A : True B : False answer: B

The vagina is a tubular canal that extends from the exterior of the body to the uterine fundus

A : True B : False answer: B

When the nuclei of the sperm cell and the ovum unite, a haploid zygote is formed.

A : True B : False answer: B

During the menstrual cycle

A : a primary follicle is released. B : a Graafian follicle is released. C : a primary oocyte is released. D : a secondary oocyte is released. answer: D

Which structure produces the hormone relaxin?

A : anterior pituitary B : hypothalamus C : ovary D : posterior pituitary answer: C

Select all of the possible causes of an absence of menstruation.

A : menopause B : pregnancy C : increased secretion of LH and FSH D : decreased secretion of gonadotropin releasing hormone E : very low amounts of body fat answer; A, B, D, E

Pathogenesis in pelvic inflammatory disease usually involves

A : ovarian cyst rupture B : infection ascending from the vagina C : suspicious PAP smears for two consecutive years D : uterine infection and obstruction answer: B

Select all structures that are one and the same

A : oviducts B : fallopian tubes C : internal os D : uterine tubes answer: A, B, D

Which of the following are effects of pregnancy on the female? Select all that apply.

A : relaxation of the pubic symphysis B : altered center of gravity due to enlarged uterus in the pelvic cavity C : increase in the size of the obturator foramen D : narrowing in the size of the false pelvis answer: A, B

Ovaries discharge which of the following?

A : secondary oocyte B : tertiary oocyte C : primary oocyte answer: A

Oxytocin is released primarily in response to

A : suckling of an infant B : rising levels of estrogen C : rising levels of progesterone D : childbirth answer: A

Gynecology is the specialized branch of medicine concerned with

A : the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the urinary system B : the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system C : the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the male disorders, especially infertility and sexual dysfunction answer: B

If fertilization and implantation does not occur,

A : the endometrium thickens. B : high levels of progesterone and estrogens are preserved. C : the corpus luteum is maintained by supportive hormones. D : the corpus luteum degenerates. answer: D

Human egg and sperm are similar in that

A : they are about the same size. B : about the same number of each is produced per month. C : they have the same number of chromosomes. D : they have the same degree of motility. answer: C

Each mammary gland lobule contains small grapelike clusters of milk-secreting glands. These clusters are called ______________


The absence of menstruation is termed __________


Sperm must undergo significant functional changes before fertilization can occur with an ovulated oocyte. These changes in the sperm are called __________


Remembering skeletal anatomy, the female reproductive organs, namely the uterus, ovaries, and uterine tubes, are located within the region known as the _________ pelvis

false, greater

When the cells that surround an oocyte form several layers, the cells are called __________ __________

granulosa cells

Name the female glands, located on either side of the vaginal orifice, that produce a small quantity of mucus during sexual arousal and intercourse. ___________

greater vestibular glands, Bartholin's glands

A thin fold of vascularized mucous membrane that partially closes the inferior end of the vaginal opening to the exterior is called the ___________


The surgical removal of the uterus is properly called a/an


Synthesis, secretion, and ejection of milk by the mammary glands is called ____________


The specific region of the ovary that contains blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves is called the ovarian ___________


The nonciliated cells of the uterine tubes that have microvilli and secrete a nutrient-rich fluid are called __________ __________

peg cells

The primary oocyte is surrounded by a single layer of flat follicular cells, and the entire structure is called a __________ __________

primordial follicle

Name the hormone that is produced in late pregnancy that causes flexibility of the pubic symphysis during childbirth __________


A follicle with only a small antrum in it would be classified as a __________ follicle


When the mature ovarian follicle ruptures, it releases a __________ oocyte


Name the supportive structures, made of dense regular connective tissue, that improve the shape of the breasts and keep them from sagging _____________

suspensory ligaments, Cooper's ligaments

Name the structure that transports the oocytes from the ovaries to the uterus __________

uterine tubes, fallopian tubes, oviducts

The __________ is the site for the growth of the embryo


The __________ is the site of implantation of the fertilized ovum


The peristaltic contractions of the muscularis and the ciliary action of the fimbriae help move the oocyte from the ovary toward the __________


The __________ is the receptacle of the penis during sexual intercourse


The diploid fertilized ovum is called a/an __________


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