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"self amputation" can regenerate


Are reptiles endothermic or ectothermic?


achetycholine isn't broken down, severe rapid muscle contraptions or achetycholine is blocked


additional food and water supply

yes, their brain is more complex than any other reptile. They are hard to catch twice with the same trick

are crocodiles intelligent?


are snakes ectothermic or endothermic?

terrestrial; can't swim

are tortoises aquatic or terrestrial?


are turtles terrestrial or aquatic?

yes, they can vocalize

can crocodilians talk?

4-chambered heart: right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, left ventricle

circulation of crocodilians?

amnion, allantois, yolk, albumen, chorion

components of amniotic sac


cooler eggs

dry, thick skin covered with scales -therefore don't rely on water as much have claws suited for digging, climbing

describe the physical features of reptiles

yes, they sat with their nest to protect eggs. Hatchlings stay with mom first year of life

do crocodilians protect their young?


do male's usually have longer or shorter tails?

no, they have spectacles that keep each eye moist

do snakes have eyelids?

no but they have sharp edged jaw called a beak

do tortoises and turtles have teeth?


dorsal shell, fused bones of ribs and vertebrae

vent/ cloaca

eliminates waste and reproduction


female carries eggs in her body and delivers live snakes


females lay eggs outside of the body


from vent to end of the snake

through mouth rather than sweat glands

how do crocodiles release heat?

when the snake's mouth is full, it has to extend it's trachea (breathing tube) below the food and out in order to keep breathing

how do snake's keep breathing when they are eating?

by excellent eyesight and smell

how do turtles hunt?

- excellent - movable eyes - can see in color

how is lizard's eyesight?


how many chambers are in a reptile's heart?

salt gland on tongue

how to crocodiles excrete excess salt?

with their small strong teeth they chew their food

how to lizard's eat?

with external ear openings

how to lizard's hear?

male snakes have a pair of sex organs called hemipenis. During mating, the male inserts either hemipenis into female. Sperm can live for several months inside female.

how to male snake's contribute to reproduction?

they lack external ears but can sense vibrations through a bone on either side of the head. Vibrations are sent to the cochlea.

how to snake's hear?

- some have a special lining in mouth and throat for respiration which acts as a modified gill. - many use moist surfaces of their cloaca for gas exchange

how to turtles breath underwater?


main food supply for the embryo


membrane filled with fluid that surrounds the developing embryo. It helps to cushion and prevent dehydration


membrane that forms around yolk, allantois, amnion, and embryo. It allows for gas exchange


modified saliva, glands located behind each eye


nitrogenous wastes are excreted into membranous sac associated with the embryo's gut. When the reptile hatches it leaves it behind with it's collected waste.

50 meals per year

on average, how frequent do crocodiles eat?

jacobson's organ

organ in the roof of mouth that picks up airborne chemicals.

forked tongue

picks up chemicals in the air

amniotic sac

provides nourishment to the embryo and contains membranes that protect it while it develops in a terrestrial environment


shedding skin. Number of times depends on age.

head pits

sits inside snake's head, below their eyes. It helps them detect heat (infrared radiation) to find prey


ventral shell, fused bones of ribs and shoulders


warmer eggs

1. boas 2. pythons 3. anacondas 4. cornsnake

what are examples of constrictor snakes?

1. copperheads 2. water mocassins

what are examples of other venomous snakes?

turtles, snakes, crocodiles, lizards

what are examples of reptiles?

turtles and tortoises

what are included in the chelonia order?

1. massasauga 2. timber rattlesnake

what are the 2 venomous snakes in MN?

1. swallow prey up to 2.5 times size of head 2. constrictor 3. venom

what are the 3 ways that snakes can kill prey?


what are the eggs?


what can snake's jaws do to swallow prey?

blood-clotting, neurotoxins, and anti-clotting

what can the use of venom lead to?

retract their head into shell

what can't sea turtles do?

nest temperature in incubation; temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD)

what determines the sex of a turtle and tortoise and what is this called?

small sensory pits around upper and lower jaws

what do alligators have to detect prey?

fish, crabs, frogs, turtles, snakes, birds, raccoons, totes, deer, and smaller alligators - known to eat already dead animals on occasion

what do alligators primarily eat?

long claws used for holding female during mating

what do aquatic sea turtles males have?


what do crocodilians eat?

insects (marine iguana: herbivore)

what do lizard's primarily eat?

a backward curve

what do snake's teeth have?

they work together to give snakes the ability to climb trees and swim

what do snakes scales do for them?


what do tortoises eat?

worms, frogs, crayfish, fish, plants and insects

what do turtles eat?

V- shaped - 4th tooth sticks up over upper lip

what does a crocodiles snout look like?

U- shaped - 4th tooth is covered up

what does an alligators snout look like?

to creep or crawl

what does reptilia mean?

a horny tooth on the reptile's snout

what helps break the she of the egg for hatching?

lizards, iguanas, chameleons, skinks, geckos, horned toads (also called horned lizard), and snakes

what is included in the squamata order?

nerve endings on the turtles dome shaped shell

what is on the turtles shell?

slithering or side wind

what is snake's movement like?

legs under body rather than out from the sides - advantage: speed and weight (bigger in size)

what is the ball and socket joint and its advantage?


what is the earliest known reptile?

komodo dragon

what is the largest lizard?

jacobson's organ

what is the snake's primary sense for locating prey?

most acidic of all vertebrates. Digest bones, hooves, horns, or shells

what is the stomach of crocodiles like?

powerful, stores fat in tail which allows them to go without eating for up to 2 years

what is the tail of crocodilians like?

it doesn't move; it is attached to the bottom of the mouth

what is the tongue of crocodilians like?


what is their primary organ of gas exchange?

their tails are often longer than the rest of their body

what is unique about squamatas?

ambush animals

what kind of animals are crocodiles considered?

internal fertilization - then lay leathery shelled eggs

what kind of fertilization do reptiles have?

turtles, tortoises, crocodiles, alligators, some lizards, and some snakes

what reptiles lay eggs?

hind limbs near tail

what was a vestigial structure on the pachyrachis?

prehisotric lizards 150 mya - pachyrachis: long shape like body

where did snake evolve from?

freshwater - therefore their salt glands are non-functional

where do alligators spend most of their time?


where do crocodiles spend most of their time?

they return to their place of birth

where do sea turtles hatch their eggs?

in burrows or dens below the frost line

where do snakes hibernate?

underwater but their bodies do not freeze

where do turtles spend their winter?

turtles and crocodiles

which reptiles don't molt?

incomplete septum in the ventricle -turtles, snakes, and lizards only

why do they have a 3 chambered heart?

basking in the sun removes parasites and algae. In painted turtles, vitamin D production helps speed up digestion of plants

why do turtles need sun exposure?

they have no way of delivering it

why don't more animals use venom?

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