Research in Social Work

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Which concept is an indicator of statistical significance?

P value

If I recruit a group of people when they are young and survey them at different times their life, I am conducting a__________________(fill in the blank) survey.


How is conceptualization different in qualitative research than quantitative research?

Participants determine how concepts are defined

Which group BEST fits the concept of a cohort for research purposes?

People who graduated with a social work degree from this college between 2000 and 2010

In which sampling method is generalizability MOST likely to be important


In what way are qualitative research questions different than quantitative research questions?

Qualitative questions can change over the course of a study

A social worker wishes to precisely predict elements of the social world and how they interact. Which method is MOST useful?

Quantitative research

What is required for a study to be considered experimental?

Random assignment

What should a researcher avoid during a research interview?

Requesting "yes" or "no" answers

In a study of undergraduate students at a university, what is the group of students who are recruited into the study?


How should qualitative researchers ensure that detailed notes are protected?

Save information in a password protected or locked file

What is the difference between scales and indexes?

Scales may have items that vary in intensity

A social worker reads an article in Time magazine about a study on college campuses showing that students are intolerant of conservative political speakers appearing on campus. Which type of source is this?


Researchers state that they are 95% sure that the number of people who quit smoking last year is between 100,000 and 150,000. What is the confidence interval for that statistic?


A research question can ask about which of the following? Choose all that apply.

A population An intervention Outcomes of an intervention

What is the argument in formal research writing?

A statement about what is true and why it is true

Which operator reduces the number of search results in a database query?


To quickly determine if an article will be useful, which aspect of the article would be MOST helpful?


Which concept BEST reflects validity?


When should you edit your literature review?

After you are done writing your first draft

What is a strength of focus groups?

Anonymity can be maintained by requesting that names are not shared

What is a common error committed by authors in a literature review?

Arguments are not supported with facts and citations

How is ontology BEST defined?

As the nature of reality and what is real

A social worker reads a book about historical trauma. What is true about books as a scholarly resource?

Books are helpful to learn theory and philosophy about a topic

Which concept helps define empirical questions?

Can be answered by real experience in the real world

Which group is always a vulnerable population specifically protected in IRB review?

Children under age 18

A social work researcher develops a study to understand the impact of services for clients in three different anger management groups. The researcher selects 10 clients from each group to participate. Which type of sampling is the researcher using?


In tables presenting a causal relationship, where is the independent variable is usually listed?


What is the visual representation of the relationships between the ideas within a research topic?

Concept map

Which concept BEST reflects reliability?

Consistency of the measure

If I stood outside of the student health center and asked any student walking out about their illness, what kind of sampling would I be using?


What is an important strength of a survey as a data collection tool?


A social work educator asks students in multiple classes in one semester to complete a survey about their study skills. Which type of survey is the educator facilitating?


Which question is double-barreled?

Did you graduate college and high school?

A survey question asks about people's "intrinsic religiosity". Which survey rule is being violated?

Don't use jargon.

Which of the following is not a threat to validity?

Double-blind design

A social worker reads a journal article that discusses a quantitative survey which focused on social work students' attitudes towards people with differing abilities. Which kind of article is this?


What does evidence-based practice MOST likely involve? (Choose all that apply).

Examining the literature on a topic. Understanding theory and evidence Client characteristics

The results found in a lab don't always generalize well to the real world. Which concept is reflected when this occurs?

External validity

It is unethical to pay people to participate in a study, as it biases the results of the study.


Random assignment is easy to perform in real-world experiments


Researchers may only conduct studies that do not risk harming participants.


Researchers should be concerned only with minimizing harm to the participants in their study, not on their study's effects on society or larger social groups.


Social work research questions don't have to be empirical because ethics are a part of our profession.


Social workers should not study topics about which they feel strongly.


Surveys are a type of experiment


A student reads about a study completed by social scientists on a popular news website. What should the student do NEXT?

Find and read the journal article written by the social scientists

What are some good ways of addressing the power differential in interviews?

For the researcher to share information about his/her/their interest in the research

Which level of ethical review is the highest for a research study? A. Comprehensive

Full board

A research study includes only self-identified women in the sample. What is the attribute of "female"?

Inclusion criteria

What is the group tasked with ensuring the rights and welfare of human research subjects?

Institutional Review Board

In qualitative interviews, what is the list of topics or questions that the interviewer hopes to cover during the interview?

Interview guide

What defines an effective research question? Choose all that apply.

It has more than one plausible answer. It considers relationships among multiple concepts. It contain a target population.

Which of the following is not true about operationalization?

It is an important part of both quantitative and qualitative research

What is an alternative definition of practice wisdom?

Knowing by doing

What is the focus of epistemology?

Knowledge and how we know things

What is a significant weakness of a survey as a data collection tool?

Lack of ability to be changed during the research process

Laud Humphrey's unethical study investigated which of the following?

Men who have sex with men (MSM)

A social work research project focused on a community church and its members would be at which level of analysis? A social worker develops a research project focusing on a support group and its members. What is the MOST likely level of analysis?


A social work researcher is concerned that a study will impact the emotional state of the participants. Which level of ethical question is the researcher asking


What do indirect observables require?

More subtle or complex observations

What kind of variable is ethnic identity?


What does it mean for research to be confidential?

Only the researcher can link participants with their data

How does open coding differ from focused coding?

Open coding allows for new codes to be determined

A new intern at your agency for children who have experienced trauma states that "supportive touch worked for my should work for everyone." Which concept does this statement BEST reflect?


A researcher believes in a stereotype of a specific population. This stereotype determines the patterns the researcher looks for in research data. Which behavior is the researcher demonstrating?

Selective observation

Which action is MOST effective to increase the response rate for mailed surveys?

Send a follow-up email or letter to remind people of survey request

A social work researcher develops a study to understand the impact of an agency program on clients. The social worker selects every 3rd client on a list to be part of the sample. Which type of sampling is the researcher using?


Which of the following is not a section commonly found in empirical journal articles?

Table of contents

What is the group of people whose issues are included in a research study?

Target population

What type of source is your textbook for this course?


Which of the following issues does the posttest-only control group design help control?

Testing effects

In a research study, what is the population?

The cluster of people that the research is most interested in

What is the difference between a comparison group and a control group?

The comparison group receives "treatment as usual

How is the internal validity of an experiment BEST defined?

The confidence the researchers have that changes in the dependent variable are because of the independent variable

What will an abstract contain?

The key findings of an article

A seminal article can be determined by looking at which of the following?

The number of other sources that cited the article

Which of the following is not part of a literature review?

The number of search results found in a database

What is a strength of focus groups?

They allow researchers to observe body language

Why are journal articles considered to be highly reputable sources?

They are peer reviewed

Which design includes the researchers observing a group multiple times before and after an intervention?

Time series design

What is the FIRST step in writing a literature review?

To create an outline to guide what is wr

What is the purpose of a control group?

To demonstrate what would may happen to the experimental group if treatment had not been provided

When would a social worker MOST likely use research? (Choose all that apply).

To determine the best intervention for a client. To report the effectiveness of a program funded by a grant. To test a new intervention to make sure it works

Why is it important to know the probability for each person to be selected for the researcher's sample?

To ensure the sample is representative of the population

What is the PRIMARY purpose of evaluation research

To evaluate the outcome of a policy or program

What is the purpose of an interview as a data collection tool?

To gather detailed information about a research concept

What is the purpose of the problem statement? Choose all that apply

To grab the attention of the reader To establish why the topic is important To describe the scope of the topic

What is the purpose of a literature review? Choose all that apply.

To provide context for your own work To demonstrate you can find and understand previous work on your topic To locate gaps in the literature

What is the purpose of replication studies?

To repeat a study using the same procedures to see if they get the same result

What is each participant asked to do as a part of informed consent?

To sign a form stating agreement (yes or no) to participate in the research

What is the PRIMARY goal of a literature review?

To synthesize the most important information relevant to the topic

How can constructs be defined?

Using direct and indirect observables

What is an example of signposting in a formal literature review?

Using transition sentences

When does bias in sampling occur

When the elements selected for a study do not represent the larger population

What is important to consider when evaluating sources? Choose all that apply.

Whether the information is current or outdated Whether the source is relevant to your topic Whether the author has the knowledge and credentials to write on the topic.

What does conceptualization involve?

Writing clear, concise definitions for key concepts

What is a strength of focus groups?

hey allow researchers to observe body language

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