Research methods - Case studies
What is another weakness of case studies?
:( Because of their unique features are difficult to replicate, thus harder to verify findings of study.
What one weaknesses of case studies?
:( From studying just one person, group/event its hard to generalise the results to other people as p.pant v's differ and sample may be too small&unrepresentative.
What is the purpose of a case study?
To investigate a single person, group or event in a detailed and in-depth manner. Often used when its only possible/practical to study one person/event at a time because person/event is unique, rare, important, and needs a lot of time and resources to study.
What is another strength of case studies?
:) Can provide a rare opportunity to study a situation that could never be deliberately/ethically produced by researchers.
What is one strength of case studies?
:) Provide a deeper and more detailed as well as a more individually relevant understanding of a complex research prob. compared to studying many people in a more superficial way.