Research Methods Exam 1 (Chap 1- 4)

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Full text APA published articles

The evaluation of how well a study measures what it was intended to measure is known as ________.

Internal validity


Interpretation of the data

Score on an IQ Test


Most frequent value


Which of the following illustrates the failure to provide informed consent in the Tuskegee study?

The participants were not told that they were part of a research study.

Which of the following is a criterion for deciding whether something constitutes research according to the Common Rule?

The study is intended to develop generalizable knowledge.

Deductive Reasoning




Categorical variables can be labeled with ______________ to make them easy to analyse using statistical software.


Good research procedures feature which of the following characteristics?

Objectivity, Available to the public, Replicable

A researcher is examining rates of drinking among college sophomores. In examining the central tendency and dispersion, they notice that a few students have extremely high levels of drinking. What would you call these observations?



Participants should be recruited fairly

Which of the following is an example of a scientific theory?

People use the feedback from physiological processes¸such as autonomic activity¸to form subjective assessments of their emotional states.( People's intention to quit smoking is a function of their attitudes about smoking¸the attitudes of those close to them about smoking¸and their confidence in their ability to stop smoking.)

Good Clinical Practice

Pharmaceutical research in Europe¸ Japan¸ and the US


Playing violent video games is associated with higher aggressiveness.

Which of the following demonstrates equitable recruitment?

Professor Lannister is testing a new medication for the treatment of bipolar disorder. She contacts all health providers in her large, urban environment to recruit the most representative sample of patients possible.

Which of the following would be defined as "research" for the purposes of IRB review?

Professor Spock compares a Top Hat product with a traditional textbook to make general conclusions about how college students learn from textbook materials.

A researcher looks at a Department of Labor Census to create a statistical model of the relationship between wealth and ethnicity.

Public records

Group harm

Publishing evidence that one type of APOE allele is associated with Alzheimer's disease more than other variations of the APOE gene.

A researcher has a set of questions and starts a conversation with participants to get a more in-depth understanding of the research topic.


What distinguishes categorical variables from quantitative variables?

Quantitative variables use values that represent real meaning.

Age in years


What is covered in 45 CFR 46 Subpart A, or the Common Rule?

Requirements for informed consent. Formation of IRBs. Regulations for conducting ethical research


Research with limited risk

Full IRB Review

Research with more than limited risk

In a typical psychology study, the level of significance is usually set at a p-value of


A researcher is studying the relationship between gender and salary using males and females, and salary ranges from ($0—$25,000), ($25,001—$50,000), ($50,001—$75,000), and ($75,001+). How many variables is the researcher using?



APA Published handbooks or Manuals

Temporal relationship

After playing a violent video game¸ children are desensitized to violence.

A researcher wants to see if there is a relationship between age (in years) and financial debt (in dollars). Which of the following best describes the level of measurement for the two variables?

Age: ratio; Debt: ratio



Martin is using eye tracking to see if people who are obese look longer at fattening than at healthy foods.

Basic Science

A researcher wants to replicate Dr. Henry Wechsler's "College Alcohol Study" and asks students how many times they have five or more drinks per week.


A researcher uses an fMRI to see real-time activation in specific parts of the brain.


Inductive Reasoning


Ruth is conducting a research study regarding pet ownership in Toronto, and she is counting the number of cats and dogs residents own. Type of pets (1= cats and 2=dogs) is an example of a _________ variable.


Frequency analysis typically includes an examination of which of the following data patterns?

Central tendency and dispersion

When examining the characteristics of a single variable what two statistical aspects are we most interested in?

Central tendency and dispersion

Subpart D


Which of the following illustrates the concept of the variability of a phenomenon?

Children demonstrate different levels of aggressiveness on the playground., Some animals learn a trick faster than others., People differ in their final scores on an intelligence test.


Children who play violent video games and are aggressive also have little adult supervision.

Which of the following is an example of the type of systematic observation we expect in science?

Claire uses a random number generator to pick a sample from her sorority's national roster to send invitations to a survey about whether dues should be increased.


Coercion must be avoided

What do phenomena like visual illusions and heuristics demonstrate?

Common sense might work in many cases¸but there are flaws in many aspects of our reasoning

Basic Science

Courtney is curious about the effects of social media use on mood

A measure of the distribution of college students drinking across the seven nights of a week is called ______________


Physical harm

Dizziness as a result of using a vestibular stimulation device in a flight simulation study


Fair selection of participants


Universities that limit alcohol use at fraternity parties will experience fewer negative consequences.


Unpublished doctoral dissertations


Use of low-risk procedures


Why do fraternity members drink more than other students?


a child learns about emus which requires a modification of the bird concept to include the fact that some birds can't fly


a child learns about robins, an instance that fits an existing bird concept

What is the term used for a negative outcome of participation that must be reported to the IRB?

adverse events


are sets of facts and relationships among facts that explain and predict natural phenomena


basing conclustions on direct observation

Variables are used to define the multiple aspects of a


One limitation of surveys is the ability to get strong breadth while maybe not getting the full ______________ in understanding a phenomenon or issue.


The first question researchers often ask about a phenomenon is "how often does the phenomenon occur?" This leads to research that is ________.


is a measure of how evenly the scores from participants are distributed across the values of each variable.


Scientific Research

how do rates of drinking vary between fraternity and non fraternity members?

If we want to categorize colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) how would you describe the level of measurement associated to help you code these colors?


What distinguish a scientific publication from a news story about science.

objectivity, peer review, scientific terminology, editing

To be an empiricist, a scientist must learn by _________.


refers to recording a behavior in real-time. This is beneficial because a researcher can identify aspects of the environment that could potentially alter behavior or impact the variable being measured.


Compared to writing an article for a school newspaper on attitudes towards gender fluidity, a research study will focus on one or more findings, known as a(n) ________.


Researchers trying to answer questions by data collected by another person is known as ______________ data.


Sort the following elements of peer review process in the order of occurrence.

sending the article to reviewers, revising the article, resubmitting the article, publishing the article

Generally, ______________ data collection uses questions presented to participants through interviews or self-report.


Hypothesis testing uses independent variables to divide individuals into groups to compare the value of the dependent variable across those groups.



trusting your facorit news outlets to provide you with correct information

News Story

what is the nature of fraternity culture?

News story

what is the nature of fraternity culture?

Sort the steps to critical thinking in their correct order.

what is the question? What assumptions are being made? What evidence supports the conclusion? What other ways can the evidence be interpreted? What other evidence is needed? What are the most reasonable conclusions?

Inductive research begins

with observation and builds up to theory

Which of the following variables would be considered ordinal?

your place in a competition

Which of the following studies fall under the purview of the Common Rule?

A federally funded study run by the faculty of a psychology department at a US university.

Exposure to violent media and aggressiveness might be related to a third variable, less parental supervision. In this case, parental supervision might serve as a(n) __________.


Which of the following aspects are important for a strong theory?

Falsifiability and parsimony


How can we develop good interventions for binge drinking on campus?

Which of the following research questions require the researcher to abide by the Common Rule?

How does a student's socioeconomic status influence his or her attitudes towards joining a fraternity or sorority? andDoes belonging to a sorority or fraternity affect a student's grade point average?

Which of the following considerations are part of selecting a methodology?

Selecting participants, Determining a statistical analysis, Identifying instruments to be used

Relying on the credibility of a source of scientific information is known as the argument from


Rational thinking

believing what makes sense

Empirical Thinking

believing what you can see

Most popular night to go out.


Favorite color


Subpart C



Statistical analyses of the data collected

One goal of the show MythBusters is to do which of the following?

Test urban myths using scientific methods.

What's the minimum number of people to generally review a paper for a peer-reviewed journal?


There are _____ main categories of research questions


What is the minimum number of people needed for an IRB?


About how many studies in contemporary psychology use animals as subjects? (in %)


An educated guess is ______________, while a definition that can be measured is ______________?

A hypothesis; operationalization


A new study confirms that male and female drinking patterns differ in significant ways.


A new study suggests that previous thinking about gender differences in vulnerability to addiction might be incorrect.

Which of the following types of members are required for an IRB?

A person who is not affiliated with the university or research organization and A non-scientist

Which of the following principles guides the IRB in the identification of vulnerable populations of potential participants?

A power differential exists between the researchers and the potential participants. Participants are excessively motivated to participate. Participants are unusually convenient for researchers to access¸ such as prisoners.

How are internal and external validity related?

As internal validity increases, external validity can decrease.


A score on a test of aggressiveness


A selected group of people who meet a set of characteristics.


A sharp increase in drinking consequences is observed after five drinks at one sitting for men but after four drinks in one sitting for women.

The IACUC must include which of the following types of members?

A veterinarian with experience with research animals, A non-scientist, A member who does not have any other affiliation with the university or research organization

Gaby is assessing a commercial program designed to help people who are obese make better food choices.

Applied science

Which of the following scenarios demonstrate deception?

An informed consent provides procedural details without informing participants of the main purpose of the study. The design of the study uses a confederate¸ or a "fake" participant.

A researcher uses a questionnaire to gather data on a group's perception of racism.


Peripheral route to persuasion

Charlotte visits the care dealership nearest to her home and buys the car on display in the showroom

Anthony and Kent use the theory of planned behavior to guide their study of Cal Poly students' intentions to vote for a Green Initiative.

Deductive reasoning

Which of the following should be part of the researcher's interpretation of the study results?

Do the analyses support the research hypotheses?, Do the results fill an existing gap in the research literature?, Are the results consistent with other findings in the literature?

Which of the following demonstrates an appropriate temporal relationship between predictive model variables?

Drinking alcohol leads to more traffic acidents, Benge drinking produces more consequences then moderate drinking

Which of the following are examples of testable hypotheses?

Drinking coffee protects people from developing dementia in older adulthood, Listening to classical music makes children more intelligent, Older adults are less likely to be diagnosed with major depressive disorder than other age groups

Psychological harm

Embarrassment as a result of being asked to read a list of obscene words

One of the main purposes of the introduction section is to do which of the following?

Establish the logic and support for a study.

Most studies in psychology are likely to be categorized as which of the following types of IRB review?


A complex variable measuring multiple aspects of a construct is always stronger than a simple variable measuring one aspect of a construct.


Which of the following statements about the use of animal subjects in psychological science is correct?

Fewer than 10% of published studies in psychological science use animals as research subjects. About five percent of animal studies involve monkeys and other primates.

Which of the following best describes the reason why behaviorists found it so hard to change their ways of thinking in the face of data from Garcia and Koelling (1966)?

Garcia and Koelling presented data that was inconsistent with prevailing ideas about the identity of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli in classical conditioning.

Sort the parts of a discussion section in order.

Goals, Findings, Implications, Limitations, Future directions

The provisions of the Nuremberg Code did which of the following?

Have not been adopted in U.S. federal standards

Your friend just read an article in the popular press about using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to help her select a major and career. As a psychology major, you know that there are serious questions about the reliability and validity of the MBTI that you share with your friend, but she is not convinced. Which of her arguments below represent an "argument from authority?"

Her business professor uses the test in class., Isabel Briggs Myers (who had a bachelor's degree in political science) and her mother Katharine Cook Briggs were excellent observers of human behavior and studied C.G. Jung's work very carefully.

What is the term that refers to a cognitive shortcut or "rule of thumb" for making decisions?



Higher rates of alcohol consumption will lead to lower grades.

Which of the following is an example of a research agenda?

How does loneliness affect people?, Why are people prejudiced?, How are memories formed by the brain?, Why are people obedient?


How frequently does the average fraternity member engage in binge drinking?


How many college students binge drink more than once per month?

Which of the following is an empirical question?

How many college students drink alcohol?, Do college drinking policies affect how much alcohol college students drink?

Which of these questions can science answer?

How many first-year college students drink alcohol?, Does alcohol consumption predict college students' grades?, Do religious values influence a student's consumption of alcohol in college?

Which of the following is an empirical question?

How much does perceived credibility of a spokesperson affect their ability to persuade others?( What are the effects of playing violent video games on children?)

External validity

How well a study applies to the population of interest

Internal validity

How well a study measured the hypothesized relationship

Common sense

I have noticed that many of my friends like me but do not necessarily like eachother so opposites must attract

The animal research equivalent of the IRB in human participant research is known as the


Sort the research steps into their correct order.

Identify a real-world phenomenon of interest., Provide background and theory., Choose a design and method., Collect data., Analyze results., Discuss your findings., Draw conclusions.


If a university bans fraternities¸ what will happen to binge drinking rates?

A researcher uses an fMRI scan to look for lesions around the amygdala of a rat that possesses more aggressive traits than other rats.


What is the term for a step made using reason and evidence on the road to a conclusion?



Information about participants¸ instruments¸ and procedures

Respect for persons

Informed consent

Which of the following is true of informed consent for online studies?

Informed consent is usually obtained by "active click¸" in which the user clicks on a button to confirm that they read the description of the study and agree to participate. And Informed consent can be obtained through electronic signature

Which of the following principles of ethical research were violated in the Tuskegee study?

Informed consent, Lack of coercion, minimizing harm

What distinguishes nominal and ordinal level variables from interval and ratio level variables?

Interval and ratio level variables use values that represent real meaning.

Because the Cyberball procedure involves deception, which of the following is true?

It is not automatically rejected by an IRB, but the researchers must provide a good debriefing strategy

Which of the following are examples of pseudoscientific rather than scientific thinking?

It is unnecessary to try to replicate a study., A spokesperson argues that further testing is not necessary as a treatment's efficacy has already been proven beyond doubt., A spokesperson says that a treatment works and others just don't have the qualifications to test it properly.

A proposal that fits the Common Rule criteria for exempt status should be which of the following?

It should still be submitted to the IRB for compliance with the basic principles of the Belmont Report

Applied Science

Jeremy wants to see whether an application of Carol Dweck's growth mindset work produces gains in student achievement

How did the scientific community respond to reports of the Tuskegee study in the scientific literature prior to the 1960s?

No apparent concerns were raised by the scientific community.

From what language does the word "science" originate?


When researchers discuss what could have been done better in a study, they are referring to the study's _________.


Mathematical average


Typical number of drinks per night when you go out.


Joe found that half of the members of a fraternity drank less than three drinks at a sitting while the other half drank more. Three drinks would be the __________ in Joe's data set.


Number of drinks consumed by half of the people studied.


Value dividing sample in half


Which of the following problems have been identified in the published research on electromagnetic hypersensitivity?

Meta-analyses have discovered little empirical support for electromagnetic hypersensitivity.and Some of the researchers involved with electromagnetic hypersensitivity might not be objective¸including researchers who have self-diagnosed with the condition

Professor Reynolds wants to observe students at the campus dining facilities to measure how much time they spend conversing verbally as opposed to using their smartphones while eating. Because the study is taking place in a public space, Professor Reynolds argues that the Common Rule does not apply. Is he correct?

No; even in public, people have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

A researcher uses a public opinion poll to see how a group of people feel about the House Bill.


Age (5-year groups 10-15¸ 16-20)


Database search options such as authors, journals, participants, or keywords are known as ______________.


Under what circumstances can an IRB waive parental consent for a study involving their children?

Parental consent can be waived under some circumstances if the risk to the participant is minimal.

What is the term used for the most simple, straightforward explanation?


Public schools often use "passive" consent for surveys about student drug use and sexual behavior. Which of the following factors are relevant to this practice?

Passive consent increases participation¸ consistent with the principle of justice. Passive consent is less consistent with the principle of respect than active consent is.

Which of the following statements might indicate that we are not using good critical thinking?

People I respect think a certain way¸so I will¸too., I just have a gut feeling that my results should turn out a certain way., I'd rather just forget about my mistakes. They're in the past., If somebody disagrees with me or criticizes my conclusions¸I get upset.

If we are reading a study that reports a strong positive correlation between the time spent playing violent video games and a measure of aggression¸which of the following conclusions can we make?

People who spend a lot of time playing violent video games also tend to be more aggressive.

One of Dr. Simons-Rudolph's research interests focuses on the core concept of drinking in college. These types of core concepts forming the focus of research are known as _________.


Subpart B

Pregnant women¸ human fetuses¸ and neonates

Which of the following is falsifiable?

Prenatal testosterone levels predict children's aggressiveness., People form first impressions within 30 seconds.

According to Survey Monkey, users of the site conducting research subject to the Common Rule must disable IP address tracking. This will have the effect of

Preserving anonymity

Which of the following are characteristic of scientific theories?

Provides models of how or why something works

Which of the following illustrate the principle of respect as outlined in the Belmont Report?

Providing extra protection for vulnerable populations

Central route to persuasion

Rafi studies rating by care and driver and other sources before visiting care dealerships to buy a new care

Speed in miles per hour


Weight in pounds


Which type of level has a meaningful zero value?


Which of the following principles are part of the "3 Rs?"

Reduce the number of animals used in research and Replace the use of animals with other models when possible

Why did scientists appear to be unmoved by the suffering of animal research subjects until rather recently?

Religious prohibitions against dissection of human cadavers. Philosophical beliefs that humans were separate from animals in special ways. Recognition of the huge advances in science¸ such as vaccinations¸ made possible by animal research

Sort the steps of data analysis in the order they occur.

Report the participant characteristics., Report descriptive statistics for your variables., Conduct statistical tests of the relationships among your variables.

Most scientists find that thinking empirically _______.

Requires practice

The Common Rule

Research funded by the US federal government


Research that is not covered by the Common Rule

Research on the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in detecting truthfulness has become less public over the last decade due to the obvious financial rewards for anyone who develops a reliable system of lie detection. Which of the following identifies a potential problem with this lack of transparency?

Researchers interested in the same topics might waste time repeating experiments that have already been done., Researchers are unable to replicate studies that they cannot see., Researchers operating in "the dark" might conduct studies that are not as ethical as those published for the public., Researchers operating in "the dark" do not benefit from constructive criticism from the rest of the scientific community.

The IRB has just received a proposal for a clinical trial of a new drug for treating HIV/AIDS. One of the researchers is affiliated with a large federal prison, which houses a number of inmates diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, so the group wishes to use a convenience sample from that population. Although all aspects of the Belmont Report are relevant to this situation, the use of prisoners is most specifically relevant to which of the following principles?



Review of the literature and presentation of hypotheses

Why have the exact provisions of the Nuremberg Code not been incorporated into federal standards or professional ethical codes in the United States?

The Nuremberg Code was closely identified with Nazi atrocities rather than being viewed as a template for ethical research.


Risks are reasonable relative to benefits

In May of 2016, the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine issued a report that "found no substantiated evidence that foods from GE crops were less safe than foods from non-GE crops." Considering the argument from authority, how should we interpret this result?

Science is not a democracy where majority rules¸ but this level of agreement among scientists suggests that we should consider their conclusions carefully., We should remain skeptical and base our conclusions on our own observations of the data after reading the report.

"Knowing" through observation is referred to as ______________, while "knowing" without proof or evidence is referred to as ______________.

Science; Faith

Which of the following describe good reasons for making science very public?

Scientists need to see the work of other scientists studying the same topic., Public examination of results reduces the number of incorrect findings that continue to influence our thinking. And Pre-registering a research plan reduces the temptation to hunt through the data after the fact for significant results.

Researchers trying to answer questions by data collected by another person is known as ______________ data analysis.


Dory's hypothesis states that middle school girls attending single-gender classes will have higher grades than girls attending mixed-gender classes. Her results from a small study at her local middle school show that the type of classroom has no effect on grades. Which of the following steps can Dory take?

She can reject her hypothesis. and She can improve her methodology and run her experiment again.

Professor Serra wants to use her introductory psychology class as a pool for a study she's conducting. She is offering extra credit for participation but does not have room to accommodate participation by the whole class. Which of the following steps should she take to avoid coercion?

She must offer the same amount of extra credit for an activity that takes about the same amount of time and effort as participating in the study. She must not offer so much extra credit that a student whose grades are poor is only motivated to participate because of the extra credit.

The Cyberball procedure is designed to elicit feelings of

Social exclution

What does the Common Rule specifically identify?

Some but not all populations that must be considered as vulnerable by an IRB

Agreement based on the following

Strongly Agree¸ Agree¸ Neutral¸ Disagree Strongly Disagree:Ordinal

Why do so many people believe in things like haunted houses and ghosts?

These types of phenomena do not lend themselves to empirical testing.

What actions can the IRB reviewers take when considering an expedited proposal?

T hey can approve the proposal on their own and They can refuse to approve the proposal¸ which then moves to a full committee hearing

When a hypothesis makes predictions that can be assessed using current technologies and ethical constraints¸we call it _______.


Based on the video you just watched, how is a hypothesis defined?

Testable prediction

The IRB at your university just received a proposal involving cutting-edge diffusion tensor imaging research. None of the members of the IRB are expert in this technology. What should the Chair of the IRB do?

The Chair should recruit an expert consultant to participate in the IRB's review.

Subpart A

The Common Rule

What is another name for 45 CFR 46?

The Common Rule

Dr. McCoy received IRB permission to study banked tissue samples for DNA associated with a newly identified disease. The study did not require informed consent. During the study, Dr. McCoy realizes that a small set of the samples indicate that an individual has the disease. What is likely to happen next?

The IRB has no clear guidance in these matters and will have to make the most ethical decision they can based on the spirit of the Belmont Report and Common Rule.

The Declaration of Helsinki

The World Medical Assembly

Which of the following would likely be included in a report of participant characteristics?

The age range of the participants, The genders reported by the participants

Harry is shopping for a new broom for the next Quidditch match. If he uses the central route to persuasion while making his choice¸which of the following strategies would be most persuasive?

The broom store provides a brochure of specifications and the results of product testing.

Sampling frame

The characteristics that identify a complete set of people.


The complete set of people who meet a set of characteristics.

Lucy's data suggest that people who own cats or dogs do not experience a drop in blood pressure¸but they have milder autonomic responses to stress. Which of the following conclusions can Lucy make based on her data?

The data requires the rejection of a hypothesis that pet ownership reduces blood pressure.and The data confirms a hypothesis that pet ownership has a beneficial effect on autonomic responses to stress.

Which of the following illustrate the need to consider cultural contexts in ethical research?

The participants in the Tuskegee study were excessively motivated by burial insurance¸ as being buried as a pauper was viewed as embarrassing. All of the participants in the Tuskegee study were poor African-Americans¸ which violates the principle of justice. The use of participants from one race or ethnicity in the Tuskegee study could produce group harm.

Your professor is very expert in research methodology, but she also specializes in baking croissants as a hobby. Based on the argument from authority, how should you consider information on these two topics from your professor?

The professor is a credible source for information about research methodology and may or may not be a good source of baking tips.

Professor Wayne is conducting a study of banked tissue to assess the frequency of alleles associated in other work with autism spectrum disorder. Under what circumstances might an IRB waive the requirement for informed consent?

The samples were obtained many years previously.

A set of facts and relationships among facts that explain and predict natural phenomena is known as a _______.


In the original obedience studies conducted by Stanley Milgram and duplicated in the Derren Brown video in this chapter, participants who balked at administering shocks were told by the experimenter that "the experiment must continue." Which of the following is true?

This practice is not permissible, as participants must be told that they can withdraw at any time.

Zoe is a big fan of aromatherapy but her roommate Kayla is skeptical about its benefits. Which of the following strategies might Kayla pursue to support her views of aromatherapy as a pseudoscience?

Try to find published replications of studies showing the efficacy of aromatherapy. Evaluate whether tests of aromatherapy have been performed fairly or in a biased dReview whether researchers publishing results of aromatherapy have considered conflicting data and theories in their analysis

Based on the video you just watched, what is the only thing that changes during an experiment?


Which of the following is an empirical question?

What are the effects of prenatal alcohol consumption on infant functioning? And Do women who use alcohol during pregnancy receive the same levels of prenatal care as women who do not?

According to Ferguson (2011b)¸manipulating the complexity of violent and non-violent games has what effect on aggressiveness?

When complexity is equal¸levels of aggression are equal

Under what circumstances might an IRB waive collection of written informed consent?

When participants are clearly anonymous

Which of the following represents a well-formed research question?

Which types of college students are most likely to binge drink?, Is drinking worse at off-campus parties compared to on-campus parties?, At what point in their college careers are students most likely to binge drink?

Standards and Operational Guidance for Ethics Review of Health-related Research with Human Participants

World Health Organization (WHO)

Imagine that you participated in Stanley Milgram's obedience study and that you administered the highest level of shock (most people do this). What are the most likely risks this might produce for you and other participants who behaved similarly?

You might have a change in self-perception¸ leading to psychological harm. You might experience indirect physical harm¸ due to prolonged stress related to your new self-knowledge.

Contrary to popular reports, there is no scientific evidence that lunar cycles are related to emergency room visits or activity in police departments. Which type of covariation does this finding represent?

Zero Correlation

What is the correct term for a minor's agreement to participate in a study once the parent or guardian has given permission?


What is an idea that you accept as true or certain to happen without any proof?


is the most typical value for a given measure.

central tendency

Angela is conducting research on children with autism spectrum disorder and the amount of cerebrospinal fluid each has at birth. To ensure she can see the relationships among her variables, she does not include children who have other diagnoses (ADHD, etc.) in addition to autism spectrum disorder. Not including these other participants is known as __________.


What type of research method must we use to establish causality?


Scientific research

how do rates of drinking vary between fraternity and non fraternity members?

What is the term used for a testable statement used in research?


The discussion of the study results in the context of what is already known about the research question is known as the study's _________.


After observing her chimpanzees in the wild¸Jane Goodall develops hypotheses related to tool use by apes.

inductive Reasoning

The process where a submission to a psychology journal is read and evaluated by psychologists in a relevant field of study is known as ______________.

peer Review

Which of the following is an example of a negative correlation?

people who drink more coffee have lower rates of Parkinson's disease

Causal research is also known as __________.


A researcher is interested in how geographic location impacts health and well-being. As a starting point, she uses data from the census as well as local death records. What type of data are the death records?

public records

Repeating a study to confirm its validity is known as __________.



research suggests that similarity is important to relationships but not in all cases

The effect size reported in meta-analyses of violent video games and aggression would be classified by Cohen (1969) as


Deductive research begins

with theory and then tests hypotheses based on that theory.

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