Research Methods Final (Multiple Choice)

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With regard to this present study and what was discussed in class, which of the following false? a. Vitamin A was depleted in the liver. b. Additional vitamin A prevented cigarette smoke-induced emphysema. c. Emphysema was inversely related to the lung content of vitamin A. d. The pathologies associated with vitamin A deficient diet were different than the pathologies associated with cigarette smoke induced vitamin A deficiency. e. All of the above are true statements.


_____research describes and interprets a cultural and social group in a natural setting over a prolonged period of time a. Case study b. Life history c. Phenomenological d. Ethnographical


_____research, which incorporates the SAT and ACT, is used to develop performance standards a. Observational b. Action c. Correlational d. Normative


____is used to find hidden meaning beneath apparent meaning a. Grounded theory b. Validity c. Consensus d. Hermeneutics


Which psalm is this from? "I'll cute him off that slanders his neighbor secretly; I'll not endure the proud heart nor eyes that haughty be. My eyes are with the faithful that he may dwell with me; the man whose walk is upright my minister shall be." a. 20 b. 34 c. 54 d. 100 e. 101


Which of the following is not one of the main principles of ethics? a) Beneficence b) Harmony c) Autonomy d) Justice


A subject improving their behavior or actions because they are part of an experiment of being observed. a. The Hawthorne effect b. The Placebo effect c. The John Henry effect d. The Halo effect


Developmental research is a type of ______research a. Descriptive b. Action c. Experimental d. Quantitative


In one of the Psalms sung at the beginning of class it states, "And all he does shall prosper well. The wicked are not so, but are like chaff which by the wind is driven to and fro." Which psalm is this found in? a) Psalm 1 b) Psalm 15 c) Psalm 20 d) Psalm 34 e) Psalm 54


In______research, the investigator notes types of behavior or events and then writes a summary of his/her findings a. Observational b. Action c. Causal-comparative d. Normative


The____is typically found in the first one or two sentences of a journal article abstract a) rationale for the study b) conclusion of the research c) critical findings of the study d) descriptive methods used


What is the treatment group in this study? A) ob-type/leptin B) ob-type/saline C) wild-type/saline D) All of these are the experimental groups


Which of the following sources is the most reliable? a. A peer reviewed journal article b) National Geographic c) The New York Times d) All of these sources are equally reliable


____questions determine how variables are associated with one another, but are not used to establish cause and effect. a) Relationship b) Difference c) Descriptive d) Non-descriptive


___interviews involve asking the subject a set of specific, closed ended questions. Interview guides are used to determine what can or cannot be asked. a) Structured b) Formed c) Organized d) Designed


51. Approximately 40% of food in the United States gets thrown away because the food is not sold before the expiration date, the date in which the food is spoiled. a. True b. False


A_____design is well controlled and incorporates random sampling of participants and random assignment of participants into groups a. Pre-experimental b. True experimental c. Quasi-experimental d. Fale experimental


A_____experimentation is an approach used for developmental research a. Action b. Longitudinal c. Quasi-experimental d. All of the above


Based on what was discussed in class about retinoid acid, what can you expect in the lung tissue regarding retinoid acid concentrations in the rats exposed to cigarette smoke. a. Retinoic acid concentration in the lungs would increase. b. Retinoic acid concentration in the lungs would decrease. c. Retinoic acid concentration in the lungs would stay the same. d. Retinoic acid concentration would initially increase then decrease over time.


Conducting phone surveys after speaking with a company's representative is an example of ____research a. Observational b. Action c. Causal-comparative d. Normative


Researchers must act in the same professional manner to all participants to avoid what error? a. Post Hoc error b. Participant Research interaction c. The Hawthorne effect d. the Placebo effect


The best way to take a vitamin D supplement is to take it with a non-fat meal a) True b) False


Using the data obtained in the study, what was the major conclusion that was made from the study? a. Low dose n-3 FA supplementation for a short period of 2 weeks followed by acute, aerobic exercise can significantly decrease HDL-C b. Low dose n-3 FA supplementation for a short period of 2 weeks followed by acute, aerobic exercise can significantly increase HDL-C c. High dose n-3 FA supplementation for a short period of 2 weeks followed by acute, anaerobic exercise can significantly increase HDL-C d. Low dose n-3 FA supplementation for a short period of 2 weeks followed by acute, anaerobic exercise can significantly decrease HDL-C


What is a weakness of meta-analysis A. Presents a relatively subjective assessment of the literature for a specific topic b. Final definitive answers are rarely obtained c. It cannot present recommendations to researchers or the general public d. All of the above are weaknesses of a meta-analysis


Which of the following is not a rationale for research? a) Research can enable us to understand the cause of disease so we can more effectively determine treatment and prevention b) Research will eventually allow us to completely and entirely understand every detail and mechanism of the world with absolute certainty c) Research is exciting and challenging d) Research is a means by which new knowledge is continually being generated and will produce useful information


____Studies do not require a hypothesis a) Directional b) Exploratory c) Relationship d) Methodical


_____research assesses changes in growth throughout the lifespan a. Survey b. Developmental c. Observational d. Action


A factor affecting internal validity is____ a. Reactive effect of experimental setting b. Maturation or aging c. Retesting d. All of these above


A scientist conducts a study to determine whether a specific type of fertilizer has an effect on the growth of plants. He treats some plants with fertilizer and others without fertilizer. The fertilizer is an example of a____variable. a) Predicting b) Extraneous c) Dependent d) Independent


A type of manipulation that assigns stratification with more than two groups. a. Matched pairs b. counterbalance design c. Hawthorne desing d. Block design


All of the following are purposes of a literature review except: a) stimulating interest b) finding gaps in science c) developing expertise d) all of these are purposes of a literature review


Delimitations of a study are all of the following except: a) Include type and number of subjects b) Narrow the scope of the research c) Include the type of instruments necessary to carry out research d) Describe the potential weaknesses of the study e) All of the above are delimitations of a study


Sources of evidence to discover truth include: a) Personal experience b) Scientific inquiry c) Studying the Bible d) All of the above


The pathological condition that was developed in response to cigarette smoke induced vitamin A deficiency was... a. Pulmonary emphysema b. Elastin accumulation c. Pulmonary inflammation d. A and C e. All of the above


Understanding and attempting to discover how subjects find meaning in their lives is a characteristic of: a. Life histories b. Case study c. Grounded theory d. Phenomenological research


Vitamin A deficiency causes emphysema. Most cases of emphysema are caused by cigarette smoking. Benzopyrene in cigarettes induces vitamin A deficiency. Therefore, cigarette smoking causes vitamin A deficiency that causes emphysema. This is an example of: a) Basic reasoning b) Action research c) Deductive reasoning d) Inductive reasoning


What is/are the dependent variables in this study? A) Genetic makeup of the mice (ob vs. wild type) and hormone therapy (leptin vs. saline) B) Genetic makeup of the mice (ob vs. wild type) C) Hormone therapy (leptin vs. wild type) D) Body weight


Which of the following best defines a limitation of a study? a) Use of instruments to generate data b) Using humans for a study c) Using animals for a study d) None of the above


Which of the following is not a requirement of informed consent? a) The subject must be fully aware of the nature and purpose of the study b) The subject must be voluntary c) The subject must be legally competent d) The subject must be paid for participation


Which of the following is not important in writing a grant proposal? a) Interest in the subject area b) Potential significance of the study c) Feasibility d) All of these are important in writing a grant proposal


Which of the following is not true about hypothesis? a) Hypotheses are never proven or disproven b) Hypothesis testing determines whether the likelihood of an observed outcome is due to a chance occurrence c) Hypotheses can be directional or nondirectional d) If we fail to reject the null hypothesis, then the treatment had an effect on the outcome


Which of the following is research? a) Finding answers to a question in a logical, orderly, and systematic fashion b) Systematic and objective analysis of controlled observations that hopefully will lead to the development of generalizations, principles, and theories c) gathering and interpreting information to answer questions d) All of the above


Why did the researches use a substantially lower does of fish oil? a. It was more cost efficient to do so. b. High intake of fish oil could increase likelihood of mercury poisoning c. Too much fish oil increases HDL-C levels and promotes oxidation d. It was more realistic dosage that could be achievable in diet


Although we previously said that saline has no effect on body weight, let's say that for some reason, saline solution were to have an impact on the amount of leptin synthesized by the mice. If saline were to increase leptin production this would be an example of a(n): A) Descriptive Variable B) Obscuring Variable C) Extraneous Variable D) Experimental Variable E) Another Independent Variable


Based on what was covered in lecture, which of these is not a necessary step in meta-analysis? a. Compile resources b. Review each study c. Include published abstracts d. Carry out the meta-analysis e. all of the above are important


Hermeneutics is a type of _____research a. Correlational b. Quantitative c. Qualitative d. Experimental


If you want to survey a group of people that live in diverse geographical regions you should used a___ a. Program evaluation b. Analysis of covariance c. Distributed questionnaire d. Administered questionnaire


In the study, what happened to the LDL-C levels in middle aged men after consuming fish oil and having a single bout of exercise? a. LDL-C levels increased b. LDL-C levels decreased c. There was no change in LDL-C levels d. There was not sufficient data to make a conclusion


The goal of this type of study is to find areas of agreement and contention among a community or organization. a. Case b. Program evaluation c. Consensus d. Observation


The study that preceded the smoke study found that Vitamin A deficiency caused rats to develop emphysema. The smoke study logically followed from the results of the vitamin A deficiency study. The research was re-directed in a different direction with a different focus. Which of the following best describes this type of research? a. Basic research b. Action research c. Emergent research d. Applied research e. None of the above


The_____study involved unethical treatment of syphilis patients a) Nuremberg b) Belmont c) Tuskegee d) Wheaton


What is the first step in the scientific method? a) Interpret data b) Establish a research plan c) Develop a question d) State a hypothesis


What is the most important stage of the scientific method? a) Interpret data b) Establish a research plan c) Develop a question d)State a hypothesis


What is/are the independent variable(s) in this study? A) Genetic makeup of the mice (ob vs. wild types) B) Genetic makeup of the mice (ob vs. wild type) and hormone therapy (leptin vs. saline) C) Hormone therapy (leptin vs. saline) D) Body weight


What was a main limitation of the study? a. The sample size was small b. Subjects were from a select population that was relatively normal with regard to HDL-C levels. c. A and B d. Non of these were limitations


Which of the following is not a strength of meta-analysis a. Identifies precisely what to control for in future studies b. Sometimes can provide more definitive conclusions concerning a inconclusive research area c. It is cost efficient and it is not very difficult to obtain financial support d. All of the above are strengths of meta-analysis


_____is when several questions are asked in a survey even though only one of them is of interest to the investigator a. Hidden approach b. Distributed questionnaire c. Disguised intent d. A single-interest survey


_____research is research conducted in search of relationships or explanations for causes of disease. a. Observational b. Action c. Causal-comparative d.Normative


A_____is a compilation of numerous review articles on a number of different topics in a general area or field. a) Research article b) Research article c) Textbook d) Newspaper


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