RLGN 105 FINAl articles

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The Archbishop of York said the William and Catherine should state " I do" and not "I will" since the "pledge is a continuous promise on into the future"


The royal wedding vows of Prince William and Catherine were taken from the Westminster Confession of Faith.


According to the author, ________ studies have shown that therapy successfully helps an adult with gender dysphoria resolve with their biological sex.


According to the author, sometimes God permits suffering to show his _________ and _________ through our weaknesses.

grace, power

Van Engen emphasizes the symbolism of the ring used in the marriage ceremony. It symbolizes:

purity, eternality, and value

Koukl concluded, "Whenever you're charged with intolerance, always ask for a definition, then point out the contradiction built in to this new view".


Koukl explained, "In the classical notion of tolerance, you can't tolerate someone unless you disagree with him".


Koukl indicated that, nowadays, if a person thinks someone is wrong, they are considered intolerant.


Mathis and Eggerichs indicate that marriage is a lot like royalty be describing the wife as a princess and the husband as the hero or prince.


Shlemon suggests "The primary text addresses both male and female homosexuality and outlines the real problem: rebellion against God and rejection of His created order."


The Marriage vows used in the article communicate the idea that marriage is like the unique mystery of Christ and His Church.


The author believed people often confuse the homosexuality and transgender issues, likely due to transgender being a part of the larger lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) discussion.


The author of the text believes that as Christians, it is morally right to bring on or hasten death if our intention is to end a person's suffering.


The author suggested three (3) lenses "through which people tend to 'see' gender dysphoria."


The view that one person's ideas are no better or truer than another's is simply absurd and contradictory", according to the author.


The vows used in Prince William and Catherine's wedding demonstrate the holiness of marriage.


The word euthanasia is a combination of two Greek words: eu is prefix for "good," and thanatos is the word for "death."


There have been two very important legal cases that have established the legal basis for euthanasia in this country: the case of Karen Ann Quinlan (1976), and the case of Nancy Cruzan (1990).


Tolerance applies to "how we treat people we disagree with, not how we treat ideas we think false," according to the author (p. 2


While a biblical perspective encourages the relief of suffering it does not encourage or endorse suicide as a moral option.


With the modern definition of tolerance, you will see that no one is tolerant, or ever can be, according Koukl.


According to George Barna, ________ of the country's protestant pastors have a biblical worldview.


The author recommends six main passages on the subject, for strategic reasons the author recommends using __________________ as your primary text.

Romans 1:26-27

The author's definition of 'Gender dysphoria' refers to deep and abiding discomfort over the incongruence between one's _____________ ______ and one's _________________ and _______________ experience of gender.

biological sex & psychological/emotional

Yarhouse noted that psychologists and researchers don't know what causes gender dysphoria, but the most popular theory among those who publish on this topic is the _________-_____ theory.


Shlemon does not recommend becoming friends with a gay person since thy may influence you to join the gay lifestyl


___________________ addresses the manner in which it's conveyed.


At the moment of __________, a new life with a unique 46 chromosome DNA structure has been made.


According to the article, the most common reason for abortions is _______________ .


Yarhouse defined, 'Gender identity' is simply how people _________________themselves as male or female, including how masculine or feminine they feel.


According to Van Engen, God is the only one needed at a wedding ceremony since He is the only one who established it.


According to the article, abortion is solely a moral decision and therefore should not be legislated like other issues.


According to the author, suffering is not a part of God's will for anyone's life.


Yarhouse believed the ______________ lens views sex and gender and, therefore, gender identity as "the sacred integrity of maleness or femaleness stamped on one's body."


he author believed that the ______________ lens most clearly reflects the biblical witness about sex and gender.


Unfortunately many today do not believe that human life has _____ value.


According to the article, the Barna Group found that young people think Christians are ___________ to homosexuality.


According to the author, an effective strategy also incorporates _____________ arguments. This includes appeals to natural law, the common good, and public health."


According to the author, "Classic tolerance requires that every person is treated courteously, no matter what their view; not that all views have equal worth, merit, or truth".


Doctor Assisted Suicide occurs when a lethal dose of drugs are administered by the doctor.


Marriage fulfills God's creation ordinance to _________________________ as found in Genesis 1:28.

to be fruitful and multiply

According to Bonhoeffer, marriage is what joins you together in the sight of God and man and not merely your love for each other.


According to Koukl, "Most of what passes for tolerance today is intellectual cowardice, a fear of intelligent engagement".


According to Koukl, the one word that can stop you in your track is "tolerance"


According to Yarhouse, "the American Psychiatric Association's has changed the diagnosis of "gender identity disorder" to "gender dysphoria," moving the discussion away from identity and toward the experience of distress.


According to the article, "The 'burden of proof' rule is simple: The people who offer an opinion bear the burden to give reasons for it."


According to the article, Christians can argue against abortion without using the Bible.


Worldview questions regarding the origin and meaning of human life are continually questioned and many today seek to emphasize an ethic based upon quality of life rather than a biblically based sanctity of life.


Yarhouse identified, "'Transgender' is an umbrella term for the many ways people experience a mismatch between their gender identity and their biological sex".


___________________ speaks to the content of our message.


The author's new approach incorporates two key elements, which are?

truth and compassion

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