Robotics 10

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Motion planning is the problem of finding a robot motion from a start state to a goal state that avoids obstacles in the environment and satisfies other constraints, such as joint limits or torque limits. Motion planning is one of the most active subfields of robotics, and it is the subject of entire books. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a practical overview of a few common techniques, using robot arms and mobile robots as the primary example systems (Figure 10.1). The chapter begins with a brief overview of motion planning. This is followed by foundational material including configuration space obstacles and graph search. We conclude with summaries of several different planning methods. 10.1 Overview of Motion Planning A key concept in motion planning is configuration space, or C-space for short. Every point in the C-space C corresponds to a unique configuration q of the robot, and every configuration of the robot can be represented as a point in C-space. For example, the configuration of a robot arm with n joints can be represented as a list of n joint positions, q = (θ1, . . . , θn). The free C-space Cfree consists of the configurations where the robot neither penetrates an obstacle nor violates a joint limit. In this chapter, unless otherwise stated, we assume that q is an n-vector and that C ⊂ R n. With some generalization, the concepts of this chapter apply to non-Euclidean C-spaces such as C = SE(3). The control inputs available to drive the robot are written as an m-vector u ∈ U ⊂ R m, where m = n for a typical robot arm. If the robot has second

Motion planning is the problem of finding a robot motion from a start state to a goal state that avoids obstacles in the environment and satisfies other constraints, such as joint limits or torque limits. Motion planning is one of the most active subfields of robotics, and it is the subject of entire books. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a practical overview of a few common techniques, using robot arms and mobile robots as the primary example systems (Figure 10.1). The chapter begins with a brief overview of motion planning. This is followed by foundational material including configuration space obstacles and graph search. We conclude with summaries of several different planning methods. 10.1 Overview of Motion Planning A key concept in motion planning is configuration space, or C-space for short. Every point in the C-space C corresponds to a unique configuration q of the robot, and every configuration of the robot can be represented as a point in C-space. For example, the configuration of a robot arm with n joints can be represented as a list of n joint positions, q = (θ1, . . . , θn). The free C-space Cfree consists of the configurations where the robot neither penetrates an obstacle nor violates a joint limit. In this chapter, unless otherwise stated, we assume that q is an n-vector and that C ⊂ R n. With some generalization, the concepts of this chapter apply to non-Euclidean C-spaces such as C = SE(3). The control inputs available to drive the robot are written as an m-vector u ∈ U ⊂ R m, where m = n for a typical robot arm. If the robot has second

Motions returned by grid-based and sampling-based planners tend to be jerky. Smoothing the plan using nonlinear optimization or subdivide-andreconnect can improve the quality of the motion.

Motions returned by grid-based and sampling-based planners tend to be jerky. Smoothing the plan using nonlinear optimization or subdivide-andreconnect can improve the quality of the motion.

Multiple-query versus single-query planning. If the robot is being asked to solve a number of motion planning problems in an unchanging environment, it may be worth spending the time building a data structure that accurately represents Cfree. This data structure can then be searched to solve multiple planning queries efficiently. Single-query planners solve each new problem from scratch. "Anytime" planning. An anytime planner is one that continues to look for better solutions after a first solution is found. The planner can be stopped at any time, for example when a specified time limit has passed, and the best solution returned. Completeness. A motion planner is said to be complete if it is guaranteed to find a solution in finite time if one exists, and to report failure if there is no feasible motion plan. A weaker concept is resolution completeness. A planner is resolution complete if it is guaranteed to find a solution if one exists at the resolution of a discretized representation of the problem, such as the resolution of a grid representation of Cfree. Finally, a planner is probabilistically complete if the probability of finding a solution, if one exists, tends to 1 as the planning time goes to infinity. Computational complexity. The computational complexity refers to characterizations of the amount of time the planner takes to run or the amount of memory it requires. These are measured in terms of the description of the planning problem, such as the dimension of the C-space or the number of vertices in the representation of the robot and obstacles. For example, the time for a planner to run may be exponential in n, the dimension of the C-space. The computational complexity may be expressed in terms of the average case or the worst case. Some planning algorithms lend themselves easily to computational complexity analysis, while others do not. 10.1.3 Motion Planning Methods There is no single planner applicable to all motion planning problems. Below is a broad overview of some of the many motion planners available. Details are left to the sections indicated. Complete methods (Section 10.3). These methods focus on exact representations of the geometry or topology of Cfree, ensuring completeness. For all but simple or low-degree-of-freedom problems, these representations are mathematically or computationally prohibitive to derive.

Multiple-query versus single-query planning. If the robot is being asked to solve a number of motion planning problems in an unchanging environment, it may be worth spending the time building a data structure that accurately represents Cfree. This data structure can then be searched to solve multiple planning queries efficiently. Single-query planners solve each new problem from scratch. "Anytime" planning. An anytime planner is one that continues to look for better solutions after a first solution is found. The planner can be stopped at any time, for example when a specified time limit has passed, and the best solution returned. Completeness. A motion planner is said to be complete if it is guaranteed to find a solution in finite time if one exists, and to report failure if there is no feasible motion plan. A weaker concept is resolution completeness. A planner is resolution complete if it is guaranteed to find a solution if one exists at the resolution of a discretized representation of the problem, such as the resolution of a grid representation of Cfree. Finally, a planner is probabilistically complete if the probability of finding a solution, if one exists, tends to 1 as the planning time goes to infinity. Computational complexity. The computational complexity refers to characterizations of the amount of time the planner takes to run or the amount of memory it requires. These are measured in terms of the description of the planning problem, such as the dimension of the C-space or the number of vertices in the representation of the robot and obstacles. For example, the time for a planner to run may be exponential in n, the dimension of the C-space. The computational complexity may be expressed in terms of the average case or the worst case. Some planning algorithms lend themselves easily to computational complexity analysis, while others do not. 10.1.3 Motion Planning Methods There is no single planner applicable to all motion planning problems. Below is a broad overview of some of the many motion planners available. Details are left to the sections indicated. Complete methods (Section 10.3). These methods focus on exact representations of the geometry or topology of Cfree, ensuring completeness. For all but simple or low-degree-of-freedom problems, these representations are mathematically or computationally prohibitive to derive.

Path planning versus motion planning. The path planning problem is a subproblem of the general motion planning problem. Path planning is the purely geometric problem of finding a collision-free path q(s), s ∈ [0, 1], from a start configuration q(0) = qstart to a goal configuration q(1) = qgoal, without concern for the dynamics, the duration of motion, or constraints on the motion or on the control inputs. It is assumed that the path returned by the path planner can be time scaled to create a feasible trajectory (Chapter 9). This problem is sometimes called the piano mover's problem, emphasizing the focus on the geometry of cluttered spaces. Control inputs: m = n versus m < n. If there are fewer control inputs m than degrees of freedom n, then the robot is incapable of following many paths, even if they are collision-free. For example, a car has n = 3 (the position and orientation of the chassis in the plane) but m = 2 (forward- backward motion and steering); it cannot slide directly sideways into a parking space. Online versus offline. A motion planning problem requiring an immediate result, perhaps because obstacles appear, disappear, or move unpredictably, calls for a fast, online, planner. If the environment is static then a slower offline planner may suffice. Optimal versus satisficing. In addition to reaching the goal state, we might want the motion plan to minimize (or approximately minimize) a cost J, e.g., J = Z T 0 L(x(t), u(t))dt. For example, minimizing with L = 1 yields a time-optimal motion while minimizing with L = u T(t)u(t) yields a "minimum-effort" motion. Exact versus approximate. We may be satisfied with a final state x(T) that is sufficiently close to xgoal, e.g., kx(T) − xgoalk < . With or without obstacles. The motion planning problem can be challenging even in the absence of obstacles, particularly if m < n or optimality is desired. 10.1.2 Properties of Motion Planners Planners must conform to the properties of the motion planning problem as outlined above. In addition, planners can be distinguished by the following properties.

Path planning versus motion planning. The path planning problem is a subproblem of the general motion planning problem. Path planning is the purely geometric problem of finding a collision-free path q(s), s ∈ [0, 1], from a start configuration q(0) = qstart to a goal configuration q(1) = qgoal, without concern for the dynamics, the duration of motion, or constraints on the motion or on the control inputs. It is assumed that the path returned by the path planner can be time scaled to create a feasible trajectory (Chapter 9). This problem is sometimes called the piano mover's problem, emphasizing the focus on the geometry of cluttered spaces. Control inputs: m = n versus m < n. If there are fewer control inputs m than degrees of freedom n, then the robot is incapable of following many paths, even if they are collision-free. For example, a car has n = 3 (the position and orientation of the chassis in the plane) but m = 2 (forward- backward motion and steering); it cannot slide directly sideways into a parking space. Online versus offline. A motion planning problem requiring an immediate result, perhaps because obstacles appear, disappear, or move unpredictably, calls for a fast, online, planner. If the environment is static then a slower offline planner may suffice. Optimal versus satisficing. In addition to reaching the goal state, we might want the motion plan to minimize (or approximately minimize) a cost J, e.g., J = Z T 0 L(x(t), u(t))dt. For example, minimizing with L = 1 yields a time-optimal motion while minimizing with L = u T(t)u(t) yields a "minimum-effort" motion. Exact versus approximate. We may be satisfied with a final state x(T) that is sufficiently close to xgoal, e.g., kx(T) − xgoalk < . With or without obstacles. The motion planning problem can be challenging even in the absence of obstacles, particularly if m < n or optimality is desired. 10.1.2 Properties of Motion Planners Planners must conform to the properties of the motion planning problem as outlined above. In addition, planners can be distinguished by the following properties.

(diagonals allowed), as shown in Figure 10.10(a). If diagonal motions are allowed, the cost to diagonal neighbors should be penalized appropriately. For example, the cost to a north, south, east or west neighbor could be 1, while the cost to a diagonal neighbor could be √ 2. If integers are desired, for efficiency of the implementation, the approximate costs 5 and 7 could be used. • If only axis-aligned motions are used, the heuristic cost-to-go should be based on the Manhattan distance, not the Euclidean distance. The Manhattan distance counts the number of "city blocks" that must be traveled, with the rule that diagonals through a block are not possible (Figure 10.10(b)). • A node nbr is added to OPEN only if the step from current to nbr is collision-free. (The step may be considered collision-free if a grown version of the robot at nbr does not intersect any obstacles.) • Other optimizations are possible, owing to the known regular structure of the grid. An A∗ grid-based path planner is resolution-complete: it will find a solution if one exists at the level of discretization of the C-space. The path will be a shortest path subject to the allowed motions. Figure 10.10(c) illustrates grid-based path planning for the 2R robot example of Figure 10.2. The C-space is represented as a grid with k = 32, i.e., there is a resolution of 360◦/32 = 11.25◦ for each joint. This yields a total of 322 = 1024 grid points. The grid-based planner, as described, is a single-query planner: it solves each path planning query from scratch. However, if the same qgoal will be used in the same environment for multiple path planning queries, it may be worth preprocessing the entire grid to enable fast path planning. This is the wavefront planner, illustrated in Figure 10.11. Although grid-based path planning is easy to implement, it is only appropriate for low-dimensional C-spaces. The reason is that the number of grid points, and hence the computational complexity of the path planner, increases exponentially with the number of dimensions n. For instance, a resolution k = 100 in a C-space with n = 3 dimensions leads to k n = 1 million grid nodes, while n = 5 leads to 10 billion grid nodes and n = 7 leads to 100 trillion nodes. An alternative is to reduce the resolution k along each dimension, but this leads to a coarse representation of C-space that may miss free path

(diagonals allowed), as shown in Figure 10.10(a). If diagonal motions are allowed, the cost to diagonal neighbors should be penalized appropriately. For example, the cost to a north, south, east or west neighbor could be 1, while the cost to a diagonal neighbor could be √ 2. If integers are desired, for efficiency of the implementation, the approximate costs 5 and 7 could be used. • If only axis-aligned motions are used, the heuristic cost-to-go should be based on the Manhattan distance, not the Euclidean distance. The Manhattan distance counts the number of "city blocks" that must be traveled, with the rule that diagonals through a block are not possible (Figure 10.10(b)). • A node nbr is added to OPEN only if the step from current to nbr is collision-free. (The step may be considered collision-free if a grown version of the robot at nbr does not intersect any obstacles.) • Other optimizations are possible, owing to the known regular structure of the grid. An A∗ grid-based path planner is resolution-complete: it will find a solution if one exists at the level of discretization of the C-space. The path will be a shortest path subject to the allowed motions. Figure 10.10(c) illustrates grid-based path planning for the 2R robot example of Figure 10.2. The C-space is represented as a grid with k = 32, i.e., there is a resolution of 360◦/32 = 11.25◦ for each joint. This yields a total of 322 = 1024 grid points. The grid-based planner, as described, is a single-query planner: it solves each path planning query from scratch. However, if the same qgoal will be used in the same environment for multiple path planning queries, it may be worth preprocessing the entire grid to enable fast path planning. This is the wavefront planner, illustrated in Figure 10.11. Although grid-based path planning is easy to implement, it is only appropriate for low-dimensional C-spaces. The reason is that the number of grid points, and hence the computational complexity of the path planner, increases exponentially with the number of dimensions n. For instance, a resolution k = 100 in a C-space with n = 3 dimensions leads to k n = 1 million grid nodes, while n = 5 leads to 10 billion grid nodes and n = 7 leads to 100 trillion nodes. An alternative is to reduce the resolution k along each dimension, but this leads to a coarse representation of C-space that may miss free path

10.2.2 Distance to Obstacles and Collision Detection Given a C-obstacle B and a configuration q, let d(q, B) be the distance between the robot and the obstacle, where d(q, B) > 0 (no contact with the obstacle), d(q, B) = 0 (contact), d(q, B) < 0 (penetration). The distance could be defined as the Euclidean distance between the two closest points of the robot and the obstacle, respectively. A distance-measurement algorithm is one that determines d(q, B). A collision-detection routine determines whether d(q, Bi) ≤ 0 for any Cobstacle Bi . A collision-detection routine returns a binary result and may or may not utilize a distance-measurement algorithm at its core. One popular distance-measurement algorithm is the Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi (GJK) algorithm, which efficiently computes the distance between two convex bodies, possibly represented by triangular meshes. Any robot or obstacle can be treated as the union of multiple convex bodies. Extensions of this algorithm are

10.2.2 Distance to Obstacles and Collision Detection Given a C-obstacle B and a configuration q, let d(q, B) be the distance between the robot and the obstacle, where d(q, B) > 0 (no contact with the obstacle), d(q, B) = 0 (contact), d(q, B) < 0 (penetration). The distance could be defined as the Euclidean distance between the two closest points of the robot and the obstacle, respectively. A distance-measurement algorithm is one that determines d(q, B). A collision-detection routine determines whether d(q, Bi) ≤ 0 for any Cobstacle Bi . A collision-detection routine returns a binary result and may or may not utilize a distance-measurement algorithm at its core. One popular distance-measurement algorithm is the Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi (GJK) algorithm, which efficiently computes the distance between two convex bodies, possibly represented by triangular meshes. Any robot or obstacle can be treated as the union of multiple convex bodies. Extensions of this algorithm are

10.2.3 Graphs and Trees Many motion planners explicitly or implicitly represent the C-space or state space as a graph. A graph consists of a collection of nodes N and a collection of edges E, where each edge e connects two nodes. In motion planning, a node typically represents a configuration or state while an edge between nodes n1 and n2 indicates the ability to move from n1 to n2 without penetrating an obstacle or violating other constraints. A graph can be either directed or undirected. In an undirected graph, each edge is bidirectional: if the robot can travel from n1 to n2 then it can also travel from n2 to n1. In a directed graph, or digraph for short, each edge allows travel in only one direction. The same two nodes can have two edges between them, allowing travel in opposite directions. Graphs can also be weighted or unweighted. In a weighted graph, each edge has a positive cost associated with traversing it. In an unweighted graph each edge has the same cost (e.g., 1). Thus the most general type of graph we consider is a weighted digraph. A tree is a digraph in which (1) there are no cycles and (2) each node has at most one parent node (i.e., at most one edge leading to the node). A tree has one root node with no parents and a number of leaf nodes with no child. A digraph, undirected graph, and tree are illustrated in Figure 10.8. Given N nodes, any graph can be represented by a matrix A ∈ R N×N , where element aij of the matrix represents the cost of the edge from node i to node j; a zero or negative value indicates no edge between the nodes. Graphs and

10.2.3 Graphs and Trees Many motion planners explicitly or implicitly represent the C-space or state space as a graph. A graph consists of a collection of nodes N and a collection of edges E, where each edge e connects two nodes. In motion planning, a node typically represents a configuration or state while an edge between nodes n1 and n2 indicates the ability to move from n1 to n2 without penetrating an obstacle or violating other constraints. A graph can be either directed or undirected. In an undirected graph, each edge is bidirectional: if the robot can travel from n1 to n2 then it can also travel from n2 to n1. In a directed graph, or digraph for short, each edge allows travel in only one direction. The same two nodes can have two edges between them, allowing travel in opposite directions. Graphs can also be weighted or unweighted. In a weighted graph, each edge has a positive cost associated with traversing it. In an unweighted graph each edge has the same cost (e.g., 1). Thus the most general type of graph we consider is a weighted digraph. A tree is a digraph in which (1) there are no cycles and (2) each node has at most one parent node (i.e., at most one edge leading to the node). A tree has one root node with no parents and a number of leaf nodes with no child. A digraph, undirected graph, and tree are illustrated in Figure 10.8. Given N nodes, any graph can be represented by a matrix A ∈ R N×N , where element aij of the matrix represents the cost of the edge from node i to node j; a zero or negative value indicates no edge between the nodes. Graphs and

10.4.1 Multi-Resolution Grid Representation One way to reduce the computational complexity of a grid-based planner is to use a multi-resolution grid representation of Cfree. Conceptually, a grid point is considered an obstacle if any part of the rectilinear cell centered on the grid point touches a C-obstacle. To refine the representation of the obstacle, an obstacle cell can be subdivided into smaller cells. Each dimension of the original cell is split in half, resulting in 2n subcells for an n-dimensional space. Any cells that are still in contact with a C-obstacle are then subdivided further, up to a specified maximum resolution. The advantage of this representation is that only the portions of C-space near obstacles are refined to high resolution, while those away from obstacles are represented by a coarse resolution. This allows the planner to find paths using short steps through cluttered spaces while taking large steps through wide open space. The idea is illustrated in Figure 10.12, which uses only 10 cells to represent an obstacle at the same resolution as a fixed grid that uses 64 cells.

10.4.1 Multi-Resolution Grid Representation One way to reduce the computational complexity of a grid-based planner is to use a multi-resolution grid representation of Cfree. Conceptually, a grid point is considered an obstacle if any part of the rectilinear cell centered on the grid point touches a C-obstacle. To refine the representation of the obstacle, an obstacle cell can be subdivided into smaller cells. Each dimension of the original cell is split in half, resulting in 2n subcells for an n-dimensional space. Any cells that are still in contact with a C-obstacle are then subdivided further, up to a specified maximum resolution. The advantage of this representation is that only the portions of C-space near obstacles are refined to high resolution, while those away from obstacles are represented by a coarse resolution. This allows the planner to find paths using short steps through cluttered spaces while taking large steps through wide open space. The idea is illustrated in Figure 10.12, which uses only 10 cells to represent an obstacle at the same resolution as a fixed grid that uses 64 cells. Grid-Based Path Planning for a Wheeled Mobile Robot As described in Section 13.3, the controls for simplified models of unicycle, diffdrive, and car-like robots are (v, ω), i.e., the forward-backward linear velocity and the angular velocity. The control sets for these mobile robots are shown in Figure 10.14. Also shown are proposed discretizations of the controls, as dots. Other discretizations could be chosen. Using the control discretization, we can use a variant of Dijkstra's algorithm to find short paths (Algorithm 10.2). The search expands from qstart by integrating forward each control for a time ∆t, creating new nodes for the paths that are collision-free. Each node keeps track of the control used to reach the node as well as the cost of the path to the node. The cost of the path to a new node is the sum of the cost of the previous node, current, plus the cost of the action. Integration of the controls does not move the mobile robot to exact grid points. Instead, the C-space grid comes into play in lines 9 and 10. When a node is expanded, the grid cell it sits in is marked "occupied." Subsequently, any node in this occupied cell will be pruned from the search. This prevents the search from expanding nodes that are close by nodes reached with a lower cost. No more than MAXCOUNT nodes, where MAXCOUNT is a value chosen by the user, are considered during the search. The time ∆t should be chosen so that each motion step is "small." The size of the grid cells should be chosen as large as possible while ensuring that integration of any control for a time ∆t will move the mobile robot outside its current grid cell. The planner terminates when current lies inside the goal region, or when there are no more nodes left to expand (perhaps because of obstacles), or when MAXCOUNT nodes have been considered. Any path found is optimal for the choice of cost function and other parameters to the problem. The planner actually Grid-Based Path Planning for a Wheeled Mobile Robot As described in Section 13.3, the controls for simplified models of unicycle, diffdrive, and car-like robots are (v, ω), i.e., the forward-backward linear velocity and the angular velocity. The control sets for these mobile robots are shown in Figure 10.14. Also shown are proposed discretizations of the controls, as dots. Other discretizations could be chosen. Using the control discretization, we can use a variant of Dijkstra's algorithm to find short paths (Algorithm 10.2). The search expands from qstart by integrating forward each control for a time ∆t, creating new nodes for the paths that are collision-free. Each node keeps track of the control used to reach the node as well as the cost of the path to the node. The cost of the path to a new node is the sum of the cost of the previous node, current, plus the cost of the action. Integration of the controls does not move the mobile robot to exact grid points. Instead, the C-space grid comes into play in lines 9 and 10. When a node is expanded, the grid cell it sits in is marked "occupied." Subsequently, any node in this occupied cell will be pruned from the search. This prevents the search from expanding nodes that are close by nodes reached with a lower cost. No more than MAXCOUNT nodes, where MAXCOUNT is a value chosen by the user, are considered during the search. The time ∆t should be chosen so that each motion step is "small." The size of the grid cells should be chosen as large as possible while ensuring that integration of any control for a time ∆t will move the mobile robot outside its current grid cell. The planner terminates when current lies inside the goal region, or when there are no more nodes left to expand (perhaps because of obstacles), or when MAXCOUNT nodes have been considered. Any path found is optimal for the choice of cost function and other parameters to the problem. The planner actually

10.5.2 The PRM Algorithm The PRM uses sampling to build a roadmap representation of Cfree (Section 10.3) before answering any specific queries. The roadmap is an undirected graph: the robot can move in either direction along any edge exactly from one node to the next. For this reason, PRMs primarily apply to kinematic problems for which an exact local planner exists that can find a path (ignoring obstacles) from any q1 to any other q2. The simplest example is a straight-line planner for a robot with no kinematic constraints. Once the roadmap is built, a particular start node qstart can be added to the graph by attempting to connect it to the roadmap, starting with the closest node. The same is done for the goal node qgoal. The graph is then searched for a path, typically using A∗ . Thus the query can be answered efficiently once the roadmap has been built. The use of PRMs allows the possibility of building a roadmap quickly and efficiently relative to constructing a roadmap using a high-resolution grid representation. The reason is that the volume fraction of the C-space that is "visible" by the local planner from a given configuration does not typically decrease exponentially with increasing dimension of the C-space. The algorithm for constructing a roadmap R with N nodes is outlined in Algorithm 10.4 and illustrated in Figure 10.20. A key choice in the PRM roadmap-construction algorithm is how to sample

10.5.2 The PRM Algorithm The PRM uses sampling to build a roadmap representation of Cfree (Section 10.3) before answering any specific queries. The roadmap is an undirected graph: the robot can move in either direction along any edge exactly from one node to the next. For this reason, PRMs primarily apply to kinematic problems for which an exact local planner exists that can find a path (ignoring obstacles) from any q1 to any other q2. The simplest example is a straight-line planner for a robot with no kinematic constraints. Once the roadmap is built, a particular start node qstart can be added to the graph by attempting to connect it to the roadmap, starting with the closest node. The same is done for the goal node qgoal. The graph is then searched for a path, typically using A∗ . Thus the query can be answered efficiently once the roadmap has been built. The use of PRMs allows the possibility of building a roadmap quickly and efficiently relative to constructing a roadmap using a high-resolution grid representation. The reason is that the volume fraction of the C-space that is "visible" by the local planner from a given configuration does not typically decrease exponentially with increasing dimension of the C-space. The algorithm for constructing a roadmap R with N nodes is outlined in Algorithm 10.4 and illustrated in Figure 10.20. A key choice in the PRM roadmap-construction algorithm is how to sample

10.8 Smoothing The axis-aligned motions of a grid planner and the randomized motions of sampling planners may lead to jerky motion of a robot. One approach to dealing with this issue is to let the planner handle the work of searching globally for a solution, then post-process the resulting motion to make it smoother. There are many ways to do this; two possibilities are outlined below. Nonlinear Optimization While gradient-based nonlinear optimization may fail to find a solution if initialized with a random initial trajectory, it can make an effective post-processing step, since the plan initializes the optimization with a "reasonable" solution. The initial motion must be converted to a parametrized representation of the controls, and the cost J(u(t), q(t), T) can be expressed as a function of u(t) or q(t). For example, the cost function J = 1 2 Z T 0 u˙ T(t) ˙u(t)dt penalizes rapidly changing controls. This has an analogy in human motor control, where the smoothness of human arm motions has been attributed to minimization of the rate of change of torques at the joints [188]. Subdivide and Reconnect A local planner can be used to attempt a connection between two distant points on a path. If this new connection is collisionfree, it replaces the original path segment. Since the local planner is designed to produce short, smooth, paths, the new path is likely to be shorter and smoother than the original. This test-and-replace procedure can be applied iteratively to randomly chosen points on the path. Another possibility is to use a recursive procedure that subdivides the path first into two pieces and attempts to replace each piece with a shorter path; then, if either portion cannot be replaced by a shorter path, it subdivides again; and so on. 10.9 Summary • A fairly general statement of the motion planning problem is as follows. Given an initial state x(0) = xstart and a desired final state xgoal, find a time T and a set of controls u : [0, T] → U such that the motion satisfies x(T) ∈ Xgoal and q(x(t)) ∈ Cfree for all t ∈ [0, T]. • Motion planning problems can be classified in the following categories: path planning versus motion planning; fully actuated versus constrained

10.8 Smoothing The axis-aligned motions of a grid planner and the randomized motions of sampling planners may lead to jerky motion of a robot. One approach to dealing with this issue is to let the planner handle the work of searching globally for a solution, then post-process the resulting motion to make it smoother. There are many ways to do this; two possibilities are outlined below. Nonlinear Optimization While gradient-based nonlinear optimization may fail to find a solution if initialized with a random initial trajectory, it can make an effective post-processing step, since the plan initializes the optimization with a "reasonable" solution. The initial motion must be converted to a parametrized representation of the controls, and the cost J(u(t), q(t), T) can be expressed as a function of u(t) or q(t). For example, the cost function J = 1 2 Z T 0 u˙ T(t) ˙u(t)dt penalizes rapidly changing controls. This has an analogy in human motor control, where the smoothness of human arm motions has been attributed to minimization of the rate of change of torques at the joints [188]. Subdivide and Reconnect A local planner can be used to attempt a connection between two distant points on a path. If this new connection is collisionfree, it replaces the original path segment. Since the local planner is designed to produce short, smooth, paths, the new path is likely to be shorter and smoother than the original. This test-and-replace procedure can be applied iteratively to randomly chosen points on the path. Another possibility is to use a recursive procedure that subdivides the path first into two pieces and attempts to replace each piece with a shorter path; then, if either portion cannot be replaced by a shorter path, it subdivides again; and so on. 10.9 Summary • A fairly general statement of the motion planning problem is as follows. Given an initial state x(0) = xstart and a desired final state xgoal, find a time T and a set of controls u : [0, T] → U such that the motion satisfies x(T) ∈ Xgoal and q(x(t)) ∈ Cfree for all t ∈ [0, T]. • Motion planning problems can be classified in the following categories: path planning versus motion planning; fully actuated versus constrained

A smoothing algorithm can be run on the result of the motion planner to improve the smoothness. A major trend in recent years has been toward sampling methods, which are easy to implement and can handle high-dimensional problems. 10.2 Foundations Before discussing motion planning algorithms, we establish concepts used in many of them: configuration space obstacles, collision detection, graphs, and graph search. 10.2.1 Configuration Space Obstacles Determining whether a robot at a configuration q is in collision with a known environment generally requires a complex operation involving a CAD model of the environment and robot. There are a number of free and commercial software packages that can perform this operation, and we will not delve into them here. For our purposes, it is enough to know that the workspace obstacles partition the configuration space C into two sets, the free space Cfree and the obstacle space Cobs, where C = Cfree ∪ Cobs. Joint limits are treated as obstacles in the configuration space. With the concepts of Cfree and Cobs, the path planning problem reduces to the problem of finding a path for a point robot among the obstacles Cobs. If the obstacles break Cfree into separate connected components, and qstart and qgoal do not lie in the same connected component, then there is no collision-free path. The explicit mathematical representation of a C-obstacle can be exceedingly complex, and for that reason C-obstacles are rarely represented exactly. Despite this, the concept of C-obstacles is very important for understanding motion planning algorithms. The ideas are best illustrated by examples. A 2R Planar Arm Figure 10.2 shows a 2R planar robot arm, with configuration q = (θ1, θ2), among obstacles A, B, and C in the workspace. The C-space of the robot is represented by a portion of the plane with 0 ≤ θ1 < 2π, 0 ≤ θ2 < 2π. Remember from Chapter 2, however, that the topology of the C-space is a torus (or doughnut) since the edge of the square at θ1 = 2π is connected to the edge θ1 = 0; similarly, θ2 = 2π is connected to θ2 = 0. The square region of R 2 is obtained by slicing

A smoothing algorithm can be run on the result of the motion planner to improve the smoothness. A major trend in recent years has been toward sampling methods, which are easy to implement and can handle high-dimensional problems. 10.2 Foundations Before discussing motion planning algorithms, we establish concepts used in many of them: configuration space obstacles, collision detection, graphs, and graph search. 10.2.1 Configuration Space Obstacles Determining whether a robot at a configuration q is in collision with a known environment generally requires a complex operation involving a CAD model of the environment and robot. There are a number of free and commercial software packages that can perform this operation, and we will not delve into them here. For our purposes, it is enough to know that the workspace obstacles partition the configuration space C into two sets, the free space Cfree and the obstacle space Cobs, where C = Cfree ∪ Cobs. Joint limits are treated as obstacles in the configuration space. With the concepts of Cfree and Cobs, the path planning problem reduces to the problem of finding a path for a point robot among the obstacles Cobs. If the obstacles break Cfree into separate connected components, and qstart and qgoal do not lie in the same connected component, then there is no collision-free path. The explicit mathematical representation of a C-obstacle can be exceedingly complex, and for that reason C-obstacles are rarely represented exactly. Despite this, the concept of C-obstacles is very important for understanding motion planning algorithms. The ideas are best illustrated by examples. A 2R Planar Arm Figure 10.2 shows a 2R planar robot arm, with configuration q = (θ1, θ2), among obstacles A, B, and C in the workspace. The C-space of the robot is represented by a portion of the plane with 0 ≤ θ1 < 2π, 0 ≤ θ2 < 2π. Remember from Chapter 2, however, that the topology of the C-space is a torus (or doughnut) since the edge of the square at θ1 = 2π is connected to the edge θ1 = 0; similarly, θ2 = 2π is connected to θ2 = 0. The square region of R 2 is obtained by slicing

Condition 1 ensures that the Hessian ∂ 2ϕ/∂q2 exists. Condition 2 puts an upper bound on the virtual potential energy of the robot. The key conditions are 3 and 4. Condition 3 ensures that of the critical points of ϕ(q) (including minima, maxima, and saddles), there is only one minimum, at qgoal. This ensures that qgoal is at least locally attractive. There may be saddle points that are minima along a subset of directions, but condition 4 ensures that the set of initial states that are attracted to any saddle point has empty interior (zero measure), and therefore almost every initial state converges to the unique minimum qgoal. While constructing navigation potential functions with only a single minimum is nontrivial, [152] showed how to construct them for the particular case of an n-dimensional Cfree consisting of all points inside an n-sphere of radius R and outside smaller spherical obstacles Bi of radius ri centered at qi , i.e., {q ∈ R n | kqk ≤ R and kq − qik > ri for all i}. This is called a sphere world. While a real C-space is unlikely to be a sphere world, Rimon and Koditschek showed that the boundaries of the obstacles, and the associated navigation function, can be deformed to a much broader class of star-shaped obstacles. A star-shaped obstacle is one that has a center point from which the line segment to any point on the obstacle boundary is contained completely within the obstacle. A star world is a star-shaped C-space which has star-shaped obstacles. Thus finding a navigation function for an arbitrary star world reduces to finding a navigation function for a "model" sphere world that has centers at the centers of the star-shaped obstacles, then stretching and deforming that navigation function to one that fits the star world. Rimon and Koditschek gave a systematic procedure to accomplish this. Figure 10.22 shows a deformation of a navigation function on a model sphere world to a star world for the case C ⊂ R 2 . 10.6.3 Workspace Potential A difficulty in calculating the repulsive force from an obstacle is obtaining the distance to the obstacle, d(q, B). One approach that avoids an exact calculation is to represent the boundary of an obstacle as a set of point obstacles, and to represent the robot by a small set of control points. Let the Cartesian location of control point i on the robot be written fi(q) ∈ R 3 and boundary point j of the obstacle be cj ∈ R 3 . Then the distance between the two points is kfi(q) − cjk, and the potential at the control point i due to the obstacle point j is P 0 ij (q) = k 2kfi(q) − cjk 2

Condition 1 ensures that the Hessian ∂ 2ϕ/∂q2 exists. Condition 2 puts an upper bound on the virtual potential energy of the robot. The key conditions are 3 and 4. Condition 3 ensures that of the critical points of ϕ(q) (including minima, maxima, and saddles), there is only one minimum, at qgoal. This ensures that qgoal is at least locally attractive. There may be saddle points that are minima along a subset of directions, but condition 4 ensures that the set of initial states that are attracted to any saddle point has empty interior (zero measure), and therefore almost every initial state converges to the unique minimum qgoal. While constructing navigation potential functions with only a single minimum is nontrivial, [152] showed how to construct them for the particular case of an n-dimensional Cfree consisting of all points inside an n-sphere of radius R and outside smaller spherical obstacles Bi of radius ri centered at qi , i.e., {q ∈ R n | kqk ≤ R and kq − qik > ri for all i}. This is called a sphere world. While a real C-space is unlikely to be a sphere world, Rimon and Koditschek showed that the boundaries of the obstacles, and the associated navigation function, can be deformed to a much broader class of star-shaped obstacles. A star-shaped obstacle is one that has a center point from which the line segment to any point on the obstacle boundary is contained completely within the obstacle. A star world is a star-shaped C-space which has star-shaped obstacles. Thus finding a navigation function for an arbitrary star world reduces to finding a navigation function for a "model" sphere world that has centers at the centers of the star-shaped obstacles, then stretching and deforming that navigation function to one that fits the star world. Rimon and Koditschek gave a systematic procedure to accomplish this. Figure 10.22 shows a deformation of a navigation function on a model sphere world to a star world for the case C ⊂ R 2 . 10.6.3 Workspace Potential A difficulty in calculating the repulsive force from an obstacle is obtaining the distance to the obstacle, d(q, B). One approach that avoids an exact calculation is to represent the boundary of an obstacle as a set of point obstacles, and to represent the robot by a small set of control points. Let the Cartesian location of control point i on the robot be written fi(q) ∈ R 3 and boundary point j of the obstacle be cj ∈ R 3 . Then the distance between the two points is kfi(q) − cjk, and the potential at the control point i due to the obstacle point j is P 0 ij (q) = k 2kfi(q) − cjk 2

Dijkstra's algorithm. If the heuristic cost-to-go is always estimated as zero then A∗ always explores from the OPEN node that has been reached with minimum past cost. This variant is called Dijkstra's algorithm, which preceded A∗ historically. Dijkstra's algorithm is also guaranteed to find a minimum-cost path but on many problems it runs more slowly than A∗ owing to the lack of a heuristic look-ahead function to help guide the search. • Breadth-first search. If each edge in E has the same cost, Dijkstra's algorithm reduces to breadth-first search. All nodes one edge away from the start node are considered first, then all nodes two edges away, etc. The first solution found is therefore a minimum-cost path. • Suboptimal A∗ search. If the heuristic cost-to-go is overestimated by multiplying the optimistic heuristic by a constant factor η > 1, the A∗ search will be biased to explore from nodes closer to the goal rather than nodes with a low past cost. This may cause a solution to be found mor

Dijkstra's algorithm. If the heuristic cost-to-go is always estimated as zero then A∗ always explores from the OPEN node that has been reached with minimum past cost. This variant is called Dijkstra's algorithm, which preceded A∗ historically. Dijkstra's algorithm is also guaranteed to find a minimum-cost path but on many problems it runs more slowly than A∗ owing to the lack of a heuristic look-ahead function to help guide the search. • Breadth-first search. If each edge in E has the same cost, Dijkstra's algorithm reduces to breadth-first search. All nodes one edge away from the start node are considered first, then all nodes two edges away, etc. The first solution found is therefore a minimum-cost path. • Suboptimal A∗ search. If the heuristic cost-to-go is overestimated by multiplying the optimistic heuristic by a constant factor η > 1, the A∗ search will be biased to explore from nodes closer to the goal rather than nodes with a low past cost. This may cause a solution to be found mor

Figure 10.2: (Left) The joint angles of a 2R robot arm. (Middle) The arm navigating among obstacles A, B, and C. (Right) The same motion in C-space. Three intermediate points, 4, 7, and 10, along the path are labeled. the surface of the doughnut twice, at θ1 = 0 and θ2 = 0, and laying it flat on the plane. The C-space on the right in Figure 10.2 shows the workspace obstacles A, B, and C represented as C-obstacles. Any configuration lying inside a C-obstacle corresponds to penetration of the obstacle by the robot arm in the workspace. A free path for the robot arm from one configuration to another is shown in both the workspace and C-space. The path and obstacles illustrate the topology of the C-space. Note that the obstacles break Cfree into three connected components. A Circular Planar Mobile Robot Figure 10.3 shows a top view of a circular mobile robot whose configuration is given by the location of its center, (x, y) ∈ R 2 . The robot translates (moves without rotating) in a plane with a single obstacle. The corresponding C-obstacle is obtained by "growing" (enlarging) the workspace obstacle by the radius of the mobile robot. Any point outside this C-obstacle represents a free configuration of the robot. Figure 10.4 shows the workspace and C-space for two obstacles, indicating that in this case the mobile robot cannot pass between the two obstacles. A Polygonal Planar Mobile Robot That Translates Figure 10.5 shows the C-obstacle for a polygonal mobile robot translating in the presence of a polygonal obstacle. The C-obstacle is obtained by sliding the

Figure 10.2: (Left) The joint angles of a 2R robot arm. (Middle) The arm navigating among obstacles A, B, and C. (Right) The same motion in C-space. Three intermediate points, 4, 7, and 10, along the path are labeled. the surface of the doughnut twice, at θ1 = 0 and θ2 = 0, and laying it flat on the plane. The C-space on the right in Figure 10.2 shows the workspace obstacles A, B, and C represented as C-obstacles. Any configuration lying inside a C-obstacle corresponds to penetration of the obstacle by the robot arm in the workspace. A free path for the robot arm from one configuration to another is shown in both the workspace and C-space. The path and obstacles illustrate the topology of the C-space. Note that the obstacles break Cfree into three connected components. A Circular Planar Mobile Robot Figure 10.3 shows a top view of a circular mobile robot whose configuration is given by the location of its center, (x, y) ∈ R 2 . The robot translates (moves without rotating) in a plane with a single obstacle. The corresponding C-obstacle is obtained by "growing" (enlarging) the workspace obstacle by the radius of the mobile robot. Any point outside this C-obstacle represents a free configuration of the robot. Figure 10.4 shows the workspace and C-space for two obstacles, indicating that in this case the mobile robot cannot pass between the two obstacles. A Polygonal Planar Mobile Robot That Translates Figure 10.5 shows the C-obstacle for a polygonal mobile robot translating in the presence of a polygonal obstacle. The C-obstacle is obtained by sliding the

Figure 10.9: (a) The start and goal configurations for a square mobile robot (reference point shown) in an environment with a triangular and a rectangular obstacle. (b) The grown C-obstacles. (c) The visibility graph roadmap R of Cfree. (d) The full graph consists of R plus nodes at qstart and qgoal, along with the links connecting these nodes to the visible nodes of R. (e) Searching the graph results in the shortest path, shown in bold. (f) The robot is shown traversing the path. path requires the robot to graze the obstacles, so we implicitly treat Cfree as including its boundary. 10.4 Grid Methods A search algorithm like A∗ requires a discretization of the search space. The simplest discretization of C-space is a grid. For example, if the configuration space is n-dimensional and we desire k grid points along each dimension, the C-space is represented by k n grid points. The A∗ algorithm can be used as a path planner for a C-space grid, with the following minor modifications: • The definition of a "neighbor" of a grid point must be chosen: is the robot constrained to move in axis-aligned directions in configuration space or can it move in multiple dimensions simultaneously? For example, for a two-dimensional C-space, neighbors could be 4-connected (on the cardinal points of a compass: north, south, east, and west) or 8-connected

Figure 10.9: (a) The start and goal configurations for a square mobile robot (reference point shown) in an environment with a triangular and a rectangular obstacle. (b) The grown C-obstacles. (c) The visibility graph roadmap R of Cfree. (d) The full graph consists of R plus nodes at qstart and qgoal, along with the links connecting these nodes to the visible nodes of R. (e) Searching the graph results in the shortest path, shown in bold. (f) The robot is shown traversing the path. path requires the robot to graze the obstacles, so we implicitly treat Cfree as including its boundary. 10.4 Grid Methods A search algorithm like A∗ requires a discretization of the search space. The simplest discretization of C-space is a grid. For example, if the configuration space is n-dimensional and we desire k grid points along each dimension, the C-space is represented by k n grid points. The A∗ algorithm can be used as a path planner for a C-space grid, with the following minor modifications: • The definition of a "neighbor" of a grid point must be chosen: is the robot constrained to move in axis-aligned directions in configuration space or can it move in multiple dimensions simultaneously? For example, for a two-dimensional C-space, neighbors could be 4-connected (on the cardinal points of a compass: north, south, east, and west) or 8-connected

For n = 2, this multi-resolution representation is called a quadtree, as each obstacle cell subdivides into 2n = 4 cells. For n = 3, each obstacle cell subdivides into 2n = 8 cells, and the representation is called an octree. The multi-resolution representation of Cfree can be built in advance of the search or incrementally as the search is being performed. In the latter case, if the step from current to nbr is found to be in collision, the step size can be halved until the step is free or the minimum step size is reached. 10.4.2 Grid Methods with Motion Constraints The above grid-based planners operate under the assumption that the robot can go from one cell to any neighboring cell in a regular C-space grid. This may not be possible for some robots. For example, a car cannot reach, in one step, a "neighbor" cell that is to the side of it. Also, motions for a fast-moving robot arm should be planned in the state space, not just C-space, to take the arm dynamics into account. In the state space, the robot arm cannot move in certain directions (Figure 10.13). Grid-based planners must be adapted to account for the motion constraints of the particular robot. In particular, the constraints may result in a directed graph. One approach is to discretize the robot controls while still making use of a grid on the C-space or state space, as appropriate. Details for a wheeled mobile robot and a dynamic robot arm are described next.

For n = 2, this multi-resolution representation is called a quadtree, as each obstacle cell subdivides into 2n = 4 cells. For n = 3, each obstacle cell subdivides into 2n = 8 cells, and the representation is called an octree. The multi-resolution representation of Cfree can be built in advance of the search or incrementally as the search is being performed. In the latter case, if the step from current to nbr is found to be in collision, the step size can be halved until the step is free or the minimum step size is reached. 10.4.2 Grid Methods with Motion Constraints The above grid-based planners operate under the assumption that the robot can go from one cell to any neighboring cell in a regular C-space grid. This may not be possible for some robots. For example, a car cannot reach, in one step, a "neighbor" cell that is to the side of it. Also, motions for a fast-moving robot arm should be planned in the state space, not just C-space, to take the arm dynamics into account. In the state space, the robot arm cannot move in certain directions (Figure 10.13). Grid-based planners must be adapted to account for the motion constraints of the particular robot. In particular, the constraints may result in a directed graph. One approach is to discretize the robot controls while still making use of a grid on the C-space or state space, as appropriate. Details for a wheeled mobile robot and a dynamic robot arm are described next.

Grid methods (Section 10.4). These methods discretize Cfree into a grid and search the grid for a motion from qstart to a grid point in the goal region. Modifications of the approach may discretize the state space or control space or they may use multi-scale grids to refine the representation of Cfree near obstacles. These methods are relatively easy to implement and can return optimal solutions but, for a fixed resolution, the memory required to store the grid, and the time to search it, grow exponentially with the number of dimensions of the space. This limits the approach to lowdimensional problems. Sampling methods (Section 10.5). A generic sampling method relies on a random or deterministic function to choose a sample from the C-space or state space; a function to evaluate whether the sample is in Xfree; a function to determine the "closest" previous free-space sample; and a local planner to try to connect to, or move toward, the new sample from the previous sample. This process builds up a graph or tree representing feasible motions of the robot. Sampling methods are easy to implement, tend to be probabilistically complete, and can even solve high-degree-offreedom motion planning problems. The solutions tend to be satisficing, not optimal, and it can be difficult to characterize the computational complexity. Virtual potential fields (Section 10.6). Virtual potential fields create forces on the robot that pull it toward the goal and push it away from obstacles. The approach is relatively easy to implement, even for high-degree-offreedom systems, and fast to evaluate, often allowing online implementation. The drawback is local minima in the potential function: the robot may get stuck in configurations where the attractive and repulsive forces cancel but the robot is not at the goal state. Nonlinear optimization (Section 10.7). The motion planning problem can be converted to a nonlinear optimization problem by representing the path or controls by a finite number of design parameters, such as the coefficients of a polynomial or a Fourier series. The problem is to solve for the design parameters that minimize a cost function while satisfying constraints on the controls, obstacles, and goal. While these methods can produce nearoptimal solutions, they require an initial guess at the solution. Because the objective function and feasible solution space are generally not convex, the optimization process can get stuck far away from a feasible solution, let alone an optimal solution. Smoothing (Section 10.8). Often the motions found by a planner are jerky.

Grid methods (Section 10.4). These methods discretize Cfree into a grid and search the grid for a motion from qstart to a grid point in the goal region. Modifications of the approach may discretize the state space or control space or they may use multi-scale grids to refine the representation of Cfree near obstacles. These methods are relatively easy to implement and can return optimal solutions but, for a fixed resolution, the memory required to store the grid, and the time to search it, grow exponentially with the number of dimensions of the space. This limits the approach to lowdimensional problems. Sampling methods (Section 10.5). A generic sampling method relies on a random or deterministic function to choose a sample from the C-space or state space; a function to evaluate whether the sample is in Xfree; a function to determine the "closest" previous free-space sample; and a local planner to try to connect to, or move toward, the new sample from the previous sample. This process builds up a graph or tree representing feasible motions of the robot. Sampling methods are easy to implement, tend to be probabilistically complete, and can even solve high-degree-offreedom motion planning problems. The solutions tend to be satisficing, not optimal, and it can be difficult to characterize the computational complexity. Virtual potential fields (Section 10.6). Virtual potential fields create forces on the robot that pull it toward the goal and push it away from obstacles. The approach is relatively easy to implement, even for high-degree-offreedom systems, and fast to evaluate, often allowing online implementation. The drawback is local minima in the potential function: the robot may get stuck in configurations where the attractive and repulsive forces cancel but the robot is not at the goal state. Nonlinear optimization (Section 10.7). The motion planning problem can be converted to a nonlinear optimization problem by representing the path or controls by a finite number of design parameters, such as the coefficients of a polynomial or a Fourier series. The problem is to solve for the design parameters that minimize a cost function while satisfying constraints on the controls, obstacles, and goal. While these methods can produce nearoptimal solutions, they require an initial guess at the solution. Because the objective function and feasible solution space are generally not convex, the optimization process can get stuck far away from a feasible solution, let alone an optimal solution. Smoothing (Section 10.8). Often the motions found by a planner are jerky.

Since the motion planning problem is broken into two steps (path planning followed by time scaling), the resultant motion will not be time-optimal in general. Another approach is to plan directly in the state space. Given a state (q, q˙) of the robot arm, let A(q, q˙) represent the set of accelerations that are feasible on the basis of the limited joint torques. To discretize the controls, the set A(q, q˙) is intersected with a grid of points of the form Xn i=1 caiˆei , where c is an integer, ai > 0 is the acceleration step size in the ¨qi-direction, and ˆei is a unit vector in the ith direction (Figure 10.16). As the robot moves, the acceleration set A(q, q˙) changes but the grid remains fixed. Because of this, and assuming a fixed integration time ∆t at each "step" in a motion plan, the reachable states of the robot (after any integral number of steps) are confined to a grid in state space. To see this, consider a single joint angle of the robot, q1, and assume for simplicity zero initial velocity, ˙q1(0) = 0. The velocity at timestep k takes the form q˙1(k) = ˙q1(k − 1) + c(k)a1∆t, where c(k) is any value in a finite set of integers. By induction, the velocity at any timestep must be of the form a1kv∆t, where kv is an integer. The position at timestep k takes the form q1(k) = q1(k − 1) + ˙q1(k − 1)∆t + 1 2 c(k)a1(∆t)

Since the motion planning problem is broken into two steps (path planning followed by time scaling), the resultant motion will not be time-optimal in general. Another approach is to plan directly in the state space. Given a state (q, q˙) of the robot arm, let A(q, q˙) represent the set of accelerations that are feasible on the basis of the limited joint torques. To discretize the controls, the set A(q, q˙) is intersected with a grid of points of the form Xn i=1 caiˆei , where c is an integer, ai > 0 is the acceleration step size in the ¨qi-direction, and ˆei is a unit vector in the ith direction (Figure 10.16). As the robot moves, the acceleration set A(q, q˙) changes but the grid remains fixed. Because of this, and assuming a fixed integration time ∆t at each "step" in a motion plan, the reachable states of the robot (after any integral number of steps) are confined to a grid in state space. To see this, consider a single joint angle of the robot, q1, and assume for simplicity zero initial velocity, ˙q1(0) = 0. The velocity at timestep k takes the form q˙1(k) = ˙q1(k − 1) + c(k)a1∆t, where c(k) is any value in a finite set of integers. By induction, the velocity at any timestep must be of the form a1kv∆t, where kv is an integer. The position at timestep k takes the form q1(k) = q1(k − 1) + ˙q1(k − 1)∆t + 1 2 c(k)a1(∆t)

Substituting the velocity from the previous equation, we find that the position at any timestep must be of the form a1kp(∆t) 2/2+q1(0), where kp is an integer. To find a trajectory from a start node to a goal set, a breadth-first search can be employed to create a search tree on the state space nodes. When exploration is made from a node (q, q˙) in the state space, the set A(q, q˙) is evaluated to find the discrete set of control actions. New nodes are created by integrating the control actions for time ∆t. A node is discarded if the path to it is in collision or if it has been reached previously (i.e., by a trajectory taking the same or less time). Because the joint angles and angular velocities are bounded, the state space grid is finite and therefore it can be searched in finite time. The planner is resolution-complete and returns a time-optimal trajectory, subject to the resolution specified in the control grid and timestep ∆t. The control-grid step sizes ai must be chosen small enough that A(q, q˙), for any feasible state (q, q˙), contains a representative set of points of the control grid. Choosing a finer grid for the controls, or a smaller timestep ∆t, creates a finer grid in the state space and a higher likelihood of finding a solution amidst obstacles. It also allows the choice of a smaller goal set while keeping points of the state space grid inside the set. Finer discretization comes at a computational cost. If the resolution of the control discretization is increased by a factor r in each dimension (i.e., each ai is reduced to ai/r), and the timestep size is divided by a factor τ , the computation time spent growing the search tree for a given robot motion duration increases

Substituting the velocity from the previous equation, we find that the position at any timestep must be of the form a1kp(∆t) 2/2+q1(0), where kp is an integer. To find a trajectory from a start node to a goal set, a breadth-first search can be employed to create a search tree on the state space nodes. When exploration is made from a node (q, q˙) in the state space, the set A(q, q˙) is evaluated to find the discrete set of control actions. New nodes are created by integrating the control actions for time ∆t. A node is discarded if the path to it is in collision or if it has been reached previously (i.e., by a trajectory taking the same or less time). Because the joint angles and angular velocities are bounded, the state space grid is finite and therefore it can be searched in finite time. The planner is resolution-complete and returns a time-optimal trajectory, subject to the resolution specified in the control grid and timestep ∆t. The control-grid step sizes ai must be chosen small enough that A(q, q˙), for any feasible state (q, q˙), contains a representative set of points of the control grid. Choosing a finer grid for the controls, or a smaller timestep ∆t, creates a finer grid in the state space and a higher likelihood of finding a solution amidst obstacles. It also allows the choice of a smaller goal set while keeping points of the state space grid inside the set. Finer discretization comes at a computational cost. If the resolution of the control discretization is increased by a factor r in each dimension (i.e., each ai is reduced to ai/r), and the timestep size is divided by a factor τ , the computation time spent growing the search tree for a given robot motion duration increases

The basic algorithm leaves the programmer with many choices: how to sample from X (line 3), how to define the "nearest" node in T (line 4), and how to plan the motion to make progress toward xsamp (line 5). Even a small change to the sampling method, for example, can yield a dramatic change in the running time of the planner. A wide variety of planners have been proposed in the literature based on these choices and other variations. Some of these variations are described below. Line 3: The Sampler The most obvious sampler is one that samples randomly from a uniform distribution over X . This is straightforward for Euclidean C-spaces R n, as well as for n-joint robot C-spaces T n = S 1 × · · · × S 1 (n times), where we can choose a uniform distribution over each joint angle, and for the C-space R 2 × S 1 for a mobile robot in the plane, where we can choose a uniform distribution over R 2 and S 1 individually. The notion of a uniform distribution on some other curved C-spaces, for example SO(3), is less straightforward. For dynamic systems, a uniform distribution over the state space can be defined as the cross product of a uniform distribution over C-space and a uniform distribution over a bounded velocity set. Although the name "rapidly-exploring random trees" is derived from the idea of a random sampling strategy, in fact the samples need not be generated randomly. For example, a deterministic sampling scheme that generates a progressively finer (multi-resolution) grid on X could be employed instead. To reflect this more general view, the approach has been called rapidly-exploring

The basic algorithm leaves the programmer with many choices: how to sample from X (line 3), how to define the "nearest" node in T (line 4), and how to plan the motion to make progress toward xsamp (line 5). Even a small change to the sampling method, for example, can yield a dramatic change in the running time of the planner. A wide variety of planners have been proposed in the literature based on these choices and other variations. Some of these variations are described below. Line 3: The Sampler The most obvious sampler is one that samples randomly from a uniform distribution over X . This is straightforward for Euclidean C-spaces R n, as well as for n-joint robot C-spaces T n = S 1 × · · · × S 1 (n times), where we can choose a uniform distribution over each joint angle, and for the C-space R 2 × S 1 for a mobile robot in the plane, where we can choose a uniform distribution over R 2 and S 1 individually. The notion of a uniform distribution on some other curved C-spaces, for example SO(3), is less straightforward. For dynamic systems, a uniform distribution over the state space can be defined as the cross product of a uniform distribution over C-space and a uniform distribution over a bounded velocity set. Although the name "rapidly-exploring random trees" is derived from the idea of a random sampling strategy, in fact the samples need not be generated randomly. For example, a deterministic sampling scheme that generates a progressively finer (multi-resolution) grid on X could be employed instead. To reflect this more general view, the approach has been called rapidly-exploring

The major problem is that the local planner might not be able to connect the two trees exactly. For example, the discretized controls planner of Section is highly unlikely to create a motion exactly to a node in the other tree. In this case, the two trees may be considered more or less connected when points on each tree are sufficiently close. The "broken" discontinuous trajectory can be returned and patched by a smoothing method (Section 10.8). RRT∗ . The basic RRT algorithm returns SUCCESS once a motion to Xgoal is found. An alternative is to continue running the algorithm and to terminate the search only when another termination condition is reached (e.g., a maximum running time or a maximum tree size). Then the motion with the minimum cost can be returned. In this way, the RRT solution may continue to improve as time goes by. Because edges in the tree are never deleted or changed, however, the RRT generally does not converge to an optimal solution. The RRT∗ algorithm is a variation on the single-tree RRT that continually rewires the search tree to ensure that it always encodes the shortest path from xstart to each node in the tree. The basic approach works for C-space path planning with no motion constraints, allowing exact paths from any node to any other node. To modify the RRT to the RRT∗ , line 7 of the RRT algorithm, which inserts xnew in T with an edge from xnearest to xnew, is replaced by a test of all the nodes x ∈ Xnear in T that are sufficiently near to xnew. An edge to xnew is created from the x ∈ Xnear by the local planner that (1) has a collision-free motion and (2) minimizes the total cost of the path from xstart to xnew, not just the cost of the added edge. The total cost is the cost to reach the candidate x ∈ Xnear plus the cost of the new edge. The next step is to consider each x ∈ Xnear to see whether it could be reached at lower cost by a motion through xnew. If so, the parent of x is changed to xnew. In this way, the tree is incrementally rewired to eliminate high-cost motions in favor of the minimum-cost motions available so far. The definition of Xnear depends on the number of samples in the tree, details of the sampling method, the dimension of the search space, and other factors. Unlike the RRT, the solution provided by RRT∗ approaches the optimal solution as the number of sample nodes increases. Like the RRT, the RRT∗ algorithm is probabilistically complete. Figure 10.19 demonstrates the rewiring behavior of RRT∗ compared to that of RRT for a simple example in C = R

The major problem is that the local planner might not be able to connect the two trees exactly. For example, the discretized controls planner of Section is highly unlikely to create a motion exactly to a node in the other tree. In this case, the two trees may be considered more or less connected when points on each tree are sufficiently close. The "broken" discontinuous trajectory can be returned and patched by a smoothing method (Section 10.8). RRT∗ . The basic RRT algorithm returns SUCCESS once a motion to Xgoal is found. An alternative is to continue running the algorithm and to terminate the search only when another termination condition is reached (e.g., a maximum running time or a maximum tree size). Then the motion with the minimum cost can be returned. In this way, the RRT solution may continue to improve as time goes by. Because edges in the tree are never deleted or changed, however, the RRT generally does not converge to an optimal solution. The RRT∗ algorithm is a variation on the single-tree RRT that continually rewires the search tree to ensure that it always encodes the shortest path from xstart to each node in the tree. The basic approach works for C-space path planning with no motion constraints, allowing exact paths from any node to any other node. To modify the RRT to the RRT∗ , line 7 of the RRT algorithm, which inserts xnew in T with an edge from xnearest to xnew, is replaced by a test of all the nodes x ∈ Xnear in T that are sufficiently near to xnew. An edge to xnew is created from the x ∈ Xnear by the local planner that (1) has a collision-free motion and (2) minimizes the total cost of the path from xstart to xnew, not just the cost of the added edge. The total cost is the cost to reach the candidate x ∈ Xnear plus the cost of the new edge. The next step is to consider each x ∈ Xnear to see whether it could be reached at lower cost by a motion through xnew. If so, the parent of x is changed to xnew. In this way, the tree is incrementally rewired to eliminate high-cost motions in favor of the minimum-cost motions available so far. The definition of Xnear depends on the number of samples in the tree, details of the sampling method, the dimension of the search space, and other factors. Unlike the RRT, the solution provided by RRT∗ approaches the optimal solution as the number of sample nodes increases. Like the RRT, the RRT∗ algorithm is probabilistically complete. Figure 10.19 demonstrates the rewiring behavior of RRT∗ compared to that of RRT for a simple example in C = R

The repulsive potential induced by a C-obstacle B can be calculated from the distance d(q, B) to the obstacle (Section 10.2.2): PB(q) = k 2d 2(q, B) , (10.3) where k > 0 is a scaling factor. The potential is only properly defined for points outside the obstacle, d(q, B) > 0. The force induced by the obstacle potential is FB(q) = − ∂PB ∂q = k d 3(q, B) ∂d ∂q . The total potential is obtained by summing the attractive goal potential and the repulsive obstacle potentials, P(q) = Pgoal(q) +X i PBi (q), yielding a total force F(q) = Fgoal(q) +X i FBi (q). Note that the sum of the attractive and repulsive potentials may not give a minimum (zero force) exactly at qgoal. Also, it is common to put a bound on the maximum potential and force, as the simple obstacle potential (10.3) would otherwise yield unbounded potentials and forces near the boundaries of obstacles. Figure 10.21 shows a potential field for a point in R 2 with three circular obstacles. The contour plot of the potential field clearly shows the global minimum near the center of the space (near the goal marked with a +), a local minimum near the two obstacles on the left, as well as saddles (critical points that are a maximum in one direction and a minimum in the other direction) near the obstacles. Saddles are generally not a problem, as a small perturbation allows continued progress toward the goal. Local minima away from the goal are a problem, however, as they attract nearby states. To actually control the robot using the calculated F(q), we have several options, two of which are: • Apply the calculated force plus damping, u = F(q) + Bq.˙ (10.4) If B is positive definite then it dissipates energy for all ˙q 6= 0, reducing oscillation and guaranteeing that the robot will come to rest. If B = 0, the

The repulsive potential induced by a C-obstacle B can be calculated from the distance d(q, B) to the obstacle (Section 10.2.2): PB(q) = k 2d 2(q, B) , (10.3) where k > 0 is a scaling factor. The potential is only properly defined for points outside the obstacle, d(q, B) > 0. The force induced by the obstacle potential is FB(q) = − ∂PB ∂q = k d 3(q, B) ∂d ∂q . The total potential is obtained by summing the attractive goal potential and the repulsive obstacle potentials, P(q) = Pgoal(q) +X i PBi (q), yielding a total force F(q) = Fgoal(q) +X i FBi (q). Note that the sum of the attractive and repulsive potentials may not give a minimum (zero force) exactly at qgoal. Also, it is common to put a bound on the maximum potential and force, as the simple obstacle potential (10.3) would otherwise yield unbounded potentials and forces near the boundaries of obstacles. Figure 10.21 shows a potential field for a point in R 2 with three circular obstacles. The contour plot of the potential field clearly shows the global minimum near the center of the space (near the goal marked with a +), a local minimum near the two obstacles on the left, as well as saddles (critical points that are a maximum in one direction and a minimum in the other direction) near the obstacles. Saddles are generally not a problem, as a small perturbation allows continued progress toward the goal. Local minima away from the goal are a problem, however, as they attract nearby states. To actually control the robot using the calculated F(q), we have several options, two of which are: • Apply the calculated force plus damping, u = F(q) + Bq.˙ (10.4) If B is positive definite then it dissipates energy for all ˙q 6= 0, reducing oscillation and guaranteeing that the robot will come to rest. If B = 0, the

To solve this problem approximately by nonlinear optimization, the control u(t), trajectory q(t), and equality and inequality constraints (10.8)-(10.12) must be discretized. This is typically done by ensuring that the constraints are satisfied at a fixed number of points distributed evenly over the interval [0, T ] and choosing a finite-parameter representation of the position and/or control histories. We have at least three choices of how to parametrize the position and controls: (a) Parametrize the trajectory q(t). In this case, we solve for the trajectory parameters directly. The controls u(t) at any time are calculated using the equations of motion. This approach does not apply to systems with fewer controls than configuration variables, m < n. (b) Parametrize the control u(t). We solve for u(t) directly. Calculating the state x(t) requires integrating the equations of motion. (c) Parametrize both q(t) and u(t). We have a larger number of variables, since we parametrize both q(t) and u(t). Also, we have a larger number of constraints, as q(t) and u(t) must satisfy the dynamic equations ˙x = f(x, u) explicitly, typically at a fixed number of points distributed evenly over the interval [0, T ]. We must be careful to choose the parametrizations of q(t) and u(t) to be consistent with each other, so that the dynamic equations can be satisfied at these points. A trajectory or control history can be parametrized in any number of ways. The parameters can be the coefficients of a polynomial in time, the coefficients of a truncated Fourier series, spline coefficients, wavelet coefficients, piecewise constant acceleration or force segments, etc. For example, the control ui(t) could be represented by p + 1 coefficients aj of a polynomial in time: ui(t) = Xp j=0 aj t j . In addition to the parameters for the state or control history, the total time T may be another control parameter. The choice of parametrization has implications for the efficiency of the calculation of q(t) and u(t) at a given time t. It also determines the sensitivity of the state and control to the parameters and whether each parameter affects the profiles at all times [0, T] or just on a finitetime support base. These are important factors in the stability and efficiency of the numerical optimization.

To solve this problem approximately by nonlinear optimization, the control u(t), trajectory q(t), and equality and inequality constraints (10.8)-(10.12) must be discretized. This is typically done by ensuring that the constraints are satisfied at a fixed number of points distributed evenly over the interval [0, T ] and choosing a finite-parameter representation of the position and/or control histories. We have at least three choices of how to parametrize the position and controls: (a) Parametrize the trajectory q(t). In this case, we solve for the trajectory parameters directly. The controls u(t) at any time are calculated using the equations of motion. This approach does not apply to systems with fewer controls than configuration variables, m < n. (b) Parametrize the control u(t). We solve for u(t) directly. Calculating the state x(t) requires integrating the equations of motion. (c) Parametrize both q(t) and u(t). We have a larger number of variables, since we parametrize both q(t) and u(t). Also, we have a larger number of constraints, as q(t) and u(t) must satisfy the dynamic equations ˙x = f(x, u) explicitly, typically at a fixed number of points distributed evenly over the interval [0, T ]. We must be careful to choose the parametrizations of q(t) and u(t) to be consistent with each other, so that the dynamic equations can be satisfied at these points. A trajectory or control history can be parametrized in any number of ways. The parameters can be the coefficients of a polynomial in time, the coefficients of a truncated Fourier series, spline coefficients, wavelet coefficients, piecewise constant acceleration or force segments, etc. For example, the control ui(t) could be represented by p + 1 coefficients aj of a polynomial in time: ui(t) = Xp j=0 aj t j . In addition to the parameters for the state or control history, the total time T may be another control parameter. The choice of parametrization has implications for the efficiency of the calculation of q(t) and u(t) at a given time t. It also determines the sensitivity of the state and control to the parameters and whether each parameter affects the profiles at all times [0, T] or just on a finitetime support base. These are important factors in the stability and efficiency of the numerical optimization.

Treat the calculated force as a commanded velocity instead: q˙ = F(q). (10.5) This automatically eliminates oscillations. Using the simple obstacle potential (10.3), even distant obstacles have a nonzero effect on the motion of the robot. To speed up evaluation of the repulsive terms, distant obstacles could be ignored. We can define a range of influence of the obstacles drange > 0 so that the potential is zero for all d(q, B) ≥ drange: UB(q) = k 2 drange − d(q, B) dranged(q, B) 2 if d(q, B) < drange 0 otherwise. Another issue is that d(q, B) and its gradient are generally difficult to calculate. An approach to dealing with this is described in Section 10.6.3. 10.6.2 Navigation Functions A significant problem with the potential field method is local minima. While potential fields may be appropriate for relatively uncluttered spaces or for rapid response to unexpected obstacles, they are likely to get the robot stuck in local minima for many practical applications. One method that avoids this issue is the wavefront planner of Figure 10.11. The wavefront algorithm creates a local-minimum-free potential function by a breadth-first traversal of every cell reachable from the goal cell in a grid representation of the free space. Therefore, if a solution exists to the motion planning problem then simply moving "downhill" at every step is guaranteed to bring the robot to the goal. Another approach to local-minimum-free gradient following is based on replacing the virtual potential function with a navigation function. A navigation function ϕ(q) is a type of virtual potential function that 1. is smooth (or at least twice differentiable) on q; 2. has a bounded maximum value (e.g., 1) on the boundaries of all obstacles; 3. has a single minimum at qgoal; and 4. has a full-rank Hessian ∂ 2ϕ/∂q2 at all critical points q where ∂ϕ/∂q = 0 (i.e., ϕ(q) is a Morse function)

Treat the calculated force as a commanded velocity instead: q˙ = F(q). (10.5) This automatically eliminates oscillations. Using the simple obstacle potential (10.3), even distant obstacles have a nonzero effect on the motion of the robot. To speed up evaluation of the repulsive terms, distant obstacles could be ignored. We can define a range of influence of the obstacles drange > 0 so that the potential is zero for all d(q, B) ≥ drange: UB(q) = k 2 drange − d(q, B) dranged(q, B) 2 if d(q, B) < drange 0 otherwise. Another issue is that d(q, B) and its gradient are generally difficult to calculate. An approach to dealing with this is described in Section 10.6.3. 10.6.2 Navigation Functions A significant problem with the potential field method is local minima. While potential fields may be appropriate for relatively uncluttered spaces or for rapid response to unexpected obstacles, they are likely to get the robot stuck in local minima for many practical applications. One method that avoids this issue is the wavefront planner of Figure 10.11. The wavefront algorithm creates a local-minimum-free potential function by a breadth-first traversal of every cell reachable from the goal cell in a grid representation of the free space. Therefore, if a solution exists to the motion planning problem then simply moving "downhill" at every step is guaranteed to bring the robot to the goal. Another approach to local-minimum-free gradient following is based on replacing the virtual potential function with a navigation function. A navigation function ϕ(q) is a type of virtual potential function that 1. is smooth (or at least twice differentiable) on q; 2. has a bounded maximum value (e.g., 1) on the boundaries of all obstacles; 3. has a single minimum at qgoal; and 4. has a full-rank Hessian ∂ 2ϕ/∂q2 at all critical points q where ∂ϕ/∂q = 0 (i.e., ϕ(q) is a Morse function)

are primarily C-space planners that create a roadmap graph for multiple-query planning. 10.5.1 The RRT Algorithm The RRT algorithm searches for a collision-free motion from an initial state xstart to a goal set Xgoal. It is applied to kinematic problems, where the state x is simply the configuration q, as well as to dynamic problems, where the state includes the velocity. The basic RRT grows a single tree from xstart as outlined in Algorithm 10.3. Algorithm 10.3 RRT algorithm. 1: initialize search tree T with xstart 2: while T is less than the maximum tree size do 3: xsamp ← sample from X 4: xnearest ← nearest node in T to xsamp 5: employ a local planner to find a motion from xnearest to xnew in the direction of xsamp 6: if the motion is collision-free then 7: add xnew to T with an edge from xnearest to xnew 8: if xnew is in Xgoal then 9: return SUCCESS and the motion to xnew 10: end if 11: end if 12: end while 13: return FAILURE In a typical implementation for a kinematic problem (where x is simply q), the sampler in line 3 chooses xsamp randomly from an almost-uniform distribution over X , with a slight bias toward states in Xgoal. The closest node xnearest in the search tree T (line 4) is the node minimizing the Euclidean distance to xsamp. The state xnew (line 5) is chosen as the state a small distance d from xnearest on the straight line to xsamp. Because d is small, a very simple local planner, e.g., one that returns a straight-line motion, will often find a motion connecting xnearest to xnew. If the motion is collision-free, the new state xnew is added to the search tree T. The net effect is that the nearly uniformly distributed samples "pull" the tree toward them, causing the tree to rapidly explore Xfree. An example of the effect of this pulling action on exploration is shown in Figure 10.17.

are primarily C-space planners that create a roadmap graph for multiple-query planning. 10.5.1 The RRT Algorithm The RRT algorithm searches for a collision-free motion from an initial state xstart to a goal set Xgoal. It is applied to kinematic problems, where the state x is simply the configuration q, as well as to dynamic problems, where the state includes the velocity. The basic RRT grows a single tree from xstart as outlined in Algorithm 10.3. Algorithm 10.3 RRT algorithm. 1: initialize search tree T with xstart 2: while T is less than the maximum tree size do 3: xsamp ← sample from X 4: xnearest ← nearest node in T to xsamp 5: employ a local planner to find a motion from xnearest to xnew in the direction of xsamp 6: if the motion is collision-free then 7: add xnew to T with an edge from xnearest to xnew 8: if xnew is in Xgoal then 9: return SUCCESS and the motion to xnew 10: end if 11: end if 12: end while 13: return FAILURE In a typical implementation for a kinematic problem (where x is simply q), the sampler in line 3 chooses xsamp randomly from an almost-uniform distribution over X , with a slight bias toward states in Xgoal. The closest node xnearest in the search tree T (line 4) is the node minimizing the Euclidean distance to xsamp. The state xnew (line 5) is chosen as the state a small distance d from xnearest on the straight line to xsamp. Because d is small, a very simple local planner, e.g., one that returns a straight-line motion, will often find a motion connecting xnearest to xnew. If the motion is collision-free, the new state xnew is added to the search tree T. The net effect is that the nearly uniformly distributed samples "pull" the tree toward them, causing the tree to rapidly explore Xfree. An example of the effect of this pulling action on exploration is shown in Figure 10.17.

by a factor r nτ , where n is the number of joints. For example, increasing the control-grid resolution by a factor r = 2 and decreasing the timestep by a factor τ = 4 for a three-joint robot results in a search that is likely to take 23×4 = 4096 times longer to complete. The high computational complexity of the planner makes it impractical beyond a few degrees of freedom. The description above ignores one important issue: the feasible control set A(q, q˙) changes during a timestep, so the control chosen at the beginning of the timestep may no longer be feasible by the end of the timestep. For that reason, a conservative approximation A˜(q, q˙) ⊂ A(q, q˙) should be used instead. This set should remain feasible over the duration of a timestep regardless of which control action is chosen. How to determine such a conservative approximation A˜(q, q˙) is beyond the scope of this chapter, but it has to do with bounds on how rapidly the arm's mass matrix M(q) changes with q and how fast the robot is moving. At low speeds ˙q and short durations ∆t, the conservative set A˜(q, q˙) is very close to A(q, q˙). 10.5 Sampling Methods Each grid-based method discussed above delivers optimal solutions subject to the chosen discretization. A drawback of these approaches, however, is their high computational complexity, making them unsuitable for systems having more than a few degrees of freedom. A different class of planners, known as sampling methods, relies on a random or deterministic function to choose a sample from the C-space or state space: a function to evaluate whether a sample or motion is in Xfree; a function to determine nearby previous free-space samples; and a simple local planner to try to connect to, or move toward, the new sample. These functions are used to build up a graph or tree representing feasible motions of the robot. Sampling methods generally give up on the resolution-optimal solutions of a grid search in exchange for the ability to find satisficing solutions quickly in high-dimensional state spaces. The samples are chosen to form a roadmap or search tree that quickly approximates the free space Xfree using fewer samples than would typically be required by a fixed high-resolution grid, where the number of grid points increases exponentially with the dimension of the search space. Most sampling methods are probabilistically complete: the probability of finding a solution, when one exists, approaches 100% as the number of samples goes to infinity. Two major classes of sampling methods are rapidly exploring random trees (RRTs) and probabilistic roadmaps (PRMs). The former use a tree representation for single-query planning in either C-space or state space, while PRM

by a factor r nτ , where n is the number of joints. For example, increasing the control-grid resolution by a factor r = 2 and decreasing the timestep by a factor τ = 4 for a three-joint robot results in a search that is likely to take 23×4 = 4096 times longer to complete. The high computational complexity of the planner makes it impractical beyond a few degrees of freedom. The description above ignores one important issue: the feasible control set A(q, q˙) changes during a timestep, so the control chosen at the beginning of the timestep may no longer be feasible by the end of the timestep. For that reason, a conservative approximation A˜(q, q˙) ⊂ A(q, q˙) should be used instead. This set should remain feasible over the duration of a timestep regardless of which control action is chosen. How to determine such a conservative approximation A˜(q, q˙) is beyond the scope of this chapter, but it has to do with bounds on how rapidly the arm's mass matrix M(q) changes with q and how fast the robot is moving. At low speeds ˙q and short durations ∆t, the conservative set A˜(q, q˙) is very close to A(q, q˙). 10.5 Sampling Methods Each grid-based method discussed above delivers optimal solutions subject to the chosen discretization. A drawback of these approaches, however, is their high computational complexity, making them unsuitable for systems having more than a few degrees of freedom. A different class of planners, known as sampling methods, relies on a random or deterministic function to choose a sample from the C-space or state space: a function to evaluate whether a sample or motion is in Xfree; a function to determine nearby previous free-space samples; and a simple local planner to try to connect to, or move toward, the new sample. These functions are used to build up a graph or tree representing feasible motions of the robot. Sampling methods generally give up on the resolution-optimal solutions of a grid search in exchange for the ability to find satisficing solutions quickly in high-dimensional state spaces. The samples are chosen to form a roadmap or search tree that quickly approximates the free space Xfree using fewer samples than would typically be required by a fixed high-resolution grid, where the number of grid points increases exponentially with the dimension of the search space. Most sampling methods are probabilistically complete: the probability of finding a solution, when one exists, approaches 100% as the number of samples goes to infinity. Two major classes of sampling methods are rapidly exploring random trees (RRTs) and probabilistic roadmaps (PRMs). The former use a tree representation for single-query planning in either C-space or state space, while PRM

dense trees (RDTs), emphasizing the key point that the samples should eventually become dense in the state space (i.e., as the number of samples goes to infinity, the samples become arbitrarily close to every point in X ). Line 4: Defining the Nearest Node Finding the "nearest" node depends on a definition of distance on X . For an unconstrained kinematic robot on C = R n, a natural choice for the distance between two points is simply the Euclidean distance. For other spaces, the choice is less obvious. As an example, for a car-like robot with a C-space R 2 ×S 1 , which configuration is closest to the configuration xsamp: one that is rotated 20 degrees relative to xsamp, one that is 2 meters straight behind it, or one that is 1 meter straight to the side of it (Figure 10.18)? Since the motion constraints prevent spinning in place or moving directly sideways, the configuration that is 2 meters straight behind is best positioned to make progress toward xsamp. Thus defining a notion of distance requires • combining components of different units (e.g., degrees, meters, degrees/s, meters/s) into a single distance measure; and • taking into account the motion constraints of the robot. The closest node xnearest should perhaps be defined as the one that can reach xsamp the fastest, but computing this is as hard as solving the motion planning problem. A simple choice of a distance measure from x to xsamp is the weighted sum of the distances along the different components of xsamp − x. The weights express the relative importance of the different components. If more is known about the set of states that the robot can reach from a state x in limited time,

dense trees (RDTs), emphasizing the key point that the samples should eventually become dense in the state space (i.e., as the number of samples goes to infinity, the samples become arbitrarily close to every point in X ). Line 4: Defining the Nearest Node Finding the "nearest" node depends on a definition of distance on X . For an unconstrained kinematic robot on C = R n, a natural choice for the distance between two points is simply the Euclidean distance. For other spaces, the choice is less obvious. As an example, for a car-like robot with a C-space R 2 ×S 1 , which configuration is closest to the configuration xsamp: one that is rotated 20 degrees relative to xsamp, one that is 2 meters straight behind it, or one that is 1 meter straight to the side of it (Figure 10.18)? Since the motion constraints prevent spinning in place or moving directly sideways, the configuration that is 2 meters straight behind is best positioned to make progress toward xsamp. Thus defining a notion of distance requires • combining components of different units (e.g., degrees, meters, degrees/s, meters/s) into a single distance measure; and • taking into account the motion constraints of the robot. The closest node xnearest should perhaps be defined as the one that can reach xsamp the fastest, but computing this is as hard as solving the motion planning problem. A simple choice of a distance measure from x to xsamp is the weighted sum of the distances along the different components of xsamp − x. The weights express the relative importance of the different components. If more is known about the set of states that the robot can reach from a state x in limited time,

direction. If the robot is a wheeled mobile robot subject to rolling constraints A(q) ˙q = 0, however, the calculated F(q) must be projected to controls Fproj(q) that move the robot tangentially to the constraints. For a kinematic robot employing the control law ˙q = Fproj(q), a suitable projection is Fproj(q) = I − A T(q) A(q)A T(q) −1 A(q) F(q). For a dynamic robot employing the control law u = Fproj(q)+Bq˙, the projection was discussed in Section 8.7. 10.6.5 Use of Potential Fields in Planners A potential field can be used in conjunction with a path planner. For example, a best-first search such as A∗ can use the potential as an estimate of the cost-to-go. Incorporating a search function prevents the planner from getting permanently stuck in local minima. 10.7 Nonlinear Optimization The motion planning problem can be expressed as a general nonlinear optimization, with equality and inequality constraints, taking advantage of a number of software packages to solve such problems. Nonlinear optimization problems can be solved by gradient-based methods, such as sequential quadratic programming (SQP), or non-gradient methods, such as simulated annealing, Nelder-Mead optimization, and genetic programming. Like many nonlinear optimization problems, these methods are not generally guaranteed to find a feasible solution when one exists, let alone an optimal one. For methods that use gradients of the objective function and constraints, however, we can expect a locally optimal solution if we start the process with a guess that is "close" to a solution. The general problem can be written as follows: find u(t), q(t), T (10.6) minimizing J(u(t), q(t), T) (10.7) subject to ˙x(t) = f(x(t), u(t)), ∀t ∈ [0, T], (10.8) u(t) ∈ U, ∀t ∈ [0, T], (10.9) q(t) ∈ Cfree, ∀t ∈ [0, T], (10.10) x(0) = xstart, (10.11) x(T) = xgoal. (10.12

direction. If the robot is a wheeled mobile robot subject to rolling constraints A(q) ˙q = 0, however, the calculated F(q) must be projected to controls Fproj(q) that move the robot tangentially to the constraints. For a kinematic robot employing the control law ˙q = Fproj(q), a suitable projection is Fproj(q) = I − A T(q) A(q)A T(q) −1 A(q) F(q). For a dynamic robot employing the control law u = Fproj(q)+Bq˙, the projection was discussed in Section 8.7. 10.6.5 Use of Potential Fields in Planners A potential field can be used in conjunction with a path planner. For example, a best-first search such as A∗ can use the potential as an estimate of the cost-to-go. Incorporating a search function prevents the planner from getting permanently stuck in local minima. 10.7 Nonlinear Optimization The motion planning problem can be expressed as a general nonlinear optimization, with equality and inequality constraints, taking advantage of a number of software packages to solve such problems. Nonlinear optimization problems can be solved by gradient-based methods, such as sequential quadratic programming (SQP), or non-gradient methods, such as simulated annealing, Nelder-Mead optimization, and genetic programming. Like many nonlinear optimization problems, these methods are not generally guaranteed to find a feasible solution when one exists, let alone an optimal one. For methods that use gradients of the objective function and constraints, however, we can expect a locally optimal solution if we start the process with a guess that is "close" to a solution. The general problem can be written as follows: find u(t), q(t), T (10.6) minimizing J(u(t), q(t), T) (10.7) subject to ˙x(t) = f(x(t), u(t)), ∀t ∈ [0, T], (10.8) u(t) ∈ U, ∀t ∈ [0, T], (10.9) q(t) ∈ Cfree, ∀t ∈ [0, T], (10.10) x(0) = xstart, (10.11) x(T) = xgoal. (10.12

est_total_cost[node] = past_cost[node] + heuristic_cost_to_go(node) where heuristic_cost_to_go(node) ≥ 0 is an optimistic (underestimating) estimate of the actual cost-to-go to the goal from node. For many path planning problems, an appropriate choice for the heuristic is the straight-line distance to the goal, ignoring any obstacles. Because OPEN is a list sorted according to the estimated total cost, inserting a new node at the correct location in OPEN entails a small computational price. If the node current is in the goal set then the search is finished and the path is reconstructed from the parent links. If not, for each neighbor nbr of current in the graph which is not also in CLOSED, the tentative_past_cost for nbr is calculated as past cost[current] + cost[current,nbr]. If tentative_past_cost < past_cost[nbr], then nbr can be reached with less cost than previously known, so past_cost[nbr] is set to tentative_past_cost and parent[nbr] is set to current. The node nbr is then added (or moved) in OPEN according to its estimated total cost. The algorithm then returns to the beginning of the main loop, removing the first node from OPEN and calling it current. If OPEN is empty then there is no solution. The A∗ algorithm is guaranteed to return a minimum-cost path, as nodes are only checked for inclusion in the goal set when they have the minimum total estimated cost of all nodes. If the node current is in the goal set then heuristic_cost_to_go(current) is zero and, since all edge costs are positive, we know that any path found in the future must have a cost greater than or equal to past_cost[current]. Therefore the path to current must be a shortest path. (There may be other paths of the same cost.) If the heuristic "cost-to-go" is calculated exactly, considering obstacles, then A∗ will explore from the minimum number of nodes necessary to solve the problem. Of course, calculating the cost-to-go exactly is equivalent to solving the path planning problem, so this is impractical. Instead, the heuristic cost-togo should be calculated quickly and should be as close as possible to the actual cost-to-go to ensure that the algorithm runs efficiently. Using an optimistic cost-to-go ensures an optimal solution. The A∗ algorithm is an example of the general class of best-first searches, which always explore from the node currently deemed "best" by some measure. The A∗ search algorithm is described in pseudocode in Algorithm 10.1.

est_total_cost[node] = past_cost[node] + heuristic_cost_to_go(node) where heuristic_cost_to_go(node) ≥ 0 is an optimistic (underestimating) estimate of the actual cost-to-go to the goal from node. For many path planning problems, an appropriate choice for the heuristic is the straight-line distance to the goal, ignoring any obstacles. Because OPEN is a list sorted according to the estimated total cost, inserting a new node at the correct location in OPEN entails a small computational price. If the node current is in the goal set then the search is finished and the path is reconstructed from the parent links. If not, for each neighbor nbr of current in the graph which is not also in CLOSED, the tentative_past_cost for nbr is calculated as past cost[current] + cost[current,nbr]. If tentative_past_cost < past_cost[nbr], then nbr can be reached with less cost than previously known, so past_cost[nbr] is set to tentative_past_cost and parent[nbr] is set to current. The node nbr is then added (or moved) in OPEN according to its estimated total cost. The algorithm then returns to the beginning of the main loop, removing the first node from OPEN and calling it current. If OPEN is empty then there is no solution. The A∗ algorithm is guaranteed to return a minimum-cost path, as nodes are only checked for inclusion in the goal set when they have the minimum total estimated cost of all nodes. If the node current is in the goal set then heuristic_cost_to_go(current) is zero and, since all edge costs are positive, we know that any path found in the future must have a cost greater than or equal to past_cost[current]. Therefore the path to current must be a shortest path. (There may be other paths of the same cost.) If the heuristic "cost-to-go" is calculated exactly, considering obstacles, then A∗ will explore from the minimum number of nodes necessary to solve the problem. Of course, calculating the cost-to-go exactly is equivalent to solving the path planning problem, so this is impractical. Instead, the heuristic cost-togo should be calculated quickly and should be as close as possible to the actual cost-to-go to ensure that the algorithm runs efficiently. Using an optimistic cost-to-go ensures an optimal solution. The A∗ algorithm is an example of the general class of best-first searches, which always explore from the node currently deemed "best" by some measure. The A∗ search algorithm is described in pseudocode in Algorithm 10.1.

ielding the repulsive force at the control point F 0 ij (q) = − ∂P 0 ij ∂q = k kfi(q) − cjk 4 ∂fi ∂q T (fi(q) − cj ) ∈ R 3 . To turn the linear force F 0 ij (q) ∈ R 3 into a generalized force Fij (q) ∈ R n acting on the robot arm or mobile robot, we first find the Jacobian Ji(q) ∈ R 3×n relating ˙q to the linear velocity of the control point ˙fi : ˙fi = ∂fi ∂q q˙ = Ji(q) ˙q. By the principle of virtual work, the generalized force Fij (q) ∈ R n due to the repulsive linear force F 0 ij (q) ∈ R 3 is simply Fij (q) = J T i (q)F 0 ij (q). Now the total force F(q) acting on the robot is the sum of the easily calculated attractive force Fgoal(q) and the repulsive forces Fij (q) for all i and j. 10.6.4 Wheeled Mobile Robots The preceding analysis assumes that a control force u = F(q) + Bq˙ (control law (10.4)) or a velocity ˙q = F(q) (control law (10.5)) can be applied in any

ielding the repulsive force at the control point F 0 ij (q) = − ∂P 0 ij ∂q = k kfi(q) − cjk 4 ∂fi ∂q T (fi(q) − cj ) ∈ R 3 . To turn the linear force F 0 ij (q) ∈ R 3 into a generalized force Fij (q) ∈ R n acting on the robot arm or mobile robot, we first find the Jacobian Ji(q) ∈ R 3×n relating ˙q to the linear velocity of the control point ˙fi : ˙fi = ∂fi ∂q q˙ = Ji(q) ˙q. By the principle of virtual work, the generalized force Fij (q) ∈ R n due to the repulsive linear force F 0 ij (q) ∈ R 3 is simply Fij (q) = J T i (q)F 0 ij (q). Now the total force F(q) acting on the robot is the sum of the easily calculated attractive force Fgoal(q) and the repulsive forces Fij (q) for all i and j. 10.6.4 Wheeled Mobile Robots The preceding analysis assumes that a control force u = F(q) + Bq˙ (control law (10.4)) or a velocity ˙q = F(q) (control law (10.5)) can be applied in any

is now three dimensional, given by (x, y, θ) ∈ R 2 × S 1 . The three-dimensional C-obstacle is the union of two-dimensional C-obstacle slices at angles θ ∈ [0, 2π). Even for this relatively low-dimensional C-space, an exact representation of the C-obstacle is quite complex. For this reason, C-obstacles are rarely described exactly

is now three dimensional, given by (x, y, θ) ∈ R 2 × S 1 . The three-dimensional C-obstacle is the union of two-dimensional C-obstacle slices at angles θ ∈ [0, 2π). Even for this relatively low-dimensional C-space, an exact representation of the C-obstacle is quite complex. For this reason, C-obstacles are rarely described exactly

narrow passages, thus significantly reducing the number of samples needed to properly represent the connectivity of Cfree. Another option is deterministic multi-resolution sampling. 10.6 Virtual Potential Fields Virtual potential field methods are inspired by potential energy fields in nature, such as gravitational and magnetic fields. From physics we know that a potential field P(q) defined over C induces a force F = −∂P/∂q that drives an object from high to low potential. For example, if h is the height above the Earth's surface in a uniform gravitational potential field (g = 9.81 m/s2 ) then the potential energy of a mass m is P(h) = mgh and the force acting on it is F = −∂P/∂h = −mg. The force will cause the mass to fall to the Earth's surface. In robot motion control, the goal configuration qgoal is assigned a low virtual potential and obstacles are assigned a high virtual potential. Applying a force to the robot proportional to the negative gradient of the virtual potential naturally pushes the robot toward the goal and away from the obstacles. A virtual potential field is very different from the planners we have seen so far. Typically the gradient of the field can be calculated quickly, so the motion can be calculated in real time (reactive control) instead of planned in advance. With appropriate sensors, the method can even handle obstacles that move or appear unexpectedly. The drawback of the basic method is that the robot can get stuck in local minima of the potential field, away from the goal, even when a feasible motion to the goal exists. In certain cases it is possible to design the potential to guarantee that the only local minimum is at the goal, eliminating this problem. 10.6.1 A Point in C-space Let's begin by assuming a point robot in its C-space. A goal configuration qgoal is typically encoded by a quadratic potential energy "bowl" with zero energy at the goal, Pgoal(q) = 1 2 (q − qgoal) TK(q − qgoal), where K is a symmetric positive-definite weighting matrix (for example, the identity matrix). The force induced by this potential is Fgoal(q) = − ∂Pgoal ∂q = K(qgoal − q), an attractive force proportional to the distance from the goal.

narrow passages, thus significantly reducing the number of samples needed to properly represent the connectivity of Cfree. Another option is deterministic multi-resolution sampling. 10.6 Virtual Potential Fields Virtual potential field methods are inspired by potential energy fields in nature, such as gravitational and magnetic fields. From physics we know that a potential field P(q) defined over C induces a force F = −∂P/∂q that drives an object from high to low potential. For example, if h is the height above the Earth's surface in a uniform gravitational potential field (g = 9.81 m/s2 ) then the potential energy of a mass m is P(h) = mgh and the force acting on it is F = −∂P/∂h = −mg. The force will cause the mass to fall to the Earth's surface. In robot motion control, the goal configuration qgoal is assigned a low virtual potential and obstacles are assigned a high virtual potential. Applying a force to the robot proportional to the negative gradient of the virtual potential naturally pushes the robot toward the goal and away from the obstacles. A virtual potential field is very different from the planners we have seen so far. Typically the gradient of the field can be calculated quickly, so the motion can be calculated in real time (reactive control) instead of planned in advance. With appropriate sensors, the method can even handle obstacles that move or appear unexpectedly. The drawback of the basic method is that the robot can get stuck in local minima of the potential field, away from the goal, even when a feasible motion to the goal exists. In certain cases it is possible to design the potential to guarantee that the only local minimum is at the goal, eliminating this problem. 10.6.1 A Point in C-space Let's begin by assuming a point robot in its C-space. A goal configuration qgoal is typically encoded by a quadratic potential energy "bowl" with zero energy at the goal, Pgoal(q) = 1 2 (q − qgoal) TK(q − qgoal), where K is a symmetric positive-definite weighting matrix (for example, the identity matrix). The force induced by this potential is Fgoal(q) = − ∂Pgoal ∂q = K(qgoal − q), an attractive force proportional to the distance from the goal.

or underactuated; online versus offline; optimal versus satisficing; exact versus approximate; with or without obstacles. • Motion planners can be characterized by the following properties: multiplequery versus single-query; anytime planning or not; complete, resolution complete, probabilistically complete, or none of the above; and their degree of computational complexity. • Obstacles partition the C-space into free C-space, Cfree, and obstacle space, Cobs, where C = Cfree ∪ Cobs. Obstacles may split Cfree into separate connected components. There is no feasible path between configurations in different connected components. • A conservative check of whether a configuration q is in collision uses a simplified "grown" representation of the robot and obstacles. If there is no collision between the grown bodies, then the configuration is guaranteed collision-free. Checking whether a path is collision-free usually involves sampling the path at finely spaced points and ensuring that if the individual configurations are collision-free then the swept volume of the robot path is collision-free. • The C-space geometry is often represented by a graph consisting of nodes and edges between the nodes, where edges represent feasible paths. The graph can be undirected (edges flow in both directions) or directed (edges flow in only one direction). Edges can be unweighted or weighted according to their cost of traversal. A tree is a directed graph with no cycles in which each node has at most one parent. • A roadmap path planner uses a graph representation of Cfree, and path planning problems can be solved using a simple path from qstart onto the roadmap, a path along the roadmap, and a simple path from the roadmap to qgoal. • The A∗ algorithm is a popular search method that finds minimum-cost paths on a graph. It operates by always exploring from a node that is (1) unexplored and (2) on a path with minimum estimated total cost. The estimated total cost is the sum of the weights for the edges encountered in reaching the node from the start node plus an estimate of the cost-to-go to the goal. To ensure that the search returns an optimal solution, the cost-to-go estimate should be optimistic. • A grid-based path planner discretizes the C-space into a graph consisting of neighboring points on a regular grid. A multi-resolution grid can be used

or underactuated; online versus offline; optimal versus satisficing; exact versus approximate; with or without obstacles. • Motion planners can be characterized by the following properties: multiplequery versus single-query; anytime planning or not; complete, resolution complete, probabilistically complete, or none of the above; and their degree of computational complexity. • Obstacles partition the C-space into free C-space, Cfree, and obstacle space, Cobs, where C = Cfree ∪ Cobs. Obstacles may split Cfree into separate connected components. There is no feasible path between configurations in different connected components. • A conservative check of whether a configuration q is in collision uses a simplified "grown" representation of the robot and obstacles. If there is no collision between the grown bodies, then the configuration is guaranteed collision-free. Checking whether a path is collision-free usually involves sampling the path at finely spaced points and ensuring that if the individual configurations are collision-free then the swept volume of the robot path is collision-free. • The C-space geometry is often represented by a graph consisting of nodes and edges between the nodes, where edges represent feasible paths. The graph can be undirected (edges flow in both directions) or directed (edges flow in only one direction). Edges can be unweighted or weighted according to their cost of traversal. A tree is a directed graph with no cycles in which each node has at most one parent. • A roadmap path planner uses a graph representation of Cfree, and path planning problems can be solved using a simple path from qstart onto the roadmap, a path along the roadmap, and a simple path from the roadmap to qgoal. • The A∗ algorithm is a popular search method that finds minimum-cost paths on a graph. It operates by always exploring from a node that is (1) unexplored and (2) on a path with minimum estimated total cost. The estimated total cost is the sum of the weights for the edges encountered in reaching the node from the start node plus an estimate of the cost-to-go to the goal. To ensure that the search returns an optimal solution, the cost-to-go estimate should be optimistic. • A grid-based path planner discretizes the C-space into a graph consisting of neighboring points on a regular grid. A multi-resolution grid can be used

order dynamics, such as that for a robot arm, and the control inputs are forces (equivalently, accelerations), the state of the robot is defined by its configuration and velocity, x = (q, v) ∈ X . For q ∈ R n, typically we write v = ˙q. If we can treat the control inputs as velocities, the state x is simply the configuration q. The notation q(x) indicates the configuration q corresponding to the state x, and Xfree = {x | q(x) ∈ Cfree}. The equations of motion of the robot are written x˙ = f(x, u) (10.1) or, in integral form, x(T) = x(0) + Z T 0 f(x(t), u(t))dt. (10.2) 10.1.1 Types of Motion Planning Problems With the definitions above, a fairly broad specification of the motion planning problem is the following: Given an initial state x(0) = xstart and a desired final state xgoal, find a time T and a set of controls u : [0, T] → U such that the motion (10.2) satisfies x(T) = xgoal and q(x(t)) ∈ Cfree for all t ∈ [0, T]. It is assumed that a feedback controller (Chapter 11) is available to ensure that the planned motion x(t), t ∈ [0, T], is followed closely. It is also assumed that an accurate geometric model of the robot and environment is available to evaluate Cfree during motion planning. There are many variations of the basic problem; some are discussed below

order dynamics, such as that for a robot arm, and the control inputs are forces (equivalently, accelerations), the state of the robot is defined by its configuration and velocity, x = (q, v) ∈ X . For q ∈ R n, typically we write v = ˙q. If we can treat the control inputs as velocities, the state x is simply the configuration q. The notation q(x) indicates the configuration q corresponding to the state x, and Xfree = {x | q(x) ∈ Cfree}. The equations of motion of the robot are written x˙ = f(x, u) (10.1) or, in integral form, x(T) = x(0) + Z T 0 f(x(t), u(t))dt. (10.2) 10.1.1 Types of Motion Planning Problems With the definitions above, a fairly broad specification of the motion planning problem is the following: Given an initial state x(0) = xstart and a desired final state xgoal, find a time T and a set of controls u : [0, T] → U such that the motion (10.2) satisfies x(T) = xgoal and q(x(t)) ∈ Cfree for all t ∈ [0, T]. It is assumed that a feedback controller (Chapter 11) is available to ensure that the planned motion x(t), t ∈ [0, T], is followed closely. It is also assumed that an accurate geometric model of the robot and environment is available to evaluate Cfree during motion planning. There are many variations of the basic problem; some are discussed below

quickly but, unlike the case of an optimistic cost-to-go heuristic, the solution will not be guaranteed to be optimal. One possibility is to run A∗ with an inflated cost-to-go to find an initial solution, then rerun the search with progressively smaller values of η until the time allotted for the search has expired or a solution is found with η = 1. 10.3 Complete Path Planners Complete path planners rely on an exact representation of the free C-space Cfree. These techniques tend to be mathematically and algorithmically sophisticated, and impractical for many real systems, so we do not delve into them in detail. One approach to complete path planning, which we will see in modified form in Section 10.5, is based on representing the complex high-dimensional space Cfree by a one-dimensional roadmap R with the following properties: (a) Reachability. From every point q ∈ Cfree, a free path to a point q 0 ∈ R can be found trivially (e.g., a straight-line path). (b) Connectivity. For each connected component of Cfree, there is one connected component of R. With such a roadmap, the planner can find a path between any two points qstart and qgoal in the same connected component of Cfree by simply finding paths from qstart to a point q 0 start ∈ R, from a point q 0 goal ∈ R to qgoal, and from q 0 start to q 0 goal on the roadmap R. If a path can be found trivially between qstart and qgoal, the roadmap may not even be used. While constructing a roadmap of Cfree is complex in general, some problems admit simple roadmaps. For example, consider a polygonal robot translating among polygonal obstacles in the plane. As can be seen in Figure 10.5, the C-obstacles in this case are also polygons. A suitable roadmap is the weighted undirected visibility graph, with nodes at the vertices of the C-obstacles and edges between the nodes that can "see" each other (i.e., the line segment between the vertices does not intersect an obstacle). The weight associated with each edge is the Euclidean distance between the nodes. Not only is this a suitable roadmap R, but it allows us to use an A∗ search to find a shortest path between any two configurations in the same connected component of Cfree, as the shortest path is guaranteed either to be a straight line from qstart to qgoal or to consist of a straight line from qstart to a node q 0 start ∈ R, a straight line from a node q 0 goal ∈ R to qgoal, and a path along the straight edges of R from q 0 start to q 0 goal (Figure 10.9). Note that the shortest

quickly but, unlike the case of an optimistic cost-to-go heuristic, the solution will not be guaranteed to be optimal. One possibility is to run A∗ with an inflated cost-to-go to find an initial solution, then rerun the search with progressively smaller values of η until the time allotted for the search has expired or a solution is found with η = 1. 10.3 Complete Path Planners Complete path planners rely on an exact representation of the free C-space Cfree. These techniques tend to be mathematically and algorithmically sophisticated, and impractical for many real systems, so we do not delve into them in detail. One approach to complete path planning, which we will see in modified form in Section 10.5, is based on representing the complex high-dimensional space Cfree by a one-dimensional roadmap R with the following properties: (a) Reachability. From every point q ∈ Cfree, a free path to a point q 0 ∈ R can be found trivially (e.g., a straight-line path). (b) Connectivity. For each connected component of Cfree, there is one connected component of R. With such a roadmap, the planner can find a path between any two points qstart and qgoal in the same connected component of Cfree by simply finding paths from qstart to a point q 0 start ∈ R, from a point q 0 goal ∈ R to qgoal, and from q 0 start to q 0 goal on the roadmap R. If a path can be found trivially between qstart and qgoal, the roadmap may not even be used. While constructing a roadmap of Cfree is complex in general, some problems admit simple roadmaps. For example, consider a polygonal robot translating among polygonal obstacles in the plane. As can be seen in Figure 10.5, the C-obstacles in this case are also polygons. A suitable roadmap is the weighted undirected visibility graph, with nodes at the vertices of the C-obstacles and edges between the nodes that can "see" each other (i.e., the line segment between the vertices does not intersect an obstacle). The weight associated with each edge is the Euclidean distance between the nodes. Not only is this a suitable roadmap R, but it allows us to use an A∗ search to find a shortest path between any two configurations in the same connected component of Cfree, as the shortest path is guaranteed either to be a straight line from qstart to qgoal or to consist of a straight line from qstart to a node q 0 start ∈ R, a straight line from a node q 0 goal ∈ R to qgoal, and a path along the straight edges of R from q 0 start to q 0 goal (Figure 10.9). Note that the shortest

robot along the boundary of the obstacle and tracing the position of the robot's reference point. A Polygonal Planar Mobile Robot That Translates and Rotates Figure 10.6 illustrates the C-obstacle for the workspace obstacle and triangular mobile robot of Figure 10.5 if the robot is now allowed to rotate. The C-space

robot along the boundary of the obstacle and tracing the position of the robot's reference point. A Polygonal Planar Mobile Robot That Translates and Rotates Figure 10.6 illustrates the C-obstacle for the workspace obstacle and triangular mobile robot of Figure 10.5 if the robot is now allowed to rotate. The C-space

robot continues to move while maintaining constant total energy, which is the sum of the initial kinetic energy 1 2 q˙ T(0)M(q(0)) ˙q(0) and the initial virtual potential energy P(q(0)). The motion of the robot under the control law (10.4) can be visualized as a ball rolling in gravity on the potential surface of Figure 10.21, where the dissipative force is rolling friction.

robot continues to move while maintaining constant total energy, which is the sum of the initial kinetic energy 1 2 q˙ T(0)M(q(0)) ˙q(0) and the initial virtual potential energy P(q(0)). The motion of the robot under the control law (10.4) can be visualized as a ball rolling in gravity on the potential surface of Figure 10.21, where the dissipative force is rolling friction.

runs faster in somewhat cluttered spaces, as the obstacles help to guide the exploration. Some examples of motion plans for a car are shown in Figure 10.15. Grid-Based Motion Planning for a Robot Arm One method for planning the motion for a robot arm is to decouple the problem into a path planning problem followed by a time scaling of the path: (a) Apply a grid-based or other path planner to find an obstacle-free path in C-space. (b) Time scale the path to find the fastest trajectory that respects the robot's dynamics, as described in Section 9.4, or use any less aggressive time scaling

runs faster in somewhat cluttered spaces, as the obstacles help to guide the exploration. Some examples of motion plans for a car are shown in Figure 10.15. Grid-Based Motion Planning for a Robot Arm One method for planning the motion for a robot arm is to decouple the problem into a path planning problem followed by a time scaling of the path: (a) Apply a grid-based or other path planner to find an obstacle-free path in C-space. (b) Time scale the path to find the fastest trajectory that respects the robot's dynamics, as described in Section 9.4, or use any less aggressive time scaling

this information can be used in determining the nearest node. In any case, the nearest node should be computed quickly. Finding a nearest neighbor is a common problem in computational geometry, and various algorithms, such as kd trees and hashing, can be used to solve it efficiently. Line 5: The Local Planner The job of the local planner is to find a motion from xnearest to some point xnew which is closer to xsamp. The planner should be simple and it should run quickly. Three examples are as follows. A straight-line planner. The plan is a straight line to xnew, which may be chosen at xsamp or at a fixed distance d from xnearest on the straight line to xsamp. This is suitable for kinematic systems with no motion constraints. Discretized controls planner. For systems with motion constraints, such as wheeled mobile robots or dynamic systems, the controls can be discretized into a discrete set {u1, u2, . . .}, as in the grid methods with motion constraints (Section 10.4.2 and Figures 10.14 and 10.16). Each control is integrated from xnearest for a fixed time ∆t using ˙x = f(x, u). Among the new states reached without collision, the state that is closest to xsamp is chosen as xnew. Wheeled robot planners. For a wheeled mobile robot, local plans can be found using Reeds-Shepp curves, as described in Section 13.3.3. Other robot-specific local planners can be designed. Other RRT Variants The performance of the basic RRT algorithm depends heavily on the choice of sampling method, distance measure, and local planner. Beyond these choices, two other variants of the basic RRT are outlined below. Bidirectional RRT. The bidirectional RRT grows two trees: one "forward" from xstart and one "backward" from xgoal. The algorithm alternates between growing the forward tree and growing the backward tree, and every so often it attempts to connect the two trees by choosing xsamp from the other tree. The advantage of this approach is that a single goal state xgoal can be reached exactly, rather than just a goal set Xgoal. Another advantage is that, in many environments, the two trees are likely to find each other much more quickly than a single "forward" tree will find a goal set.

this information can be used in determining the nearest node. In any case, the nearest node should be computed quickly. Finding a nearest neighbor is a common problem in computational geometry, and various algorithms, such as kd trees and hashing, can be used to solve it efficiently. Line 5: The Local Planner The job of the local planner is to find a motion from xnearest to some point xnew which is closer to xsamp. The planner should be simple and it should run quickly. Three examples are as follows. A straight-line planner. The plan is a straight line to xnew, which may be chosen at xsamp or at a fixed distance d from xnearest on the straight line to xsamp. This is suitable for kinematic systems with no motion constraints. Discretized controls planner. For systems with motion constraints, such as wheeled mobile robots or dynamic systems, the controls can be discretized into a discrete set {u1, u2, . . .}, as in the grid methods with motion constraints (Section 10.4.2 and Figures 10.14 and 10.16). Each control is integrated from xnearest for a fixed time ∆t using ˙x = f(x, u). Among the new states reached without collision, the state that is closest to xsamp is chosen as xnew. Wheeled robot planners. For a wheeled mobile robot, local plans can be found using Reeds-Shepp curves, as described in Section 13.3.3. Other robot-specific local planners can be designed. Other RRT Variants The performance of the basic RRT algorithm depends heavily on the choice of sampling method, distance measure, and local planner. Beyond these choices, two other variants of the basic RRT are outlined below. Bidirectional RRT. The bidirectional RRT grows two trees: one "forward" from xstart and one "backward" from xgoal. The algorithm alternates between growing the forward tree and growing the backward tree, and every so often it attempts to connect the two trees by choosing xsamp from the other tree. The advantage of this approach is that a single goal state xgoal can be reached exactly, rather than just a goal set Xgoal. Another advantage is that, in many environments, the two trees are likely to find each other much more quickly than a single "forward" tree will find a goal set.

to allow large steps in wide open spaces and smaller steps near obstacle boundaries. • Discretizing the control set allows robots with motion constraints to take advantage of grid-based methods. If integrating a control does not land the robot exactly on a grid point, the new state may still be pruned if a state in the same grid cell has already been achieved with a lower cost. • The basic RRT algorithm grows a single search tree from xstart to find a motion to Xgoal. It relies on a sampler to find a sample xsamp in X , an algorithm to find the closest node xnearest in the search tree, and a local planner to find a motion from xnearest to a point closer to xsamp. The sampling is chosen to cause the tree to explore Xfree quickly. • The bidirectional RRT grows a search tree from both xstart and xgoal and attempts to join them up. The RRT∗ algorithm returns solutions that tend toward the optimal as the planning time goes to infinity. • The PRM builds a roadmap of Cfree for multiple-query planning. The roadmap is built by sampling Cfree N times, then using a local planner to attempt to connect each sample with several of its nearest neighbors. The roadmap is searched using A∗ . • Virtual potential fields are inspired by potential energy fields such as gravitational and electromagnetic fields. The goal point creates an attractive potential while obstacles create repulsive potentials. The total potential P(q) is the sum of these, and the virtual force applied to the robot is F(q) = −∂P/∂q. The robot is controlled by applying this force plus damping or by simulating first-order dynamics and driving the robot with F(q) as a velocity. Potential field methods are conceptually simple but may get the robot stuck in local minima away from the goal. • A navigation function is a potential function with no local minima. Navigation functions result in near-global convergence to qgoal. While they are difficult to design in general, they can be designed systematically for certain environments. • Motion planning problems can be converted to general nonlinear optimization problems with equality and inequality constraints. While optimization methods can be used to find smooth near-optimal motions, they tend to get stuck in local minima in cluttered C-spaces. Optimization methods typically require a good initial guess at a solution.

to allow large steps in wide open spaces and smaller steps near obstacle boundaries. • Discretizing the control set allows robots with motion constraints to take advantage of grid-based methods. If integrating a control does not land the robot exactly on a grid point, the new state may still be pruned if a state in the same grid cell has already been achieved with a lower cost. • The basic RRT algorithm grows a single search tree from xstart to find a motion to Xgoal. It relies on a sampler to find a sample xsamp in X , an algorithm to find the closest node xnearest in the search tree, and a local planner to find a motion from xnearest to a point closer to xsamp. The sampling is chosen to cause the tree to explore Xfree quickly. • The bidirectional RRT grows a search tree from both xstart and xgoal and attempts to join them up. The RRT∗ algorithm returns solutions that tend toward the optimal as the planning time goes to infinity. • The PRM builds a roadmap of Cfree for multiple-query planning. The roadmap is built by sampling Cfree N times, then using a local planner to attempt to connect each sample with several of its nearest neighbors. The roadmap is searched using A∗ . • Virtual potential fields are inspired by potential energy fields such as gravitational and electromagnetic fields. The goal point creates an attractive potential while obstacles create repulsive potentials. The total potential P(q) is the sum of these, and the virtual force applied to the robot is F(q) = −∂P/∂q. The robot is controlled by applying this force plus damping or by simulating first-order dynamics and driving the robot with F(q) as a velocity. Potential field methods are conceptually simple but may get the robot stuck in local minima away from the goal. • A navigation function is a potential function with no local minima. Navigation functions result in near-global convergence to qgoal. While they are difficult to design in general, they can be designed systematically for certain environments. • Motion planning problems can be converted to general nonlinear optimization problems with equality and inequality constraints. While optimization methods can be used to find smooth near-optimal motions, they tend to get stuck in local minima in cluttered C-spaces. Optimization methods typically require a good initial guess at a solution.

trees can be represented more compactly as a list of nodes, each with links to its neighbors. 10.2.4 Graph Search Once the free space is represented as a graph, a motion plan can be found by searching the graph for a path from the start to the goal. One of the most powerful and popular graph search algorithms is A∗ (pronounced "A star") search. A∗ Search The A∗ search algorithm efficiently finds a minimum-cost path on a graph when the cost of the path is simply the sum of the positive edge costs along the path. Given a graph described by a set of nodes N = {1, . . . , N}, where node 1 is the start node, and a set of edges E, the A∗ algorithm makes use of the following data structures: • a sorted list OPEN of the nodes from which exploration is still to be done, and a list CLOSED of nodes for which exploration has already taken place; • a matrix cost[node1,node2] encoding the set of edges, where a positive value corresponds to the cost of moving from node1 to node2 (a negative value indicates that no edge exists); • an array past_cost[node] of the minimum cost found so far to reach node node from the start node; and • a search tree defined by an array parent[node], which contains for each node a link to the node preceding it in the shortest path found so far from the start node to that node. To initialize the search, the matrix cost is constructed to encode the edges, the list OPEN is initialized to the start node 1, the cost to reach the start node (past_cost[1]) is initialized to 0, and past_cost[node] for node ∈ {2, . . . , N} is initialized to infinity (or a large number), indicating that currently we have no idea of the cost of reaching those nodes. At each step of the algorithm, the first node in OPEN is removed from OPEN and called current. The node current is also added to CLOSED. The first node in OPEN is one that minimizes the total estimated cost of the best path to the goal that passes through that node. The estimated cost is calculated as

trees can be represented more compactly as a list of nodes, each with links to its neighbors. 10.2.4 Graph Search Once the free space is represented as a graph, a motion plan can be found by searching the graph for a path from the start to the goal. One of the most powerful and popular graph search algorithms is A∗ (pronounced "A star") search. A∗ Search The A∗ search algorithm efficiently finds a minimum-cost path on a graph when the cost of the path is simply the sum of the positive edge costs along the path. Given a graph described by a set of nodes N = {1, . . . , N}, where node 1 is the start node, and a set of edges E, the A∗ algorithm makes use of the following data structures: • a sorted list OPEN of the nodes from which exploration is still to be done, and a list CLOSED of nodes for which exploration has already taken place; • a matrix cost[node1,node2] encoding the set of edges, where a positive value corresponds to the cost of moving from node1 to node2 (a negative value indicates that no edge exists); • an array past_cost[node] of the minimum cost found so far to reach node node from the start node; and • a search tree defined by an array parent[node], which contains for each node a link to the node preceding it in the shortest path found so far from the start node to that node. To initialize the search, the matrix cost is constructed to encode the edges, the list OPEN is initialized to the start node 1, the cost to reach the start node (past_cost[1]) is initialized to 0, and past_cost[node] for node ∈ {2, . . . , N} is initialized to infinity (or a large number), indicating that currently we have no idea of the cost of reaching those nodes. At each step of the algorithm, the first node in OPEN is removed from OPEN and called current. The node current is also added to CLOSED. The first node in OPEN is one that minimizes the total estimated cost of the best path to the goal that passes through that node. The estimated cost is calculated as

used in many distance-measurement algorithms and collision-detection routines for robotics, graphics, and game-physics engines. A simpler approach is to approximate the robot and obstacles as unions of overlapping spheres. Approximations must always be conservative - the approximation must cover all points of the object - so that if a collision-detection routine indicates a free configuration q, then we are guaranteed that the actual geometry is collision-free. As the number of spheres in the representation of the robot and obstacles increases, the closer the approximations come to the actual geometry. An example is shown in Figure 10.7. Given a robot at q represented by k spheres of radius Ri centered at ri(q), i = 1, . . . , k, and an obstacle B represented by ` spheres of radius Bj centered at bj , j = 1, . . . , `, the distance between the robot and the obstacle can be calculated as d(q, B) = min i,j kri(q) − bjk − Ri − Bj . Apart from determining whether a particular configuration of the robot is in collision, another useful operation is determining whether the robot collides during a particular motion segment. While exact solutions have been developed for particular object geometries and motion types, the general approach is to sample the path at finely spaced points and to "grow" the robot to ensure that if two consecutive configurations are collision-free for the grown robot then the

used in many distance-measurement algorithms and collision-detection routines for robotics, graphics, and game-physics engines. A simpler approach is to approximate the robot and obstacles as unions of overlapping spheres. Approximations must always be conservative - the approximation must cover all points of the object - so that if a collision-detection routine indicates a free configuration q, then we are guaranteed that the actual geometry is collision-free. As the number of spheres in the representation of the robot and obstacles increases, the closer the approximations come to the actual geometry. An example is shown in Figure 10.7. Given a robot at q represented by k spheres of radius Ri centered at ri(q), i = 1, . . . , k, and an obstacle B represented by ` spheres of radius Bj centered at bj , j = 1, . . . , `, the distance between the robot and the obstacle can be calculated as d(q, B) = min i,j kri(q) − bjk − Ri − Bj . Apart from determining whether a particular configuration of the robot is in collision, another useful operation is determining whether the robot collides during a particular motion segment. While exact solutions have been developed for particular object geometries and motion types, the general approach is to sample the path at finely spaced points and to "grow" the robot to ensure that if two consecutive configurations are collision-free for the grown robot then the

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