Roosevelt and the New Deal

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"Pumping priming"; temporary programs to restart the flow of consumer spending.

Rural Electrification Administration

(brought electricity to rural places and out west.) Enacted on May 20, 1936, provided federal loans for the installation of electrical distribution systems to serve isolated rural areas of the United States.

Give the date of when Roosevelt New Deal started


What is the name of Roosevelt's many many relief programs?

Alphabet Soup Agencies

Hundred Days

Between March 9 and June 16, 1933-- Congress passed 15 major acts to resolve the economic crisis, setting a pace for new legislation that has never been equaled. Together, these programs made up what would later be called the First New Deal.

Who were three critics of FDR?

Dr. Francis Townsend, Huey Long, and Father Coughlin

Father Coughlin

He was a priest from Detroit. In 1935 he organized the National Union for Social Justice, which some Democrates feared would become a new political party.

American Liberty League

In August 1934 business leaders and anti-New Deal politicians from both parties joined together to create the American Liberty League. Its purpose was to organize opposition to the New Deal and "teach the necessity of respect for the rights of person and property."


Permanent programs to avoid another depression and protect citizens from economic disasters.

Securities and Exchange Commision

Regulated the stock market and prevent fraud. A government commission created by Congress to regulate the securities markets and protect investors

Who coined the term Deficit Spending



Roosevelt had this infectious disease affecting the skeletal muscles, often resulting in permanent disability and deformity.

Congress of Industrial Organizations

The CIO set out to organize unions that included all workers, skilled and unskilled, in a particular industry. If focused first on the automobile and steel industries-- two of the largest industries in which workers were not yet unionized. In 1938 the CIO changes its name to the Congress of Industrial Organizations and become a federation of Industrial unions.

National Industrial Recovery Act

The NIRA suspended antitrust laws and allowed business, labor, and government to cooperate in setting up voluntary rules for each industry. President Roosevelt signed the bill into law on June 16, 1933

National Labor Relations Board

The NLRB, which organized factory elections by secret ballot to determine whether workers wanted a Union.

Describe the reform measures of the "Second New Deal"

The New Deal was a series of federal programs, public work projects, financial reforms and regulations enacted in the United States during the 1930s in response to the Great Depression.

Second New Deal

The Second New Deal is the term used by commentators at the time and historians ever since to characterize the second stage, 1935-36, of the New Deal programs of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The first major legislation that Roosevelt and Congress passed in the Second New Deal—in response to the critics—was the Works Progress Administration(WPA).

Henry Morgenthau

Treasury Secretary Hebert Morgenthau favored balancing the budget and cutting spending. This would encourage business leaders to invest in the company.

Civil Works Administration

Under Hopkin's direction, the agency built or improves 1,000 airports, 500,000 miles of roads, 40,000 school buildings, and 3,500 playgrounds and parks. This program spent nearly $1 billion dollars in 5 months.

National Youth Incorporation

established the NYA to devise useful work for some of the estimated 2.8 million young people who were on relief in 1935. NYA activities took two major directions: the student work program for youths in school (elementary to graduate), and out-of-school employment for the needy unemployed between the ages of sixteen and twenty-four.

Deficit Spending

government practice of spending borrowed money rather than raising taxes, usually attempt to boost the economy. (Spending more than you have)

Describe Franklin D. Roosevelt

he was orginially a republican, but he switches over to become democrat. He was president during WW2 and he calls the first hundred days the "New Bill." He pushed for social security, he couldn't walk, and he served 3.5 terms. He is the second president during the Great Depression.

Sit-down Strike

method of boycotting work by sitting down at work and refusing to leave the establishment-

Binding Arbitration

process whereby a neutral party hears arguments from two opposing sides and makes a decision that both must accept.

Broker State

role of the government to work out conflicts among many competing interest groups.

Safety Nets

something that provides security against misfortune; specifically government relief programs intended to protect against economic disaster.


the Act of changing the political balance of power in a nation's judiciary system whereby a national leader, such as the American president, appoints judges who will rule in favor of his or her polices.

Frances Perkins

the first woman to a cabinet post as Secretary of Labor. She was out in office by president Roosevelt.

Social Security Act

Congress began work on one of America's most important pieces of legislation. Its major goal was to provide some security for older Americans and unemployed workers.

Discuss American culture during the 1930s.

Despite the Great Depression, popular culture flourished in the United States in the 1930s. ... Next to jazz, blues, gospel, and folk music, swing jazz became immensely popular in the 1930s. Radio, increasingly easily accessibly to most Americans, was the main source of entertainment, information, and political propaganda.

Fireside Chats

Direct talks in which Roosevelt let the American people know what he was trying to accomplish (positive). 60 million people listened to this first of many "fireside chats". He told them on the radio that their money would be secure if they buy it into banks, rather than under the matresses.

Who was the only president who served four terms?


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

FDIC insures deposits up to $100,000 dollars. By protecting dispositors in this way, the FDIC greatly increased public confidence in the banking system.

Who said "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself"... let's get back to work

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Who was the president who served the longest ever?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

The Election of 1976

Franklin D. Roosevelt a democrat ran against Alf Landon a republican. FDR won with 523 electoral votes and AL won with 8.

Federal Emergency Relief Administration

Harry Hopkins, a formal social worker, ran this agency. The FERA did not intaially create projects for the unemployed. Instead, it channeled money to state and local agencies to fund their relief projects.

Huey Long

He serves Louisnaia in the U.S. Senate. He looked for ways to redistribute wealth. His attack and on the rich became popular in the midst of the Great Depression and he improved schools, colleges, and hospitals, and built roads and bridges.

Dr. Francis Townsend

He was a Californian physician that proposed that the federal government pay citizens over the age of 60 $200 a month. He believed the plan would increase spending and remove people from th workforce, freeing up jobs for the unemployed.


Immediate action taken to halt the economy's deterioration.

Bank Holiday

In 38 states, governors declared bank holidays-- closing the remaining banks before bank runs could put them out of business. When the bank closes and the only reason they close is because of bank runs.

John Maynard Keynes

Keynesianism was based on the theories of an influential British economist named John Maynard Keynes. In 1936 Keynes publishes a book arguing that government should spend heavily in a recession, even if it requires deficit spending, to jump start the economy.

New Deal

Roosevelt's polices for ending the Depression became known as the New Deal. Roosevelt's confidence that he could make things better contrasted sharply with Herbert Hoover's apparent failure to do anything effective.

Gold Standard

Some of the bank runs occurred because people feared that Roosevelt would abandon the gold standard and reduce the value of the dollar in order to fight the Depression. Under the gold standard, one ounce of gold equaled a set number of dollars. To reduce the value of the dollar, the United States would have to stop exchanging dollars for gold.

Describe the wide range of ideas that influences the New Deal

The New Deal's most immediate goals were short-range relief and immediate recovery. These were the immediate goals of the Hundred Days Congress, which met March 9-June 6, 1933. Long-range goals of permanent recovery and the reform of institutional abuses and practices that had produced the Depression came as part of the Second New Deal, from November 1933 to 1939.

Public Works Administration

The PWA began building highways, dams, sewer systems, schools and other government facilities. Set into place in June of 1933.

Eleanor Roosevelt

The distant cousin of FDR and his wife. She was one of the First Ladies to cross over the racial barrier. She was opposed to Jim Crow.

Agricultural Adjustment Act

This legislation was based on a simple idea-- that prices for farm Good were low because farmers grew too much food. Under this program, the government would play some farmers not to raise certain livestock, and not to grow certain crops.

Tennessee Valley Authorization

This new agency was designed to help control floods, produce electric power, and help improve the lives of people living in the Tennessee Valley. (May 1933)

Works Progress Administration

This was headed by Harry Hopkins, the WPA was the largest public works program of the New Deal. Between 1935 and 1941, the WPA spent $11 billion. It's 8.5 million workers (grown men) constructed about 659,999 miles of highways, roads, and streets, 125,000 public buildings, and more than 8,000 parks. The WPA's most controversial program was Federal Number One.

Civilian Conservation Corps

This was the most highly praised New Deal work relief program. The (CCC) offered unemployed young men 18 to 25 years old the opportunity to work the direction of the forestry service planting trees, fighting forest fires, and building reservoirs. Home Owners' Loan Corporation

What really got people out of the Great Depression?


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