RPF Exam Short Answer Questions

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"Name 3 ""greenhouse gases"" present in Earth's atmosphere."

"1) Carbon dioxide, 2) Methane, 3) Nitrous oxide, 4) ozone"

Define Biological Diversity

"An index of the richness in a community, ecosystem or landscape and the relative abundance of these species"

List two primary types of landslides

"Rotational, Translational"

"Define ""Nest Sites"""

"The geographic area surrounding habitat that includes nest trees, perch trees screen trees and replacement trees of a bird species of special concern"

"Define ""feral"""

"wild, not domesticated"

List 3 ecological values of black oak in a mixed conifer stand.

1) Food source for wildlife 2) Nesting habitat 3) ?

List three (3) species of native California hardwoods other than black oak that are recognized in the Forest Practice Rules Group B list.

1) Tanoak 2) Madrone 3) Red Alder

List three (3) field observations required to determine site index.

1) Tree Age 2) Tree Height 3) Tree Species

"Given a true bearing of due west, or 270 degrees from point A to point B, and a magnetic declination of 01 degrees 00 minutes W , state the magnetic bearing or azimuth reading."

269 Degrees or South 89 Degrees West

What is the radius of a 1/3 acre inventory plot.

67.7 ft

"What person is generally credited with being the ""father or founder"" of professional American forestry?"

Gifford Pinchot

List two factors that explain how the board foot stumpage price may exceed the per board foot lumber price at the time of bid?

Market Conditions & Logging Costs

"What are entisols, inceptisols, and ultisols?"

Soil Orders

Define the term chlorosis

an abnormal yellowing of tree foliage usually associated with nutrient deficiency

"List three preventative practices to control many insects, mites and disease"

" Salvaging, Thinning, burning, Biomassing"

At what point in development of a forest stand is annual nutrient uptake roughly equivalent to return of nutrients through litter fall?

"""cycling coefficient""= total mineral nutrient uptake per year / vegatation lost per year in mineral form ~Physiological Plant Ecology, A Closed System, Old Growth ~ Bill Bigg, John Stewart "

An individual reforestation opportunity would be judged financially inappropriate is Present Net Worth is less than ______; or the Internal Rate of Return is less than ________ or the Benefit/Cost Ratio is less than ______

"0, Guiding interest rate, 1"

"Under the professional Foresters Law, what two (2) activities are declared unlawful for any person who is not a Registered Professional Forester? (The correct answers are not from the disciplinary guidelines I.e. gross negligence, felony related etc.)"

"1) Acting in the capacity of an RPF 2) To use the Title ""RPF"""

Wood fiber is made up of four organic substances. Name 2

"1) Cellulose, 2) Hemicellulose, 3) Pectin, 4) lignin"

Identify 3 key processes or elements to consider when planning timber harvest actions that involve a watercourse

"1) Class of watercourse, as defined by 916.5 2) Slopes of terrain leading into the watercourse 3) The Current Threatened and Impaired Watershed Status for watercourse."

"The Forest Practice Rules and regulations define ""Functional Wildlife Habitat"" as having three basic features. Identify two of these features."

"1) Compostion, 2) Structure"

List 4 causes for disciplinary action under the Foresters Licensing Law

"1) Convicted of a felony substantially related to the , functions or duties of an RPF 2) Has been found guilty by the Board of deceit, fraud material misstatement of fact 3) Has been found guilty of fraud or deceit in obtaining license 4) Aids or abets any person in the violation of the professional forester law."

List 3 broad categories which are causes for disciplinary action under the Foresters Licensing Law.

"1) Convicted of a felony substantially related to the qualities, functions or duties of an RPF 2) Has been found guilty by the Board of deceit, fraud material misstatement of fact 3) Has been found guilty of fraud or deceit in obtaining license 4) Aids or abets any person in the violation of the professional forester law."

List four of the seven characteristics in Technical Addendum 1 under the California forest Practice Rules used to determine Erosion Hazard Rating.

"1) Detachability 2) Permiability 3) Depth to restrictive layer 4) Percent of surface coarse fragments greater than 2mm in size including rocks and stones 5) Slope factor 6) Remaining Protective vegetative cover 7) Two-year, one hour rainfall intensity"

"List 3 Environmental, non-parasitic agents which may predispose trees to insect, mite and disease damage"

"1) Fire, 2) drought, 3) animals, 4) pollution"

"List four characteristics of fuels that affect the way fires burn, and are important to prescribed fire management."

"1) Fuel moisture 2) Fuel temperature 3) Fuel loading 4) Fuel composition (IE: species, life stage, position in canopy)"

The Forest Practice Act is intended to regulate timberlands to achieve what two basic goals?

"1) Productivity of timberlands is resortred, enhanced, and maintained; 2)MSP of high-quality timber products is achieved while giving consideration to values relating to recreation, watershed, wildlife, range and forage, fisheries, regional economic vitality, employment, and aesthetic enjoyment."

List two reasons why duff is usually a poorer seedbed than mineral soil for establishment of conifer seedlings from natural seed fall or broadcast seeding.

"1) Seed has to penetrate duff layer to find purchase into mineral soil, weakening support structure and increasing chance of failure 2) Exposed seeds can be more easily found and eaten by rodents and birds."

The Forest Practice Rules provides for three categories of special treatment areas. Please list three

"1) Within 200 feet of the watercourse transition line of a federal or state designated wild and scenic river. 2) Within 200 feet of a national, state, regional county or municipal park. 3) Key habitat areas of federal or state designated threatened, rare, or endangered species. 4) Coastal Commission special treatment areas. 5) Within 200 feet of state designated scenic highways or within scenic corridors. Coast Special treatment; Southern Special Treatment"

Describe the fluvial geomorphological characteristics of a headwaters stream (Orders 1 and 2)

"1) Zone of erosion 2) Stream structure dominated by erosion, bedrock, and woody debris"

"Today, forest managers generally recongnize that LWD is important in influencing the biology and habitat values of streams in temperate ecosystems. List four biological and/or habitat functions (as opposed to morphological functions) of LWD in forested streams of CA."

"1) creates pools, 2) creates riffles, 3) instream structure for protection from predators, 4) provides temperature control (shading)"

"Using delivered log value as a basis, list four of the most important elements required to develop a traditional timberland value."

"1) distance to nearest mill (purchaser) 2) accessability of timber 3) operating cost per MBF (felling, yarding, sorting) 4) timber size, species, and quality"

"Besides CO2, list 3 other predominantly naturally occurring greenhouse gases that can be found in earth's atmosphere."

"1) methane, 2) nitrous oxide, 3) ozone"

List three (3) broad categories of vegetation manipulation available to accomplish fire fuels management.

"1) mulching 2) removal (chips) 3) spray, pile, and burn"

List three valid protective or habitat functions a WLPZ serve along a class I or II stream?

"1) temperature control, 2) filtering of sediment 3) source of food and instream structure."

"List 2 situations which may occur during field variable plot cruising, when it is important to know the plot radius factor?"

"1) when you have a borderline tree, 2) when DBH is obstructed from view by other trees or vegetation"

Describe three (3) characteristics which would distinguish California black oak trees from other species of the oak genus.

"1)Lobed leaves 2)longer leaves 3-6"" 3) lobes 3 toothed and bristle tipped 4) grows at higher elevations 5)Acorns"

Traversing forty chains east from the NE corner of section sixteen would put you at what corner in a standard township?

"1/4 Corner, Section 16"

"Of the following California Legislative acts having to do with forestry which came first, in chronological order: Forest Taxation Reform Act, Z'Berg-Nejedly Forest Practice Act, Registered Professional Foresters Act?"

"1972, Registered Professional Foresters Act (Professional Foresters Law); 1973, Z'Berg-Nejedly Forest Practice Act; 1976, Forest Taxation Reform Act."

"A THP map has a scale of 1"" = 400' and 20 ft contour intervals. A proposed temporary road for a logging unit extends 2.3"" from the permanent road to the dead-end landing serving the unit. The proposed road starts on a contour line, crosses four other contour lines and ends, at the landing, on a fith contour line. What is th egrade of this proposed temporary road (round to nearest %)?"

"400*2.3=920, 5 contours=100', slope=Rise/Run, 100/920=10.8 = 11%"

The Board of Forestry membership is appointed from three catagories of representation. Breifly describe the basis upon which the board members are selected.

"5 General Public; 3 Forest Industry; 1 Range and Livestock - Appointed based on education, professional qualifications and knowledge of natural resources. "

"In performing a Stocking Survey for a clearcut area, you lay out a uniform grid as prescribed and sample 80 plots. What would be the minimum number of stocked plots needed to find the area in a stocked status, according to the FPA?"

"55% or 44 plots, .55*80=44"

"In the diagram below, the angle represents the horizontal angle a rear yarder guyline deviates from the skylines axis of pull. (Assume other guylines are in place but are not shown.) This angle should never exceed how many degrees to avoid overstressing the guyline during yarding?"

"60 degrees = 50% effective 45 degrees = 75% effective 10 degrees = 95% effective ~Sonora foresters, reference cable yarding diagrams"

"In terms of water quality law, define the term TMDL and from what law (s) does it derive?"

"A TMDL is the amount of a pollutant that a water body can receive and still meet water quality standards. It is the sum of allowable loads from point and nonpoint sources, considering seasonal variation and a margin of safety. 1972 Clean Water Act"

"Briefly define a ""blind lead"" and state the obvious negative environmental result which can occur."

"A blind lead is a condition where the line of sight between the tower yarder and the tail block is obstructed by a convex slope. Excessive down cutting of slopes increases erosion, damage to residual trees and logs from dragging along the ground, and by the mainline cutting into the soil or rubbing trees."

"In mechanized felling, what is meant by an accumulator?"

"A device used to hold cut stems while the cutting head continues to harvest trees. Allows the machine to create ""bunches"" of trees for yarding."

"Define the diminution quotient or ""q factor"" used to control diameter distributions in uneven-aged stands."

"A devise used to describe the structure of an uneven aged stand. The q-factor is the ratio of the number of trees in a diameter class divided by the number of trees in the next smaller diameter class. The lower the q-factor, the higher the proportion of large diameter trees. "

"Define ""Waterbreak"""

"A ditch, dike, or dip, or a combination thereof, constructed diagonally across logging roads, tractor roads and firebreaks so that water flow is effectively diverted therefrom. Waterbreaks are synonymous with waterbars."

"Define what is meant by the term, Adaptive Management?"

"A dynamic approach to natural resource management in which the effects of treatments and decisions are continually monitored and used, along with research results to modify management on a continuing basis to ensure that objectives are being met."

"Explain how stream ""ordering"" works in a large watershed (it is a system that compares streams within and among watersheds)"

"A hierarchial ordering of streams based on degree of branching. 1st order is unforked, two 1st order streams come together to make a 2nd order, two 2nd order streams combine to form 3rd order etc.."

What is meant by the term cadastral survey?

"A land survey which includes information regarding ownership, and other land parcel data."

Sketch the graph of growth and yield of a regulated uneven-age stand where the residual (regulated) growing stock is 40 MBF/ acre and the net PAI is 1200 BF/ac/yr on a 10 year cutting cycle.

"A line that never falls below 40 MBF, climbs to 52 MBF every 10 years and is cut back to 40 MBF. something like this: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ , where 40 would = the lows and 52 the highs on the Y axis, the X axis =ing increments of 10 years."

What is a Biological Vector

"A living carrier of disease. Example is the ""blue-stained fungus"" carried by certain beetles as they feed on cambium"

"What is meant by the term ""diagram rule"""

"A log rule system derived from physical diagrams of log sizes and showing the 1"" boards that can be produced from the small end of the log. Example: Scribner assumes 1/4 inch saw kerf "

"Under the Endangered Species Act, what is an ""Evolutionary Significant Unit"" (ESU)?"

"A population of organisms that is considered distinct for purposes of conservation. These species are defined as having at least one of the following: a) Current geographic separation, b) Genetic differentiation at neutral markers among related ESUs caused by past restriction of gene flow, or c) Locally adapted phenotypic traits caused by differences in natural selection. "

"Define a ""temporary road"""

"A road used only during a timber operation, having a surface adequate for seasonal logging use and drainage structures adequate to carry any runoff during the use period. The road must be blocked or abandoned at completion of use."

"Define a ""Seasonal Road"""

"A road which is part of a permanent transportaiton facility where commercial hualing may be discontinued during the winter period. These roads have a surface adequate for hauling forest products during the non-winter period, in extended dry periods, or when hard frozen conditions exist, adn have watercourse crossings which will accomodate a 50 year flood."

"Define ""Permanent Road"""

"A road which is planned and constructed to be part of a permanent all season transportaiton facility. These roads have a surface which is suitable for the hauling of forest products throughout the entire winter period and have drainage structures, if any, at watercourse crossings which will accomidate the 50 year flood flows. Normally they are maintained during the winter period."

"What is meant by a ""Secondary Cavity Nester"""

"A species which occupies a cavity made by another species, after the first has abandoned it"

"Define ""Significant Adverse Impacts on the Environment"""

"A substantial, or potentially substantial, adverse change in any of the physical conditions within the area affected by the project including land, air, water, minerals, flora, fauna, ambient noise, and objects of historic or aesthetic significance. An economic or social change by itself shall not be considered a significant effect on the environment."

Define a yield table

"A table showing the expected timber yields by age of an even-aged stand, usually by site index, and typically including quadratic mean diameter, DBH, basal area and standing volume."

"Describe a ""shotgun"" cable system. You may use a diagram as well as words. What minimum number of working drums must the yarder possess to use this system?"

"A two-drum, live skyline yarding system in which the carriage moves down the skyline by gravity, is lowered to attach logs, then raised and pulled to the landing by the main line"

"In an even-aged forest, under area control, what are the essential characteristics of a regulated, or fully regulated forest?"

"Age and size classes present in adequate proportions to provide continuous and predictable flow of wood from the forest during any logging cycle. At harvest time, a predictable quantity of logs, within specific size classes is produced on a fixed area of land."

Define macroinvertibrates and give 3 general examples of macroinvertibrates which are sensitive to changes in water quality.

"An invertebrate which can be seen without magnification. Examples include: Mayflies, stoneflies and caddis fly"

"Define the term ""increaser"" and state what range condition it indicates"

"Any plant species of the original climax vegetation that increases in relative amount. This typically happens in overgrazed areas where the preferred palatable species are reduced, allowing for the secondary species to propagate. Indicates fair to depleted grazing conditions."

"Define ""Watercourse"" as used in the California Code of Regulations governing forest practices"

"Any well-defined channel with distinguishable bed and bank showing evidence of having contained flowing water indicated by deposit of rock, sand, gravel, or soil."

How does Net Present Value change as interest rate changes?

"As the interest rate increases, the Net Present Value of an investment will decrease"

"Why are forests sometimes referred to as carbon ""Sinks""?"

"As trees grow, carbon dioxide is removed from the air through leaf stomata and used in the photosynthesis process. Once carbon has been remove from the oxygen molecules, it is stored in a variety of plant tissues, the most permanent being the heartwood of the stem. Considering a tree is not harvested, this carbon is now stored in the tree. Forests maintained for the sole purpose of trapping carbon are referred to as ""sinks"" Forests extract CO2 in large amounts from the atmosphere and store carbon in woody stems as the result of growth."

"List three (3) ""sensitive species"" as designated by the Board of Forestry."

"Bald eagle, golden eagle, great blue heron"

"In log scaling, describe what is meant by a ""diagram rule""?"

"Based on the number of 1 inch boards that can be drawn into a circle, representing the Diameter. Saw kerf and minimum board width are asssumed, does not account for boards recovered from the slab outside the scaling cylinder. - Bell & Dillworth"

Why does the concept of MAI not apply well to uneven-aged stands?

"Because MAI measures the cumulative growth of trees divided by the age of the stand. When you are working with an all-aged stand, the trees will be in different life stages, each with their own growth characteristics. In order for MAI to be germane, the trees need to be of similar age class."

"Define ""beneficial uses of water"""

"Beneficial uses"" of the waters of the state that may be protected against quality degradation include, but are not limited to, domestic, municipal, agricultural and industrial supply; power generation; recreation; aesthetic enjoyment; navigation; and preservation and enhancement of fish, wildlife, and other aquatic resource of preserves"

What is the difference in the amount of biomass production between stands of ponderosa pine and stands of true fir with increasing stand density?

"Biomass production would go up with increasing stand density, being a tolerant species true fir grows in denser stands than the intolerant ponerosa pine. Thus biomass prodcution would be more in a true fir stand."

List two different forest operations that will help reduce ladder fuels.

"Biomass thinning, commercial thinning from below"

Name two of the three native oak species which are believed not to be regenerating sufficiently to sustain the species in some regions in California.

"Blue Oak, Valley Oak"

"(DIF01) Give the correct legal description for the corner marked ""A"" on the diagram. (No base and meridian need be included)"

"CN 1/16 Sec 14 T. 2N.,R.3E."

"Under the 2002 Federal Farm Bill, what is the name of the program where private, non-industrial froest land owners are eligible for federal grants and technical assistance?"

"California Forest Incentive Program, (CFIP) : Forest Land Enhancement Program (FLEP) "

"What are chains and links, and how are they used in forestry"

"Chain: 66 feet in length Link: one piece of a chain instrument, of which there are 100 in a standard chain. 100 links in one chain. The Chain is the standard unit of measurement in traditional forestry practices. It was prominent in the original public land survey of the west and is commonly used today."

List four of the genera in the family Fagaceae found in North America.

"Chrysolepis (chinkapin), Lithocarpus (tanoak), Quercus (oak), Fagus (beech)"

What are the two most essential items for determining standard Watercourse and Lake Protection Zone (WLPZ) widths?

"Class of watercourse, Slope of ground running into watercourse"

List four counties in the State that have been granted special timber harvesting rules by the Board Of Forestry

"Coast: Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Marin, San Mateo Southern: Monterey Northern: Lake ~ Title 14 California Code of Regulations Article 13, County Rules"

Briefly describe the purpose of the Haines Index in fire science.

"Combines instability and dry air to indicate the potential for large fire growth. The index is derived from the stability (temperature difference between different levels of the atmosphere) and moisture content (dew point depression) of the lower atmosphere. The index is calculated over three ranges: low elevation, mid elevation, and high elevation. A Haines index of 6 means a high potential for large fire growth. 5 means medium potential, 4 low potential, and anything less than 4 means very low potential."

"In the regeneration phase of conifer stands, why do competing shrubs often substantially delay the time to first commercial thinning?"

"Competing shrubs compete for water and nutrients with the conifers impeding growth. They also are typically more aggressive at dominating canopy spaces of young stands for the first several years, slowing the development of conifers. This in turn delays the development of the conifers into commercial grade timber"

According to the Forest Practice Rules how would you define hard frozen conditions when hauling can occur during the winter period?

"Conditions where loaded or unloaded vehicles can travel without sinking into the road surfaces to a depth of more than 6"" over a distance of 25'."

List six (6) factors that might affect the value of stumpage for a timber sale?

"Current market condition, loggind costs, road building costs, timber volume, timber quality, site quality, competition. Logging costs might be broken into hauling, plan preperation, species, or other reasonable. Give full credit for this specific information."

"When calculating California Yield Tax payments, name three (3) specific information items needed to use the Immediate Harvest Value tables."

"Current tax rate, Selling price of timber/MBF, Logging costs"

"Define DBH, DOB, and DIB"

"DBH: The diameter of the tree, including stem and bark, measured at 4.5 feet from the ground, on the uphill side of the tree. DOB: The diameter of the tree, including stem and bark, measured at any point along the tree. DIB: The diameter of the wood portion of a tree, measuring the stem only. "

What is the difference between DOB and DIB?

"DIB is the diameter of the stem, without the bark. DOB is the diameter of the stem plus the bark."

List 3 characteristics of Midden

"Dark Colored, sooty soil deposits, found near prehistoric sites. 1) Discolored soil, black to gray. 2) Will stick to hands more than ordinary soil, fine textured.3) Soapy or oily feel when wet"

Give the scientific name of 3 genus of bark beetles common to western US forests.

"Dendroctonus, Ips, Scolytus"

The Scribner and Spaulding log rules are based on _______ and the International and Doyle log rules are based on _____

"Diagram , Formula Both are Board ft. Rules"

The Scribner and Spaulding log rules are derived from _______ and the International and Doyle log rules are derived from _____

"Diagram , Mathematical Formula Both are Board ft. Rules"

Define Direct and Indirect control of insects

"Direct Control: Use of an agent which targets the pathogen directly. An example is to use Bacillus Thurengiensis to control the outbreak of gypsy moth outbreaks. Indirect Control: Using Silvicultural or other practices to make trees less susceptible to insect attack. Example is to reduce the density of a stand to lower the stress of competition, thereby allowing trees to be more healthy and capable of fending off attack."

"What are the common names of the following species? Pseudotsuga menziesii, Quercus kellogii, Lithocarpus densiflorus?"

"Douglas-fir, California black oak, tanoak"

"Under the Forest Practice Act ""Feasible"" means capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time, taking into account _______, ________, and _______ factors"

"Economic, environmental, legal social and technical"

"Which of the following tree species are susceptible to white pine blister rust: Pinus monticola, Pinus lambertiana, Pinus ponderosa, Pinus sabiniana, Pinus attenuata, Pinus contorta?"

"Effects all 5-needle pines: P. monticola, P Lambertiana, P. Flexilis, P albicaulis"

Waterbreak spacing is based upon what two basic factors

"Erosion Hazard Rating, Grade of Road or Skid trail."

What condition must be met to use a Tarif Table to determine the volume of trees in a Ponderosa pine stand?

"Even Age, dictionary of forestry"

"Under the Forest Practice Rules and Regulations, name two Silvicultural systems."

"Even-age, Uneven-age"

"Is the following statement true or false, and briefly state why: Establishing a ponderosa pine plantation below a residual white fir overstory infected with dwarf mistletoe represents a high risk of spreading mistletoe to the new understory."

"False, true fir dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium abietinum sp. concoloris) only affects white and grand fir, rarely it can affect pinus lambertiana."

"How do the Forest Practice Rules define ""economic feasibility"""

"Feasible-The plan is capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time, taking into account economic, environmental, social, legal and technical factors. With regard to economic feasibility, whether a plan can be conducted on a commercial basis within three years of the plan submission and not solely on the basis of whether extra cost is required to carry out alternatives.-CFPR economically feasible- a transaction having a present net worth greater than zero. -D.F."

Describe a Class II Watercourse

"Fish are always or seasonally present offsite within 1,000 feet downstream and/or there is aquatic habitat suitable for non-fish aquatic species, pools and channel defined with gravel and rocks."

"Under the Forest Practice Rules, List the two primary characteristics which determine a class II Watercourse"

"Fish are always or seasonally present offsite within 1,000 feet downstream or there is aquatic habitat for non-fish aquatic species."

List two types of fixed costs and two types of variable costs generally associated with harvesting equipment.

"Fixed Cost: Insurance, Interest on equipment loan, Depreciation Variable Cost :Fuel ,Maintenance"

"What is the ""coefficient of variation"" and how is it used?"

"For a set of variable values, the standard deviation divided by the expected value. This is a measure of variability that is useful for comparing variations in populations with different expected values."

"For THP planning purposes, how would you define an ""Active Nest"" of an Osprey when you have not seen an Osprey occupy the nest in the 3 months you have been doing THP fieldwork?"

"For an Osprey a nest site remains ""Active"" for 3 years after the last use of the nest. CFPR's Definitions"

"List three (3) pieces of ground skidding equipment in the order of their skidding efficiency, least to most, on steep slope."

"Forwarder, rubber-tired skidder, track layer with winch, track layer with grapple"

"List three factors which can negatively impact fish populations, as a result of logging."

"Habitat loss or alteration, reduced habitat stability, increased rates of sedimentation, increased water temperature, reduced dissolved oxygen, total sediment, suspended sediment, reduced streamside protection, etc."

Briefly describe the main work done by ht eHarvester and the Forwarder in a Harvester/Forwarder mechanical logging system.

"Harvester: cuts, limbs, and bucks tree. Forwarder: loads and transports logs to the haul road."

Define a variable retention harvest system. List three variables to be considered when designing a variable retention harvest system

"Harvesting based on the retention of structural elements or biological legacies (snags, DWD, trees) as to retain these elements into a new Stand. Considerations: 1) Dispersed or aggregated retention. 2) Yarding system to be used. 3) Retention density"

"According to the Forest Practice Rules, define a Class II watercourse."

"Has pools, scoured channel, fish present within 1000 ft downstream, aquatic habitat for non-fish spp. Better Definition???? "

"Explain how stream ""ordering"", such as the Strahler System, works in a large watershed (It is a system that compares streams within and among watersheds)."

"In the Strahler system, a first order stream is the smallest collection channel. Two first order streams combine to form a second order stream, and two secondorder streams combine to form a third order stream. If two streams combine that are of different orders, the resulting stream remains as the higher order, and does not change with the addition of the smaller stream. "

Why are the number of miles of open road an issue concerning impacts to certain species of wildlife?

"Increased miles of open road dissrupts the continuity and connectivity of habitat, forage and migration of many species."

Name the three types of road surface shapes used to facilitate drainage.

"Inslope, outslope and crown"

"How is the Girard form class, a type of form quotient, computed?"

"It is a ratio between stem diameter, inside bark at the top of the first 16 foot log and DBH outside bark. Example: DIB at 16 foot is 17 inches, DBH is 20 Inches 16/20 = 0.8 or 80 Percent. This function assumes that most of the taper in the whole tree occurs in the first log"

Why is it critical that domestic water have low turbidity (I.E.: turbidities below 1 NTU)?

"It is commonly accepted that the lower the turbidity of the water, the less chance there is for water-borne parasites to be present in the water in quantities to cause sickness in humans."

List how to distinguish between Sequoia sempervirens and Sequoiadendron giganteum.

"Leaves: sempervirens has linear, flat leaves and giganteum has spirally arranged, awl like leaves."

Wood is made up of four organic substances. Name two (2)

"Lignin, Cellulose"

Describe the difference between litter and humus

"Litter is the surface layer on the forest floor, composed of fallen leaves, needles and twigs not in advanced stages of decomposition. Humus is organic material of complex composition which is the end-product of microbial breakdown."

Differentiate between a live skyline and a standing skyline system.

"Live Skyline-Skyline tension can be altered during operations, and sudden lowering of the skyline is possible. Skyline is only anchored on one side. Standing skyline- Skyline tension remains constant. The skyline drum cannot be moved during operations. Both sides are anchored."

"Define ""Native Americans"""

"Local federally recognized tribal governments, and those California Native American organizations and individuals, as listed on the Native American contact list provided to the Directory by the Native American Heritage Commission for the area that contains the proposed timber operation."

"As applied to the growth of an even-aged stand of trees, what is the term for the point where the volumetric MAI is equal to the volumetric PAI?"

"MAI > 0 = PAI, Culmination of Mean Annual Increment"

Give the common name of one ground cover species which is of particular importance in limiting the success of natural regeneration in west side Sierran forests.

"Manzanita, Bear clover"

WHR (Wildlife Habitat Relationship) system has 6 classes for defining tree size. What is a class 6?

"Multi-layered tree: Size class 5 (crown >24' DBH >24"") over a distinct layer of class 4 ( >12', 11"") or class 3 (<12', >6"") with a total tree canopy exceeding 60% closure. (>10% canopy cover and distinctive height seperation)"

"Under 14 CCR Sec. 1104.1(a) what are the size, land use and ownership criteria for conducting timber operations under a conversion exemption?"

"Must be under three acres, on timberland to be converted to non-timberland use. Can only be done once in one contiguous ownership and must not be part of a THP."

Name three soil macronutrient elements necessary for plant growth.

"Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium"

What are three important soil characteristics which indicate forest soil productivity?

"OM (humus) content, depth, permeability"

Armillaria mella (Oak Root Rot) is endemic in California. What are two ways in which the activities of man may increase the prevalence of this problem.

"Oak Root Rot is primarily spread in conditions where there is an excess of water around the tree. The presence of irrigation structures (canals, flood irrigation, over-zealous green thumb) increase the ability of the disease to spread and injure the tree.1) Overwatering near oak trees. Examples are in residential areas where oak trees are in proximity to watered lawns and gardens.2) Not properly treating infected material and allowing it to become mixed with uninfected stock.3) Soil Compaction around the roots from use of heavy equipment or road building.4) Harvesting, causing open stumps to become vectors of infection"

"Under the Forest Practice Act reulations governing ""nonindustrial timberland"", list three characteristics which define a ""non-industrial tree farmer""."

"Owns less than 2500 acres, has an approved NTMP, not primarily engaged in the manufacture of forest products."

Name four California animal species generally viewed as Old-Growth associated.

"Pacific Fisher, Marbled Murulet, Spotted Own, Northern Goshawk"

List the stages in secondary succession following a stand replacement disturbance in a mesic forest climax region

"Pioneer species from nativer seed source (manzanita). Establishment of native conifers (pine) with some hardwood, competing with, then dominating manzanita. Climax of conifer and establishment of shafde tolerant species (white fir). Stand climax of white fir."

Why is it silviculturally more important to thin developing pine stands sooner than developing true fir stands?

"Ponderosa Pine are intolerant to both shade and competition, true fir are tolerant to shade and competition, as a result they are more negatively affected by high stocking levels."

Give the common name of three (3) destructive insects whose attack usually results in death or very serious injury to Douglas-fir AND three for ponderosa pine.

"Ponderosa Pine: Mountain pine beetle, pine engraver, red turpentine beetle / Douglas-fir: Douglas-fir beetle, Gypsy moth, Douglas-fir tussock moth"

Give the common name of three (3) destructive insects whose attack usually results in death or very serious injury to Douglas-fir or three for ponderosa pine.

"Ponderosa Pine: Mountain pine beetle, pine engraver, red turpentine beetle"

Name two instruments which are commonly used in variable plot cruising to determine is a tree is to be counted or not counted.

"Prism, Relaskop"

Describe the character of a fully regulated forest.

"Produces an even flow of logs and volume into perpetuity. Has present, at any time, all size classes of logs required to meet management objectives sustainably"

The Forest Practice Act is intended to regulate timberlands to achieve two goals. List them.

"Productivity of timberlands is restored, enhanced and maintained. Maximum sustained production of high quality timber products, taking into consideration recreation, watershed, wildlife, range and forage, fisheries, regional economic vitality employment and aesthetic enjoyment."

Name one traditional culvert design method or formula and list two specific items of information required for application of that method or formula.

"Rational Method- area of watershed, expected precipitation intensity, runoff coefficient. California Nomogram method- area of watershed, length of watercourse run, elevation change in watershed. Magnitude and Frequency method- predicted peak runoff, drainage area, annual precipitation and altitude. SCS Curve method- lenght of channel, average slope of watershed, drainage area, six and 24 hour precipitaiton. Slope Area method- width of channel, depth of channel, channel slope, wetted perimeter."

"List three compatible uses, besides tree growing and harvesting timber, that may occur on lands zoned TPZ, according to the California Yield Tax Law (disregarding local or county defined compatible uses)"

"Recreation, grazing, Wildlife management, uses related to Timber Management, Utility transmission facilities, Residence for management of TPZ."

What is a timber depletion allowance?

"Reducing the value of the timber harvested, for tax purposes, by taking into account costs associated with harvesting."

Define thinning from below in an even-aged stand

"Removing trees of lower crown position and those that are suppressed, relative to the overall stand. Also designed to capture mortality before it occurs in the stand. Designed to improve growing conditions for residual trees and optimize rotation harvest."

The Forest Practice Act is intended to regulate timberlands to achieve what three basic goals relating to productivity?

"Restored, Enhanced, Maintained"

List five (5) environmental or topographic settings which are common locations of prehistoric archeological resources found on California timberlands.

"Ridge tops, flats near springs, meadows, mid slope benches, stream confluences, stream terraces, vegetation ecotones, large rock outcrops."

What are two genera of shrubs commonly follow fire and logging in Sierran forests?

"Rubus, Arctostaphylos"

"(DIF01) What is the correct legal description for the area marked ""D"". (No base and meridian need be included)"

"SE 1/4, SW 1/4 Sec 14, T.2N, R.3E."

"(DIF01) Give a correct legal description for the corner marked ""C"" on the diagram. (No base and meridian need be included)."

"SW 1/16 Sec 14, T.2N., R.3E."

What is the most common cause for the lack of Large Woody Debris (LWD) in coastal streams in California.

"Sanitation & Salvage harvesting in the WLPZ, removing future LWD."

"List the genus and species of two (2) insects, primarily in the family Scolytidae, which often kill a tree."

"Scolytus ventralis (Fir engraver), Dendroctinous brevicomus"

Scribner Decimal C log scale differs from Scribner log scale in what way

"Scribner decimal C rule measures volume to the nearest 10 board feet, dropping the last 0 in the measurement"

"The Scribner Dec. C log rule differs from the International 1/4"" Rule in what basic way?"

"Scribner is a diagram rule, International 1/4"" is a formula rule."

Name four types of lines used in commoncable yarder riggings.

"Skyline, mainline, haulback line, strawline, guyline"

"""Unstable areas"" are characterized by:"

"Slide areas or unstable soils or by: hummocky topography consisting of rolling or bumpy ground, frequent benches and depressions, tension cracks."

What was the impetus for CA changing to the Yield Tax on timber in 1976?

"So that landowners where only taxed when harvest occurred, rather than a yearly assessment."

"Using needles, fascicle sheaths and cone scales, distinguish between hard and soft pines."

"Soft Pine: 5 needles, sheaths deciduous, unarmed scale Hard Pine: 3 needles, sheaths persistent, armed scale "

Inceptisols and ultisols are classifications of ________. Which of these two represents the older?

"Soil Orders, Ultisols are older"

List three ways to estimate site quality other than using site index or site class.

"Species present, Height at a given age, soil ananlysis, historical data"

What are three primary factors required to adjust gross timber volumes to net timber volumes?

"Species, Cull, defect, falldown by species and daimeter"

List three stand parameters used in growth and yield models?

"Species, DBH, Height, Site Index"

"Name the forest pest which eats tree seeds, clips off the tops of newly germinated seedlings, and chews on the bark of seedlings and list two common methods of direct control."

"Squirrels, Trapping and bait poisoning"

"A widely used measure, developed by Reineke, that espresses relative stand density in terms of the relationship of a number of trees to stand quadratic mean diameter is called the"

"Stand Density Index, SDI"

"What is the ""coefficient of variation"" used to measure?"

"Standard Deviation; a measure of the dispersion about the mean of a population or sample, ie. The positive square root of the variance."

Explain what stream ordering is by providing an example of how stream orders are related to one another (It is a system that compares streams within and among watersheds)

"Stream ordering compares streams by magnitude, whereby an unbranched stream is an order one, when two order one streams merge they make an order two. Two order two's make a three and so on. This allows a forester to compare watersheds in more general terms to derive similarities"

State two (2) Silvicultural reasons that reforestation surveys are done

"Survival rates, Stocking, Spacing, Species mix"

What are the common names of two hardwood tree species that potentially need controlling when partially cutting redwood stands.

"Tanoak, Golden Chinquapin"

The 1976 Forest Taxation Reform Act made what basic change in forest taxation?

"Taxes on timber were paid only when harvest occurred, not based on a yearly assessment (Yield Taxes). Also created the Timber Production Zone (TPZ) zoning"

"According to the current THP form, what responsibility does and RPF have when signing a Timber Harvest Plan regarding visitation of the plan site?"

"That they, or their supervised designee personally visited the site to verify that the Plan complies with the FPA"

"Currently, what additional means, besides a licensing action by the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection, exist to sanction a RPF?"

"The Board can issue a reprimand to the offending Forester Violation, Misdemeanor, Citation"

Describe the relationship between Net Present Value and interest (discount) rates.

"The Net Present Value is calculated taking into consideration the future rate of return on the investment, or the interest rate. "

What authority does an RPF license give a person to write pesticide prescriptions as part of a THP?

"The RPF is not allowed to write pesticide prescriptions, unless they have a Pesticide Applicators License, which is required from the Department of Pesticide Regulation."

"When preparing a THP, in general (it is not necessary to identify a specific practice), what must an RPF do when the standard WLPZ (Watercourse and Lake Protection Zone) width and or standard protective measures (CCR 916.5 936.5 956.5) appear to not be adequate to provide protection to the beneficial uses of water?"

"The RPF must write an in Lieu of the stated rule, Reference the standard rule and how it differs. Specify locations applied, justify practice is equal to or better. Receive the Directors approval."

"Define ""Confidential Archeological Addendum"""

"The archeological and historical resources survey and impact assessment prepared for a proposed timber operation pursuant to the rules. It is submitted on a form entitled ""CDF Confidential Archeological Addendum for Timber Operations on Non-Federal Lands in California"" and is confidential."

"Define ""Equipment Limitation Zone"""

"The area, as explained in the THP, where heavy equipment associated with timber operations is limited for the protection of water quality, the beneficial uses of water, and/or other forest resources."

"In Silvicultural terms define ""tolerance"""

"The capacity of trees to grow in the shade of, or in direct competition with other trees."

"Define ""derived demand for stumpage"""

"The demand for the timber is derived from the demand for the finished product. If we did not use wood or paper products, then there would be no interest in harvesting the timber used to produce those products no stumpage value associated with them"

Define Allelopathy

"The inhibitory of stimulatory effects of released organic chemicals by one plant on the germination, growth or metabolism of a different plant."

Briefly discuss why a conventional high-lead logging system is not suitable for logging a partial cut on steep terrain.

"The logs are dragged along the ground and will inevidable damage the residual stand. There is also an increased risk of hanging up the choked log being yarded which will slow down the operation, increase risk to loggers, and add to costs."

"Under the California Practice Rules, a THP is reviewed again before approval. Under the Forest Practice Rules, what is the basic standard for a THP to be accepted for filing?"

"The plan must be accurate, complete and in proper order"

Describe the condition of a fully regulated even-age forest.

"There is present, at all times, varying age classes, in separate management stands, to produce a sustained and predictable flow of logs over a specified period of time (or indefinitely)"

"For tax purposes, logging equipment is usually depriciated and timber is depleted. By what taxation process are the cost of roads recovered by the forest enterprise?"

"They are depriciated, only over a longer period of time."

Give one reason why it is silviculturally more important to thin developing ponderosa pine stands sooner than developing true fir stands?

"They are intolerant to competition, while true fir are tolerant to competition."

"How do the Forest Practice Rules define ""Emergency"""

"Those conditions that will cause waste of loss of timber resources to the timber owner that may be minimized by immediate harvesting of infected, infested or damaged timber reduced by salvaging downed timber."

"To determine site, tree heights should be measured to what point on the tree?________ To determine volume, the tree height should be measured to what point on the tree?"

"Total Height, Merchantable Height"

List two field measurements required to determine site index.

"Total Height, age at breast height"

What characteristic of true fir requires that special attention be paid during partial cutting?

"True firs have a sensitivity to damage caused by logging activities because of their thin bark. A break in the bark layer, exposing the cambium provides a entry point for rot and other pathogens. "

"Under 14 CCR Sec. 1104.1(a) what are the size, land use and ownership criteria for conducting timber operations under an conversion exemption?"

"Under 3 acres of timberland being converted to a non-timber use in one contiguous ownership, once per contiguous ownership, once per person every 5 year."

"What is meant by the constitutional term ""a taking"""

"Under the 1976 Endangered Species act ""..to harass, harm pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect an animal or to attempt to engage in such conduct.."" "

Armillaria mella (Oak Root Rot) is endemic in California. What are two ways in by which you can decrease the prevalence of this problem in a forest setting?

"Use Silviculture methods to improve stand vigor and reduce stress. Plant Ponderosa pine, avoid true firs; D-fir and Western Hemlock."

"List 3 additional means (besides licensing action by the Board of Forestry), which exist to sanction a RPF by CDF"

"Violation, Misdemeanor, Citation"

"(DIF01) Give a correct legal description for the corner marked ""B"" on the diagram. (No base and meridian need be included)."

"W 1/4 Sec 14, T.2N., R.3E."

"List two insects, primarily in the family Scolytidae, which kill a tree."

"Western Pine Beetle, Mountain Pine Beetle"

"Specify a geographic area of California, and give the genus, species, and common name for two native conifers that are also primary commercial timber trees and give the genus, species and common name for an associated hardwood for each."

"Westside Sierra Nevada Mountains, South of Lake Tahoe. Pinus ponderosa (ponderosa pine), Pinus lambertiana (sugar pine), Fagaceae Quercus kelloggii (California black oak), Fagaceae Quercus chrysolepis (canyon live oak)"

"During variable plot cruising, when does one use the plot radius factor?"

"When a tree is borderline between being counted or not, the PRF is used to manually measure to see if that specific tree falls within the plot."

What causes end checking?

"When the log or board begins to dry out at a faster rate than the rest of the board, the stress causes these ends to crack."

"State, in general terms, the objectives of the intent section of the Forest Practice Act."

"Where it is possible, productive forest lands are to be restored, enhanced and maintained, providing for a maximum sustained production of high quality timber while giving consideration to wildlife, fisheries, recreation and aesthetic values."

Hydric ( or hygric) is a term pertaining to a wet or moist climate. The term pertaining to an environment which is dry or has little moisture is ______ and the term pertaining to an environment with a moderate supply of moisture is ________

"Xeric, Mesic"

For Yield Tax purposes who is considered a timber owner?

"You are considered a timber owner if

"Define the term ""externality"" as it is used in economics. Give two common examples of an externality that may occur in forestry operations. "

"a cost (typically) or benefit of a business decision that does not enter into the financial accounting of the firm, organization, industry, or government but which is borne by others or society at large. ~D.F. 1. Logging increases sediment into a stream, downstream a water treatment plant must remove the sediment during potable water treatment. 2. Slash piles are created and then burned contributing to degraded air qaulity (?)"

High definition remote sensing mapping products called LIDAR images are becoming more common in forestry and natural resource use. Briefly describe the technology creating these aerial photo substitutes.

"a remote-sensing device or technology for measuring distances and directions. ~D.F. 1. Light beam to obtain speed, altitude, direction, and range of a target. 2. airborne lidar altimeters produce high resolution digital elevation models and mapping change in elevation. 3. other lidar sensors used for meteorlogical or atmospheric studies."

"Define the term ""loam soil"".__________-"

"a soil texture class containing roughly equal amounts of sand, silt and clay."

The second largest membership of the BOF is comprised of what category of members? How many members are from this group if the BOF has a full slate of appointees?

"a) Forest products industry, 3"

What is a hypsometer? Give two examples of hypsometers commonly used by foresters.

"any instrument for measuring the heights of standing trees or their stems from observations taken at some distance from them. Clinometer, Abney, Relaskop(?) ~D.F."

"According to the ""Professional Foresters Law"", name three professions explicitly excluded from practice by an RPF?"

"civil engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture"

"Identify a highly competitive, undesirable plant or associated tree species that foresters must contend with when managing stands in the three forest types listed below: coast redwood, ponderosa pine, true fir."

"coast redwood: Tanoak, ponderosa pine: manzanita, true fir: whitethorn"

"Some of the following plants are considered noxious forbs for one or more types of livestock: bur clover, delphinium, filaree, horsetail, locoweed, saltbrush, yellow starthistle, water hemlock. List three of the noxious forbs."

"delphinium, locoweed, yellow starthistle"

Briefly explain what is meant by a diurnal pattern of net photosynthesis.

"diurnal-daily ~Wikipedia, online net photosynthesis- the balance between gross photosynthwesis and leaf dark respiration, it represents the amount of Carbon available for growth and tissue maintenance.~Forest Ecology Text"

List three stand parameters used in growth and yield models?

"even-age, site index, quadratic mean diameter (DBH)."

Differentiate between an obligate and faculative species of plant.

"faculative- a species with the capacity to live under different environmental conditions. Obligate- relating to a species that is limited in its habitat to few, specific environmental conditions, or a parasite or pathogen to a specific host. ~D.F."

"Give three of the four terms used to define ""taking"" under the Federal Endangered Species Act? "

"harass, pusue, hunt, shoot, trap, kill, etc."

"Define the term ""hyporheic flow"" and describe one important effect it has on fish habitat."

"hyporheic zone- the area under a stream channel or floodplain that contributes water to the stream. ~ D.F. (Dictionary of Forestry) ""It is the under current flow, below the surface flow. It is important to fish as it is cooler and necessary for proper growth of salmonids."" ~RH Oct. 05' = full credit"

"Give the common name of two deciduous, western US forest tree species that are monoecious and two that are dioecious."

"mono-canyon live oak, coast live oak; di- poplar, willow, ash"

The abiotic parts of an ecosystem can generally be defined as_______

"non-living or never living components such as soil particles, bedrock, air, and water."

A stand table is a listing of the _____ of trees by _____ and ______ class generally on a per unit area.

"number, species ,Diameter, "

"Define the term ""off-tracking"" as it is used in forest road design and what is the common adaptation made in the design of a forest road to accommodate off-tracking."

"off tracking is the distance a trailer travels to the inside of turns, turns are widened to accomadate. ~RH"

"What is meant by the term ""emergent vegetation"" as it relates to aquatic plants?"

"plants that are rooted in the substrate below the water line and the plant grows up through and out of the water. Flowering takes place on plant above the water surface. (cattails, bullrush)."

"Name two specific reasons why, to protect the range resource, livestock entry date might be delayed on a perennial meadow."

"reduce compaction, allow decreasers to grow"

Name three retention practices recommended for stand treatments to maintain options for spotted owls on timberlands in the Sierra Nevada?

"retain nesting habitat, foraging habitat, dense stands, cavitities, hardwoods??"

Six properties describe wildland fuels. Name four of the six properties.

"size, moisture content, chemistry, compaction, continutiy, and load"

What makes an orthophotograph different from other aerial photographs

"the displacement points caused by tilt, relief and central projection (perspective) are removed."

"On a cable logging system, explain the purpose of the haulback line."

"wire rope used in cable logging to haul the main line with carriage, chokers, or butt rigging back to the point where logs are to be attached."

Geotextiles come in basically two forms of fiber arrangement. The two forms of fiber arrangement are _______________.

"woven, needle punched, or heat bonded?"

Compare and contrast a yield model with a growth model.

"yield model provides vol, BA and or other unit information per unit area for a given set of stand info based on certain taper and volume equations. Growth model used to project a set of stand data into the future (estimates yield at another point in time). A Yield Model receives stand level inputs and produces outputs at a stand level only. A Growth model receives a list of individual trees which it grows indipendently and then aggregates into a stand, giving more detail."

A rectangular piece of land measures 26.5 chains by 38.7 chains. How many acres are in this piece of property?

((26.5*66)*(38.7 *66)) / 43560 = 102.56

"You are standing on point A and looking upslope to point B. Pont B is 220 ft, slope distance from you, and your abney shows slope is 22%. How much higher is point B than A?"

(.22*220)=48.4 feet

"Assume you have 2 - 12 "" and 1 - 18"" DBH trees in a variable plot. The 12"" trees have a stand table factor (STF) of 50.92 and the 18"" trees has a STF of 22.64. How many trees per acre would our plot represent?"

(2*50.92)+22.64= 124.48

1) You own timber immediately prior to felling or harvesting; or


2) You are the first person or agency not exempt from property tax to acquire legal or beneficial rights to timber after felling, when the trees were owned by a state, federal, or other tax-exempt agency, such as the U.S. Forest Service."


c) Locally adapted phenotypic traits caused by differences in natural selection. "


What is the basal area of a 14 inch DHB tree in square feet?

.005454(14)2= 1.07

What is the basal area (in square feet) of a tree that has a DBH of 24 inches?

.005454154* (24^2) = 3.14 square feet

What is the basal area (in square feet) of a tree that has a DBH of 18 inches?

.005454154*(18)^2 = 1.77 square feet

A 25-ton load of fresh wood chips is delivered to a biomass co-generation facility. The load of chips has a moisture content of 45%. How many dry weight tons in the load of chips?

.55*25=13.75 dry tons

List three major components of the U.S.'s Navstar GPS system.

1) 24 Satellites in Space 2) 5 ground control stations 3) individual receivers

"In road location, what are three (3) indicators of instability that might convince you to locate the road elsewhere?"

1) Active landsliding 2) Hummocky ground 3) pistol butt trees 4)Hygrophytic or wet site vegetation 5)tilted trees 6)active soil movement.

List four items which must be contained in a confidential Archaeological addendum under the CFPR's and Regulations

1) Administrative information relating to the site itself. 2) A current Archaeological records check for the plan area. 3) Confirmation of written consultation with Native Americans 4) Training and experience of archaeological surveyors. 5) Survey methods and procedures. 6) Evaluation of significance. 7) Protection Measures. 8) Meeting with LTO. 9) Information concerning site recording requirements.

Name four important social issues that are impediments to increased use of prescribed burning?

1) Air quality 2) Risk of Property Damage 3) Negative visual impact 4) Bad public image 5) Human Safety

List 4 physical watershed characteristics which influence the diameter of a culvert needed to minimize failure in a log haul road.

1) Annual Rainfall data 2) Subcatchment acres. 3) Elevation relief of the subcatchment. 4) Length of channel to the top of the subcatchment. 5) The channel cross section profile

The use of WLPZs and other mitigation within a THP are intended to provide protection for numerous in-stream and near-stream site factors. List 5 of these site factors specified in the CA Forest Practice Rules.

1) Bank and channel stability; 2) spawning and rearing habitat for salmonids; 3) water temperature control; 4) upslope stability; 5) vegetation structure diversity for fish and wildlife habitat; 6) streambed and flow modification by CWD; 7) filtration of organic and inorganic material.

"When calculating California Yield Tax payments, name three (3) specific information items needed to use the Immediate Harvest Value tables, other than species"

1) Board feet harvested 2) Tree Code 3) Tax rate

The CFPR use Technical Addendums to convey certain procedures used to prepare THPs. Breifly define 3 areas covered by Technical Addendums.

1) CIA-the assessment of cumulative impacts as required in CCR that may occur as a result of proposed timber operations. 2) Forest District Boundaries- used to determine which area of the state a THP falls into; 3) Silvicultural Methods- describes stocking standards and methods allowable for chosing timber to cut

Name one anadramous fish species recently listed in California under the Federal Endangered Species Act and name one anadramous fish species being considered for listing.

1) Chinook Salmon (listed 2000) 2) None up for consideration

What specific forest damage may be caused by squirrels and what are the control methods permitted by the Department of Fish and Game?

1) Consumption of seed sources 2) Damage to terminal buds of young trees. DFG permits use of mechanical traps and gas cartridges to control them.

List three criteria used to determine the significance of an Archaeological site

1) Contains important information needed to answer important scientific research questions. 2) Has a special and particular quality such as the oldest of its type or the best available example of its type. 3) Is directly associated with a scientifically recognized important prehistoric or historic person or events.4) Involves important research questions that historical research has shown can be answered only by archaeological methods. 5) Has significant cultural or religious importance to California Indians identified by the NAHC

Two Primary on-site activities relating to the Watercourse and Lake Protection Zone (WLPZ) may be required of the RPF by the rules either prior to the pre-harvest inspection or prior to commencement of operations. What are the two activities?

1) Flag the appropriate WLPZ. 2) Mark trees within the WLPZ for harvest or retention.

List five (5) benefits of prescribed burning.

1) Fuel reduction 2) nutrient cycling 3) seed bed preparation 4) favors pine to fir and other less fire tolerant species 5) reduces threat of catastrophic wildfire.

"List three characteristics of ""Unstable Areas"""

1) Hummocky topography consisting of rolling bumpy ground. 2) Frequent benches and depressions. 3) Short slumping visible. 4) Slopes are irregular and may be slightly concave at top and convex at bottom. 5) Disturbed ground vegetation and trees leaning at angles or pistol butted

"When hardwood management is proposed on a Timber Harvest Plan, what minimum information about the hardwoods is required on the THP form?"

1) If the hardwoods are to be used for stocking 2) If hardwood needs to be reduced to maintain relative stocking of group A species.

List three ways to stabilize a constantly changing watercourse

1) Install rip-rap along banks to prevent erosion 2) Straighten channel 3) Install weirs in stream (structure) 4)build levies and dikes

List 4 plant micronutrients.

1) Manganese 2) Zinc 3) Iron 4) Boron

What are three traditional approaches to timberland valuation?

1) Market Evidence 2) Present Net Worth 3) Derived Residual Value 4) Market Quantification

"Under statutes governing ""nonindustrial timberlands"" state the 3 criteria to be a ""nonindustrial tree farmer"""

1) Must have less than 2500 acres of land proposed for management 2) Not primarily engaged in the production of forest products 3) Has an approved NTMP

"A THP can have a life of three, four or five years. Name two California harvest documents that do not have a set life?"


Name four (4) important values of oak woodlands (i.e. not individual oak trees) in California.

1) Nesting habitat for bird species 2) Rangeland 3) Food source for many bird and animal species 4) Recreation for hunters and wildlife tourism 5) Aesthetics 6) Good place to build sub-divisions (urban sprawl)

Name 5 plant macronutrients.

1) Nitrogen 2) Potassium 3) Phosphorus 4) Calcium 5) Magnesium

"As defined in the California Forest Practice Rules, what are two characteristics of a class III watercourse, other than visible channel with defined bed and bank?"

1) No aquatic life present 2) Must be capable of delivering sediment to a Class I or II under normal high water conditions

"In terms of plant water and energy, list two (2) reasons for the generally beneficial effect of dead shade on seedling survival."

1) No competition for water and nutrients 2) slows surface transpiration and evaporation

List three (3) disadvantages of using yield tables to predict growth.

1) Not localized 2) does not take into account past management (good or bad) 3) assumes you have a fully stocked stand

"Under the California Forest Practice Rules, Functional Foraging Habitat for Northern Spotted Owl is dependent upon several factors; list two."

1) Presence of prey on forest floor or canopy 2) Presence and access to perching limbs

Name three (3) things that compaction may do to reduce soil productivity.

1) Reduce available air content to roots 2) restrict root development 3) reduce percolation of water

"From a forest road location standpoint, list three distinctly different examples of a ""control point"""

1) Road intersection 2) Stream crossing 3) Prominent ridge

List three instream conditions which can negatively impact fish populations as a result of land management activities.

1) Sedimentation 2) Temperature change 3) Lack of LWD

Many aquatic invertebrates are grouped by their feeding function. Name four feeding function groups.

1) Shredders 2) Grazers 3) Collectors 4) Predators

List three (3) advantages of using yield tables to predict growth.

1) Simple 2) Low cost 3) provides basic trend information useful to management

List three (3) upstream parameters useful in culvert design that would be used to calculate the potential water flow past a point in a watershed?

1) Size of subcatchment 2) elevational relief of subcatchment 3) cross section area of channel 4) vegetative cover 5) soil type 6) geology 7) peak rainfall intensity 8) rainfall duration 9) rainfall amount )etc.

List three (3) PHYSICAL elements to consider when deciding whether to tractor log or cable log a timber sale?

1) Slope of area 2) Soil characteristics 3) Deflection potential 4)Access 5) yarding distance 6) timber size

Identify four major issues affecting Silviculture of the Sierra mixed conifer forest type

1) Stand age classes (all-age or even-age) 2) Stand species composition 3) Past Silvicultural activity 4) Stocking and stand volume

"Under the Professional Foresters Law, list two (2) disciplinary actions which may be taken by the Board of Forestry against an RPF violating this law."

1) Temporary Suspension of license 2) Revocation of license

"According to the California Forest Practice Rules, what are three potential criteria that are necessary for an archaeological or historic site to be called ""significant""?"

1) The site contains information required to answer an important scientific or historical question. 2) have a special or peticular quality 3) be related to an important event or person 4) involves important research 5) be of significant cultural importance.

List four critical financial pieces of information needed for a traditional conversion return analysis.

1) Volume of lumber by species 2) Selling value of lumber by species 3) Manufacturing costs of wood 4) Logging costs.

List three important social issues that are impediments to increased use of prescribed burning.

1) air quality; 2)risk of property damage; 3) negative visual impact; 4) bad public image; 5) human safety; 6) fear of fire

List the stages in primary succession of a mesarch (moderate climate conditions) forest climax region.

1) moist soil or rock 2)Annuals 3)perenial grasses 4) forbes 5) mixed herbacious 6) shrubs 7) intolerant trees 8) mid-tolerant (sub-climax) 9) tolerant trees (climax)

Give three reasons why seed tree and shelterwood systems are generally not used to regenerate redwood stands.

1) redwood regenerates best in bare mineral soil 2) full sunlight produces best growing conditions 3) Redwood seed has low fecundity rate <20%

List four factors that will influence flame length in a prescribed fire situation.

1) relative humidity 2) wind 3) fuel moisture 4) slope

List three (3) of the several reforestation survey methods.

1) stocked quardrant 2) plot count 3) staked point

Name three methods of identifying and classifying forest site quality.

1) the heights of dominant trees at 100 years 2) Soil analysis (soil pits and profile analysis) 3) Vegetation associations and distributions Age / Height ration; Soil type; Veg. Map.

List four purposes a THP document serves during its life:

1)Leads and guides the RPF 2) Guides and directs the LTO 3) Enforceable document used by CDF 4)Allows for public and Agency Review 5) Allow's Director to determine if proposed timber op's conform to rules of the Board.

Name two physical and two chemical changes effects of fire on forest soils.

1)hydrophobic 2) sterile 1) Loss of OM 2) increased erosion?

"According to the California Forest Practice Rules, what are two potential criteria that are necessary for an archaeological or historic site to be called ""significant""?"

1. Contains info. To answer important scientific research questions. 2. Quality; oldest of its type or best example of its type. 3. Direct association with a scientifically recognized important prehistoric or historic event or person. 4. Involves importnt research questions that historical research has shown can be answered. 5. Importance to Native Americans.

"According to the FPA, stream culverts installed on permanent and seasonal roads must be designed for what frequency of flood occurrence or return interval?"

100 year - According to road definitions in CFPR's

"A scale of 1:12,000 translates to how many feet per inch on a map?"

12000/12inches in a foot = 1000' per inch

What is the maximum sustained gradient allowed by the Forest Practice Rules for forest roads?

15% to 20% is allowed for a short distance not to exceed 500'.

Briefly define what is meant by a 2-0 seedling and a plug-one (P-1) seedling?

2-0 = 2 years in original seed bed 0 years transplat with moderatley developed root and mychorrizal systems 1-1 = 1 year original seed bed and 1 years transplant with good root and mychorrizal systems

What is the current tax rate for forest products under the Yield Tax?


"How many acres are in a standard sub-section designated as W1/2 of the SE1/4 of the NE1/4, section 23, T23N R10E, MDB&M?"

20 Acres

"In the CFPR, what is the minimum stand acreage for defining ""late successional stands""?"

20 acres

"(DIF01) How long (in feet) is the segment of the section line marked ""E"""

20*66= 1320

Approximately what percent of the privately owned conifer forest land is in non-industrial ownership?


You wish to thin a stand of trees to an average of 25X25 ft spacing. How many trees per acre would your thinned stand have on the average acre?

25*25 = 1 tree every 625 feet = 70 trees to the acre

"To configure a yarding tower for a true running shyline with a mechanical (not self-powered carriage, such as an Eagle) slack pulling carriage, the yarder must have at least how many yarding drums?"

3 drum

"There are multiple permit options available for fuel hazard reduction on private and state-owned lands. Under the ""La Malfa"" Forest Fire Prevention Exemption (CCR 1038 (i)), what is the acreage limit that may be treated? "

300 acres

"If you count 10 trees ""in"" using a 30 BAF prism, how many square feet of basal area per acre does that represent?"

300 square feet

A rectangular piece of land measures 40.2 chains by 78.5 chains. How many acres are in this piece of property?

315.6 acres

"If a public land survey section has all normal measurements, how many acres are in the NE ¼ , SW ¼, SE ¼ ?"

40 Ac.

"According to the 1988 FRRAP assessment, approximately 23 million acres of conifer forest land exist in California. Approximately what percentage is in private ownership?"


You wish to thin a stand of trees to an average of 20X20 ft spacing. How many trees per acre would your thinned stand have on the average acre?

43560/ Spacing = 43560/(20*20) = 109 TPA

The largest membership on the Board of Forestry is comprised of what type of members? How many members are from this group if the BOF has a full slate of appointees?

5 Public members 3 Forest Industry 1 Rangeland Manager = 9 members when full

"Under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), at what age is a man made site considered ""historical""?"

50 years

The Forest Practice Rules and Regulations do not allow a new logging road grade to exceed 15% except that pitches of up to 20% will be allowed not to exceed _____ continuous feet.


A rectangular piece of land measures 12.3 chains by 42.5 chains. How many acres are in this piece of property?

52.3 acres

"A scale of 1:6,000 translates to how many feet per inch on a map?"

6000 in / 12 in per foot = 500 feet

"If a public land survey section has all normal measurements, how many acres are in the NE ¼ , NE ¼, SW ¼, SE ¼ ?"

640* ((1/4) * (1/4) * (1/4) * (1/4)) = 2.5 acres

"How many acres are in a standard sub-section designated as W1/2 of the SE1/4 of the NE1/4, section 23, T23N R10E, MDB&M?"

80 acres

"Given a true bearing of due east, or 90 degrees between points A and B, and a magnetic declination of 01.00 degrees W, state the magnetic bearing or azimuth reading."

89 Degrees - Azimuth Bearing N 89 E

"In a standard township, what section is northwest of section 15"


"Define the term ""hydrologic unit code"" (HUC) and its purpose and use."

A HUC is an eight-digit number that identifies each of the watersheds into which the country has been divided for the purpose of water-resources planning and data management. HUCs are a way of identifying all of the drainage basins in the United States in a nested arrangment from largest (Regions) to smallest (Cataloging Units).

"Define ""Rolling Dip"""

A drainage facility that is constructed to remain effective while allowing passage of motor vehicles at reduced road speeds.

"Define ""Ditch Drain"""

A drainage structure or facility which will move water from an inside road ditch to an outside area.

"Define ""raptor"""

A group of bird species considered to be hunters (ex Northern goshawk)

"Under area control, what are the essential characteristics of a regulated, or fully regulated forest?"

A land base which has present at all times all size classes of trees needed to sustain a minimum yield indefinitely. Area control does this on a fixed number of acres for each period. Regulared Forest: A forest with roughly equal areas of even-aged timber in each age class so that equal harvests could continue inperpetuity for a set rotation time period. - Economics

"What, specifically, is the mensurational difference between a local volume table and a standard volume table?"

A local volume table is calibrated using local data so that volume is a function of DBH only. Standard volume tables are more generalized and calculate volume as a function of DBH and height.

"For cable logging, define the term ""tight lining""."

A method of highlead yarding in which the haulback line supports the butt rigging and makes it possible to lift the butt riggin and its load over obstacles.

What is meant by an intolerant species? Include a common example of a tree species that is intolerant.

A species which requires full or nearly full sunlight to survive and dominate a site. Ponderosa pine is an intolerant species.

Define the term allocthonus stream

A stream which derives most or all of it's nutrient energy source from such things as insect drop and litterfall from terrestrial vegetation is termed to be an _________ type of stream.

"Define ""temporary road"" and ""seasonal road"""

A temporary road is designed and used only for a specific harvesting operation. A seasonal road is designed for use with a permanent road system to be used during the non-winter period

Define a normal yield table.

A yield table showing average development of a well-stocked stand over time

"(DIS 03) On the next page are three diagrams of cable logging/yarding systems commonly used in the western U.S. and elsewhere. Using the number and configuration of cable-lines, identify each logging system by the most commonly used name in the field. Logging System A: _________________________ Logging System B: _________________________ Logging System C:_______________________"

A.: Highlead or Grabinski when rider block is used B.: Running skyline with mechanical slack puller C.: Live skyline with shotgun

"Purposefully leaving a logging road reasonably impassible to standard production four wheel drive highway vehicles, and leaving a loggin road and landings in a condition which provides for long-term functioning of erosion controls with little or no continuing maintenance is termed______________, under the FPR."


The establishment of a forest or stand in an area where the preceeding vegetation or land use was not forest is called_____.


"The term ""land ethic"" is generally attributed to what person?"

Aldo Leopold

The deleterious affect of one plant upon another through the production of chemical inhibitors that are released into the environment is known as _________


A stream which derives most or all of it's nutrient energy source from such things as insect drop and litterfall from terrestrial vegetation is termed to be an _________ type of stream.


A written analysis of preharvest and post harvest timber stand conditions and a description of the Silvicultural practices and systems to be used in lieu of the standard methods in a THP is termed a_________________.

Alternative Prescription

When fixed capital improvements are constructed and used on a property (like roads) their periodic write-off value is called:


"In logging terminology, define the term ""deadman"""

An anchoring device where one or more logs are buried in the ground to which a guy or anchor line is attached

"In a THP, briefly describe what is meant by the term ""Appurtenant"" roads?"

An appurtenant road is a road that will be used to haul forest products that is outside a plan area but under the same ownership as the plan. ~RH

"Other than a THP, when planning to build a new private timber access road which joins an existing public (but not federal government) road, what type of permit is needed and from which permitting authority?"

An encroachment permit from the county or state (depending on the owner)

What general criteria are used to distinguish an uneven-aged stand from an even-aged forest stand?

An even aged stand contains trees primarily of one age class. Uneven-age stands contain three or more age classes in varying distributions.

"According to the CA. Forest Practice Regualtions, under what conditions is an on-site meeting between the responsible RPF, preparing a THP (or supervised designee) and the LTO (or supervised designee) required? Also specify the time interval when this meeting must occur."

An on-site meeting is required when archeological or historical sites requiring protection exist within the site survey area. The meeting shall occur prior to the start of operations. -CFPR's 1035.2 & 969.2

What is the physiological difference between an angiosperm and gymnosperm

Angiosperms have a seed contained within an ovary (protected) and a gymnosperm has no ovary covering the seed (naked)

"Define ""Site Preperation"""

Any activity involving mechanical disturbance of soils or burning of vegetation which is performed during or after completion of timber harvesting and is associated with preperation of any portion of a loggin area for artificial or natural regeneration.

"As of 1996,what part of the California Forest Practice Rules and Regulations affords protection for the southern torrent salamander (Rhyacotriton variegatus)?"

Article 9: Wildlife protection practices

Define the general concept of long-term sustained yield.

Balancing growth and harvest over time to produce a regulated environment where harvest never exceeds growth.

"As per 14CCR 895, what is the stream condition where the stage of discharge fills the entire channel cross section without significant inundation of the adjacent floodplain, and has a recurrence interval of 1.5 to 2.0 years"

Bankfull stage

A practice or usually a combination of practices that are determined by a state or a designated planning agency to be the most effective and practical means of controlling point and nonpoint sources of pollutants at levels compatible with environmental quality goals is called a (answer may be given as an acronym)

Best Management Practices (BMP)

What court ruling determined that decisions made under the Forest Practice Act were subject to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)?

Broadus Decision (1975)

"What is the correct term for the system of swivels, shackles, and hooks that permit both the hookup between the main and haulback lines and the attachment of the chokers?"

Butt Rigging - Glossary of Forestry Engineering

"Define Current Annual Increment, Periodic Annual Increment and Mean Annual Increment"

CAI- growth in a tree or stand in a one year period. MAI- the total increment (growth) of a tree or stand up to a given age divided by that age. PAI- the growth of a tree or stand over a specific time period divided by that period.

Forestry pesticide and herbicide application is regulated by what state agency?

California Environmental Protection Agency

"What other law was brought to bear on the Forest Practice Act by the court ruling in Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc v. Arcata National Corporation (or ""Broaddus Decision)?"

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

What law requires forest practice regulations to address archeological resources?

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

Identify one certified specialty under the California Professional Foresters Law.

Certified Rangeland Manager

The smallest membership class on the Board of Forestry is comprised of what categories of members? How many members are from this group if the BOF has a full slate of appointees?

Certified Rangeland Manager - 1

What is the common name of a California native fern which may indicate wet conditions in a forested environment?

Chain Fern

"How does the supply of lumber from a single, large timber producing company affect the public demand for lumber?"

Changes in production to not change consumer demand

"For northern California, list three salmonids that have been placed on the federally threatened or endangered list. Give both common and scientific names"

Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

"1: The main watercourse is shown as a blue line on the topographic map. Water flows all year but is shallow in places, fish are found only in deeper pools."

Class I Watercourse

An open aqueduct with water feeding a small hydro-electric generator crosses a lower portion of the property.

Class IV Watercourse (manmade)

"Which species survives better under drought conditions, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Coho salmon) or Oncorhynchus mykiss (steelhead) and why. Be brief."

Coho - because steelhead require higher flows to reach spawning areas in the smaller streams high in the watershed

"The amount of light required, at any particular temperature, where photosynthesis is equal to respiration, i.e. CO2 is neither absorbed nor evolved us called the "

Compensation Point

How is current annual increment different from mean annual increment?

Current annual increment is the growth over a specified period. The mean annual increment is the growth over a period of time divided by the period of time.

"In economic terms, the actual quantity of a commodity or service that buyers are willing to purchase in the market at a given price over a specified time period is called___________."


"In the lumber market, what is meant by the statement ""demand is considered inelastic""?"

Demand does not change with changes in lumber prices

"When the original cost of a natural resource, such as timber, is written off the books as the resources are used, the accounting procedure is called:"


"A deduction from taxable income, allowed under specific conditions, by US tax laws to the owners of timber for reduction of an original growing stock through cutting is called______"

Depletion allowance

"In forestry, the use of the concept of present value allows us to"

Determine the economic feasibility of a proposed action by comparing future revenue to the cost associated with that action.

State the difference between a diagram scaling rule and a formula scaling rule. Give an example of each.

Diagram scaling rule uses predawn diagrams to show how many board exist in a log of a given size (example: Scribner). A formula log rule uses equations based on log size and assumed taper to derive volume (example: International log rule)

Define Direct and Indirect control of insects

Direct- control methods that kill insects to reduce the population Indirect- Management activities that change the environment to reduce suitable condition for insect breeding.

"To compare the economic costs and returns of different projects, (with different lifes and times of incurring costs and receiving returns) at a common point in time, the common economic analysis method used is called _________________________."

Discounted Cash Flow

"In the CCR, trees with well developed crowns extending above the general level of the canopy and receiving full light from above and partially from the sides are termed________."


"Sometimes a layer of needles, leaves and small twigs, exist on the ground. What is the common term for the organic layer that exists between the larger material of needles/leaves/twigs, and the soil?"


List two nutritional changes which occur in annual grasses as they mature through the growing season.

Early season growth - increased nutrition Late Season drying - decreased nutrition

"A transition zone between two adjoining communities, or an edge habitat is termed a____________________"

Ecotone - D.F.

"Under the Forest Practice Rules, _________ are the category of devices or materials used to reduce the velocity of flowing water, usually to reduce potential erosion."

Energy dissipater

A nonmonetary and rarely calculable toll on society arising from any form of economic activity is termed a _________

Externality - D.F.

Regional Water Quality Boards and the State Water Resources Control Board in CA have the authority to require monitoring and reporting as a condition of any applicable waiver of waste discharge requirements on THPs. What is the lefislative basis for this authority?

Federal Clean Water Act

"List 2 environmental or nonparasitic agents which may predispose trees to insect, mite and disease damage."

Fire and Drought

Which tree killing fungus forms tissue-paper-like mecelium felts between the bark and wood and has perennial conks which occur on the crotches of the root collar. The spores are wind borne to infect recently cut stumps and the decay can progress from the stump into the roots and to adjacent living trees.

Fomes Annosus - (annosus root rot)

"In harvesting, a self-propelled machine, usually self-loading, that transports trees or logs by carrying them completely off the ground is called a _________."


Cut-to-length harvesters generally work with a _____ which moves the logs to the landing. While Feller-bunchers usually use a _____ to move bunches of whole trees to the landing.

Forwarder Skidder

The process by which the landscape is broken up into small islands of forest within a mosaic of other forms of land-use or ownership is known as


The THP is part of a process which has been certified as _______ to an EIR subsequent to a decision by the Secretary of Resources

Functionally Equivalent

"What forester said in 1905, ""Where conflicting interests must be reconciled, the question shall always be answered from the standpoint of the greatest good of the greatest number in the long run."""

Gifford Pinchot

"A commonly hand-held, satellite-based navigational device that records x,y and z coordinates and other data allowing users to determine their location on the surface of the earth is called a _________________________. (Give entire name)"

Global Positioning System

The total assimilation of energy and nutrients by an organism or a plant community per unit of time is called_________ production.

Gross Primary

What is the name for a topographic area within a steep gradient drainage located in the upper reaches above the normal defined channel? This area usually exhibits extremely steep side slopes and geologic down slope movement indicators. It may be an area of high road bench failure potential.

Headwaters Swale

The marking of the most commercially valuable trees for cutting under an individual tree marking regime is normally termed_______

High Grading - D.F.

What is the difference between high forest and coppice methods of regeneration.

High forest regeneration involves using seed trees from the native stand to establish a new crop. Coppice regeneration relies upon stump sprouts and sucker development.

What is a rule-of-thumb Silvicultural guide to determine the size of groups in uneven-aged Silviculture?

Homogenous stands?

The term used for soil which becomes water repellent following an intense fire is ________


Draw a diagram showing the effect of thinning from below on the diameter distribution of an even-aged stand.

Imagine a normal distribution. Cut off the lower tail and there you are. ??

"In forest fires and other large public emergencies within the US, a particular organizational structure is used to manage the facilities, personnel, participating organizations, equipment and other resources needs of the emergency. Name this organizational structure. (Do not abbreviate)"

Incident Command System (ICS): Federal Emergency Managment Agency (FEMA)

"An agreement between the U.S. Secretary of the Interior and either a private entity or a state, specifying the conservation measures that will be implemented in exchange for a permit that would allow the taking of a threatened or endangered species is called a __________________________."

Incidental Take Permit

"What category of range plant is an indicator of overgrazing? It is less preferred, or more resistant than the preferred species and flourishes as a result of lowered competition."

Increaser Species

How does an increase in rotation age affect the Net Present Value of a forest management project (except where a change in per unit product value or quality occurs)?

Increasing rotation age decreases the Net Present Value because the value of the harvest at rotation is now spread over a longer period of time.

"In financial analysis, the incremental change in cost, revenue, net income, or cash flow as the quantity of input or output varies by increments is called:"

Incremental cash flow analysis

"Accordin to th eForest Practice Rules definition, geomorphic feature formed by coalescing scars originating from landsliding and erosional processes caused by active stream erosion and is identified as that area situated immediately adjacent to the stream channel below the first break in slope is called ___________."

Inner Gorge

A resource yield that is not directly quantifiable or cannot be valued by market mechanisms is called an ___________ value.

Intangible - D.F.

"The maintenance of destructive agents (such as insects) at tolerable levels, by the planned use of a variety of preventative, suppressive, or regulatory tactics and strategies which are ecologically and environmentally efficent and socially acceptable is termed_____________."

Integrated Pest Management

"According to the FPR, harvests conducted to modify or guide the development of an existing stand of trees, but not ot replace (regenerate) the stand with a new one are called?"

Intermediate Treatments

"Silviculturally, what is usually meant by an intolerant species? Include a common example of a tree species that is intolerant."

Intolerant species are those which do best in full or partially full sunlight to survive and dominate a site. Ponderosa pine is an intolerant.

Draw a frequency distribution for diameters for a balanced uneven-aged stand.

Inverse J distribution

"Large woody debris, twigs and needles from conifers fall into creeks and rivers. The debris has a very important use in those waters. List a benefit of each (large woody debris, twigs, needles)"

LWD - structure - pools & riffles; Twigs - help filter sediment; Needles - source of nutrients

Combustible materials that provide vertical continuity between vegetation strata and allows fire to climb into the crowns of trees or shrubs are commonly called_______.

Ladder fuels

"A prepared bed into which a tree is felled, generally constructed by tractor and intended to reduce breakage that occurs during the felling of trees is called a _______"


"In the forest, there are likely to be other vegetation families than trees and shrubs. List three families of herbaceous plants likely to be found in a forest type in temperate North America (common or scientific names are acceptable)."

Liliaceae (Lily); Asteraceae (Sunflower); Rosaceae (Rose); Lichens (Lichens); Fabaceae (Pea); Orchidiaceae (Orchid) Reference SPI Plant List: Sonora District

"Failing to repeatedly show areas of landslides, unstable soils on a THP could lead to and RPF being charged with which disciplinary offense under the Foresters Licensing Law?"

Material misstatement of fact

"Nonindustrial Timber Management Plans, Sustained Yield Plans and Timber Harvest Plans can all be used to meet what specific long term goal of the California Forest Practice Act?"

Maximum sustained production of high quality timber products

"The height above ground or above stump height, to which a tree stem is salable for a particular product is commonly termed_____height."


"Under the CA. Civil Code, what type of violation is the practice of forestry without a liscense?"


Name the federal agency responsible for the administration of the Endangered Species Act relating to anadromous fish

National Marine Fisheries Service

"If one subtracts the present value of costs from the present value of benefits, the residual is called_________."

Net Present Value

"The genus Accipiteris a group of birds of prey in the family Accipitridae. These birds are slender with short broad rounded wings and a long tail which helps them maneuver in flight. They are commonly found in forested, wooded or shrubby areas. Name a species of Accipiter that is mentioned in the CA FPRs."

Northern Goshawk

"When an alien or exotic species can establish, grow, reproduce, and maintain itself in an area where it did not originally grow, it is said to be ___________."

Noxious Naturalize - DF

"A plant specified by law as being especially undesirable, troublesome and difficult to control is called a____________."

Noxious Weed

Provide the genus and common name of an anadramous species in California.

Oncorhynchus mykiss (Northern California steelhead)

The difference between the greater volume actually sawn over the lesser estimated log scale volume is called________


"Soil is a product of alteration of surface materials and rock, which are collectively called _____"

Parent Material

The unconsolidated and more or less chemically weathered mineral or organic material from which soil is developed is called________________________.

Parent Material

What is the role of a Certified Rangeland Manager?

Perform professional services directly relating to the science and art of managing rangelands and range

"Define ""extended dry periods"""

Periods during the winter period where saturated soil conditions do not exist. CFPR'd

Two tools used for variable point sampling are _____ and _____

Prisms and Relaskops

What type of license is required by the State of California to set property corners on forested lands?

Professional Land Surveyor

Name one traditional culvert design method or formula and list two specific items of information required for application of that method or formula.

Rational Method: 1) Subcatchment area 2) Rainfall intensity (inches per hour)

"Under the Forest Practice Rules, the Silvicultural process used to secure replacement of a forest stand, including selection, clearcut, seed tree and shelterwood is called a ______ method."


A tree or snag within the nest site of a species of special concern which a reasonable substitute for a usable nest or perch tree is called a __________

Replacement tree

What is the term that generally describes the association of vegetation that grows along streams and around the edges of lakes?


The diagram log rule most commonly used for the measurement of sawtimber in California is the _________ rule

Scribner Decimal C

"In the section lines shown below, plot out a ""normal"" set of lots for section 3, assuming that the standard PLS methodology of survey was used and that there are no additional lot creating features such as mining claims, lakes, streams etc., label the lots and other parcel dimensions."

See Tab DIS02

"(D1S01) Draw the location of the following land description, located within this township, Sec. 23; NW 1/4, Sec. 34: and the W 1/2 of the NW 1/4 Sec. 24 - all of this Township and Range. Also indicate within the outline of this property described, the acreage included - if all sections are of normal dimensions."

See tab DIS01

(D1S01) Mark the correct location of section 20 in a typical township

See tab DIS01

(D1S01) Mark the sections in a township which would most likely have significant measurement errors in the E-W dimensions.

See tab DIS01

How does dwarf mistletoe spread other than by carrying seed by birds or other animals?

Seeds from mistletoe blooms are forcible shot up to 100 feet to other trees where they can infect through a thin barked host.

"Those species designated by the Board of Forestry pursuant to 14 CCR 898.2 (d) including the Bald eagle, Golden eagle, Great blue heron, Great egret, Northern goshawk, Osprey, Peregrine falcon, California condor and Great gray owl are called?"

Sensitive Species

"In forestry, the natural science which deals with the principles underlying the growth and development of single trees and of the forest as a biological unit is known as _______"


"According to the Forest Practice Rules, the planned program of forest stand treatments during the life of a stand which consists of a number of integrated steps conducted in logical sequence leading to or maintaining a forest stand of distinctive form for the level of management intensity desired is called a ___________."

Silvicultural System.

"When viewing a vertical section of soil layers as they occur, what is the term that refers to them collectively?"

Soil Profile

"On a cross section of a 10-15 year old conifer stem, what is the relationship between specific gravity of successive rings and age?"

Specific Gravity = object density / water density ~growth / year

"On tanoak, some oak species and multiple other species, the organism Phytophthora ramorum is responsible for a stema dn leaf wilting disease known as ____________."

Sudden oak death

"In economic terms, the actual quantity of a commodity or service offered by sellers in the market at a given price over a specified time period is called___________."

Supply - D.F.

The process whereby a tree or other vegetation loses vigor and may die when growing space is not sufficient to provide photosynthetic energy or moisture to support adequate growth is called___________.

Suppression - D.F.

Certification of forestlands to attest that the management of such lands meets approved standards of a designated authoority is common today. Give the complete name of the two main certification programs being used in the U.S. in 2009

Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) - 146 mill. Ac American Tree Farm Systems - 33 mill. Ac. - Forest Certification Resource Center

The achievement and maintenance in perpetuity of a high-level annual or regular periodic output of various renewable resources without impairment of the productivity of the land is termed________.

Sustained Yield

The yield of commercial wood that an area of commercial timberland can produce continuously at a given intensity of management consistent with required environmental protection which is professionally planned to achieve over time a balance between growth and yield is called.

Sustained Yield

"The extent to which the lower portion of a tree's stem diverges from straight, usually measured in degrees, is termed:________"

Sweep - D.F.

"Under the 1976 Endangered Species act ""..to harass, harm pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect an animal or to attempt to engage in such conduct.."" is termed a _______"


Name the compound in Pacific yew that makes it valuable for medical purposes.


What is the scientific name of Pacific yew?

Taxus brevifolia

The court ruling in Natural Resources Defense Council Inc. v. Arcata National Corp. (or Broadus decision) resulted in what policy regarding the Forest Practices Act and CEQA?

That the Forest Practice Act is subject to review by CEQA.

"Briefly describe the relationship of the Z'Berg Negedly Forest Practice Act, the Public Resources Code, and Title 14 CCR, Chapters 4 and 4.5 to each other."

The Act was the legislation that gave the authority to the BOF to create the FPR's which are contained in the PRC. 14 CCR Chapter 4 deals with the implementation of rules to meet the intent of the Act. Chapter 4.5 deals with public hearings for counties which have special rules approved by the BOF.

"What is ""Discounted cash flow""?"

The Present Net value of an investment

"Define the ""allowable cut effect"""

The allocation of predicted future yields to the current allowable cut. Used to take advantage of favorable future growing conditions by spreading the extra volume over all years of harvest.

"Define ""average slope"""

The arithmetic average of a sample of slopes taken systematically over the area to which the average is to be applied. CFPR's

"Define the term ""Forest Rent""."

The average annual net income per unit area from a forest of a given age.

How does a significant change to a THP affect the public comment period?

The comment period is re-opened - another 30 day wait.

Define merchantable height

The commercial height above ground or (in some countries) above stump height to which to which a tree stem is salable for a particular product.

"When you propose an ""in-lieu"" practice what standards must be met for approval?"

The in-lieu rule must be at least equal to the protection provided by the standard rule

Define the term marginal cost.

The increase in total cost incurred by producing one more unit of a good or service. D.F.

"Define ""fifty-year flood flow"""

The magnitude of peak flow that one would expect to me equaled or exceeded once in a fifty year period. The event has a 2% probability every year.

"On a cable logging system, explain the purpose of the mainline."

The mainline is the line used to pull the logs from the stump to the landing. It is usually the line that pulls the carriage along a skyline.

"Define ""Watercourse Bank"""

The portion of the channel cross-section that confines the normal high water flow.

Fire behavior is greatly affected by relative humidity. Define relative humidity

The ratio between the current moisture content in the air and the potential moisture content of the air at the current temperature.

The single most important wood property is wood specific gravity. It is normally defined as the _______ divided by the _______

The ratio of the density of wood divided by the density of water at 4 degrees Celsius

Define the term frost heave.

The upward displacement of normal soil levels or of road courses as a result of expansion due to ice formation in frozen soil.

"Define ""stumpage value"""

The value of standing timber estimated that buyers would pay for immediate harvest

"Define ""Saturated soil conditions"""

The wetness of the soil within a yarding area such that soil strength is exceeded and displacement from timber operations will occur

Why is plant successional theory not critical to developing proper grazing management plans in California's central valley and foothill valley grasslands?

These ecosystems are already at climax

"Typically, riparian vegetation is more important as a source of energy ""inputs"" in the headwaters areas of rivers than towards the lower end. Briefly explain why."

These inputs are used by microinvertibrates for food sources. The microinvertibtrates then flow downstream where they are used as a food source for salmonids

"What do Phellinus weirii, Amallaria spp. And Heterobasidion annosum have in common with trees?"

They are all root diseases

Why were gooseberry plants (Ribes roezlii) routinely grubbed during the 1930's and 40's in the conifer forests of the Sierra Nevada? Why was this widespread practice stopped? What is the conventional wisdom regarding control?

To help stop the spread of white pine blister rust. This was stopped because it was too expensive and was not successful in stopping the spread. Control is now attained through planting trees from resistant strains and pruning infected stands to help reduce spread.

"Under the CFPR, what conditions would a cable road need to have erosion control measures specified in the THP and installed?"

Toads that are so deeply cut that they divert and carry water away from natural drainage patterns for more than 100'. These roads shall have waterbreaks installed @ 100' intervals.

"To determine site, tree heights should be measured to what point on the tree?"

Total Height

"According to the CCR, which silvicultural method is used to develop an uneven-aged stand from a stand that currently has an unbalanced irregular or enven-aged structure? This method is used no more than twice to increase stocking and improve the balance of age classes so as to allow the residual stand to be managed by selection or group selection."


The line closest to the watercourcse or lake where riparian vegetation is permanently established is defined by the CCR as the:

Transition line

Increases in stream discharge following various forest management practices have been demonstrated in many parts of the country. Water yield increases as a result of decreased _______ and _______

Transpiration and Interception

"On a variable plot cruise, what do you do if the same tree appears on two different plots?"

Treat the tree as if it was not shared between the plots. Each plot is measured independently from the others.

"Currently, what is the status of the CFPR as Best Management Practices under Section 208 of the Federal Clean Water Act?"

Under review by the EPA and State Water Resource Control Board

"Under California law, an approved Sustained Yield Plan has a term of up to how many years?"

Up to 10 years

"For a THP, briefly describe the current procedure to obtain a spotted owl database check."

Use the CA Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) to search records for your area.

A cost that changes in response to the level of output is what type of cost?

Variable Cost - D.F.

"According to the CCR, an approach to harvesting base don the retention of structural elements or biological legacies (trees, snags, logs, etc.) from the pre-harvest stand for integration into the post-harvest stand to achieve various ecological, social and geomorphic objectives is called_____________"

Variable Retention - CFPR's

"Waterbodies that are listed as impaired under Sec. 303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act, must have a plan called a _________developed for each pollutant which is a calculation of the maxiumum amount of a pollutant that a water-body can receive and still meet water quality standards."

Water quality monitoring plan or TMDL?

"As used in the California Code of Regulations governing forest practices, ""any well-defined channel with distinguishable bed and bank showing evidence of having contained flowing water indicated by deposits of rock, sand, gravel or soil, including but not limited to streams is a _________"


What analysis program from the California Department of Fish and Game could be used to assist in estimating the change in wildlife species composition due to a harvest of blue oak?

Wildlife Habitat Relationship WHR

"In a THP, you read a description of the areas as "" a Class 6 multilayered trees with size class 5 trees over a distinct layer of size class 4 or 3 trees, with a total canopy exceeding 60% closure."" What type of classification system is this description taken from?"

Wildlife Habitat Relationship WHR OR Dunning Classification ??

"In woody plants, the vascular tissue which conducts dissolved salts upward from the roots and provides mechanical support is the _________ and the vascular tissue which conducts food downward from the leaves is the ______"

Xylem Phloem

List the primary disadvantage of using any yield tables to predict growth.

Yield tables are constructed using a fully stocked stand. Most stands do not fit this description.

What should you put at the beginning of an abandoned road where it meets any road that is still in use?

a blockage that will prevent the passage of production class 4-wheel drive vehicles.

"Briefly define ""headwall"" and the risk associated with road location in that area."

a topographic area within a steep gradient drainage located in the upper reaches above the normal defined channel. This area usually exhibits extremely steep side slopes and geologic down slope movement indicators. It may be an area of high road bench failure potential.

What is the difference between a stands arithmetic mean diameter and it's quadratic mean diameter?

arithmetic- mean of all the diameters quadratic- the diameter corresponding to their mean basal area They are the same??

"An earthen dike of earth or rock placed on the edge of a road, along fill sections to help control water runoff is called a _______"


List 3 characteristics of a headwaters stream (Strahler orders 1-3).

clear / dominated by insects & algea / usually have small fish to feed on the insects & algae / ? Zone of erosion and sediment transport. Source of nutrient inputs for aquatic species

"In a forest stand, the trees that form the general level of the forest canopy and receive full light from above, but comparatively little from the sides are silviculturally classed as:________"


Name the native commercial tree species that would lend itself to coppice management in California.

coastal redwood

List two common spacing guides used to control spacing of trees when thinning from below.

diameter plus and trees per acre

The distance from a landing to the farthest point in the cutting unit is called __________________.

external yarding distance - DF

"A plant that is more or less restricted to moist sites, but not considered an aquatic plant is termed a ________________"

hygrophyte - D.F.

A composite organism formed from the symbiotic association of a true fungus and algae is a _____________.

lichen~MJA 3-27-06

"1: Although the topographic map shows a well-defined draw on the map, duff and litter cover the ground with no defined channel or evidence of water flow."

non-classified draw

Photosynthesis is the manufacture of _____ from ______ and ______ in the presence of ______ with _____ as the source of energy.

organic compounds; carbon dioxide and water; light; solar radiation.

Name one physical and one chemical effect which occur on the forest floor immediately as a result of fire.

organic matter lost soils may become hydrophobic (repellant)

"Among the glasslike plants, _________, which are found on moist sites, are considered to be valuable plants for stabilizing soils and banks."


A type of defect caused be the separation of the wood between the annual rings is called _____

shake rot

Define the term marginal revenue.

the increase in total revenue that occurs from selling one more unit of a good or service

"Using economics as the sole criteria to determine when a project or transaction is economically feasible, what condition must be met"

the project or transaction has a present net worth greater than zero.

What is meant by fixed plot sampling?

using a circular or square area of fixed size to sample trees for a forest inventory.

A _________ is a shallow depression in annual grasslands which temporarily holds water.

vernal pool

"How do the Forest Practice Rules define ""economic feasibility"""

whether the plan as revised could be conducted on a commercial basis within 3 years of the submission of the plan and not solely on the basis of whether extra cost is required to carry out alternatives.

You wish to thin a stand of trees to an average 35 ft x 35ft square spacing. How many TPA would your thinned stand have remaining on the average acre?


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