R/ST 302 Everything Final Study Guide

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True or False. Since its beginning, Nation of Islam has been an orthodox Muslim sect.


True/False. Santeria has a clear-cut ethic of right and wrong.


True or False. The majority of illegal aliens are "wetbacks."

FALSE Wetbacks refers specifically to Mexicans (or other Latinos) who came illegally by crossing the Rio Grande River. The people who migrated this way are not in the majority

True or False. The majority of Puerto Ricans favor the independence of Puerto Rico

FALSE. some wanted independence but most Puerto Ricans found the benefits of being US citizens more desirable

True or False. Cuban immigrants to the U.S. are not representative of the Cuban population at large.

False • Initial wave of immigrants were not representative of Cuban population a large

Grace Alone

Salvation = Grace (Unmerited Favor = you don't deserve it but God gives it to you). Catholic: Grace + Merit. The church is like a Bank. If you want GRACE, you have to have a good CREDIT.

Christ Alone

Salvation comes from only Jesus Christ, not Mary, not the Saints, or the Priests. Catholic: Christ + Priesthood I Timothy 2: 5: Christ is the only Mediator. He is the Priesthood of all believers.

Describe the ambivalence of the white slave owners concerning the Christianizing of the slaves. What were the slave owners' hopes? Their fears? How did the slave owners resolve their ambivalence?

Slaveholders had two motivations to convert their slaves to Christianity. One was out of sincere desire for the slaves to be freed the other was to pacify the slaves. However, the slaveholders were hesitant to convert the slaves because they feared that they would have to free the slaves who converted. This fear came from the idea that all fellow Christians are brothers in Christ and enslaving your brother is wrong. They also feared that knowledge of the bible would cause the slaves to revolt. Because of their fears several laws were passed; some laws were to ensure that Christian slaves would not have to be freed, other laws to prevent slaves from reading and to stop them from worshiping without a white man present.


(also known as Oluran or Olofi) creator god

How would you characterize the relationship of Mexican-Americans to the American Catholic Church? Why would you characterize it this way?

Conflictive Mostly German and Irish clergy Catholic church sometimes indifferent to Mexican-American concerns

Why do Cubans have a higher per capita income than other Hispanic groups in the U.S.?

Cuban Americans are wealthier because the reason of immigration is to escape a dictatorship. Other hispanic groups leave because they are in search of a better life economically and thus the wealthy do not have motivation to leave. Cubans on the other hand are in search of a better life politically giving their wealthy population motivation to leave.

What are the orishas?

Deities of Santeria, Spirits of ancestors or divinities. Otanes are sacred river stones kept in a tureen that represent the orishas. Elemental powers of life, viewed as personal beings

Most lower class blacks have joined the Holiness-Pentecostal movement of the twentieth century. What are the emphases of this movement?

Emphasis was on the holy spirit, healing, tongue speaking and perfectionism.

Who founded their colony? (Roman Catholic)

Cecil Calvert (Lord Baltimore) in 1634

Ethnic Resilience School

(follow more Mark model) - Andrew Greeley: wrote - Why Can't They Be Like Us? - Daniel Glazer & Patrick Moynihan: wrote - Beyond the Melting Pot.` • Emphasizes ethnic consciousness ad resilience of ethnic culture as instruments of political resistance by exploited minorities- argue that the ethnic groups need to take advantage of their identity. • Subscribes to a colonialist, split-labor market, dual economy on immigrant labor. • Focuses on experience of rejection despite acculturation

Explain how the cabildos in Cuba became the institutional basis for santería

- Excluded from the white cofradias, slaves were allowed to establish cabildos along "national" lines: Lucmi, Carabali, etc. - In the 19th C, the cabildos disintegrated as membership was based on initiation rather than origin, henceforth called iles=houses

Puritans' Historical Precursors

- Henry VIII, a Catholic, breaks with Rome - Elizabeth I establishes the "Middle Way" & demands religious uniformity - James I rejected the Puritans Millenary Petition Bible: King James Version - Charles I and William Laud persecute Puritans occasioning Great Migration

Three key variables that will affect the degree of assimilation or participation by immigrants in the "primary groups of the core society," that is, in the main institutions of the immigrants new home

- Race - Religion - Language These variables facilitate or hinder assimilation depending on congruence between immigrant and core culture. The value often conflicts with the core culture (Ex: the word-used to the elders in American culture is different)

Neo-Marxist Sociology

- Society is stratified along race and class; the relationship between classes is conflictual. Immigrants are marginalized and exploited in the interest of the economic structure and advancement of the core society. - Ideology used to justify condition of the colonized is turned around as an instrument of solidarity and struggle. Maintenance of ethnic identity and cohesiveness is only effective means of overcoming exploitative situation.

What did Puritants hope to achieve in the New World?

- The Puritan's main purpose was to purify the Church of England and to make England a more religious country. - Puritans endeavored to create their "city on a hill", a productive, morally exemplary colony far from the corruption of the Church of England. - John Winthrop: set basic American ideal - City Upon the Hills: God chose Christian to become a model for the world

Early in African-American history, the Black church divided along class lines. What circumstances created by the institution of slavery led to the class distinctions that manifested themselves in the church?

-Aside from the North/South division there was a division between field slaves and house slaves -slavery led African Americans to create institutions that allowed them some control over their lives

The African-American religious experience has its roots in the West African religious worldview. In what forms did West African religion survive in North America under the institution of slavery? In other words, what are some forms of African survivals?

-Belief in the conjure. The slaves used roots and herbs in causing and healing sickness. -Belief in Voodoo (Hoodoo). Slaves fleeing Haiti brought Voodoo with them.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was influenced in his principles and in his strategy by the Black church, but also by specific theologians and thinkers. What theologies or which theologians influenced his views?

-Social gospel of Walter Rauschenbusch -Dialectical theory of Karl Barth -Christian Realism of Reinhold Niehbuhr -Pacifism of Ghandi

Miguel Sanchez

-author of the Imagen de la Virgen María, the story of Juan Diego meeting the dark skinned Virgin at Mt Tepeyac. Went to Bishop Juande Sumarraga and conviced him to build a shrine. -Advocate for Creoles B. 1594 d. 1674 Correlation between Tepeyac and Garden of Eden Queen of Heaven, Rev. 15 birth of Christianity and the Church in the New world Guadalupe is the 1st Creole Woman

Four basic principles of Protestantism in opposition to Catholic doctrines

1. Scripture Alone 2. Faith Alone 3. Grace Alone 4. Christ Alone

Why did most black slaves become Baptist and Methodist? Give three reasons.

1. Slaves were welcomed as full participants of the church 2. These churches promised immediate salvation and encouraged expressions of emotion. 3. Black preachers were encouraged

Behavioral assimilation

Absence of discrimination

Attitudinal assimilation

Absence of prejudice toward immigrant The core culture adapts the immigrants and the immigrants adapt the core culture - the attitude of the native people changes toward the immigrants and vice versa

Identificational assimilation

Adoption of symbols of core group.Ex: adopt Thanksgiving and foods

Marcus Garvey

African American leader during the 1920s who founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and advocated mass migration of African Americans back to Africa. Was deported to Jamaica in 1927 -African Orthodx Church (1921) Born in Jamaica • orator for the Black Nationalism and Pan-Africanism movements • founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League-founder of Orthodox church -Spearheaded the "Back to Africa" Movement • inspired a global mass movement, known as Garveyism • Garveyism would eventually inspire others, from the Nation of Islam to the Rastafari movement

What is spiritism?

Also known as Espiritismo. Also Known as Kardecism. Spiritism was European. Spiritism was equated with democracy, science and modernity. It is based on the writings of Allen Kardec, the idea of spiritism is the communication with the dead through mediums. • Ghosts are impure souls • Claimed no conflict between Scripture and spiritualist writings • Living have no recollection of previous lives • Reincarnation & interplanetary wandering

Richard Allen

An African American preacher who helped start the free African society and the African Methodist Episcopal church -founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, activist, and abolitionist • Born into slavery and converted to Methodism and bought his freedom • Fed up with the treatment of Blacks at the church he went to, he eventually founded the first national black church in the U.S.: the African Methodist Episcopal Church

Alternate Outcomes of Assimilation

Anglo conformity Melting Pot Cultural Pluralism (most desired one)

In "Letter from a Birmingham Jail," M. L. King, Jr. argued for a strategy of "nonviolent direct-action." Explain what is "nonviolent direct-action."

Any nonviolent campaign evolves certain preparation. This includes four steps 1.) collection of facts to determine if injustices are alive. 2.) negotiations. 3.) Self-purification. 4.) Direct action. In a "nonviolent direct-action" protest a person must be willing to endure blows or insults without any retaliation. Also, be mindful that jail time can be imposed without any clear reason. In essence be open to exposing one, body to serve a higher purpose. In MLK's case to fight segregation in the south without violence. The hope is to create an economic strain to a particular area, all without violence and only peaceful demonstration. Sit may include sit-ins, marches, etc. Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and establish such creative tension that a community that has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks to dramatize that issue that it can no longer be ignored.

Weberian Sociology (developed by Max Weber)

Assimilationist school reflects the Weberian view of society as a consensual structure: society as a connection between variety of systems (health care, economy, education, defense, government, etc.) - these systems are interconnected to each other. - Social change consists of attempts to restore equilibrium disrupted by external forces - Ex: we need immigration for cheap labor but also need to provide them social service

Malcolm Little, a.k.a. Malcolm X

Broke with movement in 1964 after Hajj Assassinated in 1965Member of the Nation of Islam After leaving nation of Islam he formed the Muslim Mosque Inc.

Virgilio Elizondo derives much theological significance from the fact that Jesus lived in Galilee, that He was a Galilean. How does Elizondo theologically interpret Galilee and what is its significance for Mexican Americans?

First and Foremost if it wasn't for Jesus Galilee perhaps would have remained unknown. Galilee was an area of the far from the center of Judaism in Jerusalem of Judea and a crossroads of the great caravan routes of the world. The are was a region of mixed people and languages. In Galilee, the Jews were looked down upon and despised. Furthermore, the Jews of Judea looked down upon the Galilean Jew. They were considered ignorant. Moreover, not speaking the correct Greek and their language being corrupted by admixture with other languages of the region. These people were often marginalized. Likewise, the Mexican-American has been marginalized and in many cases seen as a second class citizen. Exclusion by both Mexico and the U.S. Often the Mexican American strives to find a belonging in Mexico only find out that the Spanish is to Anglicized. Also and effort to part of the American culture but when speaking English they criticized for speaking to Mexicanized for the Anglo. As a result, we can be foreign to on either side of the border. Just like in Galilean the Mexican-American is marginalized and rejected on both sides of the border. Jews living in Galilee and by the brethren in Judea. Thus being double rejected. Also, like the Galilee, the southwest is an area of extensive amount cultures mostly people of Mexican decent.

Incarnation doctrine

God became a human-being. Jesus is 100% human and 100% God

Trinity Doctrine

God is three in one: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Santería has a hierarchy of commitment. What is the highest rank one can achieve in santería? What initiation makes one a devotee of the religion?

Highest rank one can achieve is Babalao. The initiation ritual is Kariocha.

Faith Alone

I'm not good enough. I can enter heaven because of God's grace. All I have to do is to BELIEVE. Catholic: Faith + Works (with Catholic, good works means to Salvation). Luther argued good works is not a mean to salvation, but a result to salvation. We do good works because of our love for God. People argued Luther gave them a "license to sin."

There are two main theories of cultural adaptation. What are they? How do they differ?

I. Assimilationist School II. Ethnic Resilience School

What is the name of the patron saint of Cuba?

La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre (Our Lady of Charity)

Louis Farrakhan

Led countermovement vs. Wallace, Nation of Islam

Scripture Alone

Luther believes Christian needs to be guided and follow Bible alone. Catholic: Tradition (what was taught in the church: worship of Mary, Saints, etc.) + Scriptures. Luther met problem with baptism for the baby. Protestants also have their own traditions. It depends on how people interpret Bible All religions have to deal with principles, history, and this world.

Where did Roman Catholics settle?


Virgilio Elizondo

Mexican American Roman Catholic Priest who talks of the mestizo experience

The Virgin of Guadalupe is especially important to Mexican and Mexican-American identity. Explain how syncretic Catholicism and the quest for identity may have given rise to the story of her appearance. What points in the story serve to give worth/value to the people of Mexico?

Mexican Pride (She restored Mexican dignity during a lower historical moment) Her image is used during rallies, etc. Some Mexican American women use her image to signify female strength

Timothy Drew, a.k.a. Noble Drew Ali

Moorish Science Temple of America (1913) in Newark, New Jersey

In which colony had the Dutch Reformed settled? What did they call it? What did the English, who took it over, call it?

New York. New Amsterdam

Structural assimilation

Participation in primary groups of core society Most important in term of immigrant adapting to a new culture - an immigrant assimilates when he/she participates in primary groups (institutions) -Ex: education (schools); politics; - you learn how things work; economy (workplaces, businesses) A primary group is typically a small social group whose members share close, personal, enduring relationships

Who were the Puritans?

Protestants who wanted a more thorough Reformation. ○ A reformation "without tarrying for any" ○ Rejected all forms of Popery ○ Puritans differed among themselves Suffered persecution from the Established (Anglican) Church.

The Puritans

Puritanism was a religious reform movement that arose within the Church of England in the late sixteenth century. they want to purify the churches with catholic contamination.

What did American Protestant missions hope to accomplish in Puerto Rico after the U.S took the island from Spain?

Purpose of missionary effort was Americanization.

Experience of Rejection is Central

Rejection is a necessary consequence of the subordinate positon of immigrant minorities in the labor market and of the ideologies used to legitimize it. Rejection is central element in the reconstitution of ethnic culture, i.e. the "creation" of ethnic identity - to resist the exploited society

Religion, acc. To Assimilationists

Religious institutions serve as mediating (trung gian) structures which communicate to immigrants the norms/values of the core society and facilitate assimilation.

Religion, acc. To Ethnic Resilience

Religious institutions serve to create cultural solidarity (doan ket) and mobilize around the symbols of common ethnicity

One becomes a santero through the kariocha, an inititation ritual. What are the three stages of this ritual? What is done at each stage?

Stage 1: Asiento-coronación • 2 "seatings": o 1) before the worshipping community, o 2) of the orisha in the person • The iyawó (initiate) is seated on a throne with a canopy above his head on which have been placed sacred stones (otanes) symbolic of the orishas' presence Stage 2: Bembé • Songs & rhythms invite the orishas to manifest themselves & dance with the congregation • Specially consecrated drums (bataas) are played to "call" the orishas, each according to a particular rhythm • A different rhythm is played to induce orishas to dismountStage 3: Nangaré • During this cycle the creator god, Olodumare, is honored • It is the initiate's day of Itá, a day of divination, when the initiate will learn from the babalao what the future holds for him/her • Initiate will be taken to a market to steal fruit to offer the orishas

Explain the development of Nation of Islam, its leaders and its ideology, and how it is an example of how religions serve to create a collective identity, an example of religion fostering ethnic resilience

Strong evidence exists, showing that Islam was the religion of many Africans who entered the country through the slave trade. Regardless, muslims from Lebanon didnt start voluntarily migrating till the 1850's. From fighting stereotypes, and hearing the teachings of Marcus Garvey, telling of, "a black man who tried to redeem the Black Moabites, only to be executed by the Romans," African Americans had some common ground to rise up from in unity. Along with Wallace Fard, who was a Jamaican African whose father was a Syrian Arab, who taught teachings from the Qur'an, except Fard taught the White race was the devil.

Forms of Assimilation

Structural assimilation: Identificational assimilation: Attitudinal assimilation: Behavioral assimilation:

The Spanish Conquest, which began in 1492, resulted in the formation of a syncretic Catholicism. Explain how and why this syncretic Catholicism developed

Syncretism Catholicism was developed due to many things but specifically, the displacement policy in Christianization, coercive conversion methods, the shortage of priests, the lack of catechesis, the laxity of the inquisition, and lastly the different view of boundaries of the sacred.

Allan Kardec

Systematizer of Spiritism founded Kardecism, ghosts are impure souls, reincarnation & interplanetary watching were factors of the religion Believed that souls that incarnated into black bodies belonged to a lower ladder of progress

True or False. The first black denominations were founded in the North by freed slaves.



sacred drums of Santeria

How does Nation of Islam explain the origin of whites? See Malcolm X's "Black Man's History."

The Blackman is the Original Man. From him came all brown, yellow, red, and white people. By using a special method of birth-control law, the Blackman was able to produce the white race. This method of birth control was developed by a Black scientist known as Yakub, who envisioned making and teaching a nation of people who would be diametrically opposed to the Original People. A Race of people who would one day rule the Original People and the earth for a period of 6,000 years. Yakub promised his followers that he would graft a nation from his own people, and he would teach them how to rule his people through a system of tricks and lies whereby they use deceit to divide and conquer, and break the unity of the darker people, put one brother against another, and then act as mediators and rule both sides.

What 3 historical events played a crucial part in increasing the Hispanic presence in the United States? Give the dates and the name of the event

The Mexican-American War (1846) Spanish American War (1898) Cuban Revolution (1959)


sacred river stones kept in a tureen representing the orishas

By the of introduction it was said in lecture that in America the relationship between ethnic diversity and religion is paradoxical. Explain the nature of the paradox.

The nature of paradox = America is the most religiously diverse country in the world Freedom of religion = people think they can come to America and practice their faith (not usual in other countries) In China: religion is very restricted because of political issues. ALSO, not religiously diverse at all = PARADOX Why? Study, survey = majority of American identifies themselves as a Christian (85%) - include Catholic, and more. 17% are None - includes atheist, non-believers, and people who believe in God but have no religious practice (inclining - more Americans nowadays are not willing to have religious practice) Survey: 95% believes in God but practice: NO 2%: Jews 1%: everything else (Hinduism, Buddhism) => Religions are not practice equally in America.

What circumstances led to their coming to America and settling in Massachussetts Bay?

The puritans came to the new world after the fall of Oliver Cromwell's puritan government and the restoration of the British monarcy when the Anglican majority started persecuting the Puritans. they came to the new world to start a government of their own

Explain the rationale and the strategy of the spanish for the establishment of the missions in California.

The purpose was the Christianization of Indians and Protective buffer against Russian, English, & French incursions.

In "Religion in the South," W.E.B. DuBois presents evidence that religion was used by slaves as a means of protest and action. Discuss the evidence, citing the names of individual "rebels" and how religion was used.

There are two individuals who rose against slavery in the south. One was Denmark Vesey and it came to be known as the Vesey Plot. In 1882 Negro meeting in Charlestown were considered as threatening by whites and could only be held in the presence of a white person. Previously multiple congregations existed that were formed by Negro leaders and local preachers. This gave Vesey the opportunity to preach his gospel of liberty and hate. Vesey closely associated to the scriptures of the Old Testament and found many similarities to the Jews. Thus seeing his people as the people of God. He looked at the Bible as a source of inspiration for vengeance against the white oppressors. He sought for a day of vengeance and retribution for the blacks. "Then the LORD will go forth and fight against those nations, as when He fights on a day of battle." Zechariah 14:3. In this case, it was the Americans. God would fight for the poor slaves and who ever fought wide God would have victory and deliverance. His plan contemplated the annihilation of the whites in Charleston. However, was betrayed and executed. The other was Nat Turner person who looked at the bible for redemption and for freedom of his people. Turner was a preacher as well and saw himself as a man and not 'thing'. He was a religious fanatic. From a very young age, his mother believed he was destined for great things. Often telling him was like Moses and would be the deliverer of his own race. Like Moses, he was unhappy how his people were being treated. He believed himself as a prophet.

Assimilationist School

There is a Core culture and immigrant coming - experience culture shocks - Milton M. Gordon - Writing Assimilation in American Life - Thomas Sowell - write the book Ethnic America

Two major doctrines of historic Christianity were established at the Councils of Nicea (325 AD) and Chalcedon (451 AD)

Trinity - Council of Nicea, 325 A.D./C.E Incarnation - Council of Chalcedon, 451 A.D./C.E


priest of the Camino de Orula/Ifá, high priest of Santería

Ada María Isasi-Diaz

professor of Hispanic theology that focused on Mujerista theology


a method of divination, e.g., the casting of cowrie shells


an initiate into Santería

Distinguish between the following rituals used in curanderismo: barridas, sahumerios, sortilegios, and velaciones

barridas: (limpias) negative forces affecting client transferred to object sahumerios: purification rite using smoke incense carried through a building sortilegios: conjure using material objects to tie up negative influence velaciones: burning candles to influence people or spirits


deities of Santeria, spirits of ancestors or divinities

Cultural Pluralism (most desired one)

every group presents its own ethnic/culture identity

Wallace D. Fard, a.k.a. Farrad Muhammad

founder of the black separatist movement Nation of Islam (NOI) -wallace fard = leader/founder of NOI - believed to be allah -blacks = lost tribes -whites = devils/liars


god of hunters, protector of prisoners

Babalu Ayé

god of illness


god of music, fire, thunder and lightning


god of plant life and medicine


god of purity and justice


god of the crossroads


god of war, iron, the forge


goddess of fertility, maternity, and the sea


goddess of rivers, sensuality, love


house of Santeria, headed by a godfather or godmother


initiation ritual


offerings of food or drink given to the dead

Wallace D. Muhammad, a.k.a. Warith Muhammad

son of Elijah Muhammad became the national leader (Supreme Minister) of the Nation of Islam in 1975 after his father's death.

Anglo conformity

there re immigrants who want to forget their whole past and completely become American (maybe because of their embarrassment)

Melting Pot

there's a blending value, lifestyle - mixing by the immigrants' original culture and the core culture. It happens a lot in term of religion - Ex: in America, there's Buddish churches. Ex: foods - Taco, Pho that serves in American style


warrior goddess, protector of the dead

Cesar Chavez

was an Mexican American farm worker, labor leader and civil rights activist, who, with Dolores Huerta, co-founded the National Farm Workers Association

Elijah Poole, a.k.a. Elijah Muhammad

• Became leader of Nation of Islam (1934) -leader from 1933-1975 • Preached Fard had been God among them • Called for formation of separate national territory •Fard's successor after his mysterious disappearance • He declared that Fard had been an incarnation of Allah and that he himself was now Allah's messenger. • Was known for his controversial preaching. His followers included Malcolm X and Louis Farrakhan. • He continued to preach financial independence for black Americans, racial separation rather than integration, and a strict code of moral behavior.

What are the three types of hispanic theology discussed in lecture? Who are their respective proponents?

• Mestizaje Theology-- Virgilio Elizondo & Galilean Journey • Mujerista Theology-- Ada Maria Isasi Diaz & En la Lucha • Manana Theology-- Justo Gonzalez & Manana

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