Russia Matching

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who was ambushed and killed by the pechenegs while he was crossing the Dnieper River and his skull was made into a cup


What tsar ordered soldiers to fire on crowd of protestors during the Decembrist Revolt

Nicholas I

During the reign of what tsar did russia go to war aganist Japan

Nicholas II

What Tsar created and signed the October Manifesto

Nicholas II

Who was the last Tsar of Russia

Nicholas II

Who was the tsar when bloody sunday occurred

Nicholas II

Who did Eliabeth name the heir to russia early in her reign

Peter III

During the reign of what tsar did serfdom officially begin in Russia


Who was the Fisrt Romonov to become a Tsar


After acting as a regent for many years who wanted to overthrow her half brother peter and become the tsar of russia


What ruler originally expanded Russia to the Caspian SEa


Provide and explain 3 examples that led to the overthrow of the Tsars

1. Alexei health 2. The middle and lower classes wanted more say in the government 3. Peace bread and land Peace! Land! Bread! This was the battle cry of the 1917 October Revolution (old calendar) that would changed the history of Russia and indeed the entire world - the cry of workers and peasants fed up with a failed system and the trials of war. Since the time of Ivan the Terrible, the Russian tsars had gradually centralized their power, leeching it little by little from the nobility. In a sort of quid pro quo of power and oppression, the tsars granted noblemen dominion over their land and peasants, making them henceford tied to the land. In Western Europe, we called this feudalism; in Russia, it became known as serfdom.

During the reign of what Tsar did NApolean invade Russia

Alexander I

What Russian tsar originally created plans to reform the gov. to include a legislature assembly to represent the russian people but died before he could make it a reality

Alexander II

What Tsar was assassinated by the populist terrorist group known as the peoples will

Alexander II

Which of the following tsars signed the Emancipation manifesto

Alexander II

during the reign of what tsar did many Russians believe it was their destiny to expand the empire in all directions even to the pacific ocean


Catherine II was originally married to what ruler

Peter III

Who created the link to the Byzantine Empire and Rome by marrying Sophia Paleologue

Ivan I

Who was the first Russian leader to use the title Tsar

Ivan III

who was the fisrt Russian tsar to stop paying the tribute to the mongols

Ivan III

THe time of troubles occured after the death of what tsar

Ivan IV

Which of the following leaders upon his return to Russia created a secret police and tried to crush nobles and boyars that threatened his reign

Ivan IV

What Tsar created a navy during the Azov campaign that helped Russia capture a port on the BLack sea

Peter I

Which of the following leaders brought the church under control, hired European officers to train the Tsar of Russian soldiers, and promoted lower ranking families into positions of authority

Peter I

Which of the following leaders inflluenced Russia by adopting many Wester ideas and beliefs

Peter I

What leader sent emissaries to Constantinople and upon their return made the russian people follow Eastern Orthodox Christianity

Vladimir I

Explain in detail the theory of communisum

a political and economie theory proposing the replacement of private ownership of goods or capital with common ownership and distribution upon need. 2. (cap.) the social and political system based upon revolutionary Marxist socialism and currently practiced in the U.S.S.R.

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