Russia Notes Quiz

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The five countries in Central Asia are: (hint: KUTTK)

Kagakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Taijikistan, Krygyzstan

The ________ Peninsula in Eastern Siberia is located on the ____ __ ____. This area has a high concentration of ________.

Kamchatka, Ring of Fire, volcanoes

_________ became an important city after the Trans-Siberian railroad was completed


The ________ ______ ____ extends into Western Russia. This area has a type of fertile soil called _______.

Northern Siberian Plain, chernozem

Siberia has a poor infrastructure. The Trans-Siberian railroad runs through ____________________________________________________

Siberia but there aren't many railroads

The part of Russia located in Asia is called _______. This area is isolated, ______ populated, and extremely ____ in the winter time.

Siberia, sparsely, cold

The Warsaw pact was a group of countries led by the _______ _____ that were __________. In order to combat the Warsaw Pact the United States created ____ (_____ ______ _____ __________)

Soviet Union, communist, NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization

After 1917, Russia was ruled by the _______. the Soviet Union refers to ______, the countries of _______ ____, and some countries of ______ ______.

Soviets, Russia, Central Asia, Eastern Europe

Before 1917, Russia was ruled by a ____. He was emperor and had absolute power


The ____ mountains are the longest mountain range in Russia.


The dividing line between Europe and Asia is the ____ ________.

Ural mountains

Western Russia has a well-developed infrastructure to include _ _____________________________.

a system of railroads, roads, and canals

Russia has many minerals such as ________, ______, ____, ________, ____ and ______.

aluminum, copper, lead, iron-zine, gold, silver

Russia has a lot of ______ land, but most of it is in _______ ______.

arable, western russia

the resources in Siberia are difficult to develop due to

climate limited transportation links

From 1917 to 1990 Russia was ________ and it had a _______ _______. In a command economy the government controls all means of __________. People cannot own _____ __ __________.

communist, command economy, production, land or businesses

Russia consumes less oil than it ________ so it is able to ______ crude oil to the world market.

extracts, export

The transition from command to free market economy __________________________________________________________________________.

had been difficult but recently the economy of Russia has shown steady growth and standards of living are increasing.

The Russian economy has been expanding because of the increased investments in the oil ________. After the fall of communism, many _______________________________.

industry, foreign companies invested in the Russian oil industry

The subarctic region of Russia has

large coniferous forest (taiga)

Russia is in the ______ and ____ latitudes but it is not warmed by _____ _______ ___ ___ ________ like Europe. Western Europe has a _____ ___________ climate zone. The Northern part of Russia is _____.

middle, high, ocean currents and wind currents, humid continental, tundra

Many of the rivers in Russia flow _________ to the ______ _____.

northward, Arctic Ocean

Russia has abundant sources of natural gas, coal, and oil. Russia also produces energy with ________ _____ and _____________ power.

nuclear power, hydroelectric

There is widespread pollution in Russia. Here are a few examples...

oil spills from poorly maintained pipelines, radioactive waste from nuclear power plants and nuclear submarines, air pollution from factories with poor air quality standards

Russia has fossil fuels such as ___, ____, and _______ ___. There is ___ on the bottom of the Caspian Sea. The natural gas in Russia is in ______ __ ___ ______ _____.

oil, coal, natural gas, oil, Siberia on the Arctic Coast

Russia and Central Asia have many different types of resources, both __________ and _____________.

renewable, nonrenewable

the physical location of a city


the geographic, political, or economic factors around a city that make it important


Central Asia is covered in

temporal grassland/steppe

the shrinking of the Aral sea has caused...(3 things)

the collapse of the fishing industry, increase in pollution due to fertilizer, runoff, pesticides, and industrial waste, and increase in respiratory illnesses in the region

Russia has _____ in _______. Most of Siberia is covered in ______.

timber, Siberia, Taiga

short grasses, lichens, mosses, small shrubs, flowers in the summertime but underneath is permafrost


Russia has many long rivers such as _____, __, and ____

volga, ob, Amur

The _____ River forms part of the border between Russia and China.


The _____ sea is located between __________ and _________. Since the 1960s it has been shrinking due to _____________.

Aral, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, overirrigation

Lake ______ is located in Siberia and it is the deepest freshwater lake in the world.


Russia has fish in the ____ ___, _______ ___, and _______ ______.

Black Sea, Caspian sea, Pacific ocean

The ______ sea is divided between which five countries (hint: RKITA)

Caspian, Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan

The ________ mountains divided Russia from Georgia and Azerbaijan


Cotton is grown in _______ ____ and around the ____ ___. The Aral Sea has been shrinking because of _______________ of the rivers that flow into it.

Central Asia, Aral Sea, overirrigation

In 1986, the _______ nuclear power plant located in the _______ exploded. the explosion released massive amounts of _______ _____________________________________________________________________________.

Chernobyl, Ukraine, radiation and the entire city of 300,000 people had to be evacuated

Russia is a large country located in ______ and ______. Russia is so long that is spans __ time zones.

Europe, Asia, 11

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