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When was Russia made the official language in Finland?


When inheriting Poland, what did Russia (to it's dismay) end up with?

6 million polish protestors

How many pogroms were unleashed and how many Jewish deaths were there due to the Black Hundreds?

700 pogroms killing 3000 Jews

When were the Extraordinary Laws published?

August 1881

As a result of the Union of Russian People protesting, what group was created to tame them?

Black Hundreds

What impact did Russification have on Ukraine?

Books in the Ukranian language were banned and the Revolutionary Ukrainian Party was made illegal

What was a government called in Finnish?


Under whose influence did Alex3 and Nicholas II's views on Russia being the dominant race intensify?


How did the 1863 Polish Revolt affect Jews?

Revolt was blamed on Jews and therefore Jewish schools were shut down and Jewish movement in towns and councils was restricted

In Turkestan in 1884, what was established?

Russian native schools

Alexander III and Nicholas II had a special relationship with whom?


Why did the tsars have a special relationship with Ukrainians?

Ukraine provided access to the Black Sea, was the richest grain producing region and the Cossack's were key people in the army and police

Where and with whom did Russification impact?

Ukraine, Poland, Finland Turkestan and Jewish people

In 1905 what radical nationalist party was created that patronized the tsar?

Union of Russian People

In 1887 what was formed to encourage independence for Poles?

a National Leauge

Where were Jews only allowed to live?

a large region of western Russia, Pale of Settlement

Why did Poles form 'The Proletariat' - a polish opposition group?

because in 1855 a law was passed saying that all subjects taught in schools must be taught in Russian

Why was Russificaton harder to occur in Turkestan?

because of the Islamic religon

Why was conscription not imposed on those in Turkestan?

because the population could not be relied on to serve loyally

What was one of the reasons as to why A3 and N2 disliked Jews?

blamed Jews for the assassination of A2 in 1881

After Russification what was Nicholas II entitled to do to the Diet?

change it

How else where Finns affected by Russification?

could be conscripted into the army

What did Poles manage to do?

find ways to keep their language, culture and history alive

As a result of Russification and pogroms what did Jews do?

migrate to the USA

What were pogroms?

mob attacks on Jewish areas

What restrictions were put on Jews?

no building synagogues, no using Hebrew, no employing christian servants

What did Russification encourage?

opposition and disloyalty from non Russian people

By 1900, how many restrictions were Jews subject to?

over 1400

How did the Extraordinary Laws 1881 impact Jews?

restricted ability to travel, own land and property, trade, have a chance for higher education and employment

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