SAF Quiz

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What percent of forested land is managed by NFS?


What percent of forested land is privatly managed?

Lincoln NF

2. These five mountain ranges, the southernmost of which extends into Mexico, are in which of NM's National Forests: Jicarilla, Sacramento, Capitan, Sierra Blanca, and Guadalupe?

nuptial chamber

A cell or chamber excavated by certain bark beetles under the host bark in which mating takes place.

progressive clearcut system

A system whereby all trees are harvested in a sequence of strips.


A woody storage structure forming a swelling more or less at ground level.


An activity pursued during leisure time and by free choice that provides its own satisfaction.


Condition of plants not having phloem and xylem.

Gila NF

In the west of the state centered on the Mogollon Mountains, what is New Mexico's most remote and largest National Forest (3.3 million acres)?

Spruce Aphid (Elatobium abietinum)

Invasive pest that affects spruce trees.

White Pine Blister Rust (Cronartium ribicola)

Invasive pest that affects white pine in New Mexico's forests.


Mechanical removal of competing vegetation or interferingdebris or disturbance of the soil surface to enhance reforestation.


The study of the biological, chemical, geographical, and physical features of freshwaters.

Cibola and Santa Fe

What are NM's other two national forests?

Carson NF

What is NM's northernmost National Forest, containing the state's highest point, Wheeler Peak?


a chemical produced by one organism that incites a response in another (usually volatile and include allomones, kairomones, and pheromones).


a dense, compact, slowly permeable layer in the subsoil having a much higher clay content than the overlying material from which it is separated. (usually hard when dry but plastic and sticky when wet).

wolf tree

a generally predominant or dominant tree with a broad, spreading crown, that occupies more growing space than its more desirable neighbors.


a hard often branched strongly lignified nonconducting cell that can occur anywhere in a plant but are most abundant in the phloem, fruits and seeds


a perennial, herbaceous land plant having tubers, bulbs or rhizomes that lie below the ground surface and are capable of becoming dormant


a stack of fuelwood, pulpwood or other material that measures 4 X 4 X 8 ft (128 ft cubed)


a substance that deters animals from eating or damaging the seeds or plants to which it has been applied.

yield tax

a tax levied per unit of value harvested.


a vehicle traveling outbound or inbound without a load

16.7 Million acres

how many acres is forest land in New Mexico?

spot head firing

lighting a fire in spots in lines across the unit, beginning near the downwind or uphill end of the unit and then in successive lines progressively father into the wind or downhill

frill girdling

making a series of downward more or less overlapping incisions generally for the introduction of an herbicide

drought tolerance

the ability of plants to either postpone dehydration or tolerate dehydration during a period of drought such that damage is prevented, reduced or repaired


the principal vascular or water conducting element of hardwood

decommission (hydrologic obliteration)

to remove elements of a road the reroute hill slope drainage and present slope stability hazards


two or more fires in the same general area that are assigned to a single incident commander

severe burn

‎a degree of burn in which all organic material is removed from the soil surface and the soil surface is discolored (usually red) by heat (organic material below the surface is consumed or charred).


‎a hand method of removing the upward-extending branches from tops of felled trees to keep slash low to the ground, to increase rate of decomposition, lower fire hazard, or as a permanent prior to burning.


‎a plant growing in sands or sandy soils

nontimber forest products

‎all forest products except timber, including resins, oils, leaves, bark, plants other than trees, fungi, and animals or animal products.

hazard-rating system

‎ranking of trees or forest stands according to the probability of damage or impact from one or more insects or diseases


‎setting young trees among existing forest growth, planted or natural.

mass attack

‎the aggregation of bark beetle attacks on one host tree in sufficient numbers to overcome the tree's defense mechanisms.

board foot

‎the amount of wood contained in an unfinished board 1 in thick, 12 in long, and 12 in wide.

relate key

‎the common set of columns used to relate two attribute tables (the column in the table to be related from is called the foreign key; the column in the table to be related is called the primary key).

internal rate of return

‎the discount rate that equates the various costs and benefits anticipated in future years

marginal utility

‎the extra value that an individual received by consuming one more unit of a particular good or service.

marginal revenue

‎the increase in total revenue that occurs from selling one more unit of a good or service.

carbon offset/certificate/credit

‎the planting of trees on nonfireadapted land such that the uptake of carbon dioxide from the growing trees will offset the production of carbon dioxide from industrial effluent.


‎the surface layer of the forest floor that is not in an advanced stage of decomposition, usually consisting of freshly fallen leaves, needles, twigs, stems, bark, and fruits.

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