SAF Quizbowl
a type of statement based on or reducible to a true or false condition usually expressed as AND, OR, or NOT
Boolean expression/operator
Larvae feed on the foliage often stripping its host of needles. This insect can cause heavy defoliation of Douglas-fir and white fir resulting in growth loss and top-kill. Several years of heavy defoliation can result in high levels of tree mortality. Outbreaks of this insect have occurred only in New Mexico.
New Mexico Fir Looper Galenara consimilus (Heinrich)
the most abundant forest type in New Mexico, covering 8.8 million acres, or 53 percent of the forest land
This plan provides a road map for all natural resource managers across the state to collaboratively address the unhealthy condition of New Mexico's watersheds and ecosystems.
The New Mexico Forest and Watershed Health Plan (2005)
The two invasive pest species that have become established in forested lands of New Mexico and Arizona.
White pine blister rust ( Cronartium ribicola) and spruce aphid (Elatobium abietinum)
one of the intervals into which the age range of trees is divided for classification or use
age class
the species most often encountered with 5 percent or greater cover on all forest land in New Mexico
blue grama
the total stem surface area of a tree or stand Note: tree bole area is computed as the product of some measure of girth and height of the tree ( or length of stem); equal to cambial area if girth is inside bark
bole area
any relatively discrete event in time that disrupts ecosystem, community, or population structure and changes resources, substrate availability, or the physical environment
the public acquisition, by purchase or donation, of certain rights on private lands or, in some cases, restricting the private owner's use of that land
a vesicular, arbuscular mycorrhiza in which the fungal hyphae are intracellular in the root cortex, often producing vesicles and specialized branched haustoria in the cortex tissue
endomycycorrhiza; synonym: endotrophic mychorrhiza, vesicular-arbuscular mychorrhiza
the geographic location in which a pest outbreak originates or is first detected
a small depression on a level surface
hollow synonym: pit
the conversion, by reaction with water, of a complex substance into two or more smaller molecules
having a strong affinity for water molecules
a photograph-like image created by optical-electronic equipment using the infrared wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum
infrared (IR) imagery
biological oxidation of ammonium to nitrite and nitrate, or a biologically induced increase in the oxidation state of nitrogen
a habitat low in basic nutrients; characterized by a low accumulation of dissolved nutrient salts, supporting only plant and animal life
The true cost of any action or item that can be measured by the value of the best alternative action or substitute item that must be foregone when the action is taken or the item is acquired.
opportunity cost
a spatial operation such as a transparency superimposed on a map or procedure using computers that combine two or more data sets
vertically or horizontally arranged living cells of the xylem that store food
the study of the time of appearance of characteristic periodic phenomena in the life cycle of organisms in nature
This landownership is 44 percent of total land
private ownership
the capacity of a plant community or ecosystem to maintain or regain normal function and development following disturbance
a tree left standing for the sole or primary purpose of providing seed; a method of natural regeneration.
seed tree
A listing showing the proportions of total volume within a stand by diameter classes
stock table
standing timber as viewed by a commercial cutter; or the value of timber as it stands uncut in terms of an amount per unit area
shallow lateral flow through a hillslope along an impermeable or slowly permeable layer above the groundwater table
subsurface flow; synonyms: interflow, throughflow
gradual or sudden dieback of the uppermost portion of a plant, usually a coniferous tree.
top kill
a narrow sample strip or a measured line laid out through vegetation specifically chosen for study