Salesforce Admin Certification

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Look-up relationships

.A parent isn't needed, meaning the relationship is optional .There is no impact to security. Security will be set independent of any related object .Roll-up summary fields can not be created on lookup fields

Master-Detail Relationships

.Child records must have a parent .Record level security cascades from the parent to the child records .Record deletion cascades from the parent to the child records (delete the parent, the child is also deleted) .Roll-up summary fields can be created on the parent record .Standard objects cannot be the detail object in the relationship

Sandbox storage limits

.Partial Copy sandboxes have a 5 GB of files and a 5 GB of data storage limit. .Developer Pro sandboxes have a 1 GB of files and a 1 GB of data storage limit. .Developer sandboxes have a 200 MB of files and a 200 MB of data storage limit. .Full sandboxes have the same storage limit as your production organization.

Describe the action types

.Quick actions (New Account, New Event, New Task) .productivity action (Call) .standard buttons (Edit, Delete, Clone, Send an Email) .Chatter actions (Poll, Post)

Salesforce1 vs. Salesforce Classic

.Salesforce classic lite: enabled at the org level. .only records that users have recently accessed in the Salesforce CRM browser app are automatically synchronized to their mobile devices. however users can search for and download any records that are not automatically delivered to their mobile devices. .most standard objects and configurations are supported; allows view, create, edit and delete accounts, assets, contacts, leads opportunities, events tasks, cases and solutions. Salesforce classic: enabled at the user record. Custom objects and configurations are also supported.


A collection of records that do not have owners. Users who have access to the queue can examine every record that's in it and claim ownership of the ones they want. Queues are traditionally used in sales and support organizations to distribute new leads and support cases to the employees who have the most availability. The platform natively supports queues for Leads, Cases and any custom object.

Master Picklist

A complete list of picklist values available for a record type or business process.

Delegated Administration Groups

A group of non-administration users with limited admin privileges. These privileges include: .creating and editing users and resetting passwords for users in specified roles and all subordinate roles .assigning users to specified roles .Logging in as a user who has granted login access to an admin .managing custom object created by the primary admin. Members of the delegated administrator group must have the "View Setup and Configuration" permission. Each delegated administration group can have up to five members.

Service Console

A salesforce app available in the Service Cloud license. Give 360 view of the customer and where that customer is in the support process. .Records display in a list, which you can pin at the left of the top of the screen. .Selected records appear as primary tabs, and tabs let you work on several items at once. .A highlights panel shows key information related to records. .Records related items appear as subtabs, and subtabs let you quickly switch between related information without losing context. .View and interact with content in the feed or detail area. .Access custom component data in sidebars and footers.


Accounts are the companies you're doing business with. You can also do business with individual people (like solo contractors) using something called Person Accounts.

How do you emulate salesforce1 from your desktop browser?

Add " one/" after your salesforce instance name in the URL.

Manager Users

Add and remove users, reset passwords, grant permissions and more

Record Level Security

Allows particular users to view an object but then restrict the individual object records that they're allowed to see. This can be done through: .Org wide defaults (OWD) - allows you to specify the baseline level of access that a user has in your organization .role hierarchies - allows us to make sure that a manager will always have access to teh same records as his or her subordinates .Sharing rules - allows us to make automatic exceptions to organization-wide defaults for particular groups of users.

Custom Object Tabs

Allows you to create, read, update and delete the data records in your custom objects.

Apex triggers

Apex triggers enable you to perform custom actions before or after events to records in Salesforce, such as insertions, updates, or deletions. Use triggers to perform tasks that can't be done by using the point-and-click tools (declarative) in the Salesforce user interface. There are two types of triggers. .Before triggers are used to update or validate record values before they're saved to the database. .After triggers are used to access field values that are set by the system (such as a record's Id or LastModifiedDate field), and to effect changes in other records. The records that fire the after trigger are read-only.

View All or Modify All

Are object specific permissions, allow view all or modify all access to the specific object being granted.

Service Cloud - Marcros

Automatically complete repetitive tasks on cases, such as selecting the right email templates, so that agents can spend time doing more important things.

Apex Triggers

Blocks of Apex code that are executed before and/or after any record action, such as create, update, or delete. Used for complex business logic automation and where such functionality is too complicated to be implemented using validation rules or workflow rules, such as field updates.

Bulkifying Apex

Bulkifying Apex code refers to the concept of making sure the code properly handles more than one record at a time.

What is the roll-up summary fields limit?

Can display the sum, min, or max value of a field in a related list, or the record count of all records listed in a related list. 10

Delegated Administration - Custom Object Administration

Can manage just about every aspect of the custom object, such as modifying page layouts, adding fields, and even deleting the object; however, they can't set permissions for the custom object, manage workflow and sharing for the object, and modify relationship to other objects.

Coarse-grained components

Coarse-grained components provide a significant amount of functionality in a single component, and might add a lot of information and user interface to the page it's used on. These components adds many fields, sections, buttons, and other user interface elements to the page in just one line of markup

Custom Components

Components let you build out a console for the specific needs of your agents and support processes. For example, you can create components to integrate third-party systems into a console, customize a console's highlights panel or footer to display data, or automatically show contextual information alongside records.

Salesforce editions

Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer, and Editions


Contacts are the people who work at an Account.

What is a controller?

Controllers typically retrieve the data to be displayed in a Visualforce page, and contain code that executes in response to page actions, such as a button being clicked. The primary purpose of most controllers is to retrieve data for display, or handle updates to data.

Page layout

Controls the position and organization of the fields and related lists that are visible to users when viewing a record. Control visibility and edit ability of the fields on a record. In page layouts, can set fields as read-only or hidden, can control which fields require users to enter a value and which don't. Should never be used to restrict access to sensitive data that a user shouldn't view or edit as users can still access that field through other parts of the app, such as reports or through API.

What is a cross object formula field?

Created through the simple formula tab. Cross-object formulas are formulas that span two or more objects by referencing merge fields from related records. Cross-object formulas can reference merge fields from a master ("parent") object if an object is on the detail side of a master-detail relationship. Cross-object formulas also work with lookup relationships. You can reference fields from objects that are up to 10 relationships away. Cross-object formulas are available anywhere formulas are used except when creating default values. If you create a formula that references a field on another object and display that formula in your page layout, users can see the field on the object even if they don't have access to that object record. For example, if you create a formula field on the Case object that references an account field, and display that formula field in the case page layout, users can see this field even if they don't have access to the account record.

Org wide defaults

Define the record-level access settings. Also called a sharing model, org-wide defaults are used to lock down data to the most restrictive level, and then use other record-level security and sharing tools (roles hierarchies, sharing rules and manual sharing) to open up data to other users.

Report filters

Define the set of records to be included in the report, e.g. you can include only records created this month or only records that belong to a certain user. Standard filter: quickly filter by record owner and date field. Field Filter: you can filter on any field in the report. Cross filter: let you filter on a report's child objects using a straightforward WITH or WITHOUT condition.

Dynamic Dashboards

Dynamic dashboard shows users data according to their own security settings.


Email template: Create email template to use when notifying approvers. Record approval page layout: the page the approver sees when he or she approves or rejects a record. Approval Steps: allows designated approvers to accept or reject the submitted record. Contains: .One or more designated approvers .Optional filter criteria, so that only records that meet certain conditions will require approval at that step .Optional step approval actions that execute regardless of the outcome of the whole approval process. .Optional step rejection actions that execute regardless of the outcome of the whole approval process .optional step recall actions that execute if the record is recalled. Approval actions: actions that should occur whenever a record is initially submitted, or when it's finally approved or rejected. Allows you to create and assign tasks, update fields, and send email updates and outbound messages. Can be associated with the approval process as a whole or with individual approval steps. Once an approval process has been activated, its approval steps can no longer be edited, even if you deactivate it. The only way to make changes is to clone the existing approval process and make edits n the cloned one.

Limitations of dynamic dashboards by Edition

Enterprise edition can have up to 5, Unlimited and Performance Edition can have up to 10 and Developer Edition up to 3.


Every time a queue is created, this creates a new customized list.

Differences between files, documents, libraries

Files: intended for private files until ready to be shared with others. Prior to Spring 2016, can only be used when Chatter enabled however you can use Files without enabling Chatter now. libraries: works with Salesforce CRM Content.

Fine-grained components

Fine-grained components provide more focused functionality, and enable you to design the page to look and behave the way you want.

What is the difference between and license? is a PaaS product. It contains an application or Framework for you to build Apps onto. This license gives no access to leads, accounts or opportunities. You would have to build Apps, Tabs, Custom Objects, Workflow Rules all yourself to design the kind of system that you want to use. is a SaaS with their three core products, Sales Cloud, Service Cloud and Marketing Cloud. When you purchase Licenses for Sales Cloud, you get all of your normal tabs (Leads, Accounts etc) plus the ability to customise the whole platform using!

Org Access through IP ranges

IP ranges can be set at the company level. Users outside the IP ranges set at the Company level will be sent an activation code. IP ranges can be set at the profile level. Users outside the IP ranges set at the Profile level will be denied access.

Junction object

Is a custom object with two master-detail relationships, and is the key to making a many-to-many relationship. The first master-detail relationship will be the primary relationship. The detail and edit pages of the junction object will use the color and any associated icon of the primary master object. The junction object will inherit the value of the Owner field and share settings from their associated primary master record.

Default Workflow User

Is the user who should be assigned as the owner of a workflow action if the user who originally triggered the rule is no longer active. This user must be designated in time-dependent actions in workflow rules. Salesforce displays this username in teh Created by fields for tasks, the Sending User for email, and the Last Modified By field for field updates. Is this no longer applicable in the latest version of salesforce??


Leads are potential prospects. You haven't yet qualified that they are ready to buy or what product they need. You don't have to use Leads, but they can be helpful if you have team selling, or if you have different sales processes for prospects and qualified buyers. leads are your prospects who've expressed interest in your product, but you haven't yet qualified to buy.

Lightning Page Tab

Lightning Page Tabs let you add Lightning Pages to the Salesforce1 navigation menu. Lightning Page tabs don't work like other custom tabs. Once created, they don't show up on the All Tabs page when you click the Plus icon that appears to the right of your current tabs. Lightning Page tabs also don't show up in the Available Tabs list when you customize the tabs for your apps.

Login hours

Login hours are set at the profile level only.

Relationship Custom Fields

Lookup Relationship: Creates a simple relationship between two objects (many to one). The object with the lookup relationship field is the many record and the reference object is the one record. Many lookup relationship fields can be on a single object. Master-detail relationship: creates special parent-child relationship between objects: the object on which the master-detail relationship field is created is the child or "detail", and the object referenced in the field is the parent or "master". Ownership and sharing are determined by the master record. This is a required field on the detailed record.

Modify All Data

Modify all data owned by other users in your organization, mass update, and mass delete records, and undelete records that other users deleted Are global permissions.

Object-level security

Object-level access allows us to hide whole tabs and objects from particular users, so they don't even know that type of data exists. Object-level access is set with object permissions in user profiles and permission sets.

Currency fields, Checkboxes

Once fields are defined are checkbox or currency data types, they cannot be changed to any other type. Currency: The length of the currency field corresponds to the number of digits to the left of the decimal point. An additional Decimal Places field handles the number of digits that should be displayed to the right.


Opportunities are qualified leads that you've converted. When you convert the Lead, you create an Account and Contact along with the Opportunity. opportunities are leads that are qualified to buy.

Big deal alerts

Opportunity function - under customize, Opportunities. A Big Deal Alert is an automated email that includes a snapshot of an opportunity that has reached a given threshold. You can set your threshold by entering a trigger amount and probability. The email will be sent when both triggers are met or exceeded. Your threshold consists of an opportunity amount and probability. For example, you can send an email to your team when an opportunity of $500,000 has reached a probability of 90%. The trigger amount is the total opportunity value and the probability correlates to the stage in the opportunity.

Opportunity Update Reminders

Opportunity function - under customize, Opportunities. Opportunity Update Reminders are automatically created nightly for users with direct reports in the role hierarchy. Users with newly added direct report(s)may need to wait up to 24 hours before having a reminder available to activate. Updated and accurate opportunities drive precise forecasts. Enabling update reminders lets managers send their direct reports automated emails with a report on the team's open opportunities.

Search Layouts

Ordered groups of fields that are displayed when a record is presented in a particular context, such as in search results, a lookup dialog, or a related list. You can choose up to 10 fields to include in the lookup dialog, and order them in any way you choose.

Who See What

Org Access: Able to restrict access by IP address and login hours through profiles. At the org level, only IP addresses are set. Login hours are only set at the Profile level. Object Access: Determine through assigned profile. Record Access: Determine through role hierarchy. E.g. US regional manager can see data in the US region only. Field Access: Through field level security. Restricts field access (read/write/non) by profile.

Combination Chart

Plots multiple sets of data on a single chart.

Field-level security

Prevents a user from seeing, editing, or deleting the value for a particular field on an object. Allow us to hide sensitive information like salary or SSN w/o having to hide the whole object. Controls the visibility of fields in any part of the app, including related lists, list views, reports, and search results. To be absolutely sure that a user can't access a particular field, it's important to use the field-level security page for a given object to restrict access to the field. Field level access is set with field permissions in profiles and permission sets.

What type of record access can an Administrator grant through sharing rules?

Read Only Read/Write

What are the standard profiles?

Read Only Standard User Marketing User Contract Manager Solution Manager System Administrator


Summaries of the data that's stored in an app. They consist primarily of a table of data, but can also include data filters, groupings, and a customized graph.

Dashboard Components

Tables - displays a table that contains values and totals from columns in the report. Metrics - displays the grand total from a report, along with a label that you enter. Gauges - shows the grand total of a report as a point on a "fuel-tank" type of scale. Charts - Displays a bar, column, line, pie, donut, or funnel chart - or any chart contained in a report. Visualforce page - displays any visualforce dashboard component in your organization.

Report Formats

Tabular reports: Ordered set of fields in columns, with each matching record listed in a row. Cannot be used to create groups of data or graphs. Best for tasks like generating a mailing list. Summary reports: Similar to tabular reports, but allow users to group rows of data, view subtotals and create charts. Can be used in dashboards. Most reports tend to be this format. Matrix reports: Allow you to group records both by row and column. Can have graphs and be used in dashboards. Use when you want to see data by two different dimensions that aren't related, such as data and product. Join reports: let you create different views of data from multiple report types. Charts can be added. Use to group and show data from multiple report types in different views.


The different ways your customers can reach out to your company are called channels, and they can include something as traditional as a phone number to something as revolutionary as video conferencing on a mobile app.

What are the Salesforce standard objects?

The following standard objects can be renamed: Accounts, Activities, Articles, Assets, Campaigns, Cases, Contacts, Contracts, Documents, Events, Ideas, Leads, Libraries, Opportunities, Opportunity Products, Partners, Price Books, Products, Quote Line Items, Quotes, Solutions, and Tasks. The following standard objects cannot be renamed: Home, Chatter, Forecasts, Reports, and Dashboards.

Transfer ownership

The following user permissions can be set on the user profile: transfer record transfer cases - Transfer record can also be used. transfer leads - Transfer record can also be used. Edit access on the object type is also required. A record owner, or any user above the owner in the role or territory hierarchy, can transfer a single record to another user. With some objects, like cases, leads, and campaigns, a user may be granted access to transfer records through sharing. Users with the "Modify All Data" permission, or users with the "Modify All" permission for the given object, can transfer any record, regardless of who owns the record. To transfer a single record or multiple records from a list view, the new owner must have at least the "Read" permission on the object type. This rule does not apply if you use the mass transfer tool. To transfer ownership of any single record in an organization that does not use territory management, a user must have the appropriate "Edit" permission and either own the record or be above the owner in the role hierarchy. For example, to transfer ownership of an account, a user must have "Read" and "Edit" access to the account. Additionally, the new owner of the record must have at least "Read" permission on accounts. The Public Full Access and Public Read/Write/Transfer sharing settings give all users the ability to transfer ownership of that type of record as long as they have the appropriate "Edit" permission. In organizations that use territory management, users that have been assigned to territories can be enabled to transfer the accounts in their territories, even if they are not the record owner. To transfer campaigns, users must also have the Marketing User checkbox selected on their user record.

Important security concepts:

The permissions on a record are always evaluated according to a combination of object-, field-, and record-level permissions. When object- versus record-level permissions conflict, the most restrictive settings win.

Standard List Controller

The standard list controller allows you to create Visualforce pages that can display or act on a set of records. Adding the standard list controller to a page is very similar to adding the standard (record) controller, but with the intent of working with many records at once, instead of one record at a time. The standard (record) controller makes it easy to get a single record loaded into a variable you can use on a Visualforce page. The standard list controller is similar, except instead of a single record, it loads a list, or collection, of records into the variable.

Changing Ownership for Portal Accountszzzz

To transfer a Partner account, you must have the "Manage Users" or "Manage External Users" permission. If you are the owner of a Customer Portal account and want to transfer the account, you can transfer the account to any user in your same role without the need for special permission. You cannot transfer a Customer Portal account to a user with a higher or lower role. Partner accounts can only be transferred to users with the "Manage External Users" permission. To transfer a Portal account with both Customer and Partner Portal users, you must have the "Manage Users" permission. You cannot assign an account with Customer Portal users to an owner who is a partner user.


Two development mode: from setup, Develop > pages, or enable Visualforce development mode. Visualforce development mode: you can create a new page by entering a unique URL in your broswe's address bar.

How many custom fields can be created on an object?

Up to 800 custom fields per object for unlimited Edition.

Action Layout

Use to customize publisher actions in chatter. Using the action layout editor, you can select fields that will show up when a user clicks on an action.

Compact layout

Used to display a record's key fields at a glance. Using this, you can indicate which fields should appear in a record's highlights area.

View All Data

View all data owned by other users in your organization. Ignore the sharing model, role hierarchy, and sharing rules that the "Create", "Read", "Edit" and "Delete" permission respect. Are global permissions.

Workflow Rules

When a workflow rule is triggered, the following types of actions can occur: .Workflow tasks - assigns a task to a user according to a particular template. .Workflow field updates - changes the value of a particular field on the record that initially triggered the workflow rule. .Cross-object field update are also available for changing the values of fields on a related master record. .Workflow email alerts sends an email according to a specified email template. Unlike workflow tasks, which can only be assigned to users of the app, workflow alerts can be sent to any user or contact, as long as they have a valid email address. .Workflow outbound message - sends data to an external web service, such as another application in the cloud.

Permission sets

When you assign permission sets to a user, you can only assign permission sets that have the same user license as the user or permission sets with no associated license.


a little more than a container for all of the objects, tabs, and other functionality that drives a business process.

Mobile smart actions

a set of pre-confgured actions, just like default actions, however these are only available n Salesforce1. Mobile smart actions appear as a single element in the page layout editor.

Email templates

allow you to create form emails that communicate a standard message, such as a welcome letter to new employees or an acknowledgement that a customer service request has been received.

Approval Process

allow you to specify a sequence of steps that are required to approve a record. Each step allows one or more designated approvers to accept or reject a record. Allows you to specify actions; sending email alert, updating field value, or assigning a task that should occur whenever a record is approved, rejected first submitted for approval or recalled.

public group

collection of individual users, other groups, individual roles and/or roles with their subordinates that all have a function in common.

output components

components that output data from a record and enable you to design a view-only user interface.

Customize application

customize just about anything in Salesforce, from page layouts to the data model

Custom Report Type

define the criteria from which your users can run and create reports. When you create a report type, you specify the objects, relationships, and fields that users can select for their reports.

Report Type

defines the set of records and fields available to a report based on the relationships between a primary object and its related objects. Reports display only records that meet the criteria defined in the report type. Once a report is created you cannot change the report type.

Global Publisher actions

determine which actions appear in the publisher in various pages throughout Salesforce, including the HOme tab, Chatter tab, and Chatter group detail pages in the full site, as well as in Salesforce1.

Visualforce Tabs

display customer user-interface pages created Visualforce.

Web Tabs

displays any web URL in a tab within your Salesforce application.

Dashboard running user

each dashboard has a running user, whose security settings determine which data to display in a dashboard. All users with access to the folder see the same data, regardless of their own personal security settings. The running user's security settings only apply to the dashboard view. Once a user drills down into a source report or detail page off the dashboard, the user will view the data based on his or her normal security settings.

What is Salesforce Classic Lite

formerly Mobile Lite, Salesforce Classic Lite is a Salesforce mobile app.

Standard profiles

group, contact manager, professional edition have standard profiles only.


is a platform business-logic engine that allows us to automatically send email alerts, assign tasks, or update field values based on rules that we define. The individual components that make up workflow: rules, tasks, field updates and alerts. Every workflow rule must be based on a single object you choose when you define the rule. This object influences the fields that are available for setting workflow activation criteria.

Web Services

is a mechanism by which two applications that run on different platforms, that were written in different languages, and that are geographically remote from each other, can exchange data using the internet. Web services makes data exchange between two such applications as straightforward as two processes exchanging data on a single computer. In web services, data is exchanged in XML.

Visualforce expression

is any set of literal values, variables, sub-expressions, or operators that can be resolved to a single value. Method calls aren't allowed in expressions. The expression syntax in Visualforce is: {! expression }

Object-Specific actions

let users create records or log details about calls or other interactions. The difference between this and Global actions is that you can only add these actions to record detail pages, since they are automatically associated with a specific object. Created from the Buttons, Links, and Actions related list of the object.

Hyperlink function

lets you create a hyperlink to any URL or record in Salesforce.

Field level security

only available in enterprise, unlimited and developer editions.

Role Hierarchy

represents a level of data access that a user or group of user needs. Users assigned to roles near the top of the hierarchy get to access the data of all the users who fall directly below them in the hierarchy. Are different than profiles and permission set in that it controls a user's record-level access permissions through role hierarchy and sharing rules. It is an easy method for opening up access to those people high up in the role hierarchy tree. Roles control records. Profile and permission sets control user's object level and field level access permissions.


shows data from source reports as visual components, which can be charts, gauges, tables, metrics, or Visualforce pages. These components provide a snapshot of key metrics and performance indicators for your organization. Each dashboard can have up to 20 components.

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