SAT Reading & Writing Practice 1

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Which finding from Granito and Álvarez's research, if true, would most directly support their claim? A. When cooked, fermented beans contained significantly more trypsin inhibitors and tannins but significantly less soluble fiber and raffinose than nonfermented beans. B. Fermented beans contained significantly less soluble fiber and raffinose than nonfermented beans, and when cooked, the fermented beans also displayed a significant reduction in trypsin inhibitors and tannins. C. When the fermented beans were analyzed, they were found to contain two microorganisms, Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus plantarum, that are theorized to increase the amount of nitrogen absorbed by the gut after eating beans. D. Both fermented and nonfermented black beans contained significantly fewer trypsin inhibitors and tannins after being cooked at high pressure.

B. Choice B is the best answer because it presents a finding that would best support Granito and Álvarez's claim that fermenting black beans makes them easier to digest and more nutritious. The text indicates that high levels of soluble fiber and raffinose in black beans make the beans hard to digest and that tannins and trypsin inhibitors make it harder for the body to extract nutrients from the beans. If it were found that fermenting the beans significantly reduces their levels of soluble fiber, raffinose, trypsin inhibitors, and tannins when cooked, this would directly support the claim that fermentation improves the digestibility of the beans and makes them more nutritious.

During the English neoclassical period (1660-1789), many writers imitated the epic poetry and satires of ancient Greece and Rome. They were not the first in England to adopt the literary modes of classical ______ some of the most prominent figures of the earlier Renaissance period were also influenced by ancient Greek and Roman literature. Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? A. antiquity, however B. antiquity, however, C. antiquity, however; D. antiquity; however,

C. Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is the punctuation of a supplementary phrase following a clause. This choice uses a comma to separate the supplementary adverb phrase "however" from the independent clause it modifies ("They ...antiquity") and uses a semicolon to join the first independent clause ("They ...antiquity") and the second independent clause ("some...literature"). Further, placing the semicolon after "however" indicates that the information in the clause that this part of (that neoclassical writers were not the first to adopt classical literary modes) is contrary to what might be assumed from the information in the previous sentence (that the neoclassical writers were unique in imitating classical epic poetry and satires). Choice A is incorrect because it fails to mark the boundary after "however" between the two independent clauses with appropriate punctuation. Choice B is incorrect because the comma after "however" can't be used in this way to mark the boundary between the two independent clauses. Choice D is incorrect because placing the semicolon after "antiquity" illogically indicates that the information in the clause that this part of (that prominent Renaissance figures were also influenced by classical literature) is contrary to the information in the previous clause (that neoclassical writers were not the first to adopt classical literary modes).

Stomata, tiny pore structures in a leaf that absorb gases needed for plant growth, open when guard cells surrounding each pore swell with water. In a pivotal 2007 article, plant cell ______ showed that lipid molecules called phosphatidylinositol phosphates are responsible for signaling guard cells to open stomata. Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? A. biologist, Yuree Lee B. biologist Yuree Lee, C. biologist Yuree Lee D. biologist, Yuree Lee,

C. Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of punctuation between titles and proper nouns. No punctuation is needed to offset the proper noun "Yuree Lee" form the title "plant cell biologist" that describes Lee. Choice A is incorrect because no punctuation is needed. Choice B is incorrect because no punctuation is needed. Choice D is incorrect because no punctuation is needed around the proper noun "Yuree Lee." Setting the phrase off with punctuation suggests that it could be removed without affecting the coherence of the sentence, which isn't the case.

In 1943, in the midst of World War II, mathematics professor Grace Hopper was recruited by the US military to help the war effort by solving complex equations. Hopper's subsequent career would involve more than just ______ as a pioneering computer programmer, Hopper would help usher in the digital age. Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? A. equations, though: B. equations, though, C. equations. Though, D. equations though

Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of punctuation to mark boundaries between supplements and clauses. The comma after "equations" is used to separate the independent clause ("Hopper's...equation") from the supplementary adverb phrase "though." The colon after "though" is used to mark the boundary between the clause ending with "though" and the following clause ("as...age"). A colon used in this way introduces information that illustrates or explains information that has come before it. In this case, the colon after "though" introduces the following explanation of how Hopper's subsequent career would involve more than just solving equations: she would become a pioneering computer programmer. Choice B is incorrect because it results in a comma splice. A comma can't be used in this way to join two independent clauses ("Hopper's...though" and "as...age") such as these. Choice C is incorrect because it results in an illogical sequence of sentences. Placing the period after "equations" and beginning the next sentence with "Though" illogically suggests that the following information (that Hopper would help usher in the digital age) is contrary to the information in the previous sentence (Hopper's subsequent career would involve more than just solving equations). Instead, the information that follows supports the information from the previous sentence by explaining how her work and influence extended beyond solely solving equations. Choice D is incorrect because it results in a run-on sentence. The two independent clauses ("Hopper's...though" and "as...age") are fused without punctuation.

In Nature Poem (2017), Kumeyaay poet Tommy Pico portrays his ______blank the natural world by honoring the centrality of nature within his tribe's traditional beliefs while simultaneously expressing his distaste for being in wilderness settings himself. Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase? A. responsiveness to B. ambivalence toward C. renunciation of D. mastery over

Choice B is the best answer because it most logically completes the text's description of how Pico feels about the natural world. In this context, to say that Pico portrays his "ambivalence toward" nature would mean that he portrays his mixed feelings about nature. The text explains that Pico "honors the centrality of nature" and also makes it clear that he doesn't enjoy being in nature. This context suggests that Pico feels ambivalence toward nature. Choice A is incorrect because saying that Pico portrays his "responsiveness to" nature would mean that he portrays himself as quick to react to nature, which isn't supported by the text. Instead, the text focuses on Pico's mixed feelings toward nature, describing him as both honoring nature's role in his tribe's beliefs and expressing his personal dislike for being in nature. Choice C is incorrect because saying that Pico portrays his "renunciation of" nature would mean that he portrays himself as rejecting nature, which isn't supported by the text. The text conveys that Pico demonstrates both positive and negative responses toward nature, not that he's giving it up completely. Choice D is incorrect because saying that Pico portrays his "mastery over" nature would mean that he portrays himself as having control over nature, which isn't supported by the text. The text focuses on Pico's mixed feelings about nature; nothing in the text suggests that Pico feels mastery over nature.

Researchers studying the "terra-cotta army," the thousands of life-size statues of warriors found interred near the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang of China, were shocked to realize that the shape of each statue's ears, like the shape of each person's ears, ______ unique. Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? A. are B. is C. were D. have been

Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is subject-verb agreement. because the singular verb "is" agrees in number with the singular subject "the shape." Choice A is incorrect because the plural verb "are" doesn't agree in number with the singular subject "the shape." Choice C is incorrect because the plural verb "were" doesn't agree in number with the singular subject "the shape." Choice D is incorrect because the plural verb "have been" doesn't agree in number with the singular subject "the shape."

Ethnographers did not always agree about folklore's origins. Scholars such as Aurelio Espinosa claimed that Mexican American folklore derived largely from the folklore of Spain. Scholars such as Américo Paredes, argued that Mexican American folklore is mainly the product of the ongoing interactions of various cultures in Mexico and the United States. Which finding, if true, would most directly support Paredes's argument? A. The folklore that the ethnographers collected included several songs written in the form of a décima, a type of poem originating in late sixteenth-century Spain. B. Much of the folklore that the ethnographers collected had similar elements from region to region. C. Most of the folklore that the ethnographers collected was previously unknown to scholars. D. Most of the folklore that the ethnographers collected consisted of corridos—ballads about history and social life—of a clearly recen

D. Choice D is the best answer because it presents a finding that, if true, would support Paredes's argument that Mexican-American folklore is mostly the result of cultural interactions in Mexico and the United States rather than an adaptation of Spanish folklore. The text describes a disagreement among scholars about whether Mexican-American folklore mostly derived from the folklore of Spain or originated in Mexico and the United States as cultures there have interacted. The latter view is the argument that Paredes puts forward. If Mexican-American folklore collected in the twentieth century mostly consists of ballads about history and social life that originated recently, then that would support Paredes's argument, since it would suggest that the folklore mostly arose after Spanish rule ended in the early nineteenth century and that the folklore reflects cultural interactions in Mexico and the United States rather than traditions from Spain.

One man, who was more excited than the rest shouted "Who roar for the Sub-Warden?" Everybody roared, but whether it was for the Sub-Warden, or not, did not clearly appear: some were shouting "Bread!" and some "Taxes!", but no one seemed to know what it was they really wanted. "What can it all mean?" he kept repeating to himself. "I never heard such shouting before—and at this time of the morning, too! And with such unanimity!" Based on the text, how does the Lord Chancellor respond to the crowd? A. He asks about the meaning of the crowd's shouting, even though he claims to know what the crowd wants. B. He indicates a desire to speak to the crowd, even though the crowd has asked to speak to the Sub-Warden. C. He expresses sympathy for the crowd's demands, even though the crowd's shouting annoys him. D. He describes the crowd as being united, even though the crowd clearly appears otherwise.

D. Choice D is the best answer because it presents a statement about how the Lord Chancellor responds to the crowd that is supported by the text. The text indicates that the people in the crowd are roaring and shouting "Bread!" or "Taxes!" and presents them as not knowing what they really want. The Lord Chancellor's response is to ask what their shouting means but also to observe that they're shouting with "unanimity," or total agreement. Clearly, this isn't the case, which supports the statement that the Lord Chancellor describes the crowd as being united even though it's not. Choice A is incorrect because it isn't supported by the text. Although the text indicates that the Lord Chancellor asks about the meaning of the crowd's shouting, it doesn't suggest that he knows what the crowd really wants. Choice B is incorrect because the text doesn't suggest that the Lord Chancellor wants to speak to the crowd. Furthermore, the text doesn't indicate that the crowd wants to hear from the Sub-Warden. Although the crowd roars when asked "Who roar for the Sub-Warden?" it's unclear what the roaring means. Choice C is incorrect because the text doesn't suggest that the Lord Chancellor knows of or sympathizes with the crowd's demands. In addition, the text doesn't indicate that the crowd's shouting annoys the Lord Chancellor, just that it causes him to keep repeating "What can it all mean?"

The violins handmade in the seventeeth century by Italian craftsman Antonio Stradivari have been celebrated as some of the finest in the world. In close collaboration with musicians, Stradivari introduced changes to the shape of a traditional violin, flattening some of the instrument's curves and making ______blank lighter overall. Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? A. those B. one C. them D. it

D. Choice D is the best answer. The convention being tested is pronoun-antecedent agreement. The singular pronoun "it" agrees in number with the singular antecedent "violin" and thus indicates that the traditional violin (and not its curves) was made lighter. Choice A is incorrect because the plural pronoun "those" doesn't agree in number with the singular antecedent "violin." Choice B is incorrect because the singular pronoun "one" is ambiguous in this context; the resulting sentence leaves unclear what Stradivari made lighter. Choice C is incorrect because the plural pronoun "them" doesn't agree in number with the singular antecedent "violin."

In many of her landscape paintings from the 1970s and 1980s, Lebanese American artist Etel Adnan worked to capture the essence of California's fog-shrouded Mount Tamalpais region through abstraction, using splotches of color to represent the area's features. Interestingly, the triangle representing the mountain itself ______ among the few defined figures in her paintings. Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? A. are B. have been C. were D. is

D. Choice D is the best answer. The convention being tested is subject-verb agreement. The singular verb "is" agrees in number with the singular subject "the triangle." Choice A is incorrect because the plural verb "are" doesn't agree in number with the singular subject "the triangle." Choice B is incorrect because the plural verb "have been" doesn't agree in number with the singular subject "the triangle." Choice C is incorrect because the plural verb "were" doesn't agree in number with the singular subject "the triangle."

When external forces are applied to common glass made from silicates, energy builds up around minuscule defects in the material, resulting in fractures. Recently, engineer Erkka Frankberg of Tampere University in Finland used the chemical ______ to make a glassy solid that can withstand higher strain than silicate glass can before fracturing. Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? A. compound, aluminum oxide B. compound aluminum oxide, C. compound, aluminum oxide, D. compound aluminum oxide

D. Choice D is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of punctuation around noun phrases. No punctuation is needed because the noun phrase "aluminum oxide" is a restrictive appositive, meaning that it provides essential identifying information about the noun phrase before it, "the chemical compound," and thus doesn't require punctuation around it. Choice A is incorrect because no punctuation is needed. Choice B is incorrect because no punctuation is needed. Choice C is incorrect because the noun phrase "aluminum oxide" is a restrictive appositive. Setting the phrase off with punctuation suggests that it could be removed without affecting the coherence of the sentence, which isn't the case.




having subtle differences in meaning, complex and interesting

by no means

not at all


of condiserable importance, size, or worth


rejection; refusal to acknowledge


respond to (a gesture) by making a corresponding one


the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes


to vary; go in different directions from the same point


to win over


to yield, give in


very weak

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