Science Chapter 7
Since our body cannot use the same proteins as a fish's body, our digestive system breaks down the proteins into amino acids and _____ them so they can be used by our body.
living things
The difference between ____ is the order of nucleotides in their DNA.
a chain made of many smaller molecules bonded together
saturated hydrocarbons
a hydrocarbon with only single bonds, have the maximum number of hydrogen atoms for carbon atoms
plants use this and other polymers to build strong stems and roots
polymers that are manufactured
the building blocks of nucleic acids
nucleic acids
very large organic molecules made of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and phosphorus
A carbon atom has ___ valence electrons.
a complex carbohydrate in which plants store energy
energy-rich compounds made of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen, each molecule is composed of three fatty acid molecules and one glycerol molecule
pressures and temperatures
Diamonds form deep within the earth at very high ________.
Diamonds made in labs are used in ______.
branched chain
Hydrocarbons with four or more carbons can form a _____.
straight chain
Hydrocarbons with two or more carbons can form a ______.
polymers (fill in the blank)
Many nutrients are ______.
glucose (fill in the blank)
Starch and cellulose are both polymers built from _____, but the molecules are arranged differently in each case.
The _____ between atoms in different layers of graphite are very weak so the layers can slide past each other easily.
different compounds
The four valence electrons allow carbon to form so many ____.
True or False?: Hydrocarbons contain only carbon and hydrogen but carbon can form bonds with other elements including oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and other members of the halogen family.
_______ proteins are made when different sequences of amino acids are linked into long chains.
organic compounds
a compound that contains carbon, do not conduct electricity
a compound that contains only the elements carbon and hydrogen, they burn easily and mix poorly with water (ex. methane, propane, butane...)
a lipid, waxy substance found in all animal cells, the body uses this to build cell structures and form compounds that serve as chemical messengers
organic acid
a substituted hydrocarbon that contains one or more carboxyl groups
a substituted hydrocarbon that contains one or more hydroxyl group
an energy-rich organic compound made of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
fatty acids
an organic acid that is part of a fat or oil
-COOH (made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen)
carboxyl group, the group can also be substituted for a hydrogen atoms in a hydrocarbon.
starch and cellulose
complex carbohydrate (glucose or starch and cellulose)
compounds with the same molecular formula but different structural formulas and properties
consists of carbon atoms arranged in repeating patterns (shaped like a dome)
elements needed by your body, not organic compounds, used as nutrients
substituted hydrocarbon
formed when atoms of other elements replace one or more hydrogen atoms in a hydrocarbon
pure carbon
graphite, diamond, and fullerenes
unsaturated hydrocarbons
hydrocarbons with double or triple bonds, have fewer hydrogen atoms for each carbon atom
-OH (made of an oxygen and hydrogen atom)
hydroxyl group, can be substituted for a hydrogen atoms in a hydrocarbon
in this the carbon atoms are bonded tightly to three other carbon atoms in flat layers
molecular formula
includes the chemical symbols of the element in each molecule and the number of atoms
organic compound properties
low boiling point and low melting point, organic liquids have strong odors, do not conduct electricity
complex carbohydrate
made of long chains of simple carbohydrates bonded to one another
made when an organic acid and alcohol are chemically combined
nutrients made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur, used in living things for growth and repair
amino acids
one of 20 kinds of organic compounds that are the building blocks of proteins
one of the most important sugars in your body
organic compounds are this at room temp.
organic compounds that serve as helper molecules in a variety of chemical reactions in you body
structural formula
shows the kind, number, and arrangement of atoms in a molecule
simple carbohydrate (glucose or starch and cellulose)
substances that provide the energy and raw materials the body needs to grow, repair worn parts, and function properly
the hardest mineral crystal on earth, the carbon atoms here are arranged in a crystal structure
the hardest mineral on earth
the initials that stand for deoxyribonucleic acid, a type of nucleic acid
the initials that stand for ribonucleic acid, a type of nucleic acid
the links that make up the chain