Science chapter 7 section review

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False. Many mutations are "neutral"; they do not produce any visible effect in the organism, such as a mutation occurring on a gene that is not used by the cell.

(True or False) All mutations have a noticeable, harmful effect in an organism.

False. Somatic (adult) stem cells are already being used to treat over 70 different diseases.

(True or False) Embryonic stem cells are already being used to treat over 70 different diseases.

False. Natural clones also exist in the animal kingdom. For example, planarians and jellyfish can reproduce asexually. Human clones (identical twins) also exist.

(True or False) Natural clones only exist in the plant kingdom.

False. The HGP only provided the sequence of DNA nucleotides in the human genome. Scientists are still working to determine what traits the genes control.

(True or False) The Human Genome Project identified the genes that code for every trait in the human body.

False. Natural clones are abundant in the plant kingdom. Natural animal clones and even human clones (identical twins) also exist.

(True or False) Natural clones are very rare.

C. A egg cell mutation.

. Which is an example of a germ mutation? a. a skin cell mutation b. a nerve cell mutation c. an egg cell mutation d. a bone marrow cell mutation


A mutation that results in the death of the organism is called _________________.

D. Inbreeding

Breeding an animal with its close relative is called a. crossbreeding. b. hybridizing. c. mutating. d. inbreeding.

Germ mutations are mutations that occur in cells that form gametes. If a mutated gamete is used to form a new organism, that organism will carry the mutated gene. Somatic mutations, on the other hand, occur in cells that do not form gametes. Therefore, these mutations cannot be passed on to offspring.

Explain why germ mutations can be passed on to the offspring, but somatic mutations cannot.

The examples mentioned in the text are hemophilia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and red-green colorblindness. Students may list other correct examples as well. These disorders occur more often in males because males have only one X chromosome. If they receive the harmful recessive allele, they have no second allele to counteract it.

Give an example of an X-linked, recessive human genetic disorder. Would you expect this disorder to occur more often in males or females? Why?

Noticeable mutations are almost always harmful. Mutations do not introduce new complexity into the genetic material.

How are mutations an example of degeneration?

By changing a gene's instructions for making a protein, a mutation can cause the protein to malfunction or to be missing entirely. When a mutation alters a protein that plays a critical role in the body, it can disrupt normal development or cause a medical condition.

How can gene mutations disrupt cellular processes?

To become a doctor, a person must become "specialized." In high school, students take mostly the same classes. In college, the person may major in premed to prepare for medical school; he is becoming more specialized. In medical school, the person will have training specific to cardiology. Similarly, cells must differentiate. The cells of a human embryo have the potential to become many different types of cells. Gradually, they divide and become specialized. For example, a cell may become a blood cell. With further specialization, this cell's offspring may become white blood cells. Finally, they differentiate into specific types of white blood cells.

How is the process of a person becoming a cardiologist (a heart doctor) similar to a cell's differentiation?

Answers will vary. Possible answer include these: (1) It can be used to make products for humans (e.g., insulin, other hormones, and enzymes). (2) It can be used to produce animal models of human disease to find cures for those diseases. (3) It can be used to produce genetically modified foods with desirable qualities (e.g., pest resistance or larger fruits). (4) It could be used in gene therapy to correct defective genes responsible for various diseases.

List three potential benefits of genetic engineering.

Answers will vary. Possible answers include these: (1) There could be unforeseen risks to human health, such as producing new bacterial or viral strain that is pathogenic. (2) There could be unforeseen risks to the environment, such as producing "super weeds." (3) People could use it to engineer their unborn children, aborting them if the desired effect is not achieved.

List three potential problems with genetic engineering.


People with Down syndrome have three copies of chromosome number 21 instead of the normal two copies. This is an example of a change in ____________.


The use of living organisms to create a new, more desirable organism or product is called ________________.

Stem cells are cells that have the ability to become many different types of cells.

What are stem cells?

First, humans are different from other organisms because we have a spiritual nature. We were made in the image of God, and we will spend eternity in either heaven or hell. Second, man has the God-given ability to learn and the responsibility to use that knowledge wisely. Some forms of genetic engineering may be acceptable (such as using bacteria to produce human insulin). However, Christians cannot condone any methods thatcontradict Scripture (for example, methods that require the killing of human embryos).

What are the two differences between humans and all other organisms? How should these differences affect a Christian's attitude toward human genetic engineering?

A mutation is a change in an organism's genetic makeup.

What is a mutation?

Scientists genetically engineer bacteria to produce human insulin for people with diabetes. Genetic engineering is also being used to produce various other hormones, enzymes, and even vaccines.

What is one way that genetic engineering is already being used to treat disease in humans?

Human cloning would require producing many human embryos and then destroying them. This is murder (Exod. 20:13; Deut. 5:17; Ps. 139:13-16; Isa. 44:2; Rom. 13:9).

What is the biggest ethical problem with human cloning? Use Scripture to support your answer.

Embryonic stem cells are obtained from human embryos. The embryo must be killed to obtain the cells. Somatic stem cells come from the differentiated tissues of adults or children. No humans are killed to harvest these.

What is the difference between embryonic stem cells and somatic stem cells?

Embryonic stem cell research requires the killing of human embryos. The Bible clearly teaches that life begins before birth (Ps. 139: 3-16; Isa. 44:2). Therefore, this would be murder (Gen. 9:6; Exod. 20:13; Rom. 13:9).

What is the primary ethical problem surrounding human embryonic stem cell research? Use Scripture to support your answer.

C. Human fraternal twins

Which of these is not an example of a clone? a. Dolly the sheep b. apple trees produced by asexual reproduction c. human fraternal twins d. seedless bananas

Cloning (asexual reproduction) produces crops that have the same traits as the parents. If the farmer wants to maintain certain desirable traits (e.g., larger or jucier fruits), then he can clone the plants that have those traits.

Why might a farmer choose to clone some of his crops rather than allow them to reproduce sexually?


____________ cloning produces clones for medical research.

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