Science mp2 review

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what is the atomic mass of oxygen? (Round to the nearest whole number)


Are plants and animals potentially renewable natural resources? A. Yes, because plants and animals are resources that can be replaced at the same rate they are used, if managed well. B. No, because it is not possible for humans to use plant and animal resources at a faster rate than they can be replaced. C. No, because plants and animals are inexhaustible resources. D. Yes, because we use plant resources at the same rate as we use animal resources.


Mercury metal is a liquid at room temperature. As energy in the form of heat is added to liquid mercury, the temperature rises until it reaches its boiling point at 357 ºC. The temperature remains at this level until all the liquid has changed to gas, after which the temperature of the gas begins to rise again. Why the temperature of the mercury did not rise while it was boiling. A. The energy being added while boiling was being used to overcome forces and change the mercury from liquid to gas B. The energy being added while boiling was being used to heat the mercury C. The energy being added while boiling evaporated the mercury. Since no mercury was left temparture did not change


Reggie puts a beaker of ice and water on a hot plate, as shown, and turns the hot plate on.What type of change would you expect the ice to undergo? A. a purely physical change because it will change state B. a physical and chemical change because it will change state C. a purely physical change because it will form a new substance D, a physical and chemical change because it will form a new substance


Sugar consumption and population have both increased at steady rates in the United States. Sugar cane requires regular watering. How often it is watered directly affects the size and yield of the crop. Which statement best explains how population and consumption of sugar affect Earth's water resources? A.Due to increased sugar consumption, the demand on water resources increases. B. Due to decreased sugar consumption, the demand on water resources decreases. C. Increasing population and increasing sugar consumption positively impact the use of water resources. D. Decreasing population and increasing sugar consumption negatively impact the use of water resources.


The following are effects of lock-and-dam systems in a river. Which effect will most likely impact the formation of land in the delta? A. They prevent the flow of sediments downstream. B. They can interfere with fish migration. C. They make navigation possible in places. D. They can affect water temperature.


Which statement explains why a rock does not sink in a lake that is frozen over? A. Particles in a solid are fixed in place. B. Particles are much harder in a solid than in a liquid. C. Particles are much closer together in a solid than in a liquid. D. Particles in a solid are moving too fast for anything to penetrate them.


The three elements in the photos all belong to the same group, or column, of the periodic table. These elements all produce salts when they react with metals. What are some differences between these elements? Select all that apply. A. colors B. state of matter C. atomic masses D. their groups

A. B. C.

Think about how each resource grows or forms. Select all the resources if they could be replaced within a human lifetime (quickly) A. cotton B. fish C. trees D. soil E. coal

A. B. C.

When thermal energy is removed from a substance, the substance may condense or freeze. But when something loses energy, that energy is not "lost." The energy is transferred to something else. When the lava cools, where is the thermal energy transferred? Select all that apply. A. Some thermal energy is transferred from the lava to the air. B. Some thermal energy is transferred from the lava to the ground. C. Some thermal energy is transferred from the lava to the water. D. Some thermal energy is transferred to the new solid rock t

A. B. C.

Which properties do atoms of the same element share? Select all that apply. A. atomic number B. melting point C. chemical reactivity D. number of atoms in a sample

A. B. C.

Which describes the change in motion and kinetic energy of the particles as thermal energy is added to a liquid? Select all that apply. A. As thermal energy is added, the particles move faster and faster. B. As thermal energy is added, the kinetic energy of the particles increases. C. If enough thermal energy is added, the attractive forces between particles become so strong that the particles are pulled close together. D. If enough thermal energy is added, the particles gain enough energy to overcome particle attractive forces, break free, and change from liquid to gas.

A. B. D.

Boron trioxide can form different structures. The picture shows two models of solid boron trioxide. Select the three correct statements. Responses A. Model A is made up of molecules. B. Model B has a repeating structure. C. Both Model A and Model B show crystals. D. Model A is made of separate rings that are bonded together composed of boron and oxygen. E. Model B is made of separate rings that are bonded together composed of boron and oxygen.

A. B. E.

As snow slowly melts in the sunshine, what is happening to the particles of water that make up the snow? Select all that apply.As snow slowly melts in the sunshine, what is happening to the particles of water that make up the snow? Select all that apply. A. Particles are gaining energy. B. Particle motion is decreasing. C. Particle motion is increasing.

A. C.

Imagine that you have a sample of a substance. You cannot physically separate that substance into components. You also cannot chemically separate that substance into components. Which statements are true about your sample? Select all that apply. A. The sample is made up of one type of atom. B. The sample is made up of multiple elements. C. The sample is made up of a single element. D. The sample is made up of several types of atoms.

A. C.

The population of an area is steady with a yearly average of 50 births, 60 deaths, 15 people migrating from the area, and 25 people migrating to the area. Select the factor decrease of which cause an overall decrease to this population. A. birth rate B. death rate C. migration to the area D. migration from the area

A. C.

Think about what happens when a change of state takes place. Which statements are true? Select all that apply. A. A change of state involves changes in energy. B. When a change of state takes place, the identity of a substance changes. C. During a change of state, the same number of particles make up a substance before and after the change.

A. C.

Which factors contribute to population growth? Select all that apply. A. increase in birth rate B. increase in death rate C. new farming technology D. improvements in health care

A. C. D.

Yogurt comes from cow's milk. What is a consequence of increased yogurt consumption? Select all that apply. A. using more land to raise dairy cows B. using less land to grow food for dairy cows C. using fewer materials to package yogurt D. using more energy resources to transport yogurt

A. D.

As the population size increases, the per capita consumption of fossil fuels 1. A. increases B. decreases C. is constant. This 2. D. neutrally E. negatively F. positively impacts the Earth's atmosphere due to increased 3. G. runoff water H. deforestation I. greenhouse gases.

A. E. I.

Which of these processes could change the distribution of gold? Select all that apply. A. mining by humans B. evaporation of water C. burial of plant matter D. weathering and erosion

A. D.

Anita made a frozen treat to eat on a hot day by pouring juice into an ice cube tray and putting the tray in the freezer. When she took it out of the freezer a few hours later, the juice was frozen. Select the phrases from the drop-down lists to correctly complete the sentences. When Anita took the tray out of the freezer, the frozen juice was made of 1. A. the same substance B. a different substance as before because the types of atoms 2. C. changed D. stayed the same. A 3. E. chemical F. physical change occurred.

A. Same substance D. Stayed the same F. Physical change

A chemist wants to build a model of an element using a box. What should the box be filled with to illustrate the relationship between atoms and elements? A. red marbles because bonds form between atoms that are the same B. red marbles because an element is made up of atoms that all have the same properties C. an equal number of red and blue marbles because an element is made up of an equal ratio of atoms D. an equal number of red and blue marbles because bonds form between atoms that have different properties


Granite is an igneous rock. Which statement describes why granite is only found in some regions of the world? A. Granite is found in regions where heavy pressure forms rocks. B. Granite is found in regions where magma cools slowly under Earth's surface. C. Granite is found in regions where deposits of sediment are cemented together. D. Granite is found in regions where rocks are weathered and turned into sediment.


In general, how is resource use related to population size? A. Resource use is not affected by population size. B. Resource use increases as population increases. C. Resource use decreases as population stays the same. D. Resource use increases as population decreases.


Sweating is one way the body cools itself. Which statement best explains this cooling process? A. Water condenses on the skin, adding thermal energy to the body. B. Water from the body evaporates from the skin, removing thermal energy from the body.


The volume of each cube in the diagram is 125 cm3. Cube A has a mass of 50g and Cube B has a mass of 100 g. What can be concluded about the densities of the cubes? A. Cube A is twice as dense as Cube B. B. Cube B is twice as dense as Cube A. C. The density of Cube A is equal to the density of Cube B. D. The density of the cubes cannot be compared because their weights are not given.


What is the most likely impact of a decrease in the population of bees on the environment? A. It will increase the population of flowers. B. It will decrease the population of flowers. C. It will have no impact on the environment. D. It will increase the population of other insects.


What is the primary reason for the decline in the population of certain species of fish in the ocean? A. Increase in water temperature. B. Overfishing by humans. C. Increase in the population of other species of fish. D. Natural disasters like tsunamis and hurricanes.


Which energy transfer takes place when water freezes to form ice crystals in the atmosphere? A. Energy is transferred from the air into the water B. Energy is transferred from the water into the air C. Energy is transferred from the water into the ground D. Energy is transferred from warmer ice crystals to colder ones


Which human activity would have the greatest direct negative impact on the Earth's hydrosphere? A. Planting trees, groundcover, and rooftop gardens in urban areas has a negative impact because it is reducing the amount of runoff water in the are B. Using fertilizer and pesticides on lawns has a negative impact because the runoff goes into waterways, causing pollution and nitrogen imbalances. C. Reducing emissions released by driving a hybrid vehicle has a negative impact because these vehicles have higher fuel efficiency, reducing the amount of fuel used. D. Burning of fossil fuels releases nitrogen and other pollutants into the air, which has a negative impact because the pollutants fall to Earth through precipitation that pollutes waters.


Which is the most likely long-term scientific solution to reduce the consequences of overpopulation with regard to our natural resources? A. explore the solar system for other planets that are able to support the growing human population B. replace fossil fuels for energy with renewable energy sources including solar, wind, and water power C. modify crops genetically to require less water consumption, thus reducing the amount of resources needed for growth D. decrease the use of fossil fuels by encouraging mass transit, including buses and subways, to eliminate the number of individual vehicles burning and emitting greenhouse gases


Which of the following describes a tradeoff that would be made if a community decided to use these drinking straws? A. A straw removes parasites from polluted water. It is small and easy to carry. B. A straw provides filtered water for one person, but not an entire community. It is small and easy to carry. C. The straws are not recyclable. When the filter on a straw no longer works, the straw is thrown away. D. The straws will be distributed in areas that lack water treatment. The straws are easy to use and do not require training.


Which weather conditions would most likely cause the fog A. rapidly cooling air that is low in water vapor B. rapidly cooling air that is high in water vapor C. rapidly warming air that is low in water vapor D. rapidly warming air that is high in water vapor


How do the effects of one person using fertilizer differ from the effects of 100,000 people using the same fertilizer in the same town? Select all that apply. A. The effects are the same when one person or 100,000 people use fertilizer. B. The effects of 100,000 people using fertilizer are greater than the effects of one person using fertilizer. C. The effects of 100,000 people using fertilizer spread to a larger area than the effects of one person using fertilizer. D. The effects cannot be compared because different amounts of fertilizer are used

B. C.

Which describes the change in motion and kinetic energy of the particles as thermal energy is removed from a liquid? Select all that apply. A. As thermal energy is removed, the kinetic energy of the particles increases. B. As thermal energy is removed, the particles slow down until they lock into place as a solid and only vibrate in place. C. As thermal energy is removed, the kinetic energy of the particles decreases. D. As thermal energy is removed, the particles slow down until they lock into place as a solid and stop moving.

B. C.

Which situations model a process similar to sweating? Select all that apply. A. water droplets forming on the outside of a glass of ice water B. a wet bandana around the neck of a hiker C. wet clothes hanging on a clothes line D. a hot, moist towel placed on sore muscles to soothe them

B. C.

Which of the following could be used to describe natural resources? Select all correct answers. A. made by humans B. energy used by humans C. made from living things D. matter used by humans E. made from nonliving things

B. C. D. E.

Oil is a 1. A. renewable resource B. nonrenewable resource. The price of oil will 2. C. decrease D. increase because the availability of oil will 3. C. decrease D. increase. Based on the graph, this will cause the economic growth of countries to 4.C. decrease D. increase. People's quality of life will 5. C. decrease D increase due to a(n) 6. C. decrease D. increase in funds for programs such as health care and education.

B. D. C. C. C. C.

Energy Resource Use by a City Fossil fuels71% Nuclear9% Renewables20% Which of the following resources are most commonly used by the city? A. solar, wind, and biomass resources B. nuclear resources C. oil,coal and gas resources


Select the event or events if they are a long term effect. A. A large, fast-flowing river is cloudy and muddy for a few days after 2 tons of soil is spilled by a barge. B. People who live near an oil refinery are advised to avoid outdoor activity for a week after a smokestack filter malfunctions and releases toxic chemicals. C. A nuclear energy accident results in immediate and permanent evacuation of a 20-mile radius because of radioactive contamination. D. An oil spill in the ocean coats penguins' feathers with oil until volunteers can clean them up.


The population in a region increases. As a result, there is an increased demand for water. What impact might this have on the environment? A. Water will quickly run out because it is not a renewable resource. B. The supply of water will increase because more people are using it. C. The supply of the resource will decrease, potentially destroying habitats. D. There will be improved water quality in the region because more people are going to need clean water.


What happens to the particles of a substance when it changes from a solid to a liquid? A. The particles move closer together and move more slowly B. The particles move farther apart and move more slowly C. The particles move closer together and move more quickly D. The particles move farther apart and move more quickly


What is the most likely impact of deforestation on the local climate? A. It will increase the amount of rainfall. B. It will decrease the temperature. C. It will increase the temperature. D. It will have no impact on the climate.


What statement best describes how an increase in fossil fuel consumption might impact the environment? A. People will preserve more regions as they search for fossil fuel sources. B. The amount of fossil fuels will actually increase because more will be needed. C. Regions of the environment might be altered and damaged as efforts are made to search for more fuel. D. The increase in fossil fuel usage will decrease pollution in the environment because these fuels are clean.


Which of the following is a long-term effect of air pollution? A. Temporary irritation of the eyes and throat. B. Short-term increase in respiratory infections. C. Long-term damage to the lungs and other organs. D. Immediate evacuation of a city due to poor air quality.


Which phrase describes the changes that take place in a gas when it condenses? A. loss of energy and increased freedom of particle motion B. gain of energy and increased freedom of particle motion C. loss of energy and decreased freedom of particle motion D. gain of energy and decreased freedom of particle motion


The following conditions occurred at a town one summer. Which could negatively affect the replacement rate of the town's water resources? Select all that apply. A. The town put a limit on how often people could water their lawns. B. More rain fell than normal. C. Temperatures were higher than normal. D. Twice as many tourists visited the town than normal

C. D.

Which of these is shown by the photo? Select all that apply. A. harvesting a nonrenewable material resource B. harvesting a nonrenewable energy resource C. harvesting a renewable energy resource D. harvesting a renewable material resource

C. D.

Clouds and fog form under similar conditions. Air pressure at higher altitudes affects the formation of clouds. As air rises, the reduced pressure allows the air to expand and cool until water vapor changes into water droplets that form the clouds. What is the process which facilitates this change?


What is the process called when a gas changes into a liquid?


When water vapor in the air comes into contact with a cold surface and changes into liquid droplets, what is this process called?


A town has a population of 32,000 people currently in an area of 50 square miles. The population is expected to increase by 19% over the next three years. A scientist argues that as the population increases, the land resources will decrease. Which piece of evidence supports this argument? A. The area of the town is currently 50 square miles. B. The population of the town is expected to increase by 19% over three years. C. The town currently has a population of 32,000 people that live within the town's given area. D. The town's expected population will be 38,080 people that live within the town's given area.


Energy in the form of heat was applied to a beaker containing a certain substance. The particles of the substance began to move farther apart until they were arranged as shown by the arrow in the diagram. What change of state occurred to the substance in the beaker? A. The substance changed from a gas to a solid. B. The substance changed from a liquid to a solid C. The substance changed from a gas to a liquid D. The substance changed from a liquid to a gas.


Manganese (Mn) is a silver-colored metal. It reacts with oxygen to form manganese oxide (MnO2), which has two oxygen atoms for every manganese atom. Which statement describes the properties of manganese oxide? A. It will be a gas because there are more oxygen atoms. B. It will be a silver-colored metal because manganese is heavier than oxygen. C. Its properties will be different from manganese and oxygen because it will have some properties of each of the atoms that makes it up. D. Its properties will be different from manganese and oxygen because the properties depend on the type of atoms and how they are arranged.


Polyethylene is a flexible substance that is used in some plastic bags. The picture shows a model of polyethylene. Why might polyethylene have properties that are useful for plastic bags? A. It is soft because it has a crystal structure similar to salt. B. It is flexible because the hydrogen atoms are a gas that makes the structure flat. C. It is soft and flexible because it is made of carbon, which is hard and holds its shape as a crystal individually. D. It is soft and flexible because it is made of strands of carbon and hydrogen arranged for strength but that bend and slide past each other easily.


What happens to the particles of a substance when it changes from a liquid to a gas? A. The particles move closer together and move more slowly B. The particles move farther apart and move more slowly C. The particles move closer together and move more quickly D. The particles move farther apart and move more quickly


What is the most likely impact of an increase in the use of renewable energy sources on the environment? A. It will increase air pollution. B. It will decrease the amount of rainfall. C. It will increase the temperature. D. It will decrease the emission of greenhouse gases.


What is the primary reason for the increase in global temperature? A. Increase in the number of vehicles. B. Increase in the population of humans. C. Increase in the use of air conditioners. D. Increase in the emission of greenhouse gases.


A jeweler has old gold jewelry that she wants to make into new jewelry. Pure gold is valuable and also is an element. Therefore, the jeweler needs to use the process described below to separate the pure gold from the impurities that are present in the old jewelry. Step 1: A colorless strong acid is poured over the old gold jewelry. A process occurs that allows the gold to become dissolved in the acid. The impurities do not dissolve. Step 2: After a while, the acid turns orange due to the pure gold particles dissolved in it. The acid/gold solution is poured into a separate container, leaving behind the impurities. Step 3: The orange acid is then heated to evaporate the acid, and a chunky gold powder remains in the container. Step 4: This gold powder is melted into liquid gold and poured into a mold to make a solid gold bar.

Decide whether the following are pure substances or mixtures

Name the process that should be used to determine the volume of the key. Sublimation Deposition Displacement melting


Is this true or false? As the human population increases, human demand for resources decreases.


Is this true or false? The more that individuals use natural resources, the less likely they are to conserve resources.


What is the process called when a liquid changes into a solid?


The bars show that from 1990 to 2002, Phoenix's overall water use increased, then it decreased from 2002 to 2014. The line shows that for the most part, the population_________from 1990 to 2014. decreased increased


What is true about Iron and salt mixture? Made of atoms Made of molecules Element Compound Pure substance

Made of atoms

What is true about Salt (NaCl)? Made of atoms Made of molecules Element Compound Pure substance

Made of atoms Compound Pure Substance

What is true about Iron (Fe)? Made of atoms Made of molecules Element Compound Pure substance

Made of atoms Element Pure Substance

What is true about Water (H2O)? Made of atoms Made of molecules Element Compound Pure substance

Made of atoms Made of molecules Compound Pure substance

The old gold jewelry.


Is a shadow matter?


The gold dust at the end of step 3.

Pure Substance

The solid gold in step 4

Pure substance

When a solid substance is heated and changes directly into a gas without becoming a liquid first, what is this process called?


Is this true or false? As the population grows, more individuals use available natural resources


Is this true or false? When the use of natural resources by individuals increases, the supply of resources decreases.


what can be separated into smaller parts, but not by chemical means? Atom Element Physical Property Pure substance


What is the smallest unit of matter that makes up the substances shown in the periodic table?


Is flammability a chemical or physical property?


Is reactivity with oxygen a chemical or physical property?


what can be broken into smaller pieces, but only to a certain point? Atom Element Physical Property Pure substance


The combination of old Jewlery and colorless acid in step 1.


the acid/gold substance that was poured off in step 2.


This map shows a pattern in the relationship between latitude and solar energy. Most areas near the equator receive____solar energy than areas near the poles receive. A. more B. less


With an increase in pressure, more particle collisions occur at the surface. This exerts ________________force on the liquid particles.


Is a rainbow matter?


Is density a chemical or physical property?


Is melting point a chemical or physical property?


Is state at room temperature a chemical or physical property?


what can be observed without changing the identity of the material? Atom Element Physical Property Pure substance

physical property

what can be separated into smaller parts, but only if chemically changed? Atom Element Physical Property Pure substance

pure substance

Is an ice cube matter?


Is fog matter?


Is helium matter?


Is soil matter?


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