SCM Chapter 5 selected
Comparing what you do to other businesses that do it best and implementing changes to improve
Buy American Act
US government purchases and third party purchases using federal funds must buy US made products. It can be waived if the US good is more than a certain cost above the imported good
Green purchases
Variety of federal, state, and local statutes require environmental and human health considerations when making purchases
bid bond
a debt secured by a bidder for the purpose of providing a guarantee that the successful bidder will accept the contract once awarded. If not, the bond would be forfeited.
Performance bond
a debt secured by a bidder for the purpose of providing a guarantee that the work will be on time and meet specifications
payment bond
a debt secured by a bidder for the purpose of providing protection against 3rd party liens not fulfilled by bidder
import merchants
a person or company engaged in the purchase and sale of imported commodities for profit
import brokers
agents licensed by the governmental regulatory authority to conduct business on behalf of importers, for a service fee
trading companies
buy products in one country and sell them in different countries where they have their own distribution network .
Small business set aside
purchases between $3,500 and $150,000 are set aside for small business as defined by the north American Industry Classification System.
federal acquisition streamlining act
removed restrictions on bids less than $150,000. Micro purchases (less than $3,500) can be made without bidding