Scrum Package Q1

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The Sprint planning meeting is comprised of how many sections? Mark one answer: A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1


What is the recommended size for a Development Team? Mark one answer: A. Ideally 7, no less than 3, no more than 9 B. Size does not matter, agile means to adapt to needs C. Ideally 5-6, plus/minus 3 D. 7 +/-2 a 4 weeks sprint, 8 +/- 2 for 3 weeks, etc


When handling team dynamics, what should the ScrumMaster do? Mark one answer: A. Empower the team members, within appropriate limits. B. Encourage an environment of competition and personal advantage. C. Give clear directives to the team about what they should do and how. D. Expect team members to be proactive and each work to their own priorities and objectives


Which of the following is not a Scrum artifact? A. User Stories B. Sprint Backlog C. Product Backlog D. Incremento de Software


Why does Scrum prevent Product Owners from changing Product Backlog items that are being worked on during the Sprint? Mark one answer: A. The development team cannot meet their Sprint commitment to complete work if requirements are changing. B. A Sprint cycle is not enough time for senior management review and approve changes. C. This forces Product Owners to focus on what is really important for the team to develop. D. The development team must be able to limit the Product Owner authority.


These are the minimum required artifacts in a scrum project and project artifacts are not limited by these.

A. Product Backlog B. Sprint Backlog C. Burn-Down Chart D. Increment

As per Scrum, Which one of the following is an important feature of the daily stand-up (daily Scrum) meeting? Mark one answer: A. Everyone is expected to stand for the whole time, to keep the meeting short. B. The meeting must be kept short and well structured C. The meeting should ensure that it is clear to all which team members are not performing. D. No-one is allowed to leave the stand-up meeting until all problems raised have been solved.


More than one Scrum Team is working on a single project or release. How should the Product Backlog be arranged? Mark one answer: A. A separate Product Backlog is constructed for each Scrum Team. All of the increments are integrated at the end in an integration Sprint. B. All Scrum Teams work from a common Product Backlog and integrate their work every sprint. C. Only one Scrum Team should work on Scrum project. D. Scrum Teams should have their separate Product Backlogs.


The Scrum approach to documentation is: Mark one answer: A. Do no documentation because it is a waste of time. B. Do the necessary documentation to support the development and use of the product. C. Do sufficient documentation to prove you have done a good job. D. Do more documentation than usual, because Agile is risky.


The correct sequence of events in using Scrum framework is as follows: Mark one answer: A. Sprint Planning, Sprint, Sprint Retrospective, Daily Scrum, and Sprint Review B. Sprint Planning, Sprint, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective C. Sprint Planning, Sprint, Sprint Retrospective, Daily Scrum, and Sprint Review D. Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective


Under what circumstances should separate Product Backlogs be maintained? Mark one answer: A. There are several Product Owners for one product. EachProduct Owner should have theirown ProductBacklog B. There are multiple teams working on independent products. Each unique combination of team and product should have an independent Product Backlog C. There are multiple product features being developed by the same team. D. There are multiple teams working on the components of the same product. Each team should anindependent Product Backlog.


What happens when a product backlog item fails to meet the definition of "done" at the end of the sprint? Mark one answer: A. The team completes the product backlog item during the next sprint. B. The incomplete the backlog item is placed back in the product backlog. C. The ScrumMaster points out the person to blame for the item not being finished. D. The team is given 36 hours to finish the incomplete product backlog item.


Which statement best describes Scrum? A. A complete methodology that defines how to develop software B. A framework within which complex products in complex environments are developed C. A defined and predictive process that conforms to the principles of Scientific Management D. A cookbook that defines best practices for software development


Why according to the Scrum framework it is difficult for Product Owners to make changes to a sprint that is underway? Mark one answer: A. Because the team needs to be able to limit the authority of the product owner. B. Because asking(pedirle) the team to make a real commitment comes with an associated cost of not shifting the basis of that commitments in mid-sprint. C. Because the team and product owner want to keep upper management in the dark about planned changes. D. Because it provides an incentive for the product owner to attend the meetings.


_____ identifies corresponding stories when team to solve the work, converts into sprint backlog. Mark one answer: A. Scrum master. B. Sprint planning meeting.


_____ is the heart of scrum process which is also called as daily scrum. Mark one answer: A. Daily sprint. B. Daily standup. C. Product owner. D. Sprint backlog.


A Product Owner ...... Mark one answer: A. Must have a thorough understanding of Agile techniques, for Agile to work. B. Will always receive lower-quality products than their non-Agile counterparts. C. Will typically get business value delivered early and often. D. Will need to understand the technical aspects of development, to contribute effectively


During a sprint the developers should be: Mark one answer: A. In twice-daily contact with the product owner B. Completely be uninterrupted by the product owner C. Able to contact the product owner to clarify aspects of the work. D. Able to work without needing to disturb the product owner.


How should items in the Product Backlog be ordered? A. Alphabetically first and then by list order in the Product Backlog. B. Grouped by business features first and then chronologically by date of original business request. C. Prioritized by business importance first. The items that result in biggest ROI, must be priorized first. D. Chronologically by date of original business request first and then by list order in the Product Backlog


Major challenge(reto) in virtual teams is to ensure _____ because the team may not participate in meeting and access the team members. Mark one answer: A. Knowledge B. Sprints C. Communication D. None of these


The prioritization technique called "MoSCoW" is a popular prioritization technique, where the "M" stands for ... Mark one answer: A. May have B. Major C. Must Have D. Mandatory


What is the primary purpose of the sprint Burndown chart? Mark one answer: A. To show, at a glance, how many hours have been spent during the sprint. B. To show, at a glance, who is behind in completing their tasks? C. To show, at a glance, the amount of work remaining during a sprint. D. To show, at a glance, whether team members are working at fully capacity.


Which statement below best describes the primary objective of the Sprint Retrospective? Mark one answer: A. The primary objective of the Sprint Retrospective is to identify what went wrong or hindered the Sprint. B. The primary objective of the Sprint Retrospective is to provide feedback to the Product Owner(s). C. The primary objective of the Sprint Retrospective is to recommend ways to work better in the Sprint. D. The primary objective of the Sprint Retrospective is to secure the product in the Sprint.


You are the Scrum Master. The Sprint will complete in two days. Each day of the Sprint is equivalent to 8 hours. The team has just enough time to complete all tasks in the remaining 16 hours with the exception of three tasks. Of these three tasks, two tasks (a total of 6 hours) are required to complete one Product Backlog item and one task (an estimate of 2 hours) is required to complete another Product Backlog item. How should the development team handle the remaining three tasks? Mark one answer: A. The development team should negotiate with the Product Owner on the definition of "done". B. The development team should work the extra 8 hours to complete their commitment to the Product Owner C. The development team should place the two Product Backlog items back onto the Product Backlog D. The development team should keep the three tasks on the Sprint Backlog for the next Sprint and complete those tasks first


The individual, detailed pieces of work that are needed to convert a product backlog item into a working software component or solution are called: A. User Stories B. Use cases C. Line items D. Tasks


What does the Scrum Development Team attempt to develop every Sprint? Mark one answer: A. A product that is ready for customer delivery B. A completed Sprint Backlog C. A product that is ready for QA and/or QC testing D. A product increment that is potentially-ready for customer delivery


What happens when the Sprint is cancelled? Mark one answer: A. The Scrum Team disbands immediately. B. The complete Sprint Backlog is put back to the Product Backlog. C. The completed Sprint Backlog items are evaluated for a release and incomplete items are discarded. D. The completed Sprint Backlog items are evaluated for a release and incomplete items are put back to the Product Backlog.


What is the personal risk that a Scrum Master takes in empowering the team? Mark one answer: A. The Scrum Master might lose his job, as the team is doing all the work. B. If the team fails, the Scrum Master will not get a performance bonus. C. The Scrum Master cannot share the glory of team success. D. The Scrum Master has less direct control over the team's work, but still has the responsibility for their outcomes.


When many Scrum Teams are working on the same product, should all of their increments be integrated every Sprint? Mark one answer: A. No, that is far too hard B. No, each Scrum Team stands alone C. Yes, but only the Scrum's Teams whose work has dependencies. D. Yes, otherwise Product Owners may not be able to inspect what is done accurately


Which of the following might the Scrum Team discuss during a Sprint Retrospective? Mark one answer: A. Methods of communication B. The way the Scrum Team does Sprint Planning C. Skills needed to improve the Development Team's ability to deliver. D. All of the above


Which topics should be discussed in the Sprint Review? Mark one answer: A. The process B. Coding practices C. Sprint results D. All of the above


You have been engaged as the Technical Coordinator in a product development team. The Product Owner and the Scrum Master are happy because the team always delivers business value on time. However, you worry that the technical debt is increasing. What would be your primary goal to ensure the right quality? Mark one answer: A. Ensure testers define their entry criteria for quality, which they impose on the development team. B. Nothing. Prescribed roles such as technical coordinators are not part of an Agile team. C. On time delivery and happy end users are the only quality measures in Agile development D. Make sure that the maintainability quality attribute is addressed.


The Scrum Framework encompasses rules or guidelines for documentation? A. True B. False


An Agile project should have ... Mark one answer: A. Occasional early deliveries, if the business is prepared to accept lower quality. B. A regular pattern of delivery of developer-focused products. C. A regular pattern of delivery of business-valued increments. D. An irregular and unpredictable delivery of products


_____ focus on larger epics and subset of product backlog where it represents their busines presentation. Mark one answer: A. Product owner B. Customer C. Stakeholders D. Development team


Which of the following are attributes of a Scrum team? Mark one answer: A. Courage to change and adapt B. Trust of fellow team members to do the work C. Responsiveness to change D. All of these


What are the disadvantages of the classical waterfall model? (Select the best alternative). A. End-Product has to be fully anticipated beforehand. B. Some requirements are implemented as defined in the beginning of the project, and yet they are not really needed by the customer. C. Each phase is strictly separated.


What is most important in all Scrum projects? A. Self-organization B. Clear hierarchies in the company C. Communication D. Continuous improvement


Agile is all about responding quickly to change. That's why a product owner can add or subtract feature from the product backlog or even change their priority at any time. Mark one answer: A. True B. False


In scrum projects, the team members are introduced and build-up required(y es requerido construir) _____ as soon as possible. Mark one answer: A. Knowledge. B. Virtual team. C. Scrum team. D. communication.


A Burndown chart shows ...... Mark one answer: A. The energy level and velocity of the team. B. The remaining work (effort, points) to complete before the Sprint end. C. The number of hours worked by each team member during the Sprint. D. The rate of spending of the budget for a project


Agile software development also promotes industry best practices that _______________ and A. Emphasize team members; partner involvement B. Emphasize teamwork; customer involvement C. Emphasize managers; stakeholder involvement D. Emphasize software developers; manager involvement


A _____ is created during the first half of the Sprint planning meeting and a _____ is created during the second half of the Sprint planning meeting? Mark one answer: A. Sprint Backlog, collection of tasks B. Product Backlog, collection of tasks C. Sprint Goal, Sprint Backlog D. Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog


_____ is the team where the team itself spread in multiple locations. Mark one answer: A. Small team B. Large team C. Medium team D. Virtual team


What is the effect of having a large visible Story board on a wall? Mark one answer: A. It removes the need to create any other reports for management B. It continuously communicates progress within the team and to other stakeholders C. It allows the Project Manager to allocate tasks to specific team members D. It is restrictive, as it does not allow the team to innovate and change


Which of the following statements best explains what the term Sprint means in Scrum? Mark one answer: A. A sprint is a specific amount of days for a team to test and resolve any issues prior to product release or shipment B. A sprint is a specific amount of days for a team to work at a sustainable pace to finish select work. C. A sprint is an agreed upon period of time for team members to select individual items from the product backlog to work on. D. A sprint is a specific amount of days for a team to work as many hours as needed to finish assigned work


Which of the following is the best description for the Product Backlog items that are lower in priority? Mark one answer: A. Every product backlog item. Even those very low in priority. Should be defined well enough to be completed during a sprint. B. All product backlog items are fully defined in the requirements and design phase. C. Lower priority backlog items are coarse grained and should be progressively refined as their priority increases. D. Lower priority backlog items are kept in a separate product backlog.


Which of the following statements best describes Product Backlog items? Mark one answer: A. Undefined or poorly defined Product Backlog items should be placed on the Product Backlog with a low priority B. All Product Backlog items are the result of a(n) analysis, requirements and/or design phase(s) C. Undefined or poorly defined Product Backlog items should be kept out from the Product Backlog until sufficient detail is known. D. Every Product Backlog item, whether low priority or high priority, should possess sufficient detail for the Team to complete in a Sprint.


You are the new Scrum Master at a company currently doing RUP in three month iterations. Your current task in switching from RUP to Scrum is to define how long the Sprint cycle should be. In what units of time should you define the sprint cycle? A. A fixed amount of months B. A fixed amount of weeks, excluding holidays C. A fixed amount of days D. A fixed amount of hours


How could maintainability of the developing product be improved in a development team? Mark one answer: A. Apply standard design patterns. B. Make refactoring a common practice. C. Ensure unit testing is included in the product. D. All of these.


Identify time-box period in sprint planning meeting between product owner and development. Mark one answer: A. 2 hours B. 3 hours C. 9 hours D. 4 hours


It's come to your attention that some team members feel that Carlos is a negative influence on the team. You can certainly understand why - he believes that everything is doomed. What should you do? A. Escalate the issue with the higher authorities B. Remove Carlos from the team. C. Ignore him and hope it goes away D. Use Carlos as an asset, particularly during risk identification


Which of the following activities do not occur at the end of the Sprint? Mark one answer: A. Software development B. Release deployment C. Quality assurance testing D. A & C


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