SDSU ART 157 (2.1-4.2) Inquizitive

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In order to animate the magical world portrayed in Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away, at least -drawings and sometimes as many as - were required to depict each second of the film's action.

12 30

On average, how many separate still frames are there (to the nearest thousand) in a modern motion picture that is 90 minutes long?


In what decade did each of these events relating to innovations in moving picture films occur?

1890: the first motion picture films 1920: the earliest promotion..., the first motion picture films with integrated sound 1980: the earliest...

When was the A-framed structure shown in this photograph constructed?


No one is sure exactly when the potter's wheel was invented, but the earliest recorded use dates back to around - -, when the - are known to have been producing ceramic objects in this way.

3000 bce chinese

Glass was probably first used around - BCE in -, as well as in - where it was valued as highly as -. The technique of - glass to form vessels was in use by - BCE in -and was later adopted and perfected by the -

3500, mesopotamia, egypt, gold, blowing, 100, syria, romans

How many different colors of ink were required to reproduce Hokusai's print "The Great Wave off Shore at Kanagawa" in your Gateways to Art textbook?


The ancient - were the first people to employ picture symbols in a consistent language system in around - BCE. Later, the ancient -created their own version of picture symbols, known as -, which they often wrote on scrolls made of -.


The letters of the Western alphabet are supposed to have originally derived their shapes from stylized pictures of actual things. Which particular letters are meant to have been based on the things represented by these two modern artworks?

A: block of cement B: Weird metal thing

How is Tilted Arc an example of community art?

ALL BUT because it... Grafitti....

Which of the following descriptions relate to this site?

ALL BUT individual stones... the site was...

Which of the following correctly describe why architecture is an important medium for community art.

ALL BUT it is known for... it offers a sheltered...

For what reasons did crowds of pilgrims first visit the Cathedral at Notre Dame?

ALL BUT to see the shroud... to see the tomb...

Which, if any, of the following were traditionally necessary in order to create a photograph?

ALL BUT a unique... & ....

In the long-running debate about whether photography is an art form or not, critics have cited the idea that the medium is not artistic because it is capable only of representing the real world. Which of these photographs featuring children portray direct moments of objective reality and which show an alternate, imaginary one?

ALL BUT: baby wings girl on bench

Because of its perceived immediacy and authenticity, photography has often been employed to expose or explore social concerns. Which of these images were created to raise awareness of specific social issues?

ALL BUT: bridge couple with monkeys

Which of the following items operates on the principle that light enters a small opening, projects an image, and that image is then recorded?

ALL BUT: cyanotype collage

What characteristics are associated with the film director Wong Kar-wai's distinctive cinematic vision?

ALL BUT: heavily... rigorously...

What, if any, are the respective advantages of digital or 35mm film for professional movie-makers?

ALL BUT: higher resolution

Which of the following were John Cage's innovations in the arts?

ALL BUT: his introduction... his dancing...

How, if at all, did the early twentieth-century Dada movement influence the creation of art using alternative media and/or processes?

ALL BUT: it was too... it emphasized...

Why is Citizen Kane considered one of the most important films of all time?

ALL BUT: its computer... its bold... as the first...

In the film trilogy The Lord of the Rings, how was the character of Gollum brought to life?

ALL BUT: stop motion animatronics cel animation

Which, if any, of these artworks was made using a camera obscura?

ALL BUT: blue, girl jumping

Which, if any, of these images is an example of photojournalism?

ALL BUT: chicken, red people working

Which, if any, of these photographs is an example of a photomontage?

ALL BUT: green cats, beds in low left of photo

Why is digital photography the most common way of creating photographic images today?

ALL BUT: the precious...

Which of the following examples of visual communication design is a logo?

ALL BUT: yin yang, triangle

What does the use of textiles in this artwork help express?

African American experiance The artist's family experiance

Which culture created this sculpture and what does it show?

Akkadian a ruler interacting...

Identify the various figures in this sculpture.

Apollo- the one in the middle Lapith of Thessaly- the one on the outsides and the one right of Apollo Centaur- the ones on the insides next to Lapith of Thessaly

Match each term with the appropriate picture.

Arch: the arch one Pilaster: the brown wall Nave: room with checkered floors Vault: ceiling looking

In Western culture since the eighteenth century, objects created using which of the following media have traditionally been regarded as an art and which as a craft?

Art: Painting, sculpture Craft: everything else

Which, if any, of the following are principles of the Bauhaus school that have had an important influence on the visual communication design of the last 100 years?

Bauhaus: form follows function, God is in the details, less is more

Over time, certain genres or categories of film have developed their own conventions, plotlines, and stock characters. Which definition most accurately describes each of these common film genres?

Biopic: a movie that tells... animation: a film made using.. historical drama: a film based on... drama: a film emphasizing experimental: a film whose content... autuer: a film that notably... musical: a film where the story... science: a film in which the story...

These artworks were created using what type(s) of wood?

Bowl: Indian mahogany Box: Yellow Cedar, Red Cedar Room: Walnut, rosewood, fruit woods, beech, oak

Identify the religion depicted by the subject matter in this artwork, and also where the artwork was made.

Buddhism India

The color system used for most commercial color printing is referred to by the abbreviation . The alternative color system used to produce color images in electronic displays is known as .


Match the most appropriate terms to the artworks.

Cement Wall: catacomb roman architecture used to comm... art wall: romanesque arch.... tympanum

Which, if any, of these statements about Chinese ceramic art are true?

Chinese ceramics employ... Chinese ceramic artists...

What type of script was used to write each of these passages of text?

Chinese: leaf, black dark one Egyptian: brown with black lines Western: white with black lines Arabic: White with red ink

Which of the following descriptions apply to this artwork, and where can they be found?

Christ: middle angel: top left figures...: middle bottom souls...: bottom right demon: top right scales: middle right

Artists from which cultures were responsible for creating each of these glass artworks?

Contemporary American: colorful Ancient Roman: Vase Medieval French: Other

Who was responsible for each of these photographic innovations?

Daguerreotype: joseph, louis Calotype: william henry Cyanotype: john herschel Caffenol: scott

Who created each of these modern or contemporary artworks based on craft traditions?

Dale: colorful Peter: elephant thing Hyo-In: dress Andrew: bowl Toshiko: Colorful

Different types of clay each have specific, often unique, characteristics. What properties do the clays used for each of these types of ceramic possess?

Earthenware: brittle, usually red, hardens, good plasticity Porcelain: bathroom fixtures, strong and durable, used fine dining Stoneware: strong durable, everyday mugs

A public artwork is more likely to be placed in an area that can be accessed by all kinds of people, and for that reason everyone must like and support it.


Gothic cathedrals, such as Notre Dame, were built by individuals to display their extreme wealth.


Text or photographs will always communicate information more effectively than artist-created illustrations.


The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York serves the sole purpose of displaying artworks.


This structure was built to make the most impressive palace for Emperor Vespasian.


What is the name of the ritual performed by the Yoruba in Nigeria to celebrate and honor women?


Cultural identity has often been strongly expressed through distinctive textile forms, techniques, and designs. From which part of the globe does each of these fiber artworks originate?

Give up

Which, if any, of these basic methods can be used to create objects from glass or metal?

Glass: blowing, casting Metal: casting, hammering Neither: throwing modeling

The use of stained glass to create enormous decorative windows that bathed buildings in colored light was one of the major innovations of which artistic style?


Who created each of these classic examples of illustration and layout design from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

I want you: James Mont... Black and White: Edward, William Bal Masque: Henri de Toul

Who is responsible for each of these achievements or influential approaches to typography?

Johannes Gutenberg: invention of ... & ... William Moris: championing... Mies van...: expression... Albrecht: first systematic...

Which major photographer created each of these images?

Julia: girl with wings Dorothea: single girl Garry: man and woman Alred: bridge Oscar: last one

What ceramic term is being defined in each of these brief descriptions?

Kiln: oven in which... Greenware: clay form... Wedging: process.. Glaze: liquid... Slip: thin... Bisqueware: ceramic form...

What is the etymology, or root meaning, of each of these common typographical or visual communication design terms?

Logo: greek for a word Serif: Dutch for a stroke Type: greek for to strike

Which figure associated with the Dada movement was a major influence on later twentieth-century artists who turned to alternative media and processes as their preferred means of expression?

Marcel Duchamp

Which well-known artists employed alternative media and/or processes to create each of these artworks?

Marina: two people at table Ed: Bar Marcel: urinel Joseph: black and white large thing on right Jean: Last black and white smokey

Who is represented by the two large gold figures on this object?

Mother Earth: left Neptune: right

What colors are required to reproduce this painting by Vincent van Gogh in print and on an electronic display?

Offset: Blue, pink, yellow, grey Electronic: red, blue, green

Match each description, characteristic, and medium with the appropriate artwork.

Old Stadium: concrete, marble... 76 entrance doors... one of the most... intended to host... New Stadium: one of the most... houses an art... steel, PVS, Teflon... worlds largest...

How is this structure an example of community art?

People of all walks...

Which of the following statements apply to these artworks?

People: communicates a message that the members..., designed to reinforce... Room: designed to unite..., communicates a message that people may or may not...

What is the chief method that was used to create each of these ceramic artworks?

Person: coiling Elephant: slab, throwing Blue glass: throwing bowl: coiling

Match the monumentally sized work with its location.

Pyramid: Iraq Yellow Banner: New York Rocks in Grass: England Dirt: Illinois

What is the result when these colors are combined equally in the CMYK color printing process?

Red, Green Blue

Which examples of metalwork illustrated here were created by artists from one of these three cultures?

Renaissance: Gold people sitting Byzantine: Big silver thrown bowl Mycenaen: Gold Ball

What was the main technique used to create each of these wooden artworks?

Room: intarsia Box: bentwood Bowl: turning

Native American pottery is regarded as some of the most distinctive in the world. This small earthenware bowl was created in the -style by the potter - and decorated with an example of the popular - motif.

San Ildefonso, Maria Martinez, Avanyu

Match each artwork with the appropriate artist. (4.2)

Sculpture: gianlorenzo Painting: johannes Wall: giselbertus

Which, if any, of these works was associated with the summer solstice?

The Rock one in grass

Match each description with the appropriate artwork.

The original artwork was... Face: temporal Colors: destroyed and then... Black&White: destroyed and not...

What classic films are each of these stills taken from, and who directed them?

The wizard...: victor... citizen kane: orson singin: gene kelley, stanle lord of rings: peter jackson trip to moon: georges

Which of the following are similarities between these two works?

They were both constructed... They both control... They were both viewed...

Beginning with the earliest first, in what order were the following artworks created using alternative media and processes?

Three piece b&w other b&w unicycle white plant tree people at desk checkerboard

This native American dancing blanket was created by members of the - people. The blanket's central motif looks like -, and the entire design of the object is closely related to the art form of -.

Tlingit, a bear, totem carving

Icons, or simple symbolic graphic shapes, are often used in place of writing because they provide an immediate message that can be understood in any language. Which of these standard symbols used on car dashboards indicates the control button for the hazard blinkers?


One of the main considerations in layout design is the organization and distribution of white space.


Match each term with the most appropriate definition.

Vault: curved structure... Nave: central space... Travertine: by-product of... Concrete: versatile and strong... Arch: usually curved... Atrium: central, normall public...

What main process was used to create each of these fiber artworks?

Weaving: 3 things looked weaved Knitting: Colorful Embroidery: bland Quilting: Color around edges

The key material that artist - used in -, from the series United Nations, was - sourced from across the globe. The artist used this medium to make woven walls and then painted - that imitate a variety of languages including -.

Wenda Gu "China Monument... donated human... ideograms Chinese, Hindi, ...

Match each artwork with the appropriate artist. (4.1)

Yellow Banners: Christo and Jeanne.. Big Face: Kyzystof Super Colorful: Diego Rivera Room: Wenda Gu Plain Ground: Richard Serra

What is the result when these colors are combined equally in the RGB color system used for electronic displays?

Yellow, light blue, pink

Why is a shaman needed to perform the ceremonies related to this artwork?

a shaman has... a shaman is...

What is the subject matter of this artwork?

a situation... the maquiladora...

This artist's works—designed to convey intense emotions using non-representational images—signify that he belonged to the mid-twentieth-century style known as ______________ .

abstract expressionism

What was Swiss artist Joseph Tinguely interested in exploring in his conceptual 1960 work Homage to New York?

accident uncertainty impermanence

Where are the scenes from this religious leader's life located in the composition of this artwork?

achieving...: top miraculous birth: bottom noteworthy...: right, left moment...: middle bottom teaching...: middle top

Which, if any, of the following are examples of illuminated manuscripts?

all except the dark black one

Which, if any, of these illustrations were created digitally?

all of them

What piece of darkroom equipment does this diagram represent?

an enlarger

What is a readymade?

an everyday object...

What inspired the making of Yoko Ono's Wish Tree series of conceptual artworks?

an idea... the Japanese...

What is the difference between idealized and stylized?

an idealized representation...

Movie cameras that chemically record images using a continuous gradation of value ranges from light to dark, so that they directly match the actual appearance of the object or scene, are generally referred to as what sort of technology?


Identify where the following scenes are located on this set of doors.

annunciation: bottom right crucifixion: two above it right tree of knowledge: two above it and its on the left

Photographers favored Kodachrome film over others available at the time because of what characteristic(s)?

archival quality poetic rendition of reality rich, vibrant colors

What basic type of alternative medium and/or process is defined by each of these brief descriptions?

assemblage: artwork created.... installation: an intentional... performance art: artwork involving... conceptual art: artwork where...

Over time, certain genres or categories of film have developed their own conventions, plotlines, and stock characters. To what film genre do the movies or TV series represented by the following stills primarily belong?

autuer film: mirror girl animation: two men historical drama: NASA fantasy: goblin experimental: lady window

In which of these artworks was the lettering originally created by hand in mirror-writing, rather than using type?

bal masque

Why did the artist give the series related to this artwork the title United Nations?

because he wanted... because he collected...

Why was this artwork controversial? (colorful)

because the mural... because the artist included...

The letter K in the color system CMYK represents which color?


Which of the following were used to make the imagery in this artwork?

blue tilework calligraphy foliage designs

Which one of these artworks was inspired by a controversial topic or subject?


Why were the Rabari shepherds an appropriate subject for Steve McCurry's Last Roll of Kodachrome project?

both the... the shepards lived in rajasthan...

Which of these metals commonly used by artists is an alloy?

bronze, brass, steel, pewter

Beginning with the earliest first, in what order were these black-and-white photographs created?

buildings burning people in room bridge with people sand two people and monkey room with bed in left low

How does this photograph communicate the message its creator intended?

by contrasting... by having...

In what ways did the photographer try to make this image "artistic"?

by piercing... by emulating...

How does the museum where The Beanery is on display help viewers experience it as the artist intended?

by playing... by scenting...

What process was used to make this photograph?


What is the art of emotive or carefully descriptive hand lettering or handwriting called?


Beginning with the earliest first, in what order did these photographic developments occur?

camera obscura daguerreotype process calotype process color photography digital photography Caffenol process

What techniques were used to create each of these animated films?

cel: white face mask computer-generated: nemo stop-motion: other two

The metalworking technique known as - utilizes hammering the front of a metal surface with a form beneath to create a relief design. Reversing the process, and hammering a form against the back of a metal surface to create a relief design on the other side, can have equal visual impact and is known as -.

chasing, repousse

What method of hand-building ceramics involves creating objects from long rope-like pieces of clay that have been rolled out on a flat surface?


The fabrics used to make each of these objects were created out of thread or yarn formed from what sorts of materials?

colorful: synthetic blue dress: animal Square: vegetable dress: synthetic rug with braids: vegetable, animal

What unique visual effect did the creators of Global Groove want to create by modulating the video signals?

combining recognizable and...

Which of the following descriptions relate to community art?

considering possible... showing ways... artworks that are made...

Even after the widespread adoption of color photography, some photographers have preferred to work in black and white because of the way it can clarify the overall design of an image. Which of the elements and principles of art does black-and-white photography accentuate in order to do so?

contrast value line

The type of material used in this artwork contributed to its controversy. What is it?

cor-ten steel

What did integrated sound in films allow?

dialogue... realistic...

What specific method was used to create this ancient glass vase?


What form do the artworks from early in Vito Acconci's career take?

documentation... performances...

What is the name given to the process of creating, on an existing fabric surface, an image or pattern composed of different styles of stitches made using a needle and thread (or yarn)?


As soon as photography was invented in the nineteenth century, it was immediately and widely recognized as a revolutionary new art form.


Fantasy epic Game of Thrones is considered Netflix's most-watched series.


In order for a film to be classified as a documentary, it cannot contain any statements of opinion, only facts.


It is possible to create an animation from a single still image that does not change.


Most of the pottery made by native American cultures was skillfully crafted using a potter's wheel.


Museums and galleries are full of ancient objects made of wood because its organic composition helps preserve these works.


Special effects are always added to films during post-production.


The distinction between "art" and "craft" is one common to all cultures and historical periods.


What are some possible reasons that man-made mountains were created?

for religious... for civic... as memorials...

Which of the following concepts did the artist of this mural intend to include?

forces of nature technology

In the works for which he is best known, what aspect(s) of photography did Alfred Stieglitz emphasize in order to demonstrate its credentials as a fine art medium?

formal composition realism clarity

Who is the architect of this building?

frank llyod wright

What is this ceiling composed out of?

glass flowers

What does the use of color in these photographs express?

green cats: it makes us question... red leaves: it expresses... pink workers: it highlights...

What is the specific term used to describe an art event marked by impromptu actions and unknown outcomes?


How did the artist intend for this artwork to interact with the space in which it was placed?

he wanted to cause... he wanted to inspire...

Why did Ansel Adams use his preferred photographic process, gelatin silver?

he was able... it allowed him...

Put these monumentally sized works into chronological order from earliest to latest.

high picture of stones pyramid looking high up dirt things yellow banners

Locate each of the following individuals or objects in this artwork.

hunefer: ladies in white dress osiris: right horus: to the right of the most right hunefer ammit: dog in middle bottom left ish

What aspect of photography still causes some people to have trouble considering the images like the one reproduced here as "art"?


Where is the judgment scene located in this painting?

in the painting in the background

How, if at all, did the invention of photography influence the development of modern art?

it allowed artists: to record... to focus...

How, if at all, is the formal element of color highlighted in The Wizard of Oz?

it is used... it features...

The use of black and white in this photograph creates or enhances what effect(s)?

it makes: the gray sky look eerie the cannonballs look...

Why was the process used to make this photograph revolutionary?

it uses coffee...

Which of the following descriptions relate to this artwork?

it was a christian... it is an icon it depicts... some of its...

How, if at all, did action painting influence the creation of art using alternative media and/or processes?

it was believed... it expanded... it focused...

Which of the following descriptions apply to this image?

it was interpreted by followers of various... the central... it is a fresco it dates from the roman period

Which of the following descriptions apply to this sculpture?

it was made to decorate... it is an example of the baroque... it reconfigures...

What was the purpose of this sculpture?

it was used to teach males... it served as a...

According to the artist Bill Viola, why do many contemporary artists prefer video as their medium?

it: re-imagines... brings... speaks...

Even though its racist views are now highly controversial and largely outdated, why is The Birth of a Nation still considered important in the history of film?

its use of original... its use of symbolism... its use of film... the epic...

This photograph shows an -, a main entrance of a -. This particular example features the honeycomb design of - in the vault above. Muslims must pray five times a day facing the city of Mecca; a -—or special prayer niche—is placed on the wall orientated towards Mecca (known as the - wall), so worshipers know the correct direction.

iwan mosque muqarnas mihrab qibla

What is the art of organizing type, logos, and illustrations for traditional print media called?

layout design

As shown by the coverage of September 11, 2001, how has digital technology affected photojournalism?

many more... Events can...

What is the term for a performance in which participants wear masks and costumes for a ritual or cultural purpose?


Beginning with the earliest first, in what order were the following films created?

moon single black white lady single color lady two mirror ladies monster

For approximately how long, if at all, has the Internet been a significant influence on visual communication design?

more than 25 years

What was innovative about this film?

multiple setting special effects repeated scenes

Which movie genre was made possible by integrated sound?


To create an image like this one, what is the best order in which to utilize these darkroom elements in traditional film photography?

negative enlarger developer stop fixer

Which of the following types of traditional photographic image allows multiple copies to be made most directly?

negative transparency

Which, if any, of the following ceramic objects are best suited to being created using the slab method?

objects with flat planes boxes

Which, if any, of these photographs were taken in the 1900s?

old lady next to painting person wrapped in leaves

How are the separate scenes organized in this artwork?

old testament scenes...

Where in this structure is the Heelstone located?

outside the circle

What is the name for the triangular space above the columns on the facade of a Classical building?


What are some of the advantages of photographic portraiture over portraits in other media?

photographs: allow people... are less expensive...

Match the attributes to the correct type of photographic artwork.

photomontage: results in a composite...., capable..., uses photographic... photocollage: all others

For what is Eadweard Muybridge known?

proving... pioneering...

What qualities does the deity in this sculpture embody?

reason male beauty order

Each of these installations was created with a specific intention: match the intention with the artwork.

represents...: unicycle breaks...: bar presents...: white with people shadows

Put these artworks into chronological order from earliest to latest.

rock egyptian wall sculpture painting

What style of lettering is used in each of these examples of visual communication design?

sans serif - i want you, the mystery of the ordinary, bal masque Roman-style Serif: the horse, the qqxxsszz book Black Letter: The two letters with lots of writing

Which of the following correctly describe something about the culture that created the artwork depicted in the photograph?

scenes from... the site of these...

Match each artwork with the appropriate description.

sculpture: represents an... reflects ideas central... senufo culture playing with snake: navajo culture reflects ideas central... represents sacred...

How would an artist go about creating a ceramic object?

select, wedge, shape, dry, fire, apply, fuse

How has the contemporary artist who created this object transformed a traditional Korean dress from a craftwork into a work of art?

she made it out of wire mesh... she made the decorative details...

The process of applying intense heat to what material(s) is the basis of most glass production?

silica, lead

What is the term used to describe an artwork that is conceived and created to be placed in a particular location?


Why was this artwork controversial? (another)

some people who... some people thought it was a safety hazard

Which photographer said "the whole face [...] tells a story, not just the eyes...all the features work together," and which of these photographs did he or she take?

steve mccurry: old guy with orange beard

What is the name for the set of preliminary drawings or sketches used to plan or outline an animated film?


What do these three artworks have in common?


Identify the figures depicted in this artwork.

sun god: top naram-sin: middle top left

What specific term is used to describe a stationary scene, in either three dimensions or two dimensions, that has been arranged for artistic impact?


Joseph Beuys's 1974 action Coyote, I Like America and America Likes Me expresses what specific underlying meaning(s) or intention(s)?

the activation... the incorporation...

What primitive forerunner of modern photographic processes and equipment was used by artists for several centuries as an aid to drawing?

the camera obscura

Which, if any, of these performance artworks are created through the active intervention of the audience?

the colored people at table

How, if at all, do the formal qualities of Barbara Kruger's conceptual artwork Belief + Doubt (=Sanity) relate to its meaning?

the combination... the installation...

How does sound feature in Singin' in the Rain?

the film is a musical... the films characters...

What aspect of film is a central theme of The Artist?

the idea that gesture...

How does form relate to content in Insurrection! (Our Tools Were Rudimentary, Yet We Pressed On)?

the projection of viewers... the use of...

How does form relate to content in the film Meshes of the Afternoon?

the repitition...

Why do some people consider auteur theory to be controversial?

the theory does not...

Who completes many of Yoko Ono's conceptual artworks?

the viewer

Which, if any, of the following ideas are considered in or relevant to Vito Acconci's Following Piece?

the way an... the relationship...

How, if at all, does performance art differ from theatrical performance?

the way its outcomes... the venue(s)...

Which of the following facts are similarities between these two artworks?

they are both relief... the both depict the... they both depict a spiritual...

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the nature of Marina Abramović's art?

they are performances that test....

Which, if any, of the following descriptions relate to artworks created using alternative media and processes?

they draw connections... they often feature...

Why were the materials of fat and felt important for the artworks of Joseph Beuys?

they helped him...

For this type of performance, which message or meaning relates to its function in the community?

this ritual celebrates...

What was the purpose of this artwork?

to act as a prayer to function as... to reflect the...

What effect was this artist trying to achieve through the arrangement and composition of these paintings?

to create a.. to create an..

What is the purpose of artworks inspired by spirituality, as discussed in this chapter?

to express things... to depict deities...

What are some reasons artists have featured deities in their artwork?

to help explain... to help believers...

Why was the anatomy of this figure made to look different from that usually seen in human bodies?

to identify it as an ancestral spirit

Why was this photograph taken?

to reveal unjust child...

Why did the director of the live-action film Amélie add animation and other special effects in order to tell the story of a shy twenty-three-year-old waitress?

to transform...

Although the photographers who created these images used different processes, their approaches and underlying methods are quite similar.


Basketry is a type of fiber art.


In order to make moving pictures it is first necessary to freeze movement in the form of still images.


The letterforms of the type used to produce the first printed Bibles were designed to emulate the calligraphy of manuscripts.


This 2010 solo performance by Marina Abramović lasted more than two months.


Which, if any, of these traditional textiles were created by weaving?

two dark grid like ones

Which, if any, of these photographs are landscapes?

two ones of sand desserts

What is the visual form of printed letters, words, and text called?


Which, if any, of the following are particularly characteristic of experimental film?

use of innovative... unusual, idiosyncratic

Traditionally, what has been the most important factor in determining whether an object was regarded as a work of craft rather than one of art?


What is the name given to a computer-generated image based on a series of lines plotted from the relationship between individual points?

vector graphic

How do video artworks differ from conventional films?

videos are often... video is generally

Match each description, characteristic, or material with the appropriate artwork.

white people: marble, greek picture with plants: bronze, german rock thing: sandstone, indian

Which type of large man-made construction of the ancient Near East was built for the benefit of the living community rather than as a memorial to the dead?


Which, if any, of these devices or objects creates the illusion of movement with the phenomenon known as persistence of vision?

zoetrope movie camera flip book

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