Search Mastery
Imagine that you lost the car manual for your 2016 Ford Explorer and want to find a PDF of the manual to print out and replace the lost copy. Select the best set of search terms you could use. A) 2016 ford explorer manual filetype:pdf B) 2016 ford explorer C) 2016 ford explorer manual D) 2016 ford explorer manual pdf E) car:2016 ford explorer type:pdf
A) 2016 ford explorer manual filetype:pdf
You want to search just the Washington Post website for articles about the construction of the Purple Line. What search terms could you use? A) purple line B) purple line washington C) "purple" "line" "washington" "post" D) item:purple line site:washingtonpost
A) purple line
Imagine that you want to search for information about tigers (the animal) but your search returns the following results: (image showing results of the Detroit Tigers sports team) How could you change your search to get more results about the animal? Select all that apply. A) tigers -Detroit B) tigers -baseball C) tigers -tigers D) tigers -animal
A) tigers -Detroit B) tigers -baseball
Imagine you're searching for news stories about the 1918 flu pandemic. You want stories from the 100 year anniversary of the pandemic (2018). What is the best option to conduct this search? A) use the "News" tab for the search, and then use the "Tools" menu to narrow the dates to a "Custom Range" that includes all of 2018 B) use the "News" tab for the search, and then type "1918 flu pandemic" -2018 C) use the "News" tab for the search, and then type "100 year anniversary flu pandemic" D) use the "News" tab for the search, and then type "flu pandemic anniversary stories"
A) use the "News" tab for the search, and then use the "Tools" menu to narrow the dates to a "Custom Range" that includes all of 2018
Imagine you're designing an informational website about your favorite musician. You need images that you can use on the website and you don't plan to modify the images. How would you search for images that you'd be able to use? A) within an "Images" search, use the Tools menu and select "Labeled for Reuse" or "Labeled for Noncommercial Reuse" B) go to main google webpage and type what I need in C) contact the musician and ask permission D) get a friend to change the images just enough so they look a bit different and then use them E) type in "free images" or "free non-commercial images" with my search
A) within an "Images" search, use the Tools menu and select "Labeled for Reuse" or "Labeled for Noncommercial Reuse"