Semester 1 Government Exam

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unalienable rights

According to the Declaration of Independence, which of the following is a right that all people have and that legitimate governments should protect?


Because of the Constitutional principle of _______, the central government must share power with local and state governments.

Individual Rights

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press . . . . —First Amendment to the US Constitution This excerpt reflects the principle of

Individual Citizens should have rights

Declaration of IndependenceThe ConstitutionThe Bill of Rights What value do these documents have in common?

Unlike most forms of government, anarchy has a lack of governmental authority.

Distinguish between anarchy and other forms of government.

The contemporary German government protects inalienable rights.

Distinguish between the constitutional governments of Nazi Germany and contemporary Germany.

The executive and judicial branches

Even though the "elastic clause" gives the Congress the power to pass all laws considered "necessary and proper," which of the following legally protects the people from congressional abuses?

An aristocracy places power among a few in the upper class, while a monarchy is ruled by a single individual.

Explain how an aristocracy is different from a monarchy.

They both split powers between a central government and the states.

How are federal and con federal governments similar?

He wrote that people were born with natural rights to life, liberty, and property.

How did the philosopher John Locke influence the principles of the Declaration of Independence?

The Constitution allows for impeachment to remove politicians from their offices

How does the U.S. Constitution reflect the democratic principle of rule of law?


Identify the foreign policy position of the United States toward the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

Judicial Review

Identify which constitutional principle was established with Marbury v. Madison (1803).

military humanitarian aid.

In the 1990s, the U.S. government helped Hondurans recover from a devastating hurricane by providing troops. This is an example of

Rule of Law

In the United States Congress, policymakers submit bills to legal counsel to ensure that they comply with legal standards. This describes which American value?

State Law

Jill will be getting her driver's license during her junior year of high school. She wants to find out the procedure and laws regarding driver's licenses. What should she consult?

influenced the structure of the United States government.

John Locke's Second Treatise • Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws • Thomas Paine's Common Sense. The documents above are all.....

Limited Government

Laissez-faire policy during the Gilded Age, in which government let businesses function without regulation, reflected the Constitutional principle of

protect the individual rights of all citizens

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. . . . —14th Amendment, 1868 According to the 14th Amendment, state governments must

a fair and speedy trial.

One of the most important parts of the Magna Carta influenced the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This was the right to

Reserved powers

Powers that remain with the states after other powers were delegated to the national government by the Constitution are called which of the following?

The power to make foreign policy is divided between the legislative and executive branches.

Read the statements below. • The president, as commander in chief, can send troops to a foreign country.• Congress influences foreign aid by the amount of money it includes in the budget for foreign aid.• The president's secretary of state is responsible for United States relations with foreign countries.Which of the following is the best conclusion that can be made from these statements?


The Bills of Rights was written to protect the rights of

presidential veto

The Constitutional principle of checks and balances is exemplified by

English Bill of Rights

The _______, created in 1689, served as a model for the Bill of Rights.

The Declaration of Independence

The _______, written in 1776, is historically significant because it argued for equality among citizens and effective government serving the people.

Separation of power

The creation of three branches of government is an example of________

the people to be the source of power

The idea of representative government flourished in colonial America because the colonists wanted

ability of Congress to override a veto

The principle of checks and balances in the U.S. government is reflected in the

natural rights

Thomas Jefferson based concepts in the Declaration of Independence on philosophies from the Enlightenment. The ideas of the unalienable rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" are based on which of these political principles?

The National and State governments

Under the system of federalism, power is shared by

Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Which document contains these lines

a political position in support of states' rights

What is Anti-Federalism?

Power Reserved by states

When a state establishes standards for high school graduation, it is exercising which of the following?

when it is used with smaller populations

When is a direct democracy most effective?

limiting immigration from Mexico

Which action by the U.S. government would likely increase unemployment in Mexico?

Serving on jury

Which action would most allow a person to play an important role in the justice system?

Stalinist Soviet Union

Which constitutional government guaranteed political, economic, and social rights to citizens in theory but not in practice?

The House of Representatives is composed of individuals elected every two years directly by the people.

Which convention of American government reflects the principle of popular sovereignty?

Department of State

Which department is primarily responsible for matters of foreign policy?

The Mayflower Compact

Which document was a forerunner to the U.S. Constitution?

a socialist system

Which form of government attempts to plan, produce, and distribute goods equally to all citizens?

establishing local elections

Which is a state power under the Constitution?

Nazi Germany

Which is an example of a historic constitutional government that failed to limit power?

Declaration of Independence

Which of the following U.S. documents severed the colonies' ties to England?

It is the supreme Law of Land

Which of the following best describes the Constitution of the United States of America?

Articles of confederation

Which of the following documents was ratified in 1781 and established a confederation of sovereign states?

Printing Money

Which of the following duties is solely in the realm of National government?

Each branch of the federal government has different responsibilities.

Which of the following facts is an example of the "separation of powers" Constitutional principle?

a government run by king or queen

Which of the following is a characteristic of a monarchy?

Paying Taxes

Which of the following is a required duty of working citizens in the United States today?

the right to freedom of speech

Which of the following is a right guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?

Enumerated Powers

Which of the following is the term for powers granted to the U.S. government that the Constitution mentions directly and explicitly?

Common Sense

Which of the following pamphlets by Thomas Paine said that the colonial cause should not be elimination of British troops and taxation, but rather revolution and independence from England?

Elastic Clause

Which of the following phrases in the Constitution gives the Congress the power to pass laws that are "necessary and proper" for carrying out Congress's other specific powers?

Implied Powers

Which of the following powers of the U.S. government is derived from the "elastic clause" of the U.S. Constitution?

Congress had no control over each state's military and taxing.

Which of the following was a weakness of the federal government under the Articles of Confederation?

An interest group

Which of these is an organization that attempts to influence legislators in favor of one particular issue?

The U.S. became a world power

Which of these was the result of the Spanish-American War?

someone who applies for and passes a citizenship test

Which of these would be considered a naturalized citizen of the United States?

freedom from cruel and unusual punishment

Which provision in the United States Constitution was originally found in the English Bill of Rights?

Collecting Taxes

Which responsibility is shared by state and national government under the system of federalism?

defining and limiting government

Which statement describes a primary purpose of most constitutions?

It settled a debate over representation in Congress.

Which statement most accurately explains the result of the Great Compromise?

Local Law

Which type of law is being enforced when a police officer arrests someone for disorderly conduct?

Thomas Jefferson

Who drafted the original declaration of Independence

The document established the principle that no person is above the law and that the government must follow its own laws in its dealings with its citizens.

Why was the Magna Carta, signed in 1215, historically significant to the development of democratic governments?

Amendments 1-10 of the U.S. Constitution

he Bill of Rights is the name of which of the following?

vote for their leaders

re-pub-li-can-ism [ ri pubblik' nizz'm ]noun1. belief in republic as political system: the belief that the supreme power of a country should be vested in an electorate The principle of republicanism is preserved by the Constitution because it grants citizens the right to

First Amendment

• Freedom of religion• Freedom of speech• Freedom of the press• Right to peaceable assembly• Right to petition the government Which amendment to the United States Constitution contains all of the above rights?

express principles that helped to shape the United States government.

• Magna Carta• English Bill of Rights• Declaration of Independence The documents in the box all

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