Semester Final

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Which of the folowing states the principle of "popular sovereignty?"

The settlers in a given territory have the sole right to decide whether or not slavery will be permitter there

Which of the following was the LEAST important issue in the election of 1844

Rechartering the BUS

Northern advantages in the Civil War included all of the following EXCEPT:

General agreement over war aims

The results of the Mexican American War included

Acquisition of California by the United States and Important military experience that would be put into use in the Civil War

All of the following statements about pre Civil War American slavery are true except:

Because of the relative case with which slaves could gain their freedom by manumission or purcchase, the preoportion of freedmen to slaves was almost equal in many areas of the South

preachers of the Great Awakening focused on the importance of all of the following EXCEPT

Economic independence

All of the following were part of the initial Union strategy to win the Civil War EXCEPT

Emancipation of slaves in the seceded states

The Compromise of 1850 did which of the following

Enacted a stringent fugitive slave law

All of the following figured prominently in debates over the Compromise 1850 EXCEPT the:

Extension of slavery into Kansas and Nebraska territories

The Lincoln- Douglas debates resulted in all of the following EXCEPT:

Increased support for Douglas in the South

Which of the following is a correct statement about the Wilmot Proviso

It forbade the introduction of slavery into territory acquired from Mexico

Which of the following statements about the Dred Scott decision is correct

It stated that Black people were not citizens of the United States

which of the following was a major factor in the decline of the Whig party in the 1850's?

Know- Nothing moement

All of the following statements about the election of 1860 are accurate EXCEPT

Lincoln won election because of the split in the Democratic Party

The main reason for the U.S. delay in annexing Texas was the

Opposition in Congress to adding slave states

The Kansas Nebraska act of 1854 increased sectional tension because it

Re-opened the issue of slavery in a territory Noth of 36,60

The supreme court's decision in the Dred Scott case outraged public opinion in the North chiefly because it

Removed restriction against the spread of slavery into the Western Territories

In the 186- election, what was the position of Lincoln and the Republican Party on slavery?

Slavery should not be allowed to expand into the territories

John Brown's primary purpose in attacking Harpers Ferry was to

Start a slave rebellion in Virginia

Which of the following BEST reflected the idea of manifest destiny?

The campaign platform of James Polk in 1844

Which of the following most accurately describes the Stephen Douglas' idea of popular soverignty

The status of slavery in a territory would be determined by the voters in territory

All of the following contributed to the conflict between Mexico's government and settlers in Texas in the early 1830's EXCEPT

The support for annexation by John Tyler and James Polk

Harriet Beecher Stowes novel which brought home the evils of slavery to many in the North was

Uncle Toms Cabin

The disputed boundary between Maine and Canada was settled by the

Webster- Ashburton Treaty

The provisions of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo included all of these EXCEPT

Yield the Mesilla Valley of the Arizona to the United States

Which of the following was NOT a factor in the formation of the New England Confederation

a desire to suppress religious dissent

thomas jefferson believed in all of the following except

a strong national army is essential to keep order in the united states

The Republican Party originated in the mid-1850's as a sectional party committed to which of the following?

oPPOSITION TO THE FURTHER EXPANSION OF SLAVERY INTO THE TERRITORIESOpposition to the further expansion of slavery into the territories

which of the following states the principles of "virtual representation" as is was argued during the 18th century?

all english subjects, including those who are not allowed to vote, are represented in parliament

pinckneys treaty with spain is considered a diplomatic highlight of washingtons administration because it

allowed the US to use the port of new orleans

which of the following best explains the most important effect tobacco cultivation had on the development of the chesapeake bay settlements during the 17th century

because tobacco cultivation requires large tracts of fertile land, it led to rapid expansionism in the reason

in which pair of events or developments in the first event a cause of the second

boston tea party-----> passage of the intolerable acts

thomas paines pamphlet common sense

called for american independence and the creation of a democratic republic

after the election of 1824 the presidents choice of henry clay as secretary of state resulted in

charges of a corrupt bargain with john q adams

most americans considered wwhich of the following to be fundamental for any successful republican government

civic virtue

the survival of the jamestown colony can be most directly attributed to the

development of a tobacco industry

one purpose of the decleration of independence was to

explain to the rest of the world why the colonies had revolted

alexander hamiltons domestic and foreign policies were directed primarily

favoring interests of the propertied classes

a political effect of the fighting in Kansas in 1855 and 1856 was to

further divide the democratic party

the problems that abraham lincoln experienced as president were less prostrating that those experienced

had a long establish and fully recognized government

the ordinances of 1785 and 1787 were notable accomplishments because the

initiated a territorial policy that provided for the orderly creation of new states

the constitutional convention designed designed the electoral college to

insulate the presidency from the popular will

the case in which john marshall established the legal precedent of judicial review was

marbury v. madison

the hartford cconvention had long term significance because it

marked the end of the federalists as a national party

which of the following would most likely have expressed opposition to the idea of manifest destiny

members of the whig party in congress during the mexican war

the slave states that remained in the union included

missouri kentucky and delaware

which of the following is a correct statement about the united states at the beginning of the era of good feelings

nationalism strongly influenced american culture and politics

which of the following best describes the way europeans treated native americans in the 1500's and 1600's?

native americans were refarded as inferior people subject to christian denomination

as president of the confederacy, jefferson davis did not exercise the arbitrary power wielded by abraham lincoln because

of the souths emphasis on states rights

president andrew jacksons specie circular stipulated that

paper money should not be accepted in payment for federal government lands sold

the first continental congress was a reaction to

passage of the intolerable acts

the most common form of resistance on the part of black american slaves prior to the civil war was

passive resistance, including breaking tools and slightly slowing the pace of work

settlers who established the british colony in virginia during the 17th century were primarily seeking to

profit economically

the 3/5's compromise originally contained in the constitution referred to the

rate at which one slave counted towards congressional representation

which of the following was the least important issues in te election of 1844

rechartering the BUS

in lincolns attempt to preserve the union, he did all of the following questionable actions as president except

refuse to implement a draft, or conscription law, during the war

Senator Stephen A Douglas managed to engineer the Compromise of 1850 by

securing passage of the different parts of the Compromise as seperate laws

The proclamation of 1763 did which of the following

set a boundary along the crest of the appalachians beyond which the english colonists were forbidden to settle

an important effects of the tariff of abominations of 1828 was

south carolinas theory of nullification

alexander hamiltons financial program was most favorable to

state bankers

henry clays idea of an american system included all of the following except

state banks

the chief purpose of mercantilist policies was to

strengthen the economy and power of the parent country

in the 1790s political conflict between thomas jefferson and alexander hamilton, jefferson would have been more likely to

take a narrow view of the constitution

William Penn's "holy experiment" included all of the following ideas EXCEPT

the Biblle as a religious authority for all

the kentucky and virginia resolutions took the position that

the authority of the state governments included the power of whether or not an act of congress was constitutional

jacksonian democrats favored all of the following except

the caucus system of nominatin candidates

the issue of religion figured most prominently in the consideration of which of the following

the establishment of purian colonies in massachusetts

president jacksons response to the supreme court decisions of the treaty rights of native americans resulted in which of the following

the forced removal of cherokees from their lands in georgia

The dramatic increase in the South's slave labor force between 1810 and 1860 was due to:

the natural population increase of American-born slaves

which of the following was the primary reason for the creation of the colony of Georgia?

the rehabilitation of prisoners

andrew jackson supported all of the following except

the right of nullification

as a result of the treaty of paris, the united states gained all of the following except

the territory of Flordia

During the Civil Warr, Britain and the United States were nearly provoked into war by

the trent affair, involving the removal of southern diplomats from a british ship

john dickinson defended the idea of no taxation without represenation by arguing

to tax people without their consent violated english law

the treaty of ghent signaled the end of the

war of 1812

The Dred Scott decision held that a slave

was private property even in a free territory

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