Sexual Exploitation Terms

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A conscious voluntary decision without coercion or intimidation with clearly spoken boundaries.

Rape Culture

A culture or society that normalizes or excuses sexual violence of any kind.


A person who speaks or acts in support of an individual or cause, particularly someone who intervenes on behalf of a person being attacked or bullied.


Anyone who is not a perpetrator or victim in a given situation


Describes sexual activity between family members other than spouses.


Forced sexual behavior that includes sexual intercourse (including oral and anal) that occurs without the consent of the victim.


Is a devaluing act that occurs when the victim(s) of a crime or an accident is held responsible — in whole or in part — for the crimes that have been committed against them.

Bystander Intervention

Is a strategy on how to intervene, interrupt, speak up and take action to influence an event that is potentially dangerous, such as an assault.

Hostile Environment Harassment

Is behavior that makes a school or work atmosphere uncomfortable enough to interfere with a a person's performance. Sexual Assault: Legally, any forced sexual behavior.

Sexual Assault

Legally, any forced sexual behavior.

Quid Pro Quo Harassment

Means that one person makes unwelcome sexual advances toward another with the promise of certain benefits if the person complies.

Stranger Rape

Rape in which the victim does not know the rapist.

Date Rape

Rape that occurs between two people who are, or have been, dating one another.

Acquaintance Rape

Rape that occurs between two people who know each other.

Marital Rape

Refers to the rape of a spouse


The action or fact of stigmatizing a woman for engaging in behavior judged to be promiscuous or sexually provocative.


The practice of sending nude or semi-nude pictures by cell phone or other electronic media.

Objectify (Objectification)

To degrade to a status of a mere object; to dehumanize.

Sexual Harassment

Unwelcome or unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical sexual conduct

Sexual Exploitation

Using Sexuality to benefit oneself in some way

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