Sharing the road

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What are some tips for driving by buses, streetcars, and trolleys? What are three exceptions?

1) When people are boarding or leaving a streetcar or trolley where there is no safety zone stop behind the cars nearest door or car platform and wait until people have reached a safe place 2) when a bus, streetcar, or trolley stop at a safety zone or at intersection with traffic controlled by a peace officer or traffic signal you may pass no more than 10 mph 3) do not overtake and pass any light rail cars or street cars on the left side whether it is moving or standing.Only pass on the right 4) do not drive through a safety zone this is a space set aside for pedestrians been marked by raised buttons or markers on a roadway Exceptions: 1) when you are on a one-way street 2) when the tracks are so close to the right side that you cannot pass on the right 3) traffic officer directs you to pass on the last

What are three mistakes for driving around large trucks?

1) cutting off a truck in traffic or on the highway to reach a exit or turn heading into the open space in front of the truck is dangerous trying to beat a truk through a single lane construction zone for example removes a truck driver's condition and safety in places you and other drivers in danger. Slow down and take your turn entering the construction zone. do not speed up to pass a truck so you can ask the roadway. slow down and drive behind a truck it will only take a few extra seconds 2) lingering and alongside a truck when passing always pass a large truck on the left side and after you pass the truck move ahead of it do not linger otherwise you make it very difficult if not impossible truck to take evasive action if obstacle appears in the road ahead 3) following too closely or tailgating when you follow so closely behind a truck that you cannot see the truck driver side view mirrors the trucker cannot see you and has no way of knowing you're there. Tailgating a truck or any car is dangerous because you take away your own cushion of safety if the car in front of you stops quickly 4) underestimating the size and speed of an approaching tractor-trailer a large tractor-trailer often appears to be traveling at a slower speed because of its large size many collisions involving a passenger car in a large truck at intersections when a passenger car driver did not realize how close the truck was or how fast he was traveling

How to share the road with cars with hazardous load? What are the important driving tips?

A diamond shape sign on a truck means that the load on the truck is intentionally dangerous. California Highway Patrol or fire department offices know what to do with the load actually spilled. Cars which display the signs are required to stop before crossing the railroad tracks Important driving tips HIV requires a personal responsibility to use sound judgment reflexive experience and common sense every time you're behind a woman car another element of safe driving. Be courteous at all times

Dealing with traffic congestion? How to share the road with aggressive drivers?

Dealing with traffic congestion: rubbernecking means slowing down to look at collisions are virtually anything else out of the ordinary Allegheny means following too closely Unnecessary lane changes mean weaving in and out of freeway lines Inattention means eating grooming talking on cell phone text messaging reading a newspaper etc. Operating poorly maintained our malfunctioning car are running out of fuel Aggressive drivers and road rage: 1) allow plenty of time to reach destination 2) do not cut off the drivers 3) do not drive slowly in the left back lane 4) do not tell gate 5) do not make gestures to other drivers 6) prevent up violent incident by avoiding eye contact with an angry driver and giving an angry driver plenty of space

How to share the road with Motorcycles 7 tips

Follow these rules to respect the right-of-way and safety share the road motorcyclists: 1) when you change lanes make a visual check for motorcycles. Also use your mirrors. Motorcycles are small and can easily disappear into a driver's blind spot 2) allow a four second following distance. You will need the space to avoid hitting the motorcyclists if they break silently or fall off the motorcycle. Motorcycles can generally can stop faster than passenger cars 3) allow the motorcycle a full lane width. Although it is not illegal to share lanes of motorcycles it is unsafe 4) never try to pass them motorcycle in the same vein you are sharing with the motorcycle 5) look carefully for motorcyclists before opening doors next to moving traffic are before turning right 6) when you make a return check for motorcyclists and gauge their speed before turning 7) remember that the road conditions which are minor annoyances pose a major hazard to motorcyclists. Potholes, gravel wet or slippery surfaces, pavement seams railroad crossings, groove pavement can cause motorcyclists a chain speed or direction silently. If you are aware of the fact that these conditions and drive the care and attention you can help reduce motorcyclists injuries and fatalities.

How to share the roadway Animal drawn cars

Horse-drawn cars and riders of horses or other animals are entitled to share the road with motor cars. It is a traffic offense to scare horses or stampede livestock. Or stop if necessary are requested to do so by the riders or herders

What are the four tips for driving by light rail cars?

Light rail cars have the same rights and responsibilities on public roads as cars although everyone must follow the same traffic laws light rail cars require exponential handling ability because of their size 1) being aware of where light rail cars operate. Buildings, trees, etc.. Cost blind spots by trolley operator 2) never turn in front of an approaching light car 3) maintaining a safe distance from the light rail car shares the street when a vechicular traffic 4) looking for approaching light rail cars before you turn across the tracks. Complete your turn only if the signal indicates you you may proceed. light rail cars can't interrupt traffic signals. Do not proceed into the signal light indicates you may proceed

What should you do to prepare yourself for riding a bike on the street

Must obey all traffic signals and stop sign Are lawfully permitted to run certain sections of roadway in rural areas where there is no alternative route Show ride as near to the right curb or edge of the roadway as practical and not on the sidewalk May move last to pass a part from moving car, bicycle, animal, or avoid debris or other hazard May choose ride near left curb or edge of a one-way street Should ride single file on a busier narrow street Must make last and right turns in the same way drivers do using the same turned me. If a bicycle this is traveling straight ahead they should use a third traffic lane rather than right next to the curb and block traffic making a right turn Must signal all their intentions to motorcyclists and bicyclists near them Must wear a helmet under the age of 18 Shay carry ID Shall not operate a bicycle on a roadway unless the bicycle is to with: a break which will enable the operator to make one braked will skate on dried, level, clean pavement During darkness, bicycle it should avoid wearing dark clothing and must have the following clothing : a front lamp emitting a white light visible from a distance of 300 feet A rare red reflective visible from a distance of 500 feet A white or yellow reflector on each panel are on the bicycle issue or ankles visible from a distance of 200 feet

How to share the road with large trucks? What should you know about trucks braking? What should you know about checkers blind spot? What should you know about their turning? What should you know about truck maneuverability?

To reduce the chance of having a collision with a large truck or capital RV, you must be familiar with big rigs physical capabilities and how it would maneuvers Braking: large tracks take longer to stop then cars traveling at the same speed. Average passenger traveling 55 mph stop within 400 feet. However a large truck traveling at the same speed take almost 100 feet stop. Do not move in front of truck and silently slow down or stop. The truck would not be able to stop quickly enough to avoid crashing into you. Blind spots: passenger car drivers incorrectly assume that a trucker can see the road better because he or she is higher off the road. While truckers do have a better forward view and bigger mirrors they will have large blind spots in your car aloft in the blind spot. If you stay in those blind spots you blocked a trucker's ability to take evasive action to avoid dangerous situation. Generally speaking you cannot do the truck driver in his or her side mirror they cannot cannot see these you and this is often called no zone Turning: The longer the car the greater difference in turning path. This is why big car drivers must often swing wide to complete a right turn. When you follow a big car, look at its turn signals before you start to pass. If the truck appears to be turn left, check the turn signals again; the driver may actually be turning right but first swinging wide Maneuverability: tracks are not as maneuverable as passenger cars. Large trucks have longer stopping and starting distances. They take more space for turns and they weigh more. Window signs are posted these cars must be driven in the right-hand traffic lane are as close as possible to the right edge of the roadway. On a divided highway with for or more traffic lanes in one direction these cars may also be driven in the lane just to the left of the right-hand lane

How to share the road with bicycle riders? What are some 7 critical tips that drivers need to know?

When passing a bicyclist in a travel lane you should allow at least 3 feet between your car and the bicycle unless doing so would cause a hazard. to pass slow down and pass-the bicycle if it is safe to do so Bicycle may occupied the center of the lane when conditions such as a narrow lane or road hazard makes it unsafe to ride in a position that may provide room for car to pass. with any slow moving car or bike, bicycle drivers should follow at a safe distance. When it is safe the bicyclist should move to to a position to allows cars to pass Respect the right away of bicycle riders because they are entitled to share the road with other drivers. Bicycles may be traveling faster than you think. Do not turn in front of a bicycle because it may not be enough time to safely make the turn on time. Here are some critical points for drivers and bicyclists renumbered. Motor vehicles also must follow 1) always look carefully for bicycle riders before opening doors next to moving traffic are before turning 2) allow bicycle riders enough room to avoid colliding with car doors that opened into traffic 3) merged toward the curb are into the bike lane only when it is safe 4) not try to pass the bicycle rider just before making a turn. Merge safely where it is allowed then turn 5) not drive in a bike lane unless initiating a turn at intersection our driveway and not more than 200 feet in advance 6) make a visual check for bicycle riders when changing lanes or entering traffic. Bicycle riders are small and may be hidden in a cars blind spot 7) be careful in approaching our passing a bicycle rider on a 2 Lane Hwy. our freeway

How to share the road with people who are blind? 7 tips

When these people are in your vacancy be especially careful in turning corners are backed up particularly if you are driving a client hybrid car Here are some suggestions 1) at a stoplight are signed do not stop your car more than 5 feet from the crosswalk unless there is an advanced stop bar line. Blind pedestrians rely on the sound of your card to become aware of your cars present for supporting that you stop your car within 5 feet of the cost drivers of hybrid or electric cars must remain especially aware that there are the lack of engine noise may cause a blind person to assume there is not a car nearby. when a blind person pulls in his or her cane and steps away from the intersection this gesture usually means that they're not ready to cross and for you to go 2) stop at all crosswalks where pedestrians are waiting. Wait for the pedestrians across the street 3) do not stop in the middle of a crosswalk. This forces the blind person to go around your car and into traffic outside of the crosswalk 4) do not give the blind person verbal directions. A blind person listens to all traffic sounds before deciding to cross street 5) do not turn right without looking first. Look for any pedestrians especially blind pedestrians on our traffic before starting your turn. Blind pedestrians who have a green light are not expecting a driver to make a right turn in front of them turning may result in the blind person becoming disoriented invulnerable to be being hit by another right turning car when attempting to cross the street 6) do not talk you are not a blind person. The blind person has no idea who you are honking at a may be startled by the noise. 7) do not block any sidewalk

Neighborhood electric car and low-speed vehicles

You may have seen lanes marked or signs posted for NEV use only or NEV route on roadways in some California towns especially those near retirement communities and golf courses. When you see these signs or markings watch out for slow moving cars in the roadway. Neighborhood electric cars and low-speed cars are restricted from roadway roadways where the speed limit is greater than 35 mph the neighborhood electric car and low speed car reach a maximum speed of 25 mph owners a registered neighborhood electric cars and low-speed cars must comply with financial responsibility laws and a drivers license to operate a car

What are some 4 tips for driving by emergency cars?

You must yield the right-of-way to any police car, fire engine ambulance, or other emergency car using a siren and red lights. drive to the right edge of the road and stop until the emergency car has passed. However never stop at an intersection. If you are in an intersection when you see an emergency car continued driving through the intersection and then drive to the right as soon as it is safe. Emergency cars often use the wrong side of the street to continue on their way they sometimes use a loudspeaker to talk to drivers blocking path You must obey any traffic direction order or signal given by a traffic or peace officer or a firefighter even if it conflicts with existing sign signals or laws It is against the law to follow within 300 feet behind any fire engine, police car, ambulance, or other presidency car with a siren or flashing light If you drive for sight seeing purposes to the scene of a fire collision or other disaster you may be arrested. casual observers interfered with extensional services a police, firefighter, ambulance crews, or other emergency personnel

How to share the roadway construction workers? How much do you have to pay it you file a work cell our ensure a work zone worker? For your safety what should you keep in mind when you approach a work zone? What is a double fine zone? Explain and move over slow down rule?

pay attention to railroad work is being performed. Signs and message boards or any queue of workers slow-moving equipment and close lanes I had. Collins drums are other barriers will guide you through the work cell. We dishes speed and be prepared to slow down or stop for highway equipment. Marriage as soon as it is safe to do so and without crossing the calls are dropped. And work cells where lanes are narrow are where the shoulder is close watch for bicycles and shares a row when they are present. Watch for work so speed limit and reduce speed limit learning sign The most common cause of death injuries and work cells is where in collisions. In fact most of the people killed and work cells are drivers and passengers for your own safety and the safety of your passengers never to pass the work so carefully thought down a lot extra falling between vehicles gradually expect sudden slowing or stopping watchmen drivers to lanes at last and avoid distractions while driving into work cells. Distractions observed using a hands-free cell phone meeting sending text messages and are operating GPS entertainment systems. Fines for traffic violations in a work zone can be up to $1000 or more anyone convicted of assaulting a highway worker faces up to $2000 and imprisonment for up to one year. Keep your eyes on the road and other cars around you. Do not stop or slow down to watch the road work. Obey special signs are instructions from workers. Driving carefully to improve safety for drivers pedestrian and bicycle is road workers A double fine zone due to increase collision related injuries and fatalities certain areas are designed as safety enhanced doubles fine zone. Fines for violations are double in the zone and also when highway construction or maintenance zones where workers are present move over and slow down drivers are required to move over a lane if safe to do so or slowed down approaching a stationary emergency car with flashing amber warning lights or a Department of Transportation car displaying emergency flashing amber warning light it is stopped on the side of the state highway or freeway. The law is used to reduce the death of officers, truck drivers, paramedics, Cal train employees, and other emergency personnel who are strained or injured motorcyclists or involved in roadwork. Use caution and change lanes if required

What are some 3 tips for driving by slow moving cars?

tractors, animal drawn carts, and road maintenance cars usually travel 25 mph or less. Slow-moving cars have an orange/red triangle on the back of the car.Look for these cars adjust your speed before you reach them Also be aware that large tracts, bicycle and small under powered cars lose speed on long steep hill and take longer to get up to speed when entering traffic Other types of slow-moving cars such as wheelchairs, scooters, new electric cars and golf carts may legally operate on public roads. Adjust speed to to accommodate them

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