Sir Gawain the Green Knight and Le Morte d'Arthur

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What is written on King Arthur's tomb? What is the translated message?

"Here lies Arthur, the Once and Future King"

Pentangle references what?

- Reference 5 senses, 5 fingers, 5 wounds of Christ, 5 Knightly Virtues, and 5 Joyful Mysteries

What is waiting for Arthur at the water's edge?

A boat with a bunch of women who are crying

What came out of the bush and stung a knight's foot? What did this cause?

A snake (adder) came and stung the knights foot. This caused the knight to draw his sword to kill the snake, resulting in everyone drawing their sword in preparation for battle.

Give a description of the battle between Arthur and Mordred.

Arthur had a spear and ran at Mordred stabbing him in the stomach. Then Mordred, with his sword in hand, push himself further onto the spear to get closer to Arthur. He then hit Arthur on the side of the head with his sword. Mordred dies and Arthur faints

Why is Mordred offered so much in the treaty?

Because if King Arthur wins the battle, they would get all the land back anyway and wouldn't have to hold up their end of the bargain,

What does the Green Knight say to taunt Gawain?

Calls Gawain a coward

What does Sir Gawain repeatedly refer to the Green Knight as?

Devil, Fiend

What does each of the swings of the ax represent?

First two swings represent the first two nights when he is truthful. The third swing represents the third night when he lied about the sash.

Who appears to Arthur in the second vision? What does he warn him of?

Galwain appears to him and warns him that if he fights Mordred the next day then him, along with his entire kingdom is going to die.

How is Sir Gawain related to King Arthur?

Gawain his Arthur's nephew

Who does Sir Gawain put his faith in?


What is the name of Sir Gawain's horse?


What happens to Sir Lucan?

He fainted and parts of his guts fell out of his stomach and his heart burst. He was lying there foaming at the mouth..

How does Gawain react to this revelation when the Knight tells him he lacked in loyalty? Why?

He felt ashamed and upset with himself. He was embarrassed because he felt bad for lying; Threw the sash at the knight.

What happens the third time Bedivere goes to the lake?

He finally throws the sword into the lake and a hand comes out of the water and grabs the sword - swings it around three times (Lady of the Lake).

What does Gawain do the first time the Green Knight swings the ax? What does the Green Knight do to him in return?

He flinches - the Knight stops the ax and mocks/makes fun of him

What does Sir Bedivere do with Excalibur when he goes to the water? What does he tell Arthur he's done?

He hides it and tells Arthur that he threw it into the water and nothing happened.

Explain the first dream that King Arthur wakes from in Le Morte d'Arthur

He imagines himself sitting in a chair with water underneath him and then all of a sudden the chair flips and he falls in the snake infested water.

In the literature of medieval Europe, King Arthur came to represent the ideal of chivalry. In what ways does he embody this ideal?

He is brave, loyal, puts others before himself, honorable, fights to the death

Who does Bedivere meet when he approaches the chapel? Who does he say has been buried?

He meets a Hermit who says King Arthur has been buried there.

How does Sir Gawain respond to the Knight mocking him after he flinched?

He says that he isn't going to flinch again

What does the Green Knight do on the second swing of the axe? Why does he say he's done this?

He stops the ax right before it hits him. He says he wanted to see if Sir Gawain would flinch again, wanted to see if he got his courage back

How does the Green Knight praise Gawain? How does he shame him?

He tells Gawain he is the finest man to walk the earth and he stands out above all other knights. But he was a little less than loyal - lacked in loyalty

What does King Arthur warn his men to do before meeting up with Mordred's army? Why?

If they see anyone from the other army draw their sword, they should do the same and be ready to fight. King Arthur doesn't trust Mordred

How would you describe the mood of Le Morte d'Arthur? Does it change as the story progresses? What details does Mallory use to achieve this mood?

It is a grim mood and kind of stressful (all the dead bodies and battle wounds) . It was more of a happy mood when they were discussing the treaty.

How will Gawain use the sash in the future?

Keeps it as a reminder of when he failed and was dishonorable so he never does it again.

How is this tale categorized?

Late 14th century alliterative chivalric romance

What did Mordred tell his men?

Mordred tells his men the exact same thing as what King Arthur told his men.

Who is in the barge? To where is the barge going?

Morgan le Faye, Queen of the Waste Lands, and other women. It is going to Avalon

Why were people crying out in the battlefield?

People were looting thing off of the dead bodies, and they were also killing the people who weren't completely dead yet and then take their things .

What is the terrible noise Gawain hears when entering the Green Knight's chapel?

Sharpening of the ax

What did Guinevere become? Why?

She became a nun because she felt bad for cheating on Arthur.

What does the sash represent in the Sir Gawain tale

Sin, Gawain's loss of faith in God

Which trusted brothers does Arthur get to write up the treaty?

Sir Lucan and Sir Bedivere

Who were the only of King Arthur's men left alive (but wounded) after the battle?

Sir Lucan and Sir Bedivere

What happens on the third swing? How does Sir Gawain respond?

The knight just nicks his neck with the ax. Sir Gawain jumps up ready to fight with his sword and shield.

There are many references and symbols that tie in with Christianity in both Morte d'Arthur and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. What are some examples of these that both these stories seem to share?

The number three as a symbol References to the devil - Green Knight called the devil - snake as the devil Christian references

How does the Green Knight/Lord Bertilak says his wife and Gawain shall get along?

They will be friends, no longer a threat to his life

Why do you think the Green Knight keeps Sir Gawain waiting?

To make him nervous and intimidate him

What does King Arthur ask Bedivere to do for him?

To take his sword and throw it into the water and tell him what he sees.

For how long should Arthur and Mordred hold off fighting? What are they waiting for?

a month and a day; waiting for Lancelot to return and help him fight

What is the definition of a Romance?

a term applied to a verse narrative which traced the adventures of a brave knight or other hero who had to overcome danger for love of a noble lady or high ideal (13th century definition)

How is Sir Gawain characterized?

brave, loyal, honorable

Why doesn't Sir Gawain bow too low when first seeing the Knight?

he doesn't want to get his head cut off immediately

What do we find out about the Green Knight's identity?

he is Lord Bertilak

What does Green represent in the Sir Gawain tale

nature, fertility, rebirth, natural desire of man, new life, Christian hope and redemption OR witchcraft, devilry, and evil fairies

What does the sash come to represent?

symbol of the struggle between the Knight and Sir Gawain; redemption

On the side of Gawain's shield, what is there a picture of?

the Virgin Mary

Who is the author of the Sir Gawain tale

the author is unknown but referred to as the 'Pearl-poet" or the "Gawain-poet"

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