
Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Describe your most memorable vacation to a friend [your partner] and try to convince him/her to go there next year. Tell where you went, how long you traveled, who accompanied you, what you did, and if you think you will return.

Find out the following information about your partner: where s/he is from; how long s/he has been studying/speaking Spanish; where is she/he going? (Why?); what pastimes/hobbies s/he likes (Why?)

Describe your favorite movie or play to your partner. Tell him/her how many times you've seen it, give a brief summary of the plot, talk about why you liked it, and indicate why you think s/he should see it.

You are sitting on the front porch with one of your younger cousins [your partner]. Tell him/her about some of the things you used to do when you were a kid.

Ask a friend [your partner] about his/her summer vacation plans. Find out: where, when, and with whom s/he will go; how s/he plans to travel; how long s/he will stay; what places and/or whom s/he will visit; how much money s/he will spend; when s/he will return

Call you instructor's office and leave a message with his/her secretary (who speaks no English) [your partner]. Give him/her your name, phone number, and the time your class meets. Explain that you will not be attending class because you need to work today and will return to class tomorrow.


what s/he would do if it was her/his best friend's birthday and s/he forgot to send a card


what s/he would do if s/he had more free time; whom s/he would call to ask for a favor; how s/he would travel if s/he wanted to go on vacation;


Ask your partner about some of the things s/he did before graduating from high school. Find out if s/he did the following: visited a foreign country; bought a car; studied a foreign language; worked (Where?); wanted to attend college; traveled alone

A friend [your partner] calls and tries to convince you to go for a ride on his/her motorcycle. Decline the invitation, explaining that the last time you rode a motorcycle it rained cats and dogs, and you got a fever, a sore throat, and a cough and had to go to the doctor for a shot. Suggest going to the movies instead.

A friend [your partner] calls you for a date on Friday. Explain that you cannot go because you don't have any free time. Mention that all of your classes are in the morning, that you must apply for a job in the afternoon, and that you have to study in the evening.

A friend [your partner] has asked to borrow your notes because s/he missed class last week. Explain that as soon as you finish today's assignment you will lend him/her the notes, but that you need them back tomorrow to study for the exam that's on the following day.

A friend [your partner] is planning to spend a week abroad and has asked for your help. Make a brief checklist of things s/he must do in preparation for the trip. Tell him/her to do the following things before leaving: go to the post office and fill out a passport application; call the travel agent to make airplane and hotel reservations; go to the bank and buy traveler's checks; write the tourist office at his/her destination for information; leave the key to his/her apartment with a friend; call the consulate to check visa and vaccination requirements

A friend has sent you to the cleaners to pick up two pairs of brown pants, three white shirts, and a coat. Tell the attendant [your partner] that you forgot the claim check. Give him/her your friend's last name, describe the articles, and ask how much you owe.

A friend of yours [your partner] would like to attend your university. Give him/her four reasons why you think s/he should or should not enroll.

An old boyfriend/girlfriend [your partner] calls to invite you out tonight, but you already have a date. Think of four different excuses you can give to explain to him/her that you cannot go.

Ask your partner how s/he usually spends summer vacation. Ask where s/he goes, with whom, for how long, what type of activities s/he enjoys, and where s/he plans to go this year.

Call your travel agent [your partner] and ask for assistance in planning a trip you have been waiting to make for a long time. Tell him/her what cities you want to visit and when you want to leave and return. Ask what hotel accommodations there are in each place and how much it costs to spend two nights in each.

Briefly describe to your partner which household chores you normally do and which ones you don't do. Explain why.

Briefly tell your partner about the errands you generally do on weekends. Describe which ones you like to do and which ones you don't. Explain why.

Call a friend [your partner] and make plans to study together. Ask him/her what's new and find out if s/he wants to study tomorrow morning or afternoon. Decide on the exact time and place you should meet.

Describe the other members of your family to your partner, comparing yourself to them. Be sure to cover both physical appearance and personality traits.

Describe to your partner any objects that you own or can see that are red, yellow, green, blue, black, gray, and white.

Describe to your partner five different things you have already done today.

Describe to your partner in as much detail as possible what you usually wear on the following occasions:- a sports event in the fall; a formal dance; a picnic in the spring; rafting on a river in the summer

Describe to your partner one of the classes you are taking this term. Indicate whether it is in your field of study, why you are taking the course, whether there are mid-term and/or final exams, whether you have a lot of homework or papers to turn in, and what grade you hope to receive.

Describe to your partner the morning wake-up rituals of one of your roommates. Explain as completely as possible what s/he does from the moment s/he gets up until she leaves for classes.

Describe to your partner the relationship you have with your best friend. Say when you first met, what kinds of things you do together, what you have in common, how you feel about each other, and why you think s/he is so special.

Describe to your partner three of four gifts you purchased within the past year. Tell for whom, why, and where you bought the items, and how much each cost.

Describe to your partner what you are wearing and/or what you wore yesterday.

Describe to your partner which hobbies and pastimes you like and which ones you dislike. Explain why.

Describe to your partner your last visit to the student health center or hospital. Explain why you went and indicate what type of advice, treatment, and medication you received.

Find out the following information about your partner: where s/he is from, how many languages s/he speaks , what subjects s/he is studying, if s/he wants to work in a foreign country

Explain to your partner what kind of advice your parents gave you before you went to college. Tell him/her the things they wanted you to do and the things they did not recommend. Indicate whether you followed their advice and why.

Explain to your partner what you will most likely do on your fiftieth birthday. Describe what you will probably wear, where you will go, and how you will feel.

Explain to your partner what you would do if you were traveling in a foreign country and lost your passport.

Explain to your partner why you think it is or isn't important to learn another language.

Find out some information about your partner's family. Ask him/her specific questions such as the following: where his/her parents may live and their ages; how many brothers and sisters s/he has ; if they live at home, and if they work or attend school; if s/he visits relatives frequently;

Give your partner the names and a brief description of some of your friends from high school. Tell where they live now and where they work or go to school.

Identify as many objects as possible in the classroom and tell your partner how many there are of each.

Tell your partner what you would do if you won a 1 thousand dollar lottery prize. Indicate what you would buy, whether you would share the prize with anybody, and whether you would put any money in the bank.

Tell your partner what your favorite sports are and which ones you really dislike. Explain why in each case.

In order to finance a summer trip, you must sell one or two of your possessions. Describe the articles you will sell to a friend [your partner], indicate how much each is worth, and say how much you will accept.

Tell your partner whether you prefer to drive a car with manual or automatic transmission and explain why.

Instead of renting an apartment at the beach as promised, your family has decided to take a cabin in the mountains. You are very upset because you already made plans with your friends. Explain to your mother/father [your partner] why you are upset and offer several excuses for not accompanying them.

Interview a friend [your partner] and find out the following information about his/her childhood: where s/he was born; where s/he lived; what s/he was like (personality and physical description); where the family spent vacations; when s/he began to work and where; what s/he always wanted to be (profession)

Interview your partner and ask him/her the following: what s/he would do if s/he lost his/her driver's license; where s/he would go on vacation if money were no object; whom s/he would call if s/he had car trouble

Interview your partner. Ask him/her the following: his/her favorite dish; what s/he likes to do on weekends; what type of pet s/he prefers ; his/her birth date; when s/he completed high school or college; the name of his/her favorite actress

Invite a friend [your partner] to go to the amusement park with you this weekend. Decide what time you would like to leave, what you think the weather will be like, if you should take a picnic lunch or eat in one of the park's restaurants, and how much time you would like to spend there.

It is the first day of class. You and another student [your partner] introduce yourselves and exchange phone numbers.

You are taking care of your friend's four-year old son for the weekend. He begins to complain of a sore throat, an upset stomach, and a headache. You think he has a fever. Call the doctor [your partner] to explain the symptoms. Ask if you should bring the child to the office and what you can do to make him more comfortable.

Some friends from out of town are visiting you this weekend with their parents. Suggest two or three good restaurants in your city/town and explain where each is located. Tell what type of food is served at each, if it's formal or informal, and the average price of a meal.

Tell a friend [your partner] about the "ideal" job you hope to find when you graduate. Talk about where you would like to work and for whom. Give a brief job description and indicate if you wish to work full time or part-time, what salary you hope to earn, and what plans you are making to achieve your goal.

Tell a friend [your partner] about the last time you went to an expensive restaurant. Explain where you went and with whom. Tell him/her what you ordered and if you plan to return.

Tell what your New Year's resolutions were. Ask your partner if s/he is going to make any resolutions for next year, and then tell him/her five things you would like to resolve.

Tell you partner about five different activities you know how to do well (i.e., cooking, driving, dancing, personal hobbies, sports, etc.).

Tell your friend [your partner] about the first time you met your first boy/girlfriend. Describe the person and tell how long ago you met, where, and when, and how you felt at the time.

Tell your partner about four significant dates in your life and explain why each is important.

Tell your partner how you normally celebrate New Year's Eve. Ask your partner how s/he celebrates the occasion.

Tell your partner the five people you would most like to meet and explain why.

Tell your partner what courses you are taking, on what days they meet, and at what times.

Tell your partner what you and your friends did last Friday or Saturday night. Tell where you went, with whom, and what you did. Then briefly describe your plans for this coming weekend.

Tell your partner what you are thinking about doing this weekend. Discuss what you want to do and what you must do.

Tell your partner what you usually eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Also, describe where and at what times you usually have your meals.

Tell your partner what you wanted to be when you were growing up and why you did or didn't achieve your goal.

The final exam is tomorrow, and you are planning to study with a classmate in your room/apartment this afternoon or evening. Discuss with your partner when you should meet and for how long. Then give him/her directions on how to get to your apartment/dormitory.

You are the first to arrive at a friend's graduation party. Tell your friend [your partner] that you are certain the other guests will arrive soon. Say that you hope your friend likes his/her gift. Tell him/her that it is a pity s/he hasn't found a job yet, but you don't think s/he will have any problems because s/he has been a good student with excellent grades.

You are the host of the party. Greet one of your guests [your partner], tell him/her you are glad s/he could come, and ask him/her for the following: how s/he is feeling this evening; if s/he would like a cocktail, wine, beer, or a soft drink; if s/he has tried the appetizers

You have found the car of your dreams but don't have enough money for the down-payment. Call one of your partners [your partner], describe the car, and try to convince him/her to loan you the money.

You have just arrived on campus and need an apartment. Call the classified ads office of the local newspaper and dictate a brief ad to the secretary [your partner]. You should indicate whether you are looking for a furnished or unfurnished apartment, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, your preferred location, your price range, your phone number, and the time of day you may be contacted.

You are on vacation and plan to go on an excursion, but the weather looks unpredictable. You wonder whether to take an umbrella and a raincoat or a coat and a sweater. Find out from the hotel desk clerk [your partner] if it often snows in the area and the weather forecast. Then ask him/her advice about what you should wear.

While driving between cities, your rental car begins to make a strange noise. You stop at a service station, on the highway to discuss the problem with a mechanic [your partner]. Describe where you think the noise is coming from. Ask if s/he can repair the car quickly and if s/he has a phone so you can call the rental agency.

While on vacation, you are shopping in an open-air market, and a vendor [your partner] is trying to sell you a blanket. Express your disinterest by indicating that you think the item is too expensive, this it is the wrong color, and that you don't have any more room in your suitcase for souvenirs.

While walking on the beach at a resort, you cut your foot, and now the wound is infected. Explain to the Red Cross attendant [your partner] exactly what happened and how you took care of the wound. Tell him/her that you had a tetanus shot last year and ask him/her to prescribe something for the pain.

You are on vacation and want to send a package home. You enter a post office. Tell the clerk [your partner] you want to send the parcel by airmail. Give him/her the mailing address. Ask how much it costs to send postcards to the United States, and tell him/her you want to buy ten stamps. Ask how much you owe, pay the clerk, and thank him/her.

You are planning a party, and a friend [your partner] is helping you clean your apartment. Ask him/her to do the following things: sweep the kitchen; put the dishes in the dishwasher; vacuum the rug in the living room; clean the bathroom; throw away the trash; set the table

You and a classmate [your partner] are planning a picnic for four to six people. Discuss what type of food and drinks you want to prepare and/or buy and who should bring what. Include paper plates, cups, plastic utensils, and condiments in your list.

You and a friend [your partner] are talking about events and activities that used to get you in trouble when you were kids. Discuss these activities and compare them to the things you do now.

You and a friend [your partner] have decided to go on a camping trip in the mountains. Discuss how much time you think it will take, what articles you should carry in your backpacks, and how much money you think you'll need.

You and a friend are vacationing. After checking into your hotel you discover that several things are wrong. You and your companion, who doesn't speak the language, decide to go to the front desk and complain to the desk clerk [your partner]. Act as spokesperson and mention the following: there is no hot water or soap in the bathroom; the bellhop cannot find your luggage; the air conditioning doesn't work; room service is terrible (you waited two hours and the food arrived cold!)

You and your partner are planning a surprise birthday party for a friend. Together discuss the following: where the party will be; what time the party will start; how many people will attend; what refreshments will be served (drinks and food); who is going to bring the record player and records

You and your roommate [your partner] are planning a small dinner party for friends who are vegetarians. Make a shopping list and decide what you should serve for appetizers, the main course, dessert, and refreshments.

You are in a department store and want to buy a pair of shoes and a shirt for yourself and a purse for a friend. Ask the clerk [your partner] to help you find the things you want. Tell him/her the size and color you are looking for and ask the price of each item.

You are in the cafeteria line with a friend [your partner] who cannot decide between steak, turkey, rice, potatoes, ice cream, cake, or custard. Make several suggestions.

You are late for your first day at a new job. Explain the following to your supervisor [your partner]: you couldn't find your car keys; you had to call a taxi; the taxi arrived one hour late; you're going to arrive on time tomorrow

You are on vacation and are stopped by the police after failing to yield at an intersection. Explain to the officer [your partner] that you are a tourist on vacation and that you did not see the sign because it was raining and the windshield wipers of the rental car didn't work.

You are vacationing and must send a telegram home informing your family that someone has stolen your luggage and that you need money to buy clothes. Give the telegraph operator [your partner] your name and tell him/her where you want the telegram sent. Then relay the message you wish to send. Ask when it will arrive and how much it will cost. Thank the operator and ask for directions to the nearest police station so you can report the robbery.

You are visiting a friend [your partner] who just had minor surgery. Tell him/her that you are sorry s/he is in the hospital. Advise him/her to rest and follow the physician's instructions. Ask if s/he wants you to bring her/him anything on your next visit and tell her/him to get better.

You are working as a manager in charge of new trainees in an international fast-food restaurant. Give a new employee [your partner] the following instructions: be at work by nine every morning; always wear his/her uniform; read and study the menu; learn how to prepare the sandwiches and drinks; always count the change twice; call if s/he is going to be late or sick; don't give free food to friends

You are working at the international students' center. Ask a new student who speaks no English yet [your partner] to come in and have a seat. Introduce yourself and ask him/her for the following information: name, address, phone number

You are working in a job placement office. A client [your partner] wants to apply for a position in a travel agency. Find out the following: if s/he wants full-time or part-time work; if s/he has traveled (Where?) (When?); his/her last place of employment; his/her qualifications; what languages s/he speaks; if s/he likes to travel; his/her salary requirements; what s/he looks for in a job;

You are working in the university's financial aid office and are in charge of doing preliminary interviews for loan requests. Ask a new student [your partner] for the following information: his/her name and address; the name of his/her advisor; his/her field of study; his/her grade point average in high school; if s/he applied for or received a scholarship; if s/he plans to apply for a loan each year; how much money s/he will need; if s/he has a full-time or part-time job; if s/he intends to be a full-time or part-time student

You arrive at a party. Introduce yourself to the host [your partner], find out his/her name, and say how pleased you are to meet him/her.

You arrive at the university and meet your new roommate [your partner] for the first time. Introduce yourself and ask him/her for the following: where s/he is from, what courses s/he is taking, what time/day classes meet, if s/he works and where

You borrowed a friend's car for the evening and had a minor accident. Apologize to him/her [your partner] and explain that you hit another car because you were driving too fast. Tell him/her that you called a tow truck to take the car to the garage and that you will pay for the repairs.

You call home after your first day of classes and ask to speak to one of your parents [your partner]. Explain to him/her what you are studying and that you need more money because your books cost 1 dollars. Tell him/her you will call again later.

You don't have enough money to pay your tuition because you just bought a new stereo system. Call your father/mother [your partner] and ask for a loan.

You fell while entering a museum on your vacation, and you broke your wrist. Dictate to your friend [your partner] a short postcard explaining to your family what happened. Tell them you had to go to the hospital, but are fine now. Tell them that you have taken many pictures and wish they were here because it's a lovely country.

You had planned to meet a friend for brunch at a particular restaurant in the city and find out at the last minute that you are unable to go. Your partner has volunteered to explain this to your friend, as s/he will be in that area at the time you had planned to meet. Describe your friend to your partner so that s/he can deliver the message for you. To help you provide the description, imagine that s/he is one of your best friends in real life.

You have agreed to pick up a colegue [your partner] on your way to FSI. Inform your friend at what time you come to class in the morning and ask him/her for the following information: where s/he lives (address), what time s/he returns in the evening; Talk about the courses you are taking this term. Tell your partner which ones are difficult/easy, which ones require a lot of study, and what your professors are like.

You have been invited to a formal dinner party and don't know what to wear. Ask your roommate [your partner] if you should go to the hair stylist, what you should wear, and if you should take flowers, wine, or a gift for the host.

You have decided to look for an apartment to rent with a friend [your partner]. Discuss the desired location, the number of rooms needed, if it should be furnished or unfurnished, if you need appliances, and how much money you are both willing to pay.

You have just arrived to begin your vacation. Your tour guide has escorted your group to the hotel. Unfortunately, it's a national holiday. All the banks are closed, and you don't have enough money. Explain the situation to the desk clerk [your partner], find out the exchange rate, and ask if you can exchange your traveler's checks in the hotel or if the restaurant will accept credit cards. Then mention an item you need and ask if there is a store nearby where you can purchase it.

You have just finished eating dinner in an elegant restaurant. Ask for the bill and explain to the waiter [your partner] that you cannot find your money. Ask the waiter if he/she can lend you cents to phone a friend. Tell him/her that your friend will bring money or a credit card to pay for your dinner.

You have just received a scholarship for a study abroad program. Call your father/mother [your partner] and explain that you were awarded the grant because you received the highest score on the language examination, your grade point average is excellent, and your advisor wrote you a very good letter of recommendation.

You have placed an ad in the newspaper for a roommate. A student [your partner] calls in response to your ad. Answer the phone, introduce yourself, and ask him/her several questions about his/her likes, dislikes, and preferences. After the interview, thank him/her and say you will call tomorrow with your decision. Find out if s/he: likes to listen to rock music (When?); likes to study in the morning, afternoon, or evening; knows how to cook (What?); likes to have parties on the weekends; is able to pay $ a month; is clean and orderly; likes to stay up late

You have taken a job as an English instructor abroad, and you must open a bank account. Explain to the teller [your partner] that you need to open a checking account with a deposit of $ You also want to cash $ in traveler's checks, deposit $ in a savings account, and get $ back in cash.

You have volunteered as a campus tour guide for a group of exchange students. Provide the group with simple directions to the bookstore, library, and stadium. Suggest one or two places on campus where they may have lunch after the tour is finished and tell them where they must register for classes.

You purchased a pair of black boots while on vacation, and upon returning to the hotel, you discover that the salesperson gave you the wrong size. Return to the store and complain to the clerk [your partner]. Explain the problem and tell him/her about the inconvenience the error caused because you had planned to go to the art museum and now it is too late.

You want to join a dating club. In order to complete your profile, discuss with the counselor [your partner] what types of activities you enjoy. Then describe what type of person you hope to meet (include both physical and psychological characteristics).

You're at the customs desk in the airport just after your arrival from New York. Explain to the inspector [your partner] that you can't find your passport and that you think you left it in your hotel room in New York. Also tell him/her that you have nothing to declare because the airline lost your luggage.

Your birthday is next month and your family has asked you to suggest several appropriate gifts. Tell your mother/father [your partner] three or four things you would like to receive as gifts and explain why.

Your friend [your partner] wants to buy a used car and asks for your advice. Tell him/her to drive the car, check the brakes and suspension, and listen for strange noises. Also tell him/her to check the mileage, oil, water, and condition of the tires.

Your friend's youngest sibling [your partner] is about to begin high school. Give him/her some advice and suggestions on how to become a successful and popular student.

Your partner will say different colors. In the room where you are now, identify as many objects as you can of each color.

Your roommate [your partner] has found what s/he thinks is the ideal apartment and calls you from the rental agency to describe it. It has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, central heating and air conditioning, and a swimming pool. It is located in an elegant neighborhood. Briefly explain why you do or don't want to see the apartment.

Your roommate [your partner] is about to leave for a football game. Tell him/her that it is very cold and that you think it is going to rain and then snow. Advise your roommate to take an umbrella, a sweater, and a coat.

Your roommate [your partner] is leaving for a two-week European summer vacation tomorrow and hasn't started to pack yet. Tell him/her what articles s/he should pack in the suitcase and what items s/he should carry in a carry-on. Also remind him/her to take a passport, traveler's checks, a major credit card, his/her address book, and something interesting to read on the plane.

Your roommate's parents are coming for an unexpected visit. You and your friends had an all-night party, and the apartment is a mess. Talk with your roommate [your partner] to determine how to share the various chores. Since you don't have time to clean everything, decide what the priorities are before the guests arrive.

Your younger brother/sister [your partner] is going to attend college next year. Offer some advice about what s/he should and should not do. Give specific suggestions and explain what s/he should and should not do. Give specific suggestions and explain your reasons for each.

Your younger cousin [your partner] wants you to take him/her to the park. Explain that you are unable to do so because you must study for an exam that's tomorrow. Promise to take him/her on Saturday or Sunday if it doesn't rain and that as soon as you finish studying you will buy him/her some ice cream.

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