Situational English

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A friend offers to give you one of his umbrellas. What do you say before you accept?

Are you sure?

You want to stay three days longer. What do you ask?

Could I extend my stay for three more days, please?

You like a watch that's in the shop window. What do you ask?

Could I have a look at one of the watches in the window, please?

How do you ask for bigger copies of some photos?

Could I have these photos enlarged, please?

What do you say when you take your film into the shop?

Could I have this film developed, please?

You'd like two copies of each picture. What do you ask?

Could I have two prints of each negative, please?

You need to go to the toilet. What do you ask the teacher?

Could I leave the room a minute, please?

You like a jumper but don't know if it's the right size . What do you ask?

Could I try this jumper on, please?

The waiter goes away while you decide. What do you ask when you're ready?

Could we order, please?

Ask the receptionist for a taxi.

Could you call a taxi for me, please.

If someone gives you a lift, how do you tell them when you want to get out?

Could you drop me off here, please?

You need to get up at 6 o'clock and you don't have an alarm clock. What do you ask at reception?

Could you give me an alarm call at 6 o'clock in the morning, please.

Ask how to get there.

Could you give me directions, please?

How do you ask a travel agent about holidays in Wales?

Could you give me some information about holidays in Wales, please?

At midnight the people in the next room are talking and shouting. What do you say to them?

Could you make a bit less noise, please. I'm trying to sleep.

The assistant finds the title of the book you asked about. What do you ask?

Could you order one for me?

You make a telephone call from reception and want to pay for it when you leave.

Could you put it on my bill, please.

You decide to stay overnight but don't want to spend too much. What do you ask at Tourist Information?

Could you recommend a reasonably priced hotel or bed and breakfast?

You'd like to find a cheap local restaurant. What do you ask the receptionist?

Could you recommend a reasonably priced restaurant near here?

It's an Indian restaurant and you don't know much about the food. What do you ask the waiter?

Could you recommend something from the menu?

You want to look at a camera that costs 90 pounds. Ask the assistant.

Could you show me that camera, please - the one that costs ninety pounds?

You have a map. What do you ask the person?

Could you show me where I am on the map please?

You want to know about train times to Cambridge,please?

Could you tell me the times of trains to Cambridge, please?

You don't understand one of the things listed on your bill. What do you ask?

Could you tell me what this charge is for, please?

You'd like the driver to tell you when it's your stop. What do you ask?

Could you tell me when to get off please?

You'd like him to tell you if he's going to the same station as you?

Could you tell me when we're nearly there, please?

He tells you the address but you'd like it on a piece of paper. What do you ask?

Could you write it down for me please?

You need a toilet. What do you ask someone?

Excuse me, Are there any public toilets near here?

The bill includes coffee, which you didn't have. What do you say?

Excuse me, I think there's been a mistake. You've charged us for coffee and we didn't have any.

You're driving to Stratford and think you've gone the wrong way. What do you ask someone?

Excuse me, I'm lost. Is this the right road for Stradford?

You close the door and it locks with your key inside the room. What do you tell the receptionist?

Excuse me, I've locked myself out.

You find the traffic outside your room very noisy. What do you say at reception?

Excuse me, My room is rather noisy. Do you have anything a bit quieter?

He's English. How do you ask if he's going to the same station as you?

Excuse me, are you getting off at Cambridge by any chance?

You can't find the town centre in Cambridge. What do you ask someone?

Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the town centre?

How do you ask for the Tourist Information Centre?

Excuse me, could you tell me where the tourist information centre is?

You like some trousers, but they're black and you want green ones. What so you ask?

Excuse me, do you have these trousers in green?

You're going to the hospital and see a bus at the bus stop. What do you ask the driver?

Excuse me, does this bus go to the hospital?

On the train you see an empty seat. What do you ask the man sitting next to it?

Excuse me, is this seat free?

There's a train on the platform and you want to check it's the one you need. What do you ask an official?

Excuse me, is this the right train?

Your food comes but the waiter doesn't come back with the drinks. What do you say to another waiter?

Excuse me, we ordered some drinks but they haven't arrived.

What do you say when you sneeze loudly?

Excuse me.

The watch you bought last week doesn't work. What do you say to the assistant?

Excuse me. I bought this watch here last week and there's something wrong with it.

You pay for something and the assistant doesn't give you enough money back. What do you say?

Excuse me. I think you've given me the wrong change.

Someone gave you a T-shirt that's too big. What do you say when you take it back?

Excuse me. This was a present and it's too big. Could I change it for a smaller one?

You want a black and white film but you can't see any. What do you ask?

Excuse me. do you have any black and white films?

A friend is afraid to ask someone for directions. How do you tell him to do it?

Go on!

After you book a table on the phone, What do you say when you arrive at the restaurant?

Good evening. I rang earlier and reserved a table.

What do you say when you arrive at the restaurant?

Good evening. I rang earlier and reserved a table.

What do you say when you arrive at the hotel?

Hello, I have a reservation. The name is Chris Smith.

You wanted a table for you and a friend tonight at 8.00. What do you say when you ring the restaurant?

Hello, I'd like to book a table for 2 for 8 o'clock this evening, please.

What do you say as you hand something to someone?

Here you are.

You know a word but don't know how to say it. What do you ask?

How do you pronounce this word?

You don't know how to write it. What do you ask?

How do you spell it?

Ask the distance to the hotel.

How far is it from here?

Ask how long the journey is?

How long does it take to get there?

Ask how much longer you'll have to wait for the bus/train.

How long will it take to arrive?

Ask how long it will take?

How long will it take to get there?

You want to know how much it costs if you go today and come back another day. What do you ask?

How much is a period return?

Ask how much it costs to have evening meals in the hotel.

How much is half board?

There's no price on something. What do you ask the assistant?

How much is this?

Ask how often the buses to the city centre are.

How often do the buses to the city centre run?

You're no sure whether to buy something. What could you say to the assistant?

I can't decide. Perhaps I'll go away and think about it.

The assistant finds some green ones with a pattern, which you don't want. What do you say?

I don't like the pattern very much. Do you have any in plain green?

You find trains very expensive in Britain. What do you say when someone tells you they're expensive?

I know!

You decide you don't want to buy something the assistant has shown you. What do you say?

I think I'll leave it. Thanks anyway.

You think the city museum is free. What do you say when someone asks if it's free?

I think so.

You want a book by a Spanish writer, but don't know the name of it in English. What do you say?

I wonder if you could help me. I'm looking for a book by a Spanish writer but I don't know the title in English.

You'd like a room for you and your husband or wife, with a bathroom. What do you say ?

I'd like a double room with en-suite bathroom, please.

Ask for your money back.

I'd like a refund, please.

You'd like to stay for two evenings by yourself. What do you ask ?

I'd like a single room for two nights, please.

You want a room for you and your friend, with separate beds, and a shower. What do you ask ?

I'd like a twin-bedded room with shower, please.

Order some vegetable soup.

I'd like the vegetable soup, please.

What do you say at reception when you're ready to leave?

I'd like to check out, please.

What do you say when you telephone a hotel to reserve a room?

I'd like to make a reservation, please.

Your friend orders Chicken Korma and you want it too. What do you say to the waiter?

I'll have the same, please.

You've arranged to drive a friend to the airport and will be at her house at 7 o'clock. What do you say?

I'll pick you up at 7.00.

Someone asks you for directions. What do you say?

I'm afraid. I can't help you. I'm a stranger here myself.

The assistant goes to look and another assistant asks if you need any help. What do you say?

I'm being served thanks

Someone asks you how long you're staying. How do you say you're on a day trip?

I'm just here for the day.

You're leaving tomorrow and want to know the latest time you can leave the room?

I'm leaving tomorrow. What time do I have to check out by?

The green is too light for you. What do you say?

I'm not sure about the colour. Do you have them in a darker shade?

You buy something for 40p and you only have a £20 note. What do you say?

I'm sorry I haven't got anything smaller.

Your teacher explains something, but you don't understand. What do you say?

I'm sorry. Could you explain that to me again?

Your teacher gives you some instructions and you don't understand everything. What do you say?

I'm sorry. I'm not quite sure what I have to do.

How do you ask if you can wash it in a washing machine?

Is it machine-washable ?

You want to know if you can wear the jacket in heavy rain. What do you ask?

Is it waterproof?

You visit a town and someone tells you about a beautiful church there. How do you ask if you can walk to it?

Is it within walking distance?

How do you ask if you can take photographs in a church?

Is photography allowed in here?

You're not sure whether it's correct to say 'HOtel' or ' hoTEL'? What do you say?

Is the stress on the first or the second syllable?

How do you ask if you can get anything to eat and drink on the train?

Is there a buffet service on the train?

An assistant shows you a walkman that's nice but too expensive. What do you say?

It's nice, but it's beyond my price range. Do you have anything a bit cheaper?

It's not big enough. What do you say?

It's too small. Do you have it in a larger size?

You want to pay for your friend. How do you say this?

Let me get this.

It's time to leave the house. What do you say to your friend?

Let's go.

A friend tells you he's going on holiday to the Bahamas next week. What do you say?

Lucky you!

A tall person doesn't notice a low doorway. What do you say?

Mind your head!

You decide to go for the day. What do you say at the ticket office?

A day return to Cambridge, please.

Ask how much it costs to have all your meals in the hotel.

And how much is full board?

Ask if your friend wants a first course.

Are you having a starter?

What do you say when someone says something you strongly agree with?


The path to your house is icy. What do you say as a friend leaves?

Be careful!

What do you say when someone else sneezes?

Bless you!

You want to know if you can return something later if you don't want it. What do you ask?

Can I bring it back and get a refund if it's not alright?

You had a terrible meal in a restaurant. What do you say when someone asks if you'd go there again?

Certainly not!

Ask the driver for a ticket to the city centre, and if a return ticket is cheaper?

City centre please. Is it cheaper to get a return?

You're late and a friend is looking in a shop window. What do you say?

Come on.

You really want to see a new film. What do you say when someone asks if you're going to see it?


Ask if you can stay on the same train all the way.

Do I need to change?

You'd like to see the sea from your room. What do you ask?

Do you have a room with a view of the sea?

You need a bicycle. What do you ask at the bicycle shop?

Do you have bicycles for hire?

Ask if students can get a lower price.

Do you offer discounts for students?

Ask if you can pay by Visa card.

Do you take Visa?

Ask if you need to order rice with it.

Does it come with rice?

Ask if you have to pay extra for breakfast.

Does the price include breakfast?

After the meal the waiter asks if you want anything else. How do you say no?

No thank you. Could we have the bill, please?

Your friend wants to pay. How do you say that you really want to?

No, I insist.

A shop assistant asks if you need any help. How do you say no?

No, I'm just looking.

You buy 2 things and the assistant asks if you want anything else. How do you say no?

No, that's all thanks.

The assistant asks if you're in a car, but you're walking. What do you say?

No. I'm on foot.

What do you say when you decide to buy something?

OK, I'll take it.

You suddenly remember something not connected with the conversation. What do you say ?

Oh! By the way ...

Your friend is determined to pay. What do you say?

Oh, alright then, if you insist. But you must let me pay next time.

A classmate says "Good Luck" before you both take an exam. What do you say?

Same to you.

What do you say when you don't hear what someone says?


The assistant has helped you a lot. What do you say as you leave?

Thank you. You've been very helpful.

You'd like to buy it, but the sleeves are long. What do you say?

The sleeves are too long. Would it be possible to have them altered?

You tell someone you've never been in hospital. What do you say next?

Touch wood.

A friend steps into the road and a car is coming. What do you say?

Watch out!

You see a picture of something and want to know its name in English. How do you ask?

What do you call this in English?

Your teacher says it's 'muggy' today, and you don't understand. What do you ask?

What does 'muggy' mean?

He recommends "Chicken Korma". What do you ask?

What exactly is Chicken Korma?

How do you ask for another word with a similar meaning?

What is the another way of saying 'muggy'?

How do you ask for its opposite meaning?

What is the opposite of 'muggy'?

You want to know the latest time you can return. What do you ask?

What time is the last bus back?

You'd like to know what to see there. What do you ask?

What would you recommend me to visit?

You look at a jacket and want to know what the material is. What do you ask?

What's it made of?

You like their raincoats, but they've just sold the last one in your size. What do you ask?

Will you be getting any more in?

You're driving and see 2 friends walking home. How do you offer to take them?

Would you like a lift?

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