skeletal system study set

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Humans normally have ________ pairs of ribs.


The vertebral column contains ________ thoracic vertebrae.


Each hand has ________ phalangeal bones.


The skull contains ________ bones.


vertebral column:

24 vertebrae and 1 sacrum and 1 coccyx

ssification of the sternum is not complete until at least age


The adult hip bone consists of _____ regions.


The vertebral column contains ________ lumbar vertebrae.


The most significant skull growth occurs before the age of


The total number of phalangeal bones in the body is __________.


bones associated with the skull

6 auditory ossicles and 1 hyoid bone

How many pairs of ribs articulate directly with the sternum?


Most mammals, including humans and giraffes, have ________ cervical vertebrae.


The tarsus contains ________ bones.


The foot has ________ ankle bones and ________ bones in the sole.


The carpus contains ________ bones.


skull bones

8 cranial and 14 facial bones

How many bones make up the axial skeleton?


There are ________ carpal bones located in the wrist, which form ________ rows of bones.


The hand has ________ bones in the wrist and ________ bones in the palm.


Identify the best description of the mandibular condyle.

A projection on the mandible

Identify the articulation site for the femur.


Identify the articulation site that allows us to rotate our head, e.g. shaking the head "no".

Atlas - axis

Name the opening in the occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes.

Foramen magnum

Which of the following foramen convey a branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V)?

Foramen rotundum

Harold, a former boxer, complains of tingling and numbness in the external, anterior portion of his left lower jaw. Before confirming with further tests, the most obvious diagnosis is that __________.

Harold has potential blockage of the mental foramen that impinges on the chin nerves

The ridge like superior edge of the ilium is known as the _____.

Iliac crest

Where is the mandibular fossa located?

Inferior surface of the zygomatic process

Which landmark of the hip bone can be felt on a hard chair?

Ischial tuberosity

Which of the following statements about the coccyx is true?

It anchors a muscle that constricts the anal opening. It is the most caudal vertebral region. It consists of three to five coccygeal vertebrae. Fusion is delayed until the mid-twenties.

Which of these is characteristic of the female pelvis?

It has a pubic arch greater than 100 degrees.

Which of these statements about the pectoral girdle is FALSE?

It includes the sternum.

Identify the region of the mandible that forms part of the temporomandibular joint.

Mandibular condyle

Identify the region of the temporal bone that articulates with the mandible.

Mandibular fossa

Identify the large hole found in this bone.

Obturator foramen

Identify the articulation site that allows us to nod our head "yes".

Occipital bone - atlas

Identify the area of the occipital bone that articulates with the vertebral column.

Occipital condyles

Identify the occipital bone landmark that can not be palpated from the surface of the head.

Occipital condyles

Which part of the ethmoid bone forms the nasal septum?

Perpendicular plate

Identify the location of the occipital bone.

Posterior surface and base of the cranium

Which of these is NOT a function of the pectoral girdle?

Protect the thorax.

Identify the primary function of the ethmoidal sinuses.

Reduce the weight of the skull

What regions of the hip bones articulate to form a symphysis?

Right and left pubic bodies

Identify the region of the sphenoid bone in contact with the pituitary gland.

Sella turcica

The hand has 15 phalangeal bones; the foot has 14 phalangeal bones.

The first statement is false but the second statement is true.

The orbital rim is strong, composed of thick, protective bone. But the very thin medial wall and floor of the orbit were literally blown out by the intact eyeball itself when the boxer was struck with such a forceful blow. Which bones compose the orbital rim?

The maxilla and zygomatic bone both articulate with the frontal bone to form the orbital rim.

Which statement(s) about the functions of the paranasal sinuses is/are not true?

The mucus they secrete enters the oral cavities.

Surrounding the orbits are the four paranasal sinuses. What are these structures?

The paranasal sinuses are air-filled chambers lined with mucus-producing epithelium that open into the nasal cavities.

Which of the following is a NOT a likely explanation for the increased occurrence of hip fractures in the elderly?

The proximal epiphysis of the femur has a preponderance of spongy bone, which is weaker than compact bone.

Which of the following bones make up the thoracic cage?

The thoracic cage is made up of the thoracic vertebrae, the ribs, and the sternum.

Which of the following statements about the paranasal sinuses is true?

They are lined with a ciliated epithelium. They connect to the nasal cavities. They make the skull bones lighter.

Which of these statements about the true ribs is FALSE?

They don't move during respiration.

Identify the correct statement regarding fontanelles.

They enable easier delivery through the birth canal.

What part of the sternum is palpated prior to giving CPR?

Xiphoid Process

Identify the 2 bones that make up the zygomatic arch.

Zygomatic bone and temporal bone

Identify the region on the temporal bone that forms much of the zygomatic arch.

Zygomatic process

The sella turcica is best described as:

a depression

While playing softball, Gina is struck in the frontal bone by a wild pitch. Which of the following complaints would you expect her to have?

a headache

Premature closure of the sagittal suture would result in

a long and narrow head

Identify the best description of the mandibular fossa.

a shallow depression

On a field trip you discover a skeleton with the following characteristics: the acetabulum is directed laterally, the ischial spine points medially, and the angle inferior to the pubic symphysis is less than 90 degrees. The long bones of the arms and legs are relatively light and show epiphyseal plates. This skeleton is probably from

a young male

The primary spinal curves

accommodate the thoracic and abdominopelvic viscera.

The clavicle articulates with the

acromial process and the manubrium.

Which of these was formed by the fusion of several bones?

all of the listed are correct

Each of the following statements concerning the development of the skull is true except that

all the bones of the skull develop from one single ossification focus.

A pelvis was recovered at a crime scene. Which of the following answer choices would support the investigator's conclusion that the pelvis belonged to a female?

an open, circular shaped pelvic inlet with an enlarged pelvic outlet

The function of the hyoid bone is to

anchor the tongue muscles

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the male pelvis?

angle of pubic arch greater than 100 degrees

The bones of the forearm, or ________, consist of the radius and ulna.


Which of the following is not a tarsal bone?

anterior cuneiform

While you're visiting your friend who recently gave birth, she comments on her infant's soft spot. You think to yourself that the correct term for the "soft spot" located at the intersection of the frontal, sagittal, and coronal sutures is

anterior fontanel

The part of the tibia that is easily felt through the skin and is known as the shin is the

anterior margin.

Which of the following best describes the location of the glabella?

area just superior to the nasal bones and medially to the supraorbital margins

All of the following are true of the sacrum except that it

articulates with the second and third lumbar vertebrae.

The nasal conchae __________.

assist in respiration and olfaction

The cervical vertebra that allows you to nod your head is the __________.


The first cervical vertebra is better known as the


The occipital condyles of the skull articulate with the


The four spinal curves include all but one of the following. Identify the exception.


The skull and vertebral column are part of the ________ skeleton.


The dens process is found on the


The second cervical vertebra is called the


Which of the following is not an age-related change in the skeleton?

bone remodeling

Gesturing "no" with the head depends on the structure(s) of which cervical vertebrae?

both the atlas and the axis

The Achilles tendon attaches to the __________.


The calcaneal tendon attaches to which anatomical structure?


Which of the following is the heel bone?


A more convex longitudinal arch partly characterizes a foot deformity called congenital talipes equinovarus. Which two bones are tied together by ligaments and tendons to maintain this arch?

calcaneus and metatarsals

The condyle of the humerus consists of the

capitulum and trochlea.

The head of the radius articulates with the


The bones that give the hand a wide range of motion are the


The four curves of the adult spinal column are not all present at birth. Which of the following are the secondary curves, which do not appear until several months later?

cervical and lumbar

The ________ allow for a wide range of head movements.

cervical vertebrae

While volunteering in an outpatient clinic for underprivileged families in your neighborhood, you observe the nurse assessing an infant. The mother had complained about the baby not eating and having several episodes of diarrhea lasting 3 days. You know the nurse suspects possible dehydration when she

checks the anterior fontanel for depression.

Identify the general location of the zygomatic arch.


Which of the following is most commonly fractured in a fall?


Which of these bones does NOT articulate with the humerus?


The only direct connection between the pectoral girdle and the axial skeleton is where the

clavicle articulates with the manubrium of the sternum.

The pectoral girdle connects to the axial skeleton where the __________.

clavicle articulates with the sternum

The ________ are S-shaped bones that articulate lateral to the jugular notch.


Which of the following constitutes the pectoral girdle?

clavicles and scapulae

The pectoral girdle consists of which of the following bones?

clavicles and scapulae only

The superior and inferior temporal lines mark the points of attachment for muscles that

close the mouth

The five vertebral regions are the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and


Which of the following is a not characteristic of the female pelvis?

coccyx points anteriorly

Which of the following articulate in the mandibular fossa?

condylar process

As the result of an accident, Bill suffers a dislocated jaw. This injury would involve the

condylar process of the mandible.

The occipital ________ are where the occipital bone articulates with the first cervical vertebra.


Compared to the hand, the foot

contains arches that help distribute body weight.

The frontal and parietal bones articulate at the ________ suture.


The suture that forms the articulation of the parietal bones with the frontal bone is the ________ suture.


Immovable joints in the skull include the __________ sutures.

coronal and sagittal

When fontanelles close prematurely, the skull shape becomes distorted. This condition is known as craniostenosis. If the anterior fontanelle closes prematurely, which of the following sutures is most likely involved?

coronal suture

Two prominent features of the clavicle are the conoid tubercle at the lateral end and the ________ tuberosity at the medial end.


A tubercle of a rib articulates with the

costal facets of thoracic vertebrae.

The ilium, ischium, and pubis fuse into a single bone called the

coxal bone

Which bone gives a crime scene investigator the best information on the gender of skeletal remains?

coxal bone

The condition in which distortions of the skull occur due to the premature closure of fontanelles is called


The ________ is the bony chamber that protects and supports the brain.


The nasal conchae

create turbulence in the nasal passageways.

Each of the following structures is associated with the sphenoid bone except the

cribriform plate.

A membrane that stabilizes the position of the brain is attached to the

crista galli.

The rough surface feature present along the lateral border of the shaft of the humerus is the

deltoid tuberosity

A bent nasal septum that slows or prevents sinus drainage is known clinically as a ________ septum.


The weight of the body is supported by the

distal metatarsals and the calcaneus.

The clavicle articulates with the scapula __________.

distally at the acromion

How many carpal bones are in the wrist?


Jack gets into a fight and is punched in the nose. Which of the following bones might be fractured?

ethmoid bone

Many a student has complained about severe wrist pain after typing yet another multiple-page report. This pain is the hallmark of carpal tunnel syndrome, which is an inflammation of connective tissue due to repeated movement. Which of the following structures is NOT involved in this disorder?

extensor retinaculum

Thoracic vertebrae can be distinguished from other vertebrae by the presence of

facets for the articulation of ribs.

Which of the following categories is the best fit for the zygomatic arch?


Ribs 8 to 12 are called ________ because they do not attach directly to the sternum.


The ethmoid bone forms the inferior portion of the nasal septum.


The ethmoid bone is a facial bone.


The hip bone is part of the axial skeleton.


The palpable hip bone projections in the front of the body felt when you put your hands on your hips are the posterior inferior iliac spines.


Identify the incorrect descriptor of congenital talipes equinovarus (club foot).

feet are turned laterally and everted

The linea aspera is located on the


The longest and heaviest bone in the body is the


What bone articulates with the coxal bone at the acetabulum?


Which bone articulates in the acetabulum?


The lateral malleolus is found on the


The tibia is bound to the __________ by the interosseous membrane.


The cranial sutures begin to form at about what age?


Fibrous connective tissue called ________ accommodates brain growth in infants.


The membranous areas between the cranial bones of the fetal skull are


What structure does the occipital bone surround?

foramen magnum

The large foramen that serves as a passageway for the medulla of the brain and the accessory nerve (XI) is the

foramen magnum.

A ligament attaches the acetabulum to the femur at the ________, a small pit in the center of the femoral head.

fovea capitis

Which of these is not one of the facial bones?


The calvaria (or skullcap) is formed by the ________ bones.

frontal, parietal, and occipital

The appendicular skeleton includes the bones of the upper and lower extremities and their supporting elements called


The scapula articulates with the humerus at the ________ joint.


The head of the humerus articulates with the

glenoid cavity.

Which surface feature(s) along the ilium mark(s) attachment sites for large hip muscles?

gluteal lines

Which of the following features is located near the proximal end of the humerus?

greater tubercle

Which of these features is NOT located near the distal end of the humerus?

greater tubercle

Another name for the first toe is


Which of the following is NOT a proximal carpal bone?


Compared to the male pelvis, the female pelvis

has a greater angle inferior to the pubic symphysis.

Damage to the temporal bone would most likely affect the sense(s) of

hearing and balance

Which of the following are distinctive features of thoracic vertebrae?

heart-shaped bodies no transverse foramen rib articulations long spinous processes

Tom stumbles and injures his hallux. What part of his anatomy is injured?

his foot

The trochlea is located on the


The ________ bone is unusual because it doesn't contact another bone.


Which bone supports the larynx superiorly?


The superior border of the ilium that acts as a point of attachment for both ligaments and muscles is the

iliac crest.

The pelvic organs are mostly found within the

iliac fossa.

The greater sciatic notch is a feature on the


The sacrum articulates with the


Which of the following is the largest region of the hip bone?


Which region of the hip bone articulates with the sacrum?


Each coxal bone consists of which of the following three fused bones?

ilium, ischium, and pubis

The coxal bone is formed by fusion of the __________.

ilium, ischium, and pubis

The largest component of the coxal bone is the


Ridges that anchor muscles that stabilize the head are the

inferior and superior nuchal lines.

Fracture of the medial malleolus will cause pain __________.

inside the ankle

The ________ passes through the ________.

internal jugular vein; jugular foramen

The radius and ulna are bound to each other by a(n) ________ ligament.


Spinal nerves run to and from the spinal cord within what structure?

intervertebral foramina

When seated, the weight of the body is borne by the

ischial tuberosities.

The sternum contains the

jugular notch. xiphoid process. manubrium. he body.

Which of these organs does the sacrum NOT protect?


Compression fractures associated with osteoporosis of vertebral bodies can distort the normal thoracic curvature of the vertebral column in a posterior direction. Such a distortion is called __________.


The smallest facial bones are the

lacrimal bones.

The articulation between the parietal and occipital bones is the __________ suture.


The parietal bones and occipital bone articulate at the ________ suture.


Identify the large suture on the posterior surface of the skull at the border of the occipital bone.


The vertebral arch is formed by the pedicles and the


The clavicle articulates with the scapula

laterally with the acromion.

Identify the region of the sphenoid bone that contains the optic canal.

lesser wing

The girdles of the appendicular skeleton support the bones of the


In some individuals, body fat accumulates almost exclusively in the belly region. Because of the enlarged belly, the individual has a swayback appearance. The clinical term for this distortion of the vertebral curvature is called __________.


An exaggerated lumbar curvature of the spine is known as


The widest intervertebral discs are found in the ________ region.


Which of the following is not a part of the pelvis?

lumbar vertebrae

The role(s) of the sinuses include(s)

making the skull lighter and production of mucus that moistens and cleans the air.

The lateral bulge at the ankle is from the ___________.

malleolus of the fibula

Your friend Greg is hit in the jaw and when looking at him, his face looks misaligned. You immediately take him to the emergency room and are not surprised to learn that he has a broken


A nerve that carries sensory information from the teeth of the lower jaw passes through the

mandibular foramen.

During a particularly stressful point in her life, a student suddenly developed a disorder called temporomandibular joint syndrome. As a result she frequently experiences pain and grinds her teeth during sleep. Which two bone markings are directly involved in this disorder?

mandibular fossa and condylar process

The part of the sternum that articulates with the clavicles is the


The superior part of the sternum is called the


A point of attachment for muscles that rotate or extend the head is the

mastoid process.

The prominent bulge just posterior and inferior to the external auditory meatus is the

mastoid process.

Infection of the large process on the temporal bone would be called


The floor of the orbital complex is formed by the


The largest sinus is within which bone?


Which of these is NOT a cranial bone?


In the anatomical position, the ulna is located ________ to the radius.


Which of the following is located closest to the jugular notch?

medial end of clavicle

Which of the following is/are not located outside the carpal tunnel?

median nerve

Nerves carrying sensory information from the lips and the chin pass through the

mental foramina.

The bones that form the palm are the


The bones that form the sole of the foot are the __________.


Which of the following is not an upper limb bone?


An infant born with a significantly smaller head than normal suffers from __________.


In the condition known as ________, premature closure of all of the cranial sutures results in restricted brain growth and an undersized head.


Lumbar vertebrae are ________ massive and ________ mobile.

most; least

Each of the following bones is a component of the orbital complex except the ________ bone.


Stress fractures due to running primarily affect the metatarsals. Which of the following bones does NOT articulate with the metatarsals?


The pubic and ischial rami encircle the

obturator foramen.

The foramen magnum is found in the ________ bone.


Which of the following surface features occur on the ulna?

olecranon styloid process radial notch trochlear notch

The depression on the posterior surface at the distal end of the humerus is the

olecranon fossa.

The pelvic ________ is bordered by the coccyx, the ischial tuberosities, and the inferior border of the pubic symphysis.


The hard palate of the roof of the mouth is mostly formed by the

palatine process of the maxillae.

The nasal complex includes the bones that enclose the nasal cavity and the ________ sinuses.


The __________ is a sesamoid bone in the lower limb.


The ligament that surrounds the ________ attaches to the tibial tuberosity.


Runner's knee results from improper tracking of the patella across the patellar surface. Which structure anchors the patella distally across the patellar surface?

patellar ligament

The patella slides in a groove on the femur called the

patellar surface.

Which of the following is NOT part of the axial division of the skeletal system?

pelvic girdle

Which of the following is not part of the axial skeleton?

pelvic girdle

The space enclosed by the true pelvis is called the

pelvic inlet

The clearest distinction between a male and female skeleton is seen in the characteristics of the


The coxal bone and sacrum combine to form the


The axial skeleton provides an extensive surface area for the attachment of muscles that __________.

perform respiration move the head position the appendicular skeleton

The bony portion of the nasal septum is formed by the

perpendicular plate of the ethmoid and vomer bone.

Each of the following landmarks is associated with the occipital bone except the

petrous process.

The bones that form the fingers are the


The hypophyseal fossa of the sella turcica contains the ________ gland.


What organ is located in the hypophyseal fossa of the sphenoid bone?

pituitary gland

Which structure does the sella turcica support?

pituitary gland

Another name for the thumb is __________.


The two spinal curves present at birth are called __________ curves.


Which of these is NOT a spinal curve?


Which of the following is a function of the axial skeleton?

provides protection for the brain and spinal cord provides an attachment for muscles involved in respiration provides an attachment for muscles that move the appendicular skeleton provides an attachment for muscles that move the head, neck, and trunk

The two pubic bones join medially at the

pubic symphysis.

When Caitlyn arrived at the emergency room, she had no pulse distal to the injury in her arm. Many of the critical nerves and blood vessels to the forearm and hand run along the humerus through the elbow. On the posterior aspect of the humerus is a depression that provides a path for an important large nerve that provides both sensory information and motor control. What is the name of this groove?

radial groove

Which bone articulates with the ulna?

radius carpal bone humerus

Which of the following adapts the pectoral girdle to a wide range of movement?

relatively weak joints

The true ribs are

ribs 1-7 and are called verterbrosternal ribs.

While performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on an unconscious person, you are careful to position your hands correctly to avoid damage to the

ribs and xiphoid process.

Vertebrae of which regions are fused in the adult?

sacral and coccygeal regions

What region of the vertebral column does the hip bone articulate with?

sacral region

Which of the following types of vertebrae and their numbers is not correct?

sacral: 1

Which of the following bones is not part of the appendicular skeleton?


The most lateral bone in the proximal row of the carpal bones is the


The three sides of what bone form a broad triangle?


This appendicular bone has a roughly triangular shape.


Which of these bones is part of the appendicular skeleton?

scapula tibia ulna

The glenohumeral joint joins which two bones?

scapula and humerus

The glenohumeral joint, or shoulder joint, is an articulation between which two bones?

scapula and humerus

Each of the following is associated with the temporal bone except the

sella turcica.

How many tarsal bones are there?


The vertebral column contains __________ cervical vertebrae.


The vertebra prominens is another name for the ________ vertebra.

seventh cervical

Study of human skeletons can reveal information concerning the person's

sex. age and nutritional status. size and handedness. health.

Sinus inflammation is called


A male has a ________ pelvic outlet when compared to the woman's pelvic outlet.


A skull bone that could be described as looking like a bat with wings extended is the


Give the clinical term for the condition in which the vertebral laminae fail to unite during development.

spina bifida

The four primary sutures are lambdoid, coronal, sagittal, and


The medial end of the clavicle is also known as the ________ end.


The manubrium forms part of the __________.


Which bone(s) include(s) a manubrium?


The hyoid bone is suspended by ________ ligaments.


The ________ of the radius helps stabilize the wrist joint.

styloid process

Ligaments that support the hyoid bone are attached to the

styloid process.

The facial nerve (N. VII) passes through the internal acoustic meatus and then through the

stylomastoid foramen.

If the anterior fontanel is noticeably indented in a one year old child, it is likely that the child __________

suffers from dehydration

Successive vertebrae articulate at facets on the inferior articular processes of the superior vertebra and facets on the ________ of the adjacent inferior vertebrae.

superior articular processes

The scapula is roughly triangular in shape. Which of the following are correct terms for the borders?

superior, medial, and lateral borders

The alveolar process of the mandible

supports the lower teeth

The distal end of the tibia articulates with the


What organ is located in the lacrimal fossa?

tear gland

The internal acoustic meatus is located in which bone?


The mandible articulates with a fossa within the __________ bone.


The zygomatic arch is formed by the union of processes from which two bones?

temporal and zygomatic

Which two bones contribute to the zygomatic arch?

temporal and zygomatic

The styloid process, zygomatic process, and auditory ossicles are associated with the

temporal bone

Identify the region on the zygomatic bone that forms part of the zygomatic arch.

temporal process

What is the full term for TMJ syndrome?

temporomandibular joint

If there were no paranasal sinuses, all of the following would be true except

the ability to sneeze would be impaired.

Of all the orthopedic injuries a child can sustain in a "fall on the out-stretched hand" (known as a FOOSH injury), a supracondylar distal humerus fracture is the most difficult to reduce (restore to anatomical position) and maintain in a reduced position during healing. What bone projections compose the condyle of the humerus?

the capitulum and trochlea

In anatomical terms, leg refers to __________.

the distal portion of the lower limb

Identify the location of the sphenoid bone.

the floor of the skull

The young boxer has sustained a "blowout" fracture of his left orbital complex. The orbit that contains the eye is formed by seven facial bones. Which skull bone forms the roof of the orbit?

the frontal bone

Sutures can be found at all of the joints of an adult skull except between

the mandible and the cranium.

Caitlyn has a supracondylar distal humerus fracture, a true surgical emergency. Besides the humerus, what other bones articulate at the elbow?

the radius and ulna

All of the following are true of lumbar vertebrae except that

the vertebral bodies are thin and delicate.

As you move in an inferior direction along the vertebral column,

the vertebral bodies become relatively larger.

The spinous processes are especially long on __________ vertebrae.


The ribs articulate with the

thoracic vertebrae.

During development, how many bones combine to form each of the coxal bones?


The medial border of the fibula is bound to the ________ by the interosseous membrane.


The medial malleolus is located on the


The talus contacts the

tibia, calcaneus, and navicular bones.

When standing normally, most of your weight is transmitted to the ground by the

tibia, talus, and calcaneus.

The ribs articulate with the __________.

transverse costal facets of the thoracic vertebrae

The distinguishing feature of a cervical vertebra is the

transverse foramen.

The ribs articulate with the ________ of the vertebrae.

transverse processes

Identify the mismatched pair.

triquetrum; column-shaped

The ethmoid bone contains sinuses.


The ethmoid bone is part of the axial skeleton.


The projection at the inferior end of the greater sciatic notch is the ischial spine.


Which of the following is not a lower limb bone?


Which of these is a forearm bone?


The part of the vertebrae that transfers weight along the axis of the vertebral column is the

vertebral body

The weight-bearing region of a vertebra is the __________.

vertebral body

False ribs have cartilage directly connected to the cartilage of true ribs and are thus called ________ ribs.


Of the following bones, which is unpaired?


Which of these bones is NOT part of the orbital complex?


The inferior portion of the nasal septum is formed by the


The condition known as "flat feet" is due to a lower-than-normal longitudinal arch in the foot. A problem with which of the following would most likely contribute to this condition?

weakness in the ligaments that attach the calcaneus to the distal ends of the metatarsals

The term ________ is used to describe an injury caused by displacement of the cervical vertebrae during a sudden change in body position.


Tina falls and fractures her pisiform bone. What part of her body was injured?


When administering CPR, one structure that serves as both a landmark and a cause for concern is the __________.

xiphoid process

The paranasal sinuses are located in all of the following bones except the


The nasal complex consists of all of the following bones except the


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