Soc 101 Exam 3 Ch. 12 Lindley

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C-Marriage Market

A _____ is defined as a courtship process in which prospective spouses compare the assets and liabilities of eligible partners, and choose the best available mate. a. neolocalization b. polygamy c. marriage market d. cohabitation e. monogamy


Around the world, the most common residence pattern is _____. a. patrilocal b. matrilocal c. neolocal d. matriarchal e. egalitarian

A-The Nuclear Family

In Western societies, the typical family form is __________. a. the nuclear family d. composed of husband, wife, and the husband's family b. composed of parents, children, and other kin e. composed of husband, wife, and the wife's family c. the extended family


In the context of family functions, children acquire language and absorb the accumulated knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and values of their culture through _____. a. social stratification d. social security b. socialization e. procreation c. social class placement

D-Both Agree That There is Considerable Inequality Between Low-Income and Wealthy Families in Accessing Necessary Resources

In the context of sociological explanations of family and aging, which of the following is a similarity between conflict theorists and feminist scholars? a. Both emphasize the inequality of gender roles in families. b. Both see marriage as critical in promoting social order and cohesion. c. Both emphasize that families construct their everyday lives through interaction and subjective interpretations of family roles. d. Both agree that there is considerable inequality between low-income and wealthy families in accessing necessary resources. e. Both provide sociological explanations of families and aging at a micro-level.

C-Jamal is a Functionalist, Whereas Gina is a Conflict Theorist

Jamal believes that families are important in maintaining societal stability, whereas Gina believes that families promote social inequality because of social class differences. In the context of sociological explanations of family and aging, which of the following statements is most likely to be true in this case? a. Both Jamal and Gina are functionalists. b. Both Jamal and Gina are feminists. c. Jamal is a functionalist, whereas Gina is a conflict theorist. d. Both Jamal and Gina are conflict theorists. e. Jamal is a symbolic interactionist, whereas Gina is a feminist.

B-Single-Parent and Stepparent Households

On a micro level, child mistreatment is most common in _____. a. two-parent households and extended families b. single-parent and stepparent households c. households with a matrilocal residence pattern d. an egalitarian family system e. two-parent households with a matriarchal family system

E-Old-Age Dependency

The _____ refers to the number of working-age adults for every person aged 65 and older. a. elderly ratio d. life expectancy rate b. worker replacement rate e. old-age dependency ratio c. aging ratio


The cultural practice of marrying within one's group is known as _____. a. exogamy b. polyamory c. endogamy d. hierogamy e. monogamy

B-Exchange Theory

The fundamental premise of _____ is that people seek through their social interactions to maximize their rewards and minimize their costs. a. interaction theory d. relationship theory b. exchange theory e. conflict theory c. activity theory

B-A Partner with a Controlling Personality

Which of the following increases the risk of intimate partner violence? a. Stable employment d. A very high income b. A partner with a controlling personality e. A society that provides clear sanctions for violence c. Total agreement on family roles


Which of the following is NOT one of the five functions fulfilled by families worldwide? a. Procreation b. Economic security c. Recreation d. Sexual activity e. Emotional support

C-The Need to Finance More Years of Retirement

Which of the following is a consequence of longer life expectancies? a. Shorter retirements for workers d. Earlier retirements b. Fewer multigenerational households e. Fewer older people in the workforce c. The need to finance more years of retirement

B-The Economy

Which of the following is a macro-level factor affecting U.S. marriage and divorce rates? a. Race b. The economy c. Religion d. Infidelity e. Individual educational attainment

A-Changes in US Values

Which of the following is a macro-level reason for declining marriage and divorce rates in the United States? a. Changes in U.S. values d. Communication problems b. The effect of spousal abuse e. Premarital doubts c. Financial problems

B-Social Class Affects All Aspects of Family Life

Which of the following is true of social class in the context of a family? a. One's social class is always higher than that of one's parents. b. Social class affects all aspects of family life. c. The social class of an individual is constant throughout his or her life. d. Only families with biological children have a social class. e. Same-sex couples do not have a social class.

C-College-Educated Women are More Likely Than Those Without College Degrees to Transition from Cohabitation to Marriage

Which of the following is true of women's cohabitation? a. Women's cohabitation rates have decreased. b. The likelihood of women cohabiting increases as their educational levels increase. c. College-educated women are more likely than those without college degrees to transition from cohabitation to marriage. d. Asian women have high cohabitation rates, whereas Hispanics from Latin and Central America have low cohabitation rates. e. Women who cohabit are more likely to divorce than those who did not cohabit.

D-Nearly 85 Percent of Americans Who Divorce Remarry, Half of Them Within 4 Years

Which of the following statements is true about marriage and divorce in the United States? a. The marriage rate has been steadily increasing since the 1800s. b. The United States has one of the lowest divorce rates in the world. c. Many Americans are disillusioned about marriage. d. Nearly 85 percent of Americans who divorce remarry, half of them within 4 years. e. Divorce is no longer publicly acceptable.

A-US Child Maltreatment Rates Have Decreased Since 2011

Which of the following statements is true of child maltreatment? a. U.S. child maltreatment rates have decreased since 2011. b. Sexual abuse is the most common type of child maltreatment. c. Physical abuse is the most common type of child maltreatment. d. Child maltreatment is most common in two-parent households. e. Child maltreatment differs significantly from child abuse.

D-Americans with a Bachelor's Degree or Higher Have Lower Divorce Rates Than Those Without College Degrees

Which of the following statements is true of marriage and divorce rates in the United States? a. Those with a high school diploma or less are more likely to marry than cohabit. b. Increasingly, the highly educated are marrying those with a high school diploma or less. c. The median age at first marriage is 21 for men and almost 23 for women, down from 27 for men and 30 for women in 1970. d. Americans with a bachelor's degree or higher have lower divorce rates than those without college degrees. e. College graduates have high divorce rates because they marry early.

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