SOC 111 Exam 2

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Working class

- 30-35% of the population - sometimes called the lower middle class - yield a family income of between $27,000 and $48,500 a year - only about 1/3 attend college

Christianity is one example of which of the following types of religions? a. polytheism b. animism c. monotheism d. All of these responses are correct.


For the world as a whole, about how many people suffer from chronic hunger, which leaves them less able to work and places them at high risk of disease? a. less than 1 million b. 100 million c. close to 1 billion d. 10 million


In general, high-income people tend to be ________ on social issues and ________ on economic issues. a. conservative; liberal b. liberal; liberal c. liberal; conservative d. conservative; conservative


Talcott Parsons

described gender differences in terms of complementary roles that promote the social integration of families and society as a whole (functional theory)

alternative family forms

• Cohabitation • Single parent families • Adoptive families • Zero child families (Dink) • Same-sex unions and partnerships


marriage that unites two partners


Earnings from work or investments

intra-generational mobility

a change in social position occurring during a person's lifetime

Upper class

- 5% of the US population earns at least $205,000 a year - along with high income comes significant wealth - Upper-uppers □ the upper-upper class, sometimes called blue bloods or simply society, includes less than 1% of the population □ membership is almost always the result of birth □ families with "old money" - Lower-uppers □ most upper class people actually fall into the lower-upper class □ members of the lower upper class are the working rich who get their money mostly by earning it rather than from inheritance □ they make up 3 or 4% of the US population

death and dying

- In the past, death was a familiar part of life; Death was commonplace and it was readily accepted - death is an irreversible state involving no response to stimulation, no movement or breathing, no reflexes, and no indication of brain activity - most people confront their own death in stages: denial, anchor, negotiation, resignation, acceptance - there's indication that bereavement may follow the same pattern of stages; The people closest to a dying person may initially deny the reality of impending death and then gradually reach a point of acceptance - how family and friends view an impending death has an effect on the person who is dying - dealing successfully with bereavement requires the time and social support necessary to form a new sense of self and recognize new life options

Functional Theory of Social Stratification

- Social inequality plays a vital part in the smooth operation of society - Davis Moore thesis: the functional analysis claiming the social stratification has beneficial consequences for the operation of society - the greater the functional importance of a position, the more rewards a society attaches to it; this promotes productivity and efficiency because rewarding important work with income, prestige, power, and leisure encourages people to do these jobs into work better, longer, and harder - unequal rewards, the foundation of social stratification, benefit society as a whole - positions a society considers more important must offer enough rewards to draw talented people away from less important work

disengagement theory of aging

- based on the functional theory - the idea that society functions in an orderly way by removing people from positions of responsibility as they reach old age -ensures the orderly operation of society by removing aging people from productive roles before they are no longer able to perform them - makes room for young workers who typically have the most up-to-date skills and training

activity theory of aging

- based on the symbolic interaction theory - the idea that a high level of activity increases personal satisfaction in old age - what seniors need is not to be pushed out of roles but to have many productive or recreational options - people need to find new roles to replace those they leave behind - shifts the focus of analysis from the needs of society to the needs of the elderly themselves


- followers are mainly in Israel and the United States - Jewish belief rests on the covenant between God and his chosen people, embodied in the 10 commandments and the Old Testament of the Bible - the bible's first five books (Genesis, exodus, leviticus, numbers, and Deuteronomy) are of special important sand are called the Torah - Judaism has 4 main denominations: Orthodox, reform, conservative, and reconstructionist


- followers known as Muslims - Muslims follow the word of God as revealed to the prophet Mohammed an written in the koran, the sacred text of Islam

social conflict theory of gender

- gender is an important dimension of social inequality and social conflict - benefits men and disadvantages women

symbolic interaction theory of gender

- individuals use gender as one element of their personal performances as they socially construct reality through everyday interactions - gender plays a part in shaping almost all our everyday experiences

Middle class

- make up 40 to 45% of the US population - Upper-middles □ people in the top half of this category have an average income in the range of $116,000 to $205,000 a year - Average-middles □ Typically work at less prestigious white collar jobs such as bank branch managers, high school teachers, and government office workers or highly skilled blue collar jobs such as electrical work in carpentry □ family income is between $48,500 and $116,000 a year


- the oldest world religion - Hindus see God as a universal moral forest rather than a specific being and believe in the principles of Dharma, moral responsibilities, and karma karma the spiritual progress of the human soul


- the most widespread religion - Christianity began as a colt on the personal charisma of Jesus of Nazareth - Christians believe Jesus is the son of God and follow his teachings - Christianity is one example of monotheism: belief in a single divine power - Christianity views the Supreme beings as a sacred Trinity: God the creator, Jesus the son of God and Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit


- the need for caregiving is increasing in our aging society - most caregiving is performed by family members, typically women - at least 1 million elderly people are victims of elder abuse each year

Lower class

-20% of the population - most people lack financial security due to low income -many live below the poverty line just 70% of children complete high school

Health in low-income countries

-relatively short life expectancy exists -many die before reaching their teens -poor sanitation, malnutrition, and unsafe water, and lack of medical personnel contribute to poor health outcomes

Functional theory of religion

3 major functions of religion that contribute to the operation of society 1. establishing social cohesion: religion unites people and establishes rules of fair play 2. promoting social control: uses religious ideas to promote conformity and can also be used to back up the power of political systems 3. providing meaning and purpose

Why did divorce increase so dramatically in the 1970s? (Lesson 18)

A number of factors, both personal and structural, combined to produce the dramatic increase in divorce in the 1970s. These factors include greater social acceptance of divorce, no-fault divorce laws, more women in the labor force, greater value on individualism, and an emphasis on romantic love as the basis for marriage. As divorce became more common, it became more accepted and the stigma attached began to disappear. New laws made it possible to get a divorce for any reason, whereas before, a divorce was only granted if a spouse had committed a serious offense. Due to an increase in women in the workplace, more women are financially stable by themselves and do not rely on their husband to support them financially, making it easier for them to get a divorce if they are unsatisfied.


A state in which people of all races and ethnicities are distinct but have equal social standing people who differ in appearance or social heritage all share resources roughly equally


A type of religious organization that is well-integrated into the large society

The effects of race on family

American Indian families - migration creates many fluid households with changing membership - patterns of mutual assistance, often involving real and fictional kinship, are common among all low income people ○ Latino families - enjoy the loyalty and support of extended families - continue to follow conventional gender roles; Encouraging machismo, strength, daring, and sexual conquest among men and treating women with respect but also subjecting them to close supervision - mini Hispanic families suffer the stress of unemployment and other poverty related problems ○ African American families - face economic disadvantages - poverty means that both parents and children are likely to experience unemployment, substandard housing, and poor health - African American women, often with children, are more likely to be single heads of households

Pick a medical issue in the United States today and explain how it is a social, not just a biological, issue. (Lesson 21)

Americans are getting heavier and heavier. Most people treat the issue of obesity as an individual problem, however, there are many social factors that contribute to the increasing rate of obesity. Although biology and individual choices such as laziness and lack of motivation play a role in obesity, biology and individual choices are not the only ones responsible. Some social causes of obesity include food availability and portion size, technology and transportation, advertising, and social class. A variety of tasty, inexpensive food is available to almost everyone in this country. With the increase in inexpensive, unhealthy foods comes the increased portion sizes. Americans want to get the best value, which leads to unnecessary large portion sizes. More and more calories are being consumed due to larger portion sizes. As the calorie intake increases, the need for physical activity decreases. Many jobs don't require as much physical labor and are rather sedentary. Technology and transportation have also decreased the rate of physical activity. Lastly, advertising promotes unhealthy eating, especially among children. Cartoon characters on boxes.


Buddhist teachings are similar to Hindu beliefs, but Buddhism is based on the life of one person, Siddhartha Gautama, Who taught the use of meditation as a way to move beyond selfish desires to achieve Nirvana, a state of enlightenment in peace

horizontal social mobility

Changing jobs at the same class level more often people move horizontally they switch from one job to another at about the same social level, but they don't move up or down the social hierarchy

Functions of Education

Education in the U.S. has many important functions that help society be successful - cultural transmission: where students learn the basic American values - teaching basic academic skills - job preparation - preparing individuals for positions in society - social control: provides childcare and keeps young people off the street and out of trouble

Racial experiences African Americans in the U.S.

Experienced more than 2 centuries of slavery. Emancipation in 1865 gave way to segregation by law, the so called Jim Crow laws. in the 1950s and 1960s, in national civil rights movement resulted in legislation that outlawed segregated schools and overt discrimination in employment and public accommodations

Contrast the ways that functional theory and conflict theory view inequality and stratification. (Lesson 11)

Functional theory sees that inequality is beneficial to society. This theory argues that some positions in society are more important than others and require special skills that only a few individuals have. The way to make sure the best people fill the most important positions is by offering rewards such as money, power, and prestige. The functional theory see inequality as inevitable and beneficial to society by helping society function better. Conflict theory sees inequality as neither inevitable nor beneficial. According to conflict theory, inequality and poverty are caused by major flaws in society. Society is made up of groups who compete for scarce resources like money, power, and prestige. The groups who are most powerful control how society runs.

Jonathan Kozol

Fundings for schools are savagely unequal Until each child is financed equally in America, we will be an incomplete democracy. This is why America is not a meritocracy

Racial experiences of Arab Americans in the U.S.

Growing US minority. because they come to the United States from so many different nations, Arab Americans are a culturally diverse population, and they are represented in all social classes. They have been a target of prejudice and hate crimes in recent years as a result of a stereo type that links all Arab Americans with terrorism

Racial experiences of Asian Americans in the U.S.

Have suffered both racial and ethnic hostility. Although some prejudice and discrimination continue, both Chinese and Japanese Americans now have above average income and schooling. Asian immigrants, especially Koreans, Indians, and Filipinos, now account for more than 40% of all immigration to the United states

Paying for Medical Care

In the U.S. most people have private insurance

U.S. politics and two-party system

Just review what is written for the essay prompt below

America as a Meritocracy

Make arguments in support of and against the idea that America is a meritocracy. For meritocracy o talent and working hard can help you get ahead o you deserve credit for your successes Against meritocracy ○ The playing field in life is not fair. we do not start with the same resources, be they economic, social, spiritual, or something else ○ where we start impacts our chance to his of finishing high school, our chances of going to college, or chances of avoiding teen pregnancy , our chances of getting a good job, our chances up 6 eating , and on and on ○ climbing the economic ladder appears to be easier for some individuals than others ○ a lot of our life is tide 2 advantages or disadvantages that have nothing to do with our own personal merit ○ our life includes both unmerited advantages, like race, gender, and height o our life also includes unmerited disadvantages, like health problems, absent parents, or minority social status

Discuss whether or not America is a complete meritocracy using examples from your own life and from the class material. (Lesson 11)

Meritocracy is the idea that social stratification is based on personal merit. Americans generally believe that rich people deserve their wealth and poor people deserve to be poor. America may be considered a meritocracy because talent and hard work really can help you progress and get ahead. For example, because I am a hard worker, I am able to hold a job and get good grades in school. On the other hand, America isn't a complete meritocracy due to the fact that the playing field in life is not fair. Nobody starts with the same resources, and where we start impacts our chance of progression and success. Some people who may have the skills necessary to be great at the most important jobs never really have the chance to receive the education and training required to get those jobs. As well as different resources, many things in life are tied to advantages and disadvantages that has nothing to do with our own personal merit, such as race, gender, and height.

Conflict Theory of Social Stratification

Rather than benefiting society as a whole, social stratification benefits some people and disadvantages others

Schooling and social inequality

See essay question below

Separation of Church and State

See essay question below

Discuss the conflict between the two values of religious freedom and the separation of church and state.

Since so many people had come to this land seeking religious freedom, the founding fathers made sure religious freedom was protected by the constitution. The idea that the state should not be involved in promoting or influencing religious practices is referred to as separation of church and state. The separation of church and state helped prevent the government from interfering with religious expression as the founding fathers intended. However, because the U.S. is becoming more religiously diverse, many people feel that the separation of church and state is now interfering with their religious freedom. For example, one conflict lies in school prayer. May people believe that banning prayer in schools take away their religious freedom while many others argue that allowing prayer in school violates the separation of church and state because school is a government institution. Other controversies include religious displays on government property, the right not to get children healthcare for religious reasons, and saying the pledge of allegiance in School.

Explain the trends that show that the definition of family has been changing over the last several decades. (Lesson 18)

Single parent families, pregnancies out of wed lock, increased divorced rate, gay and lesbian families

3. Using evidence from the "Poor Kids" video and from other readings and videos from the class, provide evidence to support the "blame the poor" argument of explaining poverty. Then provide evidence to support the "blame society" argument. Which do you think is more correct? Why? (Lesson 12)

The "blame the poor" argument supports the idea that the poor are mostly responsible for their own poverty. Society offers plenty of opportunities o anyone who is able and willing to take advantage of them, and the poor are those who cannot or will not work due to a lack of skills, schooling, or motivation. The social problem of poverty is due to a lack of values among the disadvantaged group and this problem can be solved by readjusting values and building the character of people. The "blame society" argument supports the idea that society is the one mostly responsible for poverty. There is a loss of jobs in the inner cities, as well as not enough work to support families. The lack of effort on the poor people is a result of little opportunity rather than a lack of motivation. I think both views have some truth, however, I agree mostly with the "blame the poor" argument. It may not be their fault, but children in poverty learn from their parents who are in poverty. These children become adults and have their own children, which creates a cycle of values that is difficult to escape.

Briefly explain the advantages and disadvantages of a two-party political system. (Lesson 17)

The United States is a good example of having a two-party system with the democratic and republican parties. With the two-party system comes both advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages include the smooth transfer of power, recruitment and training political leaders, as well as only having two main parties simplifies the voters' choice. Disadvantages include corruption, lack of understanding, lack of compromise, and division. Lack of understanding comes from voters not doing their homework because there are only two parties, which makes it difficult for change to occur in government.

Racial experiences of Native Americans in the U.S.

The earliest human inhabitants of America, have endured genocide, segregation, and forced assimilation. today the social standing of Native Americans is well below the national average

11. Contrast the ways functional theory and conflict theory view education. Include some discussion of school funding in your answer. (Lesson 20)

The functional theory of education shows how education in the U.S. has many important functions that help society be successful. Some of these functions are cultural transmission, where students learn the basic American values, teaching basic academic skills, job preparation, preparing individuals for society, and childcare. Conflict theory, on the other hand, focuses much more on the negative side of education. They claim that education just perpetuates inequality in society. Conflict theory argues that social classes, racial groups, and ethnic groups have unequal access to education in American society. This theory states that there is inequality among schools themselves and that certain individuals have access to higher education better than others. School funding creates inequality because those who have more continue to have more, while those who have less continue to have less. Jonathan Kozol addressed the issue of school funding. Public schools are unequal primarily because of the way they are funded. He calls this unequal funding "savage" and explains the reason America is not a true meritocracy is because of this unequal playing field that starts with unequal school funding.

Explain why America is graying. What are the implications of this trend for society? (Lesson 16)

The idea that America is graying means that the population is getting older. People are living longer than ever before. In nearly all high income nations, the share of elderly people is increasing rapidly due to low birth rates and increasing longevity. An increasing elderly population poses some issues such as financial issues, getting access to and paying for health care for an aging population, euthanasia, the responsibility of caregiving to the elderly, elderly abuse, and culture among the elderly due to aging and technology. Also with America graying comes the issue of disengagement, which is the need to remove aging individuals from the work force and to replace them with younger workers.

the power elite theory of power

The power elite model: a few people rule - power elite model: based on social conflict theory; And analysis of politics that sees power as concentrated among the rich


The total value of money and other assets, minus outstanding debts includes stock bonds, real estate, value of homes, cars, insurance policies, retirement pension, furniture, clothing

Explain the wage gap between men and women in the United States. What are some possible explanations for the gap? How does discrimination fit in? (Lesson 14)

The wage gap between men and women in the United States is that women who work full time earn on average 81% of what a man does, thus, for every dollar a man earns, a woman earns 81 cents. Some possible explanations for this pay gap is that men and women typically perform different jobs. Women typically work in professions such as nurses and teachers, which earn less than men who typically work in professions such as physicians, architects, and engineers. Another reason women earn less than men is that the often have less seniority. If women were discriminated against in the past and were unable to do certain jobs, they will not have the seniority now to compete with men who were able to get those jobs. Women also may lose seniority due to leaving the workforce to have and take care of children. Employers also anticipate that women will care more about their families while men will care more about their work. Discrimination probably plays a role and can be an influence, but there are other factors involved as well. As women gain more education and the effects of some of the overtly discriminatory practices of the past disappear, we should continue to see the wage gap get smaller.

Does race matter in the United States or is America a post-racial society? Provide evidence from the class materials. (Lesson 15)

While the amount of racism appears to be decreasing in society, race does still matter. One example from the class materials was about a man who changed his name on applications in order to get a job. Job applicants with white-sounding names received 50% more callbacks for interviews than applicants with black-sounding names, even when qualifications are equal. It is still true that there is racial inequality, racism, and a racial divide in this country.

8. About what share of the US adults are overweight? a. 2/3 b. 1/3 c. 1/2 d. 1/5


occupational prestige

Work generates not only income but also prestige. White-collar jobs generally offer more income and prestige than blue-collar jobs. Many lower-prestige jobs are performed by women and people of color.

1. race refers to _____ considered important by the society, and ethnicity refers to _____. a. biological traits; cultural traits b. cultural traits; biological traits c. Differences; what we have in common d. what we have in common; differences


1. which of the following terms refers to earnings from work or investments? a. Income b. assets c. wealth d. Power


10. which of the following is the largest category of Asian Americans in the United States? a. Chinese Americans b. Japanese Americans c. Korean Americans d. Vietnamese Americans


10. which war resulted in the greatest loss of American lives? a. The civil war b. World War 2 c. The Korean War d. The Vietnam War


2. The United States, Canada, and Japan are all a. high income countries b. middle income countries c. low income countries d. in different income categories


2. in the very poorest nations of the world today, a majority of people die before reaching a. their teens b. the age of 50 c. the age of 65 d. the age of 75


4. In which type of political system does power reside in the hands of people as a whole? a. Democracy b. aristocracy c. totalitarianism d. monarchy


4. Sally has 2 advanced degrees, earns an average salary and is working at a low prestige job. which concept best describes her situation a. low status consistency b. horizontal social mobility c. upward social mobility d. high status consistency


4. Which of the following is not one of the important functions of religion, according to Durkheim? a. generating social conflict b. generating social cohesion c. providing social control d. providing meaning and purpose


4. there is a beauty myth in US society that encourages a. women to believe that their personal importance depends on their looks b. beautiful women to think that they do not need men c. men to improve their physical appearance to get the attention of women d. women to think that they are as physically attractive as today's men are


4. what effect does industrialization have on the social standing of the oldest members of a society? a. Social standing goes down b. there is little or no effect c. social standing goes up d. social standing goes up for men and down for women


5. A social conflict approach highlights how education a. reflects and reinforces social inequality b. helps prepare students for their future careers c. has both latent and manifest functions d. all of the above are correct


5. Research using the Bogardus social distance scale shows that US college students a. are less prejudiced than 50 years ago b. believe that Arabs and Muslims should be kept out of the country c. have the strongest prejudice against African Americans d. all of the above are correct


7. In the United States, the poverty rate for people over the age of 65 is a. higher than the national average b. the same as the national average c. lower than the national average d. higher than among any other age category


7. which quintile (20%) Of the US population has seen the greatest change in income over the last generation? a. The top quintile b. the middle quintile c. the lowest quintile d. all quintiles have seen the same change


8. A society with which type of productive technology has the least amount of social stratification? a. Hunting and gathering b. Horticultural/pastoral c. industrial d. postindustrial


8. Which of the following statements is the basis of modernization theory? a. The main cause of poverty in the world is low productivity due to simple technology and traditional culture b. poor nations can never become rich if they remain a part of the global capitalist economy c. the main cause of poverty in the world is the operation of multinational corporations d. most poor nations were richer in the past than they are today


8. in the United States, women in the labor force working full time and how much for every dollar earned by men working full time? a. 77 cents b. 86 cents c. 90 cents d. 98 cents


8. support for the school choice movement is based on the claim that US public schools perform poorly because a. they have no competition b. many schools lock enough funding c. the national poverty rate is high d. too many parents are not involved in the schools


9. For which category of the US population is the highest proportion of children born to single women? a. African Americans b. Asian Americans c. Hispanic Americans d. non Hispanic white Americans


9. the structural functional approach to aging involves a. disengagement theory b. activity theory c. social inequality d. all of the above are correct


A "sect" is a type of religious organization that a. stands apart from the larger society. b. is highly structured with formally trained leaders. c. supports the political state. d. is tightly linked to the larger society.


A family leaves Russia and takes up residence in the United States, where they gradually lose Russian cultural traditions. Doing so, these people have modified their a. ethnicity. b. religion. c. race. d. ancestry.


A pluralist approach to the U.S. political system suggests that a. power is widely dispersed throughout society. b. power is concentrated in the hands of a few. c. many people do not vote because they are alienated from the political system. d. an anti-democratic bias exists in the capitalist system.


A religious organization that is well integrated into the larger society is called a a. church. b. cult. c. denomination. d. sect.


A social-conflict analysis suggests that schooling in the United States developed in the late nineteenth century because that was the time that a. factory owners needed an obedient and disciplined workforce. b. All of these responses are correct. c. immigrants had to learn English in order to work in factories. d. the country had to teach immigrants that its way of life was right and good.


According to conflict theory, one result of tracking in schools is that a. the students who get the best schooling are usually those who are more privileged to begin with. b. students from disadvantaged backgrounds end up in higher tracks where they cannot do the work. c. students do not get to study what they are interested in. d. the brightest students get the worst teachers.


An analysis of how religion supports the interests of a society's elites would fall under which of the following theoretical approaches? a. social-conflict approach b. symbolic-interaction approach c. social-exchange approach d. structural-functional approach


As Max Weber saw it, the essential difference between power and authority is a. people perceive authority as legitimate rather than coercive. b. power is more efficient in getting the job done. c. raw power is always the foundation of justice. d. authority is more rational.


Charter schools are a. public schools that have the freedom to try new programs and policies. b. private schools that typically enroll high-income students. c. private schools that have a religious curriculum. d. public schools that are run by private companies.


Engels, a conflict theorist, claimed that men's desire to control their property brought about a. monogamous marriage. b. educational reform. c. the rise of industry. d. widespread use of birth control.


For which of the following reasons might you argue that the United States is not truly democratic? a. All of these responses are correct. b. Millions of bureaucratic officials are not elected. c. Rich people have much more influence on our way of life than poor people. d. There is a lot of economic inequality.


Friedrich Engels claimed that capitalism a. increased patriarchy. b. reduced patriarchy. c. reduced all forms of inequality. d. had little or no affect on patriarchy.


In general, compared to Eastern religions, Western religions a. are deity-based. b. operate more ethical codes of conduct. c. are less clear about what is sacred and what is profane. d. All of these responses are correct.


Japan, Canada, and the nations of Western Europe are all classified as a. high-income countries. b. middle-income countries. c. These countries do not fall into any one category. d. low-income countries.


The concept "patrilocality" refers to a. a residential pattern by which a married couple lives near the husband's family. b. rule of men over women. c. a system of tracing descent through males. d. a family composed of only males.


The concept of "glass ceiling" refers to a. the barrier that prevents women from reaching the top. b. the fact that cleaning the home is all most women do. c. the fact that women's dreams are easily broken. d. the barrier that keeps women in service work.


The concept of "structural social mobility" refers to a. change in the social position of many people due to changes in society itself. b. change in social position due to people's own efforts. c. cultural beliefs that justify social stratification. d. change in a family's social position from one generation to the next.


The idea that prejudice and discrimination form a vicious circle means that a. prejudice and discrimination reinforce each other. b. most people do not act on their prejudices. c. it is easy to prove that most stereotypes are wrong. d. prejudice is more common than actual discrimination.


The main point of activity theory is that a. a high level of activity enhances personal satisfaction in old age. b. seniors should not try to do more than they feel they can. c. some seniors have far more wealth than others do. d. seniors should retire knowing they have earned the right to relax.


The practice of older people retiring from work a. developed about a century ago along with industrialization. b. emerged only in postindustrial societies. c. emerged along with the spread of agriculture. d. is as old as society itself.


Typically, industrial societies make use of which of the following systems to trace ancestry? a. bilateral descent b. matrilineal descent c. patrilineal descent d. neolocality


Which of the following is a correct criticism of the structural-functional approach to religion? a. It ignores religion's ability to generate social conflict. b. It ignores the positive consequences of religion for society. c. It ignores how religion provides meaning in everyday life. d. It ignores the effects of religion in everyday life.


Which of the following is the oldest of the world religions discussed in the text? a. Hinduism b. Islam c. Judaism d. Christianity


Which statement about African Americans is correct? a. All of these responses are correct. b. Many of the largest U.S. cities have elected African American mayors. c. A majority of African Americans are working class or poor. d. An African American president was elected in 2008 and 2012.



a church, independent of the state, that recognizes religious pluralism


a highly centralized political system that extensively regulates people's lives; The most intensely controlled political form - North Korea is perhaps the most totalitarian in the world - governments have a total concentration of power, allowing no organized opposition - controls and monitors use of everything, including the Internet - create an atmosphere of isolation and fear

absolute poverty

a lack of resources that is life-threatening

Modernization Theory

a model of economic and social development that explains global inequality in terms of technological and cultural differences between nations - based on the functional approach - This theory explains that affluence came to countries because of the Industrial Revolution and an increase in technology - It also argues that tradition and an unwillingness to change and adopt new technologies has held many countries back and kept them poor

Dependency Theory

a model of economic and social development that explains global inequality in terms of the historical exploitation of poor nations by rich ones - based on the conflict theory - Poor countries are dependent on rich countries and will never be able to rise out of poverty as long as current economic systems are in place.


a political system that denies the people participation in government Prevents their people from having any voice at all in politics indifferent to people's needs, offers no voice in selecting leaders, and uses force in response to dissent or opposition


a political system that gives power to the people as a whole - Representative democracy: authority is in the hands of leaders chosen by the people in elections - democracy and rational legal authority go together - The United States are not truly Democratic for 2 reasons: (1) there is the problem of bureaucracy and (2) there is economic inequality, since rich people have far more political power than poor people

civil religion

a quasi-religious loyalty linking individuals in a basically secular society formal religion may lose power, but citizenship takes on religious qualities


a religious organization that is largely outside a society's cultural traditions


a residential pattern in which a married couple lives apart from both sets of parents


a residential pattern in which a married couple lives with or near the husband's family


a residential pattern in which a married couple lives with or near the wife's family


a rigid and unfair generalization about an entire category of people; it is unfair because all people in some category are described as the same, based on little or no direct evidence; Prejudgment's that can be either positive or negative Includes stereotypes and racism


a shared cultural heritage; Based on common ancestry, language, or religion that gives them a distinctive social identity

Definition of family

a social institution found in all societies that unites people in cooperative groups to care for one another, including any children


a socially constructed category of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important (i.e. Physical characteristics such as skin color, facial features, hair texture, and body shape)

bilateral descent

a system tracing kinship through both men and women

patrilineal descent

a system tracing kinship through men

matrilineal descent

a system tracing kinship through women


a type of religious organization that stands apart from the larger society

"Social stratification" is a concept that refers to a. the idea that some people are more talented than others. b. ranking categories of people in a hierarchy. c. specialization in productive work. d. All of these responses are correct.


1. according to Max Weber, power is defined as a. the shadow of wealth b. the ability to achieve desired ends despite resistance from others c. a society's form of government d. the creation of bureaucracy


1. in the United States in other countries, laws requiring all children to attend school were enacted following a. national independence b. the industrial revolution c. World War 2 d. the computer age


1. social stratification refers to a. job specialization b. ranking categories of people in a hierarchy c. the fact that some people work harder than others d. inequality of personal talent and individual effort


1. what term did Emile Durkheim used to refer to the everyday elements of our lives? a. religion b. profane c. sacred d. ritual


10. a document in which a person state which medical procedure he or she wishes to be used or avoided under specific conditions is known as a a. death wish b. living will c. legal trust d. power of attorney


10. in our postindustrial society, the degree of economic inequality has been a. staying about the same b. increasing c. decreasing d. decreasing, but only among men


10. which category of people in the United States is at the highest risk of divorce? a. Gay and lesbian couples b. young people who marry after a short courtship c. a couple whose parents never experienced divorce d. a couple facing a wanted and expected pregnancy


10. which type of feminism accepts US society as it is but wants to give women the same rights and opportunities as men a. socialist feminism b. liberal feminism c. radical feminism d. all of the above are correct


2. What is the term sociologists use for a family containing parents, children, and other kin? a. A nuclear family b. extended family c. family of affinity d. a conjugal family


3. About what share of US adults over the age of 25 are college graduates? a. 10% b. 30% c. 50% d. 70%


3. as we lookout older people in the United States, we find a larger share of a. men b. women c. well off people d. married people


3. low income nations a. are evenly spread in all world regions b. are found mostly in Africa and Asia c. are all in Latin America d. contain a majority of the world's people


4. Social Epidemiology is the study of a. which bacteria cause a specific disease b. the distribution of health and illness in a population c. what categories of people become doctors d. the distribution of doctors around the world


4. Sociologist claim that marriage in the United States follows the principle of homogamy, which means that partners are a. people of the same sex b. People who are socially alike in terms of class, age, and race c. people who married due to social pressure d. selected based on love rather than by parents


4. in this country, 4 states now have a minority majority. Which of the following is not one of them? a. California b. Florida c. Hawaii d. New Mexico


5. In the United States, what share of women work for income? a. 80% b. 60% c. 50% d. 30%


5. when sociologists use the term political economy, they are referring to a. the fact that people vote with their pocketbook b. the fact that political and economic systems are linked c. any Democratic political system d. the most efficient form of government


6. Karl Marx claimed that society "reproduces the class structure." by this, he meant that a. society benefits from inequality b. class differences are passed on from one generation to the next c. class differences are the same everywhere d. a society without class is impossible


6. prejudice is a matter of _____ and discrimination is a matter of _____ a. biology; culture b. attitudes; behavior c. choice; structure d. what rich people think; what rich people do


6. which sociologist explained how religion helps support social inequality? a. Emile Durkheim b. Karl Marx c. Max Weber d. Ernst Troeltsch


6. which theoretical approach states that people select partners who have about the same to offer as they do? a. the structural functional approach b. the social exchange approach c. the social conflict approach d. the feminist approach


7. Which type of religious organization is most integrated into the larger society? a. Cult b. church c. sect d. new age spirituality


7. neocolonialism refers to the process by which a. rich countries gain new colonies to replace older ones b. multinational corporations dominate the economy of a poor country c. rich countries grant independence their former colonies d. more and more large corporations do business in many countries at once


7. what share of people in the United States between the ages of 16 in 24 drop out before completing high school? a. 1.1% b. 7.1% c. 29.1% d. 39.1%


8. change in social position during a person's own lifetime it is called a. intergenerational social mobility b. intragenerational social mobility c. structural social mobility d. horizontal social mobility


9. after the 2012 elections, women held about what percentage of seats in Congress? a. 9% b. 19% c. 39% d. 59%


9. the Marxist political economy model suggests that a. power is concentrated in the hands of a small power elite b. an anti Democratic bias is built into the capitalist system c. power is spread widely throughout society d. many people do not vote because they're basically satisfied with their lives


9. which sexually transmitted disease is most common among you as adults? a. Aids b. gonorrhea c. genital herpes d. syphilis


A charismatic leader is most likely to be found in which of the following? a. church b. cult c. denomination d. state church


According to dependency theory, poor countries have become dependent on rich nations because a. rich nations buy their manufactured goods. b. they sell raw materials to rich nations. c. rich countries bring tourism dollars. d. rich nations have brought them economic affluence.


Applying the sociological perspective, we see that the high rate of obesity in the United States reflects a. our long history as a nation of people with poor health. b. cultural forces that encourage people to eat large amounts of unhealthy, fast food. c. bad personal choices people make about their lives. d. All of these responses are correct.


Dependency theory differs from modernization theory by a. supporting capitalism as a path to development. b. explaining global inequality in terms of the exploitation of poor countries by rich countries. c. claiming that economic development is not a desirable goal. d. supporting the idea that poor nations are responsible for their own fate.


If you were looking for data supporting the claim that U.S. society is very stratified, you would make the strongest case by pointing to which of the following factors? a. occupational prestige b. wealth c. education d. income


In all societies, kinship plays a part in social stratification because a. children determine their own social position based on their personal talents and efforts. b. parents pass their social position on to their children. c. children usually end up with a social position higher than that of their parents. d. all children begin life with about the same social standing.


In poor nations, poverty is ________ than in the United States. a. a less serious problem b. more widespread and severe c. more likely to involve men d. addressed more effectively


In the United States today, a. private schools lack enough teachers. b. there is a shortage of teachers. c. there are enough teachers. d. there is a surplus of teachers.


In the United States, a recent trend involving parenting is that a. women are having more children. b. more adults are delaying having children or choosing to remain childless. c. women are marrying earlier in life. d. most men are now marrying before age twenty.


In the United States, people of ________ are most likely to vote. a. Social position has nothing to do with how likely people are to vote. b. high social position c. average social position d. low social position


Looking for evidence about how much the traditional family is eroding, you might point to the fact that a. singlehood is up. b. All of these responses are correct. c. more children are born to single mothers. d. the divorce rate is up.


One reason Marx's predicted socialist revolution never took place in capitalist societies is that a. wealth is no longer concentrated in the hands of a few. b. living standards for the majority have gone up. c. inequality is more or less obsolete. d. his theory of social-conflict was completely wrong.


Research shows that college women believe a. physical looks are less important than what's inside. b. being thin is the key to being attractive. c. All of these responses are correct. d. they are thinner than men would like them to be.


The concept "conspicuous consumption" refers to a. acting as if one had a lower social position than is really the case. b. the practice of buying things to make a statement about one's social position. c. buying more than what you need for the moment. d. buying things that are popular with the most people.


The concept of "comparable worth" means that a. women should hold political offices in proportion to their numbers in the population. b. people should be paid according to the level of skill and responsibility involved in the work. c. all jobs should be rewarded equally. d. the market system should determine the pay for any job.


The idea that social inequality benefits society is associated with the a. symbolic-interaction approach. b. structural-functional approach. c. social-conflict approach. d. social-exchange approach.


The killing of people in the Darfur region of Africa is a recent example of a. hypersegregation. b. genocide. c. assimilation. d. miscegenation.


The number of senior citizens in the United States a. increased tenfold over the last century. b. All of these responses are correct. c. already outnumbers teenagers. d. will double again by 2040.


Which concept refers to assisting in the death of a person suffering from an incurable disease? a. bereavement b. euthanasia c. gerontocracy d. geronticide


Which of the following categories of the U.S. population is least likely to vote in national elections? a. African Americans b. Hispanic people c. white, non-Hispanic people d. All of these categories of people are equally likely to vote.


Which of the following diseases is the biggest killer in today's high-income nations? a. influenza b. heart disease c. cholera d. pneumonia


Which of the following religious organizations began as a cult? a. Christianity b. All of these responses are correct. c. Islam d. Judaism


3. A system of marriage that unites one woman with two or more men is called a. Polygamy b. Polygyny c. Polyandry d. Bilateral marriage


1. where in the world is the share of the elderly population increasing most quickly? a. Low income nations b. all the world's nations c. high income nations d. Africa


10. Which age category of US population has the highest percentage of people in poverty? a. Seniors over age 65 b. middle aged people c. children d. people in their thirties


10. about what share of all US college students today are men? a. 63% b. 53% c. 43% d. 33%


10. the term secularization refers to which of the following? a. Religion becoming more important in people's lives b. increasing popularity of fundamentalism c. the decline in the importance of religion and the sacred d. churches resisting social change


2. the anthropologist Margaret Mead studied gender in 3 different societies in New Guinea and found that a. All societies defined femininity in much the same way b. all societies define masculinity in much the same way c. what is feminine in one society may be masculine in another d. the meaning of gender is changing everywhere toward greater equality


2. the wealthiest 20% of the people in the United States own about how much of the country's privately owned wealth? a. 39% b. 59% c. 89% d. 99%


3. Modern societies, including the United States, rely mostly on which type of authority? a. Charismatic authority b. traditional authority c. rational legal authority d. no authority


3. The industrial revolution reduced deaths caused by _____, which increase the share of deaths caused by _____ a. disease; War b. starvation; Accidents c. infectious diseases such as influenza; Chronic conditions such as heart disease d. chronic conditions such as heart disease; Infectious diseases such as influenza


3. a caste system is social stratification a. based on individual achievement b. based on meritocracy c. based on birth d. in which a person's social position is likely to change over time


3. a minority is defined as a category of people who a. have physical traits that makes him different b. are less than half the society's population c. are defined as both different and disadvantaged d. are below average in terms of income


3. the reason sociologists study religion is to learn a. the meaning of life b. whether a particular religion is true or not c. how patterns of religious activity affect society d. which religious organizations they wish to join


3. what share of the US adult population has completed high school? a. 45.3% b. 65.5% c. 87.6% d. 99.9%


4. China and India are now a. the world's poorest countries b. counted among the world's low income nations c. counted among the world's middle income nations d. counted among the world's high income nations


5. What is the largest cause of death among young people in the United States? a. cancer b. influenza c. accidents d. aids


5. Which of the following is another term for the working class? a. Upper middle class b. average middle class c. lower middle class d. lower class


5. according to the Davis Moore thesis a. equality is functional for society b. the more inequality a society has, the more productive it is c. more important jobs must offer enough rewards to draw talent from less important work d. societies with more meritocracy or less productive than those with caste systems


5. which of the following is the range of annual personal income for people living in middle income nations? a. $250 to $1000 b. $1000 to $2500 c. $2500 to $12,500 d. $12,500 to $25,000


6. In the US labor force, a. men and women have the same types of jobs b. men and women have the same pay c. women are still concentrated in several types of jobs d. almost all working women hold pink collar jobs


6. the claim that socialist societies are Democratic is typically based on the fact that a. their members have considerable personal Liberty b. these societies have no elite c. these societies meet the basic economic needs of everyone d. these societies have a high standard of living


6. the idea of retirement first appears in which type of society? a. Hunting and gathering b. pastoral c. industrial d. post industrial


7. Which of the following transitions in married life is usually the hardest for people? a. Birth of the second child b. last child leaving home c. death of a spouse d. retiring from the labor force


7. in the United States, the greatest preventable cause of death is a. sexually transmitted diseases b. automobile accidents c. cigarette smoking d. aids


7. the United States is not truly pluralistic because a. part of our population lives in ethnic enclaves b. this country has a history of slavery c. different racial and ethnic categories are unequal in social standing d. all of the above are correct


8. in the two thousand twelve US presidential election, how many people actually cast a vote? a. close to 100% b. about 81% c. about 58% d. about 27%


8. which term is illustrated by immigrants from Ecuador learning to speak the English language? a. Genocide b. segregation c. assimilation d. pluralism


9. according to Walt Rostow, which is the final stage of economic development? a. Drive to technological maturity b. traditional c. high mass consumption d. take off


9. keeping the Kuznets curve in mind, which type of society has the most social stratification? a. Hunting and gathering b. Horticultural/pastoral c. agrarian d. industrial


9. this chapter provides lots of evidence to support the claim that a. US schools are better than those in other high income nations b. most public schools perform well and most private schools do not c. without involving the entire society, schools cannot improve the quality of education d. all of the above are correct


9. what share of the US population is officially counted as poor? a. 45% b. 25% c. 15% d. 5%


An exception to the general decline of infectious diseases in the United States is the increase in ________ after 1960. a. flu b. cancer c. sexually transmitted diseases d. obesity


Arab Americans are a U.S. minority that a. has Islam as the dominant religion. b. is increasing in population size. c. All of these responses are correct. d. has ancestors from many different nations.


Based on what you know about occupational prestige, you would assume that a. white-collar work and blue-collar work have about the same social prestige. b. in the United States, occupation has little to do with social standing. c. occupational rankings are similar in all high-income nations. d. most of the highest-ranked occupations in the United States are dominated by women.


Being in the upper-upper class is usually the result of ________; being in the lower-upper class is more a matter of ________. a. high-income; low-income b. business success; birth c. birth; achievement d. gender; birth


In the United States, ________ people tend to vote Democratic while ________ people mostly vote Republican. a. conservative; liberal b. high-income; low-income c. urban; rural d. rural; urban


In today's high-income nations, children are a. able to earn more than what parents spend to raise them. b. an economic asset. c. an economic liability. d. leaving home to go to work earlier in life than ever before.


Modernization theory claims that a. most poor nations were richer in the past. b. poor nations can never become rich in today's world c. the main causes of poverty involve culture and technology. d. the main causes of poverty involve multinational corporations.


Public schools have been losing teachers in recent years because of a. low pay. b. job-related frustration. c. All of these responses are correct. d. the retirement of many older teachers.


Secularization refers to which of the following? a. the historical increase in the importance of the sacred b. the historical concern of the church with social change c. the historical decline in the importance of the sacred d. the historical importance of religion in people's lives


Since the United States lacks a history of nobility, as in Europe, many people in this country think of social classes in the U.S. as a. highly stratified. b. mostly working-class. c. mostly middle-class. d. mostly upper-class.


Sociological analysis of religion is concerned with a. which religions are true and which are false. b. discerning the will of God. c. understanding patterns of religious activity and their effects on society. d. the purpose of life.


The Marxist political-economy model suggests that a. many people do not vote because they are satisfied with the political system. b. power is widely dispersed throughout society. c. an anti-democratic bias exists in the capitalist system. d. power is no longer concentrated in the hands of a few.


The Matsui family came to the United States from Japan thirty years ago. They now speak English at home, and the Matsui children date non-Japanese students at college. This family's story best illustrates which of the following concepts? a. pluralism b. miscegenation c. assimilation d. segregation


The U.S. Census Bureau defines the family as a. people who consider themselves to be a family. b. people who engage in economic cooperation. c. people living together who are linked by birth, marriage, or adoption. d. people who live together.


The concept "authoritarian" refers to a political system that a. is well legitimated. b. has free elections. c. denies most people participation in government. d. relies on more than one kind of authority.


The concept "endogamy" refers to marriage between a. people related by birth. b. people of different social categories. c. people of the same social category. d. people of the same sex.


The concept of "ageism" refers to a. failing to provide necessary care for the elderly. b. forcing elderly people to retire from paid work. c. prejudice and discrimination against the elderly. d. the reality that we all grow old.


The concept of "intergenerational social mobility" refers to change in social position a. over a person's lifetime. b. when moving from one type of job to another. c. when comparing children to their parents. d. in a downward direction.


The concept of "old-age dependency ratio" refers to a. the ratio of children to elderly people. b. the ratio of people over age sixty-five to those under forty. c. the ratio of working-age adults to non-working elderly people. d. the ratio of elderly women to elderly men.


The idea that social inequality is harmful and divides society is associated with the a. social-exchange approach. b. symbolic-interaction approach. c. social-conflict approach. d. structural-functional approach.


The main point of disengagement theory is that a. seniors want to remain active. b. seniors want to be independent like everyone else. c. society remains orderly by disengaging aging people from positions of responsibility. d. aging people do not require as much care as most people think they do.


The recent trend in racially mixed marriages has been a. rising in good economic times and falling in bad economic times. b. downward—the numbers are falling. c. upward—the numbers are increasing. d. stable—the numbers are holding steady.


What do the sacred texts of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have in common? a. the same sacred symbols b. support for secularization c. support for patriarchy d. belief in multiple deities


Which concept refers to earnings from work and any investments? a. personal property b. power c. income d. wealth


Which nations in the world today claim to be democratic? a. no nations b. all nations c. most high-income nations d. all low-income nations


Which of the following are reasons for the rise in divorce rates in the United States? a. more women are less economically dependent on men b. rising individualism c. All of these responses are correct. d. fading of romantic love


Which of the following categories of the U.S. population has the greatest share of female-headed households? a. Hispanics b. Asian Americans c. African Americans d. white, non-Hispanics


Which of the following concepts refers to a state in which racial and ethnic minorities are distinct, but have more or less equal social standing? a. genocide b. assimilation c. pluralism d. segregation


Which of the following concepts refers to the practice of including people with disabilities in regular educational classes and programs? a. the magnet school policy b. chartering c. mainstreaming d. tracking


1. The family is a social institution that is found in a. Most but not all societies b. Low-income nations But typically not in high income nations c. high income nations but typically not in low income nations d. every society


1. gender is not just a matter of difference but also a matter of a. power b. wealth c. prestige d. all of the above are correct


1. health is a social issue because a. cultural patterns define what people view as healthy b. social inequality affects people's health c. a societies technology affects people's health d. all of the above are correct


1. in global perspective, the richest 20% of all people learn about what share of the entire world's income? a. 17% b. 37% c. 57% d. 77%


10. a social conflict analysis claims that capitalism harm human health because a. it does not encourage people to take control of their own health b. it gives physicians little financial incentive to work c. it reduces average living standards d. it makes quality of care dependent on income


10. dependency theory differs from modernization theory by saying that a. poor nations are responsible for their own poverty b. capitalism is the best way to produce economic development c. economic development is not a good idea for poor countries d. global stratification results from the explanation of poor countries by rich countries


2. Japan differs from the United States in that getting into college depends more on a. athletic ability b. race and ethnicity c. family money d. scores on achievement tests


2. Max Weber claimed the main difference between power and authority is that a. power is a better way to hold a society together b. authority is based on brute force c. power involves a special claim to justice d. people typically view authority as legitimate rather than coercive


2. faith, or belief in religious matters, is best described as a. what we learn from science b. what our senses tell us c. our cultural traditions d. conviction in things unseen


2. looking back in history and around the world today, we see that social stratification may involve differences in a. how unequal people are b. what resources are unequally distributed c. why is society claims people should be unequal d. all of the above are correct


2. what is the average (median) Age of the US population? a. 67 years b. 57 years c. 47 years d. 37 years


2. what share of the US population consists of people of Hispanic ancestry? a. 46.7 percent b. 36.7 percent c. 26.7 percent d. 16.7 percent


3. for all of us raised in US society, gender shapes our a. feelings b. thought c. actions d. all of the above are correct


4. In United States, average income for African American families is what share of average income for non Hispanic white families? a. 88% b. 78% c. 68% d. 58%


4. using a structural functional approach, schooling carries out the task of a. tying together a diverse population b. creating new culture c. socializing young people d. all of the above are correct


5. Peter Berger claims that we are most likely to turn to religion when we experience a. social conflict b. the best of times c. familiar, everyday routines d. important events that are out of our control


5. the term gerontocracy refers to a society where a. there is a lot of social inequality b. men dominate women c. religious leaders are in charge d. the oldest people have the most wealth, power, and prestige


5. which of the following are included among the functions of the family? a. Socialization of children b. regulation of sexual activity c. social placement of children d. all of the above are correct


6. how does poverty in poor nations compared to poverty in the United States? a. In poor nations, poverty is more likely to involve men b. in poor nations, the problem of poverty has been all but solved c. In poor nations, most people do not consider poverty a problem d. in poor nations, there is far more absolute poverty


6. in terms of health, people living in high income families a. live in safer and less stressful environments b. are more likely to describe their own health as excellent c. live longer lives d. all of the above are correct


6. in the United States, which category of people has the highest life expectancy? a. African American men b. white men c. African American women d. white women


6. the importance of community colleges to US higher education is reflected in the fact that they a. greatly expanded the opportunity to attend college b. enroll more than 40% of all US college students c. enroll half of all Hispanic college students d. all of the above are correct


7. Max Weber claimed that social stratification is based on a. economic class b. social status or prestige c. power d. all of the above are correct


7. Which type of government concentrates all power in one place and rigidly regulates people's lives? a. an aristocratic government b. a Democratic government c. an authoritarian government d. a totalitarian government


7. for which of the following categories of people in the United States is it true that women do more housework then men? a. People who work for income b. people who are married c. people who have children d. all of the above are correct


8. In the United States, many Latino families are characterized by a. strong extended kinship b. parents exerting a great deal of control over their children's courtship c. traditional gender roles d. all of the above are correct


8. a sect is a type of religious organization that a. has formally trained leaders b. is well integrated into the larger society c. rejects the importance of charisma d. stands apart from the larger society


8. which category of people in the United States provides most of the caregiving to elderly people? a. Professionals working in the home b. nurses c. other elderly people d. women


9. Which of the following religions is found in the United States? a. Islam b. Judaism c. Christianity d. all of the above are correct


9. during the late 14 hundreds, the first Europeans came to the Americas; Native Americans a. followed shortly thereafter b. had just migrated from Asia c. came with them from Europe d. had inhabited this land for 30,000 years


A majority of people over the age of sixty-five in the United States a. are receiving intensive care in a hospital or nursing home. b. are bedridden. c. report having trouble walking. d. consider their health "good" or "excellent."


Davis and Moore point out that an egalitarian society a. could never exist. b. has existed in many societies at various times in history. c. would be more productive than a stratified society. d. could exist, but only if people are willing to allow anyone to perform any job.


Education is the social institution by which society provides people with important knowledge, including a. job skills. b. cultural norms and values. c. basic facts and information. d. All of these responses are correct.


Following structural-functional theory, the family a. encourages patriarchy. b. All of these responses are correct. c. operates to perpetuate social inequality. d. is important enough to be called the backbone of society.


Following the social-conflict approach, patterns of health and illness are seen largely as a product of a. how culture defines health and illness. b. how people define the situation they experience. c. technology. d. social inequality.


If you were applying the modernization theory to the problem of global poverty, you might expect rich nations to aid the economic development of poor nations by a. denying foreign aid. b. promoting population growth. c. limiting food production. d. increasing industrial production.


In Max Weber's view, monarchy claims legitimacy based on a. sheer force. b. rational-legal authority. c. charismatic authority. d. traditional authority.


In the United States, the most widespread health problem related to eating is which of the following? a. malnutrition b. bulimia c. anorexia d. obesity


In today's U.S. work force, a. a majority of working women hold blue collar jobs. b. men and women have the same types of jobs. c. women and men receive the same pay. d. women are concentrated in several categories of jobs.


Institutional prejudice and discrimination refers to the fact that a. some people hold rigid and unfair attitudes. b. bias was more pronounced in this nation's history. c. many people still hold prejudiced opinions. d. bias is built into the operation of social institutions.


Looking back over U.S. history, we see a general trend by which women a. have made little movement towards equality with men. b. have retained their position of dominance over men. c. are steadily losing ground and becoming less equal to men. d. have gained opportunities and power.


Politics is a social institution that is defined in terms of a society's a. means of production. b. technology. c. income distribution. d. distribution of power, goals, and decision making.


Preindustrial societies, explained Max Weber, are characterized by having a. mostly rational-legal authority. b. mostly charismatic authority. c. no authority at all. d. mostly traditional authority.


Relative poverty a. is life threatening. b. is only a problem for minority groups. c. is not found in the United States. d. is found everywhere.


Society shapes human health because a. cultural patterns define what is or is not healthy. b. social inequality affects a population's health. c. society's technology affects people's health. d. All of these responses are correct.


Sociologists define the concept of "race" as a. people who fall into any minority category. b. a person's skin color. c. a cultural heritage shared by a category of people. d. a socially constructed category composed of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important.


Structural-functional analysis points out that industrialization encourages a. a breakdown of social stability. b. men to take control of the workplace. c. women to have more children. d. growing gender equality.


The United States is not truly pluralistic because a. All of these responses are correct. b. some people live in ethnic enclaves. c. many people value ethnic diversity. d. racial and ethnic categories do not have equal social standing.


The common ideology of a class system states that success and wealth result mainly from a. family background. b. sheer luck. c. flaws in society. d. personal talent and effort.


The overall social standing of Native Americans is a. mixed, with families found equally at all class levels. b. about the national average. c. above the national average. d. below the national average.


The textbook argues that gender is a matter of not just difference in behavior but also of differences in a. wealth. b. power. c. privileges. d. All of these responses are correct.


Today, more than a century after the onset of the Industrial Revolution, there has been an increase in the share of deaths caused by which of the following? a. infectious diseases such as influenza and pneumonia b. workplace related accidents c. infant deaths immediately following birth d. chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer


Which concept refers to attitudes and activities that a society links to people of each sex? a. sexual orientation b. secondary sex characteristics c. primary sex characteristics d. gender roles


Which concept refers to the biological distinction between males and females? a. primary sex characteristics b. gender roles c. gender d. sex


Which of the following is a factor contributing to widespread obesity in U.S. society? a. More work around the house is done by machines. b. The typical American diet has increased in quantity of food in general and more salty and fatty foods are included in the American diet. c. Fewer of today's jobs involve the physical labor common in the past. d. All of these responses are correct.


Which of the following is the most common way people in the United States pay for medical care? a. the government's universal health care program b. HMOs c. Medicare and Medicaid d. private insurance programs


Which of the following statements about gender and health is correct? a. Men have fewer accidents than women. b. Women are more likely to be victims of homicide. c. Women have a higher suicide rate than men. d. Women generally have better health than men.


Which type of feminism seeks to end patriarchy by eliminating the idea of gender itself? a. structural-functional feminism b. socialist feminism c. liberal feminism d. radical feminism


While prejudice is a matter of ________, discrimination is a matter of ________. a. choice; social structure b. biology; culture c. abnormality; what a society considers normal d. attitude; action


Functional Theory of Gender

gender serves as a means to organize social life - preindustrial societies: distinctive roles for males and females reflect biological differences between the sexes - industrial societies: marked gender inequality becomes dysfunctional and gradually decreases


marriage between people of different social categories


marriage between people of the same social category


marriage that unites a person with two or more spouses - polygyny: marriage that unites one man and two or more women; the most common form of polygamy - polyandry: marriage that unites one woman and two or more men; extremely rare pattern


more than half of all people who divorce remarry, most within 4 years

downward social mobility

movement down the social class ladder

upward social mobility

movement up the social class ladder

low-income countries

nations with a low standard of living in which most people are poor - contain 17% of the world's people - receive 3% of global income - have a low standard of living due to limited industrial technology includes 49 nations, generally in Central and East Africa and Asia

middle-income countries

nations with a standard of living about average for the world as a whole - contain 60% of the world's people - receive 33% of global income - have a standard of living about average for the world as a whole includes 72 nations, such as the nations of Eastern Europe, Peru, Brazil, Namibia, Egypt, Indonesia, India, and the people's republic of China

Health in high-income countries

o medical advances helps control infectious diseases o chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer, and stroke, cause most deaths, usually in old age

inter-generational mobility

upward or downward social mobility of children in relation to their parents


one ruler; A political system in which a single family rules from generation to generation - commonly found in the ancient agrarian societies - in Weber's terms then monarchy is legitimized by tradition - monarchy and traditional authority go together - Absolute monarchy: a monopoly of power based on divine right

Declining academic standards

perhaps the most serious educational issue confronting our society is the quality of schooling functional illiteracy, a lack of the reading and writing skills needed for everyday living, is a problem

charismatic authority

power legitimized by extraordinary personal abilities that inspire devotion and obedience power can turn into authority by charisma depends less on a person's ancestry or office and more on personality examples include Adolf Hitler, Martin Luther King junior, Gandhi, and Jesus

rational-legal authority

power legitimized by legally enacted rules and regulations legitimized in the operation of lawful government Weber viewed bureaucracy as the type of organization that dominates in rational thinking modern societies authority resides not in the person but in the position of office

traditional authority

power legitimized by respect for long-established cultural patterns people accept a system simply because it has always been that way preindustrial societies rely on traditional authority

Effects of income and education

schooling effects both occupation and income some categories of people have greater opportunities for schooling than others

Student Passivity

schools are filled with students who are bored ; Some of the blame for passivity can be placed on the fact that electronic devices now consume more of young people's time down school, parents, and community activities; schools share the blame though because the educational system itself encourages student passivity


social causes of obesity - we live in a society in which more and more people have jobs that keep them sitting in front of computer screens rather than engaging in the type of physical labor that was common a century ago - most of the work around the house is done by machines - children spend more of their time sitting as well, watching television or playing video games - diet: the typical person in the United States is eating more salty and fatty foods than ever before , and meals are getting bigger - the obesity problem is greater among minorities than among white people and this difference largely reflects income

Residential patterns

societies designate where a couple lives pre industrial societies: most newlyweds live with one set of parents - Patrilocality: a residential pattern in which a married couple lives with or near the husbands family; The most common norm - Matrilocality: a residential pattern in which a married couple lives with or near the wife's family Industrial societies - neolocality: a residential pattern in which a married couple lives apart from both sets of parents


support of social equality for women and men, in opposition to patriarchy and sexism basic feminist ideas ○ 5 general principles 1. taking action to increase the quality 2. expanding human choice 3. eliminating gender stratification throughout society 4. ending sexual violence 5. promoting sexual freedom - types of feminism: although feminists agree on the importance of gender equality, they disagree on how to achieve it ○ liberal feminism: rooted in classic liberal thinking that individuals should be free to develop their own talents and pursue their own interests ○ socialist feminism: do not think the reform supported by liberal feminists go far enough; they believe that the family form fostered by capitalism must change in order to replace domestic slavery with some collective means of carrying out house work in childcare o radical feminism: find liberal feminism inadequate; believes that patriarchy is so firmly entrenched that even a socialist revolution would not end it; society must eliminate gender itself

Marxist theory of power

the Marxist model: the system is biased - Marxist political economy model: an analysis that explains politics in terms of the operation of a society's economic system - rejects the idea that the United States operates as a political democracy - sees bias rooted in the nation's institutions especially its economy - As long as the United States has a mostly capitalist economy, the majority of people will be shut out of politics, just as they are exploited in the workplace

Graying of America

the average age of the U.S. population is steadily going up because birth rates have been falling as families choose to have fewer children and because life expectancy has been rising due to improved living standards and medical advances reducing deaths from infectious diseases


the biological distinction between females and males; the biological aspect

Status Consistency

the degree of uniformity in a person's social standing across various dimensions of social inequality i.e. the typical person has the same relative ranking with regard to wealth, power, and prestige, whereas in a society with greater social mobility, there is less status consistency because people are ranked higher on some dimensions of social standing and lower on others


the historical decline in the importance of the supernatural and the sacred

Relative poverty

the lack of resources of some people in relation to those who have more

Racial experiences of Hispanic Americans/Latinos in the U.S.

the largest US minority, include many ethnicities sharing a Spanish heritage. Mexican Americans, the largest Hispanic minority, are concentrated in the southwestern region of the country and are the poorest Hispanic category. Cubans, concentrated in Miami, or the most affluent Hispanic category

High income countries

the nations with the highest overall standards of living - contain 23% of the world's people -receive 64% of global income -have a high standard of living based on advanced technology produce enough economic goods to enable their people to live comfortable lives - includes 74 nations such as the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, the nations of Western Europe, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Russian Federation, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, and Australia


unequal treatment of various categories of people can be either positive, providing special advantages, or negative, creating obstacles institutional prejudice and discrimination: Bias built into the operation of societies institutions including schools, hospitals, police, and the workplace


the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male; the social aspect


the physical and social separation of categories of people hypersegregation: segregation meaning having little contact of any kind with people outside the local community

Pluralist theory of power

the pluralist model: the people rule - Pluralist model: closely linked to structural functional theory; An analysis of politics that seems power as spread among many competing interest groups - Politics is an arena of negotiation -pluralists see power as spread widely throughout society with all people having at least some voice in the political system

Dropout rate in schools

the problem of dropping out, quitting school before ending the high school degree, leaves young people unprepared for the world of work and at high risk of poverty Today's children are actually less likely to complete high school than their parents work


the process by which minorities gradually adopt patterns of the dominant culture; involves changes in ethnicity but not in race Miscegenation: biological reproduction by partners of different racial categories; in order for racial traits to diminish over generations this must occur


the systematic killing of one category of people by another

Violence in Schools

today schools are grappling with serious issues such as drug and alcohol abuse, teenage pregnancy, and outright violence

Cigarette smoking

tops the list of preventable health hazards in the United States

Weber's types of authority

traditional, charismatic, rational-legal

Symbolic interaction view of health and medicine

○ Health and medical care are socially constructed by people in everyday interaction ○ Our response to illness is not always based on medical facts o how people define a medical situation may affect how they feel

Functional view of health and medicine

○ Medicine is society's strategy to keep its members healthy ○ illnesses dysfunctional because it undermines people's abilities to perform their roles ○ society responds to sickness not only by providing medical care but also by affording people a sick role, patterns of behavior defined as appropriate for people who are ill o The physician's role is to use specialized knowledge to take charge of the patients recovery Talcott Parsons viewed medicine as society's atrategy to keep its members healthy

conflict theory of aging

○ Opportunities and social resources are unequally distributed among people in different age categories ○ age is a dimension of social stratification ○ middle aged people enjoy the greatest power and the most opportunities and privileges, and the elderly and people under the age of 25 have a higher risk of poverty ○ age based hierarchy o women suffer the social and economic disadvantages of both sexism and ageism

Discrimination in the workplace

○ although women are closing the gap with men as far as working for income is concerned, the work done by the 2 sexes remains very different ○ women typically have 2 types of jobs: administrative support work, like secretaries or other office workers called pink collar jobs, and service work, such as food service industries, child care, and healthcare o gender stratification in everyday life is easy to see: female nurses assistant male physicians, female secretaries serve male executives, and female flight attendants are under the command of male airline pilot

Discrimination in education

○ by 1980, women earned a majority of all associates and bachelors degree ○ in 2010, women were a majority, 57%, of the students on college and University campuses across the United States ○ women have a more positive view of the value of a college degree compared to men ○ differences in men's and women's majors have become smaller ○ women have also broken into many graduate fields that used to be almost all male ○ despite this progress, men predominate and some professional fields o based on the educational gains women have made, some analysts suggest that education is the one institution where women rather than men predominate

Ethical issues surrounding death and the "right to die"

○ death is defined as an irreversible state involving no response to stimulation, no movement or breathing, no reflexes, and no indication of brain activity ○ living will: states the extent of medical care a person would or would not want in the event of an illness or injury that leaves the person unable to make decisions ○ euthanasia call him assisting in the death of a person suffering from an incurable disease; commonly known as mercy killing ○ whether there is a right to die is one of today's most difficult issues ○ or people with incurable diseases have a right to refuse treatment that might prolong their lives, but whether a doctor should be allowed to help bring about death is at the heart of the debate ○ critics counter that permitting active euthanasia invites abuse ○ the right to die debate is sure to continue

eating disorders

○ eating disorder: a physical and mental disorder that involves an intense form of dieting or other unhealthy method of weight control driven by the desire to be very thin ○ anorexia nervosa: characterized by dieting to the point of starvation ○ Bulimia: involves binge eating followed by induced vomiting to avoid wait game ○ among teenagers, girls are about 3 times more likely than boys to be affected by these diseases and among adults, women are 3 times more likely to suffer from anorexia nervosa and 5 times more likely to suffer from bulimia then are men ○ people with eating disorders come from all social backgrounds although risk levels are highest among bites living in affluent families ○ for women, US culture equates slimness with being successful in attractive to men o research shows that most college age women believe that guys like thing girls and that being thin is critical to physical attractiveness, and that they are not as thin as men would like

The effects of gender on family

○ few marriages have two equal partners ○ most people still expect husbands to be older and taller than their wives and to have more important better paid jobs o survey responses confirm that couples rank sharing household chores as among the most important factors that contribute to a successful marriage

Conflict view of health and medicine

○ focuses on the unequal distribution of health and medical care o criticizes the US medical establishment for its over reliance on drugs and surgery, the dominance of the profit motive, and over emphasis on the biological rather than the social causes of illness

Conflict theory of religion

○ religion supports social inequality by claiming that the social order is just ○ organized religion supports the domination of women by men; virtually all the world's major religions are patriarchal o religion turns attention from problems in this world to a better world to com

sexually transmitted disease

○ sexual activity can transmit more than 50 kinds of sexually transmitted diseases ○ gonorrhea and syphilis § both are among the oldest known diseases and are caused by microscopic organisms that are almost always transmitted by sexual contact § gonorrhea causes sterility when untreated § syphilis damage is major organs in can result in blindness comment mental disorders, and death § both can easily be cured with antibiotics such as penicillin and therefore is neither a major health problem in the United States ○ genital herpes § fairly common § infects one in 6 adults in the United States § incurable § causes painful blisters on the genitals accompanied by fever and headache ○ aids § the most serious of all sexually transmitted diseases § stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome § is incurable and almost always fatal § caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, HIV, which attacks white blood cells, weakening the immune system § makes a person vulnerable to a wide range of diseases that eventually causes death § Africa has the highest HIV infection rate § HIV is infectious but not contagious and is transmitted from one person to another through direct contact with blood, seeming, or breast milk but not through casual contact § specific behaviors put people at risk for HIV infection □ Anal sex with an infected person because anal sex can cause rectal bleeding □ Sharing needles □ use of any drug increases the risk of HIV infection to the extent that impairs judgment § minorities make up the majority of people with aids § educational programs remain the most effective weapon against aids, since prevention is the only way to stop the spread of the disease that so far has no cure


○ the US divorce rate has more than tripled over the past century ○ about 20% of marriages end in separation or divorce within 5 years and about half eventually do so ○ our divorce rate is the 4th highest in the world ○ the US divorce rate has many causes 1. individualism is on the rise 2. romantic love fades 3. women are less dependent on men 4. many of today's marriages are stressful 5. divorce has become socially acceptable 6. legally a divorce is easier to get

Functions of family

○ the family performs many vital tasks and is often called the backbone of society ○ functions of the family 1. socialization 2. regulation of sexual activity 3. social placement 4. material and emotional security


○ was the state church of China until the communist revolution oppress religious expression ○ it is still strongly linked to Chinese culture ○ teaches jen, or humaneness, meaning that people must place moral principles above self interest o layers of moral obligations unite society as a whole

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