Soc 211 Exam 3

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How is the CIW recruiting members (farmworkers) and allies?

Made people aware of their connection with food. Students are poor too, social change, religious groups, don't support slavery, etc.


Movement from one geographic area to another for purpose of resettling

The candidate who spends the most money almost always wins an election. (T/F)


The educations system exists to produce a labor force for capitalism. (T/F)


How does the U.S. Census Bureau define "family"?

Two or more individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption who share a household.

Who is more likely to return home after a full day of paid labor and then have to put in a "second shift" at home taking care of domestic work?


The following companies agreed to sign

YUM! brands, McDonald's, Trader Joes, Chartwells, Walmart.. Wendy has refused to sign on.

Which social theorists look at inequality and conflict?

Karl Marx. According to Marx (conflict theorist), we need to analyze the ways that religion relates to the forces of exploitation in the Capitalist system.

What does it mean to use the sociological perspective?

Looking at society and individuals.

What group was most likely to move away from the urban core to the suburbs?


Care Work

(Invisible Work) -Face-to-face activity in which one person meets the needs of another who cannot full care for themself. -Considered to be "women's work" -Mostly female, black and latina, immigrants, and poor


- 2 or more people related by blood, adoption, or marriage living in the same household.

3 Types of Authority (Max Weber)

1) Traditional Authority: legitimated because of custom or practice (King/Queen--based off ancestry) 2) Legal-Rational Authority: Derived from written rules and regulations (U.S. Constitution) 3) Charismatic Authority: Legitimated by leader's exceptional personal appeal (MLK, Hitler, George Washington)

3 Immigration Waves

1860-1890: Germany, UK, Scandinavia -Chinese Exclusion Act 1900-1924: South and Central Europe, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Russia -Quota system originated (only so many from each place) 1965-present: Mexico, Asian countries, Caribbean, Africa, Latin America

U.S. Political System

2 Major political parties: Republican and Democrat -Centrist Political Parties: represents the center of the political opinion -Non-Centrist Political Parties: Represents marginal ideas

The Protestant Ethic (Max Weber)

2 subjects preoccupied Weber: 1) The rationalizing tendencies so prevalent in Western society (Europe and U.S.) 2) The role of ideas that shape these tendencies -The methodical attitude of Protestantism was essential to the rise and eventual dominance of Western Capitalism -Weber traced the rise of individualism to the late 16th century and the Protestant Reformation -Success and profit in worldly affairs was now taken as divinely granted proof of one's state of grace -Restrictions on consumption were combined with the religious "obligation" to increase one's wealth -The ethical imperative to save and invest one's wealth would become the spiritual foundation for the spread of capitalism.

What did C. Wright Mills mean by the term "power elite"?

A small group of people who occupy key positions in political, economic, and military institutions

The study of the size, composition, distribution and change in a human population is called:


What is it called when a government bars an individual, either temporarily or permanently, from voting?


Domhoff's Model

Domhoff agrees power-elite runs the U.S. -Majority of elite come from the upper third of income bracket. -They are born of the same upper class. -They attend the same prep schools and Ivy League universities. -They join the same exclusive country clubs. -They are closely linked through intermarriage.

The Elementary Forms of Religious Life

Durkheim set out to do wo things: 1) establish the fact that religion was not divinely or supernaturally inspired and was in fact a product of society 2) identify the common things that religion placed an emphasis upon -For Durkheim, religion does not mean solely "churchly" or institutional things -Basic to his theory is the stress on religious phenomena as communal rather than individual The communal function of religion is carried out through the dual processes of ritualization and symbolization -A ritual is a highly routinized act, such as taking communion. -A symbol is something that stands for something else. *A belief in a supernatural realm is not necessary or common among religions *Separation of different aspects of life, physical things, and certain behaviors into 2 categories; sacred & profane.. IS COMMON -Durkheim argued that religious phenomena emerge in any society when a separation is made between the sphere of Sacred & Profane. -He said we need religion to bring people together and t get them to work together toward a common purpose -People need to be integrated into society -Social cohesion occurs through the creation of shared symbols or a common value system.

Sociology can usefully evaluate the truth of a particular religious belief system. (T/F)


Who Rules the USA?

Functionalists: people must find a balance between having no government (anarchy) and having a government that may be to repressive. Pluralism: Diffusion of power among interest groups Conflict Theorists: Power elite make the decisions that direct the country


Fundamentally a social justice problem. -Higher income status relocate into low income neighborhoods to invest and inflate property. -Over time people decide to leave

Which of the following would be included on a list of the functions of religion?

Giving meaning to life, explaining why bad things happen to good people, values, norms and rules


Helps people stay where they are and improve

Organizations designed to raise money to support the interests of a particular group are called:

Political Action Committees

Popular Education

Primarily used for social change and adult education (Paulo Freire and Myles Horton) Role of teacher and Role of learner

What topics would sociologists study if they want to learn about religion?

Religion and demographics, universal themes, social structure of religion, role of religion I'm society, history of religion around the world, and religious practices

Protestants according to Max Weber, most valued:

Restless, systematic work

Define religion

Sacred symbols, rituals, objects, faith, structure, beliefs and practices 1) sacred 2) community Sacred- worthy of spiritual respect Profane- everything else, non

How is the CIW transforming public opinion?

Started giving company a bad name

According to C. Wright Mills, who rules America?

The power elite


The study of the size, compositions, distribution and change in human population. -Demographers look at specific variables: -Fertility rates -Mortality rates -Life expectancy -Migration rates

According to conflict theory, how does the nuclear family facilitate exploitation?

Through a sexual division of labor within the home

When students are tested, and the test results are used to place them in a certain category of classes (remedial, advanced, college prep, etc.) this process is called:


Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador practiced a unique form of Catholicism that combined Christianity and Marxism. (T/F)


Educational systems can help replicate systems of inequality. (T/F)


Paulo Freire and Myles Horton promote popular education. (T/F)



immigration--entering emigration--leaving Internal migration-- people migrate within a country

The "Second Shift"

*Arlie Hochschild -Refers to unpaid work--cooking, cleaning, laundry, child care, home repair, yard work-- that must be done at home after the day's paid labor is complete.

Types of Government Systems

- Democracy: system of government in which authority derives from the people. Every citizen has the right to participate. 2 Forms of Democracy: 1) Direct Democracy: Eligible voters meet to discuss issues and make decisions 2) Representative Democracy: Voters elect representatives to govern and make decisions on their behalf

How would religion help Capitalism flourish?

- Religion makes people feel better, and blinds them to the true nature of their situation - Religion provides justification for being poor in this life-- the Bible says that the kingdom of heaven belongs to the poor. Marx said: "Religion is the opinion of the masses" -Why do you think he said this and what did he mean?

Sexual Division of Labor

-Before industrial revolution, families supported themselves. -Factories in cities promised better way of living. -Split between public work and private lives.

Power Elite

-C. Wright Mills -The power elite are the key people in the three major institutions of modern society: 1) Economy, Government. Military 2) CEO of Halliburton was VP of the U.S. 3) Mills saw corporate sector as most powerful - Mills saw the American Congress and American Political parties as a reflection of a middle-level of power. - Masses are economically and politically exploited.

Economic Systems

-Capitalism: accumulation of profit (supply&demand), the means of production are largely in private hands. -Socialism: The means of production and distribution are collectively rather than privately owned. -Democratic Socialism: This is when both the state and individuals produce and distribute goods and services.

Sexism in Education and Economy

-Decline of US industrial jobs led to growing demand for workers in service and clerical jobs -Demands have been met by women who continue t work in gender segregated jobs. Sex segregation when different sets of jobs employ just men or women. -Although over 60% of women are in the workforce, they are segregated in certain field.

Role of the Teacher (Popular Education)

-Disscussant -The teacher asks the opinions of the learners -Teachers also plan for action when there are problems that the learners need to solve -Resource -Facilitator -Learner

Practices of Marriage

-Exogamy: marrying someone from another social group/class, race, etc. -Endogamy: CULTURAL pressure to marry someone from same social group as you. -Monogamy: Being in an exclusive relationship with one person. -Polygamy: Having multiple spouses -Homogamy: TENDENCY to choose a mate who is similar to you -Propinquity: tendency to choose partner who lives in geographic proximity to us.

What are the 3 demands by the Coalition of Immokee Workers (CIW)?

-Extra penny per pound of tomatoes -Enforce human rights standards (code of conduct) -Having a voice at the table (farmworkers excluded from act)

How is the CIW achieving structural change?

-Forcing corporate responsibility -Job needs to have dignity for anyone to have the job -Ag. In U.S. is poverty and slavery historically

Highlander Folk School in Montague, TN

-Held integrated classrooms in the 1940s-50s -Popular education -it was illegally to have integrated classroom -Students talked about their experiences

Role of the Learner (Popular Education)

-Learners participate actively in the discussion -Other learners help their friends by explaining to them -Teacher and learners discuss and do an evaluation of the activities and the class -Learners discuss anything that they did not agree with during the learning activities

Role of the Learner (Traditional Education)

-Learners sit behind their desk and wait for the instructions from their teacher -When the teacher presents the learning topic to them, they listen carefully and take notes -Learners have very limited roles in this class -Planning for the teaching topic, place, and time are the tasks of the teacher


-Max Weber defined it as the ability to exercise or impose one's will over others. 3 sources of power: 1) Force: can be actual or threatened use of force 2) Influence: Power of persuasion 3) Authority: Institutionalized power (people recognize it as authority)

Race, Social Class and Residential Patterns

-Midwestern Cities: Most segragated -Western Cities: Least Segregated -Northeastern and Southern Cities: Fall in between

Role of the Teacher (Traditional Education)

-Presents topics to the learners -Teacher explains the meanings of the themes -Teacher questions about topics or themes -Teacher acts a lecturer -Teacher deposits the knowledge -Teacher prepares themes or topics


-Pull Migration: (makes them want to come) -Avoid political persecution -Join family members -Look for work Push Migration: (makes them want to leave home country) -War and Violence -Better economic opportunity than home country -Economic policies

Trends in American Families

-Remaining single -Cohabitation -Same sex families -Single parent families -Step/Remarried families

U.S. Political System

-Special Interest Groups: People who think alike on an issue and mobilized for action (NRA & ACLU) -Lobbyists: employed by special interest groups -Political Action Committees (PACs): Solicit and spend funds from groups of donors to influence

Sociological Perspectives of Family

-Structural functionalism: think institution of family is great (money, kids, norms, emotional support, families provide for social control) -Conflict Theory: family structure; inequality, exploits women -Symbolic Interactionism: more interested in how family members create rules based on their interactions with others.

Trends of Urbanization

-Suburbanization: away from center of city -Urban/Suburban Sprawl: boundaries of city with poorly planned development (not sure where it starts or ends) -Edge cities: suburbs that develop their own economic centers for employment (Ex. Cranberry, PA) -"White Flight": whites who fled to suburbs, leaving city with minority populations after WWII -Gentrification: working class are turning into middle class communities (restaurants, shops) -Rural rebound: Grow up in a small town and go back when retired -Simulated cities: social spaces that make a look of a city (Grove City outlets)

Social Institutions

-Systems and structures that organize our group life, such as school, religion, and the government. -Function at the micro and macro level.

Who is likely to vote (or not)?

-The more people feel they have at stake. - Those rewarded by political and economic systems. - Those who are alienated from the system don't vote because they feel their vote won't count. Apathy: Nearly one-half of eligible American voters do not vote for president and only one-third of eligible voters vote for congress.

4 Types of Government Systems

1) Monarchy: Headed by a king or queen 2) Dictatorship: Power seized and held by an individual 3) Oligarchy: Power seized by a small group of individuals 4) Totalitarianism-which these 3 types often become: Denies citizens control over their own government

What are some symbols and/or rituals that certain religions use to create social cohesion?

Baptism, Holy Water First Eucharist, Communion Prayer, Rope Marriage, Rings Confession Feet Washing

If an urban neighborhood were to suddenly develop an assortment of upscale restaurants, coffee shops, hip boutiques, and art galleries, then the neighborhood is:

Becoming gentrified

Given that fertility rates in the United States have dropped below the level needed to maintain the population level, why is the population here growing?


Religion according to Durkheim

Includes any institutionalized system of shared beliefs and rituals that identify a relationship between the sacred and profane

The shift of large segments of the population away from the urban core and toward the edges of cities is called:


The coalition of Immokee workers have signed Fair Food Agreements with which of the following corporations?

Taco Bell and McDonald's

Arlie Hochschild's study of two-income families found that women were much more likely to do the majority of the unpaid labor inside the home even after a full day's work outside the home. What term is used to describe this extra labor?

The Second Shift


The moving of people from sparely populated areas such as farms to densely populated areas such as large metropolitan areas

Within the Christian religion, certain days (Sundays), books (Bible), and objects (Crucifixes), are treated differently than other days, books, and objects. Ch. 11 would say that this different treatment is needed to separate them from:

The profane

In the United States today, very few people marry outside of their own socioeconomic class, suggesting that there is a high degree of:


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