Soc Final

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T or F: A decline in the U.S.birthrate was largely responsible for the migration of Europeans to the United States in the late 19th century.


T or F: According to the US Census, a household is two or more persons related by birth, marriage, or adoption who live together.


T or F: According to the text, "kin work" refers to the labor of extended kin in family-owned businesses.


T or F: Cohabitation is almost always viewed as a prelude to marriage by the individuals involved in cohabiting relationships.


T or F: Experts believe most parents who abuse their children have severe personality disorders.


T or F: Teen workers are primarily low-income youth who contribute their earnings to improve their families' financial status.


T or F: The hierarchies of race, class, and gender operate completely independently of each other.


T or F: The myth of a unified family experience refers to the belief that middle-class and upper-class families differ very little.


T or F: There are no significant differences in the divorce rate across racial and ethnic groups in the United States.


T or F: A "family wage" is a wage paid to men that is sufficient to support his family at a decent standard of living.


T or F: A gender-roles approach to gender and family emphasizes inequality and power.


T or F: According to the text, divorce and single parenthood are better viewed as the consequences of social problems rather than the cause


T or F: Among industrial nations, the United States has both a high marriage rate and a high divorce rate.


T or F: Commuter marriages are largely the result of women's increased entry into professional employment.


T or F: Current trends in household and family patterns in the United States are not limited to the United States, but represent global trends.


T or F: Divorced men remarry at a higher rate than divorced women.


T or F: Evidence suggests that colonial children in New England were more sternly reared than those in other regions.


T or F: Family history has only recently emerged as a subfield in the discipline of history.


T or F: Fewer than 10% of American families consist of a breadwinner husband, stay-at-home wife, and their dependent children.


T or F: Gay and lesbian couples are more likely to share decision making and household duties than are heterosexual couples.


T or F: Gender-based inequality creates different conditions for women and men even within the same family.


T or F: In the colonial United States, neighbors and other community members frequently intervened in family matters.


T or F: Less than 10% of U.S. families have a breadwinner husband and a homemaker wife.


T or F: Myths and images about families influence our expectations and assumptions about family life.


T or F: One of the major problems with the family and Medical Leave Act is that job protected leaves provided by the law are unpaid.


T or F: Social reproduction refers to the work of caring for families in the home.


T or F: The probability of divorce is negatively correlated with income.


T or F: The risk of family violence is far greater in homes in which men have been laid off from their jobs.


T or F: The younger children are when their parents divorce, the more likely they are to have adjustment problems.


T or F: Victims of incest often suffer serious effects well into adulthood.


According to research cited in the text, a major consequence of delaying marriages is a. a reduction in the number of children a woman will have b. dramatically increased economic opportunities for Black women c. lessened flexibility in making life choices after age 40 d. all of the above

a. a reduction in the number of children a woman will have

According to your textbook, the boundaries between family and work have a. become less and less clear b. not changed in recent decades c. become sharper and sharper

a. become less and less clear

Allen Li argues the best way to look at the impact of divorce on children is to compare a. children before & after divorce b. children soon after divorce and then much later after divorce c. children of divorced parents and children of non-divorced parents d. countries w different divorce rates

a. children before & after divorce

Since 2000, teen participation in the labor force has a. declined sharply b. declined slightly c. increased slightly d. increased sharply

a. declined sharply

According to the text, the strong propensity for divorced people to remarry suggests that a. disillusionment is with a partner, rather than with the institution of marriage b. conformity is more important in the United States than personal happiness c. individuals in the United States this family values require a material context d. all of the above

a. disillusionment is with a partner, rather than with the institution of marriage

The modern family form a. emerged primarily in White middle and upper class families b. emerged essentially the same in both working class and middle class families c. emerged in African American and Native American as well as White families d. was essentially an image, not widely embraced by any class or race

a. emerged primarily in White middle and upper class families

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 is the only national legislation concerned with family leave following the birth of a child. This legislation provides which of the following: a. employers of 50 or more persons must provide 12 weeks of unpaid leave b. employers of 50 or more persons must provide 12 weeks of unpaid leave c. all employers must provide 12 weeks of unpaid leave d. all employers must provide 12 weeks of paid leave

a. employers of 50 or more persons must provide 12 weeks of unpaid leave

Love and protection are the two distinct themes in which of the following images of family? a. family as haven b. familyas anxiety c. family as encumbrance d. family as fulfillment

a. family as haven

Your text uses all except which of the following as a central theme in understanding the social history of American families? a. family breakdown b. uneven change c. diversity d. human agency

a. family breakdown

According to Hochschild, which of these factors is the most significant predictor of who will perform the work of the "second shift"? a. gender b. social class c. religious affiliation d. race & ethnicity

a. gender

Since the early 1980s, the U.S. divorce rate a. has declined b. has increased c. has stabilized at pre-World War II rates d. is unpredictable

a. has declined

Which of the following is NOT cited in the text as an important factor in the increasing proportion of singles in the United States? a. large increase in the % of homosexual individuals b. women's growing independence c. higher levels of education for women d. with industrialization, single individuals had the opportunity to live away from home and earn wages independent from their families

a. large increase in the % of homosexual individuals

Which of the following statements exemplifies the myth of a stable and harmonious family of the past? a. marital failure and illegitimacy are modern phenomena which did not exist in pre-industrial families b. families are self-sufficient units relatively free from outside pressures c. contemporary families are not better or worse than families of the past, only different d. we expect less from family life today than we did in the past

a. marital failure and illegitimacy are modern phenomena which did not exist in pre-industrial families

Marital success is measured sociologically by analyzing marital stability and a. marital quality b. economic resources c. marital communication d. all of the above

a. marital quality

Research on work-related geographical mobility among families finds that a. married couples usually move in response to husbands' job opportunities b. large corporations often expect their managers and executives to move frequently c. while moving is difficult for all family members, spouses and children usually manage quite well d. all of the above

a. married couples usually move in response to husbands' job opportunities

The family economies of the middle class are distinguished from those of the lower and working classes by a. middle class links with non-familial institutions, such as banks b. the higher likelihood of two-earner families c. the middle class tendency to depend on families for financial help d. none of the above

a. middle class links with non-familial institutions, such as banks

Research on the division of domestic labor in lesbian and gay families finds a. patterns that resemble those in heterosexual families b. patterns that are opposite of heterosexual families c. gay and lesbian couples tend to hire outside help to do housework d. that a single member of the relationship does all of the housework

a. patterns that resemble those in heterosexual families

According to the text, the distinction between the terms "household" and "family" is useful for analyzing a. relationship between the economy and the organization of adaptive residential arrangements b. the multiple residences of the elite c. downward mobility d. nuclear middle-class families

a. relationship between the economy and the organization of adaptive residential arrangements

In 2009, as the Great Recession worsened, unemployment a. rose sharply b. rose more for women than men c. was lower in construction and manufacturing than most other areas d. all of the above

a. rose sharply

The family-based economic system characterized life during a. the colonial period of the United States b. the Industrial Revolution c. the early twentieth century d. the emergence of the household as a private sphere

a. the colonial period of the United States

Which of the following is NOT a global trend in family life and household formation? a. the proportion of female-headed households has declined b. women's age of first marriage & first birth has risen c. families have gotten smaller d. women's labor force participation has increased while men's has decreased

a. the proportion of female-headed households has declined

With regard to gender differences in cohabiting individuals, research suggests that a. women cohabiters are more likely than men to desire marriage b. cohabiting men have a stronger permanent commitment to their partner than do women c. previously married women are more eager to move from cohabitation to marriage than are their male counterparts d. gender differences are insignificant

a. women cohabiters are more likely than men to desire marriage

What percent of U.S. households fit the model of the father as the sole breadwinner? a. 2% b. 7% c. 10% d. 25%

b. 7%

What percentage of the U.S. population will eventually marry? a. 50% b. 90% c. 75% d. 45%

b. 90%

Which of the following accurately describes the cohabiting population? a. highest cohabitation rates are found among the elderly b. black women have higher rates of cohabitation than do white women c. over 2/3 of cohabiting couples include a divorced person d. all of the above are accurate

b. black women have higher rates of cohabitation than do white women

Scholars who use a gendered institutions approach to explaining gender in the family a. contend that expressive and instrumental roles are complimentary b. cite research that frames family activities in terms of power and domination c. contend that families have a single, unified interest d. hold an image of "family as fulfillment"

b. cite research that frames family activities in terms of power and domination

Most research on family life among Chicanos suggests that a. familism is a function of strict patriarchal control in Chicano families b. familism is, in part, a strategy for surviving difficult economic circumstances c.the spirit of familism has been a negative influence in the lives of most Chicanos d. familism is important to immigrant families, but over time, extended family ties become less important

b. familism is, in part, a strategy for surviving difficult economic circumstances

All of the following are distinct family images that have emerged in American culture except a. family as haven b. family as anxiety c. family as encumbrance d. family as fulfillment

b. family as anxiety

Which of the following is accurate in describing gay and lesbian couples? a. most gay and lesbian couples have children b. gay and lesbians who live with partners have higher educational attainment than men and women in heterosexual marriage c. lesbians and gay men report lower satisfaction with their relationships than do heterosexual couples d. all of the above are accurate

b. gay and lesbians who live with partners have higher educational attainment than men and women in heterosexual marriage

The most important reason for the increase in labor force participation among wives is a. rising cost of sending children to college b. growth in the service economy c. increased availability of child care d. feminist movement

b. growth in the service economy

The Social Breakdown Perspective offers a flawed explanation of immigration because a. it views immigrant families as complex and varied b. it focuses on alienation and family instability while ignoring endurance and resilience c. it contends that immigrants should not relinquish their "cultural baggage" d. it focuses on the broad diversity of immigrant experience

b. it focuses on alienation and family instability while ignoring endurance and resilience

According to the text, under the "Cult of True Womanhood" women's power in the household relative to men was a. absolute b. largely symbolic c. equally distributed d. mixed; there was no real pattern in power relations

b. largely symbolic

In which of the following areas are the post-divorce experiences of men more negative than those of women? a. financial b. maintaining relationships with children c. loss of social status d. loss of marital friends

b. maintaining relationships with children

Contemporary research on the benefits of marriage finds that a. full-time housewives are happier than women who juggle family and paid employment b. marriage has a greater positive effect on men's health than it does on women's health c. single men are healthier than single women d. all of the above

b. marriage has a greater positive effect on men's health than it does on women's health

An explanation for the high divorce rate among young couples offered in the text is a. sexual dysfunction b. premarital pregnancy as the precipitator of marriage c. infidelity d. poor cooking ability among wives

b. premarital pregnancy as the precipitator of marriage

Which of the following is NOT identified in the text as one of the macro structures that stratifies society? a. race b. religion c. gender d. class

b. religion

According to the discussion of single hood presented in the text a. most singles are never-married individuals who have been unable to find suitable marriage partners b. researchers project that about 10% of today's young women and men will never marry c. there are no longer any negative stereotypes about single people in the United States d. all of the above

b. researchers project that about 10% of today's young women and men will never marry

According to Gerson and Jacobs, between 1970 and 2000 dual earner coupes a. increased from 10% to 25% of married couples b. saw their average number of hours worked increase c. saw their average number of hours worked stay the same d. worked fewer hours and teens worked more hours

b. saw their average number of hours worked increase

The differences in Black-White divorce rates are best explained sociologically as a function of a. cultural differences in the expectations of marriage across races b. significant differences in occupation and income across racial groups c. religious differences among groups d. all of the above

b. significant differences in occupation and income across racial groups

Patriarchy refers to a. a religion in which God is male b. social relations in which men are dominant over women c. how men inherit property d. violence committed by men against women

b. social relations in which men are dominant over women

An important factor in remarried couples' difficulties is a. most remarried couples are not sufficiently committed to marriage b. society does not provide guidelines for managing the problems remarried couples face c. younger children are not willing to consider the stepparent a "real" parent d. none of the above

b. society does not provide guidelines for managing the problems remarried couples face

In which class are the spheres of work and family likely to be merged, with social lives oriented toward occupational concerns? a. the elite b. the professional class c. the middle class d. the working class

b. the professional class

The largest group of families in the United States is the a. lower class b. working class c. middle class d. professional class

b. working class

In the 1990s what % of all marriages began with cohabitation? a. 25% b. 50% c. 60% d. 75%

c. 60%

Approximately what percentage of divorced men remarry? a. 25% b. 50% c. 75% d. 90%

c. 75%

In general, workers whose jobs paid a "family wage" were a. men of diverse racial and ethnic groups b. White men and White women c. White men only d. individuals of all groups; race and gender differences were insignificant

c. White men only

A leading predictor of divorce within the first five years of marriage is a. presence of children b. educational attainment of spouses c. age at first marriage d. religiosity

c. age at first marriage

The most important themes to emerge from historical studies of the family are all except which of the following? a. the diversity in family types b. the uneven change in family patterns c. an ever-increasing divorce rate d. the social agency of family members

c. an ever-increasing divorce rate

Sociological research on remarriage suggests that a. age is the most significant factor in the likelihood of men's remarriage b. most divorced men remarry older, well-educated women c. divorce rates in remarriages are slightly higher than those of first marriages d. Blacks tend to remarry earlier than either Whites or Hispanics

c. divorce rates in remarriages are slightly higher than those of first marriages

All of the following were functional roles of the colonial family except a. family as school b. family as church c. family as encumbrance d. family as house of correction

c. family as encumbrance

The "Marriage Movement" a. has received very little support from federal government b. focuses on the problems associated with bad marriages c. is often supported by those associated with the Family Decline perspective d. is often supported by those associated with the Family Resilience perspective

c. is often supported by those associated with the Family Decline perspective

As the family ceased to be a center of production during industrialization, a. an increasing number of young children were sent away from home to work b. it ceased to function efficiently c. it took on specialized functions of procreation, child-rearing, and consumption d. its educational function increased

c. it took on specialized functions of procreation, child-rearing, and consumption

According to the "culture of poverty" thesis, a. lower-class individuals never succeed b. with the exception of having substantially less money, life among the poor is similar to the rest of society c. poverty is more a function of people's values and attitudes than of their physical environment d. alternative family structures among the poor are adaptive mechanisms

c. poverty is more a function of people's values and attitudes than of their physical environment

Racial categories are a. inflexible historical constructs b. meaningful to people of color but do not really apply to Whites c. socially defined and change over time d. determined by strict biological criteria

c. socially defined and change over time

According to the text, a key factor responsible for the changing role expectations for women and men in U.S. society is a. men's willingness to share in housework b. the decline in the fertility rate c. the massive entry of women into the paid labor force d. feminism

c. the massive entry of women into the paid labor force

Social production refers to a. the work of caring for family members in the home b. women's responsibilities according to the "Cult of True Womanhood" c. the work that people do to earn a living d. the development of educational materials, such as child-rearing literature in the 19th century

c. the work that people do to earn a living

Which of the following does NOT describe hierarchies of stratification? a. they produce different life chances for groups placed in different locations b. they distribute rewards unequally c. they are highly flexible, allowing for the easy improvement of life chances d. they are systems of power and domination

c. they are highly flexible, allowing for the easy improvement of life chances

Which of the following does NOT characterize commuter couples? a. they compartmentalize their lives into 2 areas: work and family b. they experience loneliness and lack of companionship c. they are less committed to their marital relationships than traditional couples d. generally, both husbands and wives have professional employment

c. they are less committed to their marital relationships than traditional couples

A plausible explanation for the relationship between family size and marital stability is a. couples w many children have extra help w stressful domestic chores b. solo children often cause parents to take sides against each other in arguments c. unhappy couples may decide to stay together while children are in the home d. all of the above

c. unhappy couples may decide to stay together while children are in the home

An obstacle to objectivity in studying families is a. secrecy b. mystification c. sacredness d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Dorothy Smith refers to the Standard North American Family (SNAF) as a. an idealized image b. an insulated two-parent family c. a distortion of reality d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Globalization a. increases the control of nation-states over the welfare of their families b. decreases the control families have over their own members c. deceases the mobility of workers d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Over 50% of which group of U.S. women is in the labor force? a. White b. African American c. Latina d. all of the above

d. all of the above

The gender ratio in the colonial United States was such that there was a. a shortage of women b. a great need for women's economic participation c. frequent remarriage among women d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Recent research suggests poor women a. do not realize marriage is likely to help them escape poverty b. are not interested in marriage c. prioritize marriage above children d. are concerned about the disadvantages of marrying the wrong man

d. are concerned about the disadvantages of marrying the wrong man

Cuber and Haroff refer to marriages that revolve around argumentation as a. passive-aggressive b. vital c. devitalized d. conflict-habituated

d. conflict-habituated

Recent research on the African American middle class finds it a. consists mostly of two-parent families b. consists mostly of single-parent families c. is disappearing d. includes a rapidly growing segment of never married singles living alone

d. includes a rapidly growing segment of never married singles living alone

Which of the following does not characterize single lifestyle? a. singles tend to have more discretionary income than married couples with young children b. many women who choose to remain single do so to retain their freedom c. singles have been found to have no problem with loneliness d. singles who "swing" are most likely to be divorced

d. singles who "swing" are most likely to be divorced

Contemporary scholars describe the size of colonial families as a. smaller than contemporary families b. unknown, because historic documents are unreliable on this subject c. much larger than previously thought d. smaller than many have assumed, but larger than today's families

d. smaller than many have assumed, but larger than today's families

During the 19th century, childhood a. assumed a single 'modern' form b. changed as most children began to work outside the home c. was unaffected by the separation of home and workplace d. took many forms, depending on class, ethnicity, gender, and religion

d. took many forms, depending on class, ethnicity, gender, and religion

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