SOCE part 1

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The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of carrying a concealed weapon without a license: 1. The defendant knowingly carried on or about his or her person the weapon alleged. 2. The weapon alleged was concealed from the ordinary sight of another person.

Carrying Concealed Weapon (without a license), s. 790.01, F.S., Misdemeanor/Felony

Is formed by the decisions of the court system (judicial branch).

Case Law

By making contact with all the involved parties a officer can determine the type of ______ and identify how much time has passed since the incident occurred


If a suspect appears to submit, do not presume ________


is anything that is illegal to possess. Illegal drugs are the most common example.


Radios are generally fitted with -...

Controls, indicators for power, volume, channel selection, and transmission

Second-degree misdemeanor if the property is less than $200 and a first-degree if the damage is greater than $200 but less than $1,000

Criminal Mischief is a

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender injured or damaged property. 2. The property belonged to someone else. 3. The injury or damage was done willfully and maliciously.

Criminal Mischief, s. 806.13, F.S., Misdemeanor/Felony*

The suspect is deprived of freedom in a significant way.


Integration of location based crime and traffic crash data that determines the most effective methods for deploying law enforcement and other resoucers


The ______ database also contains records of vehicles or boats registered in Florida and drivers license information


When an officer inquires about a vehicle or vessel registration, _______ also checks FCIC/NCIC database for stolen vehicles or vessels






Any force that is likely to cause death or great bodily harm under s. 776.06, F.S.

Deadly Force

Rescue Debris

Debris left by rescue when assisting a victim. Wrappers, ripped clothing, etc.

Law enforcement must address victim economic security associated with violence against women as victim safety links to economic security. Victims may experience:

Debt from healthcare, damaged property and security/relocation costs Dependency on the abuser for basic needs Job loss or lost wages Unfinished education or training Eviction and damaged tenant history Loss of personal property

Florida's Uniform Disposition of Traffic Infractions Act (s. 318.14, F.S.,)

Decriminalizes most traffic violations. Some violations are still treated as criminal acts.

Corners that cannot be cleared visually from the doorway

Deep corners

is a common legal term describing a person's authority to take reasonable steps, including the use of force (except deadly force) to the extent that a person reasonably believes is necessary to protect his or her possessions from trespass or theft or to stop these acts.

Defense of property

s. 812.133, F.S.,

Defines Carjacking

s. 812.135

Defines Home-invasion robbery.

s. 787.07, F.S.,

Defines a human smuggler as someone who transports into this state an individual he or she knows is illegally entering the United States from another country. It is transportation based, whereas trafficking is exploitation based.

s. 812.131, F.S.,

Defines robbery by sudden snatching

Chapter 794, F.S.,

Defines the elements of sexual battery to include rules of evidence, and notice of victim's rights and access to services.

s. 810.14, F.S.,

Defines voyeurism and penalties.

Lies dormant for a period of time then resurfaces

Delayed stress

Issues concealed weapons permits

Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DOACS)

Provides records of vehicles of vessels registered in Florida and driver's licenses or Florida identification card information, auto insurance information is also available through this system

Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles


Describes the smaller segment of a population that differs from the majority by one or more characteristics.

To establish probable cause for human smuggling

Document that the suspect transported into this state an individual who the suspect knows, or should know, is illegally entering the United States from another country. Is a crime against the sovereignty of the United States. It is not a crime against a person. Some instances can lead to human trafficking, while others do not. It is possible to have one without the other.

To establish probable cause for disorderly conduct

Document that the suspect was endangering the safety of another person or property, was in a public place or conveyance, and causing a public disturbance.

To establish probable cause for disorderly intoxication

Document that the suspect was intoxicated, endangering the safety of another person or property, in a public place or conveyance, and causing a public disturbance.

s. 316.216, F.S.,

Explains the legal right to use lights and sirens to get the violator's attention during a traffic stop.



Agency resources that can assist in searching for a wanted person

K-9, aerial support, SWAT, or fugitive taskforce

Other burglars

Have an interest in sexual gratification and focus on collecting trophies or mementos such as intimate articles of clothing located in bedrooms or bathrooms and typically leave body fluids or defecate on the scene.


Health Hazards

Stress responses that may include headaches, blood pressure changes, loss of sleep, and excessive eating

Health related stress

is a statement other than one made by the declarant while testifying at the trial or hearing, offered in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted.


Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMGs)

Hells Angels, The Outlaws, Bandidos are all examples of this type of gang







Red Florida's License

Identification Card

At the scene of a incident, a officer must ______ all involved parties


Officers should always ______ themselves as law enforcement officers


When arriving on scene of animal complaints: (2)

Identify immediate threats Identify any injuries to people

Likelihood of Death

If Rescue tells you that the victim possibly will die, preserve the scene and call the Homicide detective. If the Rescue tells you that the victim possibly will live, remove all crime tape and all traffic can resume.

That officer must document the circumstances of the destruction or loss in the UTC book that he or she was issued.

If a UTC is destroyed or lost before the officer gives it to the violator,

The operator should call a law enforcement officer to the scene immediately

If a business operator takes the offender into custody,

Contact your supervisor and determine the best method for removing the child

If a child is in immediate danger,

Allow the individual an opportunity to identify him- or herself and explain his or her presence and conduct

If a person does not flee,

That person may be loitering or prowling

If a person runs away after observing a law enforcement officer, refuses to identify or tries to conceal him- or herself or object,

"Sexual Battery-- Victim's Rights and Services.

If a situation involves sexual battery, present the ______________ brochure from the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence, as per s. 794.052, F.S.

Identify whether anyone at the scene had a bleeding injury

If a substance appears to be blood,

Tell the victim the reason for the arrest and where you will transport the suspect

If arresting the domestic violence suspect,

"Please certify the question."

If asked an improper question, you may answer

Class 8: Corrosive substances.

Materials in this category include acids, solvents, or other materials that may cause irreversible damage to human tissues.

Weather conditions, school zones, construction zones, and neighborhood activities

May all affect traffic flow by slowing drivers, and causing congestion.

Turn to witnesses who were in the room during the incident

If either or both the victim and suspect refuse to provide adequate information about the incident,

Document the incident in the contamination list or your report

If evidence is contaminated or altered in any way,

Ensure control and safety

If necessary, another officer can stay with each person to

Contact the people closest to the incident to obtain more information.

If no witnesses were in the room at the time of a domestic violence,

Describe injuries in general terms

If rescue is on the scene,

People can be isolated within one large by place them on opposite side of the room with their backs to each other.

If separate rooms are not available,

That confinement is against the child's will

If someone confines a child who is younger than 13 without the consent of the parent or guardian,

We must still enter property legally. Get a search warrant.

If the crime scene if on private property,

When does a classified first-degree felony, such as kidnapping or sexual battery become reclassified as a life felony?

If the crime was committed with the use of a weapon or firearm

The officer should dispose of it according to agency policy.

If the driver's license is confiscated due to suspension, mutilation, revocation, or altered data,

The witness may not answer the question.

If the judge sustains the objection,

The witness must answer the question

If the objection is overruled,

Be On the Look Out (BOLO)

If the offender has fled, initiate a

Place a barrier (such as Crime scene tape) between the scene and the public without cross containing any evidence

If the scene is in a public location,

You must decide whether or not the situation is legal, feasible, and necessary and meets the agency's criteria for pursuit. If your supervisor advises against pursuing or advises you to cancel the pursuit at any time, you must comply.

If the suspect does not stop their vehicle,


May conceal drugs in items such as children's toys, other commodities.

Discuss this with the driver. The vehicle could be carrying stolen merchandise, drugs, tools, a person, or a corpse.

If the vehicle appears to be heavily weighed down in the rear,

Instruct the occupants to put their hands outside the windows so they remain visible.

If the vehicle's windows are heavily tinted and the occupants are not easy to see,

The degree of the offense will change. (Enhancement)

If the victim of the assault, aggravated assault, battery, or aggravated battery is 65 years of age or older,

Aggravated battery, or an additional separate offense.

If the victim was pregnant at the time of the battery, whether the suspect knew or should have known the victim was pregnant, this upgrades the battery charge to

Place him or her under arrest and issue another Uniform Traffic Citation for refusal to sign a citation

If the violator still refuses to sign the citation,

Stopping a traffic violator is not prudent.

If you are en route to an emergency call or in-progress crime or are transporting a prisoner,

Relay information to responding units.

If you are the first on the scene of a CBRNE incident,

Secure and protect the scene, notify a supervisor, and inform local, state, or federal park rangers of the incident and any recovered evidence.

If you believe a crime was committed at an archaeological site,


If you cannot approach from upwind, your next choice is

Examine the bottles for the doctor's name. Contact the doctor or his or her medical staff for notification of the death

If you find prescription bottles at the scene while examining the personal belongings of the deceased person,

Deliver the child to the Department of Children and Families and provide a full written report to the Department regarding the findings.

If you have probable cause to believe a runaway child is being sexually exploited,

Report it immediately to the courtroom bailiff or the presiding judge

If you observe a possible violation,

Make an arrest.

If, after thorough investigation, you develop probably cause that a crime meeting the domestic violence criteria occurred and the suspect is present,

Upon arrival at evacuations: (2)

Immediately assess the scene Determine the hazard level

Upon arrival at an evacuation:

Immediately assess the scene and determine the hazard level

As well as a supervisor so that the evacuation process may be initiated.

Immediately notify any civilians who might be near or who have been assisting in the search,

Criminal Charge

In Florida, domestic violence is not a

The United States Supreme Court held that all law enforcement use of force cases are to be judged by an objective reasonableness standard based upon the Fourth Amendment

In Graham v. Connor, 490 U.S. 386 (1989)

One is the body of the victim and the other is the locations(s) of the sexual battery.

In a sexual battery, consider the existence of at least two crime scenes;

The primary officer should park the patrol vehicle so that the driver's door of the suspect vehicle is visible.

In accordance with agency policies and procedures, once the suspect vehicle stops,

Individual theft

May include pick pocketing, purse snatching, confidence games, auto theft, or taking personal property from homes, businesses, or vehicles.

Safe places to decide to make a Traffic Stop

Includes areas with a wide shoulder off the roadway, available parking areas, and areas with an unobstructed view of oncoming traffic when entering the roadway

Symptoms of Botulinum (botulism)

Includes difficulty seeing, speaking, and swallowing and having double vision, drooping eyelids, slurred speech, dry mouth, and muscle weakness. Occurs within 12-80 hours of exposure.

Florida Law

Includes sex trafficking offenses in the list of sexual predator qualifying offenses and provides the office of statewide prosecution jurisdiction to bring to trail human trafficking violations.

Criminal deaths

Includes suicides


Indicates No Hazard


Indicating The Highest Hazard

NLETS allows for interstate and interagency ______ exchange



Information may also be grouped by category, such as by witnesses, victims, suspects, weapons used, and crime elements. This type of organization helps when completing report forms

Burglary tools

May include screwdrivers, pliers, and wrenches, pry bars, or spark plugs, but can also be anything used to gain entry during a burglary such as a rock or concrete block.

Certain roadway and traffic conditions

May increase the potential for particular traffic violations. These include merge areas, intersections, and acceleration lanes

Not breathing or apparently dead infant

May occur 10-20 minutes or up to several hours after the parent places the child in bed.

The judge

May permit you to explain why you do not know an answer to a question.


Means contact

A canvass

Is a door-to-door inquiry of all possible sources of information in a given area.

Sexual battery

Is a felony, which varies in degree depending upon the age of the victim, the mental and physical capacity of the victim, they type of force used, the threat or use of a deadly weapon, and the type of injuries received. Is considered child abuse if the suspect is a person who has familial or custodial authority. This included a child between the ages of 12 years but less than 18 years. There is an enhancement for this sexual offense when a school authority commits this offense against a student.

A capias

Is a legal order for an arrest issued by the clerk of courts at the request of the state attorney's office.

Chemical suicide, also known as "detergent suicide,"

Is a method of committing suicide by mixing two or more easily acquired chemicals, commonly an acid and a base.

Credible threat

Is a threat made with the intent to cause the person, who is the target of the threat, to fear for his or her safety, the safety of family members, or that of the individuals closely associated with the victim. The threat must be to cause bodily injury to or end the life of a person.

A hate crime

Is an aggravation of a crime by selecting a victim based on prejudice. There is no criminal charge for it.


Is an offense against a person. Is often a financially based business that exploits cheap labor. Is a long-term "business relationship", ongoing captivity and subjugation of victims.


Is an offense against the integrity of the United States borders. Is typically a short-term "business relationship" and may be a part of a human trafficking scheme.

An independent administrator

Is an officer who administers a photographic array, has no knowledge of the suspect information, and will meticulously avoid any conduct that might influence, directly or indirectly, a victim's or a witness' decision.

A deposition

Is an official court proceedings in which all parties, with the exception of the defendant, provide sworn testimonies regarding the facts of the case to one of the attorneys (defense or prosecutor) prior to trial.

A structure

Is any kind of building, either temporary or permanent, that has a roof over it, including the enclosed space of ground and outbuildings immediately surrounding it.

A dwelling

Is any kind of temporary or permanent building or conveyance; it can be mobile or immobile. Means they stay there at night; Includes the ground and outbuildings immediately surrounding it.

Pay attention to what the interviewee says during the course of this statement. If there are discrepancies or clarifications needed, or when at all deemed necessary, ask the interviewee to elaborate. At the end of the recording, state the following sentence:

"This now concludes the statement of ____, regarding incident _____, case number _____. The time now is ____."

Imaging Device

Is any mechanical, digital, electronic viewing device; still camera, camcorder, or motion picture camera; or any other instrument equipment, or format capable of recording, storing, or transmitting visual images of another person.


Is any motor vehicle, ship, vessel, railroad car, trailer, aircraft, or sleeping car.


Is the process of microscopically analyzing trace evidence, such as paint, glass, and cloth fibers, to determine a possible source or origin. Can identify and compare other materials such as textile fibers, plastics, duct tape, lamp filaments, and fractured, torn, or cut items.

If possible, an officer can ask a witness to sign the statement. If the person gives a statement but refuses to sign it, note

"refused to sign."

An observant investigator

Can collect some clues that will help determine the specific cause of suffocation and determine whether the manner of death was accidental or intentionally inflicted.


Can identify blood, seminal fluid, or saliva, and if needed, conduct further testing using DNA analysis.

Fragile evidence

Can include a bullet hole in glass held into place by a thin window tint.

Perishable evidence

Can include blood, footprints, and tire impressions, or trace evidence such as hair or fibers.

Visible evidence

Can include bruises, lacerations, broken bones, gunshot wounds, and trace or transfer evidence.

The Florida Department of Elder Affairs

Can provide an email alert notification through the Aging Service Network.

Use of chemical weapons

Can result in the destruction of food crops, the contamination of water sources, and the death of animals.

Deliver or delivery

Means the actual, constructive, or attempted transfer from one person to another of a controlled substance, whether or not there is an agency relationship.

While taste is a sense, an officer must _______ use taste as a way to identify any unknown substance


Note identifying features, including type, color, shape, and size of the device, as well as any names, labels, placards, chemical symbols, or signs indicating the type of explosive, then leave the area.

Officers should take a brief look at the device,







Psychological disorder that occurs after a person experiences a highly stressful event


Upon arrival at a roadway obstruction:

Park the patrol vehicle in a location to protect yourself and the public

Step 5 of Initiating the Traffic Stop

Parking the patrol vehicle.


Patrol officers are typically trained to respond at the awareness level and have only four responsibilities or goals, sometimes abbreviated as

The main activity that officers perform daily


The individuals way of interpreting, organizing, and attaching meaning to observations and information obtained through the senses



Performed when looking for evidence.


Performed when looking for people hiding.

Area surrounding an incident that officers may cordon off to prevent unauthorized people from leaving or entering


means a person's social security number, official state-issued or United States-issued driver license or identification number, alien registration number, government passport number, employer or taxpayer identification number, Medicare or food assistance account number, bank account number, credit or debit card number, and medical records.

Personal identification information

Where is NLETS located?

Phoenix Arizona



Communication system that uses the letters of the english alphabet only

Phonetic-alpha code

A presentation of a series of photographs to a victim or witness in a non-suggestive manner for the purpose of identifying a suspect.

Photographic Array

_________ taken at booking provide a visual record of each suspect


During the entire escort of a prisoner, a officer must maintain ______

Physical control

Regular _______ is a good source of stress relief

Physical exercise

Modes of Nonverbal Communication

Posture, muscle tension, facial expression, and how long it takes a person to respond to a question

Tunnel vision can cause a officer to ignore other ________

Potential hazards

Incidents that do not require law enforcement intervention include: (3)

Power outages Parenting assistance Keys locked in vehicle

Theft of Services investigation

Provide the victim with a case number, the primary officer's name, explain the follow-up procedures, and possibly give some crime prevention advice.

Also called an arrest affidavit - is a sworn, written statement by a law enforcement officer establishing certain facts and circumstances to justify an arrest. This document is used by the judge to determine if there was sufficient probable cause to detain the individual.

Probable Cause Affidavit ( elements of the crime)

Refers to the steps that must be followed to protect an individual's rights during a criminal justice process

Procedural due process

Conduct all radio communication in a _______ manner and understand that there is no expectation of privacy


Officers must continuously train and maintain ________ with equipment


A no contact order

Prohibits any oral communication with the victim, physical, or violent contact with the victim, or being within 500 feet of the victim's residence, vehicle, or place of employment or specified place frequented by the victim.

The crime scene log

Provides proof of security and validates the evidence collected at a crime scene.

The 13th Amendment

Provides that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall exist on U.S. soil.

s. 903.047, F.S.,

Provides victims of domestic violence, repeat violence, sexual violence, or dating violence with notification of the conditions of pretrial release of the defendant, which may include a no contact order that is effective immediately upon his or her release.

Describes the customs and regulations for dealing with diplomatic formality, precedence, and etiquette when constructing and transmitting radio messages

Radio protocol




Refers to a structure and its use; some examples are manufacturing facilities, storage facilities, retail establishments, and residences.

"Off the record"

Refers to information not recorded in an official document.

Inspect all equipment on a ________ basis


Upon arrival at location for well-being check: (2)

Relay to dispatch if any vehicles are present Conduct a brief search of premises

Grief that does not belong to you

Remain professionally distant and do not take on

The judge

Reviews the probable cause affidavit and other information to decide if probable cause exists that supports the defendant's commission of the alleged offense.

Common materials used in the manufacture of incendiary devices are

Roadway flares, gasoline/motor oil, and glass containers or light bulbs.

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender took the money or property from the victim or from custody of the victim. 2. The property taken was of some value. 3. The victim was or became aware of the act in the course of the taking. 4. The taking was with the intent to permanently or temporarily deprive the victim of his or her right to the property or any benefit from it.

Robbery by Sudden Snatching, s. 812.131, F.S., Felony.

Stress responses that include temporary increases in anxiety, tension, and irritability.

Short term stress

The primary officer

Should also choose a site with enough roadway width to accommodate two or more patrol vehicles. Will coordinate the stopping site once the backup units have arrived.

Law Enforcement

Should consider civilian safety by determining victims' mobility and the degree to which they have been exposed to materials. Are they ambulatory? Are they contaminated? After these questions are answered, emergency responders can decide whether to evacuate victims or protect them on site by sheltering in place.

A chemical suicide situation

Should follow the procedures for a hazmat response including establishing a safe perimeter. Do not attempt to enter the area, or rescue or resuscitate the individual.

The initial search

Should include buildings and areas where someone last saw the missing person

Informational alerts

Signal an officer about a person's health condition or public safety status.

Officers must include __________, __________, and __________ on all copies of civil processes

Signature; date; time

An officer may take juveniles to an adult jail or police lockup for temporary custody for no more than ________ for fingerprinting aslong as the juvenile is out of sight and hearing of adults

Six hours

High risk

Smell, touch, and taste are considered __________ and should never be used to identify a hazardous material.

Criminal Investigation

The DCF can conduct its investigation with or without a

Social Services investigation

The DCF investigator will conduct a





Standard operating procedures

SOP stands for



While en route, consider the ______ point and the potential ______ at the incident

Safest, threats

Grid search pattern

Series of squares. The most important indoor scene. Often used indoors; a variation of the strip/line search pattern. Searchers overlap a series of lanes in a cross pattern, making the search more methodical and thorough.

The NCIC contains _____ property files containing records of stolen articles, boats, guns , license plates, parts, securities , and vehicles


when to use a comma

use a comma between two or more adjectives when they separately describe the same noun do not place a comma between two or more adjectives when the adjective before the noun changes what the noun is example The inmate used a small, metal object to cut his own arm example he threw the white toaster oven at me


usually how narratives are written in , (writing in a normal continuous form, e.g., as used in this textbook) format, detailing a chronological sequence of events.

A report must be a complete representation of the facts that omits unnecessary

verbiage and irrelevant materials.

what is evidence and should be entered as such in accordance with agency policy and procedures

video recorded interview !!!

If the recorded interview has to be suspended or paused, document the following prior to starting again:

• the reason for the suspension or pause • that this is a continuation of statement recording, date, and time • verify that no questions were asked of the interviewee while the recording was suspended or paused

Prohibits excessive bails and fines and cruel and unusual punishment.

The Eight Amendment

Under the Blue Alert Plan

The FDLE in conjunction with the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Florida Highway Patrol, and the Florida Department of Transportation, immediately broadcast important information about the offender when this information would help prevent further harm or assist in the apprehension of the suspect.

Protects the freedom of speech, press, peaceful assembly, and religion.

The First Amendment

Upon arriving at a scene involving a trapped person, survey the scene to determine: (3)

The degree of danger The number of involved parties The need for additional resources


The difference between disorderly conduct and disorderly intoxication is the element of

Prints of value

Useful prints that are used through AFIS to identify a series of possibles suspects.

The Florida Blue Alert Plan

Uses technologies employed by the Amber Alert Plan to notify the public of critical information when a law enforcement officer has suffered serious bodily injury, is killed, or mis missing while in the line of duty the suspect poses an imminent threat to the public.

Strip/line search pattern

The most popular outdoor scene. Usually used outside by several people. Divide the search area into lanes. Have one or more people search each lane by moving in both directions, examining all areas.

When applicable, a judge

might forbid witness from discussing any aspect of a case with anyone but the involved attorneys.

Recovering Officer

The officer who picks up any evidence.

Also party to illegal activity

The primary reason drug activity is under-reported is the victims of the crimes are

Prevent accidental triggering or detonation of a bomb designed to be set off by radio waves.

The purpose of avoiding radio use is to

Approach an abandoned vehicle from:

The rear

Type of hazard involved.

The shape of the container involved in the hazmat incident can provide useful information regarding the

Who is responsible for the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of the records that are entered into FCIC, aswell as the removal when it is no longer valid

The specific agency

Officers should determine what options are available for re-routing traffic based upon: (3)

The specific type of roadway obstruction Their knowledge of the area Environmental factors

Emotional Blockage Stage

The stage of a crisis in which the person cannot cope with the situation rationally; this inability to cope, combined with the loss of problem-solving skills leads to diminished self-esteem. A downward cycle begins in which failure to cope lowers self-esteem and lowering self-esteem interferes with the ability to cope

Accommodation Stage

The stage of a crisis in which the person in crisis is open to suggestions and is willing to try a new option

Attempted Resolution Stage

The stage of a crisis in which the person struggles to resolve the situation using methods that worked in a previous similar situation; these methods, however, may not always work and the person's failure to resolve the problem leads to the emotional blockage stage of crisis response

Rigor mortis

The stiffening of body muscles after death

Third-degree felony

Theft of property belonging to a guest of an establishment or theft of property belonging to the establishment by an employee is a

Officers should monitor ________ and _______ for warning signs of stress

Themselves, Fellow officers

The infant's skin is alter (Mottled, blue or gray) and the Infant's mouth or nostrils (Frothy, Blood-tinged mucus)

There are 2 signs too look out for when observing a SUID/SIDS baby

Second-degree felony

To unlawfully manufacture, possess, sell, deliver, mail, send, display, use, threaten to use, attempt to use, conspire to use, or make readily accessible to others a "hoax weapon of mass destruction". s. 790.163, F.S.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

a severe anxiety disorder that develops after experiencing an extremely terrifying event

The __________ and ____________ of an alarm will dictate the officer's response and tactics:

Type; location

is failure to use due or reasonable care in a situation that results in harm to another.


Partial Sight

a visual impairment in which, after correction, objects still look dim or out of focus

The Court ruled that a law enforcement officer may frisk the exterior clothing of someone lawfully detained if the officer has reasonable suspicion to believe that the person is armed. A frisk or pat down is not a full search, The scope of the frisk is limited to a pat down of outer clothing, containers, and property carried by the subject.

U.S. Supreme Court case Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968)

Difficult to experience

Understand that extremely challenging scenes can be

Community partnerships increase the _________ and _______ between law enforcement agencies and community members

Understanding, trust

incidents that may require written reports include

all crimes, use of force by an officer

You must stop speaking until the judge rules.

Upon hearing an objection,

Disorderly conduct

Urinating in public is ______________, not an exposure of sexual organs. Is not a catchall statute.

Flashing emergency lights

Use _______________ cautiously when conducting traffic stops. Each driver reacts differently. Some might panic and stop in the left lane, skid to a stop, or swerve. Others ignore the lights. If this happens, tap the siren one or two seconds.

Document analysts

Use a variety of scientific methods to examine documents for alterations, obliterations, handwriting analysis, indentations, ink comparisons, and machine impressions.

During radio communications, a officer should -...

Use clear, concise tone and an even rate of speech


an awareness of one's own inner nature, character, abilities, motives, and limitations which promotes self-control

Panic Disorder

an extreme panic attack with a racing heartbeat, sweating, tension, and a feeling that something terrible is about to happen; may be accompanied by chest pain or discomfort, sweating, trembling, chocking, or a feeling that one is going to die

Mental Illness

an impairment of the mental or emotional processes that exercises the conscious control of one's actions or the ability to perceive or understand reality

Hearing Impairment

any degree of hearing loss

Extremist Group

any formal or informal association of individuals acting in concert or independently to advocate violence and/or the illegal disruption of the lawful activities of others; it can be domestic or international


any sensory perceptions in which a person can see, hear, smell, taste, or feel something that is not there

Paper Terrorism

nuisance property liens, frivolous lawsuits, and false income reports filed by sovereign citizens often to retaliate against government officials


behavior that involves showing consideration, respect, and cooperation when interacting with others

what are the two ways notes can be organized

chronologically and categorically

The purpose of an interview is to...

collect facts and establish what occurred during an incident

what order does interviewing go in

complainant or victim then witnesses followed by suspect

You can use the information contained in a witness statement to

complete a report, establish probable cause, file an affidavit, or obtain a warrant.

closing stage

concludes the interview, thanks person for their time


connects words with other words clauses and ideas example: Officer russ AND I approached the car , I covered the car WHILE he made contact with the subject

What additional search warrant exceptions require less than probable cause?

consent, inventory, administrative, incident to arrest

Document how the person ____ to the interview and note whether the person understood the _____ and what it means to waive one's rights.

consented/Miranda warning


consists of informal non standard words often characterized by regional or specific group usage

minimum requirements for PC affidavit

contain narrative of offense, state facts to show pc of each element of the charge

Self-Stimulating Behavior

coping skills which may allow an overstimulated individual to calm down in a stressful environment or can provide an understimulated individual with sensory stimulation

The Introduction includes

date of incident, place of incident, assignment and arrival time, officers name , identities of those involved , officers initial ations

Primary stage

obtains information about the incident from the interviewee asks open ended questions in order to collect info

Psychological Dependence

occurs when a person feels that he or she needs drugs to cope with problems, function better in life, or feel happier and can lead to physical addiction

Physical Dependence

occurs when a person is chemically and physically dependent upon the substance to maintain normal functioning, not just of the central nervous systems but of all systems

what is most important when conducting interviews

officer safety is of paramount importance

Individuals may handwrite statements only if

officers advise them to print clearly.

What kind of questions encourage conversation and require interviewees to think reflect and provide opinions and feelings

open ended questions

The format is the way information is ____ and _____in the report.

organized and presented


person place or thing example the OFFICER stopped the CAR, The SUBJECT fled from the OFFICERS

The goal of an interview is to gather all ______ information; therefore, you should use simple language that the interviewee can easily understand.


Unless your agency specifies otherwise, you should use a black or dark blue ballpoint pen for clear legibility and the best

photocopying quality possible

If the defendant helped another person or other people to commit or attempt to commit a crime, and must be treated as if he or she had done all the things the other person or people did, if the defendant consciously intended that the criminal act be done; The defendant is charged with what?

principal in the first degree.

What does fresh pursuit require?

probable cause that the suspect committed a serious crime, immediate or continuous pursuit of the suspect, and probable cause that the suspect is in the premises that is being entered without a warrant,

A well-written report displays an officer's

professionalism and competence.

means any unmarried person under the age of 18 who has not been emancipated by order of the court and who has been found or alleged to be dependent, in need of services, or from a family in need of services; or any married or unmarried person who is charged with a violation of law occurring prior to the time that person reached the age of 18 years.

defines child, juvenile, or youth


describes a noun or pronoun example: the HEAVYSET man was the subject, The SHORT women was also running

The pre-interview process includes

determining whom to interview , when to , the order of interview, where to interview, what info to obtain and how to record the interview

The two primary types of evidence

direct and indirect

After completing an interview, the information collected should be

documented in accordance with agency policies and procedures including all necessary evidentiary form or log entries.

why may a person object to taking an oath?

due to a religious or psychological belief


due to a well-respected or high ranking family member, a prospective member is initiated into a gang

A person who faces a threat from another and commits a criminal act in response may have the legal defense of what?

duress or coercion.

What are some of the needs an officer needs to consider of the interviewee to understand the nature of the interviewee?

education, intellect, experience, background, and age

Officers should ask questions aimed at

establishing the elements of the crime


evidence left at a crime scene that may contain DNA.


explains how the officer resolved the situation or handled and obtained the information


expresses action events states of being example the officer RAN after the subject , the subject WAS fast

what is the primary document an officer uses when writing a report? It will help officers recall the events of an incident, document information for further or followup investigations, and do case preparations. In some cases, these notes hold up as evidence in court.

field notes

behavioral signs of deception

giving answers that appear rehearsed

sentence fragment

group of words that lacks a subject, verb , or object or fails to express a complete though

Notes do what ?

help officers remember facts complete final investigation report and prepare for deposition or trial


identifies or quantifies a verb adjective or other adverb example: The subject ran QUICKLY, he became EXTREMELY exhausted


involves the rules and guidelines that govern a languages usage and enables its users to have the same understandings of its sounds and symbols

Proof of criminal intent

is essential in obtaining a conviction


is the information regarding the nature of an incident.Officers should also seek answers to questions like, "to what?" and "with what?" **Example: "The suspect struck the victim's front windshield with a sledgehammer." The descriptive information might also include identifiers specific to the damage, theft, or loss of particular items.

Factors that influence the accuracy of an interview include _________.

isolation and privacy

can you use jargon ?

it is acceptable to use jargon slang and abbreviations when taking notes as long as you know their meanings. however do not use them in final report writing

Agency and local court policies may

limit the number of times a child can be interviewed; officers should be familiar with these policies.


links words and phrases and provides temporal spatial and logical relationships example: The subject jumped OUT of the car went OVER the retaining wall and ran INTO the store

The defense of government officials from liability for civil damages insofar as their conduct does not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known.

qualified immunity

Isolating the interviewee prevents outside influences; privacy helps build _____ and ______. Another example, would be a good physical and emotional comfort level

rapport and gain trust.

Beliefs, attitudes, and values

shape an officer's expectations of what will happen in any given situation and establishes the level of respect for another person, group, or event

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender solicited a person to commit a certain offense. 2. During solicitation, the offender commanded, encouraged, hired, or requested the other person to engage in specific conduct which would constitute the commission of the offense or attempt to commit the offense.



sorting information by date and time: from the first event to the last. Useful in writing narrative/ explains what happen in order

Substance Dependence

the compulsive abuse of substances due to an uncontrollable physical or psychological craving for that substance

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

the federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities and requires public buildings and spaces to have equal opportunity for access


the physical and mental symptoms that occur after chronic use of a drug is reduced or stopped


the process of allowing the body to rid itself of a drug while managing the symptoms of withdrawal

Conflict Resolution

the process of managing and resolving a dispute rationally and effectively by increased awareness and understanding of each party's concerns and how they can each reach an understanding

how do you present a clear narrative

the report must contain the introduction a body and a conclusion

Use a comma to separate items in a series of

three or more items. Ex. The victim said his digital camera, television, DVD player, radio, and computer were stolen.


time of day

When an officer acts or purports to act in the performance of official duties under any law, ordinance, or regulation, he or she is acting under what?

under color of law.

Vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED)

A motor vehicle used as a bomb. Can be very powerful and dangerous. They are capable of carrying extremely large amounts of explosives. It is very difficult to bring 7,000 pounds of explosives into a building, but a small rental truck carrying that amount could detonate in front of a building, causing mass destruction to the structure and to people.

Threaten the safety of the officer or others

A person who simply curses at others or officers may not be arrested for disorderly conduct unless other facts are present that would

s. 856.015, F.S.

A person with control of a residence where a house party occurs, who knows that alcoholic beverages or drugs are in the possession of or are being consumer by a minor at the residence, is in violation. The person in control of the residence must take reasonable steps to prevent the possession or consumption by minors of alcoholic beverages and drugs.

Dr. Edmond Locard (1877-1966)

A pioneer in forensic science, formulated the fundamental principle of forensic science: "Every contact leaves a trace."


A practical remedy, in the form of a court order, which requires a person to do or refrain from doing specific acts

The rapid onset of symptoms

A primary indicator of chemical exposure is

What is criminal mischief involving property damage totaling less than $200 classified as?

A second-degree misdemeanor

That they have all been reduced or enlarged by certain amount relative to each other

A sketch that is drawn to scale shows the objects with accurate sizes except

is the person believed to have committed a crime.

A suspect

Remain in custody until brought before the court for a bail determination. This prevents the offender from immediately returning to the household or reinitiating contact with the victim, and give the victim time to obtain an injunction for protection without the suspect's interference. It provides the victim time to seek help and possible a safe place to stay.

A suspect arrested for an act of domestic violence must

is a civil wrong in which the action or inaction of a person or entity violates the rights of another person or entity.

A tort

Abandoned vehicle

A vehicle without a known driver or person responsible for the vehicle

is a person or entity which suffers an injury as a result of a crime. The injury may involve physical harm, loss of money, loss of property, or damage to property.

A victim

Once the suspect has been advised of his or her Miranda rights, a what is required before questioning may commence?

A waiver

is any person who has information about some element of the crime or about evidence or documents related to the crime.

A witness

Automated Fingerprint Identification System

AFIS stands for









While in a patrol vehicle, an officer may face attack from a sniper, firebombs, rocks and other missiles. If your primary methods of preventing harm or chemicals to get into your vehicle failed, what should you do?

Abandon the vehicle

The contents of a trash can which has been put out by the curb for pick up and when officers can seize it and search through it without a warrant is an example of what?

Abandoned property

The two types that are often considered exceptions to the search warrant requirement are not technically searches because the person does not have reasonable expectation of privacy in the place to be searched are?

Abandoned property and open fields

Doctor shop, abuse pharmaceuticals, steal prescription pads, or deal in gray market drugs in order to meet their needs.

Abuse of prescription drugs is on the rise, and suspects will

While in a patrol vehicle, an officer may face attack from a sniper, firebombs, rocks and other missiles, what should you do if this occurs?

Accelerate away, roll up the windows and turn off the air conditioning

24 hours of the arrest

According to Florida law, the first appearance hearing must occur within

Forgery and uttering a false instrument

According to s. 831.01 and s. 831.02, F.S., there are two aspects of forgery:

To Scale

Accurate Measurements. Scale (Ratio).

What is the primiary reason for documenting an interview?

Accurate notes

refers to the range of reasonable and foreseeable activities that an employee does while carrying out the employer's business.

Acting within the scope of employment

Step 4 of Initiating the Traffic Stop

Activating emergency equipment to communicate the stop to the driver.

Large-scale situations that an officer may encounter

Active shooters, Natural disasters, Hazardous materials exposure, Explosive devices, and Weapons of mass destruction.

Short lived, and is similar to what people experience before taking a test or testifying in court

Acute stress

Secondary devices

Additional devices placed at the scene of an ongoing emergency response intended to cause casualties among responders. Are designed to explode after a primary explosion or other major event has attracted large numbers of responders to the scene to inflict additional injury, damage, and fear. Typically these devices are hidden or camouflaged by placing the devices in ordinary objects such as vehicles, flashlights, backpacks, flowerpots, or garbage cans.

Crime scene

Always approach a scene as a _____________________ and consider it a homicide until the information gathered consistently points to elements of a death by natural or accidental causes.

Check and Secure

Always properly ____________ and __________________ a weapon.

BOLOs will also include-...

Amber alerts for missing children Silver alerts for missing adults Blue alerts for apprehension of violent criminals who kill or seriously injure law enforcement officers


Amino Acid/Oil Mix

Florida's Safe Harbor Act

Addresses the growing number of children who are at risk of sexual exploitation and are exempt from releasing their locations.

When transporting a prisoner with a physical, sensory, or language disability, what must a officer do?

Adjust transport procedures as needed without compromising officer safety

The body of law that allows for the creation of public regulatory agencies. It contains all the statutes, judicial decisions, and regulations that govern them.

Administrative Law

Generally do not require a warrant due to the setting or special conditions. Subjects of this type of search include students, public schools, people in government offices, government property(such as desk. lockers, and vehicles), people engaged in certain businesses or licensed activities, and people on parole or probation.

Administrative Searches

refers to the legal requirements that must be met before a jury is allowed to see or hear about the evidence.

Admissibility of evidence

The law, agency policy, and the circumstances of the violation

Affect the decision of an officers action.


Afternoon or evening

Due to sensitive nature and sheer volume of information included in the FCIC/NCIC systems, officers must strictly follow __________ when conducting a records check

Agency policies

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender intentionally and unlawfully threatened, either by word or act, to do violence to the victim. 2. At the time, the offender appeared to have the ability to carry out the threat. 3. The act of the offender created in the mind of the victim a well-founded fear that the violence was about to take place. 4. The assault was made with a deadly weapon without the intent to kill, or the assault was made with the intent to commit a felony.

Aggravated Assault, s. 784.021, F.S., Felony

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender intentionally touched or struck the victim against his or her will or caused bodily harm to the victim. 2. The offender, in committing the battery, a. intentionally or knowingly caused great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement to the victim, or b. used a deadly weapon, or c. knew or should have known that the victim was pregnant.

Aggravated Battery, s. 784.045, F.S., Felony

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly followed, harassed, or cyberstalked the victim. The offender made a credible threat with the intent to place the victim in reasonable fear of death or bodily injury to him- or herself.

Aggravated Stalking, ss. 784.048(3), 784.048(4)*, and 784.048(5)**, F.S., Felony

At the end of the written statement, the officer annotates the following phrase:

"Dictated by __ and written by Officer ____."

Instruct the interviewee to raise his or her right hand while administering the oath or an affirmation by asking the person,

"Do you swear or affirm that the statement you are about to give is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge?"

Criminal Street Gang

"a formal or informal ongoing organization, association, or group that has as one of its primary activities the commission of criminal or delinquent acts, and that consists of three or more persons who have a common name or common identifying signs, colors, or symbols and have two or more members who, individually or collectively, engage in or have engaged in a pattern of criminal street gang activity" Section 874.03, F.S.



Use a comma to separate two complete sentences joined by a coordinating conjunction

(but, or, yet, so, for, and, nor). Ex. I met with the victim, and she gave me a statement. (correct)

warm up

(initial stage) establishes rapport and builds understanding with the interviewee

To turn traffic flow

* Direct turns only when they can be accomplished safely. * Direct turns by pointing at the driver until eye contact is made, then pointing in the direction of the turn.

To Stop Traffic

* Point and make direct eye contact with the driver you want to stop. * Raise one hand with your palm toward the driver until they stop; you may point with the other hand to the exact location where the driver is to stop. * When stopping vehicles on open high-speed highways, you should face the traffic to be stopped and extend both hands above your head.

To start and maintain traffic flow

* Point at the driver being directed to start and make eye contact. * Rotate your hand up and over your chin, bending at the elbow.

Audible signals

* Whistles can be used along with hand signals. * One long blast signals motorists to stop. * Two short blasts signal motorists to proceed. * Multiple short blasts may be used to gain the attention of drivers not responding to your signals.

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) offenses.

All Florida human trafficking crimes are

Clerk of court

All forms are free of charge from the

s. 322. 15, F.S.,

All people driving in Florida must possess a valid driver's license from Florida, another state, or entity approved by the state of Florida or the U.S government.

What happens when a suspect makes a clear and unequivocal request to invoke any of his or her rights under Miranda?

All questioning must cease immediately

Elimination prints

Allow fingerprint analysts to distinguish between prints belonging to either the victims and witnesses or the possible suspects.

s. 932.706, F.S.,

Allows you to profile drug couriers; however, you may not profile a person based solely upon that person's race or ethnicity.

When Rescue is on scene

1. Alarm Number (Goes in Report) 2. Name of Lead Paramedic (Capt. or Lieu.) {Goes in Report} 3. Likelihood of Death

Law enforcement must meet the primary criteria for FDOT/FHP/FDLE dynamic message sign activation

1. Local law enforcement has already activated a local or regional alert by contacting a media outlet in their own and surrounding jurisdiction. 2. The law enforcement agency's investigation must conclude that the disappearance poses a credible threat to the person's welfare and safety. 3. There must be a description of the vehicle, and a tag number to display on the Florida Department of Transportation dynamic message signs. 4. Local law enforcement must verify vehicle and tag information. 5. A local law enforcement agency must have entered the missing persons into the Florida Crime Information Center and issued a statewide BOLO to other law enforcement/911 centers.



5 Options for responding to a Citation

1. Pay the Fine 2. Request a Court Date 3. Traffic School 4. Send a copy of your driver's license, insurance, or registration to show proof. 5. Send a copy for proof of fixed failure of equipment

Questioned Document Evidence

1. Pick it up by corners 2. Photocopy 3. Paper Bag (Wet/Damp) or Plastic Bag (Dry)

Tube/Vial Blood

1. Put in a leakproof-crush proof package 2. Put in a plastic bag with an absorbent material 3. Refrigerate

Rape Kit

1. Remain in the facility 2. Never in the Exam room

When dispatched to a call regarding a missing person, follow the Missing Endangered Persons Information Clearinghouse (MEPIC) guidelines

1. Respond promptly to the scene of a missing person 2. Consider activating a patrol-vehicle-mounted camera 3. Interview the person who made the initial report. 4. Thorough search of the house 5. If a child is missing, verify the child's custody status 6. Identify the circumstances of the disappearance. 7. Determine who las saw the missing person, when/where 8. Interview the individuals who last had contact 9. Identify the person's zone of safety for his or her age, developmental, physical, and mental state 10. Make an initial determination of the type of incident 11. Obtain a description of the missing person 12. Obtain a description of any suspected abductors and other pertinent information. 13. Evaluate whether the circumstances of the child's disappearance meet AMBER, Silver, or Blue Alert criteria. Discuss plan activation with your supervisor 14. Extend the search to surrounding areas. Determine if surveillance or security cameras in the vicinity may have captured information about the disappearance. 15. Record if the missing person has access to an online computer, cellular telephone, and pager. 16. Determine the correct National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Missing Person File category and ensure entry within 2 HOURS OF THE REPORT.

Wet Blood

1. Swab it 2. Air Dry 3. Paper bag

To activate the Florida AMBER Plan

1. The child must be less than 18 years of age 2. There must be a clear indication of abduction 3. The local law enforcement agency of jurisdiction must recommend the activation 4. There must be a detailed description of child, abductor, or the vehicle to broadcast to the public 5. The law enforcement agency's investigation must conclude the child's life is in danger

A law enforcement officer may make a probable cause arrest without a warrant under what circumstances?

1. The person has committed a felony or misdemeanor of violation a county or municipal ordinance in the presence of the officer 2. The person committed a felony outside of the officer's presence, but the officer has probable cause to believe that the person committed it. 3. A warrant for arrest has been issued and is being held by another law enforcement officer or agency. 4. The general rule is that an officer may not make an arrest for a misdemeanor which does not occur in his or her presence.

How to handle a Battery (Contact w/Malice)

1. Time of occurrence 2. Describe a) Right or Left hand b) How used (Open Hand= Slap, Fist= Punch, Backhand= Slap(Pimp Slap ;]) 3. Victim- Points to site of injuries 4. Police Officer's Observations



Dry Blood

1. Wet it with sterile water 2. Swab it 3. Air Dry 4. Paper bag

The content of the narrative should answer the following four key questions:

1. Why was the officer there? • dispatched to a call at the location • flagged down while on patrol • officer saw or thought something occurred while on patrol 2. What did the officer observe? What did the officer see, hear, smell, or feel? What were the crime scene conditions? What was the officer told by people at the scene? Who else responded to the scene? 3. What did the officer do? What investigative steps did the officer take? What other actions did the officer perform (CPR, response to resistance)? Whom did the officer interview? Whom did the officer notify about the situation? Did the officer collect any evidence? What did the officer do with any collected evidence? 4. What were the outcomes? What crimes were committed? Did the officer arrest anyone? What related documents were collected or disseminated? Were any further actions or referrals required?



Problem oriented policing was developed and advanced in ________


Communication system that combines letters and numbers

Alphanumeric code











The penalty for offenses in this class is death or life imprisonment in a state correctional facility without the possibility of parole.

A Capital Felony (highest class of felony)

Occurs when an officer comes into voluntary contact with a citizen under circumstances in which a reasonable person would feel free to disregard the police and go about his or her business

A Consensual Encounter



A person who commits petit theft, and who has been previously convicted two or more times of petit theft, commits a what?

A Felony

If the property is valued at $100 or more but less than $300, and is taken from a dwelling or the curtilage thereof, stealing it is what?

A Felony

Carries a maximum penalty of 30 years in a state correctional facility, a fine of up to $10,000 or both

A First-degree Felony

Carries a maximum penalty of one year in a county jail, a fine of $1,000, or both

A First-degree Misdemeanor

Has varying penalties, including up to life imprisonment in a state correctional facility, a fine of up to $15,000 or both.

A Life Felony



An offense for which the only penalty may be a fine, forfeiture, or other civil penalty

A Noncriminal Violation

Occurs when the government intrudes into a place where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy.

A Search

The Fourth Amendment requires officers to obtain what before intruding into a place where an individual has reasonable expectation of privacy.

A Search Warrant

Is punishable by a maximum of 15 years in a state correctional facility, a fine of up to $10,000 or both

A Second-degree Felony

Carries a maximum penalty of 60 days in a county jail, a fine of $500, or both

A Second-degree Misdemeanor

Occurs when the government affects a person's right to have or control his or her property, usually by physically taking it.

A Seizure

Carries a maximum penalty of 5 years in a state correctional facility, a fine of up to $5,000 or both

A Third-degree Felony

Dirty bombs

Also known as radiation dispersal devices, are traditional bombs with radioactive materials loaded into the casing. They are not considered nuclear weapons because they do not contain the same explosive power and their radiation is preloaded, whereas nuclear weapons create radioactivity upon detonation. Is primarily intended to inflict psychological panic more than physical harm. Its purpose is to contaminate rather than to destroy.



Items used to construct a sketch

A blank sheet of paper, or graph paper, pen or pencil, tape measure, and a template or a ruler.

means that the defendant unreasonably failed in the duty he or she was obligated to perform.

A breach of duty

involves an entry into some place without permission to enter in order to commit a crime therein.

A burglary

is an unlawful interference with the fundamental rights of another person, such as the rights to due process and equal protection under the law.

A civil rights violation


A common policy or rule is to be out of a building at least ___ minutes before the alleged time of detonation and not return until at least __ minutes after the alleged time of detonation.

National Incident Management System (NIMS)

A course taught through two units: Unit 1 IS-100.LE.b Introduction to the Incident Command System and Unit 2, IS-700.a National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction.

Pick-up order

A court order to take a juvenile into custody

A search incident may not be conducted unless there is what?

A custodial arrest

An interrogation is?

A custodial meeting where information is obtained from a person


A database search through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to determine the original owner of the firearm or the firearms dealer.

Take-down area

A designated area of disadvantage to the suspect vehicle driver or occupant.

Examples of Informational alerts

A diabetic person's license may display "insulin dependent" in red print.

Class E-Learner

A driver with a _______________ license is limited to driving motor vehicles weighing less than 8,000 pounds. In addition, such a driver must be accompanied by a licensed driver 21 years of age or older who occupies the closest seat right of the driver, and the learner may initially drive only between the hours of 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. Three months after issuance of the learner license, the driver may drive from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. A driver with a learner license may not operate a motorcycle without a motorcycle endorsement.

If the offender is armed or becomes armed the trespass becomes what?

A felony

Be aware that touching an individual with autism may cause:

A fight or flight reaction


A form of theft. Is a misdemeanor or felony depending upon the value of the property stolen.

48-hour period.

A general rule for planning for a natural disaster is to include basic supplies needed for a

1,000 feet

A general safe distance for the initial perimeter is ____________________. This is a minimum evacuation distance and applies to situations in which the type or amount of explosive is unknown.

FBI's National Stolen Art File.

A helpful resource for investigating the violation of state archaeological lands is the ____________________. Is a computerized index of stolen art, antiquities, and cultural property as reported to the FBI by U.S. and international law enforcement agencies.

What is the greatest threat during a building search?

A hiding suspect

Theft, drugs, or pornography

A large percent of runaway children that remain at large for two or more weeks will become involved in

It is essential that you secure the scene, view the infant's body, identify the witnesses and people who may have information about the infant's death, photograph the scene, conduct preliminary interviews, and complete thorough documentation of your findings

Although it is likely that you will only conduct a preliminary investigation,


A legal order for an arrest issued by the clerk of courts at the request of the state attorney's office

It is important to introduce yourself and explain your role

As the first officer responding to the scene of SUID/SIDS,

Always preserve life first and then work to preserve the scene for investigation

As you respond to an initial call for service,

Do so in a way that avoids influencing the identification

Ask the victim or witness if he or she recognizes the suspect;

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect for what? 1. The offender intentionally and unlawfully threatened, either by word or act, to do violence to the victim. 2. At the time, the offender appeared to have the ability to carry out the threat. 3. The act of the offender created in the mind of the victim a well-founded fear that the violence was about to take place.

Assault, s. 784.011, F.S., Misdemeanor

Problem solving produces one of the five results: the problem is eliminated; the problem is substantially reduced; the harm created by the problem is reduced; a better method of handling the problem is found; or the problem is found to be outside the realm of law enforcement


Noncustodial transports are performed for a variety of reasons such as: (3)

Assisting endangered people Aiding people with disabled vehicles Investigating a situation

Officers should never ______ that a prisoner has been searched before


The primary officer

Assumes command of the high risk traffic stop.

Notify your supervisor and/or specialized units immediately

At some point during the initial investigation and depending on circumstances at the scene,

Operational Role

At this level responders take defensive action to protect nearby people, property, or the environment from the effects of the release. They are trained to respond in a defensive fashion without actually trying to stop the release. Their function is to contain the release from a safe distance, keep it from spreading, and preventing exposure.

is an offense when either the person did some act toward committing the crime that went beyond just thinking or talking about it; or the person would have committed the crime except that someone or something prevented him or her from doing so, or the person failed.


s. 381.887, F.S.,

Authorizes law enforcement officers to administer an opioid antagonist as an emergency treatment for suspected opioid overdose to block the effect of the drug, which can save the life of someone experiencing an overdose.

Identification process

Avoid providing any verbal or non verbal feedback to the victim or witness during the



Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion

BLEVE stands

A description of the suspect, the suspect's name, and any additional information that would help apprehend the suspect

BOLO (Be On the Look Out)

Officers must also ensure that the elements of the crime are clearly detailed within the report and record procedures followed including:

BOLO notifications, case cards, victims and witness pamphlets, and domestic violence information.

The officer should handcuff the suspect and place him or her in the patrol vehicle

Based on arrest procedures,

Fragile Evidence

Based on the circumstances at a scene, you need to photograph this type of evidence first.

The State must prove one of the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender actually and intentionally touched or struck the victim against the victim's will. 2. The offender intentionally caused bodily harm to the victim.

Battery, s. 784.03, F.S., Misdemeanor/Felony

If warranted, apologize for the intrusion

Be aware of any animals that may be present and consider the time of day when approaching the occupant, and,


Be aware of your own emotional reaction when responding to a

Giving examples of more serious burglaries

Be careful not to minimize the impact this crime may have on the victim by

Only using reports for specific details and after requesting permission to refer to them.

Be prepared to testify from memory,

Learn the victim's age. Knowing this helps you prepare for the interviews, use age-appropriate language, and word questions so the child understands. Consider wha out know about the child's mental capacity. For example, a 10-year-old child with an intellectual disability may understand less than other children of the same age do.

Before conducting a child's interview,

A traffic stop (Conduct)

Begins the moment an officer observes an event or reason that merits the stop.

What are a few of the most common signs of stress

Behavioral changes, erratic work habits, excessive accidents or injuries, fatigue, sleeping, and eating disorders, excessive worry, excessive alcohol or drug use, and complaints from peers and citizens

What are some advantages to foot patrol?

Being visible to the public, greater accessibility to the community, and the ability to closely investigate community concerns and observe activities in a specific area

Ensuring scene safety, removing any environmental or physical threats, and protecting any evidence against contamination and loss. Locate and view the infant's body. Check for pulse, respiration, and reflexes.

Being your SUID/SIDS investigation by

Chemistry or Toxicological Evidence

Blood alcohol levels, drugs, and poisons are all

Foreign Blood

Blood that doesn't belong to the victim.

Biological and Touch DNA Evidence

Blood, semen, saliva, perspiration, urine, vaginal secretions, feces, vomit, bones, teeth, body tissues, hair, DNA, and Touch DNA are all

People Nation Gangs

Bloods, Latin Kings, Norte 13 "Nortenos" are all examples of this group

Breach of the peace or disorderly conduct

Brawling or fighting in public may constitute a

Drug addicts

Burglarize vehicles, homes, and businesses, looking for prescription or non-prescription drugs, illegal drugs, and anything of value that they can easily sell for drugs.

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender entered and/or remained in a structure or conveyance owned by or in the possession of the victim. 2. The offender did not have the permission or consent of the victim, or anyone authorized to act for the victim, to enter and/or remain in the structure or conveyance at the time. 3. At the time of entering and/or remaining in the structure or conveyance, the offender had a fully formed, conscious intent to commit the crime that is listed in the charge.

Burglary, s. 810.02, F.S., Felony

Technique to clear a room where officers stand on opposite sides of a doorway and wrap around the wall into the room

Button hook

You should be able to identify the primary aggressor in almost all incidents that involve tow or more combatants

By comparing all the information obtained and then looking for inconsistencies and untruths,

Least preferable method of death notification

By phone

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives

CBRNE stands for



Secure internet site used by the Florida criminal justice community as a portal to many beneficial information databases


System that includes FALCON, CART, and FORTS














Crime Scene Log

CSL stands for

What must a officer do when they arrive to the prison with a prisoner?

Call dispatch, inform of the final location and ending vehicle mileage

What must a officer do before they transport a prisoner to prison?

Call dispatch, provide a current location, destination and the beginning mileage


Can be any of the following: •Sprain, dislocation, or cartilage damage, bone or skull fracture, brain or spinal cord damage, intracranial hemorrhage, or injury to another internal organ •Asphyxiation, suffocation, or drowning •Injury resulting from the use of a deadly weapon •Burns or scalding, cuts, lacerations, punctures, or bites •Permanent or temporary disfigurement, permanent, or temporary loss or impairment of a body part or function


Can be caused by choking, constriction of the chest or abdomen, strangulation, narrowing of the airways due to an allergic reaction or some other disorder, inhalation of toxic gases, immersion in water, wedging or entrapment, or neck compression.


Can be curtilage, land, or a building immediately adjacent to a dwelling, structure, or conveyance, usually enclosed in some way by fence and/or shrubs, or unenclosed curettage.

Biological agents

Can be dispersed through food and water supplies by using aerosols, liquid droplets, solid dispersion (such as powder), and by using creatures such as fleas, ticks, or other insects to spread the agent.

Military devices

Can be easily acquired and are generally recognizable. They may include hand grenades, landmines, and rocket launchers.

Botulinum toxin

Can be introduced to the body through ingestion, inhalation, or absorption.

The victim and suspect

Can be the only people present at the scene of a domestic violence incident and can provide you with all of the information.

Two questions to ask when death with people in crisis are:

Can the people care for themselves? Are they a threat to themselves for others?

Asking FTO for help during an investigation

Can you help me? I have already asked him politely not to enter the scene?

What should you do when the subject of a alert is accounted for?

Cancel the BOLO

An officer ______ transport a juvenile in the same vehicle with an adult prisoner


The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect what? 1. The offender took the motor vehicle from the victim or custody of the victim. 2. Force, violence, assault, or putting in fear of violence was used in the course of the taking. 3. The taking was with the intent to permanently or temporarily deprive the victim of his or her right to the vehicle or any benefit from it.

Carjacking, s. 812.133, F.S., Felony.


Caution the victim or witness that a person he or she will be looking at may or may not be the

Dispatchers usually work in a ________ area, with access to telephones and other resources to assist sworn officers


Someone with less physical strength may be able to help with: (3)

Cervical spine stabilization CPR Applying pressure to wound

What is the chapter in the florida statutes where Public Records law may be found

Chapter 119

The mobile electronic device also allows officers to accomplish a number of routine tasks such as-...

Checking in and out of service, viewing and receiving calls for service, and receiving dispatch information to reduce radio traffic

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The defendant committed at least one of the following: a. intentionally inflicted physical or mental injury upon the victim b. committed an intentional act that could reasonably be expected to result in physical or mental injury to the victim c. actively encouraged another person to commit an act that results in or could reasonably have been expected to result in physical or mental injury to the victim 2. The victim is under the age of 18. Note: Leaving a newborn infant at a hospital, emergency medical services station, or fire station without intent to return does not constitute a crime. See s. 827.035, F.S.

Child Abuse, s. 827.03(1)(b), F.S., Felony

Continues over an extended period, such as the stress of a FTO program

Chronic stress

Notes can be organized in the following two ways:

Chronologically & Categorically

The ________ of a situation should dictate the tactics a officer uses


requires an inference or presumption to establish a fact. An example is eyewitness testimony that the defendant entered the victim's home around the time of the crime.

Circumstantial or indirect evidence

Security checks may be initiated by: (3)

Citizen request Dispatch Officers

Pertains to the legal action that a person takes to resolve a private dispute with another person.

Civil Law

is responsibility for a wrongful act or an omission that injures a person or property and most often involves negligence. Penalties for this are normally payment of money damages to the victim or the victim's heirs.

Civil liability

Where is the NCIC located?

Clarksburg, West Virginia

Green Florida Driver's License

Class D and E Licenses

Yellow Florida Driver's License

Class E Learner's License

Keep equipment ______ and in _______ order at all times

Clean, working

Latent Print Lifting Media

Clear, Frosted, and Cellulose tape are all

What should a officer do when they are updating a foot pursuit through the radio?

Clearly communicate your location, direction of travel, and a description of the suspect

When in the presence of a suspect, reduce the risks and dangers of exposure by using appropriate ______


Blue Florida Driver's License

Commercial Driver License (CDL)-- Classes A, B, and C

Professional burglars

Commit only a few offenses yearly, have sophisticated knowledge of security systems, and target only residence or businesses with significant assets.

Natural Development of law is sometimes referred to as

Common Law

"Shake and Bake" method, the red phosphorous method, and the "Nazi" (Anhydrous ammonia) method.

Common methods used in the manufacture of methamphetamine are the one-pot

Both private and public conveyances and shipments via commercial delivery companies such as UPS, the U.S. Postal Service, and FedEx

Common methods used to transport drugs include

Lost Property

Common reports initiated for ____________________ are about cell phones, driver's licenses, credit cards, Social Security cards, medication, any insurance-related claim, or any loss due to a natural disaster. Take a general information report to document the incident. Get a description of the property and an estimate of the lost value. Precise descriptions of ______________________ are important for later identification and recovery. Note the unique distinguishing identifiers such as scratches or unique parts to help identify the property. Record the serial numbers and owner-applied numbers in your report. Conduct an FCIC/NCIC database search, and a local system search that will search local pawnshops for recovered property.

Upon completion of a security check officers should:

Communicate information to dispatch

_____________________ a suicidal person is a vital part of the intervention process

Communicating with

Philosophy that promotes community partnerships to address the causes of crime and other community issues

Community oriented policing

What are community oriented policing's two core components

Community partnerships and problem solving

Use the following factors to help identify the primary aggressor and make an arrest.

Compare physical evidence to statements Compare injuries to statements Consider evidence or patterns of assault and coercion; include physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. Compare the victim, witness, and suspect's statements Assess the verbal and nonverbal communication of involved parties Consider the emotional state, use of physical stature for intimidation, and fearfulness of involved parties. Consider violent physical acts such as the following: - Who damaged property? - Who injured animals? - Who ripped the phone from the wall? - Does the injury fit the story of the person who claims self-defense?

are designed to compensate for the actual property damage, harm, or injury that the plaintiff suffers.

Compensatory damages

Refer the _______________ to an appropriate resource by providing pamphlets, website addresses, or other agency contact information


Created when a booking agency submits your fingerprints and arrest information for an arrested person

Computerized Criminal History

Electronic Evidence

Computers, cell phones, PDA, thumb drives, external hard drives, CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, digital cameras, answering machines, and digital recording devices are all

Object or environment that provides camouflage for any officer but will not stop incoming gunfire


A haphazard search

Conducted without knowledge of the building's layout, particularly in a large or complex building, might mean some areas are searched more than once, while other areas are not searched at all.

Determining if the reason for the profile is so broad that it applies to a large percentage of the law-abiding population.

Conducting a drug courier profile involves

Step 6 of Initiating the Traffic Stop

Conducting a visual assessment of the violator's vehicle.

Methods for identifying criminal suspects

Confessions, admissions, witness testimony, circumstantial evidence, confidential informant intelligence, and line-up identification (physical and photo).

Parent or legal guardian

Confinement of a child less than 13 years of age is against his or her will if such confinement is without consent of his or her

Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA)

Congress passed the ____________________ to update traditional slavery laws and combat trafficking in persons.

Searches that do not require probable cause, reasonable suspicion, or even mere suspicion. If it is knowing and voluntary and the person giving it has authority to do so, then the search is valid and any evidence can be used in court.


means intelligent, knowing, and voluntary and does not include coerced submission.


Physical Evidence

Consists of objects or perishable evidence such as fingerprints, blood, or tire tracks.

Defines the form of government Americans have established; defines our representational government and its three-branch structure (executive, legislative, and judicial)

Constitutional Law

What are the sources of laws that govern the way we live in the United States?

Constitutional Law Statutory Law Ordinances Criminal Law Case Law Civil Law

The primary officer on a call is the ________

Contact officer

Biological weapons

Contain living organisms and are unpredictable and uncontrollable when released.

Explosions and vapor releases.

Containers that store contents under pressure, such as propane or oxygen tanks, can present additional hazards, like

Victim collection points (VCPs)

Contaminated and uncontaminated people should be kept separated to avoid the spread of contamination. Can be designated once a preliminary perimeter has been established. Allows EMTs to easily differentiate between those who need medical treatment and those who require decontamination.

What should officers do if they locate a suspect halfway through a building search?

Continue to clear the rest of the building once the suspect has been detained and removed

Include items which are illegal to possess, items used in the commission of a felony, and items purchased with the profits of felonious activity.

Contraband Articles

Certain drugs and chemical substances are, by law, known as what?

Controlled Substances A "specific substance alleged" is a controlled substance.

_________ and other stress management techniques can help you overcome voice fluctuations

Controlled breathing

Radio codes and signals save airtime and ____________ and definite meanings

Convey presise

means any motor vehicle, ship, vessel, railroad vehicle or car, trailer, aircraft, or sleeping car; and "to enter a conveyance" includes taking apart any portion of the conveyance.


When checking the perimeter of a building, a officer should use caution when approaching ______ ______ and ______

Corner, windows, doors

Before a person can be charges with a criminal offense, the officer must have evidence that a crime has been committed. This legal principle is known as what?

Corpus Delicti - "body of the offense"

Protects officers from incoming gunfire


The backup officer is the ______

Cover officer

Immediately identify areas for ________ and _______

Cover, concealment

an act that the law makes punishable.


What is CJIS?

Criminal Justice information services

System users of the FCIC/NCIC must attend the _______ certification class and pass the certification exam

Criminal Justice information services (CJIS)

The part of statutory laws that are defined unacceptable behaviors and government prosecution of those who commit them.

Criminal Law

Recklessness, imposed criminal liability on defendants when they did not intend for a behavior to cause the resulting harm.

Criminal Negligence

Are punishable by incarceration and classified as either a felony or misdemeanor

Criminal Offense

1. Any person who willfully and without authorization fraudulently uses or possesses with intent to fraudulently use 2. Personal identification information concerning an individual without first obtaining that individual's consent.

Criminal Use of Personal Identification Information (Identity Theft), s. 817.568, F.S., Felony

occurs when an officer is found guilty of committing a crime and is sentenced to incarceration or other penalties.

Criminal liability

Folk Nation Gangs

Crips, Gangster Disciples, Sur 13 "Surenos" are all examples of this group

Technique to clear a room where officers start on opposite sides of a doorway and enter rapidly one after the other and cross to opposite sides

Criss cross

Two common methods for entering a room

Crisscross, button hook

Consciously doing an act that the person knew or should have known was likely to cause death or great bodily harm

Culpable Negligence

Simple negligence cannot give rise to criminal charges; it is only when that negligence is gross or flagrant that it reaches the level of criminal responsibility called?

Culpable Negligence

You should be aware of _______ and ________ issues involved in handling death notifications.

Cultural; religious

Results from a variety of sources over time. For example, an individual has domestic, financial , and career problems

Cumulative or routine stress

Immediately locating the shooter and neutralizing the threat before assisting the injured.

Current tactics focus on

The space of ground and outbuildings immediately surrounding a structure of someone's home and an open field


To refer to the process of interrogating or questioning a suspect

Custodial Interview

Four elements to the Miranda decision

Custody, interrogation, understanding, and free and voluntary waiving of rights.

What are some techniques for visually clearing rooms

Cutting the pie, edging

Officers may be able to locate an emergency contact in:


Provides all information about a motorist (driver/vehicle owner) in one program


Hazmat exposure

Decontamination protocol for a meth lab incident is the same as for any

s. 806.111, F.S,

Defines a firebomb as a container filled with flammable, combustible liquid or an incendiary chemical mixture, with a wick or other means of causing ignition. Does not include commercially manufactured devices used for illumination, heating, or cooking. Local gang activity, organized crime, terrorist activity, and hate crimes are often enacted using firebombs to commit crimes.

s. 877.03, F.S.,

Defines disorderly conduct as conduct that corrupts the public morals, outrages the sense of public decency, or affects the peace and quiet of people who may witness it. To establish probable cause for breach, document that the suspect's actions disturbed a person.

Section 741. 28, F.S.,

Defines domestic violence as "any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death of one family or household member by another family, or household member."

s. 787.06, F.S.,

Defines human trafficking as transporting, soliciting, recruiting, harboring, providing, enticing, maintaining, or obtaining another person for the purpose of exploitation of that person.

s. 812.13, F.S.,

Defines robbery

The backup patrol vehicle may be offset to the left or the right of the primary patrol vehicle. This will enable the emergency lightning to light the back of the vehicles better.

Depending on the location of traffic stop and its environmental conditions,

A nuclear weapon

Derives its destructive power from an uncontrolled nuclear reaction.

Mentally Defective

Describes a person suffering from a mental disease or defect that renders that person temporarily or permanently incapable of appraising the nature of his or her conduct.

A _________ is responsible for a juvenile who suffers from a medical abnormality, mental illness, or the effects of substance abuse

Detaining officer

Any disturbed areas and possible evidence for processing

Determine the entry and exit points the burglar used and note

When a suspect flees while a officer attempts to make contact, what should the officer do?

Determine the legal justification for chasing and detaining the suspect based upon facts and circumstances known at the time

Analyzing the totality of the circumstances of the incident.

Determine who the primary aggressor is by

The Blue Alert Foundation, Inc.

Developed the Blue Alert system to help provide law enforcement with the means to apprehend more quickly violent criminals who kill or seriously injure local, state, or federal law enforcement officers.

arises in cases in which the officer committed an intentional or a negligent tort in violation of the employing agency's order or policy.

Direct Liability

is that which proves a fact without an inference or presumption and which, if true in itself, conclusively establishes that fact.

Direct evidence

The elements of interrogation include questioning initiated by law enforcement that is what?

Direct or indirectly

An officer should _________ a suspect before leaving cover


The State must prove one of the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The act was of a nature to corrupt the public morals. 2. The act outraged the sense of public decency. 3. The act affected the peace and quiet of persons who witnessed it. 4. The person charged engaged in brawling or fighting. 5. The person charged engaged in any such conduct as to constitute a breach of peace or disorderly conduct.

Disorderly Conduct/Breach of Peace, s. 877.03, F.S., Misdemeanor

The State must prove at least one of the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender was intoxicated and endangered the safety of another person or property. 2. The offender was intoxicated or drank any alcoholic beverage in a public place or in or upon a public conveyance and caused a public disturbance.

Disorderly Intoxication, s. 856.011, F.S., Misdemeanor

When officers go on and off duty they must notify _______


What are three types of equipment that basic police radio communication generally relies on?

Dispatch console or base station used by dispatch, vehicle-mounted radio, and portable/handheld radio

PSTs are also know as what?


Chapter 318

Dispositions of Traffic Infractions

State and department policies will regulate the _______ of information that can be released to the public


While mobile electronic devices are useful in law enforcement work, they can be a _______ that diminishes an officer's observation skills and safety


Contact a supervisor, and follow agency policies and procedures when dealing with such situations

Do not attempt to determine which order is enforceable for a child custody situation, but maintain the status quo-

When you are on duty

Do not charge anyone with breaching an officer's peace,

Decontamination or allow the removal of any items from the site (due to possible contamination)

Do not place anything in the patrol car prior to

Both federal and state human tracking laws

Do not require force, fraud, or coercion to determine sex trafficking of persons less than 18 years of age and prohibits procuring persons less than 18 years of age for prostitution.

To establish probably cause for contributing to child dependency by a person 21 years or older impregnating a child less than 16 years of age

Document that at the time, the victim was less than 16 years of age, and the suspect was 21 years of age or older and impregnated the victim. Even if the victim consented or had sexual history, such an interaction is still illegal.

To establish probable cause for felony battery,

Document that the suspect actually and intentionally touched or struck the victim against his or her will, and that the suspect caused the victim great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement.

To establish probably cause for home-invasion robbery

Document that the suspect entered the dwelling of the victim and that at the time the suspect entered the dwelling, the suspect intended to commit robbery. While inside the dwelling, the suspect did commit robbery.

s. 787.01, F.S., To establish probable cause for kidnapping

Document that the suspect had no lawful authority and that the suspect forcibly, secretly, by threat confined, abducted, or imprisoned the victim against his or her will.

To establish probable cause for battery,

Document that the suspect intentionally touched or struck the victim against his or her will, or the suspect intentionally caused bodily harm to the victim.

To establish probably cause for aggravated battery

Document that the suspect intentionally touched or struck the victim against his or her will, or the suspect intentionally caused bodily harm to the victim. In addition, document that while committing the battery, the suspect intentionally or knowingly caused great bodily harm, permanent disability, permanent disfigurement, or used a deadly weapon.

To establish probable cause for human trafficking

Document that the suspect knowingly, or in reckless disregard of the facts, engages in, or attempts to engage in, or benefits financially by receiving anything of value from participation in a venture that has subjected a person. The victim can be an unauthorized alien, a foreign national in the United States on a valid visa, or a United States citizen.

To establish probable cause for loitering or prowling

Document that the suspect loitered or prowled in a place, at a time, or in a manner not usual for law-abiding individuals.

When establishing probable cause for voyeurism

Document that the suspect secretly observed the victim and committed the alleged act with a lewd, lascivious, indent intent. The words lewd, lascivious, and indecent mean the same thing: a wicked, lustful, unchaste, licentious, or sensual intent on the part of the person doing the act.

To establish probable cause for robbery by sudden snatching

Document that the suspect took the money or property from the person of the victim and in the course of the taking, the victim was or became aware of the taking.

To establish probable cause for robbery

Document that the suspect took the money or property from the person or custody of the victim by using force, violence, and assault, or by placing the victim in fear during the course of the taking. Add that the property taken was of some value and whether the suspect took the property with the intent to deprive the victim of his or her right to it or any benefit from it permanently or temporarily.

To establish probable cause for carjacking

Document that the suspect took the motor vehicle from the person or custody of the victim using force, violence, assault, or by placing the victim in fear during the course of the taking. The suspect took the property with the intent to deprive the victim of his or her right to the motor vehicle, temporarily or permanently, or any benefit from it. The suspect took the property to appropriate the motor vehicle of the victim to his or own use or that of any person not entitled to it.

To establish probable cause for dealing in stolen property

Document that the suspect trafficked in or endeavored to traffic in property the suspect knew or should have known was stolen.

To establish probable cause for aggravated stalking

Document that the suspect willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly followed, harassed, or cyberstalker the victim, and the suspect made a credible threat with the intent to place the victim in reasonable fear of death or bodily injury.

To establish probably cause for assault,

Document that the suspect: •Intentionally and unlawfully threatened, by either word or act, to do violence to a victim, •Appeared to have the ability to carry out the threat at the time, and •Created in the mind of the victim a well-founded fear that violence was about to take place.

To establish probably cause for aggravated assault

Document that the suspect: •Intentionally and unlawfully threatened, by either word or act, to do violence to a victim, •Must appear to have the ability to carry out the threat at the time, •Created in the mind of the victim a well-founded fear that violence was about to take place, and •Made a fully formed, conscious intent to commit violence to a victim using a deadly weapon.

To establish probable cause for sexual battery upon a person 12 years of age or older,

Document that the victim was 12 years of age or older, and the act was committed without the consent of the victim, The suspect committed an act upon or with the victim in which the sexual organ of the suspect or victim penetrated or had union with the anus or vagina of the victim or suspect, or the suspect committed an act with an object that penetrated the anus or vagina of the victim. The definition of an object includes a finger.

When establishing probable cause for exploitation of a disabled adult or elderly person

Document that the victim was an elderly person or a disabled adult and: The suspect stood in a position of trust and confidence and had a business relationship with the victim at the time. or The suspect knew or reasonably should have known the victim did not have the capacity to consent at the time. or The suspect was the victim's guardian or agent under a power of attorney and breached a fiduciary duty to the victim. As a result, there was an unauthorized appropriation, sale, or transfer of the victim's property.

According to s. 827.03, F.S., to establish probably cause for aggravated child abuse,

Document that the victim was less than 18 years of age and the suspect did any of the following acts: •Committed aggravated battery upon the victim •Willfully tortured the victim •Maliciously punished the victim •Willfully and unlawfully caged the victim •Knowingly or willfully committed child abuse upon the victim and in so doing caused great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement, or used a deadly weapon.

Names, Changes

Document the ________________ of people on the scene and ____________ made to the scene.

To establish probable cause for false imprisonment

Document the fact that the suspect has no lawful authority and that the suspect forcibly, secretly, and by threat confined abducted, imprisoned, and/or restrained the victim against his or her will.

To establish probable cause for trespassing

Document the suspect did both or one of the following: Willfully enter or remained in a structure or conveyance and the structure or conveyance was in the lawful possession of the complainant. The suspect entering or remaining in the structure or conveyance was without authorization, license, or invitation by the complainant or any other person authorized to give that permission. Had been authorized, licensed, or invited to enter or remain in the structure or conveyance by the owner, lessee, or a person authorized by the owner or lessee of the premises warned the suspect to depart and the suspect refused to depart.

To establish provable cause for criminal mischief

Document the suspect injured or damaged real or personal property that belonged to the complainant and the suspect willfully and maliciously caused the injury or damage.

To establish probable cause for video voyeurism

Document whether the suspect: •Intentionally used or installed an imaging device to secretly view, broadcast, or record the victim for his or her own amusement, entertainment, sexual arousal, gratification, profit, or for the purpose of degrading or abusing the victim, •Intentionally permitted the use or installation of an imaging device to secretly view, broadcast, or record the victim for the amusement, entertainment, sexual arousal, gratification, or profit of another or on behalf of another, or •Viewed the body of or the undergarments worn by the victim by using an imaging device.

is anything written or printed which is offered to prove or disprove facts pertaining to the case.

Documentary evidence

The seizure and destruction process of weapons and contraband must be _______


Forensic report and medical report, as well as a criminal report.

Documenting sexual battery includes a

any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death of one family or household member by another.

Domestic Violence

Stress that may cause relationship problems, displacement of anger towards family and friends, and withdrawal from domestic and social activities

Domestic stress

Stand alone

Draw an initial sketch at the crime scene with enough detail to _______________ and include measurements for use in preparing a more formal sketch.

What should officers do prior to entering a building?

Draw their firearm, knock, announce your presence to allow occupants to exit and surrender

The Department of Highway safety and motor vehicles maintains a online inquiry database know as _______

Driver and Vehicle information database (DAVID)

DAVID provides authorized users with-..

Driver images and signatures State issued ID cards Applications for drivers licenses Driving history Vehicle history for motorist ID documents used by non citizens

Documents that provide the most accurate personal information

Driver's license or state-issued identification card (with picture) Residence card for non-citizens (Green card) Military ID School picture identification Social Security card (Agency policy and procedure)

Present or Submit

Drivers in Florida are required to ______ a driver's license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance upon officer's request per ss. 322.15, and s.320.0605, F.S.,

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender possessed a certain substance. 2. The substance was the specific substance alleged. 3. The offender had knowledge of the presence of the substance.

Drug Abuse—Possession, s. 893.13(6)(a), F.S., Felony and s. 893.13(6)(b), F.S., Misdemeanor*

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender sold, purchased, manufactured, delivered, or possessed with intent to sell, purchase, manufacture, or deliver a certain substance. 2. The act occurred in, on, or within 1,000 feet of the real property comprising a child care facility or a public or private elementary, middle, or secondary school between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 12:00 midnight. 3. The substance was the specific substance alleged. 4. The offender had knowledge of the presence of the substance.

Drug Abuse—Sale, Purchase, Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession within 1,000 feet of a School, ss. 893.13(1)(c), (d), (e), and (h), F.S., Felony

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender sold, purchased, manufactured, delivered, or possessed with intent to sell, purchase, manufacture, or deliver a certain substance. 2. The substance was the specific substance alleged. 3. If possession is charged, the offender had knowledge of the presence of the substance.

Drug Offenses—Sale, Purchase, Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession with Intent, s. 893.13(1)(a), F.S., Felony



Once a officer has arrived at a call, what should they do?

Stop a short distance from the address

Officers should give direct commands such as "_____" or "_______",

Stop, Don't Move

Not all _______ is negative


Physical or emotional reaction to an event or situation


________ may come from a perceived or real threat or it can be a physiological or psychological response to a demanding situation or change


means a building of any kind, either temporary or permanent, which has a roof over it, together with the curtilage thereof.


What information should a BOLO include?

Subjects name and identifying information Location of the incident Reason for the BOLO Alleged violation or reason the subject is wanted Last known mode and direction of travel Person, vehicle, or property description or photograph

The two main components of due process are?

Substantive and Procedural

The fair and consistent enforcement of the law

Substantive due process

Officers who are unable to manage stress and depression may be at a higher risk of _________


Information shared at roll call comes from oral instruction from -...

Supervisors and the records and reports of officers from previous shifts

May include tactical preparedness, firearm proficiency, physical fitness, situational awareness, and first aid skills

Survival readiness

Who may officers encounter during a building search?

Suspects, and people who have a legitimate reason to be there

Any activity that is abnormal for a specific time of day in a particular area

Suspicious activity

Officers should ______ search the structure, keeping track of cleared rooms or areas










At night

Take advantage of light and shadows

If a facility is unable to accept the substance abuser, the officer is authorized by statute to:

Take the person to a detention facility

Circumstances to consider in determining whether to be alarmed or have an immediate concern is when the suspect:

Takes flight upon appearance of a law enforcement officer, Refuses to identify him or herself, or Attempts to conceal him- or herself or any object

Officers must decide appropriate action as one of the following

Taking no action, issuing a verbal warning, a written warning, a citation, or making an arrest.

Juvenile burglars

Target schools, their own family or friends, authority figures, and tend to steal age-appropriate items. Often commit vandalism and may set fires.

If FCIC/NCIC reveals a unrelated outstanding warrant, officers have the authority to arrest the suspect if _______ confirms the warrant


Communication system that uses the number 10 to precede other numbers that represent specific activities

Ten or numeric code

Calls for backup assistance may involve -....

Tending to non-life threatening , high risk, or life threatening situations

The United States Supreme Court stuck down a Tennessee law which allowed law enforcement officers to use whatever force was necessary to stop fleeing felons.

Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1 (1985)

is witness statements tending to prove or disprove facts about the case. It includes the testimonies of law enforcement officers, experts, and other witnesses.

Testimonial evidence

Child abuse, neglect, or abandonment.

Due to the nature of the DCF investigation, you should be able to use much of the information from the DCF investigator in a criminal investigation to prove the elements of _______________________________. Information may include sworn statements from a physician indicating that the victim has suffered child abuse, transcripts of interviews with the child victim conducted by qualified personnel, and the family history including previous neglect or abuse complaints.

Locate and evaluate the location(s) within the scene where the infant was purported to have been moved between placement and discovery, while also noting existing environmental conditions that may have affected the infant.

During a SUID/SIDS case it is essential that you use the first opportunity to,

Department of Children and Families (DCF)

During a collaborative investigation, The majority of the time, your response will be to meet with or escort an investigator from the __________________________ to the scene of suspected child abuse or neglect investigations.

Notify your supervisor of any signs of trauma or obvious fatal injury.

During a homicide, look for an obvious fatal injury, such as bullet hole in the head or chest, and

Ask to see and speak with a disabled adult or elderly person. Reserve judgment about people's lives and lifestyle choices. Notice how the victim reacts to your presence and respond accordingly. Loud or argumentative reactions can signal impending violence. Crying or laughing may express the victim's relief that you have finally arrived. Quiet or regressive behavior may indicate suffering. Take extra time to be sensitive to the victim's needs; observe carefully, speak simply, and have patience.

During an Initial Response for exploitation of a disabled adult or elderly person,

Investigators downloaded hundreds of racially inappropriate messages that were exchanged on mobile data terminals in Los Angeles Police Department cruisers. The evidence of these incidents of racial discrimination were used against the officers involved in the King case.

During the investigation of the Los Angeles Police Department following the Rodney King case,

means a building or conveyance of any kind, including any attached porch, whether such building or conveyance is temporary or permanent, mobile, or immobile, which has a roof over it and is designed to be occupied by people lodging therein at night.








Two receipts

Each Uniform Traffic Citation book contains _______________ that are used for assigning the book to an officer.

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. Intentional infliction of physical or psychological injury upon an elderly person or disabled adult 2. An intentional act that could reasonably be expected to result in physical or psychological injury to an elderly person or disabled adult 3. Active encouragement of any person to commit an act that results or could reasonably be expected to result in physical or psychological injury to an elderly person or disabled adult

Elder Abuse, s. 825.102, F.S.

means a person 60 years of age or older who is suffering from the infirmities of aging as manifested by advanced age or organic brain damage, or other physical, mental, or emotional dysfunctioning, to the extent that the ability of the person to provide adequately for the person's own care or protection is impaired.

Elderly person

As additional information is provided, officers should be able to determine whether to _____ or ______ their response to a backup call

Elevate, downgrade

When sudden peril requires instinctive action, an officer is not required to use the same degree of care as when there is time to reflect.

Emergency Doctrine

What exception involves a situation in which an officer may make a warrantless entry in order to ensure their own safety or that of the public. For this exception to apply, the officer must have an objectively reasonable basis to believe that someone is in immediate danger.

Emergency Scene

Disposition of a lead

End result of that particular lead

Homeland Security Investigations (HSI)

Enforces United States laws, including federal immigration laws and regulations

The American legal system is based primarily on

English Common Law

You should supervise the actions of the people providing assistance to: (3)

Ensure their safety Minimize liability Make sure they operate within the law

Pie/wheel search pattern

Entails dividing the area into a number of wedge-shaped sections, which are usually searched using the strip/line search pattern. Use this method for extremely large search areas.

occurs when a law enforcement officer uses undue persuasion or fraudulent means to induce a person to commit a crime he or she would not have otherwise committed.


Hurricanes, gas leaks, and spills on the roadways are examples of:

Environmental hazards

Involves elements of an officers surroundings such as the waether or high noise levels that could add to mental or physical strain

Environmental stress

What are the factors that contribute to stress

Environmental, personal, self induced, and work related

The _______ used while on patrol is vital to an officer's safety and effectiveness


Before leaving the scene of a search warrant, ensure all ___________ and _____________ is accounted for and removed.

Equipment; evidence

The difference between theft and robbery is what?

That robbery involves the use of force against a person.

The officer must determine whether the elements of criminal act are present and have probable cause to believe what?

That the person to be charged committed the crime

Their purpose is to ensure that individuals rights are not infringed upon by the government.

The Amendments to the Constitution

What forms the main body of the Constitution?

The Articles of the Constitution

The first ten amendments of the Constitution is known as what?

The Bill of Rights

Was originally intended to restrict the actions of the federal government

The Bill of Rights

The principle that an officer may search a vehicle or other mobile conveyance without a warrant if there is probable cause to believe that the vehicle contains contraband or evidence of criminal activity.

The Carroll Doctrine Carroll v. U.S., 267 U.S. 132 (1925)

Proper knowledge and use of the radio is _______ to officer safety


What should good radio messages provide?

Essential information, such as officer identification, current location, reason for the call, and information specific to the situation

Protects individuals from governmental abuse of power and defines law enforcement's authority to act.

The Constitution

Part of the Fourteenth Amendment that expands the restriction the Bill of Rights places on the federal government to state and local governments and states, " No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges and immunities of the citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process law; nor deny any person within its jurisdiction of the equal protection of the laws."

The Due Process Clause

Vehicle (s. 316.003(75), F.S.,)

Every device, in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, excepting devices used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.

is information that is allowed in court, while proof is the effect produced by that information.


Use a comma to separate nonrestrictive (unimportant) phrases in a sentence. A phrase is a group of words that forms a grammatical unit, though not necessarily a complete sentence; it is considered nonrestrictive when it can be omitted without disturbing the correctness of the grammar.

Ex. The fingerprints, which I found on the window, belong to the victim.

Use commas when writing dates and addresses.

Ex. The first robbery occurred on January 12, 2012, at 345 Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida.

Use a comma to introduce a quote.

Ex. When I arrested her, she said, "I'm going to burn his house down when I get out."

are unplanned, spontaneous statements that occur during or after a shocking event, or having suffered an injury, and may be relied upon for truthfulness.

Excited utterances

The Supreme Court has ruled that evidence obtained by government in violation of the Constitution cannot be used as evidence in court. This is known as what?

Exclusionary Rule

Civil standbys may be conducted in situations such as: (3)

Executing writ of replevin Child custody exchange Pretrial release order

Certain emergencies such as evidence destruction, an emergency scene, or a fresh pursuit that justifies a warrantless entry.

Exigent Circumstances


Exists when two participants operate with the same level of power in a relationship, no control. or coercion by either party.

Step 7 of Initiating the Traffic Stop

Exiting the patrol vehicle.

"Every Great Fire Fighter Obeys The Rules Carefully Most of the time"

Explosives Gases Flammable Liquids Flammable Solids Oxidizers and Organic Peroxides Toxic Materials and Infectious Substance Radioactive Substances Corrosive Substances Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender exposed or exhibited his or her sexual organs, or was naked. 2. The offender did so, or was naked, in a public place, on the private premises of another, or so near the private premises of another as to be seen from those private premises.

Exposure of Sexual Organs, s. 800.03, F.S., Misdemeanor

When you are unable to provide the expected level of service: (2)

Express understanding and empathy of the situation Communicate why you cannot resolve the issue

If the issuing agency for the warrant waives ________ or does not confirm within a reasonable time, the suspect must be released




Who runs the NCIC?


Database that provides information about people and property


The ______ system will flag information regarding the possible extradition of a wanted person, the return of a missing person, and the return of stolen property to its rightful owner


Using the _______, law enforcement agencies may enter data about stolen property and wanted and missing persons


Before the CCH record is created, the ______ first must process and verify the information by fingerprint review


Who runs the FCIC?




Federal Emergency Management Agency

FEMA stands for

Who provides DAVID to authorized users?












Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Facility document. Are required to be displayed in facilities where a hazardous substance is stored, manufactured, or used in the workplace.

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of false imprisonment: 1. The defendant forcibly, by threat, or secretly confined, abducted, imprisoned, or restrained the victim against his or her will. 2. The defendant had no lawful authority.

False Imprisonment, s. 787.02, F.S., Felony Note: Confinement of a child under the age of 13 is against the child's will if such confinement is without the consent of the parent or legal guardian.

spouses, former spouses, persons related by blood or marriage, persons who are presently residing together as if a family, or who have resided together in the past as if a family, and persons who are parents of a child in common regardless of whether they have been married. With the exception of persons who have a child in common, the family or household members must be currently residing or have in the past resided together in the same single dwelling unit.

Family or Household Member

Narrow spaces that restrict movement

Fatal funnels

Relying on collective knowledge of other officers when taking law enforcement action.

Fellow officer rule

Any crime committed for which the maximum penalty is death or incarceration in a state correctional facility for more than one year.


Lewd and Lascivious Offenses Committed upon or in the Presence of a Minor under 16, is what charge?


The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender actually and intentionally touched or struck the victim against the victim's will. 2. The offender caused the victim great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement.

Felony Battery, s. 784.041, F.S., Felony

The body's preparation to either get far away from a dangerous situation or be physically prepared to face it head on

Fight or flight response

Creates a permanent physical record that law enforcement agencies use to identify a person, alive or dead


Impression Evidence

Fingerprints, tire tracks, footwear impressions, footprints, bite marks, and tool marks are all

Regularly verify the functionality of emergency equipment such as-...

Fire extinguishers, bio-hazard gear, and first aid kits

Three Emergency Response subsections

Fire; Spill or Leak; and First Aid

Awareness Role

First responders at the awareness level have been trained to initiate the emergency response sequence and notify authorities of the situation. They take no further action beyond notifying the authorities of the release. (Law Enforcements).

Evidence is offered in court for what three basic reasons.

First, evidence is offered to prove or disprove a crime. Evidence is also offered in court to support or undermine other evidence. Finally, evidence is offered in court to help determine an appropriate sentence.


Flammability hazards

Officers should have a functioning ________ for every shift


Database housed at the Florida Department of Law Enforcement in Tallahassee, Florida

Florida Crime Information Center

Fingerprints, palm prints, and facial images of each adult charged with or convicted with a felony, misdemeanor, or a violation of a ordinance of state, county, municipal, shall be captured and electronically submitted to _______

Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE)

what statue provides officer with authority to administrator an oath

Florida Statue 117.10

Chapter 827

Florida Statutes clearly defines the elements of child abuse, neglect, and abandonment in

Chapter 784

Florida Statutes clearly outlines the elements of stalking and the difference between assault and battery in

Child abuse, neglect, or abandonment by a parent, legal custodian, caregiver, or other person responsible for the child's welfare by calling the Abuse Hotline at 1-800-96-ABUSE or for law enforcement use only, 1-866-LE-ABUSE. These reporters can remain anonymous.

Florida Statutes requires all individuals to report to the DCF any suspicion or knowledge of

State law

Florida law is similar to federal law; however _________________ does not provide access to immigrant benefits for non-citizens.

Search/report system that effectively cross matches fingerprints and criminal histories ; contains photographs ; searchers national and other criminal databases; and allows for instant updates of criminal justice information systems

Floridas Integrated Criminal History System (FALCON)

In stressful situations a persons voice may _______


The preliminary investigation

Focuses on establishing whether a criminal act has been committed and, if so, what type and when and where it was committed.

Surveillance equipment and agency resources

Follow your agency's policies and procedures regarding

Motorcycle Also or Motorcycle Only

For drivers authorized to operate motorcycle, the following endorsement will appear on the front of the driver's license under the expiration date:

Receive particular assignments and attend regular briefings

For ongoing situations in which ICS has already been established, such as hurricanes or wildfires, officers will

You do not need to prove the suspect knew the person was under 18 years of age. The same holds true for a child less than 15 years of age; however, the offense escalates from a first-degree felony to a life felony.

For sex trafficking that involves a child less than 18 years of age,

Officers need to be aware that they cannot __________________, except under emergency circumstances.

Force individuals to evacuate

include the following offenses: treason, murder, manslaughter, sexual battery, carjacking, home invasion robbery, robbery, burglary, arson, kidnapping, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, aggravated stalking, aircraft piracy, unlawful throwing placing or discharging of a destructive device, any

Forcible felonies

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender falsely made, altered, forged, or counterfeited a document (specified in statute). 2. The offender intended to injure or defraud some person or firm.

Forgery, s. 831.01, F.S., Felony

How many categories of stress are there?


The State must prove one of the following elements to convict a suspect of fraudulent use of what? 1. Use of a credit card for goods or services or anything of value without the consent of the cardholder 2. Use of a forged card

Fraudulent Use of Credit Card, s. 817.61, F.S., Misdemeanor/Felony

A legal doctrine that permits a law enforcement officer to make an arrest of a fleeing suspect who crosses jurisdictional lines

Fresh Pursuit

Allows an officer to enter a residence or other private place, while chasing a suspect.

Fresh Pursuit

Maintain constant observation of the suspect vehicle until backup arrives.

From a safe distance,

Infant's mouth or nostrils

Frothy, blood-tinged mucus

are the objects obtained by the defendant as a result of committing the crime.

Fruits of a crime





The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The defendant knowingly and unlawfully engaged in the activity. 2. The defendant played in any game of cards, keno, roulette, faro or other game of chance for money or thing of value.

Gambling, s. 849.08, F.S., Misdemeanor/Felony

A follow-up investigation

Gathers information subsequent to the initial report to establish a case.

Most criminal offenses and requires some forbidden act by the offender. To qualify as an act, the offender's bodily movement must be voluntary

General Intent

When is a suspect considered in custody?

Generally, interviews at the scene - such as Terry stops, traffic stops, and field sobriety exercises - are not considered custody because they are typically brief in nature. Handcuffing the subject or otherwise restricting his or her movement so that he or she is not free to leave is considered custody.

Offset towards the driver's side of the suspect vehicle

Generally, the primary patrol vehicle should be

Standing behind the driver's doorpost

Gives an officer a position of advantage while maintaining a safe distance when talking with the driver.

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender drew, made, uttered, issued, or delivered the check admitted in evidence. 2. When the offender did so, there was not sufficient money on deposit in the bank to pay the check. 3. The offender knew when he or she wrote the check that he or she did not have sufficient money on deposit with the bank. 4. The offender knew he or she had no arrangement or understanding with the bank for the payment of the check when it was presented. 5. The check was in the amount of ________.* *Less than $150 merits a misdemeanor; more than $150 merits a felony.

Giving a Worthless Check, s. 832.05, F.S., Misdemeanor/Felony*

Public records

Government entities and publicly owned utilities are records that, with few exceptions, you may access on demand. Federal, state, county, and city databases can provide additional information regarding the suspect's address, employment information, and other essential facts. Agency policies and procedures dictate which databases are available to you and how you can assess them.

The three elements that comprise a Fourth Amendment "search" are?

Government, Intrusion, and Reasonable expectation of privacy (REP)

If the property stolen is valued at over $300, the offender commits the felony of what?

Grand Theft

Minimizing Tension and Maximizing Cooperation

Greet the driver (and passengers) politely, introducing yourself and immediately explaining why you made the stop; courts have ruled that people are entitled to know why they were stopped before any further discussion or requests are made. Describe the violation in terms of what you saw the vehicle not the driver, do.

The Fourteenth Amendment

Guarantees every person within the U.S. equal protection under the law.



Trace Evidence

Hairs, fibers, clothing, paint chips, transfer evidence, glass, wood, soil, and dirt are all

Miami Paulin Labor Trafficking Case (2008)

Haitian immigrant that came from a successful family in Haiti that ran an orphanage for many years in a mountain village. Her parent's took a young Haitian girl ("Anna") from her biological mother at the age of five and kept her for seven years at the orphanage. When she turned twelve they removed the girl from the orphanage and brought her to the family home in Haiti to live and work as a house servant there. She was smuggled into the United States where she was kept as a house slave for another six years in a Cutler bay home.

Stand or standing

Halting of a vehicle to load or unload passengers

If you have an articulable reason that the suspect poses a threat or may flee, _____ the suspect upon contact


Officers should _______ then ______ prisoners prior to securing them in the vehicle

Handcuff, search

A visible stopping site

Has an unobstructed view between the suspect vehicle, the patrol units, and oncoming traffic.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

Has developed a standard facility marking system called the 704 system.

A ______ lifestyle decreases stress


Evidence markers

Help to document the relative positions of evidence items in the crime scene.

Father of community oriented policing

Herman Goldstein

An exact match called a ______, must be confirmed before an officer arrests a wanted person or recovers a missing person or stolen property


The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender entered the dwelling of the victim. 2. At the time that the offender entered the dwelling, he or she intended to commit robbery. 3. While inside the dwelling, the offender did commit robbery.

Home Invasion Robbery, s. 812.135, F.S., Felony.

Law enforcement

Honors injunctions from another state or country, and can advise a victim to notify the local clerk of the court to re-issue the injunction in Florida if the victim is now residing in Florida.

Assistance for an individual experiencing a drug-related overdose

However, you may not charge, prosecute, or penalize for possession of a controlled substance because a person acting in good faith seeks

When conducting a stolen property check on a vessel you need -...

Hull identification number, vessel registration number, or registration decal number

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The defendant transported into this state a person from another country who does not have authorization to enter the United States legally. 2. The defendant knew or should have known that the person does not have authorization to enter the United States legally.

Human Smuggling, s. 787.07, F.S., Felony

The State must prove one of the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The defendant engaged or attempted to engage in human trafficking with the intent or knowledge that the trafficked person would be subjected to forced labor and services. 2. The defendant benefited financially by receiving anything of value from participation in a venture that subjected a person to forced labor or services.

Human Trafficking, s. 787.06(3)(a), F.S., Felony

means transporting, soliciting, recruiting, harboring, providing, enticing, maintaining, or obtaining another person for the purpose of exploitation of that person

Human trafficking

Enhanced state of awareness that impedes ones ability to relax and disengage from a stressful situation


What is one of the symptoms of PTSD


proper punctuation example

I met with the Victim, and she gave me a statement is correct. Not I met with the victim and she gave me a statement

























Determine the relationship between the suspect and victim to protect the child from further abuse by physically separating the child and the suspect. Make sure the child and the suspect cannot see or hear each other. This prevents the suspect from sing eye contact or body language to intimidate or coerce the child.

If a child is not in immediate danger,

"Notice of Legal Rights and Remedies for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Repeat Violence, Sexual Violence, Stalking"

If a situation is a domestic violence situation, present __________________________ brochure as per s. 960.001, F.S.

Officers should request documents that provide the most accurate personal information,

If a suspicion demands identification from other passengers,

Vacate the room or area immediately

If an explosive device is found,

The backup officer's patrol vehicles should be parked at a safe distance behind the primary patrol vehicle.

If an officer has requested back up,

Obtain additional information from them if they witnessed the incident. Contact the Department of Children and Families if you determine the home is not safe for the children or if you decide to arrest both combatants.

If children are present during a domestic violence,

Indicate in the report and the arrest affidavit that a hate crime has been committed so the state attorney's office can apply for the appropriate penalty enhancements.

If evidence at the scene and the facts of the case show that prejudice or discrimination motived a crime,

They should note the description and size of the vehicle. They should then evacuate the area around the vehicle and establish a perimeter.

If officers suspect that a vehicle might contain explosives,

An officer may arrest the violator and impound the vehicle as necessary and as agency policy dictates

If the driver matches an identity in the criminal justice database check,

Officers should make a second attempt to pull over the vehicle

If the driver pulls away after the stop is initiated,

When may a officer determine that they may handcuff a pregnant woman?

If the prisoner presents a substantial flight risk or some other extraordinary medical or security circumstances dictate it

Deadly weapon

If the suspect used or threatens to use a weapon in a way likely to cause death or great bodily harm.

When is third party consent to search valid?

If the third party has mutual access and control over the area to be searched. A search may not be done by consent of one co-tenant if another co-tenant is present and objects to the search.

"The bomb will go off one hour from now,"

If the threat contained a phrase such as, ___________________________________ the time of the call becomes very important and allows an officer to estimate the possible time of detonation, level of risk, and a deadline by which evacuations or searches must be completed.

You should push it down when you approach the vehicle

If the trunk lid is unlatched, ___________________________________. Doing so will lock in anyone hiding inside the trunk. Be aware that modern technology allows the trunk to be popped at any time during a stop.

The crime is a third-degree felony for Criminal Mischief

If the value of property damaged totals $1,000 or more,

Contact the deceased person's physician and inform him or her of the death.

If there are no signs of foul play or trauma,

Dispatch can verify employment and official status.

If undercover officers do offer identification,

The situation has changed. Now there may be additional safety issues. Immediately alert EMS and the fire department, the bomb squad, and request additional backup.

If you approach the seven and see signs of an explosion,

You are required to document the incident, as stated in s. 741.29, F.S., indicating in a full report why you did not make an arrest. In doing so, you and your agency assume a certain amount of liability should the parties reengage in violence and injury occur.

If you do not make an arrest in a domestic violence incident,

Contact the agency's record section and obtain a copy

If you find that you are missing a report or document from the preliminary investigation,

An officer may conduct the search without consent

In an emergency, if the owner or building representative cannot be located,

The charge can be battery, aggravated battery, or sexual battery, etc. The relationship between the perpetrator and the victim classifies these as domestic violence.

In domestic violence cases,

A scale, ruler, or identifier

In each close-up photograph you take include

The infant usually appears healthy before death, but occasionally there is evidence of a mild upper respiratory infection or recent physical stress

In many cases of SUID,

Cooperative regarding a search.

In most bomb threat cases, the owner is

Permission to search the property.

In most bomb threat cases, the owner or person in charge must give

Protect the evidence (Using a cover) from weather elements such as rain, hail, lightning, or wind.

In the case of an outdoor crime scene involving degradable, easily destroyed, biological, or trace evidence,

The focus of law enforcement shifts from evacuation to search and rescue, security of shelters and distribution centers, and protection of property.

In the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster,


In which the first responder informs the next level of responder as defined in the agency's Emergency Response Plan. The officer should maintain continuous communication with dispatch as the event unfolds. This ensures the proper resources are deployed.

When a person is lawfully arrested and taken into custody, he or she may be searched without a warrant. Such a search is reasonable under the Fourth Amendment.

Incident to Arrest

Environmental indicators of a nuclear attack

Include a massive explosion, a mushroom cloud, an intense brilliant flash of light, and the use of bombs or missiles as a delivery method.

The most common examples of biological weapons

Include anthrax, smallpox, ricin, and botulinum.

Examples of endorsements

Include authorization to drive motorcycles, school buses, or combination vehicles with double or triple trailers.

The primary objectives of a high risk traffic stop

Include being able to recognize a suspect vehicle from a BOLO description, properly relaying that what you observed, stopping the vehicle safely, keeping yourself and the public safe, and arresting the suspect for the crime listed on the BOLO.

Typical defensive wounds

Include bruising or cuts on outer forearms, back, backs of legs, palms, or inside fingers or fingertips.

Primary locations for WMD attacks

Include high impact targets and often focus on heavily frequented locations. Examples include airports, subways, schools, places of worship, government buildings, or large public gatherings such as fairs, festivals, or sporting events.

Common errors preventing UTC acceptance

Include illegible handwriting, omitted statue number, and sub-section, failure to list a statute corresponding to the description of the violation, failure to either check or write in a violation, or incorrect entry of the violator's date of birth.

Potential injuries from Nuclear WMD

Include light damage to the eyes, burns to the skin, blast (pressure) injuries, and being hit by propelled objects, radiation from the bomb ignition, and falling radioactive particles.

Common catalysts or triggers for active shooters

Include loss of significant relationships, changes in financial status or loss of or termination from a job, changes in living arrangements, major adverse changes to life circumstances, and being the victim of bullying or feelings of humiliation or rejection.

The main types of containers

Include portable containers, fixed containers, and transportation containers.

Common active shooter motivations

Include workplace retaliation, domestic disputes, and retaliation by a current or former student.

Aging Service Network

Includes area agencies on aging, community-care lead agencies, provides, and volunteers.

Emergency notification equipment

Includes emergency lights, sirens, headlights, PA system, and horn.


Includes false or deceptive offers of employment, marriage, or a better life.

is defined legally as any mental disorder so severe that it prevents a person from having legal capacity and excuses the person from criminal or civil responsibility.


What should you do prior to each shift?

Inspect items on your duty belt to ensure all equipment is present and functional

Advising that refusal may result in arrest

Instruct people to move behind the crime scene tape,

are the items used by the defendant to commit the crime.


Integration of community policing and law enforcement intelligence

Intelligence led policing

As purposely do what the law declares to be a crime, whether the person's purpose was to commit the crime or to meet its outcome.


Step 9 of Initiating the Traffic Stop

Interacting with the driver.

Is a third-degree felony

Interruption or impairment of a business operation or public communication transportation, water, gas, or power supply, or other public service that costs $1,000 or more in labor and supplies to restore,

A law enforcement officer can provide assistance through either ____________ or _______________

Intervention; referral

Asking about the infant's exact position and anything observed or heard. Explain your agency's responsibility to perform a complete investigation to the parents or caregivers

Interview the person who last saw the infant alive and the person who found the infant dead,

Not designed to search for evidence but to protect the arrested person's property and to protect the officer from accusations of theft. It is a written list of all valuable property in the vehicle.

Inventory Search

If the officer has reasonable suspicion that a person stopped was committing, is committing, or is about to commit a law violation

Investigative Stop

In inconspicuous arrival, sometimes known as ________________, will maximize officer safety

Invisible deployment

A drive-by at a specific location

Involves an officer behaving as though passing by this area is just a part of a normal driving routine.


Involves ensuring the safety of the officer and the public through personal protective equipment and the evacuation of nearby structures.

Retail theft

Involves taking possession of or carrying away merchandise, money, or negotiable instruments; or altering or removing a label or price tag; or transferring merchandise from one container to another of lower price or removal of a shopping cart with intent to deprive the merchant of possession, use, benefit, or full retail value. You can arrest an individual for retail theft without a warrant even when the offense is not committed in your presence. Is less than $300, the offense is a misdemeanor.

Grand theft

Involves the feet of anything with a value of $300 or more and other items specified by statute regardless of their value. Theft of a will, codicil, or other testamentary instrument, a firearm, motor vehicle, stop sign, or fire extinguisher. Can also involve theft of any commercially farmed animal or fish, 2,000 or more individual pieces of citrus fruit, items taken from a designated construction site identified by the posting a sign, and anhydrous ammonia, used in methamphetamine production.


Involves unwanted and repeated attention by the suspect towards the victim, family members, or individuals closely associated with the victim. It occurs across all socioeconomic and cultural barriers. Is not a crime limited to people who have an existing relationship; sometimes the suspect is a stranger. Is a victim-reported crime.

An Assault

Involves verbal threats without physical contact. Is verbal.


Involves: •Using or threatening to use physical force against any person (typically family members of the trafficking victim back in their home country) •Restraining, isolating, or confining •Using lending or other credit methods as debt bondage •Destroying, concealing, removing, confiscating, withholding, or possessing immigrant or identification documents •Causing financial harm including extortionate of credit extension of credit, loan sharking, or fraudulent employment contracts •Enticing or luring by fraud or deceit •Giving a person a controlled substance so they can be exploited •Using threats of deportation or other United States or Florida legal proceedings against the victim

Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS)

Is a biometric identification (ID) methodology that uses digital imagining technology to obtain, store, and analyze fingerprint data.

A newborn infant

Is a child whom a licensed physician reasonably believes to be approximately seven days old or younger.

An injunction

Is a civil action, it has criminal implications that are enforceable by law.

Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD)

Is a computerized logging system in which dispatch records every event reported and every instruction given chronologically by date and time.


Is a contagious infectious disease that can be transmitted by prolonged face-to-face contact with an infected person, direct contact with infected bodily fluids, and direct contact with infected objects such as clothes. After an incubation period of seven to seventeen days, symptoms such as a pox-like rash, raised bumps, fever, muscle rigidity, shivering, malaise, headaches, and vomiting occur.

Chain of custody

Is a documentation of everyone who handled the evidence as well as when, why , and what changes, if any, were made to it. Also proves the evidence submitted in court is the same evidence you collected at the crime scene.

Interference with custody

Is a felony, yet statute recognizes there are times when an adult may step in to assist a child in need, offering several defenses to mitigate the actions of an adult accused of interfering with custody. Be aware of these modifications during the investigation of interference with custody cases.

Illegal alien

Is a foreign national who entered the United States without inspection at a border crossing or airport, with fraudulent documents, or legally as nonimmigrant, but then violated that status and remained without authority.

A photographic array

Is a group of photographs used in a photographic line-up. Consists of a minimum of six photographs


Is a highly toxic poison found in seeds of the castor bean plant. The primary routes of exposure to ________ are ingestion and inhalation.

An improvised explosive device (IED)

Is a homemade bomb constructed and deployed in ways other than conventional military action and can be made from commercially available materials. Can be disguised as almost any item. Have been hidden in trash bins, backpacks, road signs, concealed under debris, and otherwise constructed to prevent discovery. Since these items may not be readily identifiable, any object found under suspicious circumstances should be treated as a possible ____________.

The Child Abduction Response Team

Is a multi-agency child abduction team that permits law enforcement to provide an organized, rapid, and planned response to an abducted child or other missing and endangered child cases. Consists of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies and private sector partners.

National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN)

Is a national database of digital images of spent bullets and cartridge cases that were found at crime scenes, or test-fired from confiscated weapons.


Is a naturally occurring bacterium. The primary routes of exposure to _______________ are skin exposure and inhalation. If exposure occurs through the skin, symptoms include a rash and lesions that begin small but grow over a period of days. If ____________ is inhaled, flu-like symptoms, such as respiratory distress, vomiting, and fever, occur several days after exposure. Inhalation of ______________ has a very high mortality rate, while skin exposure to __________ has a high rate of survival.


Is a parent, adult household member, or other person responsible, for a child's welfare.

A disabled adult

Is a person 18 years of age or older who suffers from a condition of physical or mental incapacitation due to a development disability, organic brain damage, or mental illness, or who has one or more physical or mental limitations that restrict the person's ability to perform the normal activities of daily living.

A vulnerable adult

Is a person 18 years of age or older whose ability to perform the normal activities of daily living or to provide for his or her own care or protection is impaired due to a mental, emotional, sensory, long-term physical, or developmental disability or dysfunction, brain damage, or the infirmities of aging.

An elderly person

Is a person 60 years of age or older who is suffering from the infirmities of aging as showed by advanced age or organic brain damage, or other physical, mental sensory, or emotional dysfunction, to the extent the ability of the person to provide adequately for the person's own care or protection is impaired.

A suspect

Is a person believed to have committed a crime or offense.

A caregiver

Is a person entrusted with or who has assumed responsibility for the care or the property of a disabled adult or elderly person. This includes, but is not limited to, relatives, court-appointed or voluntary guardians, adult household members, neighbors, health care providers, and employees and volunteers of facilities.

A victim

Is a person harmed by a crime.

A complainant

Is a person who alleges that a crime has been committed or can be there person who calls the police.

A witness

Is a person who sees, knows, or vouches, for something and may make a sworn statement about that information.

A missing child

Is a person younger than 18 years of age who temporary or permanent residence is in, or believed to be in, this state.

A public place

Is a place where the public has a right to be and to go.

Project Lifesaver

Is a plan that aids the victims and families suffering from Alzheimer's disease and disorders such as Down's syndrome and autism. Uses state-of-the-art technology, employing wristband transmitters to locate wandering and lost adults and children.

Home-invasion robbery

Is a robbery that occurs within the victim's dwelling while the victim is present and aware that a robbery is taking place. This is often confused with burglary to an occupied residence or vacant residence, which differs in that there is no use or threat of violence against the occupant.


Is a situation in which the parent or legal custodian of a child or, in the absence of a parent or legal custodian, the caregiver, while being able, has made no significant contribution to the child's care and maintenance or has failed to establish or maintain a substantial and positive relationship with the child or both.

An open house party

Is a social gathering at a residence that is legal unless minors consuming alcohol or drugs are present.

A License Endorsement

Is a special authorization printed on a Florida driver's license permitting a driver to driver certain types of vehicles or transport certain types of property or number of passengers.


Is altering, forging, or counterfeiting a public record, certificate, legal document, bill of exchange or promissory note, etc., with intent to injure or defraud someone.


Is an acronym commonly used to identify types of hazards that an officer may face either as part of an accidental release or intentional use of a weapon of mass destruction.

Mental injury

Is an injury to the intellectual or psychological capacity of a child as evidenced by a discernible and substantial impairment in the ability to function within the normal range of performance and behavior.


Is any location providing day or residential care or treatment for elderly persons or disabled adults. May include, but is not limited to, any hospital, training center, state institution, nursing home, assisted living facility, adult family-care home, adult day care center, group home, mental health treatment center, or continuing care community.

Sexual conduct

Is any of the following: •Actual or simulated sexual intercourse, deviate sexual intercourse, sexual bestiality, masturbation, or sadomasochistic abuse •Actual lewd exhibition of the genitals •Actual physical contact with a person's clothed or unclothed genitals, pubic area, buttocks, or, if such person is a female, breast, with the intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of either party. •Any act or conduct that constitutes sexual battery or simulates that sexual battery is being or will be committed

A Missing and endangered person

Is any one of the following: Missing child, younger than 18 years old Missing adult, younger than 26 years old Missing adult, other than 26 years and believed to be in danger or the victim of criminal activity Missing adult, older than 18 years that meets the criteria for a Silver Alert.

Sexual performance

Is any performance or part of the performance, which includes sexual conduct by a child less than 18 years of age.

A field contact

Is any person an officer has contact with while on patrol-- such as concerned citizen or an anonymous complainant with a sense of civic duty-- who does not necessarily generate an incident report. Are often instrumental to solving a case.


Is any person who is not a United States citizen.


Is any play, motion picture, photograph, or dance or any other visual representation exhibited before an audience or just one person.

Intimate areas

Is any portion of a victim's body that he or she covers by clothing, with the intention of protecting the area from public view.

Sexual bestiality

Is any sexual act between a person and an animal involving the sex organ of the one and the mouth, anus, or vagina of the other.

Child abuse

Is any solicitation of a child less than 18 years of age to engage in an act that constitutes sexual battery by a person in a familial or custodial authority.


Is any willful act or threatened act that results in any physical, mental, or sexual injury or harm that causes or likely to cause the child's physical, mental, or emotional health to be significantly impaired. Includes acts or omissions.

Abuse of a disabled adult or elderly person

Is any willful or threatened act by a caregiver that significantly impairs or is likely to impair a vulnerable adult's physical, mental, or emotional health.

A document

Is anything containing a mark to convey a message.


Is anything that tends to prove or disprove an alleged fact.

An Injunction for Protection Against Sexual Violence pursuant to s.784.046, F.S.,

Is available for victims of sexual violence.

Photographic framing

Is composing the photograph so that it depicts what you are trying to document

Rapid response

Is critical to the safe rescue of a child


Is crucial for the primary officer, the backup officers, and others who may be nearby.

Physical injury

Is death, permanent or temporary disfigurement, or impairment of any body part.

An Emergency Response Plan (ERP)

Is defined as a written plan that describes the actions that an organization would take in response to various major events.


Is defined as taking immediate shelter in a readily accessible location or remaining inside a structure to prevent exposure to a dangerous situation that exists outside of the structure.


Is electronically transmitting a visual image with the intent that another views it.

Testimonial Evidence

Is evidence gathered from witnesses. Is generally less reliable than physical evidence because people perceive events differently, do not remember accurately, or lie.

Transitory evidence

Is evidence that can blow or wash away.

Botulinum (botulism)

Is extremely toxic.

Sadomasochistic abuse

Is flagellation or torture by or upon a person, or the condition of being fettered, bound, or otherwise physically restrained, for the purpose of deriving sexual satisfaction from inflicting harm on another or receiving such harm oneself.

Moving surveillance

Is following a person of interest on foot or in a police vehicle.

An Injunction for Protection Against Stalking pursuant to s. 784.0485, F.S.,

Is for people who are the victim of stalking; Florida Statutes also helps the parent or legal guardian of a minor child who is living at home who is seeking an injunction for protection against stalking.

An Injunction for Protection Against Repeat Violence pursuant to s. 784.046, F.S.,

Is for people who do not meet the statutory definition of family or household member, but who have been victims of at least two incidents of violence or stalking by the alleged abuser within the last six months.

Injunction for Protection Against Domestic Violence pursuant to s. 784.028(3), F.S.,

Is for people who meet the statutory definition of family or household member who is the victim of domestic violence.

An Injunction for Protection Against Dating Violence pursuant to s. 784.046, F.S.,

Is for the protection of a victim who has had a continuing and significant relationship of a romantic or intimate nature the relationship has become violent.

TheUniform Traffic Citation

Is given for traffic offenses covered under chapters 316, 318, 320, and 322 of the Florida Statutes, and is used to collect and store information about traffic enforcement and traffic case adjudication.

Child pornography

Is illegal to produce, possess, or distribute.


Is knowingly exhibiting or publishing a document to someone or attempting to cash a check by claiming the check and the endorsement is real.


Is knowingly, intentionally, and purposefully.

A Plastic print

Is molded or imbedded fingerprint created by touching an IMPRESSIONABLE surface, such as wet paint or mud that you can easily see. 3-D.

A subpoena

Is necessary to gain access to private records.

The victim

Is not assessed filing fees for an injunction.


Is often part of your job

The VIN plate

Is on the driver's side dashboard, easily seen through the windshield or on the driver's side doorjamb.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Is one of several causes of SUID and is the most common cause of death in infants aged one month to one year in the United States. Occurs most commonly in infants two to four months of age and rarely after eight months of age. It occurs more frequently in African Americans, American Indians, and Alaska Natives than in Caucasians. It occurs suddenly and without warning, often during periods of sleep. Is a diagnosis of exclusion. Is a diagnosis that should be given only after all other possible causes of sudden, unexplained death have been ruled out by a thorough investigation.


Is one of the most frequent crimes that you will investigate.

The impulse burglar

Is opportunistic capitalizing on easy targets.

Sexual battery

Is oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another or the anal or vaginal penetration of another by any other object; however, does not include an act done for a bona fide medical purpose.

The time of death

Is particularly difficult to estimate in infants and small children


Is physical violence that may include beatings, sexual battery, shootings, or physical confinement.

Culpable negligence

Is recklessly acting without reasonable caution and putting another person at risk of injury or death (or failing to do something with the same consequences). Is more than a failure to use ordinary care for others; it is gross and flagrant negligence, committed with an utter disregard for the safety of others. Is consciously doing an act or following a course of conduct the suspect must have known or reasonably should have known, was likely to cause death or great bodily harm.

Nuclear detonation energy

Is released through light, thermal energy, shock waves, blasts of wind, direct radiation, and fallout.

A social service investigation

Is separate from a criminal investigation

Deviate sexual intercourse

Is sexual conduct between people not married to each other consisting of contact between the penis and the anus, the mouth and the penis, or the mouth and the vulva.

The recipient

Is sometimes the most important witness and, therefore, should be located and interviewed as soon as possible.

Breach of peace

Is synonymous with disorderly conduct.

Petit theft

Is taking something valued at less than $300. Is a misdemeanor; however, if the suspect has a third conviction, the court provides punishment for a third-degree felony.

Active shooter's objective

Is that of mass murder, rather than committing traditional criminal acts, such as robbery or hostage-taking.


Is the ability to deny or restrict access to the involved area and remove uninjured and uncontaminated people from that area. All people should be instructed to move to an area upwind, uphill, and upstream from the contaminated area to a secure position.

Graph paper

Is the best type of item used to construct a sketch.

A trial

Is the examination of facts and related law presided over by a judge or other magistrate who has the authority or jurisdiction to hear the matter.


Is the explicit depiction of sexual conduct which creates appearance of such conduct, and exhibits any uncovered portion of the breasts, genitals, or buttocks.


Is the exploitation of authority or the use of bribes, threats of force, or intimidation to gain cooperation or compliance.

Photographing the crime scene

Is the first event that should take place before any detailed crime scene work begins.

The outcry witness

Is the first person the child told about the abuse.

Traffic flow

Is the general speed and direction of vehicle or pedestrian movement.

Traffic stop

Is the lawful, temporary, detention of an individual in a vehicle by a law enforcement officer for an investigative purpose. (Reasonable Suspicion).


Is the least frequent while false imprisonment is more common occurrence often associated with domestic violence, armed robbery, and sexual battery crimes.

Florida Driver's license

Is the license issued to state of Florida citizens who pass the DHSMV test granting them privilege to drive in Florida.

An officer's patrol vehicle

Is the most effective and readily available cover

Sexual intercourse

Is the penetration of the female sex organ by the male sex organ. Ejaculation is not necessary.


Is the preferred response only with respect to the primary aggressor.


Is the process of the local court recognizing and adopting an out-of-state or county court order to be in effect within the local jurisdiction through a petition process.

The investigative case file

Is the repository of all information derived from both the preliminary investigation and the follow-up investigation.


Is the robbing of a person of his or her vehicle by the use of force, violence, assault, or by putting them in fear during the course of the robbery.

Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID)

Is the sudden and unexpected death of an infant due to natural or unnatural causes. Can easily be overlooked at first; however they can be explained after a careful and thorough investigation.

Discriminatory or Bias-based policing

Is the unequal treatment of any person-- including stopping, questioning, searching, detaining, or arresting a person--solely or primarily because of the person's race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. This behavior is illegal and will not be tolerated in law enforcement.

Sexual Cyberharassment

Is the willful and malicious act of publishing a sexually explicit image of a person, which was taken with that person's consent when the person had the reasonable expectation that the image will remain private. Can begin as sexting with two consenting persons; however, once one of the parties publishes the image without the consent of the other and with specific intent, this becomes a crime.

The re-enactment

Is to document the infant's placed and found position, all bedding, and any people, pets, and objects in the infant's sleep environment at the time of death.

Physical evidence

Is very important in an investigation.

Dating Violence

Is violence between individuals who have or have had a continuing and significant relationship of a romantic or intimate nature. The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on the following: The existence of the relationship within the past six months The character of the relationship includes the expectation of affection or sexual involvement The frequency and type of interaction must occur over time and on a continuous basis during the course of the relationship.

A safe stopping site

Is visible to officers and oncoming traffic and is away from heavy pedestrian traffic and heavy vehicle traffic; it also is large enough to accommodate backup units, has a straight road, and is in an open or rural area (versus a business area) with light traffic.

____________ allows you to speak to the leader without the influence of the group.


Organized Crime

It has a specific structure, usually hierarchical or paramilitary. Promotes public corruption, street crime, and gang activity and can have a significantly negative impact on the economy.

If an officer intends to turn off radios or other equipment that emits radio waves.

It is advisable to notify dispatch and supervisors just before arrival


It is extremely important to keep victims, complainants, and witnesses _________________ in a criminal investigation.

Tear up

It is illegal to "________________" a citation after it has been issued.

Waive the review

It is not advisable to

LOOT (Listing Of Outlaw Treachery) Clearinghouse

It lists prosecuted cases of looting and vandalism of archaeological resources.

In order to be deemed valid, a search warrant must meet what legal requirements?

It must be authorized and signed by a neutral magistrate or judge. Must be based on an affidavit that states sufficient facts to establish probable cause that evidence of a crime will be found in the place to be searched. The basis of the information in the affidavit must come from reliable sources. The affidavit may be anyone, but the person serving must have jurisdiction over the place chosen for service.

Wet Evidence

Items soaked with body fluids or living plant material, must either be air-dried, packaged in breathable containers such as paper bags, or both.

If you inadvertently drive past the address:

Keep driving and stop farther down the street or around the corner

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The defendant forcibly, secretly, or by threat confined, abducted, or imprisoned the victim against his or her will. 2. The defendant had no lawful authority. 3. The defendant acted with intent to: a. hold for ransom or reward or as a shield or hostage, or b. commit or facilitate commission of (applicable felony), or c. inflict bodily harm upon or to terrorize the victim or another person, or d. interfere with the performance of any governmental or political function

Kidnapping, s. 787.01, F.S., Felony


Knowingly, obtaining, using, or endeavoring to obtain or use property of another with intent to deprive, temporarily, or permanently, the other person of the use of the property.

means a wicked, lustful, or unchaste, licentious, or sensual intent on the part of the person doing the act. Acts are not vulgar, indecent, lewd, or lascivious unless such acts cause offense to one or more persons or the acts substantially intrude upon the rights of others.


....reports may hinder other operations, impede investigations, and delay prosecution preparations.


A form of social control or a method of encouraging people


All information obtained from criminal justice databases is for ___________ purposes only

Law enforcement

An important part of dispersing crowds and resolving group incidents is determining the ___________ or ___________.

Leader; instigator

How can someone become familiar with their assigned area?

Learning major roadways, landmarks, and community resources

Working edges of tools (Part of the tool that makes contact)

Leave distinct marks on surfaces.

Prioritize requests for transport based on circumstances such as: (4)

Legal duty Call volume Availability of resources Agency policies/procedures

Prior to taking emergency action, consider your: (3)

Level of training Experience Available equipment Physical ability

Engaging in sexual activity or encouraging, forcing, or enticing any person to engage in sadomasochistic abuse, sexual bestiality, prostitution, or any other act involving sexual activity.

Lewd or Lascivious Battery

Intentionally touching a person in a lewd or lascivious manner, or soliciting a person to commit a lewd or lascivious act.

Lewd or Lascivious Conduct

Intentionally masturbating; intentionally exposing the genitals in a lewd or lascivious manner; or intentionally committing any other sexual act that does not involve actual physical or sexual contact with the victim, including, but not limited to, sadomasochistic abuse, sexual bestiality, or the simulation of any act involving sexual activity in the presence of a victim.

Lewd or Lascivious Exhibition

Intentionally touching in a lewd or lascivious manner the breasts, genitals, genital area, or buttocks, or the clothing covering them or forcing or enticing a person to so touch the perpetrator.

Lewd or Lascivious Molestation

Situations that may include an active shooter, or a vehicle crash with serious injuries

Life threatening

Factors to consider when responding to alarms are: (3)

Life-threatening situations Danger to the public Significant loss to property

Clear, Frosted, or Cellulose tape

Lift a found print from its original surface with _____________________ and then attach it to a small note card.

One shot

Lifting a print is often a " _______________" opportunity and should be treated as such.

Major considerations that you should have when selecting the safest proper location to make a stop

Lighting Population Width of road and shoulder Traffic congestion Level of visibility Presence of hills and curves

The presentation of a number of individuals, which may include a known suspect, to a victim or witness in a non-suggestive manner for the purpose identification.

Live line-up

Upon arriving at a noncriminal call for service: (2)

Locate the complainant Introduce yourself in a professional manner

Meth labs

Locations where methamphetamine is manufactured. Which are not scientific laboratories in the traditional sense. Can be as small as a soda bottle or as large as a warehouse.

All FCIC/NCIC transactions are ______ and can be electronically retrieved upon request


The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender loitered or prowled in a place at a time or in a manner not usual for law-abiding individuals. 2. Such loitering and prowling was under circumstances that warranted justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity.

Loitering or Prowling, s. 856.021, F.S., Misdemeanor

Stress responses related to personality, that may include psychosis, chronic depression, or suicidal thoughts

Long term stress

Opportunity, Ability, Motivation

Look at issues such as __________________, ___________________, and __________________ to identify known or suspected offenders as well as the type of crime committed, how serious it was, and what means and methods the suspect used to commit the crime.

Keep in mind that you will use these notes to create reports and refresh your recollection when testifying

Look at the victim's injuries and record detailed observations in the field notes,

From the initial Victim Economic Security call and follow-up investigation you can:

Look for red flags of economic abuse or dependency at the scene Assess if the offender destroyed any property needed for immediate safety Document evidence of stolen or damaged property, electronic surveillance, economic crimes and financial threats or intimidation

Your observations with the BOLO information

Look, point by point, at each part of a BOLO to compare

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? A person 18 years of age or older (misdemeanor); with previous conviction (felony) • intentionally lures or entices, or attempts to lure or entice, • a child under the age of 12 • into a structure, dwelling, or conveyance for other than a lawful purpose.

Luring or Enticing a Child, s. 787.025, F.S., Misdemeanor/Felony












Maintain ongoing control over the victim.

Never assume that others have ________

Maintained equipment

Civil Standby

Maintaining the peace through officer presence while serving a judicial order or responding to a call for service

The United States Secret Service

Maintains a database for counterfeit currency with information such as any suspects that may have already been under investigation, any information that may lead to the apprehension of the counterfeiters, and the denomination, serial number, and the location that the suspect passed or transacted the money.

The Archaeology Assistance Division of the National Park Service

Maintains the computerized archival database.

Mild Level (Intellectual Disability)

Majority of people with an intellectual disability function at this level (may not be easily identifiable). Those at this level can learn academic and prevocational skills with special training and work in their community; they may not understand long range consequences or be able to make appropriate choices, but they do sometimes realize when they have done something wrong

Failure to collect, document, or gather evidence

Make it difficult to go back and undo the damage done to the integrity of the investigation.

Especially when you are searching for children

Make sure the person is not inside the residence,

Florida's natural geography

Makes it prone to certain types of environmental disasters, particularly hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and wildfires.

means wrongfully, intentionally, without legal justification or excuse, and with the knowledge that injury or damage will or may be caused to another person or the property of another person.


Step 1 of Initiating the Traffic Stop

Maneuvering the patrol vehicle through traffic until safely catching up to the violator, and determining at what point to safely make the stop.

Bombs at all.

Many bombs do not appear to be

The investigator

May also use rigor and lividity to help determine the position of the body at death and whether the body was moved after death.


May be available to show the offender deliberately targeted the victim because of the victim's race, color, ancestry, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, age, mental or physical disability, or homeless status.

Found property

May be stolen, lost, or abandoned property. Inventory the items, complete a property/receipt for, and give the items to the property clerk for storage or destruction. Take all the necessary steps to identify the owner or determine if the items are evidence of a crime.

The owner or building representative

May have information that helps you assess the situation including the credibility of the threat, level of risk, advisability of an evacuation, evacuation plan, communication plan, and availability of building plans. May also have knowledge about the organization's history of bombings or threats.

A found device, a suspicious item, or other suspicious circumstances

May substantiate a threat's credibility. These may also clarify the risk level involved for officers and others. The level of detail provided in the threat may increase the credibility of the threat.

Person authorized

Means an owner or lessee, or his or her agent, or any law enforcement officer whose agency has received written authorization from the owner or lessee, or his or her agent, to communicate an order to depart the property in case of a threat to public safety or welfare.


Means any building of any kind, either temporary or permanent, that has a roof over it, and the enclosed space of ground and outbuildings immediately surround that structure.

Sexual Violence

Means any one incident of sexual battery, or a lewd or lascivious act committed on or in the presence of someone younger than 16 years of age. This includes luring enticing a child, sexual performances by a child, or any other forcible felony where a sexual act is committed or attempted, regardless of whether the state attorney field, reduced, or dismissed the criminal charges based on the incident.


Means empowerment, permission, or competence to act.


Means intelligent, knowing, and voluntary consent and does not include coerced submission. Does not mean the failure by the alleged victim to offer physical resistance to the offender. Evidence of the victim's mental incapacity or defect, if any, may be considered in determining whether there was an intelligent, knowing, and voluntary consent.


Means more than merely being under the influence of an alcoholic beverage. Means the defendant must have been so affected from the drinking of an alcoholic beverage as to have lost or been deprived of the normal control of his or her body, mental faculties, or both. Means same thing as drunk.


Means purposely or intentionally suppressing the truth or perpetrating a deception or both

Family or household

Means spouses, former spouses, people related by blood or marriage, people who are presently residing together as family or have resided together in the past as a family, and people who are parents of a child in common, regardless of whether they have been married. With the exception of people who have a child in common, must be currently residing or in the past have resided together in the same single dwelling unit.

Mentally Incapacitated

Means that a person is temporarily incapable of appraising or controlling his or her conduct due to the influence of a narcotic, anesthetic, or intoxicating substance administered to that person without his or her consent, or due to any other act committed upon that person without his or her consent.


Means the production, preparation, packaging, labeling or relabeling, propagation, compounding, cultivating, growing, conversion or processing of a controlled substance, either directly or indirectly. Can be by extraction from substances of natural origin, or independently by means of chemical synthesis. It can also be by a combination of extraction and chemical synthesis.

Advanced age

Means the victim is older than 65 years of age.

Homeless status

Means the victim lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence or has a primary nighttime residence that is either a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations, or a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for people.


Means to procure, manufacture, issue, sell, give, provide, lend, mail, deliver, transfer, transmute, publish, distribute, circulate, disseminate, present, exhibit, or advertise or to offer or agree to do the same.


Means to transfer or deliver something to another person in exchange for money or something of value or a promise of money or something of value.

Repeat Violence

Means two incidences of violence or stalking, committed by the suspect, one of which must have been within six months of the filing of the petition, and directed against the victim or the victim's immediate family member. If you know the suspect is in violation of an existing injunction for protection against _____________, arrest the suspect based on the nature of the violation.

Important information

Measurements, or a scale of the diagram, are

When evacuating, individuals should be advised to bring personal items such as: (3)

Medication Medical aids Mobility devices

In an overt search

Members of management and employees conduct a search of their works areas. This method is faster because the people most familiar with the area are conducting the search. Can, however, be inefficient and dangerous if personnel are not trained.

In a covert search

Members of management conduct a search without the knowledge or assistance of employees. This is the fastest type of search. However, it is not thorough and is unsafe due to untrained personnel searching and uninformed employees left in the building.

Described as a hunch or gut feeling based on law enforcement training and knowledge

Mere Suspicion

Officers should conduct thorough, ________ search


Prison Gangs

Mexican Mafia, Aryan Brotherhood, Texas Syndicate are all examples of this type of gang

Officers must always maintain proper: (3)

Mindset Situational awareness Officer Safety

The court decided that whenever a law enforcement officer questions a suspect in custody, the officer must advise the person of certain Constitutional rights.

Miranda v. Arizona. 384 U.S. 436, 86 S.Ct. 1602 (1966)

If custodial question is required after arresting a suspect, officers should read _______

Miranda warnings

The three types of basic interview techniques include:

Mirroring, Minimal encouragers, Cognitive interviewing

Any criminal offense with a maximum incarceration penalty in a county jail of up to one year


for possession of marijuana less than 20 grams or possession of 3 grams or less of a controlled substance described in ss. 893.03(1)(c)46.-50,114.-142, 151.-159, or 166.-169., F.S., and controlled substances listed in s. 893.03(5), F.S.


Carrying a Firearm in Violation of an Injunction, Battery, Act of Retail Theft, Traffic Offenses Related to Crash Investigation, Carrying a Concealed Weapon, Disorderly Conduct on Premises of Establishment, Theft from a Dining or Lodging Establishment, Trespass on School Grounds, Possession of Cannabis <20 grams, Stalking, Transit Fare Evasion, Criminal Mischief, Trespass on Certain Properties, Act of Domestic Violence, Violence of Injunction for Protection

Misdemeanor Exceptions

is a legal defense that is used when the accused does not possess the mental state required to commit a criminal offense because of a reasonably mistaken belief about the facts relating to the circumstances.

Mistake or ignorance of fact

Violent explosions or toxic gases

Mixing chemicals can produce

Maybe conducted without a warrant even if there may be time to obtain a warrant, must be licensed, registered, and insured, and are easily moved, they have a reduced expectation of privacy, and does not have to occur at the same time as the stop. Probable cause is required.

Mobile Conveyance

Modus operandi

Mode of operating or MO, refers to how someone does something, usually repetitive in nature.

Examples of Incendiary Devices

Molotov cocktails and napalm.

Other forms of social control

Morality and Religion

Degree of debriefing or documentation

Most incidents require some ____________ when they are over. These will vary depending on the situation.

Traffickers who lure them into prostitution and sex trafficking within 48 hours of leaving home

Most teens on the street are at risk to

Infant's skin is altered

Mottled, blue or gray

A battery

Moves violence into the realm of physical contact, which is more dangerous to the victim.

The maximum incarceration in a county jail for a period of up to 60 days, a fine of $ 500 and/or both

Municipal / County Ordinance Violation

All of the following criminal homicides are felonies.

Murder, s. 782.04, F.S. Felony Murder, s. 782.04, F.S. Manslaughter, s. 782.07, F.S. Aggravated Manslaughter, s. 782.07, F.S. Vehicular Homicide, s. 782.071, F.S. DUI Manslaughter,

All objects pictured

Must be important or relevant to the scene.

All threats and bomb situations

Must be treated as credible until proven otherwise. This assessment will affect the officer's decisions to recommend a search or evacuation, participate in a search, notify the bomb squad, fire department, EMS, or move the public further from the threat.

Because forfeiture deprives a person of interest of his or her property, officers must have what to seize the property?

Must have probable cause

Appropriate personnel

Must make a determination of infant death and pronounce the time of death

Awareness-level responders

Must not attempt to extinguish a fire that involves hazardous materials.


Must show valid driver's license upon demand by a law enforcement officer or authorized representative of the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.

System that contains information from records of stolen, abandoned and recovered property and wanted and missing person files for all 50 states, canada, the us virgin islands, puerto rico, and district of columbia




National Integrated Ballistic Information Network

NIBIN stands for

National Incident Management System

NIMS stands for

The ________ hazardous materials file provides users with online information about hazardous materials


What is the National Law Enforcement Telecommunication system?




Queries related to a person require -...

Name, race, date of birth and sex

System that contains the sex offender registry for the nation

National crime information center

The _______ of the call will determine whether to activate emergency lights and sirens


Care, supervision, and services

Necessary to maintain the elderly person's or disabled adult's physical and mental health include, but are not limited to, food, nutrition, clothing, shelter, supervision, medicine, and medical services that a prudent person would consider essential for the well-being of the elderly person or disabled adult.

Examples of WMD include

Nerve agents such as sarin, and choking agents such as chlorine.

Ask the driver to remove the license from the wallet. This prevents the driver from later making accusations of theft.

Never accept a wallet from the driver. Instead,

Suspected device or package

Never attempt to open or handle a

Bare hands

Never handle evidence with your

Any type of reward, favor, or reduced sentence

Never promise a field contact or a confidential informants

Only answer the question asked

Never volunteer unsolicited information;

A critical period of rapid growth and brain development in the first six months of life.

Ninety percent of SIDS cases occur during

Officer Dick Johnson has just shot and injured a suspect after getting into a firefight, Officer Dick Johnson notices the suspect go down and rushes to administer first aid to stop the suspect from dying, did Officer Dick Johnson do the right thing?


Several Physical indicators that a person is deceased:

No Rise & Fall of Chest Does not respond to CPR Decapitation Decomposition May be cold to the touch Pale, waxy, and translucent skin Fingernails may be pale Milky, Cloudy eyes Eyelids may remain open Blood, cuts, gashes, or bruisings may be present


No _________________ should be removed from the vehicle until the driver is secured.

An officer must be aware of ______ while conducting a building search , such as loose change, cell phones, keys

Noise-making factors

Situations that can range from assisting with administrative paperwork to providing additional equipment

Non life threatening

Involve body language such as hand placement and waist position, and is a important factor to pay attention to

Non verbal cues

Are punishable by monetary fines or something other than incarceration.

Noncriminal Offense

Class 9: Miscellaneous dangerous goods

Not belonging to Classes 1-8 these hazardous materials are subject to DOT regulations on transportation. Some examples are molten sulfur, PCBs (Poly chlorinated biphenyls), and hazardous waste.

You must also maintain radio contact with dispatch and with responding units.

Not only are you required to request and, if prudent, wait for backup before acting,

Consistent with the injuries and evidence at the scene

Note whether the information the victim provides appears to be

A written order that may be issued by a law enforcement officer in lieu of a physical arrest requiring a person accused of violating the law to appear in the court at specified date and time.

Notice to Appear (NTA)



The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration

OSHA stands for

The act of recognizing or noting a fact or occurrence using the senses


You could ask domestic violence participants to sit at their dining room table and discuss:

Obtaining counseling Acting on information provided on handouts covering domestic and dating violence and injunctions Seeking assistance from social service agencies Arranging for transportation or safe haven

In a bomb threat situation, the advisability of a search depends on different factors, including:

Obtaining permission to search a building or area The level of risk for those conducting the search Agency policy on officers searching for explosives. The credibility/amount of detailed provided in the threat. Additional threats or the possibility of secondary devices.

Officers should check for _______ when arriving to a call, such as a vehicle parked in a lot which is normally empty

Obvious clues


Occasionally, you may respond to a false alarm of a

A suppression hearing

Occurs after the defense files a motion to suppress or to exclude certain testimony or evidence from the trial, alleging that your improper actions violated their client's rights.

Child neglect

Occurs when a caregiver deprives a child of, or allows the deprivation of, necessary food, clothing, shelter, or medical treatment, or allows the child to live in an environment when such deprivation or environment causes the child's physical, mental, or emotional health to be significantly impaired or to be in danger of being significantly impaired.


Occurs when a minor who uses a computer or any electronic device, such as cell phones, to transmit or distribute a nude photograph or video to another minor regardless of whether the minors consented to the act.

Luring or enticing a child

Occurs when a person intentionally lures or entices, or attempts to lure or entice, a child less than 12 years of age into a structure, dwelling, or conveyance for other than lawful purposes.

A robbery

Occurs when a suspect takes property from a person by using force, violence, or assault. The suspect places the victim in fear, with the intent to deprive the victim, permanently or temporarily, of his or her right to the property, appropriating the property of the victim to the suspect's own use, or use of any person not entitled to it. Is a theft plus violence.

Lacks capacity to consent

Occurs when an elderly person or disabled adult lacks sufficient understanding or capacity to make or communicate reasonable decisions concerning his or her person or property. This impairment may occur because of mental illness, development disability, organic brain disorder, physical illness or disability, chronic use of drugs, chronic intoxication, short-term memory loss, or other causes.

Sequential presentation

Occurs when an independent administrator presents individual photographs to the victim or witness one at a time.

Exploitation of a disabled adult or elderly person

Occurs when someone knowingly, by deception or intimidation, obtains or uses a disabled adult's or elderly person's funds, assets or property. The suspect's intent must be to deprive the person of the use, benefit, possession of the funds, assets, or property, or to benefit someone other than the disabled adult or elderly person temporarily or permanently.

Simultaneous presentation

Occurs when the independent administrator presents a group of photographs to the victim or witness all at once, at the same time.


Occurs when the suspect forcibly, secretly, or by threat confines abducts, or imprisons another person against his or her will. Is both a statutory and federal violation.

Interference with custody

Occurs when the suspect, without lawful authority, knowingly or recklessly takes or entices any child less than 18 years of age from the custody of its parent, guardian, or other lawful custodian. Concealing or removing minors from the state with full knowledge of a court order. The suspect must have knowledge of the court order or receive notice of the pending proceedings.

An investigation

Occurs when you make detailed and systematic inquiries or observations.

Conducting an impartial investigation to bring a suspect to justice.

Off all the tasks assigned to a law enforcement officer, none is more important than

What is the backup officer responsible for?

Officer safety concerns which include observing the officers interaction with the suspect, watching for hazards, and assisting in anything the primary needs

Maintain _________ and _____________ even while conducting a noncustodial transport.

Officer safety; situational awareness

Sensitive information or criminal history details should only be transmitted by radio when there is an _______ or _______ concern

Officer, public safety

On-scene debriefing process

Officers are advised of the materials to which they may have been exposed, signs and symptoms of overexposure, and who to contact if they notice signs or symptoms of exposure.

Recognize, Identify

Officers must be able to _____________ that an incident involves WMD or hazardous materials and, if possible, ____________ the materials involved.

DO NOT have access just because they are law enforcement officers.

Officers not assigned to the crime scene,

Critique phase

Officers provide information on operational strengths and weaknesses.

Active shooter or in-progress shootings

Officers should follow agency policies and tactical training when responding to

Although the law does not require that Miranda warnings be given identically every time, officers should get in the habit of what?

Officers should get in the habit of always reading from a Miranda card or form.

Sight and sound

Officers use these sense to pay attention for: Pressure release Smoke and/or fire Liquids, gas leaks, or vapor cloud Condensation on pipelines or containers Chemical reactions Mass casualties

Hate crime victims

Often react differently from victims of other crimes. Realizes the suspect targeted them because of a personal characteristic. May find you threatening if he or she is of another national origin or race, especially if you belong to the same race as the perpetrator. May be reluctant to talk if he or she perceives you are biased.

means neglecting to perform what the law or duty requires.


They may or may not present law enforcement identification to the officer who pulled them over.

On occasion, when undercover officers have been stopped for a traffic violation,

Turn on the emergency equipment

Once in a safe location to make the stop

The judge will either sustain or overrule it.

Once someone makes an objection,

The rights should be read one time from an agency-provided Miranda card or form.

Once the Miranda warnings are required.

Do not allow any unauthorized removal or altercation of any evidence

Once the crime scene perimeter is established,

A backup officer may tell the driver to kneel, lie prone, or assume another position of disadvantage when the driver arrives.

Once the driver is in the take-down area,

He or she should maintain a safe location and distance from the threat.

Once the officer has parked,

They should draw their firearms and point them at the suspect vehicle with their fingers outside the trigger guard.

Once the officers have established proper positioning,

What action must an officer take when consent is withdrawn at anytime during the search?

Once withdrawn, the officer must stop searching immediately. The scope of consent can be limited as well.

Before making a voice transmission, listen to make sure there is no other radio traffic and then press the transmit button for approximately _________ second before speaking


Audible signal for stopping motorists

One long blast

Incident Command System (ICS)

One of the techniques used to maintain organization and complete response objectives. Is a standardized, on-scene, all-hazards approach to incident management that integrates the operation of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications under a common organizational structure.


One of your primary responsibilities is to provide ___________ while the DCF investigator conducts his or her social services investigations.

Active shooter

One or more individuals participating in a random or systematic killing spree demonstrating their intent to harm others with a firearm.

Medical examiner

Only a ___________________ can make a final determination after the completion of his or her investigation

An incapacitated officer

Only elevates the seriousness of the situation.

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. An adult was in control of the residence. 2. The adult knowingly allows a social gathering. 3. The possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances by one or more minors occurs during the gathering.

Open House Party, s. 856.015, F.S., Misdemeanor

Areas of someone's property where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy.

Open fields

Pores (Sweat Pores)

Openings in the finger. Used to lubricate the skin. In between the friction ridges.

s. 509.151, F.S.,

Ordering and eating a meal in a restaurant or occupying a room in a public lodging establishment, and then refusing to pay, is the crime of defrauding an innkeeper or theft of services by failure to pay.

Statutes enacted by municipal (city) or county government are know as what?



Other (provides information on any special hazards of the material)

Cigarette butts, drinking straws, soda and beer cans, masks, bottles, and bite marks.

Other pieces of evidence that may contain saliva , and require examination, are

s. 806.13, F.S.,

Outlines Criminal Mischief. Is a willful, malicious crime where the offender injures or damages property belonging to another. Injury or damage can include the placement of graffiti or the commission of other acts of vandalism.

Chapter 810, F.S.,

Outlines several elements of trespassing.

s. 812.014, F.S.,

Outlines the different types of theft based upon several factors, including the value of the stolen property. A business can be a theft victim through shoplifting, embezzlement, skimming from cash registers or petty cash, smash-and- grab attacks, hijacking of delivery trucks or their cargo, quick-change artists or theft of agriculture, services, or construction site materials.

Section 787.03, F.S.,

Outlines the elements and defenses of interference with custody.

Section 847.0141, F.S.,

Outlines the elements of a minor committing the offense of sexting and the associated penalties, which can range from a noncriminal violation to a third-degree felony.

Chapter 825, F.S.

Outlines the elements of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of elderly persons and disabled adults.

s. 787.025, F.S.,

Outlines the elements of luring or enticing a child.

s. 810.145, F.S.,

Outlines the elements of video voyeurism.

Inventory should document the vehicle's: (4)

Overall condition Mileage Damage Contents/equipment

Most agencies have a designated ______ who is responsible for releasing information to the public




s. 316.650(3)(4)(8), F.S.,

Periodically, the DHSMV conducts audits of Uniform Traffic Citation books for accountability purposes.

Back up units

Periodically, the primary officer should request the location and estimated time of arrival (ETA) of the ______________ to keep from waiting in vain.

An officer should use ________ or ______ provided by dispatch to identify the risks in the area

Personal knowledge, information

Barriers to Effective Communication

Personal prejudices, stereotyping, racial or ethnic slurs, age or generational differences, language differences, profane or derogatory language, disrespectful hand or body gestures, cultural differences, and personal/environmental/situational distractions

The transporting officer needs to give the booking officers any ________ not including contraband removed from the prisoner and bagged at the scene

Personal property

The responding officers to provide regular updates as events develop.

Personnel not on scene or working in a command post depend on

If the property stolen is valued at less than $300, the offender commits the misdemeanor of what?

Petit Theft

refers to actual objects which may be offered to prove facts about a case.

Physical or real evidence

Any contraband an officer can see can be seized without a warrant as long as three conditions are met: (1) the officer is lawfully present in the place where he or she sees the item, (2) the item is in plain sight, and (3) the officer has probable cause to believe that the item is contraband or crime evidence.

Plain View

The law presumes that a search without a warrant is invalid; however there are a number of exceptions which require probable cause which are what?

Plain view, mobile conveyance, exigent circumstances

An officer should ______ messages before transmitting them


Two door widths apart so that all vehicle doors can open completely

Position all back up vehicles

The State must prove the following elements: 1. The defendant is under 21. 2. The defendant is in possession of or is consuming an alcoholic beverage.

Possession of Alcoholic Beverage by a Person Under the Age of 21, s. 562.111, F.S., Misdemeanor

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of the possession of what? 1. The offender intended to commit a burglary or trespass. 2. The offender had in her or her possession a tool, machine, or implement that he or she intended to use or allow to be used in the commission of the burglary or trespass.

Possession of Burglary Tools, s. 810.06, F.S., Felony

The State must prove the following elements: 1. The defendant is under 18. 2. The defendant has in his or her possession a tobacco product.

Possession of Tobacco Products by a Person Under 18 Years of Age, s. 569.11, F.S., Noncriminal Infraction

Inside a patrol car

Possible controlled area is

What may officers that are preoccupied or distracted miss that may compromise their safety or others safety?

Potential danger signs

Hear or see

Preferably, place victims, complainants, and witnesses far enough apart so that they cannot ____________ or _______________ each other.

For a prisoner who is known to be ________ , restraints may not be used

Pregnant, in her third trimester, in labor, delivery, or postpartum recovery

An officer should collect as much information as possible about a call to make a ____________

Preliminary assessment


Prepare reports of their findings and often testify in court regarding the results of their analyses.

A stop made by an officer on the basis of a traffic infraction when there is not enough information for reasonable suspicion to make the stop but for the purpose of investigating other, more serious criminal activity.

Pretext Stop

Verbal commands and directions to enforce the perimeter

Prevent intrusion by anyone who approaches the crime scene perimeter by using

Containing a threat and awaiting the arrival of SWAT teams.

Previous response options revolved around

The ______ or ______ will determine the need for a perimeter and necessary resources

Primary officer, supervisor

A restriction

Printed on a Florida driver's license, may limit a driver from operating certain types of motor vehicles or require that he or she meet certain conditions when driving any motor vehicle.

Permit the victim to review the final report, and provide a statement as to the accuracy of the final report.

Prior to submitting a final report,

Police assignments include facilitating evacuations and providing traffic control and direction.

Prior to the onset of a natural disaster,

Private records

Privately owned businesses or organizations, including privately owned utilities, are not open to the public, including law enforcement, and requires a subpoena to access them.

Discourages criminal activity through an officer's visibility

Proactive patrol

A fair probability or reasonable grounds to believe that someone committed a crime, based on the totality of the circumstances.

Probable Cause

Authority to search a vehicle is based on: (3)

Probable cause, consent, vehicle inventory

Radio codes also help maintain ________ and uniform radio communications



Properly advise a person of his or her __________ rights prior by asking them to explain their presence and conduct.

means the giving or receiving of the body for sexual activity for hire, but excludes sexual activity between spouses.


The many industries where you can find trafficked victims,

Prostitution Exotic dancing Agricultural work Domestic work and child care Begging/street peddling Construction work Hotel housekeeping Nail salons Interstate rest areas and truck stops Massage parlos Pornography Landscape work Factory work Restaurant work Carnival work Day labor Social networking websites

The State must prove any of the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender knowingly and unlawfully: a) owns, maintains, or operates any place or conveyance for the purpose of prostitution b) offers or agrees to offer another person for the purpose of prostitution c) receives or offers to receive any person into any place or conveyance for the purpose of prostitution d) directs or offers to direct, take, or transport any person to any place with the intent to facilitate the prostitution e) offers to commit an act of prostitution f) solicits another person to commit prostitution g) resides in or remains in any place or conveyance for the purpose of prostitution h) aids or participates in any act of prostitution i) purchases the services of any prostitute

Prostitution, s. 796.07, F.S., Misdemeanor

The Fourth Amendment does what?

Protects people from governmental intrusion into areas where they have a reasonable expectation of privacy. It prohibits search and seizures unless they are conducted with probable cause and under reasonable circumstances.

A safe location

Protects the officer and the public.

Photo and videos

Provide a visual record that may be stored indefinitely and is readily available when needed.

Proper lighting

Provides good exposure for the photograph, so that it is neither too dark nor too light for the visibility of detail.

The fire subsection

Provides guidelines to all levels of responders.

Section 784.049, F.S.,

Provides law enforcement with the ability to arrest, without a warrant, any person that he or she has probable cause to believe is sexually cyberharassing an individual. To investigate further, you must obtain a search warrant to search a private dwelling for evidence of sexual cyberharassment. Evidence can be a photograph picture, motion picture, film, video, or any other sexually explicit electronic image.

The Sexual Battery Victims' Access to Services Act s. 794.055, F.S.,

Provides victims of sexual battery access to crisis-intervention and recovery services, advocacy, and medical intervention. There are special considerations for initiating a medical examination for juvenile victim of sexual battery. Only medical personnel may perform a physical and sexual battery examination, which may later provide evidence and information to further the investigation. Agency policies and procedures should be followed when arranging for sexual battery exam, collecting clothing, and notifying sex crimes investigator.

is the legal phrase for the link between the breach of duty and the harm caused (damages).

Proximate cause

On scene

Public Information Officer (PIO) is considered _________________ because they stay on the outside of the tape dealing with the media.

Officers should consult a supervisor or consider notifying the _______ before releasing any information to the public

Public information officer

If video or audiotape systems are used to document all or part of the contact, arrest, or transport the take becomes part of

Public record

All computer activity is recorded and subject to review under _________ Law

Public records

What is PST

Public safety telecommunicators

are damages awarded in addition to actual damages when the defendant acted with recklessness, malice, or deceit.

Punitive damages

The authority to search a vehicle's trunk is determined by the:

Purpose of the search

What are situations that a perimeter is necessary?

Pursuing suspects, securing a crime scene, high risk situations, special events (etc)



Medical report to law enforcement.

Qualified medical personnel should provide the

Entering, running, vehicle check, records check, wants and warrants check, and criminal justice database check


Assist with furthering the investigation of a missing or endangered person by

Questioning the complainant, family members, friends, business associates, teachers, school resource officers, visitors, and workers who regularly or periodically come to the home, school, or place of employment. Contacting dispatch with information gathered in the inverse to request a record check on the missing person Being familiar with the community and knowing the location of sexual offenders, if the missing person is a child.

Backup officers should be ______ and minimize ______ use

Quiet, flashlight





Recognition and identification, Isolation, Protection, NOTification

RIP-NOT stands for

The most common electronic device officers use is the ________


If you experience _______, establish another means of communication, which may include QSY'ing , or calling dispatch to report it

Radio failure

Taking a responsive or after-the-fact role in dealing with crime

Reactive patrol

Mere flight does not equal probable cause for arrest but contributes to _____ to detain for investigation

Reasonable suspicion

The appropriate method of protection

Recognizing threats to the evidence will determine

What is the goal of DDACTS?

Reduce crime, crashes and traffic violations

An unknown risk traffic stop

Refers to a stop in which the potential risk of the situation is not known.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Regulations mandate a structured termination process.

Admissible evidence

Relevant evidence tending to prove or disprove an important fact, with numerous exceptions specified.

The hit confirmation process ensures tht the system information ________ and is _____ to the person or property of interest to the officer

Remains valid, identical

Universal precautions

Remember to apply _______________ to prevent transmission of blood-borne pathogens, and use personal protective equipment to protect yourself from harmful substances or infections when approaching the body.

Parents or caregivers

Report not hearing an signs of a struggle, even though they were within hearing distances at all times.

The due process clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments require what?

Require the government to be fair when taking away someone's life, liberty, or property.

Class E

Required for drivers of any non-commercial motor vehicle with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating less than 26,001 pounds, including passenger cars, 15-passenger (including the driver) vans, trucks, or recreational vehicles, ad two- or three-wheel motor vehicles 50cc or less, such as mopeds or small scooters. Farmers and drivers authorized emergency vehicles who are exempt from obtaining a commercial driver's license must obtain a __________________ license.

Class B

Required for drivers of straight trucks with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of 26,001 lbs. or more.

Class A

Required for drivers of trucks or truck combinations with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 26,001 lbs. or more, provide the towed vehicle is more than 10,000 lbs.

Class C

Required for drivers of vehicles transporting hazardous materials in sufficient amounts to require placards or vehicles designed to transport more than 15 people (including the driver), and with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of less than 26,001 lbs.

ss. 316.646(1) and s.320.02, F.S.,

Requires individuals to provide proof of insurance in either a paper or electronic format as prescribed by the DHSMV.

s. 794.052, F.S.,

Requires the officer to present the victim of a sexual offense with a "Victim's Rights Brochure", and a "Sexual Battery--Victim's Rights and Services" brochure from the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence.

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of resisting an officer with violence: 1. The offender knowingly and willfully resisted, obstructed, or opposed the victim (officer) by offering to do him or her violence or by doing violence to him or her. 2. At the time, the victim (officer) was engaged in the execution of legal process or lawful execution of a legal duty. 3. At the time, the victim was an officer.

Resisting Officer with Violence, s. 843.01, F.S., Felony

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of resisting an officer without violence: 1. The offender resisted, obstructed, or opposed the victim (officer). 2. At the time, the victim (officer) was engaged in the execution of the legal process or the lawful execution of a legal duty. 3. At the time, the victim was an officer.

Resisting Officer without Violence, s. 843.02, F.S., Misdemeanor

ERP, SOP, and ERG.

Resources that help an officer make sound decisions include the agency's


Respond to all death investigations as _____________________ until directed to do otherwise by a supervisor or an investigator.

What do you do when you receive a call from dispatch?

Respond with your assigned identification and current location

Allows officers the opportunity to respond to the problem by working with people who live and work in the community, businesses, and public agencies.


The officer is _______ for the prisoner until they are received by facility staff


The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender knowingly did one of the following: a. took possession of or carried away merchandise b. altered or removed a label or price tag from merchandise c. transferred merchandise from one container to another d. removed a shopping cart from a merchant's premises 2. The offender intended to deprive the merchant of the possession, use, benefit, or full retail value of the merchandise or shopping cart.

Retail Theft, s. 812.015(1), F.S., Misdemeanor/Felony

To get a physical description of the suspect

Review information from the initial incident report, and victim and witness statements,

A Judge

Reviews the affidavit and grants or denies the request

The State must prove the following four elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender took the money or property from the victim or from custody of the victim. 2. Force, violence, assault, or putting in fear of violence was used in the course of the taking. 3. The property taken was of some value. 4. The taking was with the intent to permanently or temporarily deprive the victim of his or her right to the property or any benefit from it.

Robbery, s. 812.13, F.S., Felony

Brief meeting officers attend before each shift

Roll Call

Not to Scale

Rough Sketch.

Plus one

Rule of safety. The officer should focus on the observed suspects and the "plus one" that may be assumed to be hiding.

Mode that can be used so law enforcement agencies may practice the problem solving aspect of community policing


A continuous cycle that reassesses and solves problems within the community

SARA model

Provides a tool for officers to find proactive solutions to community issues

SARA model







Evidence by performing a 360-degree visual sweep of the perimeter.

Scan the area surrounding the body for potential hazards or

How may you alleviate tunnel vision?

Scan your surroundings, practice controlled breathing, and employ self talk techniques

Takes a broad, intensive view of a particular area or series of events to describe community problems accurately


What are the four key elements to the SARA model

Scanning Analysis Response Assesment

While conducting a search warrant, adhere to the __________.


The escorting and transporting officers should always ______ prisoners


An officer should always avoid doing what during a building search?

Searching alone

When arriving at a detention facility, what must a officer do?

Secure their weapons in areas such as their trunk, a weapons locker or lock box

If you are on foot and come under sniper fire, what should you do?

Seek immediate cover, call for assistance, and determine a safe approach for responding officers

Step 3 of Initiating the Traffic Stop

Selecting a safe location to stop.

What are some physiological effects of stress and fatigue?

Selective hearing, tunnel vision, and rapid breathing

Affects an individuals perception of situations and events. Causes are very specific to the individual and include personal attitudes towards work, perceptions of others, and work related goals

Self induced stress

is a common legal term that describes the justifiable use of force that is necessary to protect oneself.


The State must prove the following elements: 1. The defendant sold, gave, or served the beverage. 2. The beverage was an alcoholic beverage. 3. The person served was under the age of 21.

Selling or Giving Alcoholic Beverages to a Person Under the Age of 21, s. 562.11, F.S., Misdemeanor

The State must prove the following elements: 1. The defendant sold, delivered, bartered, furnished, or gave the product. 2. The person served was under the age of 18. 3. The item sold, delivered, bartered, furnished, or given was a tobacco product.

Selling, Delivering, Bartering, Furnishing, or Giving Tobacco Products to Persons Under 18 Years of Age, s. 569.101, F.S., Misdemeanor

Officers use radios to -....

Send and receive vital information, call for backup, or identify a suspect or wanted person

When making contact with the disorderly or irate person:

Separate the person from any obvious sources of agitation

Make a bad situation even worse

Separating family members during crisis might

When conducting a stolen property check on a firearm you must have the -....

Serial number and the manufacturer

means oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another or the anal or vaginal penetration of another by any other object; however, does not include an act done for a bona fide medical purpose.

Sexual Battery, s. 794.011, F.S., Felony

s. 943.0435, F.S.,

Sexual Offenders alert

ss. 775.21

Sexual Predator alert

Sexually battery enhanced penalties include:

Sexual battery upon a person 12 years of age or older, with great force Sexual battery upon a person 12 years of age or older, with specified circumstances Sexual battery, victim less than 12 years of age Unlawful sexual activity with certain minors Committing an unnatural and lascivious act Exposure of sexual organs in a vulgar or indecent manner Sexual offense against a student by a school authority figure

Civil processes are typically served by the ___________, but can also be served by a ______________, or _______________ by authority of the __________________

Sheriff; city police officer; private server; chief judge

National Study of Police Suicide (NSOPS) states that the suicide rate among criminal justice professionals is higher than the amount of officers ______ and killed in the line of duty


The most of the primary patrol vehicle

Should be angled towards the center of the suspect vehicle


Should be conducted in plain language as different agencies may use different radio codes.

The complainant and the owner/representative of the building or threatened area

Should be interviewed. Ask these individuals to meet the officer away from the threatened area. Sources of additional information may include witnesses or key people, such as custodians or security personnel with special knowledge about the area.

A third vehicle (or fourth)

Should be positioned to one side or the rear of the primary vehicle at a slight angle

Photographs of the infant

Should be taken prior to the infant being transported, to document any and all marks, lividity patterns, etc.

Be aware that detectives, in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control SUID Investigative model

Should conduct doll re-enactmenets of the placed, last seen alive, and found position of the infant at the scene.

The first backup patrol vehicle

Should generally be positioned to the right of the primary patrol vehicle

Information collected

Should include the nature of the complaint, the means of the threat and time it was received, the alleged time of detonation, a description of the device, the location of the device, and the identity of the threat recipient.


Should include the statement "Not to scale" unless you are prepared to testify that every item is precisely drawn to scale on the sketch.

A high risk stop

Should only be conducted alone if the driver's action force it (for instance, the occupant's behavior or vehicle movement places the public at immediate risk)

An officer

Should write a citation when there is clear violation which is not satisfactorily excused or justified by the situation, when agency policy supports the writing of the citation.

United States Secret Service

Should you suspect that money is counterfeit currency, document it as such and forward it to the

Occurs when a law enforcement officer locates a suspect a short time after the commission of an offense and attempts to get a one-on-one identification of the suspect in the field by the victim or witness.


When a officer is finished using retrieved CCH information, they should ________ or ________ it

Shred, burn

Low Risk

Sights and sound are considered _________ and can help officers identify a hazmat from a safe distance.

Communication system that uses the word "signal" to precede numbers


Encouraging a person in crisis to _________ can reduce physical tension and calm the situation


Suicide by cop

Some individuals may attempt to end their lives by intentionally provoking officers to use deadly force. This is commonly referred to as ____________?

The chief judge

Someone In your judicial district that sets guidelines and limits on interviewing child abuse or sexual abuse victims who are less than 16 years of age.

Examples of restrictions

Someone who needs corrective lenses. Another person who is hard of hearing.


Something that must be done to further an investigation.

Found simply because it is a suspicious item.

Sometimes an explosive device is

Vice crimes

Sometimes called "victimless crimes," activity includes offenses such as prostitution, gambling, alcohol and tobacco violations, and pornography.

is derived from the common law idea that the king and his agents can do no wrong.

Sovereign immunity

Stand Alone

Speaks for itself doesn't need an explanation.

Hazardous Materials Specialist

Specialist have the expert knowledge to support the hazardous materials technician, but their duties require a more directed or specific knowledge of the various substances they may be called upon to contain. The specialist also acts as the site liaison with federal, state, local, and other government authorities in regard to site activities.

Requires an expectation of a particular result, which requires a heightened mental state of intent to commit the act.

Specific Intent

Chapter 90, F.S.,

Specifically identifies what constitutes admissible evidence including oral testimony.

The State must prove that the offender willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly the following. 1. Harass means to engage in a course of conduct directed at a specific person which causes substantial emotional distress to that person and serves no legitimate purpose. 2. Cyber-stalk means to engage in a course of conduct to communicate, or cause to be communicated, words, images, or language by or through the use of electronic mail or electronic communication, directed at a specific person, causing substantial emotional distress to that person and serving no legitimate purpose.

Stalking, s. 784.048(2), F.S., Misdemeanor

Avoid _______________ two vehicle on the roadside

Standing between

Chapter 316

State Uniform Traffic Control: Definitions and Violations

Additional charges to a CCH will be added by __________, the _________ and the __________.

State attorneys office, clerk of the court, department of corrections

Establish proof the motivation of the crime was prejudice or discrimination.

Statements the suspect makes to the victim and witnesses while committing the crime, graffiti drawn at the scene, as well as other physical evidence found at the scene may

s. 316.650(8), F.S.,

States "it unlawful and an act of official misconduct for any traffic enforcement officer or other officer or public employee to dispose of a traffic citation or copies thereof or of the record of the issuance of the same in a manner other than as required."

s. 856.021, F.S.,

States that "it is unlawful for any person to loiter or prowl in a place, at a time, or in a manner not usual for law-abiding individuals, under circumstances that warrant a justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity.

Florida law

States that all felonies are arrest able offenses.

s. 806.101, F.S.,

States that anyone who, without reasonable cause, makes a false alarm of fire is guilty of a misdemeanor for the first conviction and a felony for any subsequent convictions. Any later convictions of making a false alarm of a fire will constitute a third-degree felony.

s. 918.13, F.S.,

States that it is a felony to alter, destroy, conceal, or remove any record, document, or thing with the purpose to impair its truth or availability in a criminal trial or investigation.

s. 741.29, F.S.,

States that no law enforcement officer is liable in any civil action for an arrest based on probable cause, enforcement of a court, or service of process in good faith arising from an alleged incident of domestic violence.

Section 856.011, F.S.,

States that no person in the state shall be intoxicated and endanger the safety of another person or property, and no person in the state shall be intoxicated or drink any alcoholic beverage in a public place or conveyance and cause a public disturbance.

s. 812.022, F.S.,

States that showing false identification in connection with leasing property or failing to return leased property within 72 hours of the end of the lease agreement, without a reasonable explanation, may mean the suspect stole the property.

Set forth in Article VI, the supremacy clause states what?

States that when laws conflict, federal law generally overrules state and local law.

FCIC includes information about -....

Statewide information on people and property Drivers license and registration information Wanted and missing persons Stolen guns, vehicles and other property Person's status files and computerized criminal histories

Written and enacted by Congress, state legislatures, or local governing authorities in response to a perceived need. Includes civil, criminal, administrative, and regulatory laws.

Statutory Laws

A court order authorizing law enforcement to take the individual named on the warrant into custody to answer for charges specified in the warrant. Probable cause contained in an affidavit is required to obtain what?

An Arrest Warrant

is defined as a person who aids or contributes in the commission or concealment of a crime.

An accessory


An agency can activate an AMBER Alert by calling the FDLE (MEPIC) at

is a suspect or defendant's claim that he or she was not present when the alleged act was committed

An alibi

What is NLETS?

An international justice and public safety information sharing network

On Scene

An officer controlling traffic, and watching the perimeter is considered

No approach tactic

An officer must decide whether to approach the violator's vehicle or call the driver back to the patrol vehicle to acquire information.

Although that individual may not be present at the scene.

An officer must identify and locate the person who received the threat,

s. 316.650(10)

An officer must issue a citation to anyone convicted of any offense that requires the mandatory revocation of the driver's license.

To determine whether a statute specifically prohibits an alleged act or omission to act, or to determine the requisite intent to commit the crime, an officer needs to do what?

An officer needs to determine what specific acts or facts must be present before an offender can be charged with a crime.

In Scene

An officer or investigator inside the tape is considered

Takedown lights, high beams, and spotlight during a night stop to illuminate the interior of the suspect's vehicle

An officer should use the patrol vehicle's

Sightseeing Officer

An officer who doesn't belong on the scene or is not needed on the scene. Nosey officer.

Encourage voluntary compliance with traffic laws and improve driver judgment and future behavior.

An officer's primary responsibility in making traffic stops is to

Protect yourself.

An officers first responsibility in a CBRNE situation is to

Notifying and updating other units as the incident develops, establishing the initial perimeter, and communicating with dispatch as the incident unfolds.

An officers responsibilities as first responder to a CBRNE incident might include

Protect other people and property.

An officers second responsibility in a CBRNE situation is to

The following are indicators of chemical suicide

An unresponsive or sleeping person in a vehicle Warning sign(s) taped to doors or windows Unusual odors such as rotten eggs, sulfur Suicide note inside the vehicle Pennies in the area tarnished with residue A bag over the subject's head Household cleaning or pesticide containers Buckets for mixing chemicals A vehicle's inside door handles removed Tape or towels sealing a door or air vents Yellow-green or white residue on vehicle seats, dashboard, or windows.

An officer works to determine the cause of the problem by collecting information from various sources


The crime laboratory's chemistry section

Analyzes substances submitted to the laboratory to determine the presence or absence of any controlled substance as listed under s. 893.03, F.S.

Exotic animals

Animal not native to Florida

Dispatchers duties include -...

Answering, receiving, transferring, and dispatching functions related to 911 calls aswell as providing real time information from federal, state, and local crime databases

Preserved as you secure the scene.

Any evidence on or near the body should be

Stop or stopping

Any halting of a vehicle

Title 18, Section 242 of the United States Code

Anyone who "under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person... to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws...or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of color, or race...shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for no more than one year, or both, and if bodily injury results...shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for no more than 10 years or both...and if death results...shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life or both, or may be sentenced to death."


Anything that holds two or more classes of hazardous materials must display the __________ placard and may use it instead of the specific placard for each class of material. The classification and amount of hazardous materials being transported restrict the use of this placard. Materials such as explosives and toxic gases cannot use the _______________________ placard.

Paper bag

Anything that is/was wet/damp must go in a

The Interstate Compact on Juveniles

Applies to runaways and does not treat them differently from other juveniles.

Step 8 of Initiating the Traffic Stop

Applying appropriate approach techniques.

What should officers do when approaching a vehicle?

Approach carefully on foot and check for occupants

If the arresting officer encounters resistance while loading the prisoner, he or she should respond with ______ and _______

Appropriate level of force, restraint devices


Approximately __________ of active shooters have historically been males and typically work alone,

Crime scene sketches

Are a means of documentation that aid in the reconstruction, explanation, and permanent recording of an incident.

Mail bombs

Are a special class of suspicious items. These could be delivered by the United States Postal Service, a commercial delivery service, or by hand. Can be difficult to detect. Some possible signs are envelops or packages that are rigid, have excessive postage, are unevenly packed, or are packed with excessive securing material. May also bear oily stains, discoloration, protruding wires, or strange odors.

Illegal drugs

Are also manufactured and cultivated in clandestine laboratories and grow houses.

Latent prints

Are among the most valuable types of physical evidence and one of the most common types of evidence you will recover at a crime scene. Although generally INVISIBLE to the naked eye, latent prints result form body residue left behind when the friction ridges of the hands or feet make contact with a surface.

With few exceptions, Public records

Are available to law enforcements.

Chemical weapons

Are capable of causing mass casualties because a small amount of agent can be spread over a large area. They can be used to target humans as well as plant and animal life.

Incendiary devices

Are designed to start fires, destroy property, and harm people. Are frequently used by violent protestors, arsonists, and criminals.

The first steps in a follow-up investigation

Are establishing a case file, reviewing the information gathered during the preliminary investigation, and identifying and pursuing leads.

Licenses for drivers over the age of 21

Are formatted horizontally.

Licenses for drivers under the age of 21

Are formatted vertically.

Observation skills, safe positioning, and safe distancing

Are important to consider when interviewing the driver or passengers.

Class 1: Explosives

Are materials or devices designed to release energy very rapidly. Emergency responders should consider all ________________ to be extreme hazards when they are involved in or near a fire. Some examples of ______________ materials are dynamite, black powder, and small arms ammunition.

Class 2: Gases

Are materials that are neither solid nor liquid at ordinary temperatures; they are contained under pressure. They may be flammable, non-flammable, poisonous, or corrosive. Some examples of potentially hazardous _______ are acetylene, hydrogen, and anhydrous ammonia.

Explanations of the restrictions and endorsements

Are on the back of the license.

Confidential informants

Are people who furnish police with information about crimes, primarily because of the expectation of some personal benefits or advantage, and rarely out of a sense of civic duty.

Patent prints

Are transferred the friction ridges on fingers by a foreign substance like blood, paint, or dirt, and are easily VISIBLE.

Alcohol and tobacco violations

Are vice crimes committed most frequently among people less than 21 years of age.

A suspect in a building must always be considered _______

Armed and dangerous

As depriving a person of his or her liberty by legal authority.


Officers should inform suspects that they are under ______ and the reason


The arresting officer must complete a _________ prior to turning in the prisoner to the booking officer

Arrest affadavit

Advise dispatch upon your _______ and inform them if any other resources are necessary


A hazardous material (hazmat)

As any substance or material that when released may cause harm, serious injury, or death to humans or animals, or harm the environment.

Morgue, mortuary, or crematorium.

As authorized by the ME, coordinate the release and/or transport of the deceased body to the local

One and a half to two car lengths behind the violator's vehicle

As general rule, the patrol vehicle should be positioned

False Imprisonment

As outlined in s. 787.02, F.S., Occurs when the suspect forcibly, by threat, or secretly confines, abducts, imprisons, or restrains another person without lawful authority and against his or her will with any purpose other than those referred to in kidnapping.

When you shoot a suspect, when should you notify dispatch?

As soon as possible

Forensic exam kit (Rape kit)

The FDLE crime lab will provide a report from the

Best known for prohibiting compelled self-incrimination. It also requires a grand jury indictment for capital crimes and prohibits double jeopardy and deprivation of life, liberty, or property without due process law.

The Fifth Amendment

Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act

The Florida order will not necessarily be a proper and enforceable order for child custody situation. Such cases involve application of the

Expanded the Bill of Rights to the state and local government.

The Fourteenth Amendment

An officer must be able to articulate his or her reason for believing the subject possessed a weapon or the pat down will violate which Amendment?

The Fourth Amendment

Prohibits unreasonable search and seizure and generally requires a warrant signed by an independent magistrate (judge)

The Fourth Amendment

Holds that evidence gathered with the assistance of illegally obtained information must be exclude from trial is know as what?

The Fruits of the Poisonous Tree doctrine

Applies to an officer's actions in conducting a search pursuant to a search warrant. If the officer execute a search warrant they believe to be valid and a court later determines to have legal error, any seized evidence may still be admitted.

The Good Faith Doctrine

On-scene debriefing, Incident Critique, and After action analysis.

The Incident Termination Procedures has three steps

Have made terrorism a realistic concern for law enforcement

The Oklahoma City bombing, attacks on the World Trade Center, anthrax incidents, letters containing ricin, and the Boston Marathon bombing.

Rule allows officers to seize the contraband even if it does not feel like a weapon, does not permit any manipulation or groping of the object in an effort to identify it as contraband.

The Plain touch / feel doctrine

Guarantees the right to be informed of the nature the charges, receive counsel, undergo a speedy and public trial, confront witnesses, and face impartial jury.

The Sixth Amendment

Mapp v. Ohio, 367 U.S. 643 (1961)

The Supreme Court declared that no state can limit this constitutional right; every person is entitled to be treated the same under similar circumstances.


The _________ foot rule for evacuations can also be used for parking a patrol vehicle. If there is a compelling reason, an officer can move in closer than _______ feet.

Last passengers

The _________________________ exiting the vehicle should be instructed to leave the door open.


The abuse hotline that is only for Law Enforcement

What is extremely important when it comes to information that is included in arrest reports or on fingerprint cards?

The accuracy and correctness of the information, such as the spelling of the subjects name, to the law they violated

Note taking is

The act or process of writing down brief pieces of information concerning an incident event, activity or statement


The activation process requires the local law enforcement agency to contact the MEPIC at _______________ the clearinghouse will contact FDOT to activate the dynamic message signs.

Because there is not a specific charge of domestic violence, what would the actual crime generally be?

The actual crime would generally be one of the aforementioned with enhancement added to the charge, i.e., battery (domestic violence) or aggravated battery (domestic violence).

Age of 25

The age at which most psychologists believe that the brain is fully developed

Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV)

The agency responsible for issuing driver's licenses, motor vehicle titles, license plates, and vessel registrations, as well as overseeing the Florida Highway Patrol.

After-action analysis

The agency's goal is to review any weaknesses and implement any additional or corrective training, as necessary.

Which may assist in preventing a crossfire situation

The backup officer should approach along the passenger side of the primary officer's patrol vehicle,

What must the officer inform the intake officer at the detention facility about?

The charges against the prisoner Any injuries they may have If its a juvenile If the prisoner was pepper sprayed If a taser was used Threats made by prisoner to self or others Known medical conditions

The NLETS inquiry for hazardous material contains a variety of information that includes -...

The chemical name, personal safety precautions, general handling procedures, disposal methods, the degree of hazard to public health, and the availability of countermeasure materials


The color change due to settling of blood according to gravity

What is the hub of contact for patrol officers?

The communications or dispatch center

Felonious crimes.

The criminal penalty from human smuggling and associated offenses are

Consent of the victim or consideration of the relationship of the parties.

The decision to arrest and charge shall not require

Luring or enticing requires the suspect to have an unlawful intention for luring or enticing the child to commit other crimes.

The difference between interference with custody and luring or enticing a child is that

Driver education and safer roads

The end results of traffic stops should be

Protective action distance

The evacuation subsection also gives information about how far people should stay from a spill.

There are four specific requirements that ensure admissibility.

The evidence must be relevant to the case, obtained legally, and preserved properly. The chain of custody must also be preserved

An exterior search of the building perimeter followed by searching evacuation routes, evacuee collection points, staging areas, and command posts.

The first step in conducting the search should be

An officer may be able to identify a material using the ERG by finding any one of the following

The four digit number on the placard or orange panel on the container The name of the material on the shipping papers or packaging The number of the material on the shipping papers or packaging.

Bring toolbox full of assets ready to deploy to any location as quickly as possible.

The goal of CART is to

Emergency Response Guidebook

The guidebook's purpose is to aid in the identification of materials, outline basic actions for first responders, recommend areas of protective action, and give responders an initial safety plan.

Incendiary Devices consist of

The ignition source, the combustible filler material, and a housing/container.

An officer to have knowledge of his or her work zone

The key to safely conducting a high risk traffic stop is for

Counterfeit credit cards

The largest growing sector of bankcard fraud is

What is one of the first things patrol officers must learn?

The layout of their assigned area, district or jurisdiction


The leading cause of death among juveniles

Standard of care

The level of competency expected or required during the performance of a duty.


The level of risk might be too high to initiate a

s. 322. 34, F.S.

The license may not be faded, altered, mutilated, or defaced.

Columbine High School in 1999

The main objective of a law enforcement response to an active shooter incident has change since the attacks at

Are to isolate the area without entering it, keep people away from the scene, and ensure people are upwind and out of low-lying areas.

The main objectives of potential hazmat situations

s. 790.166, F.S.,

The manufacture, possession, sale, delivery, display, use, or attempted or threatened use of a weapon of mass destruction or hoax weapon of mass destruction is prohibited.

Coffee filters, two-liter bottles, blenders, lithium batteries, red-tipped matches, cold tablets, camp stove fuels, drain cleaner, brake fluid, and bleach.

The material used are readily available items such as

Law enforcement agency

The missing child's location has not been determines and someone reported the child as missing to a

The standardized criteria for initiating the Florida Silver Alert Place

The missing person must be 60 years or older, there must be a clear indication the individual has an irreversible deterioration of intellectual faculties, and law enforcement must verify this information. or Under extraordinary circumstances, when a person age 18 to 59 has irreversible deterioration of intellectual faculties, law enforcement has determined the missing person lacks the capacity to consent, and the use of dynamic message signs may be the only possible way to rescue the missing person.

Bird's-eye-view (or downward observation perspective)

The most common method of sketching.


The most common method of surveying (measuring and documenting) objects within the crime scene.

Correction or clarification.

The most common reason to DHSMV returns a Uniform Traffic Citation to the issuing agency is for

Forgery of the signature or endorsement on a check, use of a fictitious name, forgery by altercation, and check washing.

The most common types of forgery law enforcement officers encounter are

Dusting them with one of several types of powder, which develops the print and make it visible.

The most common way to process latent fingerprints is by

Document these details in the crime scene log: the name, rank, and agency of each person entering or leaving the scene, the date and time of the person's entry or exit, and the reason the person was at the scene

The officer posted at the access point must

The officer must provide the following general information to dispatch according to agency requirements

The officer's identification number Vehicle tag number and state of issue The number of occupants and descriptions if possible A description of the violator's vehicle including color, make, approximate year (newer or late model) The need for backup or other assistance as required The officer's general direction of travel : N, S, E, W The officer's location, such as the street, plus a cross street or a house number; this is crucial on interstates and divided highways. If the situation escalates and the officer is injured or cannot use the radio, dispatch can pinpoint the officer's location.

Part Three (Pink)--Officer Copy

The officer/agency retains this paper form to maintain accountability, to maintain a record of the court's action, and for officers to make notes for testifying in court. An officer may wish to retain a copy for court purposes.

Overall, midrange, close-up

The overall flow of crime scene photography moves from general to specific; use ________, __________, and then _______ photography.

Popped or Damaged ignition

The plastic housing around the column's base has been popped open, exposing ignition bars that can be pulled forward to start the car. It also means that the key portion was removed from the ignition key area, allowing the ignition bar to be exposed.

Algor mortis

The postmortem cooling of the body

Assist the fire fighters and the fire marshal in their investigation and to maintain crowd and traffic control.

The primary responsibility of an officer after the arrival of fire department personnel is to

Issuing bankcard company. Additional victims may include the store or business where the bankcard was fraudulently used and the person whose name was forged on the bankcard, draft, or receipt.

The primary victim and complainant for most bankcard offenses is the

The processing of the crime scene

The single most significant part of the initial stage of a criminal investigation is

Type of crime, the type of evidence, and the location of the evidence.

The size of the crime scene depends on the

Friction Ridges

The skin that is found on the palm of the hands and the bottom of the feet. Fingerprints. Help with gripping and used to identify an individual.

Resolution Stage

The stage of a crisis in which a solution is achieved

Recognition Stage

The stage of a crisis in which the person realizes he or she is unable to cope with the situation; emotions may range from anger to rage, from fear to panic, all leading to confusion

Park or parking

The standing of a vehicle to load or unload merchandise

Certain traits that are common to active shooters

The subject may be socially isolated, have feelings of hate and anger, or have a history of mental health problems.


The suspect acted with intent to do at least one of the following: •Hold for ransom or reward or as a shield or hostage •Commit or help with the commission of a felony •Inflict bodily harm upon or to terrorize the victim or another person •Interfere with the performance of any governmental or political function

When should a pursuit be terminated?

The suspect is apprehended The suspects location is unknown The officer is unable to continue The suspects identity is established and they are no longer a threat Radio communication fails A supervisor terminates it

Have a direct impact on the cooperation of the people present at the scene and the information people are willing to offer during interviews

The tone you establish at the beginning of the preliminary investigation will

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender knowingly and unlawfully obtained or used or endeavored to obtain or use the property of another. 2. The offender did so with intent, either temporarily or permanently, to deprive victim of his or her right to the property or any benefit from it with the intent to deprive the victim of its use, or appropriate the property of the victim to his or her own use or to the use of any person not entitled to it.

Theft, s. 812.014, F.S., Misdemeanor/Felony

Natural, accidental, and criminal

There are three broad categories of causes of death:

Public records and Private records

There are two main types of information:

Businesses and individuals

There are two types of theft victims:

Child victim

There is a statutory limit on the numbers of interviews that you can conduct with a

Fourth Amendment search warrant requirement

There is no crime scene exception to the


There is nothing in Florida Statutes that indicates that law enforcement should not take the same steps to find the missing child if the child is a ____________ and that ___________ are simply a subset of missing children.

Hazardous Materials Incident Commander

These individuals assume command of the incident above the level of the first responder; they are trained to implement the employer's emergency response plan. Incident commanders understand the hazards and risks of employees working in chemical protective clothing, know how to implement local, state, and federal emergency response plans, and understand the importance of decontamination procedures.

Class 4: Flammable solids

These materials are neither liquid nor gas and burn in the presence of an ignition source. Some ignite spontaneously or in the presence of heat or friction. Others are dangerous when wet. Some examples are magnesium, sulfur, and calcium carbide.

Class 3: Flammable liquids (and combustible liquids)

These materials burn in the presence of an ignition source. Some examples are gasoline, diesel fuel, and acetone.

Class 5: Oxidizers and organic peroxides

These materials may cause spontaneous combustion or increase the intensity of a fire. Examples include bromine or calcium hypochlorite (bleach).

Hazardous Materials Technician

These responders take offensive action to control a spill or leak. They assume a more aggressive role than a first responder at the operations level in that they will approach the point of release in order to plug, patch, or otherwise stop the release of a hazardous substance.

In accordance with rules established by Florida's secretary of state, all radio transmissions that are recorded must be retained for _________

Thirty days

Class 7: Radioactive substances.

This category includes nuclear waste, __________ medical materials, and X-ray equipment.

Diagram the crime scene

This is the second event that should take place after photographing the scene and before any detailed work begins.

Part One (White)--Complaint--Retained By Court

This part is designed to serve as a sufficient complaint for both civil and criminal cases. Judges and clerks use this to document court actions taken on the reverse side of the form. A citation is required per F.S., s.316.650(3)(a) to be submitted to the Clerk of the Court within five days after issuance to the violator.

Part Two (Yellow)--Summons--Violator's Copy

This part is reserved for the traffic offender. The reverse side is to be used only to notify individuals charged with traffic infractions (not requiring a court appearance) as to what options they have when answering the offense charged.

any evidence that may point to the suspect's innocence.

This type of evidence is known as exculpatory evidence.

Even after a suspect is shot, he or she may still be a ______


Issuing a __________________ during initial contact may turn a peaceful event violent

Threat to arrest someone

1. Doors don't open from inside 2. Officer must do a pat down 3. Gets the medias attention

Three reasons why you shouldn't place a witness on the back seat of a Police car.

Why do officers use mobile electronic devices?

To access information regarding criminal records, driving history, agency records, and to submit electronic reports to a supervisor

Change gloves between collecting each piece of evidence collected for DNA analysis

To avoid contamination,

Why should the backup officer make visual or verbal contact with the primary officer upon arrival to a call?

To determine what type of assistance is needed

Constantly observe the vehicle from the time of the violation until the stop is completed

To ensure that you are stopping the correct vehicle,

s. 810.06, F.S.,

To establish probable cause for possession of burglary tools, document the suspect intended to commit a burglary or trespass and had in his or her possession a tool, machine, or implement that he or she intended to use or allowed someone to use in the commission of burglary or trespass.

What is the goal of community oriented policing?

To examine issues that are characteristic of specific neighborhoods and to collaborate with the community top fight these problems

The officer must be able to recall its description, most commonly from a BOLO.

To identify a vehicle or a suspect,

When responding to an abandoned vehicle complaints, the initial concern is:

To identify public safety hazards

What is the primary purpose of patrolling?

To maintain public presence, enforce laws and ordinances, and deter crime

The goal in crisis situations is _________

To safely restore or maintain order

First-degree felony

To unlawfully manufacture, possess, sell, deliver, send, mail, display, use, threaten to use, attempt to use, conspire to use, or make readily accessible to others a weapon of mass destruction under s. 790.166, F.S.

Officers should deliver all commands in a _______ appropriate for the situation


A court review of all factors known to the officer at the time of the incident

Totality of Circumstances

Officers may sometimes use _____ to identify items during a search or patdown


That the trunk lid/hatch is closed and transfers the officer's fingerprints to the vehicle as evidence of contact.

Touching the rear of the violator's vehicle ensures

As you respond to a trapped person, you may need to provide: (3)

Traffic control First aid Perimeter control

Present when an intentional act harms an unintended second victim

Transferred Intent

The FCC prohibits people who use police radios , including dispatchers and law enforcement officers from-...

Transmitting non essential or excessive signals, messages, or communication Using profanity Willfully damaging radio apparatus Maliciously interfering with another units transmission Making unidentified transmissions Transmitting before the air is clear Adjusting, repairing or tinkering with a radio Transmitting a call signal, letter, or numerical not assigned to the station or unit


Treat a runaway child as a victim and a dependent child rather than as as

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. Whoever, without being authorized, licensed, or invited, willfully enters or remains in any structure or conveyance, or, having been authorized, licensed, or invited, is warned by the owner or lessee of the premises, or person authorized by the owner or lessee, to depart and refuses to do so. 2. The structure or conveyance was in the lawful possession of the owner, lessee, or other person authorized by the owner or lessee.

Trespass-In Structure or Conveyance, s. 810.08 F.S., Misdemeanor / Felony.


Trespassing on a designated, posted construction site is a

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender willfully entered upon or remained in the property. 2. The property was owned by or was in the lawful possession of the owner, lessee, or other person authorized by the owner or lessee. 3. Notice against entering or remaining was given, either by actual communication to the offender or via posting, fencing, or cultivation of the property. 4. The offender's entering or remaining in the property was without permission, expressed or implied, of the owner, lessee, or any other person authorized to give that permission.

Trespass—On Property Other than a Structure or Conveyance, s. 810.09, F.S., Misdemeanor/Felony

4 Types of Evidence To Impound

Tube/Vial Blood, Wet Blood, Dry Blood, and Rape Kit.

Narrowing of the field of view during a stressful event such as a vehicle or foot chase

Tunnel Vision

What should officers do with their radios when notifying dispatch of their arrival?

Turn down the volume

An officer should ________ emergency lights and sirens and reduce speed prior to arriving at a scene

Turn off

Both NCIC and FCIC are available -....

Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week

A basic perimeter can be set with at-least _______ officers


If probable cause justifies the search of a lawfully stopped vehicle, it justifies the search of every part of the vehicle and its contents that may conceal the object of the search.

U.S. v. Ross, 456 U.S. 798 (1982)



United States v Meade, 110 F.3d 190, 193-94 (1st Cir. 1997)

Under the ' fellow officer' rule, law enforcement officials cooperating in an investigation are entitled to rely upon each other's knowledge of facts when forming the conclusion that a suspect has committed or is committing a crime.


Uniform Traffic Citation

An officer may enforce parking laws by issuing a: (3)

Uniform traffic citation Municipal parking citation County parking citation

means not in accordance with nature or with normal feelings or behavior.


The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of unnatural and lascivious acts. 1. The person commits any unnatural lascivious act with another person.

Unnatural and Lascivious Acts, s. 800.02, F.S., Misdemeanor

Suffocation (asphyxia), drowning, electrocution, hyperthermia, hypothermia, carbon monoxide poisoning, and homicide.

Unnatural causes can include

Watch the suspect for _________ especially ________

Unusual actions, Hand movements

Obtain a general statement from the victim and immediately search the scene by conducting a walkthrough with the victim. Tell the victim how important it is to preserve evidence and process the crime scene according to agency policies and procedures.

Upon arrival at the scene of a burglary incident,

25 three-part citations

Upon receiving the receipt of each book, inspect it to ensure that the citations are in correct numeric sequence and that each book contains

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of use/possession of drug paraphernalia: 1. The offender used or had in his or her possession, with intent to use, drug paraphernalia. 2. The offender had knowledge of the presence of the drug paraphernalia.

Use or Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, s. 893.147(1), F.S., Misdemeanor

Determining the extent of a crime scene

Use personal observations and statements from victims and witnesses to assist in

Zone/Quadrant search pattern

Used for vehicle searches, outdoors, or a large area. Divide the area into four different sections and search each using one of the pattern above.

Identifying marks

Used to conduct an NCIC/FCIC database check on the firearm.

Lost, stolen, or found.

Using identifying marks to conduct an NCIC/FCIC database check on a firearm will tell you if the firearm is

Spiral search pattern

Usually used outside by one person. The searcher begins at a certain point and walks in increasingly larger circles to the outermost boundary of the search area.

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The offender passed or offered to pass as true a document (specified in statute). 2. The offender knew the document to be false, altered, forged or counterfeited. 3. The offender intended to injure or defraud some person or firm.

Uttering a Forged Instrument, s. 831.02, F.S., Felony

Third-degree felony

Uttering a false, forged, or altered record, deed, or other instrument with the intent to injure or defraud someone is a

Day or night, a officer should _________ to keep others from predicting their patrol patterns

Vary the patrol routine

When conducting a stolen property check on a vehicle it requires the -....

Vehicle registration, vehicle identification number (VIN) , or the registration decal number

Officers can use equipment such as __________, __________, and their __________ to aid in conducting security checks.

Vehicle spotlights; flashlights; radio

A combination of _______ and _______ allows officers to cover a large area and closely observe specific areas

Vehicle, foot patrol

What are the three most common types of patrol methods

Vehicle, foot, and bicycle

Prior to placing a person in the patrol vehicle for noncustodial transport: (2)

Verify the person's identity Conduct a pat down for weapons

occurs when one person or entity is held liable for the negligent actions of another person even though the first person or entity was not directly responsible for the injury.

Vicarious Liability

Direct Involvement

Victim of a crime.

Officers may need assistance from the public in emergencies such as: (3)

Victim rescue First aid Overcoming resistance from a suspect

Stockholm syndrome

Victims of human trafficking often suffer form serious physical and psychological trauma. Dealing with trafficking victims requires patience because victims may not identify themselves as victims, speak English, or understand the concept of compelled services or slavery. Victims of human trafficking may exhibit ___________________, or behavior favorable toward or empathetic to their captors,

Under no circumstances should an officer instruct the public to assist in a way that ____________, ______________, or ______________.

Violates law; exceeds their knowledge, compromises safety

Crimes may be reclassified to the next higher degree when what factors are present?

Violent offenses committed against law enforcement officers, correctional officers, State Attorneys, Assistant State Attorneys, and judges. Wearing a mask, hood, etc. to conceal identity while committing a felony or misdemeanor Evidencing prejudice while committing a crime (hate crime) Possessing a weapon while committing a crime Unlawful taking, possessing, or using of a law enforcement officer's firearm during the commission of a crime

Prior to entering a room an officer should ________ as much of the room as possible

Visually clear

Maintain proper _________ on portable radios

Volume levels

means the consent is unequivocal, specific, and intelligently given and more than mere acquiescence in the face of a claim of lawful authority. In other words, a reasonable person under the circumstances would feel that he or she could refuse the request for consent to search.

Voluntary Consent

The State must prove the following elements to convict a suspect of what? 1. The defendant secretly observed the victim. 2. The act alleged was done with a lewd, lascivious, or indecent intent. 3. When the victim was observed he/she was in a dwelling, structure, or conveyance in which he/she had a reasonable expectation of privacy. *Note: A second offense increases the crime to a felony.

Voyeurism, s. 810.14, F.S., Misdemeanor/Felony*





What may help minimize the chances of detection while on scene?

Walking in a low crouching position and taking a indirect route


Walking on an archaeological site and removing an object is a

The objective reasonableness test requires the officer to answer what two questions about level of force used in situation?

Was the action reasonable and necessary?, and was the amount of force applied reasonable and necessary?

In determining whether an encounter was consensual, the court will look at what circumstances surrounding the encounter?

Was the individual stopped or restrained by the officer? Was the individual restricted from leaving at anytime during the encounter? Was the individual's freedom of movement restricted in anyway? Was the officer doing more than asking questions? Any demands made by the officer can turn an encounter into a stop.

When approaching a door an officer should note the _______

Way the door opens by locating the hinges

What may be considered a threat?

Weapons (Firearms, knives, or explosives) Potential weapons (Broken glass, stones, sticks) Hazards (electrical lines, or bad weather)

Firearms Evidence

Weapons, projectiles, gunshot residue, cartridge cases, tool marks, and database information are all

Initial Interviews Questions

What are you able to tell me about your experience? or What are you able to tell me about what happened? What are you able to tell me about the timeframe when it occurred? What do you remember about where it happened? Were there any witnesses present? Do you know the suspect? What did the suspect say? What are you able to recall about what the suspect looked like? or What can you tell me about what the suspect was wearing? Did the suspect display a weapon? Is any property missing? Have you used the restroom or showered since the attack? Have you changed clothing since the attack? If yes, where are those clothes?

While driving to the scene, formulate some key questions that will help you assess the situation adequately:

What is the location? Are any weapons involved? Has the complainant indicated the suspect's location? How many individuals are involved? How many officers are necessary to safely contain or control the situation? Do you need additional services? Do you need special equipment? Are any special concerns or dangers associated with the call?

In deciding whether a person is in the custody for the purpose of Miranda, courts ask what two questions?

What were the facts and circumstances surrounding the interrogation. Given those circumstances, would a reasonable person have felt he or she was not at liberty to terminate the interrogation and leave.

use comma to introduce a quote

When I arrested her, she said, "blah blah blah."


When a vehicle is towed at the direction of law enforcement

Noncustodial transport

When an officer provides transportation to an individual that is not under arrest

Two common reasons for death notification

When an officer's agency conducts a death investigation When an agency outside jurisdiction requests it

That officer will likely not choose to avoid a ticket by revealing his or her identity. Follow agency policy and procedure in these situations.

When an undercover officer has no identification, sometimes because of the nature of his or her assignment,

Medical examiner (ME)

When any person dies in Florida by criminal violence, accident, suicide, suddenly, or through any suspicious or unusual circumstances, law enforcement must notify the


When collecting drug paraphernalia, package sharp objects such as needles or syringes in puncture-proof packages clearly labeled with the words:

Direct or Indirect

When establishing which people may have information determine their degrees of ________________ or __________________ involvement and the role each person played in the incident.

Always be very careful to avoid any appearance of impropriety

When handling money taken from crime scenes or seized from suspects,

Do not enter an area in which a person has reasonable expectation of privacy, such as the curtilage surrounding a residence

When involved in surveillance,

Scale, or Identifier

When photographing specific items such as blood drops, weapons, or tire marks, place a ______________ or ________________ in the photograph with the evidence to establish the original position and draw attention to relevant objects or evidence for photographing and sketching.

Bring them within hearing distance of each other to explain the options available.

When probable cause for arrest does not exist, and all the people involved in the incident are calm enough to be reasonable,

It is important to obtain as much information as possible from dispatch. This initial information guides an officer's actions upon arrival.

When responding to a bomb threat,

Few hours; they include abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.

When ricin is ingested symptoms begin within a

The case number, location, date and time, and your name

When submitting photographs include:

Officers are only required to provide a suspect with Miranda warnings when?

When the elements of custodial interrogation have been satisfied.

Information shared with your supervisor or investigator

When the incident occurred How the incident occurred Where the incident occurred All evidence gathered or specific items that are still the focus of a search Descriptions of all property involved in the incident Names and descriptions of victims, witnesses, and possible suspects Description of the suspect's vehicle, if applicable and if known Special concerns on the scene such as biohazards, a hostile crowd, at-large suspects, and severe injuries How the scene is being handled and protected The scene's boundaries and protection measures Plan for the continued investigation of the incident and the search for evidence Identity of the public information officer who is communicating with the media

Criminally or civilly liable for false arrest, false imprisonment, or unlawful detention.

When the operator and the officer follow the provisions of this statute, the court cannot hold either

The victim was in a public or private dwelling, structure, or conveyance in which he or she had a reasonable expectation of privacy.

When the suspect was observing the victim or the victim's intimate areas,

The primary officer should request a secure channel for emergency traffic and give dispatch the location of the stop, as well as information regarding the vehicle's occupants' actions and behavior

When there is enough backup to initiate the high risk stop,

When may a juvenile be allowed in the same vehicle as a adult prisoner?

When they are codefendants

The actual charge will be from a related statute.

When you arrest a person for a domestic violence incident,

It cannot deliver false results

When you correctly identify, protect, collect, preserve, transport, and analyze the physical evidence,

An effective report will have good content and proper formatting. Content relates to the material aspects of the case and the actions of its subjects, such as:

Who were you with? Who was involved? Who do you think did it? Who is the victim?

The existence of probable cause will be determined on what?

Will be determined based on the totality of the circumstances

Required restrictions and endorsements

Will be listed on the front of the license.


Will be the major issue in determining whether to search or evacuate. Unless a device is found, permission to search or evacuate must be given by the owner or building representative. In this case, the are has become a crime scene, and the officer will order a mandatory evacuation.


Will conceal drugs on their person, often in balloons hidden in body cavities.

The backup officer

Will conduct a cursory pat-down for weapons, secure any weapons, and walk the driver back behind the cover of the backup vehicle to secure, completely search, detain, and interview him or her about remaining passengers and weapons.

The primary officer or investigator

Will designate one point of entry and exit for the crime scene, and will assign an officer to maintain a crime scene log at that location.

The defense attorney

Will only ask questions that are reasonably relevant and important to the case.

Some burglars

Will travel across county lines in an attempt to prevent law enforcement from tracking the items stolen in the burglary

Factors to consider when parking at a vehicle fire are: (3)

Wind direction/speed Traffic conditions Providing safe access for other responders

Exceptions to civil process agreements of authority are: (2)

Witness subpoenas Eviction notices

Elements of an officers job that cause physical or emotional distress

Work related stress

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)

Works with law enforcement, families, and professionals who serve them on issues related to missing and sexually exploited children.

Radios should be loud enough for _____ to hear, but not so loud that they are disruptive


Offset position

You align the center of the patrol vehicle's hood with the left taillight of the violator's vehicle. If the stop occurs on the left side, the officer will align the center of the patrol vehicle's hood with the right twilight of the violator's vehicle. The wheels should be turned toward the road. If the situation escalates, having the patrol car in this ____________ may provide cover from potential skipping rounds shot from the violator's vehicle.

Cause or manner of death

You cannot make a final determination as to the

Warning, crosses an area marked by crime scene tape

You have the authority to arrest any individual who, after receiving a

Facilitating resolutions

You have the following response options available when dealing with a person in a mental health crisis: release, voluntary examination, involuntary examination under the Baker or Marchman Acts, and arrest.

Stolen Property

You may come across _______________________ on routine patrol, traffic stops, arrests, or from a concerned citizen. You may encounter victims who recognize their ______________ in a pawnshop. Obtain the information of the person who pawned the item. You can put a hold on the item at the pawnshop, seize it as evidence, or in many cases, the victim may purchase it back from the second-hand dealer.


You may encounter someone who possesses, manufactures, transports, or disposes of a _________________ with intent to cause damage willfully and unlawfully by fire or explosion to a structure or property.

Cell phones

You may find __________ at crime scenes; however, you cannot access information contained in a _______________ unless you have a search warrant.

Determine if a crime was committed

You may respond to a call concerning a violation of an archaeological site and will need to assess the scene to


You must complete your reports as soon as possible after the incident. Doing so helps you avoid forgetting important details.

Physical and Testimonial

You will collect two types of evidences at a crime scene. What are they?

Will form the basis of the complete investigation conducted by another investigator trained in investigating child deaths

Your initial response to the scene of SUID/SIDS,

Criminal investigation if warranted

Your job will be to conduct a

Information to Relay to Dispatch

Your location, the suspect vehicle's location and travel direction, that vehicle's description (make, model, color, and special identifiers, such as vehicle damage or bumper stickers), the known number and description of occupants, the tag number and state, and suspected crimes and weapons.

Maintaining chain of custody of the evidence, which includes the victim's body. Document the victim's condition to include any torn or stained clothing, smeared makeup, disarrayed hair, bruises, scratches, and defense wounds, as well as the victim's emotional state.

Your report should include a sequential order of what occurred, your involvement, and


_______________ disturb the body until authorized by the ME, pursuant to multi-agency agreements.


________________ ask the victim accusatory questions that insinuate willingness or blame on the victim's part. _________________ ask inappropriate questions related to the victim's prior sexual experiences, whether the victim climaxed, the size of the suspect's penis, what the victim did to bring on the assault, whether the victim will take a polygraph or whether or not the victim enjoyed the assault.


__________________ touch any part of an electronic equipment to avoid possible damage to it.


a brain disorder caused by a chemical imbalance that distorts the way a person thinks, acts, expresses emotion, and perceives reality; those that suffer from this disorder are out of touch with reality and may exhibit strange or shocking behaviors


a condition in which a person cannot sense pain in their extremities, making them less likely to notice injuries; because of advanced age, some elderly people may suffer from this


a continual internal monologue that occurs when an individual evaluates events that are occurring

Ex Parte Order

a court order issues and signed by a judge that is initiated by one person in the absence of and without representation or notification of other parties

Voluntary Examination

a decision made by an individual to willingly seek a psychiatric evaluation for symptoms that may be due to a mental illness

Personality Disorder

a deeply ingrained, non-physical, inflexible pattern of relating, perceiving, and behaving which can cause distress to the people around the individual

PC affidavit narrative is neither

a duplicate of the offense report nor a statement of all evidence against the suspect


a false belief that is held in spite of obvious proof or evidence to the contrary

Physical or Mobility Impairment

a functional limitation that affects one or more of a person's limbs


a functional loss of vision


a hearing loss of such severity that the individual must rely primarily on visual tools such as writing, gestures, sign language, and lip-reading to communicate

Baker Act

a law that provides persons with mental illness access to emergency services and temporary detention for psychiatric evaluation and voluntary or involuntary short-term community impatient treatment

Marchman Act

a law that provides substance abusers access to emergency services and temporary detention for evaluation and treatment either on a voluntarily or involuntarily basis


a legal requirement regarding the statute of limitation and right to a speedy trial. Answering when is simply documenting the date and time that the incident occurred. If you cannot establish an exact date, define a range of dates as closely as possible, such as "between Monday, June 3, and Thursday, June 6," rather than "unknown." The time of an incident can be critically important to checking alibis given by suspects. The time of dispatch for service, arrival, and completion of the call for service should all be included in an officer's notes.

Intellectual Disability

a lifelong condition characterized by slow intellectual development; cannot be cured

Hard of Hearing

a loss of hearing, but not to the extent that an individual must rely primarily on visual communication


a mental, psychological, or physical disorder that impedes the completion of major life activities using traditional methods

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

a mood disorder; a clinically diagnosed mental illness for someone having multiple, major depressive episodes that can last for several weeks, and do not include periods of persistent high moods

Bipolar Disorder (Manic-Depressive Illness)

a mood disorder; alternating episodes of depression and mania

An interview is ?

a noncustodial meeting where information is obtained from a person

Sign-language Interpreter

a person who can both receive and express (nonverbal) information and interpret it effectively, accurately, and impartially

Criminal Street Gang Associate

a person who meets ONE of the criteria listed in s. 874.03(3), F.S.

Criminal Street Gang Member

a person who meets TWO or more of the criteria listed in s. 874.03(3), F.S.


a person who receives a message from a sender then acknowledges the message and provides feedback

Antisocial Personality Disorder

a personality disorder; a lifelong pattern of behavior that violates rules, social norms, and the rights of others. Individuals with this disorder also seem to lack the capacity for empathy, guilt, and remorse (limited effective medical or psychological treatment for this personality disorder)

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

a personality disorder; an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for admiration, or a desire to be feared or notorious; characteristics are dramatic emotional behaviors, difficulties with relationships, a lack of empathy for others, and being aggressive when challenged (no medications to treat this personality disorder, only psychotherapy)

Borderline Personality Disorder

a personality disorder; individuals with this disorder are significantly emotionally unstable, and are usually aware of their behavior, but lack the ability to control it; they often experience rapid and intense mood swings that typically involve angry, erratic, self-destructive, and impulsive behavior toward themselves and others (treatment is primarily psychotherapy, but there are medications that can help manage co-occurring problems such as anxiety, depression, and impulsiveness)


a physical and/or psychological dependence on a substance

Speech Impairment

a physiological condition that causes someone to have difficulty in producing sound or understanding language


a prospect (usually female) must have sex with one or more members of the gang to be initiated

Silver Act

a public notification system that assists law enforcement in recovering lost elderly people after family members report them as missing; particularly helpful in locating elderly individuals with Alzheimer's, dementia, or other mental illnesses

Substantial Limitation

a restriction of the manner, condition, or duration in which one can perform major life activities compared to non-impaired people


a situation that is uncertain, difficult, or painful, especially when a person feels unprepared and pressured to take action or make a decision


a type of gang initiation where multiple members of the gang batter the prospective member for a predetermined length of time

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

a type of pervasive developmental disorder that is diagnosed in early childhood and continues throughout adulthood that is characterized by language and social development delay and self-regulating behaviors; more prevalent among males than females


act as if you are looking into a mirror seeing the interviewee as a reflection of yourself

officers should write reports in ...

active voice

What should officers be familiar with when interviewing juveniles

agencies policies and procedures and local court policies to determine how many times they can be interviewed

The policies of the ____ and the __________ should be followed to determine the preferred procedure for locations, materials, equipment, and interpreters needed for the statement.

agency / local state attorney's office

Department of Children and Families (DCF)

agency responsible for the safe placement of abused and neglected children

a well written report is important because

aids the state attorneys officer in prosecution, reduces legal liability for officer and agency and saves department time and money


also helps other officers, who may later become involved in a case, acclimate themselves to the case.


also known as graffiti; writing or drawings that have been scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surfaces in a public area


an enhanced state of awareness or "being on guard" that impedes one's ability to relax and disengage from a stressful situation

Developmental Disability

an incurable intellectual or behavioral impairment that shows itself BEFORE THE AGE OF 22 and is likely to continue indefinitely; people with this disability have substantial functional limitations in major life activities such as self-care, learning, mobility, the capacity to live independently, and the ability to be economically self-sufficient


an individual who aspires to become a gang member, but has not proven him- or herself and therefore not yet accepted into the gang


an individual who is generally accepted by a gang and may participate in gang activities during a probationary period with hopes of becoming a full-fledged member


an individual who is not officially a gang member but is accepted to some degree and participates on a limited basis in the gang's social and criminal activities


an intense fear of a specific object or situation, such as a fear of heights, spiders, or leaving home

Command Presence

an officer's demeanor and confidence exhibited by personal appearance,erect posture, alertness, and attention to surroundings which is developed through training and self-confidence


an organic, progressive mental disorder characterized by a loss of memory, an impairment of judgment and abstract thinking, and changes in personality

PC affidavit narrative and reports

another officer a notary public deputy clerk or clerk of the court who administered the oath to the arresting officer must also sign as required by law the officer needs to affix an official seal


are words that are easily confused they sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings

law enforcement reports

are written in past tense

Two types of arrests under Florida law

arrest with warrants and arrest without a warrant

The timing of ______ and _______ changes in relation to specific questions provides the strongest and most accurate indication that an interviewee is concealing information or being deceptive.

behavioral and physiological

Minimal encouragers

brief statements which indicate that the officer hears what the interviewee is saying and is inclined to hear more examples go on and then, okay

If the narrative accurately describes and outlines the elements of the crime but does not state the classified crime or crimes, the content of the entire report can be

called into question.

Non-Traditional Gangs

can be without laws or codes but still have an organizational structure; some examples include Haitian gangs, Jamaican Posse, and Asian Pride

Post Traumatic Disorder (PTSD)

caused by a traumatic event such as war, natural disaster, sexual or physical assault, or the unexpected death of a loved one; characterized by lasting thoughts and memories of terror causing emotional numbness

Individuals who cannot speak English can write a statement in their own language. When taking statements in languages other than English, a

certified translator is needed.

what must a report be

clear and only allow one interpretation of each sentences meaning. This is the goal of using plain and straightforward language

Sign Language

communication which involves the hand and arms signaling, or body movements simultaneously combined with facial expressions in order to express their thoughts

a report reflects an officers ____ and ____ not only in writing skills but also in all aspects of police work

competence and professionalism

when should officers administer an oath or affirmation

for any sworn affidavit

Hybrid Gangs

gangs that are composed of members from other gangs uniting to form a gang

Traditional Gangs

gangs with a documented history, a written set of laws or codes that can have an organizational structure; they often have a leadership structure (implicit or explicit), codes of conduct, colors, special dress, signs, and symbols

Basic classifications of intent

general, specific, transferred, and criminal negligence

Note taking is the act or process of writing down brief pieces of information concerning an _____, ______, _____, ______

incident, event, activity, or statement.

Major Life Activities

include caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working

psychological signs of deception in an interview

increased perspiration , changes in skin color, dry mouth , observable increase in pulse rate, change in breathing rate

Severe Level (Intellectual Disability)

individuals at this level of intellectual disability have very slow motor development and communication skills and frequently are under close and constant supervision or are living in a group home setting; usually encouraged to contribute to their own self-maintenance; however, they may not be fully capable of living independently


individuals initiated into a gang who usually participate in the gang's social and criminal activities

Transitional Gang Members

individuals or a group of members that come to prison and realign themselves with traditional and non-traditional gangs

Use a comma after an

introductory clause ex. (When the alarm sounded, the burglar ran from the store.)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

intrusive thoughts and impulses resulting in ritualistic behavior, such as an excessive need to count, excessively wash their hands, or an extreme need to avoid dirt

cognitive interviewing

involves asking questions designed to reveal cognitive memory through the five senses when using cognitive technique ask interviewees questions related to who what where when why and how


is a group of words that contain a subject a noun a verb and an object it expresses a complete thought

what is a statement ?

is a permanent verbal or written record of a persons account of an incident or occurrence that may or may not be made under oath or affirmation.


is a solemn and formal declaration or assertion made in place of an oath

what is an oath ?

is a vow or pledge to tell the truth regarding an incident or occurrence


is another misused punctuation mark . An _____ is used to show possession or to create a contraction

is a child 12 years of age or younger who is alleged to have committed a violation of sexual battery, prostitution, a lewd and lascivious act, an act of sexual performance by a child, or an act of obscenity, or any violation of law or delinquent act involving juvenile sexual abuse.

juvenile sex offender

Nonverbal Communication

language expressed through tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures, and body language

Moderate Level (Intellectual Disability)

makes up about 10% of those with an intellectual disability; may develop coping skills to cover up their disability in an attempt to appear "normal"; may recognize their own needs and wants, but not readily identify the needs and wants of others, and have few relationships outside of family members and caregivers; these individuals can achieve a primary academic education and may be able to perform semiskilled work under direct supervision; can be independent in familiar surroundings, but may be easily frustrated with unfamiliar surroundings and circumstances; these individuals might have trouble describing events in chronological order and my not understand cause and effect; while they may understand that they have done something wrong, they may not grasp the significance of their actions

Notes help officers remember facts about a particular call for service and a person's exact statement, which is better than relying on

memory alone

The legal defense recognizes that a criminal defendant will be judged on his or her present ability to assist counsel by participating in the criminal defense.

mental incompetence

What are the four standards of legal justification?

mere suspicion, reasonable suspicion, probable cause, and proof beyond a reasonable doubt





An officer's field notes should include information about possible

motives and evidence of intent.

When taking notes, it is important to include facts about the interviewee such as____________________________ These questions help the interviewee get used to answering questions while the officer writes.

name, address, date of birth, and other basic facts.

The largest and most important part of a report is the


also establishes that an individual has "no duty to retreat" when faced with imminent harm, "has the right to stand his or her ground," and may "meet force with force, including deadly force when he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm."

no retreat law

Writing notes while interviewing a witness may cause an officer to

not hear some of the witness's statement.


paragraphs containing specific details pertinent information and elements of the incident

What is the first thing to do before doing an interview?

provide aid and make sure scene is secure

The law does NOT require individuals to __________; however, this well-known practice and gesture may impress upon the individual the importance of telling the truth.

raise their right hand when giving an oath or affirmation;


represents everyone who may have information about what happened; record this information in the notes.requires documenting more than a person's name; an officer must identify information such as names, addresses, all phone numbers, dates of birth (DOB) or ages, employment information, races, and genders. It is important to note unique physical attributes that might later help identify a person, such as scars, body piercings, or tattoos. Additional information like height, weight, type of clothing, hair color and length, and unique mannerisms or speech patterns should also be included. Individuals must be identified as victims, witnesses, suspects, or other.

Profound Level (Intellectual Disability)

require constant care and supervision and may or may not have developed basic speech; generally, officers will not come into direct contact with these individuals but will deal directly with the caregiver

Before writing the report, you should

review the field notes to make sure that all specific facts are available.

Rule of sequestration

s. 90.616, F.S., states that you must follow the judge's orders completely when he or she invokes the rule. You must not be in the courtroom when other witnesses are giving testimony.

Details involving where an interview is located

safe, out of weather, as far removed from other witnesses victims and suspects to discourage the discussion or rehearsal of their accounts

confidential informant

someone who provides information in confidence about a crime due to a sense of civil duty or because of some personal benefit


someone who reports a crime or alleges that a crime has been committed

Test of Heart

sometimes called "mission" or "work,"; requires a gang prospect to commit a criminal act such as a drive-by shooting, assault or battery, robbery, graffiti, or burglary


specifies ___ an incident occurred. This should include what was used to commit the offense. Did someone hit the victim with his or her fist? Did someone use spray-paint to tag the side of a building with graffiti? Did a vehicle strike the mailbox? Write the answers to such questions in your notebook

bars the state from prosecuting an individual after a certain period of time has elapsed since the criminal act occurred.

statute of limitations

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

structural damage sustained by the brain resulting in temporarily or permanently impaired brain function

Individuals cannot be forced to provide statements; however, they can be _______and be required to appear in court.


When administering an oath, inform the interviewee of the need for a _____, _______ and explain that such a statement must be made under oath.

sworn, written statement


technical vocabulary of a profession which has a meaning specific to the people who work in that field

After an officer has developed probable cause, he or she has what three choices?

terminate the encounter, issue a notice to appear, or physically take the suspect into custody

The two elements required for a lawful pat down are?

that the subject is lawfully detained and that the officer has reasonable suspicion to believe that the subject possesses a dangerous weapon.


the ability to understand what someone is saying by watching the movement of the lips, the facial expressions, and the body language of the other speaker when he or she is talking; the least effective form of visual communication


the accidental or intentional use of a dangerously large amount of a substance that leads to death

body includes

the body of the narrative is the detailed chronological account of the incident

The longer you delay writing down what you see or hear, the greater

the chances are that you will not accurately recall some of the information.

what is proofreading

the checking of a report to ensure the correct spelling proper punctuation, appropriate caps, and proper grammar is used

Substance Abuse

the continued use of a mind or physically altering substance that adversely affects an individual's social or occupational life and psychological or physical health


the exchange of messages, verbally and nonverbally, through signals or writing

Officer's Appearance

the first nonverbal message an officer gives upon arriving at a scene

Substance Use

the legal, or illegal, therapeutic, or recreational intake of a substance that can lead to substance abuse


the location of an incident is a legal requirement which proves jurisdiction. It is generally one of the first pieces of information an officer will obtain. The dispatcher will provide the address, a description of where the incident occurred, or at least where the complainant is located. Note the incident location in as much detail as possible.

The content of the report is often seen as

the most important element of the report

What are the two Supreme Court has noted "two historical rationales for the search incident to arrest exception?

the need to disarm the suspect in order to take him of her into custody and the need to preserve evidence for later use at trial.

passive voice

the object and subject switch places Ex. John was struck with a frying pan by Ann." In this sentence, John is still the object, as he still receives the action.


the people and locations that make up the neighborhoods, institutions, and businesses in which an officer works


the person who transmits a message to a receiver (listener)

Drug Tolerance

the physical resistance to effects of a substance that causes a user to need a larger amount of it to experience the desired effect


the reason for an incident is sometimes called the motive. The motive may be a mystery during the initial investigation and may never be discovered. Different witnesses may infer various motives or intents based on their perspectives.

active voice

the subject of the sentence comes before the verb and is clearly stated Ex. "Ann struck John with a frying pan." In this sentence, Ann is the subject and is placed at beginning of the sentence, immediately before the verb. John receives the action and is therefore the object.

A search incident to arrest may only be conducted when what two requirements are met?

there must have been a lawful custodial arrest, the search must be "substantially contemporaneous" or at the same time with the arrest.

what should be done with all interviews done with children whether they are considered victims or suspects

they need to be documented

Active Listening

to repeat what the individual has heard by restating or paraphrasing the speaker's words

Officers should be aware of the distinctive or _______ and ________ of interviewees who are of a different race, ethnicity, gender, or culture.

unique verbal / nonverbal behaviors

A person may legally use force to defend against the use of force by another.

use of force

what are the three stages of a planned interview

warm up, primary , closing

Circumstance or agency policy often determines

when an officer should accept a written statement.

Conditions required before an officer may use deadly force in stopping a fleeing felon:

when deadly force is necessary to prevent the suspect from escaping, when a warning has been given, when feasible; when the officer reasonably believes that the fleeing felon poses a threat of death or serious physical harm to the officer or others; or when the fleeing felon has committed a crime involving the infliction or threatened infliction of serious physical harm to another person.

what do you review before writing the affidavit report

witness statements, offense or supplement reports, evidence

examples of sentence fragments

witnessed a bank robbery in progress while on patrol

If the interviewee does not read or write, or for any other acceptable limitation, the officer may a

write the statement for the interviewee.


written document that gives information about an event situation occurrence or incident

Additional ways to take notes may include ________and __________ evidence. These will receive _____treatment to field notes as sources of information.

written statements and recorded electronic equal




• Consider the safety of all concerned. • Give Miranda warnings, when applicable. • Do not stereotype, pre-judge, ridicule, or bully the suspect. • Be honest and straightforward

Uncooperative interviewee

• Establish control of the interview. • Keep your composure.

hostile interviewee

• Establish control of the interview. • Maintain a neutral demeanor. • Do not argue with the interviewee. • Follow safety precautions, including checking for a weapon. • Ask direct questions. • Try to reduce the interviewee's stress and anxiety.

Cooperative interviewee

• Establish rapport. • Confirm the interviewee's observations and statements. • Ask direct questions. • Do not confuse or frustrate the interviewee

Reluctant Interviewee

• Establish rapport. • State the purpose of the interview. • Speak in a subdued tone of voice.

talkative interviewee

• Establish the purpose of the interview. • Be patient. • Ask closed-ended questions to redirect the interviewee back to the subject of the interview.


• Evaluate whether the victim is physically and mentally able to participate in the interview. • Build rapport. • Be aware of the victim's verbal and nonverbal cues. • Prompt the victim with primary and follow-up questions. • Maintain a relaxed and calm interview environment.





Other interviewees not directly involved with the incident

• Listen carefully to the interviewee. • Be polite, patient, and understanding. • Encourage the interviewee to disclose information.

The several factors to identify when determining the correct charge during a sexual battery investigation are what?

• The victim's age • The offender's age • Consent • Injuries to the victim • Types of threats made to the victim • Whether the victim was drugged by the offender • Whether the victim was physically incapacitated • Whether the victim is mentally defective • Whether the victim is in custody or control of the offender who is a police officer, correctional officer, or probation officer.

Field notes should include the following basic facts

• Where did the incident take place? • When did the incident take place? • Who was involved? • What happened? • How did it happen? • Why did it happen? • Actions taken by the officer

Incidents that may require written reports include the following:

• all crimes /• use of force by an officer • suicide /• death /• found property • runaway juvenile /• missing or endangered person • traffic crashes (under certain circumstances) as required by law • miscellaneous noncriminal or suspicious incidents • probable cause affidavits /• additional or supplemental information

Reports are commonly used in:

• criminal case-filing /• depositions • probation and parole hearings /• criminal trials • civil proceedings /• victim restitution hearings • pretrial proceedings /• research • appeals in criminal and civil cases • internal affairs investigations • workers' compensation cases • drafting probable cause affidavits • examining past events • keeping other law enforcement officers informed • assisting in prosecuting offenses • continuing investigations, preparing court cases • coordinating law enforcement activities • planning future law enforcement services • evaluating law enforcement officers' performance

Reports are generally categorized as:

• offense reports • probable cause affidavits • supplemental or follow-up reports

To ensure the effectiveness of the report, the writer must consider the following possible readers:

• other officers / • supervisors • defense and prosecuting attorneys / • judges • city, county, or state officials • /media reporters • victims or their families •/ suspects, defendants, or people convicted of crimes/ • general citizens • insurance companies

Regardless of its value, sometimes a felony is determined by what type of property that is stolen?

• will or other testamentary instrument • firearm • motor vehicle • any commercially farmed animal • an aquaculture species raised at a permitted aquaculture facility • fire extinguisher • 2,000 pieces of citrus fruit • property from a posted construction site • any stop sign • property, funds, or assets from a person 65 years of age or older • anhydrous ammonia

You may ask an interviewee to audio record the statement. On the recording, you must state:

• your name • names of other people present • location • day and date of the interview • incident to be discussed • case number • type of crime • administer oath or affirmation

Legal custody

•A legal status created by a court which appoints a person a custodian or guardian, whether an agency or an individual •The right to have physical custody of the child and the right and duty to protect, nurture, guide, and discipline the child •The right to provide the child with food, shelter, education, and ordinary medical, dental, psychiatric, and psychological care.

Abused or neglected disabled adults or elderly persons have some, all, or none of the following normal or trauma reactions:

•Embarrassment they allowed the victimization •Fear that abuse may escalate •Irrational anger •Confusion •Denial

Officers should be aware of the following elements of an effective incident report as they write:

•FACTUALITY: A report must be factual. •CLARITY: clear and only allow one interpretation of each sentence's meaning. •Conciseness, Completeness, and Accuracy •Use of Standard English: •Legibility •Timeliness:You must complete your reports as soon as possible after the incident.

Behaviors that may indicate child abuse include the following:

•Fears remaining at home, or returning to the home •Wary of adult contact •Startles easily •Appears overly affectionate (Inappropriate) or withdrawn •Acts violently or aggressively •Cries uncontrollably •Exhibits inappropriate sexual behavior

Child abuse or neglect may include the following

•Inflicting or allowing physical, mental, or emotional injury •Committing or allowing sexual battery, or lewd, or lascivious acts •Allowing, encouraging, or forcing, the sexual exploitation of a child •Abandoning a child •Exposing a child to an illegal controlled substance •Using mechanical devices, unreasonable restraint, or extended periods of isolation to control a child •Engaging in violent behavior that demonstrates a wanton disregard for the presence of a child and could reasonably result in serious injury to the child •Negligently failing to protect a child from inflicted physical, mental, or sexual injury caused by acts of another •Allowing a child's sibling to die because of abuse or neglect

In order for the crime to be kidnapping, the confinement, abduction, or imprisonment

•Must not be slight, inconsequential, or merely incidental to the felony; •Must not be of the kind inherent in the nature of the felony; and •Must have some significance independent of the felony in that it makes the felony substantially easier to commit or substantially lessens the risk of detection.

Section 39.201, F.S., outlines that the following individuals are legally required to provide their names when reporting child abuse, abandonment, or neglect:

•Physician, osteopathic physician, medical examiner, chiropractic physician, nurse, or hospital personnel engaged in the admission, examination, care, or treatment •Health or mental health professional •Practitioner who relies solely on spiritual means for healing •School teacher or other school official or personnel •Social worker, day care center worker, or other professional child care, foster care, residential, or institutional worker •Law enforcement •Judge

Section 415.1034, F.S., outlines that the following individuals are legally required to report abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a disabled adult or elderly person:

•Physician, osteopathic physician, medical examiner. chiropractic physician, nurse, paramedic, emergency medical technician, or hospital engaged in admission, examination, care, or treatment •Health professional or mental health professional •Practitioner who relies solely on spiritual means for healing •Nursing home staff, assisted living facility staff, adult day care center staff, adult family-care home staff, social worker, or other professional adult care, residential, or institutional staff •State, county, municipal criminal justice employee or law enforcement officer. •Employee of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation conducting inspections of public lodging establishments •Florida advocacy council member or long-term care ombudsman or council member •Bank, savings and loan, or credit union officer, trustee, or employee

To evaluate a report for errors, consider the following:

•Spelling: All words need to be spelled correctly. • Grammar: Ensure verb tense agreement; sentence structure should be correct and written in the active voice. • Punctuation: Ensure proper use of all punctuation, including comma placement, appropriate use of apostrophes, and correct quotation marks. • Capitalization: All appropriate words should be capitalized. • Vocabulary: Ensure appropriate word selection and proper usage.


•Wrongful, intentional, and without legal justification or excuse; •Established by circumstances from which one could conclude that a reasonable parent would not have engaged in the damaging acts toward the child for any valid reason; and •When the primary purpose of the acts was to cause the victim unjustifiable pain or injury.

Generally, the people that should be interviewed belong to one or more of the following five categories

•witnesses • suspect(s) • victim(s) • complainant— • confidential informant

means intentionally, knowingly, and purposely.


Frustration with a suspect

Be careful not to rely on this statute as a crutch when reaching high levels of

What does BOLO stand for?

Be on the look out

Upon arrival at security checks officers should: (2)

Notify dispatch Park their vehicle in a tactically sound location

Step 2 of Initiating the Traffic Stop

Notifying dispatch of the traffic stop.

Criminal or noncriminal acts that are punishable under Florida law


You can verify whether a crime has been committed through: (3)

Officer assessment Interviews Observations

This is always the primary concern during any search

Officer safety

State Fire Marshal

The Bureau of Fire and Arson Investigations is the law enforcement branch of the Division.

Audible signal for making motorists proceed

Two short blasts

1. a) Show Original Position b) Draw Attention to Evidence 2. Size or Degree of enlargement

Two types of Identifiers

The responding officer's supervisor

Will make the decision to request crime scene or investigative assistance.

The elements of negligence are

(1) a duty to act with care, (2) breach of the duty to act, (3) causation or proximate cause, and (4) damages.

A person who commits petit theft and who has been previously convicted of any theft commits a what?

A Misdemeanor

Family Member Categories

1. Parent & Child 2. Husband & Wife 3. Elderly Couple



Questioned Documents Evidence

Checks, bank statements, address books, wire transfers, credit cards, phone bills, photographs or cameras, and photo copies are all

Meaning of COP

Community oriented policing

One of the exigent circumstances that permits search and seizure without a warrant. If the officer has probable cause to believe that contraband or evidence is in immediate danger of being destroyed, the officer does not need to obtain a search warrant before seizing the contraband to justify a warrantless entry.

Destruction of Evidence

Chapter 322

Driver's Licenses

Suspects can obtain drugs from an elderly person's medicine cabinet.

Drugs are smuggled, diverted, and intercepted from legitimate sources;

The unarmed DCF investigator is at risk for physical violence

Due to the hostile nature child abuse or neglect calls,

Ideal locations for a secondary device.

Evacuation routes, evacuee collection points, staging areas, and command posts.

Indirect Involvement

Everyone else who witnessed the crime. (Considered Cooperative Interviewee)

Clearly visible

Instruct all occupants to put up their hands so that they are

Dealing in stolen property

Known as fencing, is a second-degree felony in Florida.



Social media posts, journal writings, and through statements made to others

Many active shooters express their intent to harm others through

Types of confidential informants

Mercenary, rival, plea-bargaining, anonymous, self-aggrandizing, false, and fearful.

Chapter 320

Motor Vehicle Licenses/Registrations


No middle initial



Runaway child

Presume the __________________ is in danger.

Guarantees the right to bear arms

The Second Amendment

Class 6: Toxic Materials and infectious substance.

These includes materials waste and biological hazards.


To dig into an archaeological site to retrieve an object is a

____________ is the highest priority for an officer when directing traffic


Agency policies

Will determine whether radio use is permitted.


You should not work alone in order to meet


staying emotionally strong, even under significant stressors

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