SOCI 1301 - Exam 1 (CH 1 - 4)

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What is the central message of postmodernism? rejection of modern values and methods of social governance in favor of those of an earlier, simpler time rejection of the idea of a single, shared understanding of history and society rejection of the claim that modern technology threatens to do humanity more harm than good

rejection of the idea of a single, shared understanding of history and society

A sociologist begins participant observation of a group of community college students in the hopes that she can learn more about how young people form new relationships. This group of students is diverse in terms of race, gender, and age. When the sociologist is asked to teach an ethnography class, she hangs out with the students and teaches them more about ethnography in a small group setting. She quickly begins to see many of the group members as her friends, and participates in social events with them. Identify the concepts from research methodology that might be problematic for this study.

replicability reflexivity representativeness

A simple random sample is also which of the following?

sample probability sample

Identify the means of enforcing norms that includes positive and negative versions.


Social media has the potential to increase the number of points of view we are exposed to and socialize us in ways never conceived of before. Someone who has been influenced and "pieced together" through whatever sources available, is an example of which of the following sociological concepts?

saturated self

Which of the following scenarios are violations of feeling rules in the United States?

snorting and expressing disgust at the bride's dress at a wedding laughing and expressing joy at a funeral

Place the following components in their correct locations in the macro-micro continuum. culture groups social institutions society social inequality self socialization interaction roles

society culture social institutions social inequality groups roles socialization interaction self

Which of the following elements could be considered culture?

style of dress films historical artifacts

Which of the following terms apply to this scenario? An employee works to appease customers and appears as if he cares but in reality does not feel the emotions he's expressing.

surface acting

According to the textbook, which counterculture group does the FBI consider as one of the greatest threats to law enforcement in the United States? computer hackers polygamists eco-terrorists the "militia movement"

the "militia movement"

What is the difference between microsociology and macrosociology? the size of the population being studied the level of analysis the size of the investigative team the time scale of most research

the level of analysis

Justine never really thought of herself as a funny person, but her new friends always tell her she's very funny. Justine has started telling more jokes to her friends and recently signed up for improv comedy classes. Which of the following sociological concepts best explains Justine's interactions with her friends and beliefs about herself?

the looking-glass self

Consider how changes in the importance of different agents of socialization might occur over time within a society. For each of the major agents of socialization, decide whether it is more or less important to adolescents now than it was in the late 1800s.

the mass media schools peers

Examples of moral holidays?

the night in the home city of the team that wins the Super Bowl Halloween

Important elements in Weberian theory?

the role of the Protestant religion in transforming European economies "verstehen"

Examples of cultural diffusion

the spread of hip-hop music among white youth the spread of anime programs like Dragon Ball airing in the United States during the last two decades

The story of Sister Pauline Quinn and the prisoners who train dogs is an example of which sociological concepts?

total institutions resocialization achieved status

Identify the original principles of conflict theory.

understanding the role of conflict at all scales of investigation—from the family to the nation understanding how conflict is essential for social change

Match each item to the correct concept. age "Teenagers are more susceptible to internet advertising than young adults." total number of advertisements clicked on by an individual each day intervening variable hypothesis operational definition correlation variable

variable: age hypothesis: "Teenagers are more susceptible to internet advertising than young adults." operational definition: total number of advertisements clicked on by an individual each day

____________ is a paradigm that places trust in the power of science and technology to create progress, solve problems, and improve life. Conversely, _____________ is a paradigm that suggests that social reality is diverse, pluralistic, and constantly in flux. Three of the most famous postmodern theorists include Jacques Derrida, Jean Baudrillard, and ___________________.

*Modernism* is a paradigm that places trust in the power of science and technology to create progress, solve problems, and improve life. Conversely, *postmodernism* is a paradigm that suggests that social reality is diverse, pluralistic, and constantly in flux. Three of the most famous postmodern theorists include Jacques Derrida, Jean Baudrillard, and *Michel Foucault*.

Examples of postmodernism in popular culture.

- Copies of famous landmarks, such as the Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas - The Grey Album by DJ Danger Mouse, which uses tracks from the Beatles' - White Album and Jay-Z's Black Album. hip-hop music

Place each event in the correct location on the timeline. Karl Marx wrote Manifesto of the Communist Party. The United States fought in the Civil War. Auguste Comte wrote Introduction to Positive Philosophy. Harriet Martineau wrote Society in America.

1837 - Harriet Martineau wrote Society in America. 1842 - Auguste Comte wrote Introduction to Positive Philosophy. 1848 - Karl Marx wrote Manifesto of the Communist Party. 1861-1865 - The United States fought in the Civil War.

Socialization is a twofold process occurring at both the social and individual levels that accomplishes two main goals. First, it teaches members the skills necessary to satisfy basic human needs and to defend themselves against danger, thus ensuring that society itself will continue to exist. Second, socialization teaches individuals the norms, values, and beliefs associated with their culture and provides ways to ensure that members adhere to their shared way of life. Identify each scenario as accomplishing either the first or second goal of socialization, as discussed in the textbook.

1st Goal Parents teach children how to eat food. Schools teach students how to gain employment that will allow them to provide for themselves. 2nd Goal Schools teach students that gainful employment is something to be valued and respected. Peers teach youth what type of clothing is stylish and desirable.

Social network analysis (SNA) is a tool for measuring and visualizing the structure of social relationships between ________ or more people.


Examples of socialization

A child shows a parent how to check email using a smartphone. Someone acts visibly uncomfortable when a coworker tells a sexist joke. A parent teaches a child not to burp at the dinner table.

Examples of the experimental method?

A researcher compares the attitudes of two focus groups after each group watches a corporate training video. One video has sexist content and the other does not. A researcher deliberately drops a wallet in a public place and observes the reactions of passersby.

Which scholar's research sparked debated about both ethical and legal violations?

Alice Goffman

All people should have the chance to advance by "pulling themselves up by their bootstraps." Families in the working class are less likely to have health insurance than those in the middle class. Race-based job discrimination is illegal. value norm neither

All people should have the chance to advance by "pulling themselves up by their bootstraps." - value Families in the working class are less likely to have health insurance than those in the middle class. - neither Race-based job discrimination is illegal.- norm

Identify each scenario as ethnocentrism, cultural relativism, or neither. An American believes that he should learn Spanish because it could be of value to him . An American believes that learning a foreign language is not worth the time because English is the superior language. An American believes that other languages should be respected and valued equally to Englis

An American believes that learning a foreign language is not worth the time because English is the superior language. (ethnocentrism) An American believes that he should learn Spanish because it could be of value to him. (neither) An American believes that other languages should be respected and valued equally to English. (cultural relativism)

Which of the following is an example of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

An indigenous people have no equivalent words for planet, Earth, or world. They do not view a macro picture of multiple planets.

Place each ritual in order according to its appearance in Horace Miner's article "Body Ritual among the Nacirema."

An individual enters the shrine room. An individual bows her head before the charm-box. An individual mingles different sorts of holy water in the font. An individual proceeds with a brief rite of ablution.

Identify the social theorists who are associated with "classical sociology" and those who were important to the development of sociology but were not sociologists (since the discipline did not exist yet). Harriet Martineau Herbert Spencer Herbert Blumer George Herbert Mead

Associated with the Development of Sociology Harriet Martineau Herbert Spencer Associated with Classical Sociology George Herbert Mead Herbert Blumer

Some of the following thinkers are prominent figures in the positivist-functionalist tradition. Determine who these figures are, and then place them in chronological order, based on their contributions. Max Weber Émile Durkheim Talcott Parsons August Comte Jane Addams

August Comte Émile Durkheim Talcott Parsons

Before collecting data, social researchers must identify a - from which to select their -. After that, if they want to interview -, sociologists must first get -, which means that participants agree to be interviewed and know what they are getting into.

Before collecting data, social researchers must identify a *target population* from which to select their *sample*. After that, if they want to interview respondents, sociologists must first get *informed consent*, which means that participants agree to be interviewed and know what they are getting into.

Which social theorist introduced the idea of the sociological imagination? Peter Berger C. Wright Mills Bernard McGrane Howard Becker

C. Wright Mills

Cultural - usually occurs in the direction from more-developed to less-developed nations, while cultural -occurs when cultures that were once distinct become increasingly similar to one another. A third type of cultural change is cultural -, or the imposition of one culture's beliefs and practices on another culture through -rather than by -.

Cultural *diffusion usually occurs in the direction from more-developed to less-developed nations, while cultural *leveling occurs when cultures that were once distinct become increasingly similar to one another. A third type of cultural change is cultural *imperialism, or the imposition of one culture's beliefs and practices on another culture through *media and consumer products rather than by *military force.

Which of the following statements accurately describes culture?

Culture is handed down from generation to generation. Culture includes both symbolic and material elements. Culture acts as a lens through which individuals view the world.

Place the following items related to the development of and controversies related to sociobiology in order from first to last.

Edward O. Wilson's Sociobiology: The New Synthesis is published. Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray's The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life is published. The Human Genome Project maps all of the genes constituting human DNA. Harvard University president Larry Summers suggests genetic gender differences explain fewer women in science and engineering.

Although American culture is highly visible worldwide via the media, the moral and political values of the country are not highly visible.


Emotion work or emotional labor is the process of helping to manage the emotions of others in order to neutralize emotionally charged situations.


If two variables are correlated, a change in one must directly produce a change in the other.


Microsociology is like a wide-angle lens perspective on society, whereas macrosociology is like a zoom lens perspective on society. True False


Match each term to the appropriate role scenario. role conflict role exit role strain role Fraternity and sorority members are required to devote a significant amount of time to social events and community service each semester. A straight-A student who spent most of her time studying in high school joins a sorority and faces increased pressure to spend less time studying. A straight-A student decides to quit her sorority to focus in her grades

Fraternity and sorority members are required to devote a significant amount of time to social events and community service each semester. (role) A straight-A student who spent most of her time studying in high school joins a sorority and faces increased pressure to spend less time studying. (role conflict) A straight-A student decides to quit her sorority to focus on her grades (role exit)

Classify each scenario as belonging to either frontstage or backstage in the dramaturgical theory of society. A professor walks into the first day of a new class with a complete syllabus and expresses to the students an enthusiasm about how this semester will go. A professor tells a colleague that he does not think he has prepared enough for the classes he must teach this semester. A shift manager expresses worry to his boss that a new employee may never get the hang of the job. A manager tells a new employee that he will get the hang of things soon enough. Backstage

Frontstage A professor walks into the first day of a new class with a complete syllabus and expresses to the students an enthusiasm about how this semester will go. A manager tells a new employee that he will get the hang of things soon enough. Backstage A shift manager expresses worry to his boss that a new employee may never get the hang of the job. A professor tells a colleague that he does not think he has prepared enough for the classes he must teach this semester.

Which of the following sociologists was one of the first to do work in the area of social network analysis?

Georg Simmel

Classify each item as either "expressions given" or "expressions given off" according to Goffman. a thumbs up a raise of an eyebrow a shrug of the shoulders saying "good job" to a teammate

Given saying "good job" to a teammate Given off a thumbs up a raise of an eyebrow a shrug of the shoulders

Which of the following describes a situation with copresence?

Having coffee with your mom

What is the name of the governing body within a university that decides whether or not to approve research proposals?

IRB or institutional review board

We occasionally see stories in the media about a high profile individual, such as a religious or political leader who gets caught doing something the society views as wrong, despite the individual often being seen as a moral leader. These are examples of a disconnect between which two cultural concepts?

Ideal and Real culture

What cultural concept correctly classifies the idea of equality in the United States?

Ideal culture

Which of the following are disadvantages of interview research?

Interview respondents are not always forthcoming or truthful. Interview research may lead to conclusions that cannot be applied to a larger group.

Which of the following correctly describes the value of "equal opportunity for all"?

It is a value held by some cultures but not by others.

What is one of the main points of Horace Miner's article "Body Ritual among the Nacirema"?

It is easy to take one's own culture for granted.

What is one of the biggest problems with non-academic uses of research methods?

It often has a lack of rigorous standards.

Identify the major figures associated with postmodernism. Jean Baudrillard Michel Foucault Erving Goffman Jacques Derrida

Jean Baudrillard Michel Foucault Jacques Derrida

What, in a nutshell, does the dramaturgical theory of society say about human life?

Life is essentially a play.

Match each example to one of Sigmund Freud's interrelated systems of the mind. Mark eats a whole pint of chocolate double fudge ice cream because he wants it. Ed has the opportunity to cheat on his wife but chooses not to because he knows it will hurt her and possibly destroy their marriage. Justine wants to copy her roommate's homework but is afraid her roommate will catch her. id ego superego

Mark eats a whole pint of chocolate double fudge ice cream because he wants it. (id) Ed has the opportunity to cheat on his wife but chooses not to because he knows it will hurt her and possibly destroy their marriage. (ego) Justine wants to copy her roommate's homework but is afraid her roommate will catch her. (superego)

Which of the following provides an arena for playing out culture wars?


Classify each statement as supporting either the nature or nurture side of the nature versus nurture debate.

Nature High levels of testosterone contribute to stereotypically masculine traits such as aggressiveness and competitiveness. By adulthood, the IQs of adopted siblings are no more similar to one another than to those of strangers. Nurture At the age of 12 months, both boys and girls prefer dolls over cars. Facing a competitive challenge causes testosterone levels to rise.

Identify the true statements about internet-based surveys. Most researchers still see online survey methods are unconventional. One disadvantage of online surveys is representativeness. One advantage of online surveys is cost. New online tools can automatically adjust the reliability and validity of survey questions.

One advantage of online surveys is cost. One disadvantage of online surveys is representativeness.

Which of the following statements captures a major point Sherry Turkle makes about communication in her latest book, Reclaiming Conversation?

Online communication reduces our ability to conduct meaningful face-to-face communication.

Which of the following are differences between participant observation and autoethnography?

Only in autoethnography are the feelings and actions of the researcher a focal point of the study.

Which of the following is a characteristic of otaku culture?

Otaku culture is an example of the East influencing the West.

Identify each statement as a value, a norm, or neither. Police officers are more important to society than firefighters or teachers. Striking a police officer is against the law. Treat police officers with respect.

Police officers are more important to society than firefighters or teachers. (neither) Striking a police officer is against the law. (norm) Treat police officers with respect. (value)

Public schools in the United States opened in the - and attendance was -. Beyond the original goals of schooling, such as educating citizens and -, schools now have greater roles, which include physical education and discipline.

Public schools in the United States opened in the *1800s and attendance was *uneven. Beyond the original goals of schooling, such as educating citizens and *maintaining democracy, schools now have greater roles, which include physical education and discipline.

Which of the following measurement methods would yield results that can be generalized to the student population of a large university?

School records are used to select 100 students from different categories (male and female, white and non-white, etc.) in numbers that mirror the overall student population. These students will fill out a short questionnaire. Comprehensive school records are used to randomly select a sample group of 100 students who will fill out a short questionnaire.

Signs, gestures, and language, as well as values and norms, are all part of - culture. - are specific types of norms that formally codify what is permissible or forbidden, while - often include severe repercussions and public condemnation. The most powerful of all norms are -.

Signs, gestures, and language, as well as values and norms, are all part of *Symbolic* culture. *Laws* are specific types of norms that formally codify what is permissible or forbidden, while *mores* often include severe repercussions and public condemnation. The most powerful of all norms are *taboos*.

Identify the advantages of social network analysis.

Social network analysis contributes to the production of "big data." Big data is extremely useful to both corporations and social scientists. Social network analysis is very useful for a variety of researchers.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the ways that sociologists focus on culture?

Sociologists often focus on culture within their own society. Sociologists may engage in the process of "othering" by studying the unusual, extraordinary, or deviant in cultural groups.

What is the definition of "sociology"? Sociology is the systematic or scientific study of human society and social behavior. Sociology is the systematic or scientific study of the cultural connections and divisions between individuals. Sociology is the systematic or scientific study of identities and inequalities surrounding race, class, and gender. Sociology is the systematic or scientific study of the institutions and organizations that make up society.

Sociology is the systematic or scientific study of human society and social behavior.

example of hidden curriculum

Students are taught to dress and behave in a specific manner by teachers and other staff members.

Identify the subculture and counterculture groups.

Subculture(s) marathon runners comic book fans Counterculture(s) computer hackers political activists

Which of the following statements apply to typical survey research? Survey research focuses on the micro level. Survey research is quantitative in nature. Survey research uses only Likert scale questions. Survey research uses closed-ended questions.

Survey research is quantitative in nature. Survey research uses closed-ended questions.

Advantages of survey research? Surveys may help the researcher dispel certain preconceptions and discover issues that might have been otherwise overlooked. Survey research is usually quick and economical. Survey research never has sampling problems Survey research is less concerned with interviewer or observer bias.

Survey research is usually quick and economical. Survey research is less concerned with interviewer or observer bias.

Which of the following are disadvantages of survey research?

Survey research may have low validity because respondents are dishonest. Survey research often doesn't capture a full range of expression from the respondents.

A team of sociologists is commissioned to study the effects of lighting levels and amount of time for breaks on workers' productivity in an office setting. Before the study begins, office workers are told why the researchers are there. When the team analyzes their data, they find that no matter what they do, productivity levels go up while they are physically present. When the team is not physically present, productivity levels return to normal. What is the likely explanation of these findings?

The Hawthorne effect

What can modern ethical guidelines or codes of ethics adopted by professional associations for different academic disciplines trace their origins back to?

The Nuremberg code

What is the primary reason to include a control group in an experiment?

The control group allows you to make comparisons to the experimental group.

A certain high school student is wearing "cool" clothing and is considered "cool." What would a symbolic interactionist say about this situation?

The coolness of the student and the clothing are connected in a causal cycle. Coolness is a construction rather than an objective fact.

The difference between role strain and role conflict is that role strain is about the competing demands imposed by -, while role conflict is about competing demands imposed by -. A worker struggling to decide what task to get done first is experiencing role -. A worker having to leave work early to care for a sick child is experiencing role -.

The difference between role strain and role conflict is that role strain is about the competing demands imposed by a *single status, while role conflict is about competing demands imposed by *different statuses. A worker struggling to decide what task to get done first is experiencing *role strain. A worker having to leave work early to care for a sick child is experiencing *role conflict.

What is the definition of "socialization"?

The process through which individuals fit into a society and internalize its values, beliefs, and norms, and learn to function as its members.

Which of the following are among the key tenets of the Chicago School in American sociology? The self emerges from a process of interacting with other selves. Ethnicity is fundamentally genetic rather than cultural. Society is conceptualized as a "generalized other." Human behavior and personality are shaped by social and physical environments.

The self emerges from a process of interacting with other selves. Human behavior and personality are shaped by social and physical environments. Society is conceptualized as a "generalized other."

What, according to C. Wright Mills, is the function of the sociological imagination? The sociological imagination enables us to connect our personal experience with the larger forces of history. The sociological imagination helps us to see the parallels between our own culture and other cultures. The sociological imagination enables us to relate the lessons of our past to our plans for the future. The sociological imagination helps us to see the interdependence of cities and rural populations.

The sociological imagination enables us to connect our personal experience with the larger forces of history.

Which of the following are examples of cultural leveling?

The worldwide dominance of American music, movies, and other media in many countries throughout Europe and Asia. The existence of Walmart, Starbucks, McDonald's and other chain stores in the vast majority of American towns.

Any physical object that has social meaning can be considered a part of material culture.


Culture is the human equivalent of instinct in animals.


For a group of people with distinctive values and behaviors to be considered a subculture, there must be general agreement within the group about which values are embraced and the extent to which shared meaning can be agreed upon by its members


Modern cultural imperialism is most closely linked to the proliferation of Western media.


The location, time period, and family into which individuals are born affect their set of meanings about how the world works.


Match the theoretical perspective to its approach to culture. Values and norms are social constructions that may vary over time and in different contexts; meaning is created, maintained, and changed through ongoing social interaction. Values and norms are often contested by various groups in society. Dominant culture tends to represent and protect the values, norms, and interests of the most powerful groups in society. Values and norms are widely shared and agreed upon; they contribute to social stability by reinforcing common bonds and constraining individual behavior. conflict theory symbolic interactionism structural functionalism

Values and norms are social constructions that may vary over time and in different contexts; meaning is created, maintained, and changed through ongoing social interaction. (symbolic interactionism) Values and norms are often contested by various groups in society. Dominant culture tends to represent and protect the values, norms, and interests of the most powerful groups in society. (conflict theory) Values and norms are widely shared and agreed upon; they contribute to social stability by reinforcing common bonds and constraining individual behavior. (structural functionalism)

Match each author to the title of one of his most important works. W. E. B. Du Bois Max Weber Émile Durkheim Karl Marx The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism The Souls of Black Folk The Division of Labor in Society Manifesto of the Communist Party

W. E. B. Du Bois - The Souls of Black Folk Max Weber - The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Émile Durkheim - The Division of Labor in Society Karl Marx - Manifesto of the Communist Party

Which of the following are double-barreled questions?

When was the last time you ate pizza and what were the toppings you had on it? Do you support raising taxes to provide additional childcare subsidies to the poor?

While - is most closely associated with value-free sociology, pre-existing values are not the only reason a sociologist might be biased. The notion of - can be skewed by the direction and focus of prior research. Additionally, the concept of - suggests that researchers can also influence those who are being studied.

While *basic research* is most closely associated with value-free sociology, pre-existing values are not the only reason a sociologist might be biased. The notion of *objectivity* can be skewed by the direction and focus of prior research. Additionally, the concept of *reactivity* suggests that researchers can also influence those who are being studied.

Identify each question as a topic in either microsociology or macrosociology. Why does the officer-enlisted relationship differ between a country's army and its navy? How does a family conversation escalate into a shouting match? Why do some immigrant groups assimilate faster than others? How do two drivers decide who goes first at a four-way stop?

Why does the officer-enlisted relationship differ between a country's army and its navy? (macro) How does a family conversation escalate into a shouting match? (micro) Why do some immigrant groups assimilate faster than others? (macro) How do two drivers decide who goes first at a four-way stop? (micro)

Examples of role-taking emotions?

You feel embarrassed that you forgot your brother's birthday. You feel sadness for your friend who has just lost her mother to cancer.

Identify each scenario as violating a folkway, a more, or neither. a three-year-old walking down the street with no shirt on a woman walking down the street with no shirt on a man walking down the street with no shirt on

a three-year-old walking down the street with no shirt on. (neither) a woman walking down the street with no shirt on. (more) a man walking down the street with no shirt on. (folkway)

a status earned through individual effort or imposed by others

achieved status

Someone who believes that humans do not have much free will and are deeply constrained by the social circumstances and system they are born into is not a big believer in which sociological concept?


a status that is inborn; usually difficult or impossible to change

ascribed status

A sociologist conducts an experiment to see how watching a documentary on young men in gay relationships affects individual attitudes toward gay marriage. Both men and women are given a survey, but only those in the experimental group watch the video before answering the survey questions. Identify the dependent variables in this experiment.

attitudes toward gay marriage

A sociologist wants to study a global community of online gamers who all play the same multiplayer game. Identify the activities that could realistically be part of the research.

becoming a player and observing interactions in real time analyzing player statistics, such as time played and level achieved

What practice did Bernard McGrane suggest that individuals adopt to better understand the world around us? expert's mind the sociological perspective beginner's mind Zen Buddhism

beginner's mind

A sociologist wants to examine how black men have been portrayed in television shows in the past year. Which type of study is most appropriate to examine this research topic and compare the portrayal of black men across different television shows?

content analysis

The increased use of Facebook, Twitter, and other social media by terrorist organizations in other countries to recruit new members is an example of what cultural phenomenon?

cultural diffusion

The controversy surrounding Colin Kaepernick's choice to kneel during the National Anthem in protest of racial oppression and inequality is an example of which of the following concepts?

culture wars

The controversy surrounding North Carolina's 2016 HB2 law is an example of which of the following concepts?

culture wars

Which of the following areas may present ethical concerns for individuals conducting social science research? deception unobtrusive measures reactivity confidentiality

deception confidentiality

A postmodernist writes an essay arguing that the "factual" history of a Native American tribe in a textbook is no more accurate than a collection of short oral stories about the tribe. The postmodernist is engaging in what type of critical analysis? reconstruction factual interactionism deconstruction symbolic interactionism


status generated by physical characteristics

embodied status

Which pair of concepts consists of two direct opposites? cultural diffusion and cultural leveling real culture and cultural imperialism subculture and counterculture ethnocentrism and cultural relativism

ethnocentrism and cultural relativism

Match each term to the correct definition. status role role strain role conflict experienced when we occupy two or more roles with contradictory expectations experienced when there are contradictory expectations within one role a position in a social hierarchy that carries a particular set of expectations the set of behaviors expected of someone because of his or her status

experienced when we occupy two or more roles with contradictory expectations (role conflict) experienced when there are contradictory expectations within one role (role strain) a position in a social hierarchy that carries a particular set of expectations (status) the set of behaviors expected of someone because of his or her status (role)

Main agents of socialization

family, media, peers, school

Choose the term that best completes the sentence. Arlie Hochschild's 1983 research on emotion work focused on people in two professions: bill collectors and ___________.

flight attendants

Jane Addams's contributions to the fields of applied sociology.

founding Hull House founding the ACLU and the NAACP putting theory into practice

Identify some of the shared and differing values of Americans, according to the textbook.

freedom democracy

Identify each item as a sign, a gesture, or neither. frowning at someone an emoji for sadness crying

frowning at someone gesture an emoji for sadness sign crying neither

Most large retailers such as Target, H&M, and Old Navy carry similar clothing styles, and thus there is not extreme variation in what most Americans wear. Which sociological concept best explains this phenomenon?


Relative to American culture today, which of the following could be considered a subculture?

hunting enthusiasts skateboarders

Pablo comes from a low-income family, but worked hard in school and earned a full scholarship to Stanford University. Pablo is worried that his peers and professors will recognize his background and treat him differently so he wears new clothes and attempts to hide his accent on the first day of classes. When Pablo goes home for the weekend, he leaves his new clothes behind in his dorm and does not mask his accent. Which of the following sociological concepts best explains Pablo's behavior and interactions with others?

impression management

A sociologist thinks he has discovered a very interesting and unique finding. His data show a correlation between children's shoe size and their reading test scores. He thinks that children with bigger feet must be smarter. When he tells a colleague about his finding, the colleague suggests that both shoe size and reading test scores are correlated with a child's age. In this case, which of the following is the correct classification for the child's age?

intervening variable

Which of the following does your textbook suggest to be the most common of all non-academic uses of sociological methods?

market research

a status that is always relevant and affects all other statuses we possess

master status

A sociologist creates a questionnaire but is not sure if the questions will be suitable for the research hypotheses she wants to test. Which type of study should she conduct to test the validity of her survey? pilot experiment open-ended focus group


What is another name for the methodology that Auguste Comte called "social physics"? organic solidarity positivism sociology anomie


Identify the elements that are associated with Émile Durkheim's functionalist theoretical perspective. positivist sociology criticism of the ideas of Auguste Comte social dynamics of very small groups social bonds in society

positivist sociology social bonds in society

Place the following stages on the timeline based on when the developing child engages in them, according to George Herbert Mead

preparatory stage play stage game stage

C. Wright Mills was critical of social science and worked to connect the academic side of sociology to more tangible social debates of the time. Mills was convinced that sociology had something to offer everyone, not just academics. For these reasons, what term would best exemplify C. Wright Mills? public intellectual microsociologist conflict theorist macrosociologist

public intellectual

Louwanda Evans's book on emotional labor and flight attendants adds which dimension to Arlie Hochschild's original conception of emotional labor?


A sociologist is worried that her presence is affecting interactions between the people he is studying. Identify the concepts from research methodology she would first review and then strive to practice during her study.

reactivity reflexivity

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