Soci101: Inquizitive Chapters 12-16

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structural functionalism

Marriage regulates sexuality and forms the basis for family, with all its other functions.

Identify each item as either a renewable or nonrenewable resource.

Renewable: -sun -oxygen -water Nonrenewable: -iron -oil -coal

Which of the following events does the textbook consider "social revolutions"?

Social Revolution: - the Agricultural Revolution - the Information Revolution - the Industrial Revolution Not: -racial integration of public schools

taste cultures

areas of culture that share similar aesthetics and standards of taste

transformation of the physical, social, economic, and cultural life of formerly working-class or poor inner-city neighborhoods into more affluent middle-class communities


"Packing" and "cracking" are two types of what?


Coined by Arlie Hochschild in her study of working couples and parents, what does the phrase "the second shift" mean?

it refers to the after-work homemaking chores of a wage-earning wife.

an urban area with a large population, usually 500,000 to 1 million people


Mary commutes to college in Atlanta from a nearby neighborhood. She ends up marrying Joe, who lives two doors down from her and attends the same school. What is this an example of?



quitting smoking increasing exercise

conflict theory

Marriage as a civil right was not extended to all same-sex couples in the United States until 2015. Nontraditional families are still marginalized in many ways, while the nuclear family remains the standard.

fourteenth-century London

Mental illness was a moral failing caused by demonic possession or individual weakness.

Colonial America

Mental illness was caused by the astrological position of the moon at the time of the individual's birth; hence the term "lunatic."

an area with at least one major city of 50,000 or more inhabitants that is surrounded by adjacent counties that are socially and economically integrated with the city core

Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)

One reason why sociologists are interested in health and illness is because our bodies (where health and illness are ostensibly located) are social objects.



a system of marriage that allows men to have multiple wives

Kerry Ferris

conducts research on Star Trek and soap opera fan clubs

If a sociologist believes that environmental privileges (such as scenic natural vistas, clean water, and unpolluted air) are unequally distributed among groups in society, what theoretical perspective does he represent?

conflict theory

popular culture

forms of cultural expression usually associated with the masses, consumer goods, and commercial products

What percentage of families consisted of a married couple with a male breadwinner, a stay-at-home mom, and their children as of 2012?

less than 25%

Demographic factors, discoveries and inventions, and _________ are three of the main ways by which social change occurs.

major physical events

contemporary demographers who worry about the rapid pace of population growth and believe that Malthus's basic prediction could be true


Sometimes social change is necessary to maintain equilibrium and order in society.


Social change involves changes in the meaning of things as well as changes in laws, culture, and social behavior.


A sociologist who believes that participation in spectator sports provides members with a sense of group affiliation and personal identification, supports which theoretical perspective?

symbolic interactionism

The meanings assigned to the natural environment will determine how society sees and uses it.

symbolic interactionism

According to Marshall McLuhan, what invention could re-create a sense of intimate community by linking people in disparate locations around the world?


encoding/decoding model

the theory that combines models that privilege the media producer and models that view the audience as the primary source of meaning, and where the audience actively interprets the media texts

What reason is given for men working in more dangerous occupations and engaging in riskier lifestyle behaviors (such as smoking, drinking, doing drugs, and driving fast) compared to women?

traditional male gender-role expectations

Which of the following elements together result in collective behavior?

- goals shared - actions taken - individuals converge

Marriage is no longer the prerequisite for childbearing. In 2017, nearly _____(1) percent of all births were to unmarried women. Of all premarital births in 2014, _____(2) percent were to cohabiting couples. Cohabitation is most common among people _____(3) to _____(4) years of age.

1. 40 2. 58 3. 25 4. 34

Government is the formal, organized agency that exercises power and control in modern society. Governments are vested with the power and authority to make laws and enforce them. Max Weber defined power as the ability to get others to do one's bidding. When sociologists talk about authority, they are referring to the legitimate, noncoercive exercise of power.

1. organized 2. Max Weber 3. authority 4. noncoercive

In the mid-1990s, the children of divorced parents were about ____ times more likely to divorce than their peers from intact families.


fertility rate in the United States


Which country is concerned with "Gross National Happiness" in relation to Western culture?


Which statement about divorce and gender is true?

Previously married men are more likely to remarry than previously married women.

the 1930s

The cause of mental illness was believed to be located in a particular portion of the brain, the removal of which would thus provide the cure.

Identify the true and false statements about child abuse.

True: -Both child abuse and elder abuse fall under the umbrella term of "domestic abuse." -Official statistics show that about 1 percent of children in the United States are abused in some way. False: Children between the ages of ten and twelve are most abused.

alternative medicine

a group of medical treatments, practices, and products that are used instead of conventional Western medicine

contemporary demographers who believe Malthus's basic prediction was faulty and are more concerned about the population shrinking and the possibility of a demographic free fall


The once sleepy suburb of San Jose became a center of high-tech industry during the dot-com boom of the 1990s. San Jose has its own centers of employment and commerce.

edge city

What term characterizes postindustrial societies by including a focus on the production and management of information, and skepticism of science and technology?


a theory of social movements that focuses on the actions of oppressed groups who seek rights or opportunities already enjoyed by others in the society

relative deprivation theory

Social institutions such as politics, education, and religion provide critical functions for the needs of society and help maintain order and unity.

structural functionalism

efforts to rejuvenate decaying inner cities, including renovation, selective demolition, commercial development, and tax incentives

urban renewal

a derogatory term for the expansion of urban or suburban boundaries, associated with irresponsible or poorly planned development

urban sprawl

Robert Bellah

work has examined group values in the United States

Yoga is an example of which concept?

Complementary or alternative medicine

Which of the following factors contribute to the sandwich effect?

Contributing: -having children later in life -advances in life expectancy -students graduating from college are likely to need financial help from their parents Not Contributing: -rise in blended families

The different roles men and women perform to ensure the survival of their families were not considered unequal until the 1950s.


The rate of divorce in the United States began rising in the 1960s and is still climbing today.


There are clearly distinguished boundaries between popular culture and high culture.


structural functionalism

Family is a cultural universal.

Place these three densely populated U.S. cities in order from highest to lowest urban density, according to the U.S. Census Bureau in 2013.

Guttenberg, NJ New York City San Fransisco

Identify each statement as applying to either the Zika virus or HIV/AIDS.

Zika Virus: -In 2015 Brazil was hit with the largest outbreak ever recorded. -It is associated with more serious symptoms, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, a neurological problem that can cause temporary paralysis. HIV/AIDS: -In many places, it is a concentrated epidemic, with the majority of cases transmitted by a particular method and among a particular subpopulation within a given country. -Only about 4 percent of all cases are in the developed world—places like the United States, Western Europe, Japan, and other wealthy industrialized nations.


a formally recognized bond between two spouses, establishing contractual rights and obligations between them

curative or crisis

setting a broken bone

economic and urban planning policies that emphasize responsible development and renewal

smart growth

Identify the examples of social change.

- The Black Lives Matter movement brought attention to racial inequality in policing and criminal justice systems. - The invention of dating apps has gone hand in hand with the rise of "hookup culture." - Clothing stores increasingly offer unisex clothing lines, catering to more gender-fluid shoppers. - Hurricane Harvey hit Texas and Louisiana in 2017, causing widespread devastation and many deaths. - On average, millennials are getting married later and having fewer children than previous generations.

Place each of the four stages of the cycle of violence in order from first to last.

1. abusive partner is charming, attentive, and thoughtful 2. "Walking on eggshells" 3. acute abuse and violence occur 4. "loving contrition"

infant mortality rate in Singapore


mortality rate in Qatar


Identify the following as having either increased or decreased since the Industrial Revolution.

Increase: - child poverty - violent crime - income inequality Decreased: - infant mortality

Which of the following is an example of net neutrality?

No internet-based service or content can be privileged over another

Identify the results of the 2010 Supreme Court ruling in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Committee case.



aims to avoid or forestall the onset of disease by making lifestyle changes

Henry Jenkins's work extends which model into something he calls "textual poaching"?

encoding/decoding model

taste publics

groups of people who share similar artistic, literary, media, recreational, and intellectual interests

A media company owns radio broadcasting channels, television stations, newspaper publishers, and magazine publishers all in one region of the country. What is this an example of?

horizontal integration


relatives or relations, usually those related by common descent

Dr. Williams is studying the "Indivisible" opposition to Trump that spread through social media. He believes that coverage from high profile celebrities and recruitment through catchy hashtags on Facebook and Twitter were critical to the movement's success. Which theoretical perspective is Dr. Williams espousing?

resource mobilization theory

integrative medicine

the combination of conventional medicine with complementary practices and treatments that have proven to be safe and effective

Which group tends not to participate in social movements?

the poor


the practice by insurance companies of canceling coverage only after a person gets sick


the practice of marrying (or being in a relationship with) one person at a time

The positive response of music critics as well as the negative response from people like bell hooks to Beyoncé's Lemonade is an example of which model?


Amitai Etzioni

leading proponent of communitarianism

curative or crisis

treats the disease once it has become apparent

mortality rate in the Central African Republic


The percentage of uninsured Americans has dropped from 16 percent in 2010 to just under _______ in 2016.

8.8 percent

What rate of vaccination within a community is required to achieve herd immunity from measles?


Which of the following are forms of elder abuse?

Elder Abuse: -abandonment -neglect Domestice abuse: -financial control -physical violence

Only the most basic leisure time activities, such as hunting and fishing, have escaped modern commodification.


Many sociology majors enter what are termed _______ professions, which can be agents of social change.


According to the Census Bureau, the U.S. population is projected to grow by 78 million between 2017 and 2060. The native population is projected to increase by 20 percent while the foreign-born population is expected to grow by what percent?


A recent study by scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that ______ are more than ____ percent more likely to live near pollution-emitting facilities than ____ and that these emissions are linked to ____ rates of asthma and heart attacks and overall ____ life expectancy (Mikati et al. 2018)

people of color 30 whites higher lower

Laura Scott describes U.S. society as ________, suggesting that U.S. cultural values support childbearing and child rearing as the normative and preferred practice.


Modern technology has made it possible for individuals who work in traditionally urban jobs, such as stockbrokers, to live in rural areas. What concept is this an example of?

rural rebound

The natural world exists in order to keep the social world running smoothly. The environment provides raw materials and space for development in order to meet society's needs.

structural functionism

the shift of large segments of population away from the urban core and toward the edges of cities


Social institutions such as politics, education, and religion are created through individual participation; they give meaning to and are part of the everyday experience of members.

symbolic interactionism

reinforcement theory

the theory that audiences seek messages in the media that reinforce their existing attitudes and beliefs, and thus are not influenced by challenging or contradictory information

Identify the leisure activities that have been digitized.

Digitized: -listening to podcasts -gaming -making friends -playing baseball -hiking a mountain with friend Not Digitized:

symbolic interactionism

Marriage is not made solely by completing a legal contract but is also constructed through the everyday interactions between partners over the years.

The family is responsible for the reproduction of society as it produces and socializes children who will in turn become future workers and produce and socialize more new members of society. What did Talcott Parsons refer to this as?

Pattern maintenance

queer theory

Questions heteronormativity as "normal" for families.

feminist theory

Questions male dominance as "normal" for families.

Identify the true and false statements about the Flint, Michigan, water crisis.

True: -After city water switched its source, residents started to experience a variety of symptoms—skin rashes, breathing problems, digestive disorders. -The effects of lead exposure can be long-lasting and irreversible and are especially dangerous to children under the age of five. -Residents started to notice there was something wrong with their water not long after the city switched from Detroit's water source, Lake Huron, to the Flint River. False: -Government officials acted quickly to remedy the problem. -While exposure to a small amount of lead is generally considered safe, the levels in Flint's water exceeded this amount.

Identify the true and false statements about medicalization.

True: -In some cases, medicalization takes pressure away from the individual. Even birth and death have been medicalized. Medicalization changes both the meaning of a condition and the meaning of the individual who suffers from it. False: -Medicalization is never a positive thing.

complementary medicine

a group of medical treatments, practices, and products that can be used in conjunction with conventional Western medicine


a system of marriage that allows people to have more than one spouse at a time

uses and gratifications paradigm

approaches to understanding media effects that focus on how the media fulfills individuals' psychological or social needs


hospice care morphine drip

interpretive strategies

the ideas and frameworks that audience members bring to bear on a particular media text to understand its meaning

high culture

those forms of cultural expression usually associated with the elite or dominant classes

concentration of people in a city, measured by the total number of people per square mile

urban density

The average American spends just over half of their total leisure hours doing what?

watching TV

The Hmong people are an ethnic group native to the mountainous regions of mainland Southeast Asia. What is the traditional Hmong understanding of epileptic seizures?

An evil spirit meddles with the soul.

Josiah, a 58-year-old man living in California, is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Identify the options that Josiah and his loved ones might consider as he nears the end of his life.

Correct: -palliative care -medically assisted suicide -hospice Incorrect: -epidemiology -eugenics

Emily Rosenbaum found that Hispanics and Asians in New York City tended to suffer much higher incidents of asthma than their Black counterparts.


Identify the following as either instrumental or expressive tasks.

Instrumental: -buying school supplies -washing clothes Expressive: -remembering relatives' birthdays -reading to children

In Loving v. Virginia, the Supreme Court ruled that Virginia's law banning marriage between persons of different races was unconstitutional under the Fourteenth Amendment. What attitude led many to disagree with this decision?

People should partner up with similar people and respect endogamy.

Which statement highlights the idea that mental illness can be socially constructed?

The meanings and definitions of mental illness can bury over time and place


a system of marriage that allows women to have multiple husbands

In the early 1800s, what percentage of the world's population lived in urban areas?


How much of the total energy produced in the world was used by the United States in a [year]?


conflict theory

There are inherent inequalities both within and between families.

nuclear family

a heterosexual couple with one or more children living in a single household

Social change is the inevitable result of social inequality and conflict between groups over power and resources.

conflict theory

Collective behavior generally takes which of the following forms?

- crowd behavior - mass behavior - social movements

Place the following trends and developments in leisure in chronological order.

1. Industrial productivity and new technologies created new opportunities for leisure among the middle and upper classes. 2. Mass migration to the suburbs and new technologies began to encourage people to stay home. 3. Robert Putnam called television the "800-pound gorilla of leisure time." 4. Research found that "Americans are increasingly less likely to go out for a dose of the arts, and more likely to stay home and enjoy performances in front of their home entertainment centers." 5. Research found that the average American was still watching five hours of TV a day

Place each event related to American democracy in order from first to last.

1. The Fifteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution technically gave all adult males of all races voting rights. 2. Women earned the right to vote in the US 3. Native Americans were legal given the right to vote in federal elections 4. residents of the district of Columbia were given the right to vote in presidentia​l​ ​​election 5. the voting right act officially removed all barriers and allowed African Americans to vote​

How large is the gap in life expectancy between the richest 1 percent of women and the poorest 1 percent of women?

10.1 years

Between the early 1800s and today, the percentage of the population living in urban areas in the United States has changed by a factor of ___________.


Over the next fifteen to twenty years, how large of a shortfall will the United States have in terms of the number of social workers needed?


A country has a population of 1,231,994 as of December 31, 2017. On December 31, 2018, you are tasked with calculating the growth rate over the year. The country experienced 128,240 births and 103,412 deaths. The net migration was 12,388. What was the growth rate?


Since 1950, the population living on the planet has grown by what percent?


In the United Kingdom, what percentage of all babies born in 2013 are expected to live to 100 years old?


In 2008, what percentage of custody awarded after parental breakups consisted of mother sole-custody?


What percentage of households were comprised of married couples as of 2018?


fertility rate in Niger


Identify each disease as either acute or chronic.

Acute: -common cold -pneumonia -measles Chronic: -diabetes -breast cancer -heart disease

Identify the true and false statements about authoritarianism.

Dictators may gain control through a military coup or by being legally elected or appointed. Two types of authoritarianism are dictatorship and totalitarianism. Under authoritarianism, citizens have no say in who rules them, what laws are made, or how those laws are enforced.

A man sexually accosts a young woman on a crowded New York subway. The woman pleads for help, and the man escapes as the doors open at the station. None of the onlookers say or do anything. What sociological term best describes the onlookers' behavior?

Diffusion of responsibility

Identify the examples of ecotourism.

Ecotourism: -Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg—who has openly criticized the eco-footprint of airplanes—travelling the world by boat -a European couple that travels to Antarctica to learn more about the current impacts of climate change -a ten-day safari totaling $13,000, in which tourists learn about the plight of African elephants and efforts to save them Not Ecotourism: -a man from India who visits the Grand Canyon in the United States

What does "IoT" stand for?

Internet of things

the theory that exponential growth in population will outpace arithmetic growth in food production and other resources

Malthusian theorem

the idea that disaster may occur if population increases surpass the ability of the earth to provide a basic level of subsistence, leading to massive suffering

Malthusian trap

Which of the following states has experienced one of the highest growth rates in recent years?

North Dakota

If a sociologist believes that redefining open land as a scarce resource and redefining urban areas as valuable spaces may lead to the reduction of urban sprawl, what theoretical perspective does she represent?

Symbolic interactionism

Which of the following examples illustrate the concept of taste publics?

Taste Publics: -non-Hispanic white men from rural areas who become hunters -individuals with graduate degrees who often attend plays and classical music performances Not Taste Publics -Americans who watch TV -Americans who eat out at least once a week

Identify the true and false statements about the decline of public life.

True Statement(s) -After World War II, the mass migration to the suburbs and the introduction of television encouraged people to stay home. -One large-scale longitudinal study sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts found that "Americans are increasingly less likely to go out for a dose of the arts, and more likely to stay home and enjoy performances in front of their home entertainment centers." False Statement(s) -Sociologist Richard Sennett argues that modernity has seen the "fall of family man," as people increasingly seek refuge in "public ties and community organizations." -Today, Americans spend more of their time on the Internet than on watching television. -Critics say social media will help reconnect people with the social world.

Identify the true and false statements about doctor-patient relations.

True Statements: -Elderly hospitalized patients treated by female doctors have better outcomes than those treated by male doctors. -The pain of African Americans is more likely to be underestimated and undertreated compared with that of white patients. -Doctors in rural settings are more likely to spend time engaging in emotional labor with their patients than doctors in urban settings. False Statements: -Doctors automatically have more status than patients. -Research shows that men are at greater risk for many pain conditions and that they are more pain-sensitive in some instances compared to women.

Identify the true and false statements about culture.

True Statements: -There are multiple high cultures and multiple pop cultures, based on differences in taste and aesthetics. -Shows such as Westworld and Game of Thrones are the subject of serious literary criticism once reserved only for high art. -The boundaries between high culture and popular culture are often permeable, so the way we categorize any particular type of art or artist can change over time. False Statement: -Most cultural products contain only elements of either mass or high culture, but not both.

Identify the true and false statements about autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

True: -A widely accepted hypothesis is that ASD is multifactoral. -There are gender disparities in ASD diagnoses. -There are racial disparities in ASD diagnoses. False: Rates of ASD in the United States continue to rise due to greater prevalence in the population.

Identify the true and false statements about demographic transition theory.

True: -Between Stages 4 and 5 the total population peaks. -Not all countries experience the stages of the demographic transition at the same time. -In Stage 5 the natural decrease in population is due to a decreasing birth rate. False: -In Stage 3 the natural increase in population is due to an increasing birth rate.

Identify the true and false statements about acute and chronic diseases.

True: -Both acute and chronic diseases can be fatal. -Over the past century, drastic changes in medicine and public health have all but wiped out certain acute diseases, while chronic ones have grown vastly in proportion. False: -Chronic and acute diseases both have a sudden onset. -Chronic diseases are a more serious problem in developing countries while acute diseases are a more serious problem in developed countries.

Identify the true and false statements about the conflict perspective of the family.

True: -Considering men to be "heads of household" and providing them with legal rights that women don't have means that families themselves are places in which women are discriminated against. -Gender is not the only system of stratification that shapes our experience in families. Age and ability may be the basis for inequality, conflict, and even violence within families. False: -Conflict theorists see exploitation in the family through a class-based, rather than a sex-based, division of labor. -Conflict theorists recognize that the family produces and socializes children to function efficiently in a capitalist economy, and they see this function as contributing to the stability of society.

Identify the true and false statements about Thomas Malthus's writings.

True: -Malthus advocated state assistance to the lower classes. -One principle of the Malthusian theorem suggests that population growth is exponential or geometric. -Malthus was one of the first to propose reproduction limits. False: -One principle of the Malthusian theorem suggests that production is exponential or geometric.

Identify the true and false statements about socioeconomic status (SES) and health.

True: People with lower SES have substantially higher rates of various diseases along with higher death rates and shorter life expectancy. The effects of poverty consistently correlate with higher incidences of depression and other mental health problems. People of higher SES can afford more and better health care services (insurance plans, doctor visits, diagnostic tests and treatments, prescription medications). People of higher SES can expect to live longer lives, and they generally enjoy feeling more physical well-being than those in lower groups. False:

extended family

a large group of relatives, usually including at least three generations living either in one household or in close proximity


a social group whose members are bound by legal, biological, or emotional ties, or a combination of all three


care focuses on symptom and pain relief and on providing a nurturing and supportive environment to those suffering from a serious illness or at the end of life

Not all groups or individuals benefit equally from society's use of the natural environment.

conflict theory

Social institutions such as politics, education, and religion represent the interests of those in power and thus create and maintain inequalities in society.

conflict theory

Over the past two decades, a snack food manufacturing company has purchased a cigarette manufacturer, a number of televisions stations in the United States, and a high-end apparel company. What is this an example of?


one of the earliest theories of collective action; suggests that individuals who join a crowd can become "infected" by a mob mentality and lose the ability to reason

contagion theory

a theory of collective behavior that assumes individual members of a crowd make their own decisions about behavior and that norms are created through others' acceptance or rejection of these behaviors

emergent norm theory

Which of the following qualify as mass behavior?

fashion fads social dilemmas

Place the stages in a social movement in order from first to last.

incipient coalesce bureaucratize decline

a theory of social movements that assumes people join not because of the movement's ideals but to satisfy a psychological need to belong to something larger than themselves

mass society theory

a group of densely populated metropolises that grow dependent on each other and eventually combine to form a huge urban complex


Which theory of social movements focuses on the practical constraints that help or hinder social movements' action?

resource mobilization theory

In the United States, we value slim, athletic builds and bodies with just the right amount of curves and consider people with these body types to be healthier than people with more fleshy builds. But in Dakar, Senegal, people tend to value body types that in the United States would be considered clinically overweight. Senegalese women, in particular, associate these body types with both health and wealth: slimmer women actually want to gain weight in order to attain the "desirable," "healthy," "well-fed" build.What does this example suggest contributes to our ideal of a healthy body?

social factors and culture

Over the past two decades, a newspaper publishing company has purchased a series of regional bookstores, a number of televisions stations in the United States, and a music publishing company. What is this an example of?


Which of the following is the definition of cultural diffusion?

the dissemination of material and symbolic culture (tools and technology, beliefs and behavior) from one group to another

two-step flow model

the theory that audiences get information through opinion leaders who influence their attitudes and beliefs, rather than through direct, firsthand sources

agenda-setting theory

the theory that the media can set the public agenda by selecting certain news stories and excluding others, thus influencing what audiences think about

An individual uses more public resources for his own gain because he worries that others will do the same and the resources will soon run out. This is an example of which sociological concept?

tragedy of the commons

Identify the true and false statements about the relationship between media and politics.

true: -As much as the power of the media has transformed politics, the reverse is also true. -The 2016 presidential election year started with most Americans-about three-quarters of both Republicans and Democrats alike-believing in the media's role as a "watchdog" for political leaders. false: -By the end of 2018, 38 percent of Democrats, compared to just 82 percent of Republicans, supported the idea of the media as political watchdog. -The media have been referred to as the "Third Estate."

Which of the following is the U.S. Census Bureau's definition of family?

two or more individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption living in the same household

Place each trend related to cities in chronological order.

white flight urban renewal gentrification

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