Social Psych Chapter 5

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Which of the following is an example of a superordinate goal?

Athletes who normally compete against each who are now on the same relay team

Which of the following best epitomizes the role of socialization in explaining stereotypes?

Jeff thinks that all Italians are loud and easily excited because he has heard his father describe them in this manner.

Both Jorge and Jocelyn are applying for two residencies after medical school: orthopedic surgery (a traditionally male-dominated residency) and pediatrics (a traditionally female-dominated residency). If Jorge and Jocelyn have similar academic records, it is likely that

Jorge will get more orthopedic surgery interviews and Jocelyn will get more pediatric interviews.

Which of the following has been demonstrated through the use of minimal groups?

Mere categorization is sufficient to produce ingroup favoritism.

Consider the Implicit Association Test in which people are asked to categorize words as well as Caucasian/African-American names. If you were to design a similar measure to assess implicit associations related to age, and more specifically, implicit negative beliefs about older people, which pattern of results might your IAT produce to indicate such ageism?

Participants take longer to pair positive words with older-sounding names and negative words with younger-sounding names than vice versa.

Fein and Spencer (1997) conducted a study in which participants evaluated a job applicant whom they believed to be either Jewish or Italian. Which of the following statements about this study is false?

Participants who were able to avoid discriminating against the Jewish applicant demonstrated the biggest boost to their own self-esteem.

Which of the following is not one of the conditions deemed ideal for contact to serve as a treatment for racism?

Pleasant environmental conditions

The ABCs of social psychology are affect, behavior, and cognition. Put the three major concepts of Chapter 5 in this ABC order by considering whether they correspond to affect, behavior, or cognition.

Prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping

A stereotype exists in many cultures that men are better than women at math. Ramya is about to take a diagnostic achievement test in math. According to research on stereotype threat, under which of the following conditions is Ramya most likely to perform poorly on the test?

Ramya is asked to indicate her gender at the beginning of the test

Which of the following best exemplifies realistic conflict theory?

The conflict over land ownership between Arabs and Israelis in the Middle East

A metastereotype refers to

a person's thoughts about the stereotypes outgroup members might hold about their own group.

Gunner thinks that Jews are particularly funny. He overestimates the association between being a stand-up comedian and being Jewish because both characteristics are very distinctive from the normal population. This demonstrates

an illusory correlation

Minimal groups are groups

based on trivial, often arbitrary, distinctions

Affectionate feelings toward women based on the belief that women need protection are referred to as _____ sexism.

benevolent sexism

You think all professors are a bit nerdy and have esoteric interests. You find out that your social psychology professor can sing the theme song to any television show that aired in the 1970s or 1980s, and is also fluent in the Star Trek language of Klingon. You believe that your stereotype has been confirmed by this professor. This is an example of

confirmation bias

LaShon is an African-Amercian student who believes intelligence is fixed. Persuading him that intelligence is malleable may

decrease his tendency to experience stereotype threat.

Stereotypes appear to bias perceptions

even when we don't endorse them.

Not wanting to appear prejudiced to others is an _____ motivation to control prejudiced responses and behaviors.

externally driven

Social categorization is advantageous because it

frees up cognitive resources

According to social-role theory, gender differences that arise from social roles provide a continuing basis for

gender stereotypes

Negative feelings directed at women's abilities, values, and ability to challenge the power of men are referred to as

hostile sexism

Racism that operates unconsciously and unintentionally is called

implicit racism

Research on the jigsaw method has found that jigsaw classrooms saw a(n)

improvement in minority group and maintenance of test scores for the majority group.

Being asked to think about one's mortality tends to

increase ingroup bias

According to the self-regulation of prejudiced responses model, _____ motivated individuals may learn to control their prejudices _____ effectively over time.

internally; more

Research indicates that Caucasian individuals' concern about appearing prejudiced during interracial interactions can

lead them to try to avoid such interactions altogether.

According to the stereotype content model, migrant farm workers who move to an area with a shortage of farming jobs would likely be viewed as

low in warmth and low in competence.

A form of prejudice that surfaces in subtle ways when it is safe, socially acceptable, and easy to rationalize is called

modern racism

System-justifying beliefs are

more likely to be held by groups in power.

Research by Jennifer Richeson, Nicole Shelton, and colleagues demonstrates that Caucasian individuals who score high on a measure of implicit racism

must exert a great deal of cognitive effort in order to avoid prejudice when interacting with African Americans.

One possible explanation for the failure of school desegregation to promote better racial relations is that it was

often carried out without supportive social norms.

The tendency to perceive members of an outgroup as less variable, or more similar to one another, than members of the ingroup is called the

outgroup homogenity effect

All of the following result from social categorization

overestimation of differences between groups increased confidence that differences between groups are biologically based. underestimation of differences within groups.

Research findings regarding dehumanization indicate that

people tend to process outgroup faces in a manner similar to their processing of nonhuman objects.

Research on stereotype threat implies that females at an all-girls school may _____ in mathematics than females at a mixed-sex school.

perform better

Linley is trying to reduce racism by having children of different races work on projects together. Each student is given information critical to the project and has to collaborate with their different-race group members by sharing that information to earn a good grade on the project. The classroom norms are supportive of cross-race interaction. Which condition essential to the success of the contact hypothesis is missing?

personal interaction

Stereotypes differ from prejudice and discrimination in that stereotypes concern

positive or negative beliefs about a social group.

ndividuals with a strong social dominance orientation are least likely to

prefer to live in an egalitarian society.

Bonnie dislikes all lawyers. This is an example of


One conclusion that can be drawn from the Robbers Cave study is that

propaganda is not a particularly effective means of eliminating group conflict.

Some border-town residents dislike illegal immigrants because they fear that the immigrants will take jobs away from them. These feelings can best be explained by

realistic conflict theory

Implicit racism is correlated with _____ for interactions with a minority group member.

reduced eye gaze

Latrell is not satisfied with his $5 million annual salary because he feels that other basketball All-Stars are paid far more money. Latrell's dissatisfaction is most likely the result of

relative deprivation

Forming subtypes for individuals who do not conform to a group stereotype

serves to protect the stereotype from change.

Prejudice and discrimination based on a person's gender, or institutional and cultural practices that promote the domination of one gender over another, are known as


Two neighboring high schools have been feuding since the annual football game ended in a tie. The principals of the schools decide that the tension may subside if the two schools participate in joint activities, such as assemblies that would allow the students to hear a local band. The strategy is likely to be ineffective, however, because the

students at the two schools are unlikely to have personal contact.

You think all professors are uncoordinated, but then you see your social psychology professor make a diving catch down the left-field line at an intramural softball game against the Arts Department team. You also notice that your professor hits lead-off for the team and is able to score from second base on a ground-out. You maintain your original stereotype of professors as uncoordinated by deciding that this one individual is an exception to the rule because he is a "young professor." This is an example of


All of the following are mechanisms that perpetuate stereotypes

subtyping. illusory correlations. self-fulfilling prophecies

A shared goal that can be achieved only through cooperation among individuals or groups is


Mr. Belding wants to reduce prejudice toward incoming minority students at his elementary school. Before the minority students arrive, Mr. Belding puts up posters showing children of all nationalities holding hands. Next, he plans a scavenger hunt in which incoming students are mixed with current students and divided into small groups. Each student receives a secret clue critical to his or her group's success in finding the treasure. Mr. Belding's actions reflect his understanding of

the contact hypothesis

The idea that, under certain conditions, direct contact between hostile groups can reduce prejudice is most consistent with

the contact hypothesis

Which of the following is an essential requirement for stereotype threat to occur?

the individual in question must be aware of negative stereotypes about their group

Buffy is a member of a sorority. She considers the stereotypes about her sorority to be gross overgeneralizations, but claims that the stereotypes about other sororities seem to have a kernel of truth. Buffy's thinking best illustrates

the outgroup homogeneity effect

Paluck's (2009) field experiment in Rwanda in which civilians listened to a radio soap opera demonstrates

the potential influence of media on shaping norms related to intergroup relations

According to social-role theory, gender differences in social behavior are the result of

the unequal gender-based division of labor.

The results of the Robbers Cave experiment can be extrapolated to suggest that prejudice between groups can be increased when the groups are placed in a situation where

they compete against one another.

Ingroup members display the outgroup homogeneity effect because

they lack familiarity with members of the outgroup.

Research by Apfelbaum and colleagues (2008) indicates that when it comes to norms regarding the acknowledgment of race

unlike younger children, older children are sometimes willing to sacrifice task performance for the goal of avoiding uncomfortable race-related conversation.

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