Social Psychology- Exam Three

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The lowball technique procedure is based on the _______.


On the basis of the proportion of similar attitudes, of the following individuals, the person we would like the MOST would be the one with _______.

20 similar attitudes and 4 dissimilar attitudes.

According to research, which of the following is the most compassionate way to end a relationship?

Face-to-face breaking up

Since newborns are predisposed to look toward faces in preference to other stimuli, this offers evidence that there is ________.

a neurobiological basis for the need to affiliate

All of the following individuals would likely be considered a "compliance professional" EXCEPT _______.

a telephone operator

Bruce has a relatively high need for affiliation. As such, he would likely ________.

avoid making negative comments to fellow workers

One of the factors associated with compliance is authority. This is because we ________.

are more willing to comply with requests from those who hold or appear to hold legitimate authority over us

Attraction between two people is enhanced when _______.

areas of similarity outweigh areas of dissimilarity

The text authors speculate that one reason your pet might prefer not to go to the vet is

because it is distressing to hear other animals crying out in pain and fear

Carl falls down the stairs and badly sprains his ankle. When will Carl most likely receive help?

before school starts when only one other student is in the hallway.

When factors such as ________ and ________ are considered, gender differences in susceptibility to conformity disappear.

confidence in one's own judgements (as determined by a familiarity with the situation); social status

One technique that is sometimes used to gain compliance is to tell the target person that they have only a limited amount of time in which to obtain a desired item or take advantage of an offer. This is known as the _______.

fast-approaching-deadline technique

One frequently used impression management technique is ingratiation. This involves _______.

first including the target person to like you, then attempting to change the person's behavior in a desired direction

Ada had missed the notes for several classes and asked Rob for the notes for one day. Rob gave the notes to Ada, who copied them and then asked Rob for a week's worth of notes. Because of the ________, Rob is highly likely to give Ada the notes.

foot-in-the-door technique

Emily, who is always slightly depressed, helps a little boy find his mom at the mall. Emily is surprised to find her mood has improved. This is likely because

helping a person often relieves a negative mood

Suppose you are taking a friend to a party. The invitation specified that the party would begin at 6:00. When you arrive at your friend's apartment at 5:45 to pick her up, she tells you she won't be ready to leave before about 6:30 and comments that "Nobody arrives on time, anyway." Your friend is following a(n) _______.

implicit social norm

One technique used for seeking compliance from others involves calling attention to relatively trivial, surprising similarities between the target person and ourselves. This is known as _______.

incidental similarity

Research shows that attractive defendants are _______.

less likely to be found guilty than unattractive defendants

A practical implication of research on cultural differences in conformity is that there tends to be ________.

more conformity in countries with collectivistic cultures

In one study participants were asked to help another person with a cover letter. Participants were then thanked for their help or simply told that the help had been received. Those who were thanked were _______.

more likely to help the person revise a second cover letter

Your best friend Natalie has recently warned you against giving anyone you don't know a ride home from a party. Recently you attended a party and spent the whole night reminiscing with other friends about fun times you had all shared with Natalie. Later a stranger approaches you and asks for a ride home; because you relational schema is activated, you will most likely

refuse to give the stranger a ride

One way to help people become more resistant to commands from authorities that may lead to destructive behaviors is to ________.

remind people that they - not the authorities - are responsible for any harm done

Scott and Elizabeth grew up in the same small town. They attended the same school and went to the same college, where they took many of the same classes. At first, they were not particularly interested in each other romantically, but over time, they became increasingly attracted to each other and eventually married. This is best explained by the ________.

repeated exposure effect

Proximity is important to attraction because ________.

repeated exposure tends to produce favorable evaluations

Walter has just watched the news of Hurricane Irene, including an interview with a man who is standing in knee deep water in his basement. Walter decides to go to the store and on his way sees a stranded motorist. The empathy-altruism model predicts that Walter will

stop and try to help because he remembers how it feels to be stranded on the side of the road

Two aspects of empathy are ________ and ________.

taking another's perspective; sympathizing with another person

One technique for gaining compliance is to begin with a large request, the make a smaller desired request after the first is refused. This is know as _______.

the door-in-the-foot technique

Jack has agreed to purchase a new car for $18,000. However, just before he gets ready to sign the contract, the salesman tells Jack that the sales manager will not approve the amount allowed for his trade-in, and that the contract will have to be higher, probably around $19,000. Jack has just been the victim of ________.

the lowball technique

A technique sometimes used for gaining compliance is to suggest that a person or object is difficult to obtain. This technique is known as _______.

the playing-hard-to-get technique

Repeated exposure can lead to negative views of the stimulus if _______.

the stimulus originally evokes negative emotions

According to balance theory, balance is achieved when _______.

two people dislike each other and discover they are similar in some way.

What are the current trends with regard to empathy?

U.S. college students are showing less empathy than in previous decades

Minority members who are attempting to change the majority's opinion must be consistent in their opposition to the majority opinion. This is because ________.

apparent wavering within the minority group tend to weaken the impact of the minority opinion

Paul, an active two-year-old, has developed a very secure attachment to his mother. In addition, his parents encourage Paul to watch TV shows such as Barney. As a result, Paul is likely to grow up to ________.

be a kind, empathetic person

Informational social influence is based on our desire to _______.

be correct and have accurate perceptions

In several variations on Asch's classic experiment, a standard-setting line was first presented to small groups of people, followed by the presentation of three comparison lines of different lengths. In one condition, two of three accomplices, posing as students, chose an incorrect answer before the subject could respond. The third accomplice sometimes chose a correct response and sometimes chose a more incorrect response. Under these conditions, respondents were more likely to choose the correct response. These results suggest ________.

it becomes easier to resist conformity pressure once unanimity of the group is broken

Research has indicated that individuals are more likely to help a _______ victim as compared to a _______ victim.

similar; dissimilar

One of the factors associated with compliance is commitment. This is because we are more ________.

willing to comply with requests that result in behaviors we see as consistent with positions we have made a commitment to

A person's attachment style ________ throughout his or her life.

may change with relationship experience

Imagine that you are at the park with a friend one day when you and your friend see someone casually toss a sandwich wrapper on the ground. Your friend comments, "How crude! People should not litter," and picks the trash up to drop it in a nearby trash receptacle. Your friend's words represent _______.

an injunctive form

Karen and James are taking the same social psychology class. Karen happened to be standing next to James in the college post office when he received a letter from home that contained an unexpected $50.00. A short time later, James was asked to evaluate Karen as part of a class project. His evaluation of Karen is higher than it otherwise might have been because of ________.

associated effect of emotions

According to Zajonc, we generally respond to a stranger with _______ the first time we encounter that person.

at least mild discomfort

Normative social influence is based on our desire to _______.

be liked or accepted by others

Frank is a young musician who sometimes earns extra money by playing guitar on a downtown street corner during the lunch hour. He sometimes puts a dollar and a few coins in his open guitar case before he starts playing. Frank does this because he ________.

believes the presence of the money will act as a model for prosocial behavior for his audience

Angela and Becky are good friends. Carol greatly dislikes Angela but is not acquainted with Becky. Given this information, if Carol sees Angela and Becky interacting, Carol is MOST likely to react to Becky ________.

by having a negative reaction to her

When people rate the attractiveness of a number of faces, two categories generally emerge. These are _______ and _______.

childlike features, with large widely spread eyes and small nose and mouth: mature features, with high eyebrows, large pupils and a big smile

As the number of bystanders who are present at an emergency increases, the probability that any one bystander will help _______, and the length of time that passes before help occurs _______.

decreases; increases

Wayne and Cheryl were at a restaurant eating dinner when he noticed a faint smell of smoke coming from the air conditioning vent. No one else in the busy restaurant seemed to be concerned about the odor, and Wayne was not sure if it was the result of an electrical problem or of food scorching in the kitchen. Wayne's uncertainty, combined with the observation that others were not taking action, means that Wayne will probably ________.

do nothing

A stereotype based on appearance that is largely accurate is that, in contrast to less attractive people, more attractive people tend to ________.

have better interpersonal skills

Bad feelings can come from being socially excluded. When this happens, people are more likely to ________.

not feel much empathy for others

In one study participants were told about a person in need of help who was either a member of their group or another group. The more empathy participants felt increased the chances they would help this person. What is the other result of this study?

participants were more likely to help the person who was a member of their own group

Jason is the owner of a furniture store in a small Southern town. He donated several hundred mattresses to the Red Cross immediately after hearing about the devastation caused in a neighboring state by a hurricane. He was motivated to do so by his desire to help others, by thoughts of the income tax deduction he could take, and by the recognition his store would receive from his act of charity. This is an example of ________.

prosocial behavior

Erin has been living with her boyfriend for a year. During that time, Erin has heard her boyfriend and his family make many negative comments about Asians. When her boyfriend's family is around, Erin also occasionally makes negative comments about Asians, even though she doesn't believe these comments are based in facts. This situation best represents the distinction between ________ and ________.

public conformity; private acceptance

People with a _______ attachment style often experience _______ stress when they have conflict with a relationship partner.

secure; less

One reason that people are willing to obey persons in authority who order them to engage in destructive behaviors is that _______.

the authority figures relieves those who obey of responsibility for their actions

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