Social Psychology Final (Chapter 4)

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What do psychologists mean when they describe a judgment of another person as based on "thin slices?"

The judgment was based on a very limited behavior sample.

The fundamental attribution error is the tendency to attribute...

another person's behavior to personal factors rather than to the situation.

Research has shown that the strength of first impressions is even greater for individuals who...

are high in need for closure.

Social perceivers are more likely to form accurate judgments of others if they...

are motivated to be accurate.

Estimates of the probability that an event will happen based on the ease with which one can recall previous instances of this event reflect the...

availability heuristic.

You are asked what percentage of psychology majors at your school are female. If you answer this question by thinking of how many female psychology majors come to mind quickly, you are relying on the...

availability heuristic.

The primacy effect refers to the tendency for...

people's impressions of others to be more affected by information that is learned early rather than late in a sequence.

Research suggests that people seem to commit the fundamental attribution error...

even when they are aware of the situational constraints of the behavior.

Jorge watches his friend Nina interacting with others and makes a situational attribution for her behavior. Jorge believes that...

Nina's behavior is best explained by the circumstances surrounding the encounter.

Which of the following statements best describes our current state of knowledge regarding social perception?

People frequently exhibit bias in their perceptions of others. However, their biases do not necessarily result in inaccurate impression formation.

All of the following could be categorized as sources of "raw data" for social perception except...

accounts given by others about a person.

Priming refers to the tendency...

for recently used concepts to come to mind easily and influence the interpretation of new information.

As social perceivers, people's impressions of others are...

influenced by the physical appearance of a person.

While on an airplane, John completes a crossword puzzle in which interrupt, rude, and blunt are all answers. After landing, John gets in line to speak to someone at the ticket counter, but the ticket agent does not notice him because he is too busy talking with another employee. Research on priming suggests that John will be likely to...

interrupt the ticket agent to ask his question.

Behavior that communicates a person's feelings without words is called...

nonverbal behavior.

A confirmation bias refers to people's tendency to...

seek, interpret, and create information in ways that support existing beliefs.

The study of social perception addresses all of the following except...

the strategies people use to create a positive self-image.

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